v'ts'Vl n - A Fr' OLD ST ALL :32i25 CHrJmRER? BOX. d y t y TT03.BEECniIL'E -Tcn r.nm: states, fee t sc car jli, st4 iwnr yobs, ; WlJJxatoeincit Y&Jritftt: mail Beectam's ' : ; Pills on receipt of price M (hHWifitl (Please mention this paber.) , receipt price-f;Vs; (Pleai -' ' - ' -i 'it .ii'..V ' V' r""0',lfe' at B.. N. Duffy's Draff Store; New Berne, N. O.I WattejgywrfcffcttjJej the . Ol !SpV ' TRI.nwft H VTUDY AT - tni rna rrvimt a. rtbatt-im .."!) BALTIMORE: MD.v ' Embrace tkoroorb inn, renmansnip.uwretponaeoce, commercial mw, Kapia nuinetsi.aicuiations,coininerciai Arithmetic, Business Practice. Banking, Com mission, spelling, For Catalogue, Terms, etc, address. ta N. CHARLca rrnitT, Vt. VlLUiBLE : PROPERTY FQR SALE. i.ATAX'" 0 jrohTB1 OfBCLIsACraven oijA '."-j, ' w County. v- .. Jiurio, CourlFali term, 1889. . ' ! 'aill. aiu.j 4- r " VSSTtf"?' ' I V -wJlmUhnk A ka 4.s4.mss.r IW rl . : ;A.it)oyr'iftmed tolibn, the OQdrfgMtj .?r : ) f' . up a ' a1 .1 a in newnern, on, uonasy tne n j February, 1890, a 13 oclook, . that certain lot o(,laod sitn - tAii" in the. nitv " of Nnwhnrn. nn tha -i'mldJai lot of, the National Bank pf ef lii -V, fras and tha"V8tanly Building,?' and - rmnnlng back lffl-feetjlxJnches, to- Catttar with, all tb buildings and 1m r proTemsnts on th said land, being thslto tne-ninga pf Trenton, containing ,son' atci'stierfctofor 1 oocuDied by I about ooe! thousand acres, and known OmK$ABmtt Ooi'."!- ; - ji xeraae saie (jasri. - -, UJ Emw. 6TKTBRB05 ana J vfcOHaB.OiGtABK,!- Commissionerf, X4 - ' x ! f tt-S P'jujawa' I ill' I 0TsQOlT l 7fi V!W ?f jMltl"rTI -' I ' 0l.9.WftTaA'T&l1i!Alifl Mlo.u.vaL.L- xhir-ii . -.t.. k, , VV.Wfp"CI,D ,uyrvv? U4 .. , t ttreMi' Old lteit!iC3CaWlJJ r,Tyne 1 ? . mvQPg TOUiUUOt?riftS)tuaJi(U- syo.uu, f - V iT T'L'i ,v' i. ' ' ii-jj tOftfi)t;ti? latest achievements Vi ihfp-ATrton'a TfjmiMWdnTtaMilto booaded u follows, to wit: on . , . 'inr"vV k p r.ii.iVmnUtoinftniim,. . i "jMMU0ctT(ifiu4JiJiuaujiei.,prioeo. S LVI 'fcOlrt t.fToU.i40 niitrtlons. ; uiuuftiuwui av uiuhuwmjsj vbiurKoviH 'fJ-ytmt of fchdlrthlaO iiTiiB'Aiiiot;'." Bride Qt Lamrhermoer, 9 . ' " . 1 Poriui ma, i rffNAjVj Trie uevoinedt- -PeVeril othe Peak, S. Boh Roy, v. . ? Id Mortality, be Jlonasterr, TiieltratA. TbeBlavk Dwarf. fcWaverley, " ' p auy'RIannering, KeuKworth, , Ivauhoe. , i WeddatoeJr ' " ,f1f or?riirKlMLM;' 1 s" S inw OcfcjBiteJl, . -.nw-Qiienttfrtplirwanr. v -Mdurgcon's Dauvliter. fT lerendt( lfontmee, 7 ,;: Die Talisman, ,i Vhe AnUcruary, ti SL Bonaa'a Weh. "f Scptti vVVayerJey' JNoyeis .19 "'iiearly identical with' too Pop 1 ' Ut LiVirrirv Eilitioncf the ' " j i7 r 1 : lyAppletoir at $1Q.00 fo'ttho set - iuo paper. ueinir; ;l uiiw, v' llerhter- inweip;utTand a little ,V cneaper in qqaiuy, uus ", f.;verv aatjsfactory.:-. ' - mow OAATI v-y '414V MVVA WW ayvVM aww - - . o ' , - ' - ,,M"u- y 'V - alii r v1l.''.i"VS M.' ' t J J Of 'A . ,i . . i ... .i n - 1- J r: r -a . :-! ., . J ' i f A' 1JGW "Bisoriered Uver. - DTIUGGISTS. paper.) -nrectssloris an full and the ige demands It" instruction in Book-Keep- snort - Hand, Type-Writing-. TV. H. MAWjKB, President, ALTIMORC. MO. Stath or North Carolina, ) Superior Uounty of Craven. Court. W. D. Rountree and others, trading as I Rountree & Co.. .. - ' By virtue of a judgment rendered at Bprlog Term, 18S8, of Craven County Superior Court, by -consent of parties, I f will ttfill .f. P.iKlix AiiAriAii ia Kn I bigbest bidder, for cash, at the Court I . S .WMf . . ' a ion ue mi uonaay in r eoruary, iou, 1st 18' o'clock, M., tbo