- ,?tr J- f.l f i - c - 3 work ; rMtorWlrr-- - t Co"9il( ; bringing back the keea MA et appetite, meRCsc )ui Of h&iLTri i e oo4 fHyriai tnr&f of the human frame, s uu." admitted by thotissmls. In i c'wof socie-tv, and one of the best nana- rrrotallalJeb!tlIlltlftt fcttu -m S PILLS nave ma LMUtSl iMJS Or Mf . k.tktiil IN Thfi wunUkj-yua finxMBi wuk each Bob n'.K - - . ' '-n4 only by Trc. BSKCHt H. St. Helens, LaneaW Knglud. $ lmwin eavsra.. - B. F. ALU 4 4 CO., 86S and S67 Canal St, New York, goto A. c&U far the United States, at, (U I , VnUi KilL BEECHA1TS f ILLS ON u a be haaVK; N.DtrFFY'iB Drug stereyHew Bern?, . 0. Educate rf ''bjistnitti tljsprofeasloot are ftil! and the s'demandi it" .. '.)- TUlcOU5K OF 8TUTy AI 'VA6LER'a BRYANT d STRATTON AtniioicMD; I v Embraces thorough thstraetloa In Boak-aTeea. 1ns, Penmanship.Correspondence, Commercial u, Ktpia BasirwucticuiuoM,jommercui Antametic, Business Practice. Banking1. Com- nissioa, Soealne. Sbort CHARLIS STREKTa ,A A1 Tii;iini.YKomifM am: -v..'8tW c . Koitra -CItouiri Criren County. -1 1 . " i"V.!i tiBpWaOoartitaU Term, 188. WWikri Vrsstm; :' atnwi to 'ib' ' jadgoink In'- the i V 'Bned totion, th -aoderalgned will Mtt at Publio Aactioa, l the Ooort v AHouM la Newbcro, on lfo&day the 184 'sdly )6f-1ib?rnry,i890vi'l o'olot)av ; ; : midday,' thM certai4 lot; of luc ilttt- :5ud In the city of 5e wbern. on ,the ' 'faib ltd of .Pollock etreet. bet ween Vt-e M of he--NationarBenk"of New Utnt ind the 'Stanly BaUding.T end LC'tttnninf back; 107 ieet els lnohee, o- n r .If tha Viuflilnrr. ihiI tin. proTcmenie oq ne aaia iano, Deiog.iDe s ;?etor;; ejki.: beretpfosra , oocnDied! by V -""'Geort Ania & Ccu J , , , ! I - rma 6f JNdavOuh; i, , ! , C?HiS.7. CLAKK; . I 111 ff . wmmiBiiiuexr, 17 lt 3 tO' lei ''A s -Tli'e cotholele novels of the ' . ' great? Sir Walter Scott, the 'ymoriJ: rdrMncers,alIfor $60i - ' rnay Beem, iucrdible, ,but it is -: ; ,c " Stt Tha WaTtMay Novel, by Sir Watte . .;i.jf Mcpt&.Kob Boy Editloa, eotnpleie in Tolumes, .Kuou octavo, with w uiurauona, 01., price I I '" tUt at Tolaw IUaitraUon. .nvtf Midlothian, i.'oiint Hubert of Parte, M-alrMiUilof lytfcj -'WoodtituOk.V 'A'-fJ!, v. 4. The Abbot - Bride of Lammermoor, isetrotnaa. Vcerll of the Peak, ! i i'.tottatiaaff ltlgtf,?: ' 4 S,' Re Roy. Old Mortality.. ,f. . Qiiecin Pnrit-nrd, .. f, burgeoa' Uaotdifer. f t f3 T.tliruan,..tf r Aatuar & l! - .' ;st MawiWt'tj -rv Tli,Mita. ,v The-3lock Dwarf. 8. UTaverley, Onf Mannering, Keuilworth. ' J&ttVWamlef. Novels -r ifl fuearly idfiittciil wiili ttf Pop lula'A 'LnwafvEaitiblf S iof rthe - kane .autlioi" published M by ' .AppJeton at aiauoiortpo set, th lapelr peitfg bnly : a littlej v inequality, -but lth rptisfacto;- r ' , oak9 Tnay pe seen aime '' ' " 'I f Ji ' tv a w kr i v , ? jceoitmj paper, . i-J- 1f 1 M-n- i a -- . .. ... .. -. .' t ' ' ;,,c 1 Of 7 3 A . - -3 4 p In t 9 . Sick Hsaaache, Gtatn neat: a trt sain, UKtnrDM aieep, rtionoui im. , ac mt rmsi uuti hili ke niucr m fcvcry f icrcr Is earnestly Invitrd to try one Box of these. - WaTUAl.ti-4 Worth urines box." ;i, will quickly raa.e-ra'.aaiil.stocomplWf health. Fotva r CIEESTICri; DISOHOEFJED UYEH; wonders imon the Vital Oram t ItmniidMiiliiu qnggJA UN nut ucp uititij RECEIPT -OF PRICE 25 CEHTS A COL - Hand. Type-Wrltlnr J : , . BALTIMORE. Ma Bi PIQUES, AND Dry Coeds & Notions. Full stock and large aaiortment. Prices u low aa the lowest. Call and examine my Btock. . Satisfaotipn guaranteed. See the Best Line of Silver Jewelry In the State. Hair Ornaments. Bronze Bracelets, lace Pins, Purses, Combs. Rings. Etc. lTo ;Troiible to Show Goods. "Bell The Jeweler." You Can Save Money By baying your Alabastlne, wzed Paints., eto.s from : Beady WBTO ft GATES. . kw nave tn celebrated V'faokers" Ioe Cream Ireezere be sore and see thenywfore buying any other. We have a full stock of eTerythina in the Hardware .and Builders line, and Invite your attention to the same. whirry & GATES ., Agents for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed Paints,' and dealers In Lime, cement nd Plaster. LI T.UlUIS.M HOr.lE AND 1 1 the Itadlng Agricultural Journal f tho Soulh and Wert, - Made by Farmer for Farrnera.' NOj Pixie has no equal. Every topic relatiag Co a; in securing a full account of every notable auc-j ceaa on the farm, . It4a distinctively the , A record of their dallv lire, ibresented is a and language wnicn nuuee it plain, to au. ontativs tne amesot tnenost progressive tara rs of the South and West. Thev do not treat1 of theoretical farming, but of the actual condl tiona which confront us to-day : B. P. Johnson : Waldo F. Brown ;linry Stewart; JohnM.Stahlf A. p. Ford; J' "'- v cmorn ;Hiign.T urooKaj jonn c. sagar; ' tost of oth ioreow, i Hvery f fully tn Brown, Mice V uteregu ivouj T. B. Baldwin end siits journal indispenaabW 'T-st ti the home-tiiaker it i len, Lois Catesby. atra! , Mi Cabell, Misa Moaby. . . C .11. Ml i ne of others will contribi Ii In chirtre of our Children's Deoa she has the peculiar faculty of being both tereaunv ana in .., THE MYSTERY OS THE NAtlON &k-kj If a thrilling story appearing ia Bows AMI ;. bv JoUa K. ataslek. and i excitlno- wide FAfcU, attention. Short stories by distinguished writers appear from time to time.'" ' -' ' 1 Appear in each issue, and this humorous philoso. pher.wa Bevef more, interacting tba t Ujt tune.' I' III ITS KUlTUlUAIi BtrUHIUl- ' I Homb m Purm speak boldly and fearlessly ia behalf of " l nrmrrs' Righta'" II favor Ml vision of the tnriil in behalf of the farmer ! bettel Toads lor the lui-nicr; t ree Mail ueuvery to W !farmer ; frwni . ,n sraon the farmers, and it ijunisl"" is." Its motto ia (. ", ; J Fsnera SiL'bti."'. ' L. Tsui pil FARM UKVJO.U ' TIB CTTtVTTft Stop thief. r , The old yeaiv goes " v O'tr Oia drifted snowi. And the giay old year hath brought me griei. He bath stolen t!ie bud and the dancing . leaf, ' And the dear llttlo 'robiu that used to sing At my iviadow-sill in the balmy SDrisz. And the rapturous kisses my lover Rave. tie Data maaeu nim, too, m a uarrow grave Dee down from the light of the broad, ; tluo sky, And so through the rush of my tears 1 ory: "Stop thief 1" As the old year goes O'er the drifted snows. For the graj old year hath brought me gnei. All hail I The new year comes With the beat of drams. And clangor of bells hi the windy vale. tie Diiugetu me song of the nightingale; And what if his robe is frioeed with snow, The April buds on his bosom blow. tie sendeth a new love unto me From an Hocieut country across the sea, And far to the South we will sail awav Through the f nrpia dusk of a perfumed fliay. All hail ! The new year comes With the beat of drums. Aud music or bells in the wintry vale. The Ten Health Commandments. 