it , t lit -pV" J- : to . ..- .. i ?t; i'stf C3 1- i ;i t 2 Q . Pi M h CO tv - V. C7 t EB59 m 13 k " A' V . I. " v . 1- - CO o CO CO (3 LU SHERIFF'S SALE. H0niMlOotird Y. The Pamlico Lnmlier Co. KxeeaUon. . Pargnmt to n execution In my handB, !' tunitd from the Puperior Court of Beaufort onaty, "December 12th, 1889. in favor of Mmuel Conard vs. The Pamlico Lumber I iiA Ca I will Mil at Public Auotlon, at the , ' OourtHoueedoorln the City of New Berne, on MONDAT, the Br A Day of Febra , , ary, 1890. at Twelre o'eloei, M.,thefol ' - lowlaf described propertf or bo much j.',-.; thereof ai mar be necessary to satisfy aald ' j ' ezeoiiUon, to wit: 1V AU the lands and standlns; timber thereon conveyed to the Pamlloo Lumber Oo. by , a.-, Jbo. U, Purify and wife Clarissa I., by deed - f dated January 19 th. 1889, and reoorded In ' i Craven Uo , Book 101, Pages Ml, 866 and 38. , .-s.. te which reference is had for more partlcu ar lac description. yiH. All the lands and standing timber thereon ' In-i conveyed to the Pamlloo Lumber Co, by H B. Oat on and wife Arnesla, by deed dated - !.' March 19th. 1889, an I recorded In Craven ' Ot, Book 103, Pages 15 and IB. to which refer eaoe Is had tor more particular description. . ' deeffl &&)A W. B. LANE. Hherlff. raw 1 ? aht nr my weekly paper l .AeUaUs asparthatletii '' , m Safely take Into my family 1 v Aaperwnlsh represents High Ideals . . . -. And Sound Prlnclplts . llielateitroreli agn Few. Latest Political News - i" The ,i ' SeUsbleVaAet Reporti, , ur r Sellable quotations of Farm Prod uct, . LlTSBtookJUrkoU, Financial ft Commercial SiSitBd seasonable Editorial! Ua fgUUcal, Social, and Horal Qnestlona of the best Editorial Tork and other dally and weekly papen me know What they think of matters tna and Garden Article Written by Practical lien. n of the Borne tlf e of ivt ajtrAsaerTcan veople, and of their t WA1W " LU thouchti, and ciperlenccs. ' 1, v 4 flsssant mral stories for the Touns People, . Skat the children may look tor the paper ItyUpp As they do for a friend. - v . Vac we, too, like our hourj of leisure ' ' - THIS it WHAT I DON'T WANT: f ?t Jump rAH - ,t . ",ispaddedHewsArtlcleet . i. "lkensddlndoeen,t add to the value. ' - ' ' And I haven't time to read them. Wilt tea brspeolal pleaders, waesaa see nothlDS coed la any side but their own. - ' fcOty WflAt PAPER WILL FILL THE BILL ? fu CEV TORK WEEKLY WITNESS fcr oarxr ii xaLE. jo . 1 . 1 . .v.-. -,. , . 1 lueses sj Jort Iks paper for Farmers, Tarm- f tfitili' Sons. Farmers' Paushtsra, Coun. , Country store-keepers, Blsckandths, hullden, Btone Masons, and all other form the beokbone of oar Country and - be thssgufhly Bested la what is going TVtt MSB effers eae f tke Most vale amlamllataef may vaperla America. r article erweuranteed and away belew . w . rloe SanAf Iferafreeoopy. f - 'eenUestntfreetoaByaddress. TiiE JOURKAL. Irrirai and Denartirp Sails for Nortla, West and Souik, y U X. .4 For Beaoiort and - th Cast, r at 6:80 D.m, t For Waahingtcn.SwiftCroekfdesnd Beaufort Counties, daily at 6:0tt a, n. For Trenton, roUokartlla and Mays- uie, au 7 at 7 aw a. m. f ? ' t " 4 For urantsbom Havbro aa) Vaa dsmere. daily at 8 a. ; , ltL " OFFICE H0TJB8: ? t $ 4n atoney Order and KeeisteredLel- lar Department, from - 9 a.m. to p. m. in Jaauins Department from V a.m to d. m ana irom tjbq to 8 