Baiot OURNAL,, ft ' - - , .W. t. J - . -T .1 !)! it .awita! f ft A-i,f k if NEW BERNE. N. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23. 1889. PRICE 5 CENTS. sssj r T i .- . - 1 ' ' ' . 1- u . -J - -- - - 1... J t i. C&TX.rg i:.BraaJay.- Pleaa r- warded. s,t'b.J 4t il - 4 ' , '. - J 4 4 4 .8 WELLING maketl.e.hest Battaege l lb OltT i. .4, '3 Hi OtM da la Create) FutWr U the Will' have Wetter oni Ma nne --o3T-l4rg Brae. Key.. Pl iJLs leava at Jocbbax offlo ad b K 8iOM(rirtmMmorolB.; ' 'A LMaNACi. Tartar and Branson's .". -1 J. North Carolina Atmaaao by the " Hosen. Christina Card. Itabeo. -Book. Cfi. Sobool Bag aad hl 8ohoot 8appliee for salt br Htr K FrST-M.'?; corner of IN IT BLINDS, ti VWiME, Lime -M Puto Wfcd I"Ua,teJ1nf ,82... This wi.l.aere to , 4 jCVfliitaod.Baeu'tJ'i4 ' ire ii U;Wj HAhO-ttMaa prioeiXo fuitinnurim. laiiuv rfruoyrie'r chto. 1 Fieroriiw Kstracre, rreen naea ' tft .m 13. E. SLuVM . DILL HEADSVpd.Mtswqiopis neatl) Jj 4rtoud eittlfcilrlUv U end . your ordere-with as. Oot It X- 't&?0" 1 , TCST BECElYElirA'aw wi or aP J Btock. O00O worki low iprloee. '. Oeil ad see aamplee at the Journal JobOiticb. ,. , , . ot1c.' It ia said that the secret ol the jarj room m the Cronio case are to ; be macie put'lio. . THSRS ia a vigorous effort being made to do away with Beoret ses alons of the Senate. It U reported that the Portuguese Mvernment is anxious for Dom Pedro to leare Portugal. "''-' WfiEif the great Goyernaient of we unitea oiaies promiaea wi wave 1.000 miles wide it should tick to Its advertisement. Mil - waukee Sentinal. Senator Bansom has introdced a bill in tho Senate providing for v : tbe ettleient of accounts with the Atlantic and North Carolina Kail- t ?oad Company. ON last Friday Mr. O'Neal Intro jdaced a' bill, in the House, to provide for the 'election of United , 3 Stas Senators by vote of "?.., . : r4. a. the Dr.CleTsland and Campbell will at- f',J tend the 8th of January banquet of , the Business lien's Democratic .Ajssoclation of New York. Keep : JOUf eye ob that pair during the eoaingthfeerA jears.01eveland Plalndsaier. '' -ila.BWABT'ja resolntlon, intro ' dace tij fhi '1(br7ainyesti . rnUoa.oIiae .0Tii Bervice Com . '.mission, is the right thing at the Ihe eoantry wants to know wherein t'elorm reforms and wherein it I . - . nisses iiWashington Post. "( ' ttDB tHm thft matter of dollars ' And, otets Involved, aside from the - fact that they are a violation of the , . splrltifntft of the letter of the inn , datnental law nhon wbioh our Gov emment is based, a very grave ob " J::tioilfesgainsthlgh protective f .aslonj federal-educational bills, " t4.. thatthefire'demo 1 ve ha. x UrLEsanherooicIe M mty t tzkca as to the' true sentlmen 4 .4..v.j .iiariplfis, there' fa bht cza amendment; that eonld make t-i Elair W .acceptable -.tartha .tij- cr of the North, andlhat Is v.rf ...S ti iLa" ;tul ia'tctao .it-a ravjbloaa m to bow the 1 ::y it -appropriates1 shall be U ipcati r tfTlPSJt federal . i Hvali to CtV ta ishools, andthereby v'V. jjayi2 Jha1 wa j for a federal pablio " 'achoU syibic!3,r' and fot ilco' jproposlpoa for al con8,titutIonal xatndmeo ls"a!ready bcforeoa v , d.harlotte CbroBlcleL"';;.' 