f i HI "1; ; -it TV"" 1 V A 1 1 n :i CiiEstion-r-DIsorilered Uver. l LVr id f.r-.tix 'druggists. lltw UuCiWTS PER BOX. $iHZiiffl&?& Console Agents VOTttXlKSZ liTAT5fif yk MT.CANAI (FT. NEW TOSK, ;v Wftf ottAiriiggist oAt!ke5e$hein) will ' mail Beecharn's JfPVSJ'P0 pnc6 inquire first. (Please mention this paper.) ftt ftl y0ytHPfg Stere, New Berne, N. 0. THE JOURNAL. "fidacste yourself for business, the professions are fall and the age demands it.-' :y eooasB or study at iscADLER'S BRYANT A STRATTON irVJ, I -7 I I r I 1 ; d till iiuna aan"-:..'1 Embrace! thorough lnttrnctloa in Book-Keeping, Penmanthip.Correspondenc, Commercial Law, Rapid Business Calculations, Commercial Arithmetic, Business Practice. Banking', Coin missiqn, Spelling. Short-Hand, Typewriting., For Catalogue, Terms, etc, address W. H. A PLEB, Preside. 9 Adowu tne'baT.'npon their way, The white snips leare the land. Two sun-brown children, si their play, Are seen npon the strand. No clouds are in the sky above; The air around is still : They dream their early dream of love, As jouDg hearts always will. The moments fly. The years go by, With all their weal and woe, Along the bright and shining sand, Two lovers gayly go; They watch the white sailed ships depart And melt In misty air, They wonder If their blended lives Will be as bright and fair. They part upon the sandy shore ; Ibe lover sails away; The maiden sees a stately ship Pass from the peaceful bay. Then like a snowy bird it wanes Upon the tranquil deep; Ami twilight falls upon the world, As silently as sleep. Above the bosom of the bay, The full-moou grandly gleams: The restless ripples rise and fall, Amid its silver beams. The breeze grows brisk ; the billows rise, They soon are tipped with loam, . While, gazing at the quiet skies, The sailor dreams ol home. whito, dark falls tlie I I MAIIttn STRUT. BALTIMORE. MB. mm K. it, JONES, n SCOTT I Hie complete ..noveisi of the great Sir . Walter Scott, " the viaru of tW North' peerless luuoiig romancers, all for $3.00, may seem , incrediole, .hut it jw jituj btibi I latent achievements 1 ayerley N ovels. I. ...'. YTavMor Naval, hv Sir Walter V :, Rot Rojr Edltioa, complete In S volumes, man octavo, wttn uioureuons, u.,pnos o. , , , ajat f Yels.-40 Illustrations. . vt of Midlothian. AND Dry Goods & Notions. 1 Fdl atook and large assortment. Priow as low as the lowest. Gall and examine my stock. Satisfactipn guaranteed. See the Best Line of Silver Jewelry I In the State. Hair Ornaments, Bronze Bracelets, Lace Fins, Purses, Thisuobiidition ;iC6mbs, Rings, Etc. Iio TrouDle to Snow Goods. "Doll The Jewa gHHi. Rhertof Paria, Vfvwdstock.' , 1. Tiirtuuaarf Klffel, nfcf e,fcte?D, Oiiaailn Dunmrd. , , . 8nrtou' Dauxliter J ? 'Tmii1 'of Montrfw, v TalikDian Anthjuarr, OauiHltftj IwKouaa'HVV'eU. a, The Abbot Bride of LamrneiTflOor, The Betrothed, PvrerUof the Peak, 5. Rab Ror. Old Mortality, The Monaatery, , The Pirate, The aack Dwarf. S. 'WaVerteri ' Q117 Mannar Inf, KenUworth, Iranhoa. IS 93 You Can Save Money By buying your Alaba&tinc, Ready Mixed Faints, eto , from WHITTY & GATES. moca of the commercial fertilizer! and commence; Btilirln j their riea Bvampa by .cwmpoRtipg c it; with ai ftf EasJjeiiLrolinis inex aaagftbfc prodaeti-joyrter i Bhella bamed to lime. : Just Xry it, farm ers 'f Jones, ; and see how cheaply yon can renovate yoar old wornont fields, which if not helped in eom way in a short time, must be turned ont to grow the old-field pine. . BattlM' irnlii Mn, Tbi Bbbt Salti in the world for Oats, Braises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Shfum, Fever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' oures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to ?ive perfect