5 I 3.a " I r -V i .. ML . i t l.i i A- J"f-- f '.. B. f. ALUS. n. t4 and 86? Ctnsl St, Bw York, Bala ujU ttliuat i, .Ufne!T' -i Snot not keep titenj j .,. . v . -s' .1LL EAIL EILCIUL'S TILLS C2T RECEIPT OF PRICE 25 CEHTS A EQX. Can be had .t e: N:DiTrDfaffStwif ei' rib ft ' i.tllltr J 0 Md : rC3f . V'f '1 : B i AfTj4MEWt5f V ,llnf ....w;,,,,,,,,".. .,.rwriftf) CPICIAL ELECTIOH1 CITY OF ilTEWBEKir. THURSDAY. JAMJARS tftj? A.' D. '. til tbqtittaUfieditaterfl of,ratd citfrtbt queftionritibBcritlon, ontlid prj flf id citT.;fcJ6a C00; to the CapltqJ.tock way Comptttf wiper rd(!t hXi of the Eokrfl orCommiMidfaer of Cra-f en eonftfyrpwfiiM 'at tbelf.Uetdi oUt Tuesd ay,, tbei Sib : day btaNaTiember, 1A D.'1889;,u l. wjiur vni mlt.tin in tha nnallflerf VOtara of ialacitt the qutatldn ef aaotoHWnft, on thr part of ' said Olty; tb -anm of $50.l)(Hr to ihe" Capital . atook of tfieaaid HTbe- fcaat OaroHol.and -, - and Kallay JOqnitnjr, ltt a; npoa bonii , ..' ronning thirty yar('ta-be leaned latd eity.otthe denomlnaUon'of S500 eion and drawing inlereat at the rate" of 3 per cent, -, p. r anuum, payable amjUally, and jibe levy f of four theueand dollara aonnaliy to pay . aald Interest and prolde a ilDkiogTnnd for : theexlingalahment of eald prlncioal.f And It li further Ordered that thli ty days notice . ahkll ha vlvan of aald alMtlon bv advertlse- meot at tbe oonrt hooae door and at each of i the i-'-Mou nreotnote In aaMpltrj in also ' by publication thereof In theew Berne DiTi T JvvRBAl.a newipaper jabiihd U : aatd olty, jtll as provided In the act of Ai , smbiy, entitled ; An-act to ineorpoTBte i na k mt nai olina Land and Rail war Com pany.' aidr the aforesaid eot amandetonP! m l)AtiH i ' ' ' fff !' rr i; j.aawTI ?i'lrlJl' M.'H l..(Jl.UU 'Jl'- -.4- . j' - r-i-m)' ' f J i!itiro Ia r5itlt!M'A.It:: Kondjyf October Co2;iEaet1a EcczDuti. GoruaWitsi. 'A. r.rv'V"1'" t " -'Vi'-Ar. Lve. in 8tr C r0)iHJt)''Atn ir, i 1.1 '.3 4 v.: . ui . 10 03 10 13 ' 0 00 6 15 JTew DerTii4-!'?siiSiAliO 7 C3 ' a-'-tlorel.ead Cfty1 nK 6 CO C'sa East. Socsotjiiit "OoiNa.WKsi i. Train. r. I.u"'10 00 pm a iv ' 7 , t's - - 8 04 819 t j t. 7 .-It j 'f a',-r 77 T 0 ?) 3. ,0.3 65 0 10 I l4 4 24 4 80 it iu i H 41 , 8 83 8 42 Hit I .1 - 'i.i 715 Tal. 4 a: . MA . . i. f i hat. Lo .Oft Of T r.sr L . v . l buc iELitr" IN mi v iimird to i y on Box o these. ur; ... 1, U qauAly mwnfaiwMitoa . ,tLe health, form 5 . .. Lit ..XU UltH. LH11' 4 r k fei. i. t- kan eoo el spi ' ', ana one of the best guaraa. : 'i Kilt 5 THE LARGEST $AL OF ANY , j, twji.atu.iin it iix-filliti -'.; j,ivi -M t r?".CJT IMLl aa. LaMaabire. Eirlad. ,; .'?. Days iJi J .a icIuja r.:-i W8 iMWMet special turn vsi'W vm- s" 1 v 1 int8t to mer- cuamsj ana gonsumers teiouEWLarge and Finellected Stock 01 7 At TOBACCO and CIGARS. - Altff ask the public is to examine stock and prices before buy- ingr eisewnere, as we propose to sell -1 THAN THE til A, ,;,) I 4i - i Xffifworit say any- Wncbncerning , our ktd&Stof WINES. fclfttOES,;cEtc., whicn ia' -veil ' known to be ity anaa glance into eitHer ot i our , stab- UsHntsf 'will con Vilco'tM t most skep- ticaritw w,:aroa. jthoirposition:t6.eli lower than : any retail hWse'ihlheBtate, VActrialwilTcQnyjncc(; t ISW 'J-ir Old 'Marketi eite,!ft fcfde'Mlddlfl t, and SL W. Cor. South FronVn'if