f V 'aily Journal .HIT- rtwi TOkWni.-NO. 259. NEW BEENE. N. G, SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1890. . f PRICE 5 CENTS. 17 B .V BUSINESS LOCALS. ftlANO 4 sad ORGANS TUNED, refr WJT tinted and repaired. Mr. Frank ""15. Morton eia be found any day thia week either at Hotel Albert or at the ; carpenter ihop of E. M. Pavie. . First - ' claw work only, at reasonable prioes. '. febSsf " PRtNTiSR3' INK: 'A weekly journal .published In Nt w York, diaousses in each number topics of interest to the advertising classes in an intelligent, impartial and instructive manner It : to invaluable to every advertiser. The Sabacriptlon is $3 a year. febl-2t. .,PEPAIRIN0 8EWISQ MACHINES. S John El wards is doing work at reduced rates. Leave your order at r hit reaidenoe on Pollock street, between Berne and Eden. j30 tf CHATTEL MORTGAGES and War rantee Deds for sale at iho Jcur ku. Office FRESH BREAD at THREE CENTS per loaf at JACOB KAFEfi'S - BAKERY, Brick Build ing. est side of Middle (treet.- , j2S lw DR. D. 8, HARMON. Soientiflo Op loian graduated -in St . Peterg burgh, Russia, in 1&70. Office at Hotel . Albert, room N a. No charges for ' fxamlnation. All work done in office. J.OEED.PEA8 Eitra Etrly Brands OvWint and Best." "Alaska," and .Howard's Earliest of all the Peas." Will' be sold at the lowest possible i prices lor oasbv by . ; 481 tf F. 8. Duffy. ' TILL HEADS and Statements neatly . J printed at this offioe. Call and tear your order with ns. ' 71ARDEN 8EED3 Pure and fresh I . 8. Dunr'a drug store. '." wnman as t.hnv iiiflTl; "-j.j.i.j"- j itndy tfco barometer; bat they do understand till the day after- i TAB cloada- never grow so dark omer the CturiBtian'd path bat that the sunlight of God's promises can 8hin,e through. What a boy is at -fifteen,' his farther has largely made him; what man is at forty, his rife has largely made himl Lr. Harsh a. The Greensboro Patriot corn's ti :0H.agaln. after months ofsur apeaiion. We gladly welcome it, and predict for it honor and useful ness., i . jj-'" ' mmmm LET not him who prays eufftr his tongue to outstip his heart; nor presume to carrj a message to the throne of graoe while that stays bebiudfSonth. Tauf-strne Christian is like the sun, wmou pursues ms noiseless track and everywhere leaves the effect of his beams in blessing upon the world around him Luther. 'lis nothing tor a man to Sold up hie head In a calm; but to main tain his post when all others have quitted their ground, and there to fitaudjjpriglit where other men are baatea-down, this is divine and praiseworthy .Seneca, THRiNew Berne Journal every day gets in a few lines about the Big Fair that is to begin there on the 21th oFjTebraary. Goldsborb Evenog Dfspatoh. Yes, we do! We aret trying to give the people some Idea of what we are doing The JoTRXAL never gets tired of "blowinjjr" a.:good thing for Eastern North-JJarolma. Persons hf fail sometimes Imagine thai they can relieve their failnrefy scolding and fretting at those 'Who succeed. But the fact ever ii that! this but makes the z case witne.1 Attention lsr all the . " more directed to the failure and it ? become tha;;more signal. If you do not Buwee.4 yourself, 'do, not fret and soptd at those who do. ' r. ' I XE?ts. saw tu any. Bermon o ; Christ'anything that Ioois like ' strain. , There was a splendid ease about Him.' fit eame out of Him '-- because it was in Him, and Be .- could not help giving it- His meat and drink was to do the will of Him that sent Him. He rested by do ing: He Obtained refreshment for His weariness by getting on fHh nis work. Spnrgeon. Tbr liev. H.' M. Wharton does in his meeting what we never heard of In a meetirj before He spends ten minute's Lclvre'-'feach Be'rmonin, drawing "lessons irom me news . papert.'-' : ; He does this most happ: pert.'-' ; He does this most happi - j and impressively. lie regards the Dews of the day as the "unfold ing providence of God." Our fear is that other preachers will try to do the same thing and make them selves ridiculous. Bro. Wharton, however, claims a patent right on1 it. Western Recorder. "Another student from Andover applied to tfoV Congregdtional Foreign Mission Board to be sent1 as a foreign missionary, deciaring his mind was not mado np as to whether men would have a "new probation" beyond tho grave. Whereupon the Board did the only seusible and Christian thing and postponed their decision till the uncertain brother should mako up his uiind. And behold another full fledged '.'inart.yr." Some thing in this world make cne sick." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEME NTS. D. 9. Harmon Optician, etc. 8 Waters, Act. Candies, etc. F. E. Morton Pianos and or tuned. The Teacher's Institute for this county will be held this week. The price of fggs continues low eleven cents wholesale. The county commissioners will mcot at the court house tomorrow. Our truckers are all busy now pro- paring their lands and putting in spring orops. . Only one marriage license issued by the register of deeds last wee'i. That was to a white couple. The regular quarterly meeting of the La lies' Memorial Association will be hld on Tuesday, February 4, at 12 'clock m., at the reaidenoe of Mrs. Vaes. All tho members are reauested to meet. Mr. John Leary, near Trenton, Jonts county, went coon hunting on Thursday night. He caught one coon, two opos sums and killed two bears, and it was nta goodnight for hunting, ei;hir. He got the "grip," too on the game. A letter received by a member of the New Berne Y. M. C- A. from Shelby states that Evangelist Fife is doing a good work for the cause of Christ there. The first night of the meetings there were thirty-five conversions Dr. Harmon has fitted an offbe on the second floor of Hotel Albert. The Doctor has all ef the improved appar- ati for optical operation, most of which are inventions of his own. He appears to be a yery clever gentleman and thor oughly versed in his profession. Some of our young ladies propose getting tip a shadow pantomime at the Qeorge street chapel next Tuesday evening. Those taking put will be children principally, but it will be of suoh a character as to entertain every body. What might have been quite an acci dent ooourred. yesterday afternoon at the E. C. D. wharf. A party of ladies, gentlemen and children were getting on a email boat when the craft, being over loaded, or from some other cause, came near capsizing' One lady was consid erably wet and all greatly frightened. baby on board did not cease, for tome time, to give full force to his emo tions', even after all the danger was over and .the party safely on the wharf. A wag aald the party had started t uck ing and came near getting there. Get Tour Season Tickets. Season tiokets for the Fair wjll be on aale, Monday, at one dollar each. The olty will be oanvasied, and it is espe cially desirable that there be no delay in the purchase of tickets. The Fair will bb Immense, and it is highly im portant that everything be done in or der. Now Is the time to buy season tiokets. One tloket ad nits to the exbi biUoa at any time daring the Fair, Bay your tioket Monday, or as soon as ibis. It will save time and annoy ance to all parties. Denmark vs. The A & IT. ,0. R. The case "has elioited as much inter- sit as any civil eause tried In this oourt for several years," says' the Goldsboro Argus. "At six o'clock Friday evening the jury cams into the court and ren dered their verdict, axing; thejilaintifl's isges at ' $S,000. The defendants lodged a motion for a' new trial, which will be argued this morning. " Messrs Clark & Clark learned by letter last night that the argument for a new trial was heard land the notion was oven ruled l Defendants took tnappaal&t 4 The Argus speaks very highly of the speohes ef the lawyers on both sides ani espssially does it praise that ef Borneo. Clark, whfsppeared for the defendant. -rW ; v;ti:':'V's'f FAIR NOTES. A visit to the grounds yesterday after noon was sufficient to convince us that the managers ara hustling to get every thing in good shape Xor the exposition. Thing will be in good shspe, too; no doubt about that. Several deer parks, and ohlcken coops, hog pens, dog ken nels, eto , have been made, The build ings are all in excellent condition. A man was at the ground's yesterday making arrangements with the mana gers for a position on the grounds for a theatrical performance during the Fair. An effort is being made to get the football teams of Trinity Collage and Chapel Hill to play a match game some day in the week. Another feature will be a pony race, A number of the boys will enter their ponies and some interesting racing is expected. Among other attractions at the Fair, will be a department for the exhibition of Antiques and Curios. If our own residents will only respond, and those of adjoing counties, and