0'StLLIVA.N, one of the con fiottttl Conin murdtrers, is ex pected to free . his soul ly a tree oonfesaion. It is to be hoped that he vjll tell what he knows about the cal instigators of this awful crime, who are walking tbe streets of Chicago free men to day. New York World. Uncle Joe McDonald, orlodi- ana, declares that the Democrats of his State are almost a nnit for Cleveland as a Presidential candi- rerniri.1 thai country tha Uncle J)sfjK imir a "possibility for hecoud place. Hendricks is dead. Eoglisjr kffard, and Tnurman is agedtoonGlo'lTe" " ikliCAL NEWS. : JTfcrLifg bra key. J.'4Wi eilgPARD- Notioe. A' ft N O. R To agents, etc. ISSltMHB Jkwelpb New Roods, etc. Th're-witl be service in Centenary charoti nezt Wednesday (Christmas ay) at 11 a m. Trackers tell us that cabbages were never -known, to be finer at this season of tbe year. The weather for the past weeks has been all that could be desired fur truck. Oar truckers are now supplying the market here with cabbages. Tbe Now York World, of Friday lat, oootains a notice of the sudden death ofO. W. Beckwith, engineer of the revenue cutter service at Newport, It I. Mr. . Beokwith was attached to the cutter Stevens of this port for a num ber of years. Sheriff Lane has given notice that he has made his last call for taxes. Tbey must be paid right away to prevent ool letion by distress. It is for your own benefit that these notifications are given and if. you fail to settle, no one is in fault except yourself. Rev. I. L. Chestnutt, of Snow Hill, who has accepted the call from the Disciples' church in this city, preached his first sermon in the church here on Sunday morning. The sermon was good one, interesting and edifying. The congregation seemed to be well pleased with Ifr. Chestnutt 's preaching. He will begin his regular duties here on the first Sunday in January. It is suggested by a prominent gentle man that when the eleotrio lights are introduced in this city ihat the city government require the wires to be put under ground. Recent awful deaths caused by contact with the electrio wires in New York have demonstrated the fact that there is always some danger when the wires are above ground. One human life is invaluable. We respectfully call the attention of the board of city oouccil to this sug gestion. Wa are reqoested by the Mayor to state that the part of section 20, chapter 8, of the city ordinances which pro vides that "Any person who shall shoot Oil a gun or other fire arms, or shoot any rocket,' pop-cracker or other fire works, Or any combination of gun powder, or other explosive matter in any street and footpath, shall be fined," etc., will be suspended during Christ mas, excepting in the vicinity of the cotton yard, and churches at wbioh re ligious rervices are being held. Shipping News. The steamer Kineton arrived with cotton, nisvalstores, eto. On aocount of steamer Kinston having to be worked 6o She will not leave until Friday at noon for Kinston and river landings. The eteamer Annie of the E. C. D. Una arrived yesterday with large freight of .general merchandise, and ied . last night with full cargo of exports. !; The .Eaglet oj this line will arrive this morning and sail tomorrow aftemeOn at 4 o'clock. Xajyor'a Court. The following cases were disposed of ysserday.i'-V Samuel Cannon, white, chap. 5, sea. 8, city ordlnanoef drunk and down in the city limits; taxed with post. Cicero Haywood,', colored,- chap. 5, see. 4, city ordinance; disorderly ; sub mitted; tsxed with coat. T ;'yv V Henry Smith, colored, chap. 5, sec 8; drunk and down in the clty-limlta; sub mitted; tsxed with cost, or thirty days on trie strsets.1-: -;.V:-,;:i': v Charier Jones, colored., chap. 8. see. 14: fast driving; submitted; tsxed with ; Perry Copes, bolored, charged with violating chap, (,'seo. 8, city ordinance; dismissed. V !. ?i&'.ofM! -, e ' BERJE PR06SE8S. No. 11. Not the least of the benefits that may be derived from tbe construction of the New Berne and Onslow Railroad will be the increased buainees that will be brought to the A. and N. 0. Railroad, as the new road will be a