iTKE JOUEKAL. co: -isr' y lllOJA.Iia , 1 1' s I . i m - ,Cj - S. " ; CJ 3 uu CO I.fl 'K Jff drf sar -aLj. fif M . n Mfi v tn CO C9 ill L'aM? Kotice Admiralty Seizure. 'f HS BTKAlER CLEOPATRA. .Dvrrxs States cr America, 'S " ltlat.rint. nf Pom 11 I District of Pamlico. I ' ; Tterm, libel hath been filed In the 'tUairlet Court of the United States of Amer. - lek for the District of Pamlico, on the 10th any of January, in the year of onr Lord one ' luonaand elf ht hundred and ninety, by Jag. - IteJones, lu Robenon and Chai. Jirown . v. . Tb Biaamer ileopatra, for seamen's - and Braying the usual process and munition of he conn, that all persons In- v 4WMU4H the said vessel, her taekle.ap rrel and furniture, may be cited to answer ' .' tue pramtaeavand all due proceedings being hadf that tha-aane maybe decreed to be iaoidt and thaproeeeds thereof be dletrlbnted a' aooordlns; to law: Therefore, In pursuance of ; i the ld aaonltwn nnder the seal of said , court, to ma directed and delivered, 1 do "ebygUre notice generally, unto allper- v'i , haTlng or pretending to have any ,1 t. title or interest therein, and to , -aier of the said Cleopatra, In special, to , ear before) the aforesaid court, at the ,', r of NewBerne.on the8dfday ;of Febru at Ido'elock in the forenoon, then and there to aaswtr the said libel, and to make ' their allcations in that behalf.' 'And also ta answer an to all other persons having viitina against the said vessel, for wages - -eie4 on ooard thereof, who may choose to make themselves tpartles to the-libel of ; 4aid steamer Cleopatra, by way of amend V meat or supplemeot, without further pro- ei or citation. i.jutted at Haw Berne the 10th day of Janu ary, In 4he year of onr Lord one thousand alpht hundred and nicety. ; 4f.DW, 8T viNgow, Proctor. ' JOSHUA B. HILL, U. 8. Marshal, JanM 1M By OHAi. B.Hill, Dept. Marshal. FOB Etccch-Loading Gunp, ? $rab"and Paier Shells, A' El1 tV fl powder and Shot, - : 4 NEW BERUE, N. C, """i iff Tnri . . .V .Lis iii '' iU of errors, sarly -i ,l(itn". .uood,eto.,llli i .( ' ) ooDMlnlng fall t . i.ritre, nf ohr. A, w ; shoii l i8 mad by ermy' , 1 douiutated. Address,! ' s" ' Baa i i em ma Arm&litnl DenarttrellsJLla - - ' ILAJL CLOSES. ' For North. Weat and Boutb. Tla A, ft N.O.K.R. at 8.00 a.m. For Beaaiort and ih Catt,' ' Bt 5:89 p.m. v I For WaahJngtoa.Swift Creek, Bydasd Beaufort Countiet. daily at t:00 a. n. ' Fpr Trenton, Polloksville and Hayf mo, i ,ou a m. , . , For Qrantehoro. kiiknm an 1 Van damexe, daily at 6 a. m. . , '-In Ifonnv f)rdvan1 RAr4afraA Tk ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. tnuauiag department from 9 a.m' to D.m., ana from 7:30 to o p.m. ', letter from Mr. J. W. Kaby, Uoloo CSty,. lad.. ajt,;?,l hara eaed your uiarao , , tract or , Ms (rpUlon) vougo. vara and find it a conpetent Cure for deep-seated oold. . It has dona mora than two of oar most efcillf ol phy iotang. My children had the whooping oougn, ana wan u aia or your vougb Cora they had It' very light oomnarad with aeigbbor'a children who did not take it. I believe it to be the best cough oure in the market .;So'it is.. A large bottle only $ I 00. "" Clarke' Flax Soap for the Skin, It leads them all. Price 25 cent. Cough Cora and Soap for sale bj E. S. Duffy. qioggiBt.