1. Thou shall have no other food than at meal time. 2. Thou shall not make unto thee any pies or put into pastry the likeness of anything that is in the heaven above or in the waters under the earth. Thon shalt not fall to eating it or trying to digest c. ror the dyspepsia shall be visited upon the children to the third and fourth generations of them that eat pie. and lone life and vigor upon those that live prudently and keep the law of health. 3. Remember thy bread to bake it well, for he will not be kept sound that eateth his bread as dough. 4. Thou shall not indulge sorrow or bqrrow anxiety in vain. 5. Six days shalt thou wash and keep thyself clean, and the seventh tnou shalt take a great bath, thou and thy son, and thy daughter, and thy man servant, and thy maid servant, and the stranger that is within thy gates. For in six days man sweats and gathers filth and bacteria enough for disease, where fore the Lord has biessed the bath tub and hallowed ii. 6. Eemember thy sitting room and bed chamber to keen them ventilated that thy days may be ong in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. 7. Thou shalt not eat hot biscuit 8. Thou shalt not eat the meat fried. 9. Thou shalt not swallow thy food unchewed or highly spiced, or J use Deiore nard, work, or just alter it. 10. Thou Bhalt not keeD late hours in Cby neighbor' bouse, nor wun toy neighbor's wile, nor with a. 9 . . . ' . nw man servant, nor his maid ser vant nor his cards, nor his glass nor with anything that is thv eignoor8 JNew England Farmer LESION ELIXIR Ita Wonderful Effect on the Liver. Stomach, tiovrelt. Kldneaa and Blood ur. moziey s Litmon ttlixir is a pleas- ant lemon drink' that positively cures an Biliousness, Constipation,. Indigea tion. Headache; Malaria Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness. Colds. Loss df Anoetite, revere, udiiib, uiotcnes. f imn es. fain in Baok, Palpitation of Heart, and-sill otner diseases caused bv disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Ga, ' '-'! '! LB9IOII HOT DROPS. .For coughS; and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops.-" - Z:t . For sore throat and bronchitis, take I n mnn TTaITImm. '" For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon not Drops. For sonsumntioa and catarrh, take Lemon uot Lxops. ror all throat arw Vang diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops, f ,. ... ab elegant and- reliable preparation. Bold bf druttelats." 25 cents tie.' i Prepared by H. Mozley, M.D., At lanta. uavaviy w ?-novidwly ; Therio oiopQt live a more QDua'r I pycrefttnr? thaa an fll.iaatared.old uiaDi , woo is 1 neitner capaoie of receiving pieasnresi nor Bensibie of d'?y:Hatefal Wea Keiatlonsii1 clatefut kindred t ire those sprang from the parent stem malaria. They are chills and fever, bilious remittent ferer, dumb ague . and ague cake. These foes to bodily peace are all blood relations, as there is no doubt that these endemic complaints are produced by contamination of the blood bv the mi asmata existent ' in both air and water in - malarious regions. .1 Hbstetter's