following de- 1 soribed tracts of land, to wit: All. that I certain Maot or narcel of land sitnated Carolina; on the south side of Trent river aud on the west side of Reedy braneh.'onthe i north side of the public road leading from the town of Beaufort las the Seven Springs tract of land. Also ia-ine rigni;, uue ana interest or tne Maid William Foy in and to a certain .tract or parcel of land situated in said county, of .Jones, on both sides of the public road leading from Follooksville to Jacksonville in Onalow county, and known as the Bavenswodd Plantation, which was conveyed to said Wm. Foy by John Pearoe, Sheriff of said Jones county, and more fully described in the deed from said Fearce, Sheriff as aforesaid, to the said Wm. Foy, whioh deed la recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Jones county. Also, one other tract or parcel of land i situated in said Jones county, on the west side of Island creek, ad joining the lianas oi tne cniiaTen or woan jacsson ..', ... J- XT "L. T.U I and. known ss the "Owen Whitty deed from Owen Whitty to said Wm. Uersst of the said Wm. Foy in and to a ftract f !lnd situated in said Jones thsonth byWI White Oak river, on the east by the publio road leading to Tren I Oldfleld, dec d, assigned to his widow. un.p iuo uurtu ur iun lauuo luxuivnj ion ine norin oy ine lai owned bv J. W. Howard, on the west by Mubdine branch, beinar'partof the land formerly owned by.Klcnard uid field, " deceased, containing one thou sand acres rrore or less. This Jan. 1st, 1800. H. L GIBBS, Commissioner. :Hil'ATt.aNTA.OA4'2!?,st' r-ioun T'4-BAM.ft5.TEX. w AGENT-WANTED. y . . bt at aM b fl I r -i f n't fcOylSVii.l.Bt ivy.. - iiUlaalails, Lssdlntf AirlciiHural Journal of tho South and West S Made by Farmers for. Farmers. Aa a record of successful', sericulture, Home lm VAhia. ns no eaual. Everv tonic reiaunar a airrlcultare is otfchfy discussed id IU columns by Uc farxnersthenuelveay t?o expense is spared in- securing; a lull accounx oi every notaoie cess btt the farnx. 4t is distinctively the J sue- Aujt IF'ARMERS OWN PAPER, A record xf their dany rtft, -presented iff a form indUnguag which make it plain to alL - ; US-' 4T84J8T:OrtClOllTfll8UTOR8 " , Contains the aamesof the most progressive rarm i r. r h -nnhthBnrf xVMf." The do not treat of theoretical farming, but of uthe actual , eondi- tkml Which confront usttiay l . Ki U.IM W TtfWwn Hrnrv Stewart j lonn K. P. Ford; JenVWelborn tftiigh t. tijocto i John Ki a,agir-T)ieepe'a twyon y i p. jmuimu irostt otnera nun xnis joarnat uiuupuiaaw.. Uoroste, it Is saually : t- ' . ''': V:... p'A HOME M AUAZI N rii . -. p ftvetr fubjet lirairnJ'Mr Daviess, MiM'Csbeil, Miss Mosby' ,s 1 ice xvinatotf and a score ot others will contxlD. I Is m chareeafiour qinflren'S DtpSrttnenx, a at i she. Bus tlie peculiar iacuy w .woug w. L.ruiipifr and uifttrufltivek' tA.a s' rx jm rnxm of the xatioh:?: H !i a thrUliii story aprnif,te Xmn Ar tABM, by Julia K. Huskkarto excUingrwid atiention, ' Short stories by distinguished writers appear from time to tints.':' -V' r .'i v ;4 t v . -i .wiBia wr'ixrtmfl.s if in each lssue:, and t'hU umoro"PAllf!?; p. na ni-vVr more iuterestinsr than. St tht ni I rac it a n a j v it anb Pakm speaks boldly and fearlessly ts br.iif of ,'F.'rn.eiv,Rlflhts(t favors a re v , , i 'l.e.tarilTin behatf rft,hfaeT'i'V , . . r the-farmer ; Pree Mail DeUvery tothf 1 fo-oiin -ation' among the farmers, ana t.f fcui iti Bust Trusts." JU motto is t'; . rlr Trsds sad rsnssrr .l"lB"' THE JOUBN i' I . iifi 1 know the sun