n.m. vine) openeonetantlT between u es hoars except when mails are beinc dia 'tSnceimita'llareMa, Ids said tha( "one' of the most successful Literary 'Bareaas in the country is managed' by ;women.,' Of coacse. A' man has no success with a bureau. A woman can crowd more articles in one drawer than a man can jam into four. And when a man goes, to a bureau tp look-lor a pocket handkerchief, lie tnrns over abont two cart loads of one thing and another without finding the object of hia search, and while he is grumbliDg load enough to be heard all over the house, bis wife co i.a iuto the room, pulls open the top drawer of the bureau, snatches a handker chief and hands ir. to her angry husband, with the conciliatory re mark: "If it had been alive it would have bitten you." Why continue the use of irritating powders, Bnuffa or liquids. Ely's ('ream Balm, pleasant of application and a sure cure for catarrh aod col I in head. can be had for 50c. It id e&sily applied into the nostrils, is safe and plausant, and is curing the most obstinate cases, It givee relief at onco. A WIrVs Solicitude. Timid wife (to husband goiug to Europe on business) Now, dear, do be careful aud not fall over board, won't you t Husband To be sure 1 will. Don't worry. I shall be nil right. Wife And if yon should get wrecked out in the ocean, John, I want you to telegraph me at once. BuckUen' a Arnica ttaiv. Tux Best Balvb in tho world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Uloers, Salt ttheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and noaitivelv1 cures nilns or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money re fundod. Prioe 25 aur.tu dm box. For sale bv B. N. Duflv. ian 17 If a compositor asks for more money before pay day it is a sign he hasn't been on the paper quite one week. It is also a sign that he won't be on it another week. If the pressman asks the typo for a dollar it is a snre sign that the comp hasn't a cent. When a fore man finds a handful of pi in with his quoins, and picks up aside stick and starts down the room, making loud remaiks, it is a sign he is going to the devil. LESION ELIXIR Its Wonderfal Effect an tbe Liver. Stomach, atowelt. Kidneys and Blood Ur. Mozley 'a Lemon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Iodines lion. Headache, Malaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back. PalDitation of Heart, and all other diseases caused by disordered livtr, stomach and kidneys, the first grer.t cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cenis and one dollar per bottle. Sold by drugsiats. Prepared only by H. Mozloy, al.D , Atlanta, Oh. LEmoil HOT DROPS, For coughs and colds, take Lfmon Hot Drops. For sore throat aod bronchia, take Lemon Hot Drops. for pneumonia and Iarneeti?, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and ctirrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. for all throat and lung diseases, tak Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot tle. Prepared by n. Mozly, M.D., At lanta. Oa. covldwly Laziness grows on peoplt ; it be gins is cobwebs and ends in iron chains. Tbe more business a man has to do tbe more he is able to accomplish, for ho learns to econo mize his time. Vhd I p Effect nallv A It lhargic, dormant condition of the liver is hardly to be ovcicotne with drmic cathartics and causeoua