send up their old relic;, freaks of nature, things queer, curious, antiquated, the ladits will bo enalkd to render this depart ment one of the most interesting and entertaining features. The Ground Hog Again. On the second day of February, being ground hog day, the Journal has frequently reminded its readers ef the importance of this animal's movements tjday. If ho sees his shadow today when he omerges from his winter quarters, he hastuos back for another period of re tiro merit because he knows the winter is not broken. If there is not sun light enough to produce a shadow, he re mains out and begins his spring oper ations, as winter is over. Just' what m iy be the elfeot of this exceedingly mild winter upon his hogship is not known, but it is fair to presume that he will be quite as able to understand the phenomenon as the rest of us. Personai. ' We are glad to see Will Rountree out from his attack of the "grippe" Mr. John R. Dixon, who has been auditing the accounts of the Atlantio & N. C. R. R., for the past two years, has resigned to accept a situation as ohief olerk in the manager's office of the North Carolina Car service, associated I at Raleigh. Mr. W. K. Styron succeeds Mr. Dixon at the A. & N. C. R.R. office, and Mr. R. C. West, of Kinston, suc ceeds Mr. Styron as book keeper at Mr. J. W. Stewart's livery stable. Mr. Frank E. Morton is still in the city and reports business prosperous. Professor E. A. Alderman, of Raleigh, arrived in the city last night and it topping at the Hotel Albert. Church Services Today. Baptist Church Rev. H. W. Battle, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 m .conducted by the pastor. Sun day school at 8 p. m., C. C. Clark, superintendent. Pubiio invited to at tend. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. Qeorge, rector. Feast of the Purification. Ser vice, sermon, and Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Evening prayer and sermon, 7i p. m. A cordial invitation to the publie. Attentive ushers. Sunday- school at the chapel, 9 a.m., and at the church, 4 p m. Centenary Church Bible and prayer meeting for young men at S:15 a.m.. conducted by the pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:15 p.m.. by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Mann, D.D. Reception of candidates for membership and Com' munion at the morning service. Sun day-school at 8 p m., J. K. Willis, supt. Stewards' meeting at pastor ;s study, Tuesday night, 4th, at 7:30. Meeting of working society. Wednesday night, 5th, at the parsonage. Prayer and teachers' meeting, Thursday night at 7:15. Young ladies' Bible meeting, Friday, 8:80 p.m. Church of the Disciples -Rev. I. L. Cheitnutt pastor. Preaching at 11 a.m. Sunday Sohool at 8 p.m. The pubiio is invited to attend. Presbyterian Church Rev. L' G. Vasa, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 m. and at 4 p. m. Sunday sohool at 8:15. p. m. All are invited to attend these services. Y. M. 0. A. Services at the rooms on Middle street at 5 o'clock p.m. Sub- jeot, "Oar Reoord." G. T. Adams, leader. All men invited. - Baptist mission station.market dook Morning services at 9:80 a. m., R. Hancock, leader. Afternoon, services at 4:80 p. m., J. B. Holland, leader. The pubiio are very oordially invited to at tend these services. Mayor's Court. The following oases were, disposed of yesterday: ; ',' Winnie Attmore and Wm. Whitford fcoth eot., charged with violating chap ; ' seoi, oily ordinance; dismissed; 5, seo. 4, city ordinance; dlsmiiied. Stonewall Items, Farmers are beginning to make prep arations for this year's crops, and are having a propitious time for their work. S. F. McCotter had quite a serious accident to occur at hie place on lai t Saturday, 25th instant. His mill boiler exploded, racking his gin and mill house seriously, but no lives were lost. Benj. Thompson comes to the front with the bifgest ho of the season. He drtssed 853 pounds. C. 11. Fowler's dressed oiv. Mr. howler s was no sar dine of a pig, but Ben got the oaks. I learn from those who were there that the tournament at Aurora on last Friday was a jolly affair. Quito an agreeable time was had, and Lee Thompson crowned Miss Trimena Wil- kins, of Weshington, Queen of Love and Beauty; Will. Thompson crowned Miss Fannie Edwards, first Maid of Honor; Huoter Buck crowned Miss Nina Colbert, second Maid of Honor, and Charles Midyett crowned Mies Annie Crawford, third Maid of Honor At 8 o'clock the coronation took place, and then the ball. All passed off pleas antly and agreeably to all. One of Many, Dk. D. 8. Harmon: Dear Sir I take pleasure in inform ing you that my sister has wry greatly improved to seeing, and has been eu tirely relieved of piin in temples eince using your eye glu&ses. Before pcuriog trie glasses she bad almost given up reading and the practice of music on acoountof blurs comiDg before the eyes and great pain in the eyes and in the temples. Having now uBed the glasses made by Dr. D. 8. Harmon for two weeks' she feels almost entirely cured With much respect, I am, Yours very truly. W. D. Pollocit North Carolina Lenoir County. I, the undersigned, do certify that I am personally acquainted with W. D. Pollock, who signed the foregoing let ter, and that his signature therewith is genuine. I de further certify that he is now County Superintendent of Pub lio Instruction for Lenoir county. Witness my hand and official seal, this 5th day of Dec , 1889. E. W. Bizzkll, Seal. C. 8. 0. List of Letters Remaining in the postoffice at New Berne, Craven county, February 1st, 1890. Mrs. Eliza Battle, Thomas J. Bannis ter, W. A. Brown, Mrs.Sallieann Bond, Frank Bryan, West Bryan, Maggie C. Davis, Robert Dennis, Mrs. Mary Eley, Henry Oinnis, Miss Lena B. Hover, L. A. Hill, Oeorge 0. Jones, Mrs. Amariah Jones, Miss Charch Saundere, J. B Ward (col.), Miss Easter West, Miss I Susan Willis, Mr. Freeman White, J H Wright, Lewis Whitfield. Persons calling for above letters, will say advertised, and give date of list. The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. Wm E. Clarke, P. M. Alter diphtheria, scarlet fever, or pneumonia, Hood's barsaparilU will give strength to tho system, and expel all poison from the blood. 7 Notice to While Public (School Tf nehcrs of Crayen County. Professor Alderman, by authority of the school laws of the State, will hold an Institnte for white teachers at the Academy, in this city, beginning Mon day, February 8d, 1890. TbU InRtitute will oontinue one week. There will be pubiio addresses delivered on Friday ol that week. Public school teachers of the white race are required to attend They will be compelled to suspend their schools during the continuance of the Institute. I hope they will all be promptly on band. Rospectfully, j!8-32taw&wtd. John S. Lonq Make no Mistake. If you have made upypur mind to buy llood s aarsapa rilla do not be induced to take any bother. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a pecu liar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar combination, proportion and preparation, curative power supo rior to any other article of the kind be fore the people. For all affections aris ing from impure blood or low state of the system it is unequalled. Be eure to get Hood's. 5 flew Store, New Goods FOR A. D. Royster & Bros., Raleigh N. C, Eugene W. Dunstan, New York and Stephen F. Whitman & Sons, Phil adeiphia, fine Candies and Confections, also Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Apples and all fruits in their season, Fine Cigars, Smoking and Chewing Tobaoco Cigarettes of all brands, Pipes and Smoker's Articles CALL ON Sam. B. Waters, Agt, Middle St.. New Berne, N. 0. fe8 dwly For Sale, Pecan Trees from three to four feet high, 50 cents each, delivered on board f freight line to New Berne. Kaffir Corn, 00 cents per peck. -A few Cape Jessamines at 5Q cents each, nieely rooted. J. 8. LANE, fe2 dwtf Stonewall, N. C To Let, A desirable Dwelling Bouse on Pol- look and one on Metcalf streets. Apply to j31dlw P. a ROBERTS. Boise C.ty, Idaho. The undersigned, olJ residents of Boise City, cheerfully add their testi mony to the professional skill of Dr. 8. Harmon, the oculist. He has demon strated beyond dispute and to the en tire satisfaction of all that he is an oculist of the highest order. During bis s'.jy here of two months be treated many cases of diseased eyes and euccete crowntd his efforts in every instance. Several of these caeca were of long standing and of a most aggravated nature, and their cure is regarded a? remarkable. The statements iu the press of our city, giving names of a number of his patiants, and a few ol the particulars in each case, are strictly true. Success is the only criterion bv hich to judge of skill. Dr. Harmon sucoeeded in his practice in this city where pretended oculists who preceded him met with signal failure. This tea timonial is voluntarily presented un asked, to one whom we firmly believe well deserves it. Wm Jaiman, Member Boise City Council, A J. Boy akin. Editor Idaho Democrat. Hecrttary's office, Boise City. Idaho, Jan. 17th, 1887. I, Edward 8. Curtis. Secretary of Idaho, do hereby certify to the correct ness of the above statement as to Dr Harmon's high standing and skill as an oculist and gentleman. E. J. Curtis Oiven under the seal of the Territory of Idaho ADVICE to mothers. Mrs. W in slow -s Soothing Sirup should always be used for children teethiuz. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhuea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly Piano For Sale. Hire bargain, fel dwl w Apply at JOURNAL OFFICE. REMOVAL: Old Man in a New Place. I have moved Two Doors below m old Stand, into THE BIHSOP STORE, where can be found a good selection of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY SOLID SILVER and PLATED WARE Spectacles, and in fact everything in my Hue. Don't forget the place, Middle street, opposite Baptist Church. EATON the JEWELER. FLOUR-CORN. I have a small lot of this REMARK ABLE CORN for sale at W. R. BAR- RINQTON'S in New Berne, and also at W. H. SAWYER'S in Bayboro. I makes as good and as palatable ll jur at ordinary wheat, and will on rich land make a larger yield than common corn, as it succors abundantly an J they bear well. One grain to the hill. It yields moro fodder than the common corn. If it doesn't do what is said of it, tho pur chase money will bo refunded, if put on good land. It will be on exhibition at the Now Berne Fair. JAS. U. PATRICK, feldwtf Institute, N. C. ASPINWALL POTATO PLANTER, Manufactured by Aspinwall M'f'g. Co. SLEEPER & JONES, Oiks Stock Farm, Agents, j30dwlm New Berne, N. C. At J, U. HOWARD'S ! Great Reduction in prices of Clothing and Umcoate to close out winter stock. L'tii-n Collars, six for 5(b. : throe for 25j. Bargains in Rubber Boots, Shoes and Coats. Corey's Adjustable Mourning Bands, 50j. each. Pocket Books at N. Y. cost. jan39 dw J. M. HOWARD. House For Rent. A very desirable Dwelling House containing six rooms, and kitchen Water in the house. Situated on Han cock street, opposite to the Academy Green.' Apply to RUDOLPH ULRICH. j in 13 d tf At F. Ulrioh's Store. Lumber! Lumber! Are you going to build, or are you needing lumber of any kind? If yon do, write to me, as I can make your prices lower than you oan buy else where.' All kinds of building material always on band, either rough or dressed. Flooring, weather-boarding, ceiling, moulding, eto. G. W. RICHARDSON, janlJdwBm CoTe.N.O. mm. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvvlof p riiy, btrenmh and wholesotneneM. MoT e-niom!cRl tlmu U19 ordinary kind. Md aim, a ie sold la competition with the ml U.ido of low test, short welibt. alum or ph s luto powders. Bold only In cans. UwVAI. UAKINCJ I'owdek Co.. 10S Wall St. N' V. I une23 dsu wd frt Am 1VE. Flan Juet returned from the West with th tinest lot of Kentucky Hortes and Mules that has ever lieen u Sew Berne, which will be sold at close Figures Call and see them at their oM Stand. Middle trept. j "'.! , M Hahn & (To. 250 Barrels Selected Maine Rose SEED POTATOES, ' For sale by WHOLESALE GKOOEB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. TJ. C, ' m H. Oliver, INSURANCE AGEHT AND Adjuster,, NKWItKHN, N. O. ; ' Connecticut Mutual. Life. '. ' continental, of New York, Fire. .-Etna, of Hartford VI. Manufacturers and Buildem. nt N. V Travelers, of Hart ord. Life and Aoctdt. tiioernm, or wew Orleans, Fire. Fidelity and Casualty, of New York. " Marine Insurance Co., of LondbaT - Americ.in Steam Boiler Ins. Co., N. T.' P-osrd of Marine Underwriters of Phila. Notarv Pubiio. Com m if e inner of Deeds for thA Ht.bu f New York, Maryland, Pennsyl vania, Connecticut. HO ADVERTISING DODGE,' The bal.iuzo of, cur Winter Stock of Clothing r.nd Underwear we will close out At Cost, for the Next Thirty Days. to make room for our Spring Goods. amnglan & One Iron Safe, HERRINGS' PATENT. ALSO 1 Good Buggy Horse, ;for sale at BIG TtfE'fl ' Removal. On or about JANUARY 15th, f remove my 1 Entire Stock of Goods V i to the large and commodious brio i i4iS"Hiv store adjoining Bell'e Jewelry Beoff',f where I will be pleased towaitoa n- a ., ta.m-4? jsnlldwtf Wh. SULTAN. 1 4'' 1 v. '

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