shines and the lilacs' ar3 - . AOJ summer sends. Kisses by PCaxtttfaiJ'pnderdateof April t2,'89: "During thaiuin i " 'JJay -:, ' : 1 roar of- 1887 mf eyes became inflamed, and Oh t to see all the. ti-eannres the tprf tig is And think my boy 'Willie nlUtd'ic- 1 smiled on my boy, iiiough my heart it aeemea breaking, . My eyes filled ith tears, to I turned them away;. And auswered hiinVWIUie, 'tk well yon are waking Go, do as your father would bid yon to-day." I tball ait in the window when summer is lying Out over the fields, and the honey bees' ham Lulls the rode at the porch from her tremulous sighing; And watch for the face of my darling to come. And if ho should fall, his young life will be given For freedom's sweet sake; and for me I will pray Once more with ray husband and children in heaven. To 'meet the dear boy that enlisted to day. Poem of the War. Young Men's Christian Association. To the Young Men of North Caro Una Who Love the Lord Jesus Christ: Dear Brethren The four teenth annual Convention of the Young Men's Christian Association of North Carolina will meet in this city, God willing, on Thursday, March I3tb, and bold Us session for the ensuing three days. And now, to the end that oar work may receive a mighty impetus cbrou'goat the State, and that God's kingdom may be strenghened and prospered, we do urge you that all who can do so will leave their busi ness at this time and come together in great numbers to consult about God's work. ' Let every Association be repre sented from the first session by atllery, Locks, Hinnes, Saws, Saddlery, least one member by a dozen if possible. Let XOUng Men's i'rayer Meetings in places where no Aeso-l ciation is organized Send represen- tatives to learn new ways of useiolDess. Let pastors in villages send their young men to receive anew an inspiration for service. Let young men from every place, from the ocean to the mountains, who would learn better how to serve our King, come and join ns. Let the ministers of every church and creed come to receive anew the baptism of the Holy Spirit. And let us not forget to pray earnestly ana constantly ior uou'B .:.L..i. Li. ill r Ll I l ri T J." i nuucoL uiessiugH upuu ima xjuuveu- tion; that numbers of young men may be enabled to attend: that officers and speakers may receive power from on high; that the deliberations may be prayerful and the decisions wise: that the dele gates may receive a powerful evidence of God's love and carry back to their homes an increased zeal for souls and renewed conse cration for service; and above all, that a gracious revival may come upon our own city to the saving ot the souls of many of our yonng men. Reduced rates will be given otf all railroads...; Entertainment will be freely and - gladly .offered to all who come. Oar hearts and homes stand open to receive and welcome yon. Let those who hope to attend forward us their names as Soon as may be possible. - ' Yours in tne name of our King, T. R;-Robinson, Prest. T. C. Diggs, Gen. Sec. Goldsboro, 0., January 1890. State papers please copy. The Verdict Unanimous. ' W, I. fiult, DruggjBt, Bippns, Ind., tes tifies: "I can recommend. Electric Bitten as the very best remedy. Every, bottle ..in., r 'J aoiu Dis iriven reiiei in evervcaae. uue man took aix bottles; and wag cured of Rheumatism of 10 Tears' standing." Abra - bam Hare, druggist. BellTllle, Ohio, af- firms: "The best selling medicine I ever httnHlsaH In'1 mw'Qft "wosa t' avv van v san ukwwww i a Akk s jw,. v vwu w VAuvaawwww "' iuuuouiuo .upi have added