chOla- tiOBues. A gentler, pleasanter and far more effective meacp exists of arousirfg tbo orean when somnolent. This is Hostelter'a Stomach Bitteis, vouched for by the medical fraternity, tested by tbe publio for many years. A resump tion bv the biliarv oresn of its secretive function,' with the activity attendant upon health, a return to reRularity of tbe bowels, ana a renewal 01 oigeation are the no less bappy and certain results of'nsioff tbe Diiteis systematioally. Its laxative c fleet ft. never painful and dhchiB(Z,1t8 tendency being rather to perpetuate n guisrlty than to produce a copious action. Malaria, nervousners. debility, kidney trouble and neuralgia ft BObdpes effectually. ; ' Lfzincs9 grows on peoplf: it be gins in cobwebs atrdends in iror chains, ine more Dusiness a man has to do the more he is able to ac complish, for befearng to economize A TTomaa's Plaeove ry, - "Another wonderful discoyery has been made and that too by a lady in this county. disease lastened its dutches upon ner ana lor seven years ele stood its sewrest U&i, but her vital organs were undermined slid death seemed imminent For three months she coughed incessantly and could not sleep, febe Dougbt of usabotua our, E.lngJsNew' Discovery for Consumptioa. and wis so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miraculously eared, Her name is Mrs. Luther lata. Thai wrote W. C. Hsmrick &, Co.f of Shelby, N. C Get a trial bottle at B . N. Duffy's whole ale and retail drag store. Wholerale, 8,D0 per dosea ..' e i -. X ) fW' if - - ' 1 '''' I ' ; ' Beeoham's Pills aot like maglo on a weak toaaosvt jt ?, . Kkw Toek, Jin. It Futures opened' very firm. ; Sales ot 31,S00 bales. ; January, 10 48 , July;; :i0.80 February, ' 10 49 . August, 10.85 - March 10.67 vv. 8ept.;i" April, 1 10 64, m October. 1018 ?Mn " 10 69 Hor.-V J-Jnne,rA.. flOW.VDeoV,. ' " .New Bernh market firm. Sales pf 33 bales at 9 JO to 10 10 ooubstic' u taai New BaaifB, N, C.; Jan, 15. The fol lowing are today's quotations in this market :. t ' i t-v , ' wbolbuli rmoBs. ." Siin Cotton $3.20a8.?5. " RlCS Bough, 60a65c. Cotton Bkkd f 18 t0al3.00 per ton. . figgs 10 to 11 cents per dozen. Corn 45a30ente per bushel. . liKii-t--65o. bolted. . Potatoes Bahamas 30a33o.; yams 4q i50c. per bushel. " 1 OjaoNS-l.(H) per bueb. Bjatr On toot, 4a. to 6r, HlCSCouqtry, llal3o. Lard Country, lOallc. OKtOKKHs Urown 40a5(K per pair half grown, S0a35c. PaUNOTfr 81.00al.25 uer bushel Oats New crop, 80d87o., including sacks. ' ; . Foddkh Now, 60a70e. , Hay C'rao grass, 85a45. Msan Pork New $10 50. . Meodlder Meat 8aI0o. O. B. 's, F. B's. B. V and L. O.- 6ta?c. Flock 83.00a6.60. Lard 7 o. by the tieroe. Nails Basis 10'g,63.60, fluoAit Oranolated , 7i o ' ' QtFE I8a20o. , Ohkrsi 12JalS. Salt 80a86o. per saok. Molasses aud Snun 90a46o. ICkbobknb 8i POWDEB 85.00. 8hot Drop, 81.40; buck, 81.63. Hides Dry, 8a5o.; green 2o. Tallow 4o. per lb. Deer Hides Dry, 15a25c. Wool 12al8o. Beeswax I8a20o. per lr - Spirits Ttjrpehtikk Market firm at io. per gallon. Tab-81.80 per pork bbl. ; 81 .00 per pine bbl. Crude Tubpestine Market firm at 83.25 for virgin and yellow dip and 81.00 for hard. States R O. hhd. dressed, 812al5 per M. Tdojeb Cypress, .18 in. and over, in demand at $5.00 per M. .,, ' Bhinoles West India, dull and nf m inal; 6 inch 83 00a2.20j Building 6 inoh hearts,-82-00;sapB,81.60 per M.