Stomach Bitters expels from the blood the yirus with whiohi miasma infeoU, ens it aoes more than this, it neutral izea tne atmospnerio ana aqueous poison and Ha germs before thev have permanently fruotifled in the system, and thus effectually proteota against It tne nerce inroads of this diabolic bro tberhood of diseases, i, Thna It la. not only a remedy, but also a preventive. prompt in rfiieving, lasting in elieot: perfectly e; , nt. - Nervousness, toll- iour ,. e t kidney trouble 1 J L , , It. Four Years on Crutches. Tor fifteen years I was afflicted with rheu jotiim, fonr yearsof which I was compelled to go on crutches. Words are inadequate to expreat the suffering I endured during that time. Daring these fifteen years of exis tence (it was not living), I tried every known remedy without receiving any benetit. I finally began on Swift's Specific IS. S. S.), which from the first gave me relief, and to day I am enjoying the best of health, and am a well man. I candidly believe that S. S. S. la the best blood purifier on the market to - day. JT. D, TAYLOR, Cuba, Mo. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mail ed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta Ga. Fine(olorsTNat .iipiStHO'viu i rWASH OUT JorFade ONLY Sold bydruggistS al.hu PEtBIESS BSOIfZG PAINTS-6 Colors, PEBBLKK8 LAPNPRV BLUIIfO. PEERLESS INK POW DKRS-6 Kinds 7 Colors. PIKIIUXS SHOE AND HARNESS DI1ESSIN0. PEJEBlESS IMU D1ES-8 Colors. GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardware, Cut lery, Locks, Hinges, Saws, Saddlery, Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &o., &c, also PIowb, Cultivators, Farm Machinery, Cotton Gins., &c, belonging to the business of Geo. Allen & Co.,, will be closed out during the next few weeks at VERY LO W PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo. Allen & Co., by either note or account, are noti fled that (payment muBt be made at an early day. Indulgence cannot be given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Trustee HUMPHREYS' Da. HtTMPHaBTs' Spbcifics are sclentlflcallv and carefully prepared prescriptions,; used (or many years thlrt; clflc These Speolncs cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the sovereign remedies oftheWorld. urt op ntmciPAi. nob. curbs. prices. 1 revere, Congestion. Inflammation... 9 Werms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic . - 3 Crying Call(r,orTeethlngof Infants 4 Diarrb ea, of Children or Adulta. . . . 5 D yseatery, Urlping, Bilious Colic... . 8 Chelera Morbas, Vomiting ZGonghs, Cola, Bronchitis lva-uakcn ee, oiok owuucik, veriio Iveaepsla, Bilious Stomach Sappressed or Painful l'erlods. rVhftesi too Profuse Periods Creap, Oough, Dlmcnlt Breathing.... lalt Rhenm, Erysipelas, Eruptions. Kheantatisni, Rheumatic Pains, . . . fever ana A gee, cams, aiai&na. . . . riiea, mmaor meetung. , DtttaTr , Influenza, Cold in the Head tV-heMinintf Uamrlt. Violent Coui;h9. General IebTllty,PbyslcalWealuieES . nuaneyutaease S'erveas pebllity 1. urinary w eauncss, wetnng eea. iseaeesof theHeart.Palpltatlonl Sold by Or sent I on receiot of price. Da, ANtiAL. H44 nasresl Schly bound In cloth and gold, mailed free. lumphreva'MedicineCo.lW Fulton St. NY. S RE O I F IXTW. All of the above medicines are for sale at the drug stores of F. S. Duffy ana u. uerry, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY S As agents for owners we offer for sale on easy and acedmmodatlng terms t he follow ing described Improved Real Estate In the City Of Ne-v Berne; - -.No. 1.