Jill w f? p i . iv.n-..:r iTt lfM A T rr ti pw, v ui a; a,! nin j ' . 1 VUl.-m,-2M N. O., THURSDAY; JANUARY 9. 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS J ;io DC r7' ' " " 11 t 1 J' t"" " "'-'?'"l'"-"r-"'-"T l-""L' -T" " 1 1 a -nr B0SIHZZ3 X09Aia,-yW- OifciiNEWS SHALL IEW BKME . nmrnt DOZL . 3mpU Pocktt Bookt. nd-, tt Nv York eon. j Abo , . Oil DAVIS ;Tb4 MMMh I aum" now,bing praiwrad 1 1 i In (evrT wtiy worth of ' t. Aecat wfttd. CompleU menu otM gutraniMl or jnt H.B. Pum For root. i Nonci of ixooxroBiTioN . N.BiaiCouJtaiA.TK iNSTrrrrr. Cbitxk Oocktt tor two yka.es. OF No, 83, Today the frMnda.oi progrMt m called upon to do" tkalr. jluty. Thr can b' little more, than hae tireadr been said, to induce oar people to rote for the Babtcrlption. There ie bat one point on thie bat day to which we de aire to call attention, and it may poe aibly influence aome andetemed reader, and put him in line with the now. : B. F. JoaxsoM ft Ck.. J I u l nT&WMf' Totee eaat to oarry the election today. Leave your bueineae for a few mo and go to the poll. Jt ia your f rienda of the nendins m entire. There ia no more regretful .phase of Remember that it takee a majority of our present and immediate paat oondi- the registered votera and not of the tlon, than the self expatriation of so many of our rery beet young men and women, who with their capital and brain, eee other flelda for the invest ment of both; the lose of every intelli gent person to a eommunitr is a serious one, and the lamentable lnfereaoehas that New Berne waa a good plaee to emmigrete from, and why T because there ie not a snffloient field for oar surplus labor, especially that olaas that add strength and character to com munities; the young Bryant, Hughes, Mitohelle, Hatohinsons and others, fio 4 uuuimm ua utv lami s rr t tK lu nn i jBBtttq haimA an 1 lf tao with "E.. W a . And vote for the Bailroad to Onslow. FUUr wtU be rewarded ny ieavinjr at Let every voter show his hand. giUTfiiIA.TJLJ5t:iJJaU8T sausages. VOte forr Ontlow idU ask na to halo them . : 1 1 j &l - ii m . :l, i r ' Lu. J t A i. - l... x . i1 J uivi ao jwwm i;w I.-, i New Berne by niL We whor""u w uu . ,PST-Either on Broad Or East Front I hearken to that response will not be V JT" Dmauupia Breeet foreotteil. fiBa u Sua tie t sv aovtns. wun nawer i . .. u nstni i(ti,iilbl with niuliii i nit.llfanof thousht. and men or aotion. W ri?rxtwUL .b4,iJvsAtowif ;one . eiear the way, - 'mn"Fa'm.W i tl And ota far New Rern's wnlfara to- SNSLUNOahae Bow on hand freshly , day nand.mnde nork MUaaMS. the beat! . Mwl JitJNMiW? 4? M n'tr- f The fire alarm last bight came from I illustrates the point we make and but IIAWOTuaiNaANDEEAlRlNa--lilf' uowerton's luarneon nouse) on empriasizes tne crying neea tor some J willbf tBthceity a Jew day r and I Neuse street. No damage only the! action that will open up avenues for 1Upiea tneomajMOl tall claiaee of our people in which to JWWf ,W 'Wii I I tk'm .ii t,..a. 4nin fen,, tna. an obuln a resMcUble and remunerative M' ' .i.. -i ii . u . j I livinar. QUI T IDI rUBCUUll OTlbll a WUUUU. UiU i then let's tarn our energies in another ow wnM "ere ln l alnU. Oils and VamUh, Lime I direction and ret un a bi. successful """n oonamons r wno nas a pro- "oCM s: Plaster, -v i ; pJr Iposalto offer that is better or more 1ml)Utt-W9aMit l- -a.' , . 4:' - ,. , feasible than inducing this railroad to T ;OADED SHELLS.Club ebells.wada,!. TJLn ,7 7 .T MB8hw? " in the absence of any JlJ :Rk.i-ii. . Ja. Banaatia. I lianoe at the Butiat church last night ... . , . . ..' JaZTZZ T--f. a.a .