virtual ex tension of it; tbe two oorporatioas are certain to be friendly, and the good and passengers on all Intermediate points of the A, and N. C. Railroad for the South and West may be brought to New Berne and distributed via Wil mington to tbe various destination. Or, taking another view of it, if the new railroad becomes as is likely, a powerful rival in certain respects to the R. & D. and W. & W. roads, f e 1'iutr may modify their present almost prohibitory rates, and show a disposi tion to "tote fair," in wbioh event our export of locsl products and reoeipts of those from other sections of tbe State ill be materially increased and the A & N. C. Railroad will in common with point a upou its line be benefitted. Tbe city of New Berne now has, from the north, bettur and cheaper freight service tbnn perhaps any point in the S)uth, with the Urge cities at tbe North, nnd today, the A. & N. C. Rail road is putting goods from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, into Golds borofor delivery at points on Ihe W. ft W. and R. & D Railroads, after paying the tatter's high rates. If this be so under an almost prohibitory tariff on those lines what an immense volume of freight might be directed eouthernwatd via New Berne if the distributing agencies were friendly to New Berne's intpreat? V There would be no good reason why freights destined to remote southern 8Dd southwestern points should not coma this way. As heretofore suggested a line of swift daily passenger boats would be needed to maintain a grand North and Sjuth through passenger route, and those same boats could handle tbe bulk of freights, that would insure quick service which, coupled with low rates, would make it one of the most popular freight routes in the country. All this would not only contribute to tbe prosperity of New Berne but aa we maintain, to that of the A. and N. 0. Railroad. There will not a passenger or a pound of freight pass through New Berne without contributing something to our prosperity; and the greater the volume of both the greater the good derived We occasionally bear some one re mark, '-I am not opposed to the new road ooming here, but I do not want to give them fifty thousand dollars for doing if" This generous('r) class are on a par with the fellow who was going to be hung for being so lazy, and while on bis way to the place of execution, a leader in the banging party pioposed that they give the fellow another chance. "Let us," said he to his oom panions, "give him a barrel of corn to commenoe a life of thrift on and see what be will do.." This being agreed on the lazy man was appealed to and asked if he would accept the conditions Languidly turning about he drawled, "Is the . corn shelled"? Upon being told that it was not, he told the driver of the cart to go on as the labor oonss- quent on shelling a barrel of oorn was too great for the poor boon of life. So it is with some of our people; tbey are willing to take all they can get, but sre not willing to give anything in re turn. The fact should not be forgotten that in subscribing to the stock of this com pany we "give" nothing; we simply in vest so muoh of the city's money in what is expected and believed will be a good paying investment. . Do not lose sight of this, and make up your mind to vote for the proposition. Z A Warning. A man by the name of Olny, a native of the State of Maes., and claiming to be a Disciple minister, and as be says "a seir-oonsututed evangelist," been holding forth at Trenton and other places near -by. Be it known to an that be Ms no autnority wnatever to preaon, ana tnsi tbey as a people are not at all