'.. t;.,'. ,fJ .VN t 2?f ?f : ' 1 " f J ' I IS (H ' r. THE JOUBNAl&tc PROFESSIONAL. 8TEAHEBS. to: If. s . -. .ft; 1 . josuH n .a COLD BY ALL Who (if your druggist does jffol not yourself for basinet fee pisWona are full and the a ge demands it" jtCSUDtttK BRYANT A 8TRATTON 1U -V ; . BALTIHORC, MD; Embrace thorough instruction in Book-Keep- wg, rennant aip.cflcretpanaence, commercial Law, Rapid Business Calculatiens.ComiDerclal Artuunetic, Business practice, Banking, com JBiaslon. Spelling. Short-Hand. Tvoe-Writinsf.. I . V JZ ... 1 For Catalogue, Terms, etc., address 10 4f Jtr.eHAIItMJiTiiBIT.r;;' jiJJ. . -1m YD I JUUUI 4MUt Wl 11 I'lVi on.nu, ;ravea a. . 2L ,Bitrior Cort-FallTrtnl, 1889. ' til PrsuBt jto the judgment In tie j .KbaenMUned aouon, th undersigned - i3 riftBiiini't Pablld Auction; at the Court ; vyHWseln Neberoort Monday the 81 Ujiff 'FbntarrM80ir at 18 dVslook:, a Taiidyi thai ceruin lot o land situ IW4rin the city of Ne'wbern. on the ; . ' .wjjBth'ieide f Pollock-4treeb; between T',Usi lot f . the National Bank tef New ; " iZfierme and the "Sttaly Bonding" and t ' running back, 107 feei slx inohes,, to- ' ' - Mthak mtM all' ttiajliiiiMinira and: 1m. t, prvementa Oh the ia'ld land, being the - r store,' -te.i"Breiof of ocoflpa by Terms of tale: Oasb.v:' ' II. DeW," SrBTfNSpS and .'. - ' A : ' f QM C;,CnABJt,'4 ;Xv.' : . '. uii'U . lit -v'h 'Hlir.i 1 ' v RraoD!?romftncrA?ali-for 13.00, Ui-4MUCU1U1C, uuv 10, 19, maLiaQ latest aclsieVerlients mm' of Alden B IdUraxy'Jx)dt pfi'hTRli'Waltei' -i, (. i- AuotS, Rob Rty coftihlete in 0 volumes, rii - HisiaU-o8t4WiMtbllltationa c.,'price3. ' .v,Ull-?T'TW'?',,wsv,'"'-,;- v h He e mdkrthiaa: M'47The Abboti ' 1 " J - ' - --rj !ottiK-lk)berVoParts, Brtdef Laoimermoor, . tj , tawMawotrenn, JfiiTBeBBtoue . - WpoAAftlM ,0 r,a : f ! Rireril of the Peak, ' . H flit (inwwfJTO'iiiiaW' .; v hllJ&rtuiieW'illigelJ J. Bob Boy.' . -, ' " :Aeaaof Oeierstek I Old Hortalit OldMnrtalit.-,- 1 rOiHMtlnDurward. . " iThe Monastary, ' SiinreonniDauKbter;1 The Pirate. JLt St n IhrBlack Bwarf . ,.3? i?-rt. ?; Bod 6nni MX .jitns' -na' :U! WFalww '.UG.V-! :Urf hWW1. 4yT V ' ttlMll.IracHtle wniffJrj6B8 .? i -.T V--,''.-ii' J I .; - ' 'sao,' (t (.-. fl ! -jS.S.O,tf vnoft ed'i -: .1' k 'i . H' r loVl L ' rj'ii. 0-7 OU o ti4 ' -(,,, 1 1 ' i or , 1 f ti -iVi l: DRUGGISTS.1 " l&dgttiern - y wtfl .mall 'BeecriamV VY. K. HAPI.Btt, President; iSH:n rMLTIMORC. MD, 8tatb op Nobth Cabolina, ) Superior county of Craven. ) Court, W. D. Rountree and others, trading as nountree Co.. , vs. William Foy. Spring Term. loB. of Craven County Superior Court, by consent of parties, I will sell at Public Auction to the Wgnest. Didder, for cash, at the Court Q A XT T , r I uuun uiiiju niw umiic, vrayeu w., 1 mm ,1. k'i . vf jn i?Au..-.w icon i at 18 oVlock. M.. the foilowine de- scribed" tracts of land, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the oounty of Jones, Stato. of North Iw ti-h. 2&&ZZL$1 road leading from the town of Beaufort to the village ''0! Trenton, containing about ooe -thousand acres, and known the SerenSprings tract of land. Also r1ght,.tleVd interest of the ii a,id. WOlUia Foy in and to a certain tiaet.w parcel of land situated in said &SSS!SSS& taJactaanvlUein Onslow county, and known as tbe Kavenswood PianUUon, whiobwaa oonveyed to said Wm. Foy bV John Pearoe. Sheriff of said Jones county, and more fully described in a oeea. irem said resree. Sheriff as aroreeaia;to tn