Sfldd,le Sjt f!i::;:;:jy;G:rJ3! Cfcat Reduction . - -.r, ' In Pricc3 ! A Full Lino of IIAT3,1 Etc, ' Yo'f 'are invittd to call snd exomine nil, .Liqmelersfand;; seenutsAy thi joukital; Dangers jf the darkest kind ;r r Uise to mists of flaUerinj prtiu, : ' Iwrfed conditions of the mind, ' Stunted growth and stunted ifay Imperfect la the human jace, And every one may sometime err; V?y There is no name, nor is there place. .. ; Wb.ere wrouga may. not - aometltuta . v occur, 4 '.i'-'.' , Self may ait enthroned on bigb,J : ' v- May rule In rotei of wintly grace; A Self may pray, and purr, aoa aigb: . " - i O'er atttooalniof alltoe raoel ., . HoneyetfOrda may flow like blt . T Bible preoepts fill the air , , Self for sgltwUl on ward, toll, '. -' Sefgrjielf will do and dare f-f-J.' Self MotaVwbb rightena word, . .SeRaiay aUin a righteous cans? Mayfctnkeat truth and then the Lord . Strikes back, through Hia eternal lawa. TlSelfmay rise, bulseU will fail, s Dnatierea aims aDo.ut wfll llej . But the freedom gained for all & . Leads the bomaq boats on high J i' " ' -rSunday InteNOoean. There Are Two Ways to Propose. Here ate two stj lea of , 'pro posing." This one ia the kind jou read about, bat the other is the one most popular in the realm of fact : My fiDgel, l Lave lone waited for tbii bpportauitr. Yoa mast have detected ere now the growth of my lave tor y'oa. From the day I first met you that love took root, and tonight it Is strong and Btordy, on waveiiug, undying. Yoar aweet smiles have lighted np my life, yonr every word has , been to me a note of exquisite musio, thrilling, enthralling me. You have filled a place in my heart, in my affections, that no one before has ever occu pied. My lifelong happiness de pends upon the answer yon give m e. Say you will be mine to love, caress, cherish, idolize through time and eternity, and makes me of all men most envied: But if yon ref Ob, I cannot I I cannot 1 The thought is madness. Yon will be my wife T I see the answer of your heart mirrored in yonr lus trous eyes ; yon Know I love you as no other man ever has loved yon, or even Can love yon. darling. I know you will not thrust me off.'' . I The angel assumes a. stereotyped! reall.y-thia is-80-SUdden expression, and assures Mr. Word ie she would derive great pleasure from being his sister. Here is the other way : "Maude. I've been thinking aoiiuueiy tttkoiy. "xweauy, xreu, you ougut w oe more judicious than to do anything so rash as that.77 : "Yes, I know it is a heavy tax on 1 on y mental capacity, but then I wwljM ttiiit,3 payment must be made at an always reckless that ;wayvVh'iileuiy'''.'Jolay. . Indulgence cannot be time, however, I think x have been thinking to some purpose. In fact, I've been thinking yon yonld'nt ooject to having yonr - name changed." .-:: . ?.When!" "Just as soon as possible.". "Will it at home or chnrch f" "Church, of course: we want to do tbis thing in styled V ' "Have you asked pat" "Certainly not; I don't want to marry yonr father.'