- . ,, f t. . li jou do oot rise earlj joo can never make progress in anything." If you do not set apart your boars ot reading, if you suffer yourself ofi any one else to break; In upon yon, youf'dajs will slip through your hands unprofitable and frivoloup, and really onepjoyed by yourself. ; Fethaos no local disease baa puatled and baffled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh. White not irumq diately fatal it is among the most dis tressing and disgusting ills lha flesh it heir to, and the records show very few or no oases of radical euro of chronic catarrh ' by any of the multitude of modes of treatment until the introduc tion of Ely a Cream Balm a few years ago. The success of this preparation has been most gratifying and sur prising, i Thou mayst be sure that he that will in private tell thee of thy faults is thy friend, for he adven tures thy dislike, and doth hazard thy hatred ; for there are few men that can endure it, every man for the most part delighting in sell praise, which is one of the most universal follies that bewitcheth mankind.'. A scrap of PapsrSaves Her Lfi. It was just an ordinary serap of rap- TjinO 1-IImor mt It MVnrl Iist Ufa waa in the last stages of consumption, told by puyaioians mat sne was in cure we and could lire only a short time; she weighed helped her she bought a large bottle, it heloed her more. hnnirVit STlntVini-onH oratm better faBt, continued its use and is now Duuug, uwuuij, rosy, ,juump, weignmg 140 pounds. For fuller particulars send stamp to W, H. Cole, druggist, Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery uwMn.n. i'ony, waoiesaie uruggist. For sale Wholeasle at 48 per dozen. If a man does not make new ac quaintances as he advances in life, ne wm soon nna Himself alone. A man should keen his friendship in constant repair. KTJPEPSY. Thij is what you ought to havr, In fact. TOU must have it. In fullv nW HfA Thousands are searching for it dally, and uuuiuuig uccuuse taey una n not. xnou sands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it maybe had by all. We guarantee that Electric Bittern if naeH BrrnrAinrr tn ,1 Im.- tiOnS and the use persisted in, will bring juu guou uigesuon ana oasv tne demon iyspepsia ana install instead JKnpepsy. We recommend P.lantrln Ttiltora fnr Tlm. pepsia auu an diseases or Liver, Btomaoh and Kidneva. Rnld nt Kfln. tlaliv.lY XT rfle n-i t ,. ow joerae, . i. wnoiesaie rates, So.OU par aozen. If VOU would avoid the misnip.inn of your neighbors, never carry your moiasses in a demijohn. Prof. LoSselte's DISCOVERY ANDTRAiaSIKG METHOD In apita ot ttdnltsntsd imitations which mill the CiMrrv. and nnotleal ramiltB of the OrfarinaL in mlto of ihe groeaest misreprosentAtions by envious would-be 3ompuircoro, ana in Bpiwoi oaee mrampw to ioy- um M the fruit of hie l.lor. (all of wbioh demonitnte the undoubted BnuerioritJ and popularity of hiB teaching). Prof . Loiaette'a Art of Neier jTorgettms is noognitwd tolity in both Hemiflpheiea aa marking an Epoch in Memory Cultum HiiiVroipeotuB (sent post free) gWee uptnions oi people in au pane ox toe giooe wno nave aow inlLc atnriieil hiaSvstfim bv nnrnwnondntMWL. ahmvkitf tbat kii System is wild only vhili being Jttniitirnoi nftMntMrlln! that. (1,11 hwiEOinHMAMudliMW rroi. A. x.oitMCVTBf a? Jf inn avenue. n. Ko indulgence of passion des troys the spintual nature so much as respectable selfishness. - Saved from Conanmptlon, Several physicians predicted that Mr. Asa E. Bowley, druggist, of Chicago, would eoon have consumption caused ny an aggravateo case or Catarrh. Cus toners nnauy $ tnd need : bim