- FBOM NKW.TORK ClTT. Mb. A. K. Hawkvs Dear Blr: Your oaten t eye-alssses received some time since, and am very much gratified at the wonderful Change that has come over my eyesight since i nave uuoaraea my oia glasses ana am Boe; wearing yours. ALBXANOH AGAR. Secretary Btatlone i s' Board of Trade, -AU ej es fitted at tbe drag store of F.S.DUfFI,Newbem.N.a neoi wiy --a . lot 'of VERY FINE BUTTER To hand. :. Also, Buckwheat. Roast Coffee and Pure Lard. . ' WHOLESALE GBQCEE, MIDDLE sntEKfl.!- - jJBW- BERNE. 'If. .; HEADQUARTERS Breecli-LoadiDff . , Gun?; Brass and PaiDer Shells, Powder and Shot,; ' it 4 A f" .1 t ;." k ; .,';.' - ff ", " t' ; Ii. H.ECUTLBE'BI( i , -vSEW BERNET N. f f A GKNT9 wanUd at once .for 1AU and t heuilnlsoenees of Jytlereon. Dvls. Ed ited by Jostles Lamar, u. B. Supreme Oaurs. Part of proneeds given to ereet a monnment to Mr. Ilavls. Uomplite outfit tl. Alilree It. H, WOODWARD CO., BalUmore, Md. A few good General Agents wanted, ;. .i,y ianlufhr.w2t:;er-'-, "M .., "VW 'ICDlttUlers' agent.) Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Li-ucrs m Cijcrs, ... .CRAVEN BTHEET, ;' : : ' " ' k- NE AE JCOTTON ; EXCHANGE New. Berne, N. C Keeps constantly on hand a COMPLKT auuBv oi AiiHUvits ana ciuaus. Stock Is the largest In the Mate, and was imrouMBu irom nrsi nana, r un cash. Consequently am enabled to s 11 as low as any Kenaern Alataet. -;r. ; ; Hve on hand the followlBg.brands of WINES. LIQUORS aod CIGARS ILYE WHISKIES.' Old Family B x x x : , Golden Crown, k , 1 Old Century, Acme,' L.xington, &o, &o. Mitchoirs Pure Old Sootoh. ' Pure North Carolina Corn Whiskey. x WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scoppernonx, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret, St. Julian, Sweet Catawba, Rhine Wine, California Angelica Wine. RUM. New England. West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, " . Feaeb, French (Jamee Hennesy), . Oarretts Cognao JJrandy, Cherry, Blackberry, ' Ginger. 'Holland and Domestic. BEER, ALE, Etc, Etc. , TheBergner & Eogel Brewing Oa's Celebrated Lager Beer, . Imported Ale and Porter, , V .' ' Claussen A Bon's Export Beet Wm. 'McEw'an'a India; Pale Ale from Agent .and Bottler of . the Bergner '&Jtogel Brewing Co.'i , Celebrated Lager Beer and Porter. " - 'Jt : v Cordials Angostina Bittore, ; Imported: and' Domestic . t V 'v.,i.Cliainpagne.- Agent for I. Calyfn Shafer Wild Cherry . , Rock and Rjt. - i ;a;:-at -irjuaajtJt '''A--' i A large assortment of Cigari and - itj-.i-f.J Cheroots Jr v Agent !fo the Virginia Btandari fche jlfootB, the beat in he market, it ,-ti i V,,,Wi'! t"v ' Will guarantee to sell as low as i any houses - North, and lower than , any:; house in .aorta uaroiina.? ' , WE 1L80 .ANUFAC1URE r , f 7 Ginger Ale,' s BareaparllW, . i i1. Lemon Soda." 'J'f'"''rf,i:!ri' ''''' "fjf'Boso Bodaj . '. California Pear Cider and Mineral , -''V!, '. ''Water ' - i ' , . ; Our Ginger Ale is" t qua! to any im ported and superior to any procurable in the State.' ; "Orders promptly filled and salisfao tioa gaaranteod. . . ', ,. . JAMES EEDMOND. a.. . ... , U JL A t-. - Ea ifce safe'ytsi to sou frcia try rsrt of t' 9 c . Wa- y ..i 1 T-d- i. wie.m- ers and 1 1 ...i. , -. ' Ordors left at i f cw,9 .1 Uvs good attention and vi., u .icb. J. .w. ai- ' Staof KoethCaeolis a Cc r : of Craren. .