-' t"Well, I know: bnt for form's sake." ' "All right, dear;- for form's sake will see pa, and i maybei yon! bad, j better prepare ma for the OrdaK'1' Deep silence reigns; agafni- Save as it i broken bj the- soft; sighiBg of the tree tops, swayed by a gentle breeze Gleefully the: stars twiatM the moon looks beaminelv -down from Jieayejiilo earU and a'isee Vers on a vine-Dowered ptteza wo jDorms with but a single chaifc-iElxcihahga. is wsmnrau ipuvwukmrniBrw Abscsas of 'Aduiga, and. mends andpoysi - eiana nronounoed me an Incurable Con - snmptive. Began taking Dr. Kiag'aSeir jJisooverr xor Uonsumpuon, am no w on mv third bottle., and able to oversee the aVy Jesse Midldewarf, -Decatur, Ohio; "taw 'Had It not been for Dr. Klnff's NeWDtt- covery lor oonsumpuon a wonia nave men of Long Troubles. . Was glven upby apc - W:Arnnowln)estofheal i, wnoi i t m m ' . ' ..I. rWi4 waaing uereto irom jwst rront sueet. ;;' 4i . j, .. . " v-tAlao-. water soaee now helnr Sllad In The ThA art Of nnttlnff the rlehC men -i. . . . . . ' .a. . , , a u i r - ." ... n i ii f Science of government j bat tVat of anaing:. places rottne: atsconwa -a- m. r.hA ihnaf. flifflmilBJsl;W.A4iJIW m.w7. .km:- - -:r:r m aajra .va a"Bf m X V X Mr. B. u. uiatr. Uhioago. arar "w ' .. t. ja oorna no keep nousn "-mwijwj Clarke's Extract of Flax Skin: Cure and VOUgb Care We have use both lor application to tae undersigned atineir omoe numerous troubtesf especially r url7,N'-gBraEIV-:1 ohlld." We recommend tbe Cmigb Curat : dec Awtf.''-T. ma. and Beat Estate Agts. ; to every family bating cL;! !n used It for whooping oo in.! S' markably quick and satiblaci f r -' . and use 1 for Any and, eteryj.5-.JLM.y About FORTt A0KE9 CLEARED land, family may have.'' -. Onlr-nelsw, -iltnaUd within two miles of the elty, suit- large bottle. Price Bl.eOi' irOH want the bent . toilet soap get darkens i'lax Soap, 25 oepts. Ask . a. Dotty v drug gist, for these preparations. - f,S'' ' " DR. 0- H. EAGr", sTptlst , :-. c. J Four.Yearsftni Crutcliis, for fifte yuan I tru Afflicted with rba . jHUiiin, lour vearaot wlk I wweoapeUed ; to go on orntchet.Word trehiadequate to exprM the wgeriag I Bwdured during that not. uvrmgrmv oinwyean 01 exis- rei day I an eojoyl nt best of healthy and an , a well man., I eandidlr believe that S. S. 8. la the beat Uoed purifier on the market to day. :! , J. 67 tATLOit, Cuba, Mo. Treatise on Blood and fektn Diseases mail ed tree, a Wlf? SFBCiriQ CO., Atlanta Ga FlNEL0RSlr,AT foWASHOUT IorFade ONLY Sold bydruggistS I i i i 11.HA FEEfltESS BBOWirtC PAINTS-S Colon, PKKBLKS8 LiOHMi BLC1KO, FEEBLE88 INK POWDKBS-4 Klida 7 Colon. PIKBtESS 8H0I AHD BABNESS XBSSIiia. rUEjti KGU BYES-8 Colon. OARGAIHS. ' The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Looks, Hinces, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, G,M, 8noTe!gl Foe8' ForkB Iron Pipe "M Fittings, iron, steel, &o., &c, also Plows, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &o., belonging to the business of . - M Ueo. Alien & 00., Lm t. iaat i5 ,a fa- I waeka at VERY LOW PRTCES. i j All persons indebted to Geo. Allen 0b, by either note or account, are noti Iglvon. - L. 8. WOOD, Trustee. augl dwtf HUMPHREYS' fETERHiRI SPECIFICS For Eonwa, Cattle, Sheep, Io. Eoes. AKD rOTJLTHT. SOO Face Beak Treataseat of Animals and Chart Beat Free. fevers. Coaceatlons. Inflammation, bhiu' ameaiavKie, mm irever. B.B.Mtratn, Iiameaesa, Kheamatism. S,0.a.DUteaiper, Nasal Discharges. .O.Betaer Orabs, Warms. B.B. Cnrka. Heavea. Pneameala. t.7.CeUe ar Grleee, Bellyache. : H.H-Vrinary and Kldaey Diseases. 1 I.I.