to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (PaDillonl Ca tarrh Cure,, He says; t.'The.reRaU was unpKoedented. VI oommenoed t get wen aiter , tne nrst appiKjation ana am now, aiter a iew weeks, enticoiy cured. It will do the asms for you.. Price $1. Try. Clsrke'a Flax Soap for the Skin and you 'Will nceno other. S8 cents. Alt .of .ClarkVs I lax remedies are for sale by r, a- unffy, drnicslat.., . ' ' ' ADV1CB TO laOTHEBa. - A "MES'f"'a' SooTniNGf Svkw should always be used for children teetbiuf It Boothrs the chili, softens the gumai allays all paiu, ours wind colic, and is the beet remedy for Vint rhfta.' Twenty.five cents a bottle, jaly "f 4'r' T f ' it f i'i , J. i. f3. r-aturea opened j a ii,. j ,i '.:es. 11 OS 10 65 10.81 10 96. 1101 11.05 ALiuat, Spt. 10.87 .October, 10.25 No. 10.13 Junaa v. JJeo'r. New Fern market atil 1 Sales of S3 tilis at 10 to 10.10-;' Nl .dcajustio ajaiiakT KXW L-RS.'N: "!. Jaa 50 TK. fnl towing ar todsj'd quoutiona jn this maraec; . . . , .- f - wholesali mnn. ' Seed Cotton f3.20aS.25, ' , . RlCl Eouffh. C0a65o. Cottos 8Esa-tl2.COal3.00 per on J cjrjn io 10 li cents per dozen, Coe5 43a50 cents per bushel. -Mnii-650, bolted. -; : POTATOKS Bahamaa ' SfljiStn va'mn 4050a per bushel. ; A k t uhiohs-11.00 per bush, , j Bar On foot, be I ftuts Coontry, llal3o. I Laim-iOountry, lOallo. i" - ' half grown, 80a35c. , , , lirTn--1.00al.25 oer baahal. r OATS Naw nrnn. , SrtnS7rt InAlnina- aaoka.. . , .. PoDDERi-New, 60a70a. HaT-Crab grass, 35a45. Kisa Pom New107B. f Shoxtldxr Mkat SalOo. , . O. B.'s, F. B'a. B.'a fend L. O.- fia7o. FLOXJB-S3.00a8.50. -, , Laxd To. by the tieroe. HaiTA-BasialO'a.Sa.SO.' " . VOoWa18a20o A OHSts-12tal5. m ' Baw-.75a80o. parsMk. r ; : , t . . MOLASaMAjr6TlOTa-J0a4lC. CiKoauus 8i.. .,; Poitmb 13.00.' v..' : teoiw Drop,tl.85ibok, ll 50. IBDry., 8a6o.;aejeai8o' TAl)tvow-4o.iMr lbv ,i i , Dekb Hides Dry, 15a25c v. t BaiaWAi I8a20. rw.F IK. ' Bpihits Tcepebthje Market, firm' St TAKT8l.8tt per. pork bbl.; $1.00 per pine bbL .-.,r . .v,. . ' Chudx TuHPEjiTDJB -Market firm at 28 !5 'or TirfB follow dip and 81.00 for bard. 1 i ' 8TAVisrR.;p. bhfj; jaresseaVSWalS per M. , . , . TntBEB-Cypress, 18 in. and .over, to demand at $5.00 per M. BaiNaLKS-West India, dull and arm lnal; inch $3 00a2 25. Building f Inch hearts, t3.00isapa,1.60 per M 'la Grippo!" 4i "Have Toi Got the Brippe?" J. P.TAYL0E. THE OEOCEB. has the- grip on a stock of the 'Best Goods, Groceries, Meat, Lard; Cheese, Bather, Flour, Coffee, Sugar, Tobacco, etc, ever brought to this market. He has a grip on these goods, but be will - jiV , a , Let Tnem Go Quick . at Very Low Prices. Go to see him Call at once at J. F. TAYLOR'S, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, i ; Middle Street. P. 8. Our nrioes are TIW. . Fashionable Tailor ! All Woi Done In ' Btyle. ; ' RICHARD SAWYER, Middle st, two doors north of Hahn's Livery Stables, decidtf , NEW BERNE,' N. 0. ADMINISTRATOR'S OF IAJT3DS - " juu,iu,u, auu uruor oi 1X1 e 5??S?S.?nrt or.Pj:ftven oonnty rendered , K jjuuary,ieu, in me in it .SL O. flarelson. Adintolatrator, with the will annexed, of the estate f JoL HAlsh ItJI. riafttaAAVA la A-lV. 4.1 Mm . - . w-vniMvu, w I'tasiubili. LIU ill HIT JAY. MAHCH Sd. few, at lit O'clock, M., tha folhafin t.ranu u.i l.uLirL"r! . . " .vwv v. .MUU UVIUllKlUa UJ west side of Cpper Broad Creek, li HoTS avwuBuip, w wjw una tract containing m aerea mnn m , h.i. ".r1. .vm.wnji. muT aesorinea ln l01 ."oni Geo- 8 tirnltb and i wlfsto foUoaiBIteeords'of craven :ronty. Also. another trnnt- nnntalnini. ' - . " . , ' w vorvav wore or (ess, adjoining the abovS traotTfnlly de- u.iucu lua uoru irura A. a. Hahn to JO. sph Pate, May 1th, 1883, .Book No 88.tollos ntjnd 678, Becords of sTld ofnt7-Bald ienl fiffi faWa,o?l 0OMTr Termanfaala.. nnahai v.i J.