their testimony, so that the nrdlct la nnanlmnna that KleetTiA Bitten docreaUdlseot the laverKldneys or Biuou. ' vpuij usua uuiiu wiue R. N. Duffy "8 wholesale and retail druglding thereto from jEast Front, street sale. ; i W.ii .;.v .'tTi't Aa ; author who was severer? - , . -. MThan wrifn in U Anlrl'S hla friend. ' ' ?. ' 'i . ' . f .;' i""' . . BlSChVERY ASD TRAILS L'ETKSO . i. A adnltanited ImUatmns which miss In spits of sdnjtorated Imltafaons whkh mlis the araDrMentatlons br envious wou Id-be Z.Z,tM,r. and in spite of ' 'bum sttnnota to rob" bins MmDutitan. anomnpueot." Di.iiniuixpi.pip u. SSYhsfroWnuiliuCall of which om.w.Uhe rol. L.,lMtt'.Art of New Fursotl'iie Is iwm4 Ifkdiv in botn Hemmniierpis u mrHi,i an ). Memory Oulture. Hit Pro.pui(piii ,-trils onlnionsof people In all parte of the uh . who havei eorn,ttiotidiioR, ihowins hut hit ByBtero it utdoniy wie afterward: thatnv -poo flan be. tntrnrd in nitwit pttf,,inAt in aha ap r . & In. npvnwlnaa I fio. , wiviuiosu h "uo u vugn i4iguiui UNION POINT, ocann'ed asd told,,Mfriend.thattlCH write aown tne review; i no. a brick htorb I'-, i- ,i '." ' ' ',a '.-.''': '-'A. .1 - v PiKTOMBOltr. I .M i.1 . ' 1 .......-, ppp.,i.-.( I,.- . . r-lupp-nu ki Su. Beecham's Pilto eatw fciiroru and aer 1 8 ' "j." TOUSlllP. '-. ',.,'-.- . .'::'AeWeJse, .AUirm U.S t .V. w laar stomach and Dvar honelenal dianrdered- JipotbiBg ale agreed, with sne I took ehron . m diarrhoea, And tor some; urn .or Kfe was "despaired ottj my farhUy. lha leaalagphy. j-ssdaaa of the eoaatrr were eonsoUed, bnt y(be mediolnea admrmatewd oy them never did me any permanent, aved, and I tingereb! 1 between life and feattvtne latter being pre ferable to the agonsea was enduring. In Kay, 1888, 1 became disgusted with physi cians and tbelr mediemea. -1 dropped them - all and depended solely on Swift's Specific (S. 8. 8.1 a few bottle ot which made me pexmently well well from then until now." It Builds up Old People. Vy mother who is a very old lady, was r orocen aown. xoe use or i wlrt's Bpeciae (i health. 8. 8.) s entirely restored her to B. B. DILWOBTH, Greenville, 8. C. Treatise on Blood and 8Un Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC Cp., Atlanta, Ga. F0& flLJIfv mm MNEgLORSTrtAT lorsTHat MUT Wash out orFade ONI LY ess EE) OLDBYDRUGGISTS PEraiiE BB0IT2B PAINTS-6 Colors, PEKRLESH LAITMDRV RI.ITINA. rSKBLESS IVK POWBKBS-5 Klsds 7 Colors. PEEBLBS8 SHOE AND HARNESS DRESSING. PEERLESS Ktifl BYES 8 Colors. GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, Cut- Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Foes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittines. Iron. Steel. &c. &c, also Hows, Cultivators; Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &c, belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co., will be closed ont during the next few weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allon & Co., by either note or account, are noti fied that payment must bo made at an Uariv iv Indulgence cannot be ibiyiu L. 8. WOOD, Trustoe. augl dwtf HUMPHREYS' ' tjk. Hchphksts' Spttcmca aresclentlricallrand earefully prepared prescriptions i used for many years In private practice with success, and for over thlrtyyearsusedby the people. Every single Spe- cino is a special cure ior tne aisease namea. These Specifics cure without dragging, pars ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and leed the sovereign remedics-ol the World. usTovrancTPii.R08. cubes. nucss. 