i saw wm. toy, which uavHia rsuinrnttra in r.naa nmnii nr rnn Tii.aiatArAtna.H.rnr..M: Tn. Aleoi one other tract or parcel of land suuatea in saia jones county, on tne west jde of Island creek, adjoining the KeM child," Noah Jackson bum .wyiH .7 muihv; Plana' -'nfitatntn hp K.,n1ral ' . uuu.u more or leee-and fully described in a deed rem Owen Whitty to said Wm. Foy? (Alaps all the right, title and in - WM6 M lWmiJ,Joym?JnaT ,oa .V ii;" r; the south by White Oak river, on the ast by the public road leading to Tren- ton. and the part of the land of Richard OWfleW. deo'd, assigned to his widow, AwL-.aUlaV.-MAf-l.il h (hA lonrtai fAPIMAV llTiiTr r 'trl-.-I II cr" .'. V.Uru V, v. if, UUHB1U, UU IlUt) WCOli by Mundine branch, belns part of the land formerly owned by Richard Old- field, deceased, containing one thou sand acres more or less, i This Jan. 1st, 1800. r"-HVV' . '; .- H. L GIBBS, .i-r-, . Comnrissioner; WOODWORK.roYsf AftAetlMEHftfi Mil i. ,-Sc(t6 "28 UNION SQUARE.NX lmS? CH!iaa. ,AT LANTA. G(. "L.IJClsal 8T.IBUISJIU. iiiji iihii ill 0AUA5.TEK. aujsnTWlaniiiUt HOME AND FARM, the Caadliig ag'rjculluBtl Journal of tho South and West - Made by Farmers for Farmers. rAs a record of successful agriculture, Hons fir Fakk bar no equal.' Every topic relating ro agriculture IS openly discussed in its columns by te fanners themselves. No expense is spared in aecarihg full account of every notable suc cess on the farm. It is distinctively the ' -, t . I : FARMERS' OWN PAPER, A record of their dailv life, presented in a form and language which make it plain, to all. .' ; ; ITS LI8T OP OONTR1BUTORB Contains the names of the most progressive farm-,' rs of tlie South aad West: "Thev do not treat 1 Tr roeoreiicai larming, put oi tne pctuai ponai-. ttoas Whicn caniront us to-uay : a. r. jonnson : Waldo P. Brown ; Henry Stewart s John M. Stahl? V P. Ford J Jeff. Welborn ; Hugh T. Brooks ; John VL Edimr Steele's Bavoii ; T. B. Baldwin and i host of others make this journal indispensable, woreoaef, a is equallyvj) .-. i-J "trr 0 "V t "4 :" Every subject of Interest to the home-maker V t I I liny ircaicu. .jniiry narsucni ibwv.kw7i mi )im, Mra. Daviesa, Mlie Cabell. Miss MosbyJ Alice Winston and a score of others will foutriK utc regularly . i - v - FAITH LATIKErf ' , Is In charge of our Children's Department, tni she has the peculiar faculty of: peing both iff T : I I teresung ana instructive, - . ,,"i:ri THE MYSTERY OF THE WTIOH frf fs a thrUHu story apbearinsf hi Hou AirB Fam, by Joha K. Maslck, and ia exciting wiu. attention. Short stories by distinguished writers appear rrom lime o lime. .. , f 7 , - : - -.U .BlU BW LETTERS, -K Atrpear In each iMtle, and Oils humoroUsphllosoj slu-r wks -never more interesting than at thW Jul' X 1S tiHIUUlAU ifaraaiaBtii ; j j .,.'(-, ri(M sr.ent'3 boldly and reariessiy is . i Minors' Rieht.'. .It favors a- ro It ...... ' - .I 1 in r-h;v!t of tlitfnrnier jbette) r. :, .-iiurtiift i..ierjl''ree Mail Delivery to thf fnrinrr ; C"""i ri'i ion smonir tlie fnrmers, and ilf aita is to"Ini ,t Inisis." Iismotiois "-- ', -' - -i rrm"if r,'-,i,.n Hll'zstUJItU' CW00DWORK.,toY( AftAe-HMEM fa 01 Sms-:- - :- -iwiil)Wii.li 'TEE OLD 1LUT8 8T3BY, NELLII BUXTON. Beaihd the dreary pr!ea walls, 'Mia faces pale and wan,. I saw a fiiure that was but Tha shadow of a man. His fery" eyes' were sunkeo iu , u "A lace all gaunt and searf He to my question made reply: r i was arinK tnat Droagut me Here." '"TU bui the same old tele." he said- ' " 1 "ABd many here can tell ' How they sacrificed their honor 'lo the drink they loved so well. I "I was honored, yes, and happy I t:o .u " 1- uiiuo a a oiuij uiwu 1UAU ) Till I tasted of the liquor 1 bat s so neeiy bought and sold. ' At first 'twas but the 'social glass,' Ana tuen out need l tell r Wtiv trace a drunkard's downward course? 