- oiner or newer proposition is not tony - .. w ssiejej niV . JV. ,i 'V,-'. - toisgij ersirvaaava auu wvdi yiv- "V Oct. H tfv ri': 4::W.f-y.;: tug and instructive addresses werede- .l'aTUSTEEOElVEIWA iieVlot of Jobllivered by Dr. Mann and Rev. Mr " . - Of - . a T . a ... a I ' t-K ,Pr - !? W, P'W. Eitiaud . ionQrm. iesii& jtluclr9 9t.. . " J navemgoi enougn sana in "' ' (" - I S ' slwstttil 't 4taf d-.sitrA sa rn'n nAnnl S SBIXLING3 hai just received some - F 7 more of that Jne butter. hkreremeL" xk or two in New Berne on a dry ne.the best in the city. : windy dey, like yesterday that will sraraaearararararasraBBSB - . v : i V Tf1tontni( Wftrchant. Aaaocla. I " . . I i jim.ii. . a.f I , i. , l . , i m . i . t. . tlnaVh&n Mnt If KM tar thaarflrnieli' w onving on ins maoaaam-i a any use mis comes oniy onoe in we laiUT'Lr Vi1 J'jittwd.Tueeday evening, Mr. H. B. lifetime of an individual or community, :- HVHIUUCUI iUUU AUOUII. - . . . I TVaffa araa Iknm fpnm hi. Hnorw .nil ..) thl. I, "Ik. M. aklnli t.ki at tki . -t-a 1 Irrtift Km if I ttmlsiOi4 Aaaneiar1 Kw l-Vtsa Imrsitfli I fl'xnA Ian Am rw tr fwf tvnat " Hi 11? im WAfflaViMaal a SO Alt All srsnstJ v-atma-ww w. Suv uwaaw . avuuw wu w awaeUMV .Mar? k-:;:inff or jsam Trr ,m , t Tail. i - - xoaay. .. ..... , ... .. i- .. I Jl numt to annum tha tArmfnnaori iiti it u .1 . tt. &.t.. j' ''fHtviia iml' siiinmftf . la aac lor aTfiml ' " z u wwiuw, oaiu ua awiuiu n r 1 ' . . I tha Jankannailla rallrncrt tn Nn Kama I j 1 . ir too wuruiOBj os aiara- we conquer, we will make Athene the area test citv of "'- - .... a . K ' I DIHH DUr DUIDU1WUIU KIUWLU, I llMaaa If Thaai AAitfln aaail at aay tka - ' - .... . 4 7 Tha mu hn vnlaa roar anltanrinMnn I fflnr nr that la haa narvnrt tha' arms V Mfe MBII1TSBIB auu Muwr ... . . . . .. . ... - . . JTaiU.JQC vne .wetiareoi nunseii mna 1 01 patrioia tnrougn au saooeeaing agse. m?oer w Avaany bow ih, other membet 0f the eommunitr. In the same soirit we mar oonfldentlv MdIkrtMMkat,:fiU not i oiog good -for himself he does esy, if we raooeed today in secnrUg wwa aoiwai j, The following is a list of jurors drawn for the Febreary term of the 8aperior conn pi uravea eoaatyv -: : ": rasTwaxK. No.1 township David Gaskins, John F Kirkmaa. Joahaa Foy. No.S township A J Gaskins, H W Wiley, Wmlpock, W B Edwards WD Supleford. No. 8 township -W H Heath, W 8 McCoy, J J Jones, colored. No. 5 township Nero Croon, oolored. No. t township M M Williams. No. 7 township H H Perry, Noah Jackson, colored. No. 8 township Wm P Metis, W D Williams, W B BeU. J L Cosby, F G Simmons, D B Harris (oolored). Redd in Stevenson, S H Coward. B B Lane, S 81 Staten (oolored), D&WiUU,BBDaven- eoonomlcal than th ordinary kinds, and port, B 3 Johnson (oolored), Wm Hoi lister, C S Bollister, J M Boward, E A House. No. 9 township A W Avery. Silas Beath, Richard Lane (oolored), J 8 Arnold. SECOND WEEK. .For Rent, rhe House now ocoupied by H. W No. 1 townshin-W C Brewer. Henry SUilnnelper. Possession given P eb'y MoLawhorn, Matthew Gaskins. No. 2 township W H Stilley. No. 8 township L H Spier, Elisha Moore, Wiley Bill 5uSUrama. to oppose or stand aloof from this ? As we have heretofore demonstrated that individual oapital will not com bine to pry as out of the tloaghof business despond, it. is clearly the duty of the people to raise money in their corporate capacity and by a strong. earnest effort today, determine to put the old town on the road to proeperity. Z. -Tt-U ft Jacksonville railroad to New Berne commander on the ' Hrffi&iffi?? r wading the death ,hon. greatd.y, ; trt. fir- -;v.' vh knell to a scheme that will greatly aug- wiu mke Athene tl Van ftpppn tht floor Of tjpa-l others good whether they want him or I the Onslow Railroad we will make New P-al i-l IS , ai w m . .a.Vn et .'i V3t 5 Mr. L. J. Moore returned from Wash Bsrne the prldrand glory of North Carolina. There will be a saw ' sua in POWDER Absolutely Pure. This pirttj, strength and wholeaomenew. More ewraomicai than th ordinary kinds, anc Ca&not ba anld In mtnnjitltinn wllh tha mill. tlude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only ln cans. KOYal. nA If I Mil PnwnwD rv iim 1 mt. N T 1uue23da'u wed frl Aw 15th. For terms sddIv to j9 tf H. B. DUFFY. Large Isaac's Version. No. 8 township R B Williams, W B Dixon. No. 8 township Jeoob Taylor, J C Whltty, Wm Thompson, F M Bowden, W M Watson. Lonia Ulrich. J J Ballard No, townshin-Dursnt Frazier. Thos u lno cry 01 tne "nsio w man. Outlaw. Newbern people, why stand ye still, You can help us if you will, Alliance Speaking. Oapt Win. A. Darden will address tha nnlilin !n tha IntavAafr. Af t.na F.rma.. ' Alliance at the following places, viz: Riverdale, January 18th. Core Creek, January 91st. Lane's Chaps I (Alliance No. 1070). January 2Sd. Vanoeboro, January 25th At each plaoe there will Will you pass us by or grasp our hand, We frankly ask you, man to man, Come out and help us if you can, Unless you do, every one Will go with Big Ike to Wilmington. (Distillers' Agaat.) Importer and Wholesale Dealer i Uquers ana Cljcw, CRAVEN STREET, NEAlt COTTON EXCHANGE New Berne, S. C., Keeps oonstantlv n . . ITnrir r .V. -"n-l.Wl - " ""twu ana cibabul Stock Is the larrnat in ,u.i. .- . purchased from first hands FOaVS)lab Consequently am enabled to sU as low aa any Northern Market. Have on hand the followuiOnwds af ; WINES, LIQUORS udCIGAD BTE WHISKIES. Old Family Bim; Golden Crown, Old Century, Aome, Lexington, dc.etav Mitchell's Pure Old Saotoh. Pure North Carolina Cm .Whiskey. Commissioner's Sale. By virtue of a ludement af tha Rnnnmn Court of i raven coantv.irranUd at tha hail Term. 1889. ln the case of 1). J. Rrnuihiint i be an ad-1 ! 7 John White and others, I will sell at j.... ..i.. .hi i.i.,l .fciruijuououon, loroaen. at me uonrt House drese commencing at 11 o clock at ths door m n.w Beme, craven county, north olose of which there Will be a lecture Carolina, on Monday the 10th day of Veb- tnr tka hanafll nt aha mamkaM thai ruary. A.D. I8W0. t Twelve o'clock, nnnn. all AUianoa onlT. "Coma ona. nnma all." 1ZJ'?F"J. ".P."' v - -v i Bwriuvm iu ui WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scuppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret, St. Julian. 8weet Catawba, Rhine Win. - California Angelica Wine. the oompUlnt Died ln this action. described in a eer- M lllkl . I f- .A tend the appointments of Mr. Darden J- W. Taylor and J.J. Baker, said mortgage in the interest of the Journal, and we JOT d787riteco7..V,1bralvg.en asKtnat snon ae are uaebted to tnei""S"S? poreoymaae. commissioner. Our agent, Mr. L, E. Duffy, wUl at- Prty ta fuiiv den I J- W. Taylor and J.J. B RUM. New England, Jamaica. West India, Journal, and possibly can do so, to meet him at the above places and make settlement. We hsve been very lenient with some of our subscribers and we feel that they should make an effort to settle their indebtedness. P. A. PKLLiKTIKR. Jan. 8, 1880. did Craven County. ) Superior Court. Rotlce la hereby given of the Incorpora tion of The Mew Berne Eleotrlo Light and Power Company; that the names of the In corporators are Edward Earle. William c. Clark and John B. Keanry. and eueh others as tney may. associate with them; that the rinoipai pi-oe or business shall be ln New- iTXRTBODT ia Washington who I riaton. Beanf ori oonntv. last niaht and I ar heavens that will Ulumine our iattt laid Bp Withtha frip, nas ,J- mformsosof the burning of Mr. George whole land. Under iu benignant rays Mady hadltorUJMtoa thBTerge W. Kugler's largo saw mill and dry the landscape will smile with fresh fcutiagit. ItSflemst9lW0o0dr kfltfilogatharwiai a large lot of lumber, wdure. Thearmo( the mechanic wiU -waa-js wMl.lsiW fAs Mi- wtlmated at W5.000, with ao insurance, neflcent influence of profluble labor. JJOA 1 11 E. K. Bishop is having two neat The heart of the husbandmi wUl - CTT In MMfflrmsirl ths -lirtaafa hsfn ..1Har.r,Ana hnllt An Onn trt ioio' in th PrOSpeot Of fields ripening Jl-l-i Ufa I r-r- T I'TI" T. ( l- TC VI Z meroe, and out merehMta' will find in communities ready purchasers ' . . . .... ivauaiiBHi awn auanaiT uuui uu. J. L. Lewis, N. O,: I stock la not to ezoeed Beventy-flra nnu uuiian, uLviutHi in seven nunareaandl nrty shares of the par value ol one hnndrad uuuuri. It E. W. CARPENTEB, C. S. C. vara that aifnad ithiv . .. -: " . ;.' i-..' .latMfckniait in ha i an anaraaf Vtnilh liril tegara JO ; tioiation f.Zi-afcIL-7-I"a-V".-:-a .' of their wares and merchandise. asi twtuij vswaaMfa aaav wewtaa avsrsi smw i. a p'SWM nUinir acatea. Oaita an hnnrovament 1".' a V. rutiuu,; The whirl . of progreet will be na looked, and every , home feel the in spiration of an era of aaivereal proa parity. As in a great decisive battle every man mast do his duty. So every New Bernean must go to tha front I Where, to do to Vote Todiy. . ' 3LTLAJITA needs morerailroads - First Ward-At the police station. . 5 AHantai Ohroninlfc v, Tnmi'UitklL I f Second Ward-At the oourt house. j- t-I- J'a. iat.Lii.t.li.' "Third Ward -At PhilllD'a shoo. Mid-1 today and partake In the clorvof the ' iJ-t wrHu-IiJ )v!it i r L't. I dla street. Aext to Ooodingi drag store, achievement. How ie the day, and : Ti . ' i1 ..'c U Fottrth Wat d-At 5 the ianotlon of now is the rise. Rise fellow mett or be w C -la ROs 0076 a IfipsCaJltt : people I Oaaen street and Bras-s alley. forever fallenl We owe it to oar fathers to improve the heritage they left as, we owe It to 9mmMl I Prl V. L - . bern, N. a; and lu general purpose aad Mr. C K. F. Bate. Who hag been at business is to be the manufacture and sale . . . . . , of Klectrlolty, Electrloal Apparatus, and home OB a Visit to bis father, Dr. Bates, Machinery, for aU uses to whlih Electricity returned vesterdav to Burlinston. mar be applied;, that the duration of the letuiueu jesvoruay w ournumon. corooratlon shall be thlrtT nam tha .m,.i Ai uastonnouae: j. l. Xjewis.n. i,:iaHX:K no( exoeea Beveniy-nve Thi A. M. Williams, Vanceboro; Samuel Baoon, Bryan Hosier, Adam's Creek; Dr. O. K. Bsgby, Kinston.R. H. Gibbs, Hyde county. At Hotel Albert; Geo. A. Howes, Philadelphia; O. J. Carroll, N. C; W. Caho. Bayboro; R W. Ward, C. G. Ward, Onslow; oounty; J. H. Hodges, Washington, N. 0. ; Jno. A. Armstrong, jr., Norfolk; 8. E. Eoonoe, Trenton, H. F. Brown, Trenton; Prof. JH. Wil hslmie, Raleigh; M. H. Foster, Norfolk; A. A. Madden, Baltimore; Dr. G. K Bagby, Elnston. BBANDIE8. Apple, Peach, French (James Hennesy), Garrette Cognac Brandy, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger. liTier jtordefltitieia she nasi fifth Ward, loCarthTJpreoinot--At l -acJ thousand I'llitaatS, , 1 McCarthy's store, on Pollock street. - '." v " --'i& I Fifth Ward. St PhilliDs'rjreoinot- At I ourselves and oar children to atilise the and span the future with the ! promise. 'ia i. ' . m '.9 we Tfti7e3Ca UiVU Moa-l-il W 1 :r f W doi apwaraana r i , t -u-u:';;. jrirth. ward, Bt. Phillips' preoinot At ourselvi , ;CKca&aSMlJr llstrodjieed S5nilpohMlh6use;Qoe street, present ' la tie YSls-- Xes'-' " toJn- itow BabltI bow of : - c::orat?thetotsca'Di1r!3''iron. Let t: Week of 3Prayer . ? The following' is the topio of prayer onward to oar watchword and reply. at lsociatlon;'t!:3 to provide C-ltable restln Z f--ca. fOf DIB J tat Thursday, January ft; ai suggested I lto Electric Light and Power Com- :r "i With the tiilTil? Z ? C f mak-1 by, the Evangelical ' Alliance io the I S pany, , U r:3. :!on for tta bt:;zt cf United Sutss: . cl . .? Kf abers of U t : - !'j at' tL 3 : LTtvrioastofl. Tcz Cbtjbch at Hokk. That the Incorporation of the New Bene Eleotrlo rch may be awakened to an apprei xight had Power Company, which Is V , x vt ut iinmigu vviwnuuwia i uti. .n. w. ... 'II ""w I ' a It a . . M cities, rural I Kid to weioome capital to oar ouy ana We publish th is morning the notice of r zZzj, lit. t , -- C lansolauoa. ; i j c ' I r3 CartE-" j Oo tLe c. .".::a hxawith GreatEritain S3 Cii ti.zzn dz.:r-i with crand l-::;cj, eatclcrsest and other l-- rious Accident u) crises mtj ce extra-itsa . iroa 1 ra.nnn.ihlllf laa fn llnla thal"""" l ", M" . -lti every' home, in and new settlements, ana to 1 we wisb these gentlemen suooess in us -rant population. ' " inndartaklns-. . i-t; oonn i; oto, 11: o-o;i , -,L ,, zi' .r " V. aR --.i.. , . , l-.u. uilij wuuuu, w aia uuvimmt Tk. . i... .in k. k.i-i . p.. I nave empowered me Mayor to negotiate tlstcharchtoalgh.; U-feT . : I IUUU b131IUal H UQ aUHT HwWItt NVVVII V ! , iv - I the privilege bf using the strsets for the l,2i-Hollo well, while Hollowellr white regulating purpose of furnbhing eleotrioity for thegalde .to the saw .at Mr. Warren lighting and for power purposes, and mill, yesterday, received, a very I also to negotiate with the Company for Privr--"- ia 'olii In r.iart.lt--rul wound. -The wrenenwitn I eleotrlo lights for the city. 4 a . n ij a 1 I WUIUU US WHr rCKUlBUUa; wUlV III1UB I . . 't u 1 1 zzj, ia iae tsaais . vui- . ".w. ai. Fire DspartmenW i 3a tnir-tLcl2j ;Ue hin-w ;nd.B;- ' - Tj cf tbe Treassry to loan ... anl n .aamMi a- flret yw 1980 u held Jannsry 8 with the f --cfsattTO Tr. CCnt.Lars of the left hand were cat ofl'com- r 13 rrcr-:::? 'Pnltistely at; the 'tipper 1 knuckles, the x. cr e ,n i - H. wi v.. .".3 mb almost severed end tha third :zmt csihed.W Mr Hollowell weht !"? htm te the office ! of , the Drs. DuJTy and hsd the wound dressed. The a. a .- a . - nr-iuoi course very painiui ana a i .1 j tothe left band. The Itlaiab may te taved. V Xv.:;T: GIN. Holland and Domestic. Dissolution of Go-Partnership Grifton, N. C, Jan. 7. 1890. The co-partnership heretoiore exist ing under the style of A. G. Coward & Co. did on Deo. 27. 1889. dissolve bv mutual consent, A. G. Coward and Joel Imported Ale and Porter, BEER, ALE, Etc., Etc. The Bergnsr & Eogel Brewing Oo.'e Celebrated Lager Beer, Shipping News. The steamer Esglet, of the E. C. D. line, sailsd yesterday with cotton, lum ber and shingles. The Tahoma will sail tomorrow morn ing at 7 o'olbck. i m .- ee ' - - To the Public. At the hut session of the North Caro lina Christian Missionary Convention, one E. H.,Olney presented himself for examination ana orainatton to tne uin istry. The committee appointed by the convention lor tnat purpose examined him, and not being satisfied with hla qualifications, recommended thatordi nation oe aeierrea antu next oonven tion, and that be remain with his con gregation doing . good in the way of preaching ana in other ways as. oppor tunity afforded,' giving him no author' itv whatever mon than any twivate member: oi tneenarcn. Therefore, oe it known to all, that E. H. Olney ie not endorsed by tha Disciples ia North Carolina as a preacher, and that they will not be held resnonsiblsfor anvthina ha may soy or ao. - Missionary weekly, uoldsooro Argot, Wilmington Messenger, Washington Gasette, Wilson Advanoe, .- Kineton Patrick drawing out, and J. L. Tucker assuming the responsibility of settling up ousiness or saia arm. A. Q. COWAJtD, Joel Patrick, J. L. Tucker. Patrick At Tucker. Grifton. N. C. did on the 27th day of Deo.. 1889. dis solve co-partnership by mutual consent. Joel Patrick drawing out and J. L. Tucker assuming the responsibility to seme up tne du sinew. Joel Patrick, J. L. Tucker. Jan. 7, 1890. The business will be continued at the old stand, where I will be pleased to e an tne former patrons. j8 dw2t : J. L. TUCKER. L1ULES1 MULES! Clauasen & Son's Export Beer Wm. McEwan'e India Pala Ala fraea Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of the Bergner & Engel Brewlaf Co. Celebrated Lager Utr and Porter. Cordials, Aneottina B(ttsri Imported and Domestic Champagn. ;f Agent for I. Calvin Shafer Wild Cherry Rook and Rye. .1 HORSES! HORSES! CIGARS. A large assortment of Cigars and Cheroots Agent for the Virginia Standard Cie roots, the best in the marks. " 1 CeftOlX Free Press and; : Greenville- Reflector I Just reoeived at my stables. They were selected with' GREAT CARE, and are admirably suited for FARM and DRIVE please opy 4j7d5wl Will guarantee to sell u bv as anv nonsaa lanrtir.i lower than anv hues "'fa A Car toad of Fine Mules and Horses North Carolina, ' , , , ' O-l I. Ia CHltTHUTT, Da. H. D. Habpkb. through the (purposes. Call and UbleW J. -17. STEWART. be shown following result: -v." ,"; Edward M.Pavie, chief j epgioeer William Ellis, first assistant engineer John McSorley, ' second! asslataat sn gineer; Edward Gerrbok, eeoretary anjl treasurer. Hurrah for theold.','8ala mender, Pavle, the tried and true?' - -: r'- ' , rs .. 'ifVfiT ?' Boooham's Pills cure bilious and ner vous ills. . ' ..i,. :f':-l;; $ . i't i fWa Palat with Pride To tha "Good name at homa,n won by Hood Banapaiilla. la Lowell. Mass., where it is prepared there Ie more of Hood's SarssparlUa sold than s of all other medioinee, and it hae given the best otatuiaouon since its introduc tion ten years ago. , This could sot be if the msd loins did not posses merit, W B- a toune man. wsaokla! oFlha Vlr. La--i i-.- .i' ,Tj yoa suffer from impare blood, try a.fni.:BnaiSa Cr,ria. aanfelr.kW., .upwrwr aomnyproc.. . PT ' Salesmaa ia a retail or waolessle es-1 he State. 1 V."" H Ubliahmant. Will: wbrk foVamail b ki:Lr :?. wairea n whai th:a vwew-protnptir BUM IU . a 'u: BituatioWaiited,: WE ALSO MANUFACTURE "- Ginger Ale, " - - Barsaparilla, , ' . Lemon Bods , f ' Sosafjo4aV Calif ornlaPaar Cider aad aflastal. . water. . . Our Ginger Ale it equal Many (a Hood's SarssparlUa and realise nilfa annMaa maap 1 y . VW,. n.i.i. W n y. . a Mm i ou auwuiULiiun i lutuiuueu ssrseaa" auumw as once. . I ' Til i"T-in vi vtwtv rn . byHoodls Sarssparilla.; Try It. ;Bold t v rvP. R GIBSON, ''M: JAMES RED(L.. ay au aruggists.; .. v ,,.r.j J 4t (yfp-i if,K Stuarty Va I aafli Owtf

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