respon sible for what be says or does.' We know nothing of his obaraoter. Give him a wide berth. Respectfully, H. D. Habpeb, R. W. 8T4VHCHJL, I. L. CHMTircTr, Deo. 28d. 1889. , fsT Missionary Weekly. Richmond, Va., will please copy. .;x Tance Male and Female Aoadsmy. j.".' Nuw Bbkhk. Deo, 88,1889 Sou, or Honoe Master J. W. Moore, Mi- R. n. Multnn Maatar H. R. ; Uoora Miss R. H. Fowler, N. 8: Fowler, Mr. G. W. Gaskill. Master Harry Boales, Master C. H. Bryan, Master Geo. Barker, Master Fred. Bootl, Mi. L. ;&v Harris, Miss Ut M. Fowler, Mr. .W it. Smith. - Don't hawk. hawk, blow, spit,' and disgust everybody with yoor offensive breath, bnt use Dr. ' Saga's Catarrh Remedy and end it. : 80 cents, by drag SHALL SEW A Pamlico Farmer viw. Mr. J. B. Martin, of Arapahoe, Ptm- lico eounty-wae In the city Saturday .-a .... . .MM. . ' " vr-P ' I in regard -to. the ooodltion of the fr- men f&nts lection. He does not thiklDe hi. Minnt -kaUw i?.nra4wi .;.. 4 .u oropfdloresasmoetof tbesurroundiog oonnue. I Tbe cotton croc have been the nooret 1 1 fAf 14411 A. ilkt kn k4 kin4 w . i - 1 was me corn yieia nas averaged rair and equally as good as last year. Be is of opinion that Eastern North Caro- Una offers plenty of inducements for the prudent and aotive business man to suoceed. We cannot compete with the more Southern State in raising cottcn because our tessons are too short, but we can raise our home su pplies and te assured of the necessaries of lite. Take away the curlew bug and bog cholera' says Mr. Martin, and Pamlico county ill become one of the greatest hog and hominy producing sections in the whole ooun try. Also he says that it is a false idea that wheat cannot be raised in bis county. Before the war it was grown, and of the very fineat quality. He says that the Alliance has takeu hold of the matter and are endeavoring to get more wheat plante I than former- lerly. They now are taking steps to erect a mill and put a halt to the im portation of all.of their flour. North Carolina is good enough if we only properly utilize its resources. Re duce your acreage, till the soil better and raise lets .;otton and more supplies. Our sou is naturally adapted to nearly all of the cereals and Brasses, the culti- vv.inn nf whirh imnm0l m. .. .... . , ohmory, requires little muscular labor. Raising Block is another feature that is negleted too much by our farmers. All i..n.M....n.nit.H wi, h Mr.h - west for our pork and beef should be kept at home. The amount of money sent from the South for artioles of food and manufactured implements is start ling. They all should be raised and made at our very doors, and until then we are bound to experience the pressure of stringent times. Nearly every intelligent man will ad mit of the above argument, but how many are doiog all they can to Dnng about the reform : Very few, no doubt, bnt it must come if we wish to become more prosperous and independent, and own homses and pay we as go Persona'. MUs Hattie Dail left yesterday for Snow Hill, where she will spend the holidays. Prof. G. T. Adams left yesterday for bis home near Fayetteville. He will be absent a few day. Rev. R. W. Stancill, who has been conducting a series of meetings in the church of Christ in this city, left on Sunday afternoon for Greene county. Prof. W. R. Skinner left yesterday for Polloksville, to be absent two days O. a. Uuion, iMq., and wife are .HjtHM 4U u i i : nr..uiH.An N. C, visiting relatives and friends. jur.r. orjoo, oinwiuu, 10 oity, visiting at home. Mr. Wiley Jones, of Raleigh, a former printer of the Journal, is in the city. visiting his mother, H. R Bryan, Esq., left yesterday for T 1 If .V . J 1 I I I irocay noun, on provisional dubihob.. Miss Etta Hanson, of Beaufort, ism 1.4k. 4 ,-;,- the city and is the guest of Miss Annie Davis. 