1 Fevers, congestion, innammation... vnrma. worm Fever, worm folic . rying Cellc, or Teething of Infants ln.vi.hAa. of Children or Adults Dysentery, Griping, BlUousOullc.... Chelent Morboe, Vomiting Co a she, Cold. Bronchitis Nearalgla, Toothache, Faceache . . . Headaches, BlokBeadache, Vertigo flysitepsTa. BUlous Stomach ne appreasesor raiarni rerioas. aites, too rroxuse renoas. . rone. Cough, pifncult Breatmng. .. alt Kheaas, Erysipelas, Eruptions. nenmsitiSBa. xtueumauu raws. . itfaaa. t ever and Asa e chuis, naiana II . a. Tnfnd at RlAAdlnff.. atnrrh. Influenza, Cold In the Head PheesTaf Ceach. Violent Coughs, eneral Pebllltv.PhyBlcal Weakness jieeoi erveas Debility rvtnw WMkaMi. WAttlnir Bed. . liaenaes ef thetleart.Palplutlonl.. : Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. DbTmuiiphhits' sUitoal, (144 pages) npuiy nonna m oiotn ana goia, mauea iree. Haasphrey'MedlclneCe.KS Fulton St. N Y. SPKCI Fl CS. All of the above medicines are for ale at the drug stores of F. 8. DufTy andR. Berry. Middle street. New Berne. N. C. i . . I VALUAdLC uITY rKUrEHl Y 1 .. . , - - . ?mOK HalG. 9 I . a 1 . ns a m - - m , aan and acoommodallng terms tne ioliow- tug d ecebed improved Real Estate in the City Of New Berne:' TH si -ina ibiiaiiii." apo tne wnari or roaawav I faeturlna pnrposes, while the largest matt vlaltlng onr waters have ample depth I wharf. waiter xur wawiuig sua unionawg at the TWO HOU8K8 AND LOTS A1 welling WAKKHOU8E tng AND DWELL! ONORAVBH STRBBX ooonpied by R. O. i I A?u'tt description of this valuable proper- ,s I far, together with the best terms noon which the same will be sold. wUi be famished I appUeatlon to the nnderslgned at tbelr offloe t nooum roni itreex - or a nanv m. wfd u u-. - deed dwtf Ink and Real Estate Acts, ; mum teuck lab m sale A DOns SVJ RTx A DREb OLEARE1) LAVUl situated within two miles of the olty. suit. aoie ior track raising, r A great bargain, . r ,,, - Apply so -. - w. I w,ia , Real Est, Agents. I M 1 r rlf "TnrrHTTTWOsISWHOOBI ml and fciLVOVB DKBILITYf , as BrvvSi naUM uM ts..iaitAi.s.B.r, PROFESSIONAL. C. E. Thomas, Jr., ATTOkNJBT at law. Orricx: Craven street, tssr Polioch street, two doors noun, of JorasaL office. Practices In U aveu. Carteret. Jones. Ons low and lamlloo eooDtie, In the Supreme . xwirt of the Mate, and In the TJ 8. District ana , lroalt Coarta. - October lsth , lfest). d tf EODOLPH DOT FT. B. B. NHO. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEV8 AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. 0. Office over R. N. Duffy's drag store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl dwly P. H. PELLETLEE, ATTOBNET AT LAW, AND MONP Y BROKER. Craven St.. two doors South of Journal office. A sDMlaltv made In neKOUaang small loana for snort iimx. Win riraetloe in the Con titles ot Craven, Car teret, Jones, Onslow and Pamlico. United (States coun at new ueme, nu Supreme Court of the tttate. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. QCIOPI Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy 6t Co.'s bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and nrlinininir counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf F. U. SIMMONS. H umno- Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Famlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the jfeaerai Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal offloe. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. OLAKK DENTIH'J, Hawnxauia. a. c ;mo sa Craven street. betwewn I'ollou aar7-ldi and Broad. J. H. CRABTRXK. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H CEABTREE & CO WVM " w ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGIKES AHD MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Engines. Boilers, Saw Kills. Edging At Cut-off Machines, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds with promptness. Particular and Immediate attention given to repalis of all kinds. We Will be slad to irlve plans and estimates for any desoiipuon oi macninery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer- loan Saw. Also for O. A A. Bargamln s oeie- brated Indestructible Mloa valves. We give satisfactory guarantee for all wors done bv ns. lr!Q dw wly Commissioner's Sale. H,r virtu, nf a indorment of the Supreme Court of i raven conntv. u ran led at the bail Term, 1889, In the cabe oi D. J. Broftdhnrst et als. vs. John White and others, I will sell at Public Auction, for cash, at tne uouri nouse door In N w Berne, Craven County, .ortn Carolina. on Monday the loin oay oi reu ruary, A.D. 18WI at Twelve o'clock, noon, all the property both real and personal de scribed in the omplnint flld In this action. which property is fnliy descrioea in a cer tain mortgage from John White and wlie to J-W. Tayloranrt J. J. Baker, said mortgage la dulv recorded in Book si. ragos u, 15, 480 and Becorls of Craven connty, reference to which Is hereby made. P H. PEL.UKTIKK, uommifsioiier Jan. 8, 1800. "to J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. H. CUTLER, Viee Prea 6. H. ROBERTS, Cahitr. THE NATIONAL BANK 0P NEW BEENE, N. C. Incorpobated 1865. n . Cinn fiflft 'r,A oowaa Surulus Profits, - 80.70U 1 DIKECTUKS. Jas A. Bryan, Thomas Daniels L. H. Cctlir. Chas 8. Bbtan Okobob Allbn, F. M Simmons, O. H. Roberts. Prof. W. H 8HEPARD and compe- ive you a 20 cents. Shampoo.. 20 " 10 " of shave Gaston Houc Baber Shop New Berne, N. C. I rin MODE cvc.r.i kcccc E. I ' I1U IllUllla' i.1 lm UkraWWaaW on I I MITCHELL'S I AOwtaIn.randKtrwvellemsdyfti SC:.E, WEAK, & IaFLA!:.ED EYES, Producing UngJghHdtitu, $ Ruhr - kff th9 Sight pftht Old. Cores Tear Dropf. Grtnnlatlene, Styt '" Tumors, Red Eyeay Matted Eye Lathes, lis rtoocrjia (tjick um in mwnn cob. . Also, equally efficacious whan sed Is ether maladies, such as Ulcere, Fever Barest Tamers. Halt Uneasa, Brnvj,,"?V SS Wherever lnflammallon exiflts, Sli i'CMOliXB . AXr'ja may be need toad vantage. v .U field by all Drasslsis as 8ft Cents. - STEAMERS, NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LL1E. The eteamer TAHOMA, The following schedule ie now la operation: -..-!-.'; Leave New Berne every Tuesday a4 Fridsy morning at 7 o'clock. ; Returning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. " ' . All landings on Neuse and Bay riven taken in both ways. , For further information apply to JNO. a MANIX, Agent New Berne. Deo 5, 1889. t - Steamer llomrd, ; Independent Steamboat Linvr On and after Mocday the 18th da? of September the steamer Bo ward will ruu the following schedule:- -For Tri i"x every Monday and Frl day &t eibi.L o'clock, and return on ' Tuesdays and Saturdays, J. J. LASITTES. Uanaghr. EASTERN CAROLINA OlSPATCtl The Fast Freight Line irnii -f New Berne, Kastai rtk . . arella Poinu, and Rorfolh, Baltl snare. Philadelphia. New 1 erk. Beats n, ' Eta .