- WHARF BROFEKTY AT UNION POINT : lnoludea the piece or land known at THS JBLAJS D.? ar d the wharf or roadway leading thereto front" ast -Ttxint- ,itrL aiso, water space now being filled in. The location is the best in the city for allmann faoturlng purposes, while the largest piaft vtaltlng our waters have ample depth of water for leading and, unloading at the WbarC- v - . NO. . TWO HOUSES AND LOTS Al UNION POINT, occnp'ed as dwellings. " No.i. THB IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON CRAVfcN STREET. NO. o. BKtUK BTORE AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN BTREET oeoupled by R. 0. E. Lodge. - A run aesenntloU of this valuable nroner- ty, together with the best terms upon which the same will be sold, will be furnished nn application te tbe undersigned at their office ui rron. street. ; ;.' ui fi: WATHON A BTREET, IpA and Real Estate Agtf. situated within two mljes of the eity,nlt- amraijUBII jaunU9 UAiJEABJU7 JUADU, il ' A "1 iWWSSAWyS'" BXHIiaiT,-- fJTfr TT kncs. of Body aa Hindi Kffsets ? JM i-'"SMin01d.YouBt ; - - !.- ..1. Hiw l Fnl.ru aa i"" 1 a PAHinsruopr. th,i,,i,-., ,.-. n ' i i'-h-iwhu la a ea olui tram t, T , rf 'otrlMi Inn wrii laM. k- 1 -q, Kri rnnliihMt ". I..., , ,1 bJ., kuriMa.gif, FOnCIiOfJLY! irT".Tr." orl0STOTT,TTTW0 gAwgoo-nr Its oiiirlaiid Kktvnns nKntTrrVi PROFESSIONAL. C. R. Thomas, Jr., ATTOulTBI AT JL A if. Orrica: Craven street, near Pollock street, two doora hoi to. of Joubhal office. Practice in Oiaven, Oartarat, Jonea, Ons low and Pamlico counties in the Bopreme Court of lhaeute, and In the U.S. District ana clroQlt Courts. October lath. !&!. dwtf . k BODOLPH DOT IT. B. B. K1IOB Duff:& Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, On low county. aplSdwly P. H. PELLET I f.iVi ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONEY BROKER. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating email loans for short tlmn. Will practice In tbe Counties of Craven, Car teret, Jonoa, Onslow and Pamlico. United Btatea Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the Slate. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. 0. B. onion Manly & Guion, ATTORN EY 8 AT L.AW. Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank, Middle street. New Berne, N. 0 Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6dwtf F. M. SIMMONS. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones. Onelow. Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLAKK DENTIHT, NB-WBEM, . C. jSto b Graven street, between Pol lot Ar7-lawi and Broad. J. H. OBABTRKS. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES AID MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Bnlldera of Engines. Boilers, V Saw Mil la. Edging Cut-off Klaehtnes, We are prepared to do Castings of an kinds wun prompraeaa, Particular and Immediate attention given to repair of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates ror any desonpuon or maouinery. We are the agents for the sale of tbe Amer ican Saw. Also for O. AA. Bargamln's oele- brated Indestrnotlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done dv na. iy aw wijr Commissioner's Sale. Ry virtue of a Judgment of the Supreme Conrt of i raven conn ty . granted at the 1 al 1 Term, 1889, In the case oi D. J. Broadhurst et als. vs. John White and olners, 1 will sell at Publio Auction, for cash, at the Court House door in N' W Berne, Craven County, North Carolina, on Monday the lOih day of Feb niRrv. Ar. IMM. at Twelve o'clock, noon, all the property both real and personal de scribed In the oomplalnt llld in tnis action which nronertv Is fuliv described in a cer tain mortgage from John White and wife to J- W. Taylor an1 J. J. Baker, said mortgage is duly recorded In Book vi, rages is j, ioi 485, 48(1 and 487. Recor Is of Craven county reference to wnicnis nereuy uiaue. P H. PKJjLETI ER, Commissioner. Jan 8, 1890. did J. A. BRYAN, Pres.' L. H. CUTLER, Viet Pre C. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OP NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 SutdIus Profits, - 86,700 A DIRECTORS. Jab. A. Bbyan, L. H. CUTLMt, George Allen, G. H. Thomas Daniels Chas. S. Bbyan F. M. Simmons, Roberts. Next ! Prof. W. H SHEPARD and compe tent assistants in the toneorial art will crivevona ,T . AA Hair ont.IOr v ceuw, SViamnATi d r - - - a CI - 1 " suave Gaston llouse Barber Shop. New Berne, N. C. HO MORE EYE-GLASSES WEAK EYES, WORE E .AOrtaIn,Bafa,andEnilvEemdyrn' scr. veax, &i::fla?.:ed eyes, v1 Producing Long-Sjohtidntsi, t Rtstor- '-;'"!;; V-lfy tftt Sightlif QI&, ;n - CnreaTear Dropi, Granulatloni, Styt I Tumors, Bod Eyes, Matted Eye Lathes, b us noscaiQ vuvx ieuet in mural ecu. aim, entiaHy effieadons when nM In other In Si aiadlvs. such as Hirers. - Fever Per, atnora. Mult liVnin, lte-na. F"" of Wborevi-rlnHainmKi.itiiiOAt'11, - a (JiutmJbJUB 0AJL s-Al uiay be uaad to advantage. field by nil Pragglats at SJCeate. SALV I? NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO Li::. The Steamer TAHOUA. The following schedule it now ia operation: - Leave New Berne every Tuesday afce) Friday morning at 7 o'clock. , Returning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. All landings on Nut and Bay if y taken in both way. For further information apply to JNO. 8. MAN1X, Ageab. New Berne. Deo 5. 1889. ... . Stecnsr lloncrja Independent Steamboif XJne. On and after Mot day the Hti da tat ' . 8TSAMEB8.1 September the steamer Howard will 1 run tbe following schedule: ) ...-. ForTi..--..-a very Uonda.aad Fri." 1 " day at eifcu; o'clock,' and retara.oa Tuesdays and Saturdays. .' ' J. J. LASITTER. Ifaaafiywf EASTERN CAROLINA WiJ& , The F ast Fright Line Vv Btraa, East. f. ' ikraUla Polatta. and aorfolk, ttaBtSSr Philadelphia. SJaw York.BeasU h aabetb city. 1lft . 5. Eta.-vla Ell THE 8TEAMERP ' Eaglet and Annie, t vi wia una wilt -na aat regular schedule tlnaa, , leaving ew Bernajsviry , MONDAY. W KUtH IQ. OA T nu r tvlDAY lor kllsabeth Dltv ,nilrli,m arriving on MONDAY, THUKSDAY atU ' 3ATDHUAY. 