-Eraptlve Diseases, Mange. I JJCa-Dlseaeesef Dlcestlen. Stable Case, wKh BpecMtoa, aanuaL . -WltohHMalOnaDd Medlcator,- $7.00 Prioe, Single Botlemr S3 doaesx . .00 old by Sraaiistsj or SeW Prepaid anywhere I and In any fautlty oa Beoelpt oi Frioe. i Bumphreyi Mtd. Co tot rutton St., I. V. EOlCEOPATmO ff SFEW No, 6a a "laoasa) ywrs,. The: SneaaMfol mull toe Mil Iftlaalraaaa I A L.M.nifs -Iltai IIOaAUOaS and PwatraUon, from orrwor k or other aMA f , Ai pn viaL or6 Xal and laie tIU powdar, for Sh i -jaii oj oar veterinary rrepantiiona 1 can ns) naa or J. V.Jordan, uruggist, n. W. cor. Broad and Middle atreets, 4 e wot rn , n. u. t,.1 1 '. ' PROPERTY .-'t v h As amenta far owners we offer for sale on 1. WH&Ba PROPERTY AT UNION a aal Bv, WSItwl WUChw uu-w ua I location la the best In the elfy for all mann- OltJ I faotnrlnir nurnoaea whlla tha larseat oiaft our waters have ample depth of f ;f Mading and unloading at the istNo. n. :two Bouskh am ixtts .wnsn.' . A ' Al r, occnp' REHOUSE i . No. 4. THK I ON (IR AVEN HTRKET oeonnled bv R.O. E. ' riV..' -' i & iuii ownonop oi vnis vainanienroiior- tyTtogether with the best terms upon which the same wilt be sold, wm be. furnished n YilUABLE TRM LiKHOR SHE awe ror trnoa raising, a great bargain, . WATSON A STREET; - - Beat Eat. Agents, may IS ' T ZH2 Bnftorui f i t! fat-Ill f jay, ia " il ei-mrs. eaflT dway.v 1 ' l(.,"l,tfl,lwi 1 11 Mi,UMa emtutlltin lull' pu-tirt . t it n enra, f lot eliarK. A Silnf d t wk t .o11 i l rnad by vry Biaa alio is arvoii and duuiutatad. Aidr,) medrwttnont'reciBt anr benefit. I r fcerarf BirWifr SpecUie lS; ?. 8.), en Ittw tha Sratae me relief, and to, Vfiaw7 "Of fan nil 1 Va.V.JT7.N'2I PROFESSIONAL. C. R. Thomas; Jr., ATTOJtNBY AT LAW. Offick Craven street, aear Pollock street, two doors nojlh of Jona At office. . Praellees In Oiaren, Oarteret, Jones, Ons low and PmmJJoo eoDnUex, tn the Sopreme Court of tbe 8 lata, and la tbe D. B. Uistiiot and clreult Ooorts. r Oetober 18th, 188S. dtf RODOLPH DUTTT. B. B. NIXON. aDiiff-ft Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. G. Office over R. N. DnfT'a drag store. Branch Offioe: Catharine Lake, One low oounty. aplO dwly P. H. PELLET! ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BKOKEK. Oraven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating small loans for abort time. Will practloe In the Counties ot Oraven, Car teret, Jones, Onalow and Pamlloo. United States Oonrt at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the Btate. febldtf CLEMENT MANLY. 0. H. GTJION Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courta of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of tbe State, and in tbe Federal Courts. ap!6 dwtf F, U. SIMMONS. H L. QIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the conntiesof Craven, Jonee, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Offioe on Craven street, next door below Journal office. ap!3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENT1HT, iwiiai, a. o. me at. Oraven street, between Pollock and Broad. parT-ldAwX J. B. ORABTRKE. BASIL MANLY. J0H1T H. CEABTKEE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In fiNG-LIES AND UCHHISTS' SUPPLIES BaUders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Hill, Edft-lna; Cat-off Machlaee, We are prepared to do Oastlngs of all kinds wiui promptness, Partlonlar and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any aesoilption oi macmnery. We are the asenta for the sale of tbe Amer loan Saw. Also for Q. A. Bargamln's eele- brated IndestrnoUble Alloa valves, We aive aatlsraotorv guarantee for ail work dona by na. d2aw wly J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. H. CUTLER, Tiee Pres 6. n. ROBERTS, Cashier. 