1 r s 'J 2 35 o CO 1 m C3 3 sObS Q & to CO Mushil's Notice-Admiralty Seizure. THB BTFAMER CLEOPATIiA. DsnDWATES cf America, i District of l'amllco. Whereas, a libel hath been died In the Dili rlct Court of the United States of Amer ica for the District of Pamlico, on the 10th 4of January, In the yearofour Lord one tnonaand elht hundred and ninety, by Jas. HeJonM, h. Roberson and Chas. Urown rTh Steamer Cleopatra, for seamen's wtgaa,end praying the usual process and monition or ue coon, mv " ytiouun m tereated ln the said vessel, her tackle, ap varel and furniture, may be cited to answer tnevremUM.audalldne proceedings being LadTthat the sane maybe decreed to be Soldi and the proceeds thereof be distributed aoeordluc. to law: Therefore, In pursuance of tbai atld monition under the seal of said court, to me directed and delivered, 1 do hereby five notice generally, unto all per sona having or pretending to have any right, title or Interest therein, and to , master of the said Oleopaira. In special, to appear before the aforesaid court, at the JftyofNew Berne, on the Sdlday ;ol ! Febru krf gvt 10 O'clock in the forenoon, then and there to answer 1 he said libel, and to make their allegations In that behalf. And also to answer unto all other persons having claim against the said vessel, for wages nn.nl thnreor. who may choose to make themselves parties to the lltel of aid steamer uieopaira, "y 1,1 mentor supplement, without further pro- ease or citation. Dated at New Berne the 20th day of Janu ary, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nicety. M. PW.8tven80!, Proctor. iF JOSHCA B. HILL, U. 8. Marshal, Jafltt Md By Chas. B. Hill, Dept. Marshal. HEADQUARTERS FOB Breech-Loading Guns', Brass and PaDer Shells, ' "V; Powder and Shot, AT LH. CUTLER'S, ' REW BERNF. N. C tofi fern (fa rf loflt majihood. etc. I will bl trwtlM (aMlai containing full OM4 ft VtlnAOi 1 pMtievlan ftr : l V IZ, im mMlratki shonld be ao CI W7, "and dsbUttotAMr-M THE JOUKNAL. Arrival and Departure 3! ails MAIL CLOSEb. For North. West and South, tIs 1. 6 N. C.R. R. atSvOOa.ni. For Beaufort and the East, at 5:30 p.m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, daily at t$u a. m. For Trenton, Polloksville and Maye- vme, daily at 7 :30 a. m. For Granteboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere. daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 0 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from V a.m to 5 d. m., and from 7:30 to 8 D m. Offioe open constantly between th nours except whsn mails ar'peing d tributedorreat. ' Lave i3 exactly like war in this that a soldier, though he has escaped three weeks complete on Saturday night, nevertheless, be shot through his heart on Sunday morning. LEMON ELIXIR Its Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Slomnch, iionrli, Kidney and Blood L)r. Mz1j, 's L moii Elixir ia : pleas ant lemon drink that poaiiivt-lv cures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indices tion, Headache, Miliaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loa of Appetite, Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of lUart, and all other diseases caused by disordered liver, Btomach sod kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal disease. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottlo. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by II. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta, Oa. LEnon HOT DROPS, For coughs and colds, take I,roon Hot Drops. For sore throat and brouclii. is , take Lemon Hot Dropa. For pneumonia ;iiid laryncoti?, tnhe Lemon Hot Dropi. For consumption cod c-.t-.rrb, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung dist-.isoH. take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 c nts per bot le. Prepared by H. Mozloy, M.D., At anta, Qa. novld wly When you hear a woman says she has a bad husband just ask her what she has done to m;tke him a good one. A Haunted House. This body of ours has been likened to a tenement. It often has a haunted apartment the stomach. Scared by the eldrich sprito, dyspepsia, digestion flies and refuses to return. What can break the spell, what can raise the ban laid upon the unhappy organs? We answer unhesitatingly, iios tetter's Stomach Bitters, and we are warranted in the response by tha recorded testi mony of myriads, covering a period of over a third of a century. A course of tbe Bitters, begun in any stage of tbe affliction, and persistently followed, will terminate in cure