-. - Superior Conrt Fait Term,18C3, The National Bank of New Edrne," - -n. :l , :: Joseph L. Ebem and others. , Bt 4rtue of a indfftnent rendered at tbe Fall Term. to$9. of Craven Countv Supetior Court,.! -will eeil at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Court House Door in New Berne, oa the First Monday in February, 1390, at 13 o'clock, Jl., the following de scribed real and personal property, to wit: That certain traot of land near tbe oity of New Berne, known as the Khea Place, Including the Bart Place, the Jerkins Place and the Carter. Place, being tbe same lands situated near the Oity of New Berne, wet of Bad street, between Neose road, and ' Lawson'a oreek, and a! I ther personal property used therewith, more particularly de scribed in the complaint -n the above entitled aotionv, vy-r "A v' v; i ' Also, that tract of land, kno n as the Bhem Seven Mile Place, and the per eonal property used therewith,, more particularly deeoribed in the complaint, as well as any and nil other property described in the complaint in the above entitled action. u ,v . The above proper tt.ia to be sold to satisfy, acoordlcg to their priority, the several mortgages and judgments men tioned in tbe complaint io 4be above entitled action. F. M. SIMMONS, Comuaissioner, -Jan. 2J, 1890. , . . did , NOTIOE. .. ;' The undersigned, Carrie D, Ma') hew, has duryquaitded as Executrix of the estate of May E Mayhew, and hereby" gives notice "that she requires alt per sons having claims against the estate Of the said Mary E.' Mayhew, to present them to the said Executrix, duly au thenticated, for payment, on or before the 10th day of December, 1890, or else this notice will, be pleaded in baa .of recovery' .-.i , 'i ' -n f.t""--,i Persons Indebted to ths estate must pay without delay. . $ i.'nx CARRIE D. MAYHEW,Exeoutrixt GRBK.1 &-8TVBKNS0N, Atfys. , dlw6t EICHES. If you desire tbem no Use fooling away tlms ou things that don't pay; but send tl.uu at OQce .for magnificent outfit ef ear Ureal New Stanley Book, if book and 'terms not satis factory we will efond your money, fio risk. So capital needed. , Both ladles and gentlemen employed. Don't lose time In wrltine-. '. "Steo m -while th vatera are trobledi" Cay a are wortb. dollars Address B. P. JOUNSOX CO., 1009 Main St.. Rlebmond, Va. ' Jaal dwim You. Can Save Money By buying your Alabastiner Beady WHITTY. & GATES. - Wo bays the celebrated "Packers" Ice Cream Freezers be sure and see them before buying any other, V ' ft 04 v We have a. full stock of everything In the Hardware and Builders line, and invite your attention to the samev ' wfliTry & gates.; , Agents - for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed. Paints,; and dealers in Lima, Cement and Plaster. NORTH OAROLISA, I fiarerlor Court. ' . Oraven County, i UcoembeTlSthltltlS,, IsaaoB. Smith, Flair tiff, , vs. . rSottoe.', Lydla A. BmiUi. Ceftst ddi-t, i) . v ToLydla A Smith: t - ,' ' ' Take notice. That an action has heen eammejioed m the said court, entitled as above, for tbe purpose of obtaining a divorce from the bonds of matrimony between tbe plaintiff ajirt defendant, and you. are re quired to appear at the oourt House In Mewbern on tbe Sd Monday before toe 1st Monday in March, A.IV ltWO. and answer or demur to the e iiopialnt In this action. . ; t . :,: js. w. uaiu-aniartY . :01erk Sup. Court