satisfaction, or money ra nnded Price 2S oftat net box. For sal bv R. N. DufT inn 17 Beeobam'a vonsillr. Pills cure bilious and ner Tho waves grow night; The storm clouds s'owly rise, They hide the shining stars from sight, Tnat deck the miduignt snes. Then o'er the deep the dread winds sweep And howl alone the strand, While wild, the bounding billows leap And surge upon the sand. Above the bosom of the bay, The red sun gleams once more : And thro' the hazy, purple air, It shines upon the shore. The wiDd above the weary waves Has died luto a moan, Ad own the damp and shining sand The maiden glides alone. Along, w'uh fleet and nimble feet, bhe hastens on her way. Nor heeds the wide returning tide, Approaching from the bay, She paused, with a sudden cry More dreadful than the storm, Half buried iu the sbining sand, She sees her lover's form. Then, sinking down with dripping gown, bhe wails in wild dismay. Gone is the gleam of her sweet dream, So bright but yesterday. With sullen pride, the cruel tide Arises round her form; She coes to greet the sailor love Who perished in the storm. When tempests sweep along the deep The fishermen can hear, Above the gail, a woful wail Of agony and fear. And when at night with mystic light The bright stars shine above, The spirits of the lost are seen, In death they meet and love. PROFESSIONAL. G. E. Thomas, Jr., ATTOitNEY AT L.AW. Ofncc Craven treat, near Pollock street. two door noith of Joubnal office. Practice In Uiaven, Oarleret- Joiiea, Una low and Pamlico counties In the 8aprerne Court of the Htate, and In the U.S. Diatrict and 01roo.lt Ooorta. , uotoDer iota, uev. u u RODOLPH DOT IT. B. B. rriXON. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store, Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl9dwly &TEAMXSB. if Cancer of the Nose. Ia UTt a tore appeared on mv nose, and 01 I bet Dhvu meat did no good, and the sore grew larger grew rapidly. At my father na mv Butoana died of IL I be ad, and eonsnlted my iad cancer. 1. 1 became alarm- ihyslcian. His treat- P. H. PELLETI ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MO. VI Y BKOKEK. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made In negotiating small loans for short time. Will practice In the Coo r. ties ot Craven. 'Jar teret, June, Onslow and Pamlico. United Btatea Court at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the Utnte. febl dU CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. QCION Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office 2J floor of Green, Foy & Co.'s bank. Middle street. New Berne, X. C. Will praotioe in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, nut! in the Federal Courts. ap!6dwtf NEW. BERNE AND PAMLICp LftE. ' The Steamer TAHOMA The following , schedule U now ia operation: Leave New Berne every Tuesday and, Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Returning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. All landings on Neuse and Bay river taken in both ways. For farther information apply to JNO. 8. MAN1X, Agent, New Berne. Deo. 5, 1880. Steamer Howard, Independent Steamboat Line. r On and after Moiday the ldlh da iC September the steamer Howsrd will run the following schedule: For Trenton every Monday and Fri day at :-.t o'clock, and rtturn on Tuesdays uJ Saturdays. J. J. LASITTER, Manager. and worse In everv wav.untll I had conclnd ad thai I was to'dle from it electa. I waa aarauaded to take 8. 