positive, not par tial. The Bitters restores tone to the epigastrio nerve, renews and purifies the iuices exuding from the cellular tissue that act upon the food digestive' ly, expels bile from the stomach and tbe blood, and promotes a regular habit of body. Malaria, kidney complaint, nervousness, rheumatism and neuralgia give way to this medicine. There is nothing lower than hypocrisy. To profess friendship and show enmity is a sure proof of total depravity. Prof, noisette's MSCQVERY AND TRAINING METHOD In spite of Hiiiilterjvtrrt imitations which miss the Bie.,ry; and nmetieftl insults of the Oriinal, in spite of tho untune .iHTHurnoiitationu by envious would-be nnl in tittiranf "hfts at teillUtS to rob" him f thef: Pmf. Mor.t . : hM ' ''''' rear.. rnns , mtVif hit l:Uors,(all of which damonstrate the .hi superior. I y ftiiu poTHiinruy ui um iwivimii. .:.,:' Ail f Nm-er Forgetting recoguized .. i.i.iu i:,'iiii-mlii)rfiri na murk in 2 an Epoch in i iit u 1 1 1 is I'rospectus (sent post free) givea 'if j, Mini- in r.ll parts of the gl(U)e who have act 1 d.i '1 1 t-ydUMii by eorresptinuence, mumiug , s-,.:t .i i - nitt nit In irhiln bti fid Rtiulied. Ilol .,,-us- tliiitdwy Ixntkcan be Imnyit tnatinole , w ni-uafliiff 'in(f curru, a c. run rurtjjmii.uB, . I.OISKTTK, 237 Fifth Avenue. N.V af, The bleakest landscape in the world brightens into something like beauty when the sun shines upon it So love, the richer, sweeter light'of the soul, makes thy lace beautiful They Hack It I'p The euperior merits, aa a blood puri tier atd invigorating tooio, by Dr. Pierce's Uolden Medical Disoov ery, warrant its manufacturers in sell ing it (as they are doing through drug gists) under a positive guarantee that, if given a fair trial, it will cure all dis eases arising from a deranged or torpid liver, as indigestion, or dyspepsia, and all humors, or blood taints, from what ever cause arising, as ekio, scalp and scrofulous affections. Ibe terms are, benefit or cure, or money refunded. A gentleman coming home at evening, spoke harshly to his little three year old, who was playing very noisily. The little lady drop ped her playthings and retreated hastily to a corner. "What's the matter!'' asked papa. "Well," said tne child, "I've been a good girl all this day, and now you come home and make trouble the first thing." . ELECTRIC BITTERS, This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitteis sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and It is gpaian teed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples. Boils, Salt Ithoum snd other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent ns well as cure all Malarial fever. For cure of Headache Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or nnney refun led. Price SO cts. and $1.00 fer bottle at K. N. Duffy Drug Store IS COMtTKPTION WCtBABlEl Bead the following: Mr. C. EL Morris. Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with ADsceas ox laagt, snd mends ana pnysi eians pronounced me an Incunble Con sumptive, Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, im now on say third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm . It is the finest medi cine ever made. Jesse Midi de wait, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's Mew Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by aoc tors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at B. N. . Duffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, New Bene, N. C. $8 per dozen, wholesale. A six year old boy wrote his first composition on water: "Water is good to drink, to bathe in, and to skate on. When I was a little baby, the nurse need to bathe me every morning in water. I have been told that the Injaos wash themselves bat once in ten years I wish I was an Injnn." ITS EXCELLENT QUALITIES Commend to publio approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste, and by gently acting on tb kidnejs, liver and bowels.it cleanses the system effectually, thereby pro moting the health and comfort of all who use it. An Ohio lady is the mother of a large family of children, and they are all rather diminutive. A few days after the birth of the youngeer, a little niece of the lady called to see the baby. After looking at the tiny specimen a few minutes, the child remarked: "Aunt Maria, don't yon think it would be better to have less of bigger!" 