of Craven county, l-rt deoll ear . f North Carolina. Af .fM?M0 I II Manifold! Cyclopedia edla of Universal KBewledgerand ; Unabridged utcuooarr erAiiffnage in one. u ; bandy vols., large type, over iOOOilloRtreOon. ' Cloth binding, per vol.f OOc, per set a4.00 k Half Morocco, per voL, 80c per set, 984.00. Vol. 18- fJow llcady - f The volumes far i ssued win answer more questions in tho practical everj-day life of, the average -TeadeT,' than the Volume of any complete cyclopedia in the Market. aw t hem ana tee r Asped tnen vohime may be ordered and returned M not wanted,,'j - j- "t't-x a ; CM Q.00 cash with order before Nov, iwiO P I O secure the fullsptof A f fr)e lueloth binding, or f2B.OO rrVf VOlS. tne same bound in can iiorocco, an sent prepaid, these uow ready at once, remainder's issued, r "The urioe ls'verr lowl'thelofrn let cecdlngly bandy for a work of reference, and the editing skilif uf , and oomprehensire.1 'Litrarg i ".The literary skill and ludldoiis editor thfp which have characterized the undertaking Mm tliA mitt. Iinva hMti In HA iln iiii.ii m1..ui1 " -8un, New York. It : is "an unabridged dictionary and a torehoiioe of information oa almost every on. ceivable tonkJ. The more we see of the work ths more we are pleased." Educational Monthly, Akron, U. ( j, i. ,' The conveniont form, the excellence of binding, paperr-and illustrations, and the skillful arrangement or articles make title a nanny cyoio, hwlin. which will be uwd ten times where the bulky 'Britannic' would be consulted once. Ti4 lustrations are reany neiprui, ana are very num erous. No matter what ot her cyclopedias a wnt"i amy have, ' 'Alden's Manifold 1 should be upon lul .Jhi. ,1... T'L UmIw Wnainv ! . ' . UOt.DB A II, lllVI WDWU. , j " " It Is a remarkably well made book for Vie price . 'ine peculiar anspe mane tne i extreme r easy to read, wblcb is amoxt vhhiu.. thing to the student. The clean cut, lieayy iwn-d typo for titles is a good f imtaire and uiai-rl, ally lightens Tlie Uek of the Investintor. Hifl accenUid evllable of every chincultword Ib plainly parked and tne prnnunciniion, wnennoiMisaiiy Mils popiilnr work Is numt carefiiily edited ani bniitly a i id accu ml y muuuf uotured, Amvriwi BVOKmuKer, new xuik. JOtirJ D. ALDEN, Publisher, ' NEW TOES, 893 Pearl 8k, P, O. "Box 12.7. , Oilc!i::!),S:'3WabafibAve'.;Atlanta,TJTT.!t-;!'?.Ea t t- jo' 'i J. A Of l 1 i i. r t.; ;;': . ' 1 !--.. ' " rtOfiS ij- JeljJ ! i.u" rut't .esy re quested to r ' j ( ' .-v -H aettle-menu.,-, , ; .Stent, K.CDe. .1C. ' -7" J.X ILLTIOCES, jl0dimJ.'V 1 AEG ST. Grocoricn flil::S u i::ii:r.:. UfuU stock and1 laits assortment. : " , Prioee ae Io as west,; .pall and examLieinr stock. Batiaf aofi'Hs cuarsnteed - runuant to an execnuon - in my handle Issued from the' So parlor Court of graven. county,' Dec' 80th. 1889, in favor or K. don vs.' w a, toy ana F. Foy I will sail at Publio AucUon at the Court House door in the city of New Berne, on-Monday the 10th day ot February, 1889.uatvl4''olock,lM., the . following described propertf, or . so much thereof ea tmy be Beeeasary to satisfy said ext oution,; to w.itr All the ibuub oi ids eaiu ym- ,oy anq v. r For' Nibs' and b?!na- sitnated'in th county of Craven 'and, State of N. Ci lyiugvn ine aoutn eiue ot xir- river, adjoining the labels of 3no?N.hitford attd others, known "'TFoy land," and oa which the said Wio.Yoy r ow. re sides, and descends to, skid, y. F. Foy . from his mother, the; wife ofsaid Wm. Foy. vW. B,' lAXJ;therlfr. ;."Ei)We?I.