8. S.. and a few bottlea eared ma. This was after all the doctor, and other medicines had failed. I have had no return of the cancer. MRS. M. T. MABEN. Woodbury, Hall County, Texas, Treatise on Cancer mailed free. BWirr 8PKCU1C CO., Atlanta, Ga. rlNtOLDRSIHAT Iwash'out JOHN H. CRABTEEE k CO butt's -Waverley Novels i!j!irfy ideniical with the " Pop u ii'tr I4iiairy lEdition of the i'aino .puth published by Apnletbh it flO.OOior the set, tWJHal-iittle . ijmtesr in, weight and a little iraper m -quality, dut Dota- rv snhsfflpfrirV: ' ' I JW nave tne celebrated "Packers" i'm i -.i J - xx-L- lice utam Treezers De sure ana see 'lie ikxiks. uHvv.oe Beeu &i uie k- k.ku o-- v,ar ice oi mis paoer.or a specimen We have a full stock of everything in the Hardware and Builders line, and invite your attention to the same. WHITTY & UATES. i tt; mii l uuua, rerurjiaAie, wm oeseni. 'J'.VVlfif TOT 50'cents. HI! irliis Aeenta for the Sherwin-Williams celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, and dealers in Limn. Cement and Plaster. ctioro mm WH eaTALOaUCane PRICKS kKM - .: --- TO WO OD W ORK-'BXgP Af fAeIMEHft VS) THE ; 03 v6(il0F dWffipte r1 CharWfDperlsi-f hahfomely W!5!lU' -wAT.ANTA,Ba MUSSISCI IT.10U1SJ40, 1-OALLAS.TEX. a'4e U t wantedv CharleDipkerls,-f hahifeomely n n iir 1 U n, CADM printed and finely bound, and IIU l.lL AN U T All 11 j wiin . ovefft iqunpiuutrawouB, i m , wuisvuxe, n. t . doubtless V Seems fabulous : tO till Csadlng Agricultural Journal of tho South and Wsst int. it. in nrtfl of ihe recent harPi toddA of AHen'i tAt- erary Itevdutim. .. . rA fi .1 1 Aii. The' . BbZ" Dickens. JMeWsaw.' ThaWorks'oir liarla blekaafc 'r3ide by"Farrnor8 for Farmers. Ai "a record of successful 'agriculture, HomI I an FAJtM nas no equal, livery lupw iuuu o agriculture is openly discussed in Us columns b; the farmer themselves. .No expense is spared ia securior a tail account of every notable suc- I oa tne larm. . it ia auuncuvciy tne Jones County Item. Oar farmers bave finished killing their hogs. Seed cotton continues to come into Trenton in small quantities Trent river is gettting very low too low for timber men. The fine dry weather in January plaeed the farmers well np in their farmimg operations Hen fruit is plentiful and sells readily at Trenton at 10 cts per dozen in trade. The warm, favorable winter has been the means of making the cattle in better condition than I have over seen them at this season of the year. Farmers are preparing to seed many acres in oats tnis spring, We learn that they will also plant this season a large crop ofirish potatoes The exodns fever is slighly on the rise again in this county. Several are now boxed np ready to start for the land of promise as soon as transportation can be ob tamed. Notwithstanding the short crops and the cry ot hard times we see no difference in the trade at Tren ton as the farmers appear to buy as usnal and pay mostly in cash very few are asking credit from the merchants. We are very sorry to learn that manv ot our citizens nave naa much of their meat to spoil as in many cases the loss has fallen on those who were unable to lose it beine compelled to kill them as feed was short. When we were a boy 02 years ago Mr. jsatnan Jjoscae a citizen of Trenton township, who, as a Lmi irLHlLERfiTUnrS F. M. 6IUMON8. H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotioe in the counties of Craven, Jones. Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Bvde, and in the Federal Courts. Offloe on Craven street, next door below Journal offioo. apl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLAKK DENTIST, and Broad. mtviixi, a. o. ir !:'.. l Pollocl J. H. ORABTBXE. BASIL MANLY. orFade Cral) OLD BYDRUG GISTS PEEHLKSS BBOICZE PAINT3-0 Colors, PEgRLESS liAtHDRY BLVING. PKERLES8 INKPOWDKKS 6 Kinds 7 Colon. PEERLESS SHOE ADD HARNESS DUESSlNtt, PKEBLESS EGG DYES-S Colors. HUmPHREYS' ' ETEMABY SPEClflCS Tor EorsoJ, Cattle, Sheep, Hjp, Hon, AND POULTHT. S00 Fate Book pa Treatment ef Animals and Chart Sent free. ctoks ( FeTers, Conceitlons, Inflammation, A. A. 1 Spinal meningitis, Milk Fever. B. ll.M train, Lameneaa, Rheumatism. C. C. Diatemper, Nasal Discharges. D. D. Botaor Grabs, Worms. C.E. Congha, Benvea, Pncnmnnla. F. F.C'olleor Gripes, Bellyache. G. G. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. H. Urinary and Kidney Dlaeasoa. I. I. Ernptlve Diseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Cane, with Bpeclflcs, Manual, Witch Hasel Oil and Ucdlcator, 67.00 Prlee, Single Bottle (over W doses), . .60 Sold br Srngglats; or Sent Prepaid anrwhers and in any quantity on Beoeipt ol Prloe. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., N. Y. STTHPEBEYS' HOMEOPATHIC ff SPECIFIC No. fiO sneosstfiil ramady for ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers (n tUGIKES AND MACKINISTS' SUPPLIES Balldere of Bnglnea. Boilers, aw Mills. EdglUK A Cut-off Machine Wears prepared to do Caatlngs of all hinds mtn promptness, Particular and Immediate attention Riven to repairs of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates lor any description or macninery . We are the agents for the sale of ine Amor loan Saw. Alao for O. A A. Bargamln's oolo brated Indestructible Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee forallwor dona bv na. 1y23 d2aw wly Commissioner's Sale. Kvvlrtnnnf a indzment of the Suprem rnnrt. ofj raven conntv. granted at the rail To.tti ihk In the c.a.K0 ol D. J. Broadbnrst e als. vs. John white and others, I will Bell at Public Auction, for often, at tne uoun House door In Nw Berne, Craven County, North Tumid the 10th dav of Feb- marv. A. ). lfcHO at Twelve O'CIOCK. noon, mi iho nrnnertv both real and personal dt Borlbed In the complaint flid In this action. which properly is fully descrioea in a cer tain mortgage from John White and wife to J-W. Taylor anil J. J. Baker.sald mortgage Is duly rtcorded In Boot Hi, rages im, 185,486 and 487. Ilecor Is of Craven county, reference to which Is hereby made. P H. PKLiLhiTIt-K. (JOmmiHSU)uer. Jan. 8, 1890. did fSTE8N CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line j irvits aw Berne. EaaUi -tt, . utlla Points, and Norfolk, BalUaaa J Philadelphia. Haw lork.Boitaa, Kto.- via Kllxabeth City. N.C. THE 8TEAMEEP Eaglet and Annie oi mis una will run oa regular schedule Uaaa. leaving Mew Bern mxirr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY" ana tiUDAV lor Elizabeth Olty andralnrat arriving on MONDAY, THURSDAY an4 SAIL) rtUA I . These ettiamers. in connection with ft ha. Atlantic N. C. K. K.. Norfolk Konthern SL K., New York.PUUa. and Norfolk R. K the Pennsylvania K. K., form a reliable an regular line otterlug euuarlor facllltlea for qulok traniiortallou NO transfers exctDt at Ellaabeth nt i. which point (relgbt will be loaded on ears U go through to destination. Dtreot all goods to be abinnad via Kuiin, Carolina Dispatch daily us follows: From New York, bv Penn.lt. K.. Plai B. North Klver, ifTom Philadelphia, bv Phlla., W.ABallo. K. R.. Dook HI. Htatlou. From Hulilmore by Phlla.. Wll. A Baltr . H. K.. President St. Htatlon. Krom Norfolk, by Norfolk Bonthern B.R. From Boston, by Merchants 6 Miners Trana rxirianon co.; jsew torMaudNiw Knglana Katosas low and time Quicker t .an hrur other line. W. H JOYCK (don, Fct. Trafflo Ajfent. P. K. K. I . J u )i 1 Trafflo Manager. GEO. 8'1'EI f.i- - A, Division Freleht innL P. W. tB.H I ., Phlla. . B. COOK1' , iji uural Freight Agent, N T. P. N. K. K.. Norfolk. Va- H.C. UUDUINH, general Freight Agent I o. n. i... .luritjia va. OKO. BENDKR80H, Agent, febjdr Newborn. N. O. OLD DOUINIOII Steamship Company. t SEMI WEEKLY LINE. llio Old Dominion Steamship Cm pany'a Old and Favorlta Water Rout, via Albamarl amd CUetapeaka OaauU. roB Norfolk. Baltlmora, Hew Tork, Phlla delphla. Boston. Pr1daa. aud Washington Cltjr. And all points, North, East and Wsa, On n.ud arter MONDAY, AUG. until further notloe. tne 6th, In an BssIfraaTS. All of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist. N. W, cor. Broad and Middle streets, Kewbern, N. O. Capital, Surplus Profits, - DIRECTORS. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY a. brtan, " Boa Kdlttoa la six vols., snudl Svo, goad type. 1 with aistnas iiiasuanons, wh rmiN um i fafer.MsM ffA:':' i iuT a5OtlaI!orrlt,S- 1 David OonparSaM, hart. Mtorlea. ; Taki a Cltlaa. VasvMuaaroial Xrava! m llTleaolaslHckleby, . Santa Ch"wlt. , "-n . JtdwUDrood, ' APiebwIekPavtrs. Barnabf Kadre, '- aatobMbBoa. . host Bdgar tof oi a itHtea Bvnil?T7B. Baldwin and others make this journal indispensable .Oliver rat Fipeotai Fi,a House, oreover, it-is equally . 1.) A HOME MAGAZINE. Kvrrr aublect "of interest to the home-maker Vl Plotvres from Italy , ' , , 1 Mly treated. ' Mary Marsden, Wi Catesby, Mrs: j7h J i .vcA 1 Brown, Mrs. Daviess, Miss Csbell, Miss Mosby luOUOI X1CK. laiieewiasaaasasamssi w. mtj eessoi ..i U' .S a nkietiei nuiM da BCD' AWeord of their daily life, presented In a form I farmer. Was 10807. TearB ID the ftd sad language whkh make U plain to all. 1 Tance 0f fche farmers Of that daj in SSSSwm practical, ptoBreteiv0-ideas of In of the 8outh and Vest. They do not treat I reclaiming : Old ' WOm OUC lanOS, of theoretical farming, but of the actual eon. hftniAls nnt nvt,r manT 1ATM of his farm Iwamp: mafl, which caused It to make heat ' crops of corn. oassed over the same fields a few years ago and to my surpriso that same land where tne mnd aaa peeu haaled was mnch better: and pro duoed better corn than any other ad oinltg it. Oar farmers in Jones county hare In oar midst s mine of wealth la their swamps if they would only utilize it. Suppose our a-bpaMnjvfeo Awti I farmers had spent; the same money which ihey have thrdftt kay for n -v -rntim,niim -.. iwArrniAos tArr.niura. in namnr oni used . n a rtnlienlightw.:Arit4,. rr, : , B1U p, 10,8 -5 8.amtK mud ' on: their lands-how htil, r t-wpes jii trTAsj mnch-better crops wbnld thof rmf!i t r,rf4sit;frri .Ui s f orodace I And ; Instead of their rOlXZZ?r l Cturn.iL.O, Will be SetW I famer ; Coperjtloa among the fcrmer aa4 1 w 0f rya trugt ou fygum A11 ens is printed ' from the same . -i -"vl-rs ii' il.!MijtaMS ttttstlna-andl at KKUiarta y i - i . AKSIIH LSI IBER af'nar Children't DetMrUaeat an . i flecuUar faculty of being noia ur .-i tiiir l ufntinsT ana wstnicuvf;. a , - author. tteiiPUDHSnea pnee 11. . -yumr nfniiej nnhilitu 1Ual WnaLnnpe iiuua udmiiiik iiiui iicnnuoooi and Prostration, from overwork or other caused. Bl pervtsV ort vials and targe visl powder, for as. SobDBY DirnaoWTS, or sent postpaid on rsoslptot Sjrtofcr&aaAnn' JU4llssis.,M Jrsttw St., a. X. J. A.BRYAN, Pres. L. II. CUTIEK, Viee rres G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. $100,000 86,700 SsEtle.B L. H. Cctur, George Allen, a. h. Thomas Daniels, Chas. 8. Bbyan, F. M. Sihmons, Roberts. I As agents for owner we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the follow ing described Improved Real Estate In the lly of JNeTr Berne: No. 1. WHARF PROPERTY AT TJNIOH POINT J lneindes the piece or land known as "THE ISLAND," ar-d the -wharf or roadway leading in ere to rrom Jasi front street. Also, waterspaoe now being filled In. The location it the best In the olty for all mann laetnrlng purposes, whlla tne largest ran tuna our waters nave sunpie aepui ui ter tor loading and unloading at the wharf. . No. a. TWO houbkh ani hmn Al UNION POINT, oocnp'ed as dwellings. wo.. ins ihus rttosu WAttSiUuuoB ONORAV BTREfcT. So. S. BRICK HTORK AND DWELLING ON ORAVJEN hTREKX ooonpled by R. O. B. . AfulldeSCTlptloaof this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms noon which the same will be sold, will be furnished on .