1 Mr. Henry Brown, of this city, the Craven county student at the Mechani- rial and Airrinultnral Cnllnirn. Raleish. , . . , .. . ,, . I at noma lor tbe bollaays. Mr. Fred. S. Dixon, of Durham, is SDendinK the holidays in the CitV, hia , . . Old bome. if. W.. T.i. OTilmlntn t 4u,uuaiMU.n,.,v. "" in viattinohia naranta. nnt.ftin and Mrs. . . r ISa. IjOWIS. Ml.. fiottiA n.nka nt New York, i ww-w I ----- 1 the oitr and la the cneat of Mr. Jsmei Man well. Something for the New Year. The world renowned success of Hos tel ter's Stomach Bitters, and their con tinued popularity for over a third of a oentury as a stomachic, is scarcely more wonderful than the weloome that greets the annual appearanoe of Host ot ter's Almanac This valuable medical treatise is published by The Hostetter Company, Pittsburgh, Pa., under their own immediate supervision, employing sixty hands in that department. They are running about eleven months in tbe year on this work, and the issue of same for 1890 will not be less than ten mil lions, printed in tha English. German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, Swedish,! Holland, Bohemian and Spanish lan- guagee Refer to a copy of it f or valu - abl and interesting reading concerning health, and numerous testimonials as to tha efficacy of Hoetetter'e Stomach Bitter,-amusement, varied informa tion, astronomical calculations and chronological items, eto, Too Almanac for 1890 ean be obtained free of cost, from draggista and general country dealers In all parte of tbe country. :.-v:V' ' 'It' ill iii I. 4i ' i .i ... ' tha" moat remarkable oures of acrof nla on record ; have been accomplished by Hood's BarsaparlUa.-. Try lIt ; Sold , by all drogirt.T 4 -w Point with Prid To the "Good name at home." won by Hood Sarsaparilla. In Lowell. Mass.. " uu Prepay, there is more of Mood Kiruiur Is nti than nt nil other medicine, and it has given the of satisfaction since its in trod uc "n ien years ago mis oouia not oe ir the medicine did not possess merit. If yoa enffer from impure blood uy aood s SarsaDarilla and realize its pe 0 Hiar curative power. 1 HARRIED. Io thi. near nBBriihl. Thurs da v. Dec 19, Mr. Uoses I pock and Miss kbbie Stewart; R. W. Smith, J P.. of delating. Near D. Ucuhl. rhursilsy. Dec. 19 Mr, EJ nurd Moure and Mi.-a Josephine Wethering'.on ; Rev. Cannon Smith cf- ficlating. In Jones county, Thursday. D. c. 19, Mr. F L Heath aud Miss Lorena Scott; J.M. White. J. P., ofticiati-e. Our New Line of Goods THAT CAME IX UY EXPRESS LAST EVENING "BELL, The Jeweler." Atlantic &-N. G. Railroad. C FFICE OK Sl'FEKINTIiNDKNT. TO AGENTS AND TOE PUBLIC Time Table No. 18 of Oct. 14ih 188J, Trains Nos. 1 mi i 'J. art annulled on Deo. 25th inst The regulur m:ul trains, Nos r0 and 51. will run ss ubuhI. Train No. 2 will Ihuvh New Herr.e for O' ldeboroon Thursday 2fJ-h at 7 00 a.m and arrive at Golrinboro at 1 1 00 a in Tr'nNo. 1 will leave Ooldsb'n 12 00 m. eame d'"v-Thursday 2G h, ami arrive at New Bern. 4 00 pm and ,eave New Ber 5 00 n.m and arrive at Morehead City, 7 30 p.m Trains Nob. 1 and 2 will resume regu 1" schedule on Friday, D-c 27ih. S. L. DILL, Sup't. NoticeJJIotice ! J. W. SflEFAED, OF WILSON, N. C, informs us that he will open up a Btock of General Merchandise AT EIS OLD STAID IV POLLOKSVILLF Ubout January let, 1890, where he will be pleased to renew all business trans actions with bis old friends, and solicits patronage from them as of old, eto. dlwl Ladies' Shoes 1 ON MONDAY AND TUESDAY, December 