8 THE IIATIOIIAL BANK OP NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bryan f Thomas Danibls, L. H. CUTLSB, UHAS. H. BRYAB, Georqb Allen, F. M. Simmons, G. H. Roberts. Liquor Hadit D!HM)fES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given In a enp of coffee or tea, or In articles of food, without the knowledge of tbe patient. If necessary; It la absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a mods rate drinker or an alcofaollo wreck. IT ItBVER FAILS. It operates so quietly and with suoh certainty that the patient nnder soasnalnBonventence. and ere he Is aware. his complete reformation Is effected. 48 page book of particulars free R. N Duffy druggist, agent, New Berne, N.O. lamawiy Next! Vrof. W. H 8HEPARD and compe tent assistants in the tonsorial art will aive vou a Hair out ror ao cento. Shampoo- 20 Shve. 10 Gaiton Uous Mber nop. New Berne, N. C.Q Iltf MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'G ACertaln.SaandESsotlVsBemeoylae Cr.r, WEAK. & riFLAV.EQ EYES. ' Producing Long-Sightednest, i Afeftr . m tog sight or v via. , Ct'resTearDront.Crtnnlatloin.Sryt " TbTs, Red Eyes, Hatted Eya Uthet. Al, -7 ffffloadim when nsed In ether .aia.i.. t- n an Ijlners, Fever Peres, i., t --t no, , r".,0 h.'--- .n.inelta, A. a CijJCr'S) aVAXI i" f na ud toadvauiace. Jx feUira.l trf state at 23 Cents. . STEAMERS. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO IKE. The Steamer TAHOMA. The following' schedule la. bow.U operation: - VSSpsal y - Leave New Berne every Tuesday and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. " ' ; Returning Wednesday ond Satorday evenings. ' " " - '.- All landings on Ntuse and Bay riven taken in both ways. , For further information apply to, JNO. S. MANLX, Agent. New Berne, Deo 5, 1880. Steamer llounrd, Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Mot day tbe 16th da of September tbe steamer Howard will run the following schedule: For Tnutcn every Monday and Fri day at eifcLi o'clock, and return oa Tuesdays and Saturdays. J. J. LAS1TTEB, kfanager. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH Tbe Fast Freight Llna New Berae, KalUi -t . erella Polnu, and Vorrblk, Baltlaaare. Philadelphia, Hew Yorh. Boa tea, Ete.-Tla EUaabetb Cltjr. If. C. THE STEAMER8 Eaglet and Annie or this Une will run on regular sobednle tone, leaving Mew Berne avarr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and KK1DAV for kjlntbetb Olty. and return arilvlng on MONDAY, THURSDAY and BATUHUAY. Iheee steamers, in oonneotlon with the Atlantic A N. O. K. K.. Norfolk Southern K. a. New York, Pblla. and Norfolk R. Baad the Pennsylvania K. H., form a relUble and regular line offering suDerlor faaiiitiaa fn 4utok tranttortatlon o tmnsrers exocpl at llaabeth Clty.ar whloh point freight will be loaded on ears ta go through to destination. Dlreot all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina DUpatoh daily as follows .