'Tis known, alas, too well 1 "My wife and children? Yes, they're dead; 1 lost thsm, niss, throutrn drinunir. But now I'll stop; I'll talk no more, Km- talking sets me thinking " I turned and left him standing there, ills aged head bowed low; And thought how many lips could tell Just such a tale of woe How to ook a Husband. A good many nasDands are spoiled by mismanagement. Some women go about It as ii their huabanda were bladders, and blow them up. Others keep them constantly in hot water: others let them freeze. Some keep them in a stew. Others toast them. Some keep . them in a pickle all their lives. It cannot be supposed that any husband will be tender and good, managed in this way; but they are If pall v dAlicionn whpn nronnrlv J MT- rroafp1 In selecting your huBband you Mhould not be guided by the silvery appearance, as in buying mackerel; nor by the golden tint, as if you wanted salmon. Select him your- aelf. Do not go to the market for him, as the best are always brought to your door. it i8 far better to have none an- ;oa will Mtientl vlearrT how to Jml1 aS,??,! .5 cook. him. A preserving kettle -Of the finest porcelain is the best; bat pan"tw5rdn0.thiDgbat8nearthl!tt a' that tha iinen in which von i Mn .. . oauaA ' A I H, " .' , J " """tv MU I tended, with the reqaired number of buttons and Strings nicely sewed I on. Tie him in the kettle with a 8trong, silk, comfortable cord: or n tv string is iiKeiy to give s . - way (husbands are apt to fly out of tuo aeuiitj auu uo uurueu auu crusty on the edges, since, like crabs and lobsters, you have to cook them I alitTAl 1 "VCI. I ht i i j a i a a mr, bmjuv ure, auu practice neatness and cheerfulness, 1 Set him as neai agree with him. If he sputters and fizzes do not be anxious; some husbands do this till they are quite done. Add a little sugar in the form of what confectioners call kisses, but I ' no pepper or pepper or vinegar on any ao oount. A little spice improves I them, bat lb must be used with . . - i judgment. Do not stick any sharp- instru ment into, him to sea if be is: be- il r r. it, i. fAnAM Of i V. a m M.nflri watch the while, lest he lie too flat! and close to the kettle, and so be come useless. You cannot fail to I know when he is done. If thus treated, you will find him verv disestible. aerreeinff - nicelv with you and the children and he will keep as long a you; wane; tin lARn vnn hpfimn nnrAlAia.-anA , ant him in too cold a place. Selected. Waked TJp Effectually. A lethargio, dormant condition of the liver is hardly to be overcome with drastlo cathartics and nauseous chola- gogues. A gentler, pleasanter and far more eSeotive means exists of aronsing the organ when-somnolent, . This noBiettev ecomacn outers, voucnea tor by tne meaioai fraternity, tested oy the public f 6r many yean. A. resump tion by the biliary organ of its secretive tunotiop, wjtn tne activity attendant upon health, a return to regularity of tbe bowels, and a renewal of digestion, are the no leas hamrv and certain results of using the Bitters systematically. Its laxative effect is never .peinfni ana dtenching, iu tendency being rather to perpetuate regularity than to produce: a copious action. Malaria, nervousness, debility, kidney troubles and netgriTfcia iC-anhrlnaa efTAotnal .