-,ii - oredttofalimonths; " ""T - " tt , ewuerne,NiUft Jan. 1890. - '.AdmrwlihwlU annexed of lanasdtd - ,i JoaepttPate.dee'd.. dolyjqinallfled as Kxewtor i the iuteof Mcsuij o. Bona, ana nereoy gives notice that he requires all persons , Eavlngj claims "R"'"-" ! oi uie saia uenry a. Manly. dnlyanthentloated, for payment, on of befoj-e the 1st day-r Fetjrnary, 18l or ,uu uvuva wm pieauea in oar 01 re- -St0?! indebted to the estate must pay Without delay. - ' ' t.M. - manly; tanas dim , fi .-,(, jcxeoutor. Ilortgagee's Sale." ;.r , :;h ; By virtue of power of sale contained (u a certain mortgage executed by John A. Ipook and wlfa Susan, to Green, KrwTr steaiy. t i January, . : February, ilarch x April, v , ,iiay, 4 nLS. J. u 1 euoea in cook W, folio 484, Becords Of Craven county. wm bbu -a moiic Auction to the hiahest bidder, at the Court House door in new aserne, county or Craven, State of North Carnlina.'nn Tiuu... j.w day of February, 1800, at 13 o'clock, M., sue luuowing personal property, to-wit: One light bay horse, named Henry. aciiuevi sum, chnii. . , , MANLY & GtTION,- ; t j32dtd Attorney for Mortgagee. '. A ' to r.A.K. hm.iiaiI r.r.nBf oi a , .' rr.vtl. ' annual' Viua.t Sen., aba Ur lilw.rattd CMalofo. nil to. AiuMnt. vMri id SMka UiwntrrkM la N.n Amer r a vwk and apw.Ma til, lijunn,. A w., J Distillers', a tent,) ; . ' - 1 -. ; v ... I Importer and Wholesale Dealer In Liters cn3 Crirs, , CllAVKlt STEEET, -1 NE AU COTTON EXCHANGE ;: .-vt ?: ' Ne7 Berne 1I C.; Keep constantly on hand a COMF1.BTB .STOCK, o( 4IiOBt and naabs. - Stock la the largest In the Btafe, and waa ' iuiuani iroiu una nanus r un VABH. ' - - - r .,,'..,, Consequently am enabled to toll sa low as Have on band the tollowlac.braads off WINES LIQUORS ind CIGARS EYE WHISKIES.! Old Family Bxxx ' . Golden Crovn, OldOcDtury, - Acme,1 -rLxiogtoni&o. See, Mitchell V Pare Old Scotch: JV Pure North Carolina Corn AVhUkey WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scuppernong, Old Sherryi Blackberry. ! Madeira, ' j Claret,.. . , SbJaUan, Sweet Catawba, Rhine "Wine,: California Angelica Wine. RUM. New England, West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, Peach, , Frenoh (James Hennesv). , GarretU Cognac Brandt, Cherry, . Blackberry, Ginger. GIN. Holland and Domestic ' T WT!T a T - 1-1. 1 - . f UJB.X4X, AXlfi, IC. JSllC. The Borgner A Engel Brewing Cof's ' , ' I a a ' , veieoratea utger. Beer, t Imported Ale and porterv' . it , ' Clspssenft Son's Exoort Beer hVm. MoE wan V India Pale Aleirom r; Edinburgh... , Agent-and Bottler of th Berjner,; & ;15ngel brewing vq. jeie Dratea - Lager; Eeer ana jrorter. v; Cordials.s Angostina. Bitters, ' imported ana Domestic rt,runampagner;;; m A a M 1 .' aM a t aaa.. a. " " ' ? Ag;nt i or . usivin onarer wild Cherry tfocxandKye. , V,A largeortment of Cigars and . 5 , . .JnerooM A p , ; Agent for the Virginia Standard Che . roots, the best in, the market. ; 1 , a v , - aaaaaa ' -" - ' , , ' Will truarantee to r:ll ta law as any houses Norta, and lower tnasi" any , house in North Carolina,-'m ? : 4 K V i l 'i -C WE AL80 ai ANUFA CTUKE 4 ; - Glngsr Ale, w ftA, p u V y.' " Barsaparilla,' -Xembn Soda,f!,'' i ' A ..n -u riweasoda, California Pear Cider and Mineral VM;.i'f Water, v m.v n.'t- Our Olr--r Ale is equal to any im ported and superior to aby procuril'a rnri1y Clled and sallgfao- :DroiiD; 1. i .3 i. :. . 4. Urii.i L.t at try c "..-a goo 1 attention and cg-ju N, - . -. .). err:'. aUAl tf . : o. ; . . Li , . 1 Stat of NoeihCakolts aCk".. k Craven. ; Superior Court Fall Term, 1 The National Bank of New v -, - . - vs. , JotephL. Khem and others.. By virtna of a jndgmect r s, J the Fall Term, 1889, of Cravs 1 1 Sapetior Court, I. will s:i at Auctioa to the highest bid Jr 1 . r at the Court ilonae Door in Ne w on t. 3l irst iwondtiy ia Fibret at 12 o'clock, M., the follow. 5 scribed real and persons! pre; .:j,to wit: That certain tract of land Lcr Us city of New Berne, known as the Place, inbludlng the Hart Place, tV.e Jerkins Place and the Carter Place, being the same lands situated near the Oity of New Bernewest of End street, between Neuse road and Liwsoas creek, and all the' personal .property used therewith, more particularly e soribedin the complaint lit theabove entitled action. t Also, that traotof land known ns tlbe Bhem Seven Mile Place, and' the r r- onl property used therewith, more particularly described in thaoomplaint, as well as any and alt other property described in the comnlaint in tlia above entitled aotion,-7 ,f. ' . - The; above propertj, ia to be sold to satisfy, according to their priority, the several mortgages and judgments men tioned in' the complaint in ' the' above entitled action. ' - V. M. SIMMONS, Commissioner. Jan. 1890, .v-.lkdtda vi- i U NOTICE. The undersigned, Carrie D. Majbew, has duly qualified as Executrix of the BsiaiB oi uuv k Mvns ani nnmrtv 'H ariVAa nntioa that .ha nnnli'u all m. sons naymg ciaims against tne estate or, the said Mary E. Mayhew, to present thnm tn IkA ulil KviumMT ' ifnlv. Sn. thentlcated,. for payment, on or before tneivto a ay or xeoeniDer,.iow, or e(se this notice will be pleaded in barjOjt Persons indebted to the estate mist 1 pay without delay. - - ninorttn mimTinr m , Greek & Stveenson, Att'ys. dliW Dissolution oCpopartnew Tne firm Of J, A. Mattocks & Coils this day dissolved bv mntual oonssnt. J. A. Maftocks will assume' all liabilities of tha lan firm and receipt ,fof sll ao oounts due th same. : All. persona in debted to the .firm are earnestly re quested to 'make immediate , sette; Stella, N.TD.j Dea.: 80;ic8Cr V. 1 ' J' A; MATTOCKS ETCHES. V f ft ' . - . t , -T' r M you degire'tbem no use foojlng away MmeTtkn things' that don't pay; but send IL0U at onoe fop-magnificent outfit of onr Great New Stanley Book. If book and terms not satis factory we will i efund y Onr money. So risk. Ko'CSDltftl needd. . Rnf.h lautlaat . .-if and gentlemen employed, Don't lose time iu writing, -oiep in wniie tne waters ara tronbled' Taysare worth dollars Address n 'Vii.. TiiirwaAtr a mm :i00k Mali St., Utehaaond, Va 4 anli Iwim JOE KA17ILLIS, Ml LIETOR OF . 'A EASTERH f,UTH CAROLIfIA UarMaUVcrb: 5i Mil n i -4 r ,1 Italian and AmArlnAn'MavhlaV ari"ah qualities of material..,'. - ,'--,'. Orders solicited ami vlsn i-rrAnt iwntion. witn -satisfaction , auarnd teed.' ' " '. i' i (,', j e ! i G. E. SJlLI.FR In mi eiront at t7lnai and Alex. Fiblds regular travel - j gvmmw mm aaiuusvu avuK. .... ;. i: nor: n A Car Load of Fine U J " 3 just received at my tuV. . , 3 selected with GS2AT C.'.. " t 1 r admirably suited for FAu' aa J t ;; purposes. ' ' ' . t Call acd j La shown tLr 'i ' 1' stables, .! 1 S II' Zaa '--Mi rfl r fly 'lvs.1, . Iji,.(,jLi. .iberCo. i ' ' T' ' M" ' s Foisont to an exeeuUra 1 my hands, ISHUcdlrom the Cnpertor Conrtof Fu.urt oounty, Iteeaibrr l'h, l-oi, tn fnvor or baiuutil Conard vs. Ifce laniliro Li1" t Will Mil at FUOJ.'A Auri'tin, tl i0 tnurl liouee door la the CUy of JS h-rne, on V- SUAY, the 3rd A sr r l,i.. rr, lsta. at Twelve o'rltws, JU tu i u lowtfif described proprif or so luu. i t f as may be' neccei: ' satisfy tm id iniunn,to wits . t " f - , Ail ue lands and stdndlnst' Hertbereoa. conyeytd to the lai alcoLu Mr O. by Jon. o. i Priry and wi Claris I., by dfd ri .iid jiiiury luih. i ), am1 remmed ia Craven Lo , book lul, .'til, St 5 aud 8--, to v. Mi'h reference Is b'id for tuore par tic I. r -s'ntion. ' t a u.nda and stand'- - ' 'nfcr thereon Couveycdto the Vamiiuo erLin by at. B. Caioa and wife Aruesia, by deed dated A mi U liivn. 1S9, n i ronded In Civea Co., book lt lgs 15 and w. to wliloh rnir ence Is bed (ox more r' .'ulr iua( 1 .. ' ftjUMiAt OAtMililAA, I (superior Cotut, , Craven county. , fleoetniil3inll(8..' laaaattBmlth.riaiBtiff.iui iir ' vs. . J Sotiee. LydUA.8mlUi.Defert!UCt. f J" J "t ' . ToLydia A. Smith: ' " t ' Take notice. That an setloa his bea eommeneett in; the said, ceorvernitltd as above, for the purpose of obtaining a divorce between the VM AVA M. plaintiff and defendant,, and Mewbern on the fidMomtt r before the 1st Unnrtavln Harh. A Tk JilvU. snd answer ar demur to tne earn plaint in tins e ton s Olerk anp,Coartt Crave ooiinty. -oeeltSw ' ' , ' orthtrol)na. ! Korteascs's Ztld fc ByTirtueof a power of sale'fc-' -red upon'tna "by a. certain mor'.; n cuted to me ty E. J. Fat. a at 1J. A. Patterson on the 1C dy rf i b.. 1889, and duly , reoord . J ria t 100, pages US, eio.of t' e 1 . 1 c f Craven' county, I will si.-l.for i 1 st publio auction to tl 4 highc t tU at the' Court Bouse door.ta Hevl se, Craven county, State of North Cut u.iAa, on Tuesday the i:.2;,day " ot April,. 1880, - t - Twelve:, 4'oloek, noon, all the rigbt, title and Interest of the . c. mortgagor, Jt oeingas nno'TW"-' taira of the wholsr of the' said pioperly, , bounded aa follows: Lying on the south side of Jobo -street, and bounded on the wat- b' the Jerkins lot, and on the w ah b? 1 ise street, on the '-east- fcy'te Lma.iv.ood and Bountree lots, on, the north by Johnston tireet, it being f k Uy described , ' in $he said, mortgage, reference to -which is hereby' made '4p4 a full and . -more perfect description, ,. .. . Thla tha ISlh He ' .Tan . 1R0n, ' Lht.lK. p. n PELLETIF.IL c ' jjanU; QMi ' it j fj-.V' i Jlortsagefl. - nopERTcveno. r: aWMSVMUM Ayr aM ta,eVS S-i AVhJ V . v, M',i' 1 iass vWawwa)S W jutt FLOUR : direct ficm the Mills is i, m mionigsn. . We have in stock a nig supply of ,,Wwit India Molasses. - which wa Import direct from the Wss't Indies. !-'t. ,r , i.t Give us a call and see our prices! - . , ;. io ' Booth Front streeO ' ' ' " -' ' ' NEW BERNE. aT3 Wa -InK Oall Jtr A ..JT .n' ' rt T. " a. ? m fm.l.'Vi aT m a.ui.a tard'sEnng. ' 1 1 Ml' IMD FClt CON CA I ALt UAaaia r f ATLAS - Ea"l!.! 2 V. iriSIANAFCLI, f 4ja,Sa Us w Is s jas OI.O STA"- -n t. r .rc: 4 tVeVsV It will acrtj t 1 t yr M 'v eci'ty V at wsEir the Shoe tot'- 1 and brslnes o sph'ma. inn 'sthe Oi ; s gat: . ot tLe f j (URr.. ; t., 'jiiS dly , 'you ... r I - " a f u 1: V-?d - 3t 1 C"".