$alK ...... .... - j.... . .. ... Byrvirtueof apowerof saleneatferred. . upon me by a certain Anvrtgate exe-, cuted io me by JE.. J. 'Patterson and J, A. Patterson ou tha 18th day of Feb., . v v r ' J . l-s L.i' L .iUi .. . i " 1 " "7"-- .iai'fc.iviini.ii'"iw -- 1889, and .duly, recorded in Book No. , 100. pases 143, eto of the Becords of .' Craven county, I wilt tell .lot. cash at ' publio auction to tbe highest bidder, at the Court Souse door in New Berne, Qraf i oonnty, Btaieof North Carolina, on Aesday, theStli d$y'pf April, roQO, at i fwelvcHoVoc. $ noon, all the right, title irld intereei of the- mortgagor, it being an undivided third Of .the ".whole? of the said property, . hounded i (allowtv SLLiiaz on tbaaoutnalde of -Johnson street, and bounded on tho west by tbsr Jerkins lot and n the aouthTby Neuser , street, on the east, by .the' Small wood r. , and .Bountree lots, our'tbat nonb . by Johnston street, it being f oily described f iu sbs hiu wvrifigi, - iiiciioca w ; which ii hsrelry made foir ull and more perfect description.,, ,-; . - ,. ThU tbe 15th day of Jan.. leao. idMmiktcrVktice. ' navins oosflfled M the" AdmlnuMrltor o- the estate ofMlleo Richardson, deceased :'?::'. with the wilt annexed, all persons Indebie d r . ' ,. to said estate are nerser notimea to max e-ys. immediate settlement, and all persons hold 'JT iDg claims against the aald (state wlllprt ' j f x sent them on or before tbe ithday of De eember. loo, or this notice-will, be plead In bar of their recovery Administrator with the will annexed of Mlleo Richardson. Dec. , 1841. i. 1 ' T-i f'Lir'f r c.awsw 4 Wi Tbe Realflscrttof the tmparnjlctcsuceesf . of 'THB Chicago Daily. News may be f; found ia hot ditiingifitkiMg thhraittrtstut, v. which mora than anything else bavy corv ributed to its remarkable growth. . '- . FST s-I itaDaify Paper fit Busy Peofii. f-Tht people of the busy West appreciate keen-; . .- j the necessity of an intelligent knowledge - of the world's dailyMoings, bt they are too --busy .to waste Valuable, ti.uc 'ln scfiriing ' , Uirougaacumbroui" hi iuket-she' i " ipnper Jor the real aes of art, .science, religion, po1 cs, and tlit .ire, nd- cir-'-; randone things wb.. aiaketmn .-Vization, Ihcy f ut they don't v powering maw 1 tial.l It ibf News Is ".. iucircuktu tiCOND: Itlifi lews ail t -. .. t conceak d i an over 'rlvlalatidincoiL lJen rH Chicago Dailt. md chaff!' that a milium a ' JVewstaier. 1. ; e demand a , . ud PS it V. I- :: I i , If . itO TS-" '"oo , uuuiu, s' - (. i I i i . "per.w' afro' Mer r . I" v (,7 Ikt nam, n cf parusfin 1 I- biuon p ;v partial, i 'J1 guide, menoff , '"'Is why '1 rr d ay a cue i. .,IE CHICA 3 t - these twoc , . ,4 lanty, a 0 1 of price U L H it ah;..ry.i .1 i tn , r i "Ihk t Daily Uwi is L. "V. t-y ' )'.- ..: ':; -Till I .-I J.lT . ' -,.. .- . all neJfsdiKil. i it 0 Cint per cf;7, or rwwil .be puilcd, fostage paid, ffv r-- t ''yeijTi; i'i pf mohtbi ' r - and moch'imc can now sficrd, as i irei Ji mi ud r"fcssk)HBl sn ' s? n.ct'i jjol in duily. ' ' Addre'ss'VICTOR. F. I '.-s fvtiisiitr .Tbs 1"ii ..-'X'.W,tr 9 ' . t I ey ': '-'..vV!f',:;.'v'(,i! : . ' - -T- js A ' V,. -. .1, r,,,:j,;..r'J i DamagMText