23 and 24, There will be sold at Big Ike's Clothing Store, 100 Fair Ladies' Shoes 3e and 4's, at SEVRNTY-FIVE 0ENTS, Tbey cost from $1 to 32 at the factory Notice Advertisers in Premium Lists of Fair A aaA.i.t-.inn ,pa raniinatAri tint. tj rtw for their advertisements until each re I ceives a copy of book from authorized collector By order of THE PRESIDENT. SHERIFF'S SALE. 8a,mnei conard vs. The Pamlloo Lumber Co. -ttxesnuon rnrsuant 10 id execution in my uanui, ,,,.,, from the Pnper,or court or Benufort loonntT, December 12th, lssv. In ravor or leamuei uonara vs. ino ram 1100 ijuiuuor I co 1 win sell at Public Auction, at the B5t SV. M: I irr. 1800. at Twelve o'olooa, M.,thefol lowlag described propertr or so much I thereof as may be neoessary to satisfy said aT conveyed to the Pamlico Lumber Co. by Jno. U. Purify and wife Clarissa I., by deed dated January 19th. 1889, and recorded in Craven Co, Book 101, Pages 3BI, 3c5 and 380. to which reference Is had for more partlcu lar descriDtlon. All the lands and standing timber thereon I conveyed to the Pamlico Lumber Co, bye B. Oat on and wife Arnesla, by deed dated I Ma-nW lUrh 1 KKll a n rAAnrrlod 1t I TOUftn Co.. Boole 102. Putfes 15 and ltf. to which refer 4ja.4tVu 41 via, loou, " " " - enoe im una iui luuio jariiuun.i uosunpuvu, dec22 diJOd W. B. LANK, Sheriff. and WliUkry Hab it cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticnlare Kent FREE. B. M.WOOTXEV. M.D. Offloo OH Whitehall St. DB. O.K. BAGBY, SURGE0K DENTIST. Offioe, Middle street, opposite Baptist church, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN, N. C. CLOSING OUT 1 -v-i w in T TJ T Q T ft P 17 n I 1 JO to OlUlH AT J. E. SUITII, Agl. mm WAUNU.Ua, POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thl powd. i never varies. A Marvel of llv, ireiiKtli uod wholeaomanM. Mora ecunoiu'cal ttmn 1)19 ordinary kinds, ai.4 cauiiot be sold In co 111 petition with lb Baal- " 01 low teat, snort weight, Manor 'Irwpliate powdeis Hold only In CAM- t(Y.,l. HlklM. I'uU'llRR I'n 1IM Wall a4 N V. Iuut2:tdiil wrt frl Aw GREEN, F0Y & CO. Do a (leiitral Banking business. , Nkw Banking Dousa, Middlo .'1: fourth door halo Hot! Albert, fBMwly NKW BEHNK. C Cakes, Crackers, and Candy, For the Holiday Trade Sold at Rock Bottom Fricesat IT. TJliricIi, WHOLESALE GEOCBB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C. ROBERTS & DnO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. We st 11 FLOUR direct from the Mill in Michigsn. We have in stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the Wert Indies. Give ua a call and see our price. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front street, NEW BERNE. Hi" We job Gail & Ax's and Loril lard's Snuff. HEADQUARTERS FOB Breech-Loading Gunr, Brass and Faner Shells. Fowder and Shot, AT L. H. CUTLER'S, NEW BERNE, N. C. DrivingAhead I ANOTHER BIO LOT OF Tohacco ! Tohacco ! . Just received at J. F. TAYLOR'S. Do you want Groceries? Do you want Meat and Lard? Do you want Cheese and Butter? Do you want anything usually kant Hal a first class Grocery Store? i Go to , J. F. TAYLOR'S, ' Wholesale and Retail Grocer, ' ' ' Middle Street. P. 8 Our prices are LOW. . .' I AGENCY FOR If I cant sell ot one war. I mast tnr another way, and for this reason I bav got in more aood. Tobacco, Cigars and Fruit, Apples. Grapes, Figs, Cra- h' berries. Lemons, Orantee. A freak set . i or lobacoo and Cigars (.good) ; aflawMt'v: of Durham RmAltln Tnhunik -ria - V Plug, and granulated at five) oafltsfor two ob., eto., eto. wt-w'!'t fc'.vw - WM. L. PALKI2. .r. nl3tf Mlddlet..NewDni. .

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