(plication to the undersigned at their omoe nBonth front street. WATSON A STREET. ideotdwtf Ina and Real Estate Agia. Next ! Vun. W. H SHEPARD and compe tnnt assistants in the toneorial art will oivft von a Hair ont for 20 ocnt.i, Shampoo 20 " Shave.. 10 " Qaston House Baibor Shop. New bkrne, in. v. Steamer MtM'EO, Ga.pt. Sonthgiti, AND Steamer MiWBERNE, Capt Piitclett. Will sail from NwftHlf' Va., lor New Bern tT Washington, MONDAYt end FRIDAYS, makln onBe ouuneouon with the Uteaaiers of ths iN. & T. R. 8. D.to., for Klnston Tranton. and all other landings on the Nana ana treat Rivers. Kotnrnlng, will sail from NET BKKXkt ror NORFOLK direct, TUKttDAYH andFKl- necllon with the o. u H. m. ivium (or New York, B. 8. P. Go.'s steaUM- for Baltimore, Clyde Line Bhlp for PhltaJl 'leipnia, M a m. x, Uo.'s shins far Boatbn. and Truvldenoe Our nntlrlng efforts to pleaae our patrona. thepaaii and our almost perfeot service tat murieen years, ia tne beat guarantee w oner all snippers as to wnai we wUl d Jor them in the future. Order all goods car of O D.H.snn rim. fDli. Va. ir Passengers will dnd a eood tahl ns. uie ruuuis, ana every oourtesy i lion will be paid them by the omo B. B. and atteo. loera. ROBERTS, Agent. HM8M. CULPEPPER A TURNER, .' Agenta, Norfolk, Fa, , a 11- BTANVORD, Vice-President. New Tork Olty. 110 MORE EYE-GLASSES TIIIHIE IMCI I1JB FOE SUE Anant W1HTT AflRmt flLEARED LAND. I situated within two miles of the elty, suit- aoi rer true raising, a great bargain. VATSOW A STREET, Bay IS ; . ' ' Real Est. Agent. FDHitlEfJ OriLY! nstswllls Osasral sal XKEY0T8 DliflILriY f1TTT Tl w-sskasss ef Body aal Kinfi Effsots U J AwXi ef ErrmarlxaasssstaOUorTeitag, till, kls lH'"Mn fall, Rnrtnml. Hw ! talsrn sa4 atrwriMasi,ti,isui('KenniimariaTSrBODir. 4SMlst.lt sal,iiH hOSK IHtlTasST BMatB ta its. rj mm ) SUvm, T.rrttoriM, US FtrHfa Unmk MITCHELL'S sor.E, weak, &!:;fla::ed eyes, Cnrsitear Drops, GrtnnWIosi, 8tytt - Tumors. Red Eyea, Matted Eyi Latbst, mnsotcaiiOTmrtjuuimtaa; Also, erraany effleacloos waetinsa in maladlas. soch as U leers, Fever. peraw. Tamer. Halt Kneaaa, Bras,rii a. sara r nw, , rharavmrlnnammatlonxlsla, MlTCMKOIiB The ri. C. Fi eight Lino UEECIIANTSJand SmFFESS, TAZUOTICa On and after October 15, 18gg, this lln wll resume their regular 8EMI-WEEKLY TBIPS.w. BETWKXM Baltimore and New Bern Leaving Ba.timore for New Berne. WED NKS 1A Y , BAXURDA Y, at BIX p. 11. Leaving New Berne tor Baltimore. fUES- IIAV SI A 'I'l 1 L, I, . V - . . . . V .. , "a.uftai, bii oia r, as. This Is tne only DlRKirr lln nut nf Sm Berne for Baltimore without change, andOflk ' um 1.1 iw uuiii iit,ibimura ooma auee " mj new nerue, stopping only at Not KUk, ssBw'f ' neotlngthen for Boston, ProvldeLoe. Phllsm t delphla, Riohmond, and all polnta Kortn -East and West. Making close eonneetUn. ' lor a i points by River and Rrll oat of New ' itAriip. " i-'- Aaents are as follows: -REUBiiN KOaTER, Gen'l Manaaer. ' . an I.iohr. at. niiw.Mfa JA8. W. M0OARRI0K. Aat.. Jtortolk. wi! ' W P. Clyde A Co., Philadelphia, U BMUa wharves, ft KJ!W yrk Balto TrM- Llns, Her North river. ; B. Sampson, Boston, 68. Central wharf, 8 8. H. Rockwell. RrnvldsnM B I .1 Ships leave Boston, Tueeday a and BatardATa. ' " Now York dally. " """""(" vtiw.t vt eunesaayi at eMiluraay - Philadelphia. Mondava WsZ , " ' , Ptovldenoe. Haturdava, ..it (,4 Through bllla lading iTaa.andT rata the companies. . ).4trZAi i i f void aaiBAKAo ot iiVfck aVJ: '

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