'em and have 'em The usual treatment of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, as ihoutands of despairing patients can testify. A trustworthy medical writer says: rroper local treatment is positively necessary to suocess, but most of the remedies in general use by physicians afford but temporary benefit. A cure cannot be expected from snuffs, pow ders, douohes and washes." Ely s Cream Balm is a remody which com bines the important requisites of quick action, specific curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness to the patient. Exraordlnary Bone Scratching. Herbert Sperry, Tremont, 111., bad erysipelas in both legs. Confined to the bouse six weeks. He says: "When I was able to get ."on my legs, I bad an tohing sensation that nearly run me crazy. I eoratched them raw to the bones. Tried everything without re lief. I was tormented in this way for two years. I then found Clarke's Ex tract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure at the Drug Store, used it, and it has cured me sound and well." Clarke's Flax Soap has no equal for bath and toilet. Skin Cure $100. For sale at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Clarke's Extract of Flax Cough Care. It is a sure cure for whooping cough. It stops the whoop, and permits the child to catch its breath. It is entirely harmless. Oood for any cough of childhood or old age. It heals the bronchi and lungs, and stops the cough. For winter or bronohial cough this syrup is the best ever discovered. Only one sizs, large bottle. Price $1 00 at F. S. Duffy's drug store. RClarke's Flax Soap makes the skin smooth, soft and white. Price 25 cents' ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mr3. Wikslow's Soothing 8?rup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, laly COMMEEC1AL. COTTON. New York. Feb. 8 Futures opened barely steady. Sales of 8,500 bales. February, 1085 August, 11.03 March 10 89 Sept. April, 10 93 October, May, 10 96 Nov. June, 11.07 Deo'r, July, 11 00 January, New Berne market dull, of 8 bales at 10 to 10.40. 11 51 11.14 10.06 Sales FROM NEW YORK CITT. Mr.A.K. Hawkes Dear Sir: Your patent eye-glasses received some time -since, aud am very much gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight since l nave aiacaraea my oia glasses ana m now wearing yours. Alrxarder Agar, Secretary Statloneis' Board of Trade. All eyes fitted at the drug store of F.S. DUFFY, NewbemNsO. necfswly At J. 1.1. HOWARD'S ! Great Reduction in prices of Clothing and Overcoats to close out winter stock. Linen Collars, six for 50c; three for 23c. Bargains in Rubber Boots, Shoes and Coats. Corey's Adjustable Mourning Bands, 50o. each. Pocket Books at N. V. cost. jan89dw J. H. HOWARD. -Ir.u5 To r.vit. rout:fLi rnsraTng l a r,lu.r.td Cakknuf III! tl Miunlt gwdl ftoi SMka. Lvont srlw la Kortk AnaHcs, AlMfffMS Mf IlliutralW work for igmta. V JAUES REDHOUD, ( Distillers' Agent.) Importer and Wholesale Dealer in Liquors and Cigars, CRAVEN STREET, NEAlt COTTON EXCHANGE New Berne, N. C, Keeps constantly on hand a COITIPLKTE STOCK of LIQUORS and 1QH9. Stock Is the largeit In the State, and was purcliHBfU from first hauu. VOli. CASH. Consequently am enabled to soil low as hny Northern Market. Have on hand the following. brands of WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARS EYE WHISKIES.! Old Family B x x x x Uolden Crown, Old Century, Acme, Lexington, &c. &c. Mitchell's Pure Old Scotch. Pure North Carolina Corn Wbiskey. WINE8. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scuppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, Claret, St. Julian, Sweet Catawba, Rhine Wine, California Angelica Wine. RUM. New England, West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, Peach. French .James liennesy), Garretts Cognao Brandy, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger. GIN. Holland and Domestic. BEER, ALE, Etc, Etc. The Bergner & Eogel Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Lager Beer, Imported Ale and Porter, Claus8en & Son's Export Beer Wm. McEwan's India Pale Ale from Edinburgh. Agent and Bottler of the Bergner & Engel Brewing Co.'s Celebrated Lager Beer and Porter. Cordials, Augostina Bitters, Imported and Domestic Champagne. Agent for I. Galvin Shafer Wild Cherry Rock and Rye. CIGARS. A large assortment of Cigars and Cheroots Agent for the Virginia Standard Che roots, the best in the market. Will guarantee to sell as low as any houses North, and lower than, any house in North Carolina. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE Ginger. Sareaparilla, f . Lemon Soda, !U , i! RoeeSoda, California ,Pen Older and Mineral ; sWkter.-. -Our GlrJg! