r:n : .J., --H Air,rTr-T mr-9 '.rfTTT t .Ok j r , SEW BERNE. N. C SATURDAY JANU A R Y 11. 1890. V U U V I1I.-JM U. Z4U.ui iW. PRICE 5 CENTOS .'Mi i. . cr-inrrixcaiLa.iia TTA. I' pleasure la informing my X friends, end the pablio iiDmUfj taal I am bo w located m Craven street, two dooir 'iou'Ji ' of Mayor's offloe, where I ''all. be pleased to fill all or dare ( jr I ts and ttboco os short nrva. l... .ring neatly im promptly N. AlMH-i NTEDT ta this di t. ' One of par men earned ... ; ia ST aei 13. tOO la "88. and U Id," better this year' ' P. 0. Box 1371, w. JlOfS POU5D3 pi fresh Corned V - SJU U Pot k Hem,' Bhonldera aad ;Nkl80h'b8u11, Broad Stmt. ' "TOIAU CIVEB OEANQE3-Bit in ' ," X the world. A few bozaa just re- -t 4 1 1 08r A aaiJj!HTar watch; con tha i'Tt.,--' oouHhra Muara. . .Tha llndar 'will U Ubcrallr nwarded br ImtIbk - j Oa aama at KnkCarria Bdl'a. Chaaso . TETEKSON DAVI8. "Tha If amo- --T-ta-rial Voluma'ftow pauig praparcd br M Wib; Jpaaa, with aaitaUaoa ' of Itrat Davla,will baaathentie, charm lofly wrfttwi, beautifully Uluatrated J and. bouoiila ovary way worthy of " thrabjaotAgantawaiitod. Complota - ontflt tl.'-Satisfaetioa guaranteat or - "'' moaar landed. Ordar bow. Firat ; ooma, firat awradV AddroM " " ' 7 tl B.' F. JOHNSOM & COV ., jr Iw ' 10OI lfala it., Blobmond, V. - ln T.P8t-8onurwhara 1 tha attaata a - -,$,4 lwVaUh Charm with flguri 6fgrey boaodand tad atoaa with A'B W.B," ,4 . Fiadar will ba, -.awarded, by iaaring at ' -V, "JU atreat, a Lad tea' Small Gold Braaat ' Vi Plv ia ahapa of boy tha; with flo war .,) If MBtra,atoddad with paarla. A loit - 1 abla ra ward will tailtaa' to any ona i gaaffalat aama toia; offloa. , j4tf ,, -tAIfOTUaiXOANDBBPAtRINQ--r-L t will ba la tha olty a fa w daye aad QjU bo plaajad; taaooommodato poraosa . vat)tiag ;wk m i tr 4 mSC.ri DOOBS.r A0 BLINDS, -f ' O ramta, OiU and , VrnUh, Lima : KaammeaBTlalter-, at ; - Oat. 11 tf.-.miA WBtrrr ft Oatis. j - (jADrafifjya.Cloh heiu.wada, . uBraaoh-loadlBg tuaa, Bepeatug i -, V Oct. it tf. Wratn ft 0f a. - ' MnTD8X KKCEIV&D' wow lot of Job ' , tfj ;aamiMaaAa aba Ioomiai. iiwiihfiMiqamaafw.i ' oaaaie w luveaiigftie : ion huuicj i . TBftfit cue? n for Chicago! ' The 1 , . ilrtirtliorttt8i ' that gamj)llig Uttltiai k alaiaaMaaiiimBiaM ammmfjmiaaWawMaBl - -i?firCnmitltenilowi r StU home la Ptookfrnoa Toeaday. t - jtojdeJOhol-tha Empreaa An s-" jffa waa formally Aaoounced at thepenlng of the Germaa Elect - ttt last Wednesday morning t" r ; vlfEAtJt snows bare preralled in r1 thiTNorthVest. The oad on jhe - UctJwlJPaolflonunilirocgh atnn- 'V, &x(cXsddw from Batle canyon to - ki' ...... . , TaftXB thousand dollars for two ', " 41 hotn, is what Mrs. Cornelias Tan . dcrtile paid Saturday "tfor haying -, SarskateL and d'Albert play for her nests. P i' 5 T A! - Eaw ToBX It alarmed ,; It " has nowltlie tcatieat death rate since .'the Cholera ravaged tha city. Dur' , ing Vx .it fonr days ci th!a we:i 01 1 copb died in the . city cf ITew ' A'TBOSSKSHT cofT;! , dealer In BU .bora; claims to have a' de sLt h from Emu sajir j tilt the . est 'OTcrnment has iz::;c:3 tie crptrt oo coffee frca l IS Iris aanonnced Jtbat Ccnajot r -".rwirTaddresstta C '3 11 Lt. ;aitfccxt we M'Jtr1 :a. Ee will t . ij Czz: rlcal'.aca tL , 3re It is to be regretted that the U, O.C;T:icit persist ia Its pur- --3t3 trifijr the warlike band -s lata Ncrth Carolina for - - - it. asd t-&t tsar ia tta fisa tl --r:l crrcsfejr poblla .'ieaU i 'ic-cria clit-i tad ,:t.:..ir yl-U' '-OsycraTi '."pccla ta Wilalri" ' t tnlaiportsticacl - ' 3 ' natttrs wcrsa. j:.:- -'::2ed' by'' the y- jrotests.-r ' . 'k 4-A Hi Kinsak; lamer WW Moled Wi mach eora to. market the , other day M two motes could poll, and Wh toot back Wme vith Mm a k5 of naihr would m ake the kind of Withe:that .the ' Ways and Meaai jOommittee at Washi n gton doeea want. Kanssw City Star. WHATls the politics of the New York World! It is hostile to Mr. Brice, the chairman of the Deao- cratio committee, and advises, "If he can be defeated in no other way let the true Democrats in tlje Legis lature haver the courage of their honesty and refuse to vote for him." It is also hostile to Mr. Cleveland1 Thx January number of the Sonthern Cultivator has an excel lent likeness of Col. L. L. Polk. Three things combine to give him special prominence: he is a North Carolinian gentleman, the president of the National Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union, and he is to make a speech at the great New Berne Fair. The farmers are moving on the surplus. They ask that all the sur plus shall be lent out on farm mort gages at two per cent interest. That is not practicable, but we are glad the matter has been broached, and hope that it will be agitated. t is quite time that that money in fluence which has dominated aad controlled the financial affairs of the country should be warned off, and the rights of the people Bhould be consulted. We have been pay ee large bonus to bondholders for the privilege of paying our boDds nearly twenty years before matnri ty, and they call that "financiering." Uat upon soch rascally perform ances!, The people ought to speak in thunder tones their condemna Won of such practices. News and Observer. LOCAL NEWS. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENT? W it, 80LTAN Removal. J. M. Howard Special sale. " Jf 6W Berne's star of hope shines with taeraaaed' iastre. Tbeprioe of eggs is on the downward grade43t cents wholesale, rJIJTlOr from' New York yeaterday wera to the effeottbat the prioe of cot ton waa on tha rise. Buyers here hope to reach 10 cents next week. Mr. WttU.Sultan, one Of our largest dry goods ao4 notions merchants, ia making arrangements to move into the large brick store next to Mr. C. S. Bell. aagro infant waa found In a "trash pUa, at the.head of Pollock street yes terdey. It was wrapped in a oloth and probably bat there on Thursday night. FortanaUly for the child a gentleman who was passing heard its cry and want to It 4 A woman took charge of it and will take care of it. I ' If the Bresent style of: weather con tunes there will he lota of work for the Ice factor tea next summer. : The ice erop North ia reported very short. It is not too late, however, to raise a good orop, If loe farmers North can get a smalt, blizzard. . It don't take so long and 10 maohv weather to raise ioeas it does W raise cotton. - ... ..... , -x '.' : : It wu rumored on the streets yester day that another electric light company was bidding to famish lights for the city, Well, it is very evident that New Berne will soon be lighted by elestri citv. ; Electrio lighta' will be need at the Pair . grounds - daring exposition we'ek, from Febraary 34. to march 1, inolnsive. , ,-' - ' -" Probably ten thousand rolo'red people have left this State since, last August. A train packed with, emigrants, from the Halifax section " passed through Goldsboro yesterday. At Ooldsboro a large number have been patiently wait ing for several daye the arrival of "Peg Leg" Williams, who is expeoted to make arrangements to take them away. 'TegJLegV' arrived yeaterday . Theibatte ia fought, the victory Is won, and now we1 trust that our brightest hopes may be realiead. - The JoTjBMai labored earnestly for1 the sue' oqss ot tie Ooslbw Road, though it was no more than our duty,:The hind words that ''2 " has to - aav 'about as in this lssae are appreciated, but we will in form this correspondent that his" role "Shall New Berne Progress ?"waa so nnimportant part. ; While there were various branches and avenues that gaye Lrce- to the movement, we do not hesl t '.a to say. With many others, that the pils artery was "oar townsman, Mr. u. l. toy. - y - A Bold BaacaL - Yaatarday avenlng, joat at dvat, aa Ur. Charlaa Slovar was oa Ua way homa from hia atora, hia attaBtloa was attracted as ha waa paaalog OoL J. D. Whitford'a reaidanoa by light ia tha yard.- Ha atopped, and looking ovar tha fence, aaw a man ataadlag saar aa outbonaa which ataada almoat agaJnat tha fence whioh aasarataa Col. Whitford'a lot from that of Mr. E. K. Bryan. Tha faaoa waa on fire. Mr. Slorer thought that tha man waa Col. Whltford, but it aaamad that he waa trying to aat flro to tha hooaa. In another moment tha fiend aaw Mr. Slover and ran. Tha fanoa began to burn rapidly and Meeari. Will. Bryan and Chaa. Holliater harried oat and extinguished tha fianue. It waa one of tha moat daring and deviliah acta par' petrated in our city in a long time. There ia no conjecture aa to who tha raaoal was. Tha damage to tha fanoa was alight, bat if tha lira had not been discovered so soon tha result might haTO been serioua, as tha boose almoat touched the fence and the wood was Tery dry. Personal. Miss Lina Davia, who has been in the oity visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. B. Thomas, jr., left yesterday for Wash ington.N. C. Mr. J. A. Bryan returned from a trip to Raleigh yeaterday. Misa Rosa Ricaud, Mies Etta Manaon, of Beaufort, who has been visiting friends in the city, and Mr. Thomas Davia went down to Morehead City last night. At the Gaston House: W. C. Biggin, Stockton. Md.; W. G. Temple. N. 0.; A. Lee, Adams Creek; R K. Hearne, oity; J. J. Spier, Jasper, N. 0. ; J. B. Piver, Morehead City; W. S. Thomson, N. C. At Hotel Albert: Dr. W.T. Paul and wife, Atlantic, N. C; J. T. Lincoln and wife, Bayboro; Barton H. Grundy, Riehmond, Va. ; J. Thurston, Baltimore. Week of Prayer . The following is the topio of prayer for Saturday, January 1, as suggested t7 the Evangelical Allianoe for tha United States; Th ANKsarvraa . For manifold bless ings, spiritual and temporal, pablio and private ; for the maintenance of peace among the nations; for anawsra to prayer ; for the progreaa of Christ 'a kingdom ; for a growing spirit of Chris tian love and co-operation ; for the in creasing number of those who have dad ioated themselves to the service of mis sions ; for the privilege of being per mitted thus united to lay oar requests before uod during this Week or frayer. Paa. 107: Sam. 2:1-10: 1 Chron. 88:10 15; Isa. 12; Eph. 1; Rom. 18; Psa. 185. .The services will beheld at the Pres bjterian church to-night. Shipping News. The steamer Eaglet, of the E, 0. D. line, will arrive today and sail this evening. The steamer Manteo, of the 0. D line, sailed yesterday for Norfolk, carrying a large number of passengers and a .full eargo.of freight, Among the freights . were four i barrels of radishes, shipped by Capt.8. H.Gray from his farm on the sooth, side of Trent river, opposite to the eity. The steamer L. A. Cobb arrived yesterday afternoon from np Nense river with cotton, eto The steamer Stout, of the Clyde line, Will arrive from Baltimore tonight. Electrio Light. The following dispatch was received by Mayor Williams yesterday from Mr. Edward Earle, Esq., one of the lnoor Dorators of the "New Berne Electrio Light and Fower Co.:" "New York. Jan. 10. 1890. Hon. B. P. Williams. Dear Sir: Mr. Lynch. my representative, will arrive in New Jerne tomorrow Bigot. CiDWARD .ARLI. Mayor's Court. The following cases were diapoied f yesterday: , Henry Smith violating chap. 5, sec. 4,. riotous and disorderly la. the , dty limits. Fined S and cost or thirty days oa the streets. ri-iri- X L. & Smith, charged with violating chap. &, seo. 8, of the oity ordinances being . drank ' and disorderly . t Dhv missed. ' Chuxch. Notice. tMm-mi: Hancock Street Methodist Church-' Bev.T. Page Bioand pastor.. Bonday, January 13, services at U a so., eon daoted by the pastor.' Prayar-maeting at 9:15 a. m., D. VL Hollowelt, leader. Sunday' School at 9 pV W. B. Bar ringtoo, 8uperIotendent. ' Clase-meet- ing at4:15 p.m., J.V,WlUiamr, leader. The publio are Invited to these services aa . . . ' . its ' V -' " ana wui receive a ooraiai weioome. Why continue the use of Irritating powders, snuffs or liquids. Ely's Cream Balm, pleasant of - application and sure cure for ostarrh and cold la head. can be had for 50o It Is easily applied into the nostrils, ie safe and pleasant, and isouring the most obatlnate cases. It gives relief at once. ; .r-,' KS1T BEBJIX 1TILL PROGRESS! Tha inotry appearing ia- your ool- amna for many dais Jiaa been an swered. The magnificent vote of ap proval of tht propoelUon to subscribe fifty thousand . dollars to thi capital took of tha East Carolina Railway, ia a clarion tooguad affirmative, tha glad sound of which ia not confined to this immediate vicinity, but will reverberate through the land, trumpet like, that New Berne has returned upon a march of progress that will know no halt until It assumes the proud commercial position it is oertain to attain. Already tha press of the land hav announoed to its million- of -readers this progressive step, and other people seeking a point for investment will hare their attention turned this way. The writer in closing his series of articles desires to thank the JOTjBNAb not only for tha oourteaiea shown himself but also for the excellent editorial work performed as well aa opportunities afforded friends of the maasare to advance the cause. The Journal's part in the triumph should not ba overlooked or forgotten. In conclusion, we desire to say that it waa totally foreign to the intention of the friends of the railroad measure to aay or do anything that would offend any one, or run oounter in any way to individual or other Interebts. We have honestly striven for what we deemtd the beat intereata of all, and that tha efforts of the friends of the measuie wera appreciated ia grandly shown in the practloally unanimoua vote the proposition received. We have started on thw road to progress, let no hilt be ealled until we "get there." Z NOUTU CAROLINA SEWS, from the State Papers. Nearly 5C0 wagona loaded with tobac co were in Winston on Tuesday, and prioea were good. "The People's National bank of Win ston" was organized on January 4. with capital stock of $150,000. The saw and planing mill of Joseph H. Ohadbourn ft Co., in Wilmington, waa burned Monday night- The mill was valued at 930,000, insurance, $13, 000. Charlotte Mews : The State Conven tion of the Young Men's Christian As sociation of North Carolina will meet in Qoidaboro March 18th, 14th, 15th and 16th, next. Btate Secretary Coulter writes that three hundred delegates may be expected. Kinatoa Free Press : The young men at Pink Hill township were playing base ball on Christmas day, and George Turner, Esq., suffered a painful injury. Ia running after the ball ho collided with another player and the bone just above his left eye was fraotnred. It Is a painful bat not dangerous wound. The Executive Committee of the North Carolina Teacher's Assembly has decided to hold the next session of the Assembly at Morehead City, beginning Jane 17th and ending July 1st. It is proposed to have a speoial feature in the shape of work by four eminent instruc tors, these being Thomas Balhett, Al exander K. iiye, J. U. Hall and Miss Spear, all of Massachusetts. News and Observer: Governor Fowle yesterday fixed the day of execution of four: men. appointing the same date, Febraary 7th, for the execution of all of them. These are, John Wilson, con victed of mnrder in Yanoer oonntv at the apring court of 1889; Marly Pankey. convicted of murder ia Montgomery oonnty, fall term, 1889; Samuel Halford and B. F. Willie, both oonvioted of burglary ia Rutherford county at spring term, 1889. All the parties took ap peals to the supreme court, but the judgment ia each case was confirmed. The next month will have its fall share of hangings in this State. Ia addition to the above, there are Parish and Boyle, of this oity. and Lije Moore, at Greensboro, who are also under death sentence. Asheville citizen : The planting of trees on Mr. Vanderbilt's estate has been discontinued for the present. One hundred and twenty acres have been ploughed up and planted with white nines, whioh have been arranged in rows seven feet apart with a space of five feet between the trees in the same row. This makes 1,200 trees to the acre. The young trees are from fifteen to eighteen inohea in height, and are ob tained from-Mr. Douglas's nursery at Waukeegaa, near Chicago, whioh is one Of the largest la the United States.. The white pines whioh have been set out on the slopes where toe timber has been oat down, take one year to root them selves firmly in the soil. The second year they grow about one foot higher, and every suoeeeding year they receive aa additional upward growth of three feet or more, 'in three years from the time ot slanting they will be at least six feet in height, and in this climate will attain a maximum height of 150 feet r 'The wee in pianttog tnom so olosely together Is to make them grow very tail ana prevent them from patting forth branohee near the ground. One thouaand sores are yet to be planted, bat by theltlme Mr. vanderbilt's man si on is ready for occupation the whole mountain side will be covered with dense woods. The sameness of the tim bar land will be relieved bt nlantlns many different kinds of trees at the base of the hills and along the drives. V ', AtmOBS TO nOTUBBS, . Mrs. '. Wisblow'b Boothino Sirup should always be triad . for- children teething. In soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all balu. cure wind eolio,and Is the beet remedy for Diar rbosi u;Twenty;five oenta a bottle Jaly , yi 'j . . "" 5 ' ' -- An Admirable Canvass. EDrcoa Jockul: A long and inti mate knowledge of nolitics. and tha management of campaigns, prompts ma wh him tuv twxa nuirsaa nunw and election was tha beatmanas-ad and I most astutely conducted of any - that I uiiiithuwwii 1 1 HM. - , s. ,i .1. . If j.am lauorainauoa oi anviaina: caicu-1 la ted to excite antagonisms, tha clever ua sasunsia measurea pot in opera-1 tion to arouse all classes of oar citizens, mua un iuoosm toat reiuiieu, aa ingwa I oytna spienatd vote of Tbaraday, la a i. L - . 1. .in, . J .l. I uivuuuigri tw biio ..in vi iqo muuBn and a triumnh of which thev have iuat SZJTSSS uu u aonenoa oi liquor ana simuiar i marked and pleMing feature. Looker On. A FEW NEWS ITEMS. Fourteen men were killed in a bri Jge caisson at Louisville, Ky., on Thursday evening. Calvin S. Brioe has been nominated for the U.S. Senate by the Democrats of the Ohio Legislature. Judge William D. Eelley, of Penn sylvania, died in Washington City on Thursday evening. He waa the oldest member of the House of Representa tives in years and continuous service. The illness of the young King of Spain has assumed a most alarming pnase, and his death is expected at any moment. He is not yet four yeara old, and waa proclaimed King on the day ot nia birth, with his mother as Uueen Kb- gent. His father, Alphonse XII., died before the birth ot the young King. An appalling disaster occurred in Brooklyn eailr Thursday morning. Heavy winds blew down one of the walls of a oburch, which fell upon a tnree-story frame building, crushing it into a mass, and killiog five of the inmates, and fatilly injuring two others. lhe scene is described as of a most fear ful character GRlTIFYItVU TO ALL. The high position attained and the universal acceptance and approval of Lhe rjleasant limiid frnit rmariv Hvmn nf Tin u thu miwt e-rnallanf. I.t.h'.a known, illustrate the value of ha qual ities on which its success ia based and are abundantly gratifying to the Cali fornia rig Syrup Company. Two Great Books. In "Christ in the Camp ; or, Religion in the Southern Armiee." Dr. J. Wm. Jones I the nghting chaplain) has done a I irranii wnrk in hrinoinir tmrathar in .... I manent and readible form the record of the great religious work which went on among ine soiaiery. uvery ismiiy throughout the Southland should pos- Ma A PJtnv. It vlwam tha haat ivu.ikl. I guarantee, if any were needed, that the work of the same author, on the "Mem- oriai volume or janerson uavis;or. The World's Tribute to His Memory, will leave nothing to be desired. It is said that he is progressing rapidly with this work, and will soon have it read? for the press. Having the co-operation of Mrs. Davis, and access to abundant ma terial of the most intense interest the vola oe is sure to be one that will be eagerly sought after. It will be brought out in handsome and durable form, and at a prioe to bring it within the reach of even the poorest ; while there will be an expensive edition for those who will desire this great work in the best dress that can be pat upon it. It will be sold only by subscription, and thus every ramiiT will have an opportunitr to pro cure the work right at their own homes. Any one desiring fuller partioulara. and agencies for the book, should write at once to the publishers. Messrs. B. F. Johnson & Co., 1009 Main street, Rich mond, va. On Fact is worth a column of rhetorio, said an Amerioan statesman. It is a fact. tablished by the testimony of thousands of people, that Hood's Sarsaparilla does care scrofula, aalt rheum, and other diseases or affections arising from Im pure state or low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired feeling. creates a good appetite, and gives strength to every part of the system. try u. SPECIAL SALE ! Although Rubber Goods are ad vancing, will sell for the next 30 days men s jsuoDer snoes at mo. per -a r a i- a r nu pair, all rzes. Men's Rubber Knee Boots at 12.00. Four Ply Liuen Collars, 50c. the half dozen. Pocket Books, great variety, at N. Y. cost. 11 3t J. M. HOWARD. RCIT.3Yl.ls On or about JANUARY 15th, I will remove, my Entire Stock :of Goods 1 . to the large and commodious brick ' ., i At ''wfi it ii -i -j J store adjoining Bell's Jewelry Store, where I will be pleased to wait on my patrons and the pablio generally,' ' .JanU dwtf :r:.::: -:Wt.BULTA, Hen Regi5frc!::3. On Monday, January 18th. 890. tkax " own or P'g IIP CBS Clothier will be ootnmA nunih. and Clothing Boom for tha pavpoa at s(ui iu( tnrr hi 1 BSSM BA is l i'ut oi newoan sxmaUBa? a ir a I . the amount of $50,001 ta ba givasi in fia innru oopiiaiiata vbjsv wal arvaetV 940,000 each, and who will eanploy fitm w u oooarea aasH VOSMSl aaw. cniwren eacn. Big Ika la haawr now mwxA 1. I .... ..." TV u. nu ut dui iimii Dissolution of Oopartncn! ; iU nrm, 0 "attoeks ft Co. ia- "ubjt utsaoirea ny mutual J. A. Mattocks will aaanma all ll.hni of the law C. m and receipt for all aa- counts cue me same. AU panoau ia debted to the firm are earnestly ra- quested menta. to make immediate settle- Stella, N. C Dec. 30. 1889. J. A. MATTOCKS. N. M. HABQET. jlOdwlm MULES 1 MULES! HORSES! HORSES! A Car Load of Fine Mules and Horses just received at my stables. They were selected with GREAT CARE, and are admirably suited for FARM and DRIVE purposes Call and be shown through the stables. J. W. STEWART. Pnr "Rflnf UA The House now occupied by H. W- Sinhelpe'- Possession given I eb"y 15th. For terms apply to j9 if H. B. DUFFY. A. Fine FlOridfl. TOIlifi ! VV . Mr. Foster S. Chapman, one af tha landmarka of the Georgia drag trade, now of Orlando, Florida, writes: 'I oan hardly select a single case of tha many whom I have sold Ootsta'a Pioneer Blood Renewer. but what have been satisfied; and I find it the heel remedy for skin diseases I have1 ever sold, and a Fink Florida Tonic. , Foster S. Chapman. Orlando. Fie. - For sale by R. N. DUFFY. New Berne, N. C. l4La Grippe!" "Have You Got the Grip?" J. F. TAYLOR, THE GEOCli, has the grip on a stock of the Beet Goods, Groceries, Meat, Lard, Cheese, Batter, Flour, Coffee, Sugar. Tobacco. etc., ever brought to thie market. tie has a grip on these goods, bathe will Let Tnem Go Quick! " at Very Low Prioes. Go to see him Call at once at J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Middle Street P. S. Our prices are LOW. ' SAUUEL jucitso:) Is at his OLD STAVD South Front Street It will pay anvHorsa Owner ta a&ll a4 see htm at once for Trimming & Shoeing Horses aa he la the only one In the City that CHUat anteei SatlifaCtlon, to At the BbOS to the foot, not the foot t- the Shoe. " Also guaranteea no coma and bruises eh the foot. Respectfully yours, JanS dly BAMtJBL JACKSON 1 i HEADQTJART FOR Breech-Loadiner QxaJi Powder and;8ho' ft Af xiiH. cutlit::; r 7 UEW BERNI!, N. C.

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