-via Kllsabetb Cltj, X. a THE STEAMER? - Eaglet and Annie of this line win run on regular toned ule time. leaving Sew Berne every MONDAY. WKBNESDA 'AT' and K ul DAY for hlliftcetb Olty and return arriving on MOMJAV, TUUrUJDAI and sATUHUAY. These stvamera. in connection with ths AUantlc t N. C. K. H.. Norfolk Honthern ML U., New York, Fhlla. and Norfolk R. K.and the Pennsylvania K. K.. form a reliable aad regular line offerlut; superior facilities (of quick tranxioruttlon no transfers except at cusaoetn OHy,el which point f relght v 111 be foaded on enra 1st go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Eastei Carolina D is pa ton daily aa follows; Krom New York, by Penn. B. K.. Pint 9 North River. Tom f hlladelphla. bv Phlla.. W.ABalM It. K.. Dock hi. rttatlou. From Bal'ltnore by Fhlla., Wll. t BalU , K U,. President Ht. Utatlon. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Bonthern R, B. '' From Boston, by Merchants A Minora Trans poruuion uo.; New x ork and New Bnglanll Kates as low and time anlokertuan hrait other line. ; W. H. JOYCE (Gen. Fgt. Trafflo Agent, P. K. K.I. U n .l Trafflo Manager. GEO. ST EI nb 8, Division fc relkht AcenL. P. W. A B. h 1 ..Phlla. ' B. B. (JOOKF, General Freight Agent, H. Y. P. A N. K. H., Norfolk.Va- a. C. 11UDGIM8, General Frelkht AcanL B H. K. H., Norfolk Va. GKO. aKNDERSON, Agent, Newberne. S. 0. - feb20 dw OLD Doninioti Steamship Company. SEMI WEEKLY LINE. rhe Old Dominion Bteamshlw Cea pany's Old and Favorite Water Route, Tin Albemarle a4 Oheaapeake Casud. Norfolk, Baltimore. New York, Phlla delphla, Boston. Provtdenee, and Washington City. And all points, North, East and 'West On .--nil after MONDAY. AUG. 6th. 1SH. until furtner notice, tne Steamer MiNTEQ. Capt, SflaU, ASD ' uteaiiiEr EWBiRNil, Capt liMeti. W1U sail from . .Norfolk Va.. tor New fiaroo vi, Washington, JifANDAYa auu jxuiA,SHii 3lue oouneouon With the tUeamef of lha v. a. . w., puu.Hm i Arsnwa, and all other landings on the Neuea f tfi Trent Rivera. , Retnmlng, will sail from NEW afCBJTk for NORr t OLK direct, TUKbDAYH land "HJ. DAYautTWKLVE, M., (noouj.j necuon wun the u. V. 8. . n., tin. aMn In Mab. V...W r II tWZwi"m'T - for Baltimore, Clyde Line tpw WrPbl delphla, M a M. T, Co.'s ahtna"triVTkn.i iu x-ruviuence - , Onr untirlnit efforts to oiea' M,SlsV and onr almost perfect aerVloe1fUrne peet - . m idjv ueai, giiBiapiewjajB usei I i tter all shippers aa to wni, we.WflaT4 tot them In the future. ' - Order all goods care of O.D. KVOfJllV folk. Va. '. i:waw. Passengers will Ond aaoed tahla. mnlM. able rooms, and every aonrtosrait4:-sAtssv ' tion will be paid them by MffltrsraT 4 E. B, BOBtsttni Agent. ' MassBS. CULPEPPER otTtrtiitaBHi-r ' Agents. .0stik----' . II- STANFORD, t, Vlce-PresldentvNY' The fl. G. Ft 3 UESCHAKTSBanl gggPtLpi'A 1 Jfflul n'vj'irr i On and after ouber 16, ISCS, this Has Wll resume their regular 8EMI-WEEKLY jCBtt'' Bwrvntiut Baltimore and 'WVBernijf Leaving Balbmor foi wiiiiBnetf Leaving New lierne lor BWHmW rjEk. miS IS tne Only 111 Hi. JT.llap.nnl' a Berne ior Baltimore' without ehanae. and on tnelr return u lp from Baltimore wms UireZ to Mew Befne.ntoDnHiwiwitrm BAt.il, iHXMiug men ior- Bustod, PrOvlder.de. Phllna delphla, KWhWunoi. and all nolata Nona, tors .1 point! ov. Beriv . i , ' Aseusar9':asfttliawk 14 RKOIihiN r OdXER, Uen'l Uanam... w MOvARRICKr-Agt Dorioik, Va. -US?1! I-. Cp Pb,lpb4tv 'oaiu aZ w.'W'rf-stX'',IU,"",,' ' ' pltstnvairu.4X woM-wii.lu-JJ;T, i on. Boswr.lR'naMfMV''v, ft. H. f ik'apu in-StJaitV"tf'" ' tWliOIdaiiyf,TfxkV7 ..fs-sai wdtirtyr"'r y t D jwwi weaiMMayrs r Tay l.daya,rurdaye.'.vi'--- tf uYiuenoo.-oaturriaya. v 7 Through bills .lading f lven,AiwiitB. anteed toaU points at the diuu ot AV0IP BlUadiU0BOleLK lie - ; f SHIP VIA .iC LINK. . H. GRAT.Agenl. ;'Ife j'i'-.'i.i'i. ,-vV"' ,w ne,if. 0 '.

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