- From New York, by Penn. B. K.. Plar t7. 2North River. ro: m PhlladelDhla. bv Phlia W. A Balto it. it., dock hi. Htatlon. From Baltimore by Phlla., WU. A Balto. K. K,. President Bt. Btatlon, ' From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern B. R. From Boston, by UerohantsA Miners Trans portetlon Co.; New York and New Englaad Kales as low and time qnloker t ukn by any other line. W. H. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt. Trafflo Agent. P. R. R.), U u )ri Trafflo Manager. GEO. 8TEF H F 3, Division t relght Agent. p. w. a u. k p., thiia. r: rr , a. B. OOOKF, General Freight Agent, ST Y P. A N. K. K., Norfolk.Va- "Bi H.C. UCDOINB, General Freight Agent. 8. R. R., Norfolk, Va. a"". - GKO. HENDERSON, Agent, Newberne. N. O. feba) dw OLD DOMIIIIOII Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LIKE. The Old Dominion Steamship Caa paay's Old and Favorite Water Roots, via Albemarle aad Chesapeake Carnal. fob Horfolk, Baltimore, Hew York, Pblla. delphla, Boston, Providence, and Washington City, nd all points, North, East and Went On and after MONDAY. AIJO. Sth. lsxe until further notloe, the Steamer M1NTE0, Cipt Sontfcgiti, AND Stealer KEWBERNB, Capt Pritcltett. Will sail from Norfolk. ,X,a,v!or New " vta Washington, MONDAY and FK1DAVH. n.ki. dose oonneotlon with tbe Hteamer of the N.4I.K 8. B.Oo., for Klnston Trenloh! ahd all other landings on the Nouse and Trent Rivera. rr- -7 Returning, will sail from MEW BERNY, for NORFOLK direct, TUEBDAYH and FRI. DAYS at TWELVE, M.. (noon), makUM eon ' neotlon wltn the O. u. . m. (v7T- .vTTL. or New York, B. 8. P. Co.'s steemeV- tor naiumore, Clyde Line Ships for PhUaa delphla, M. AM.T. Go's ah In. f, tLJiZZ and Provldenoe Our untiring efforts to please ouraatrana, and our almost perfect servloe for thereat fourteen y ears. Is the best guarantee we eea offer all shippers as to wnai wa win , them in the future. Order ail goods ears of O.D.8.B.0OV. 5 or folk, va t Passengers will find a innl ta.Ki.a-. blo rooms, and every eonrUsy and attan- uuu wm ue pma mem by the omoers. K. B. ROBERTS. Acent alMgas. CULPEPPER A TURNER, Ageuia, nonoiA, va. H- STANFORD, Vloe-President New York Olty. The H.C. Freight UnsS l st2BCHANTS:and SE1PPEBS, TAlISWjnfa " '. ... M j. On and after October 16. 18ES, thlaUave wtfcj" 5 resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TBIPS ; 'btwm Tills .: Baltimore and New .34riiVi s wi-ai, aa.iumAX.atBlX.RW 4 Leaving New Berne lor Baltimore, CS. . . This la tae oniv iiihkV nr.. . w-i- Berne for Baltimore without change wdM NaLI ttlp frm Baltimore oemeau- " toNew Bexne,stoppmgnlratNotsDlk.eaa r 1KS8SB,IVK,.B' BWeneehtov; , east ana West. Making ciosa nnnti. . : iori.ijioiiiuu River and Rrliont oC Mew RKDBHiN FOdlER, u,?j kaam'' " Z " jAotJAfeBlol , : gml2. Bostonj 58 Central wnart tmW. 'f Ship, laav, Boston. TaelaVnd BatciAayeU ' V4I W?dne-da-,SantW iays,vv-..5siA CtSf. n. " . f 'oviuenoe, Haturdaya. . . , . Through bill, lading given, anralea aar- - ' inteed to aU poluto at tha dtllersni omo.s e ' ;- "'""Paniua. ...... .-s;sifi; AVUlunuaEAKAOK Of lOUC AW i SHIP VIA K. C , B, H. GRAY, Affenll' . " r ' . ' ew heme. a. 0. ,1

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