7' These steamers, in connection with the AUantlo 4N.0.K K.. Norfolk itonthawav M K., New York.JPhUa. and Norfolk K, tu 4 the Pennsylvania K. K., form a reliable suasj regular line otterlne aunurlnr lulliUaAana . ..' quick tramoortatlon - no im.na(era except at Ellsabettt -Ory.M Whloh POlnt frelUht will halnulaAaaauJiU ku uiiuuvu ui muLininiui - - luwji an gooaa to be snipped via, 1 Carolina Dispatch dally as follows: Krom New Xork. by Penn. R. Ba Plat . rNorth River. rom rnuaaeipbla. bv Pblla. WABUte K. K., Dock Ht. Btatlon. f?hV.TT From Baltimore by Fhila,, WU. SVBatt. M, From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern B. B. . rum nuHLon. Dy nercnanu Miners Trsaul portailon Co.; New York and New BnglttaW It. It. Kates as low and time nnlnkart ,,a teui other line. W. H.- JOYCE (Gen. Fat. Traffle P. K. K.I. U u l Traffio Manaaar. GEO. 8TEl't-iF3, Division k relarht . B. OOOKK, General Freight Agant. M. li P. A N. R. It.. Norfoia.Va. A , H.C. HUDOlNrt, General Fretaht Ami a B. B. K., Norfolk. Va. GFX). BENDBR80N, Agant, Nawbrn).lf.O. feb30 dw OLD DOmiON Steamship Coiapsay. SEMI-WEEKLY L1KB. rbe Old Dominion ateanasaulsi ckvaii pany'a Old and Favorite Watew 1 Route, vie. Albemarle and Gheaapeaka Canal. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, Hew fork, PklU delphla, Boston. Prorldenee. ' and Washington City. Vnd all points, North, East and West On and after MONDAY, AUG. 5th jm mill further notloe, tne Steamer M iNTEO, Gapt SoiUinli, AND ' : oteamer NEWBERNE, Capt PritchstC Will sail from Soaialar Va.. tor New Bern -tU Washington, MONDAlTa aud FK1DATB. niavklm uiobo ouuueokiou with tha Hteaaaer af -ana N. & t. A. B. B.Co., for Jtlnaton trwtack and all otner landings on the Ntnsa anl Retnrnlue. will aall frnm Mew uxoktm for NORFOLK direct. TUKhDA M uAlitl. DAYS at TWELVE, M.. (noon), uuu aisi nectlon with the u. It. M. n i-T'iZl for New York. B. 8. P. f)o 'a X tor Baltimore, Clyde Line Ship ftwPaujaa ur anunng enoris to pieaaa mil imieiis and our almost perfect servloa frmlhaaaal fourteen veara. ia the heat offer all shippers aa to wnai wa wiltsie Sex uiem m we rutura. y ... nts! ; ; x tolXdVa.allg00d" eM,of -1'a,.v Passengers wlU flnd a good table, etaalseai' able rooms, and every oonrtesyjm AMaaw tlon will be paid thenby aeeSaSf!?T a. b. ROBKawVA1, MMSaa. CULPEPPER TURNEBT- " Agents, NfeU,Va, , W. H- STANFORD, Vice-President. Hew Tort Cltr i The fl. C. Freight Lba UESOEANTSland SUPFESS, TAZINCTICJ On and after October 16. 1888, thU like Wll, resnme their regular . Bi!iM.l-WEBlvLY TBIFS 1 Baltimore and New Bern Leaving Baltimore for New Berne. Wwn , ' 1 iiiwai,s,alAr,ai fi Leaving New Berne nw Baltimore. TTJEaV This la tae only DIRECT line out of Haw Berne for Baltimore without chaaure. Md eS' ' v"elurn trlP from BalUmore ea enrwl to New Berne, stopping only ntfnl laaT nectlng then for fioaWn, Jr&vktUu rtelpLla, Richmond. mMvSSusSv East and West. Making slmsontMPAa; ' Z?u . J T" Aden's are as follows; ' ' T" REUBiiiN FOSTER, Gen'l Manager,' f- i JAB. W,MoOAE(.8krri New York A Sa.1t A. W. , aw ' North rlvr " . - C.W E. Samnson. Hoatnn 'tt fwnhli whart: aatr"' - awwavweii, rroyieanoe, R. 8h,p T Boeton.(ridy u j ' : i - r New York atallv.. 1 H H. MAna-nll D..V .W""1 1- :. r "TE aito.wei in' 'aV j &" '''''i-'PiovtdeneeV' Tkrough bllhr lading gl r-a,-. ng given, at the di.. antaea to ail po: tha companies. A.VOID J5RKAKA.Oilt3 "t. ; in ,smi? via rr. c. tir' '. . V . ' 8.J7. GRAY, A s-ent, " , ' 1 Newkeiua,i!.r, 1'. .. J 1 .nl i.1

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