-w" . , lubduea effectually - - - - - - : (Manasrins Editor (in the offioe of ttfo TNewTi York Solar SvstemW jjmn i you empty ine wast oasaeis thitf mornlnft Jimmy umce-Doy awi ; ' Managing Editor Why not 1 Office-boy' Cause I heard de business manaeer say der wua goin' ter be eight more pages in. der ounaay paper. uosion;ximes. : i Th e V,er41et TBanlmowa. W. K, Bolt. Druggist. Bippns. Ind., tes tifies! can recommend, Electrloi Jtttefa i the 'very; best remedy. - Ever bottle sold has given relief In every ease; One man took six bottles and was eared of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing;.'' Abri hard. Hare, druggist, iBellvflOldd,u af firms; ','The best sellings medicine eyir handled in my 80 years' 'experience Is Electric Bitters."''' Thousand of others have added their testimony, so. that verdict is nnanimous that 1 . .Ic1 Bitters I aoctire su c -:"s or the J. it Kidneys orUlood.' UrJya half doV r ' bottle at It. Nt PuTt's wholesale aui'tu tail drug .store, i j- -1 r per c wrn, whole' I ) litoiMmGao. P. Pmoote, a highly cultlTated tiijder date at April SSS9: "During the tam- wr ot- iwr mr eyea oecsme wnameo. ana ' evea -. mi Unanacs and nve hoeeleaal; disordered. ;i oopeieawy I with me. I mouudc l ate acreea took ehroo- lo aiarrhoea, aud lor some time my me was despaired of by my family. The laaalnrphy . liciaixa K tliq:eiriutr wtr oouultei, hat to diarrhoea, ana tor some time nr iioincs atlnumaterad bf them nTer v any pen uiaacut road, and I lingered life AadUJeath, Bat latter seine pre- M the agonies I was enduring. In became dllgwteal with phy lirnsted with DhTai- elana and. weir medieineav I draDDed them all -said depended eolety on" Btrift's BpeciAo perinentljr, well well from then until now," It' Builds up Old People. Mr mother who is a Terr old ladr. was physically broken down. The nse of Swift's Speeifle is. S. S.).bat entirely restored her to health. B, Bv.DILWOKTH, GreenTUle, 8. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed tree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Qa. JBESt WMOJhv SrofKlrS rlNEOLORSlHAT .lTHtjSMUT frWASH OUT IorFade ONLY tAlfirolors WtftayDRUGGISTS . PEEBtBS sHMflf EB PAIBTS 8 Colon, PEKKLES8 1.ACNItBt BLUING. PEEKLEttt fiTK POWDKBS-5 Kinds 7 Colon. PKEBLK8S SHOK AND HARNESS DKHSSlNfl. JPKKKLtmWltt im-8 Colon. BARGAINS. The Stock ef General Hardware, Cut TL, " m ' i1. PfPer.Pa.at.OU, lery; Locks, Binees, Saws, Saddlery, shovels, Foes, Forks, Iron Pipe ulaiiW Iron, Steel, &c, &c, also . OuHivators, Farm Machinery, tt0n Gmi" &0 ' belonK'n8 'he businesflof Geo. Allen & Co.,-, w" he closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtl . ; Trustee. HUMPHREYS' Da. HunrHBrrs' SPIGOT cs aresdentiaoallyand mntf ullr nre nared nrasorlDtlons i used for man r prseorlptlons i used for many rears in nriTatepraoi'ice wiuiBuopBes,ana xor over tbirnveanaseu oy me people, every single spe eino Is a speolal cure for the disease named. These Specifics cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deedthe sovereign remedies of the World. taw or raaciPAL aog. coins. fbicks. i vera uongesnon, lnnammation . . . naa. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . ryiag Co H c, or Teetmng or inranta ilarrhea. of Children or Adults... lyseaterv. unping,iniious uouc. . helera Merbas, Vomiting eathst Cold. Broachltls earalita, Toothache, Faceache. . . . SMaeaeetBioatieauaone, verugo ysaeaala. Bilious utomacn. i Stomacn. Saaareaaedor Falalal renoas. aires. , too rcoxuse renous. . .ti Fever and A ge, emus, iiaiane. . . . Pllea, Blind or Bleeding Catarrh, Influenza, Cold In the Head IBSSIiagSBIIl IU1BUVUUIU. eaaral llmUlllv Physical Weakness Liaaer Mtim ervoasDebllitr viHrrWMkifl blNtv 1. ry Weakness, wettmg am.. ertkeuean,r 'aipuauuu j.. Bold by Drngvlsts, or sent postpaid on receipt- orpnoe, dm. mmmnr suhu&l, (ih pages; Hehly hound m eloth and gold, mailed free. Hansabreys' SledlolaeCe.lOS Fulton St. NY. SPECIFICS. ... .... ... i All or tne above medicines are rot I gale at the drug storeB of F. 8. Duffy island R. Berry. Middle street, New i tserne, K. V. aaaa aa atama a aiaaaaa - - - VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY .1 As asenta for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the follow lug described improved Real Estate In the ILTOfNenr Berne: No. J. WHARF .PROPERTY AT UNION POINT; includes the piece of land known as "THB IflL AS D. and the wharf or roadway leading thereto from East Front street, Also, waUrapaoe now being filled In. The The inn location is the best lrvthe city for all mann factoring purposes, while the largest pi aft visiting onr water have ample depth 1 Of tha water tor wading ana aniosaing at wharf. - to. S. TWO BOUBKB AND lOTH AT UNION POINT, occnp'ed as dwellings. No.4. THH IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON nRAVlCN HTRR1..T. -No. . BRIOK HTORBS AND DWEUJNO On CRAVEN bTRBET occupied by R.O. E. - A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the best termaupon whloh the same will be sold, will be furnished on application to tbe undersigned at their office tuooninrrontsiree, - - WATSON A BTREET, , deof d wtf j j Ins. and Real Estate igts. I; TillllBLBmCKLM SALE About FORTY ACRKS CLBARED LAND, situated within two mUe Mthe elty,snlt- aeie xor irnok raising. ,.A great bargain. I-.-.-.- --t jV a d the 11" 1 . 1 vuasPEBixnzil rami r r-rtifctitflu ft -Wat, rJoh-a a rsMthav aQMlutfiiy fjtii. sit.. t-n 1 ! '" fei ' IVv) fce at M fh' -nol S.OI1I. ' fc.rwrairoaiSltHeau , a 1 -"Wtfti sjsaU f C. R. Thomas. Jr., ATTOmNKY at law. Orrm: Craven street, cear Pollock street, two doors noi th o JocssaL office. Praetloes In Uiaren, Carteret, Jones, Una low and Pamlico oounUai, In the Supreme Court of the eUate. and in tne D 8. District and circuit Courts. October lth, d tf RODOLPH DUIFT. B. B. NIZOK. . Suffv & Nixon, ATTORNEY 8 AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. a Office over R. N. Daffy's drug store. Breach Office: Catharine Lake, One low county. apl9 dwly P. H. PELLETI ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONFY BKOKEft Craven St., two doors South of Journal offioe. A specialty made In negotiating small loans for short tltnu. Will practloe in the Conn tie ot Oraven, Car teret, Jonea, Onalow and Pamlico. United States Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the State. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. U. QUION Manly & Ouion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. aplO dwtt F, M. SIMMONS. H. L. Q1BBS Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotioe in the counties of Craven, Jonee, Onelow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courte. Offioe on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DENT1H1', hiwskbi. a. i iBoi cs Oravsi street, and Broad. netwMB Pnllook Brt-ldwf J, B. OBABTBKB. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in mm 1XD MACOISTS' supplies Builders of Enalnes. Bollara, Saw Bulla, Edging & Cut-off IKaehlaee, We are prepared to do Oaatlnga of all kinds With promptness, Particular and immediate attention given to repairs of aU kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any description of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for Q. A A. Bargamln's cele brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work dona by us. lyZl d2aw wly Commissioner's Sale. Rv virtue nr a Unlirment of the Supreme rnn r i. of i raven county, granted at the tail Term, W89, in tbe case 01 D. J. Broadhurst et a Is. vs. John White and others. I will sell at Publlo Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in N'W Berne, Craven coumy, Mortn Carolina, on Monday the 10th day of Feb ruary, A.D. lewl. at 1 weive o cioca, uouu, ii the properly both real and penonal de scribed lu the compKintfllnd lu tbisactlon. which property Is folly desorlbed in a cer tain mortgage from John White and wile to J- W. Taylor ani J. J. Baker, said mortgage la dulv recorded In Boot VI, Pages w.i, m, 486,188 and 487. Beoorla of Craven county, reference to which is hereby made. P H. PELLiETIEK, commissioner Jan. 8. 1890. utd J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. n. CUTLER, Vite Pres 6. 11. ROBERTS, Cashier. CO HE NATIONAL DANK OP NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 186S. n..:.i $100,000 86,700 J I m i -n o a BUrpiUS rroniS, - DIRECTORS, Jas A. Bbtan, Thomas Daniels, L. H. CTJTL1B, Chas. S. Bbtan, Oeobgb Allkn , . F. M. Simmons, Roberts. Q. H. Next! vonv. W. H SHEPARD and comne- t V'Tl i ,CV fnril art will tent assistants in the toneorial art will give you a Hair out for 20 cents. Shampoo 20 " 10 " of Shave Uaiton House Barber Shop New Berne, N. C. HO MORE EYE'GLRSSES WEAK EYES, WIIHaM W aknanannan .-j i -atna. - A Certain. Bare, aad Effactiv Remedy far ' iH ' ttt Sight otthtQId. Cures TeirOront, ertnnlsHont,StVi' ' ! Tomors, Red Eyes, Hattea tys iambs, in r. "tjo (mat laiuiini rcuum wi&i 0Jkl. I, ii. y lis utU to advaut-ire. BsMrya!! Trees. ts MS JCcets. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO ml The Steamer TAHOMA. i The followiog schedule U bow is operation: , Leave New Berne every Tuesday aad Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Returning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. All landings on Neuse and Bay rivers taken in both ways. For further information apply to - JNO. S..MAN1X, Agent , New Berne. Dee. 5, 1889. Steamer Iloncrd, ; Independent Steamboat Line. On aud after Mot day the 16th dav of September the steamer Howard will run the 1 1. lowing schedule: . For Treiituc every Monday and - Fri day at eight o'clock, and return oa Tuesdays and Saturdays. ' J. J. LASITTER. Maaager. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line bbtwibji New Bern. KasUr rth vara 11a Polnu, and R or folk, Baltlamera. Philadelphia. Raw York.BMto Ete. via EUaabatb Clx; fr.C THE STEAMEB8 Eaglet and Annie or this line will- ran on regular schedule time, leaving New Berne ever MONUaY, WEDNESDAY and FK1DAY for fcilrnDetb City, and return arriving on MONDAY, THLK8DAY and HATUHUAY. These steamers, in connection with the AUantlc A N. C. K. H.. Norfolk Bouthern K. K.. New York. Phlla. and Norfolk R. IL.and the Pennsylvania K. H , lorm a reliable and regular line offering superior laolllUM for quick tninnoruulou no trnnsiera except at jsaiaaoein Ulty, at which point rrelght will be loaded on ears ta go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastern Carolina Dispatch dally aa follows: Prom New York, by Penn. R. K.. Plai .1 -North River. from Philadelphia, by Phlla., W. A Baiw K. K., Dock Bt. station. From Baltimore by Phlla., WU. A Baltc. H. K,. President Bt. Htatlon. Prom Norfolk, by Norfolk Bouthern B.B, From Boston, by Merchants Miner. Trans Donation Co.; New York and New England Kates as low and time quicker t can by amy other line. W. H. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt. Trafho Anal, P. K. R.I. U n u.l Traffic Manager. GEO. ST El Ht 3, Division freight Ageat. P. W, 4 B. K l ., Phlla. a. B. OOOKK, General Freight Agent, N. T, P. & N. K. K., Norfolk.Va H.G. UUDUiNH, Ueneral Freight Agent 9 B. K. K., Norfolk Va. QFX). HENDERSON, Agent, feb'JOdw Newberne. N. O. OLD OOrilNlON Steamship Company.. SEMI-WEEKLY LINE. Ihe Old Dominion Steamship Coa pany'a Old and Faverlte Water Route, via Albamarle aad OheaapeakLe Osusal. fob Norfolk, Baltimore. Mew Vera. Phlla delphla, Boston, ProrMenea, and Waahlnffton City. And all points, North, East and West On And after MON DAY, ACQ. 6th. 1SWL until furtner notloe. toe . , Steamer MINTED, Capt Soti, AND ! I J: Steamer NEW BERNE, Capliritcrtt. W Ul sail fmm Morfolk. Va., lor New Berne ti Wsahlngton, HONiXAYo) and FWDAtH.i isnakln. oloaa ' connection with the Steamer e4 the n. i. it, b. jj.iO., tor a.inaUMk Troaton, and all other landings on the Neuaa, ami Trent Rivera. .,.,, .... . . Hetnrnlhg, will sail rrom NBWiBeUUIC for NOKFOLK direct, TUKbDAYS'aSMljFKl. ia io.li wj.lv t, m., (noon nectlon with the O. L. 8. B. CoJaablna lor New York, B. H. P. Oo-'i aeAmaV. for Baltimore, Clyde Line Snip ieWhUa delphla, A. A M. T, Oo.'a ships .for; ttDeAon andProvldenoe 'r.JST unr untiring enoru to piease onr pavena, and onr almost perfect servlew'iemhi Jai sen years, la the boat guarantee we sen all shippers as to wnat we.wU) -nO'tor in the future. .-'.TZi ofler all UiAm In I Order all goods ears of O.p; tfnVdot Bee folk. Va. i Passengers will find a good tebfe'AWfArt. able rooms, and every ooortery and-attM. tlon will be paid them by theoffloirs: K. B. ROBtaAaenl, MassBS. CULPEPPER 4 TtHHUSf"' Agents, NcfolayY W. &' STANFORD, , 1 n rrravo '"nil Vice-President. Hew TorVblty. IT The H. C. Frc 3 fsnvii'l MEaCHANTSIand SHIPPZL3, TAJEIlfOTlCJ . .i i- 1 r'HiumnV . - --'t On and after October IS, I8KT. this line WU icuuiB uicir regular. . i. , sEMi-wEEjaYinetrps . -Btrai' tl CIKT .m' I Baltimore, and ffiMk& ' Leaving BaUUnoraifDiewBern - Leaving New Bern ior aiHr?WK " DAr. B Ai'U RDAlji lai oUt P. It. -v This is tne only piRkCT line out of Raw Berne for Bait (more without chanve, and. oa tnelr retom trip fjofatoltimorac-WMS ' " nectlng then tot boston. lTovlrli.Aj, Khii delphUt, Rlolrnuond, smd aU WdlhtflS. in. v - aasi and West. MakiDg -cuoaa ounneu.iML. ; 1 fora .1 points t? Riyer 'anff rll ''out OfNew Hern. v v ;v S J - S a T T Aatnisajeaafollows!,. ;, asuRivN r WdTMit.'Gen'lliataatVr, , " . Piovidenee tUtortAfK''"'"' '' . toThroOgB bills lading given, and ri , ,-r-antaed to all polnta at -toe dUJwen f ol aToVP- BRHAKAQG Or tVIX AS ' 4 SIMF VIA N.'C LINK. ' 1 .8, H. GRAY, "'. 11 htm I '.

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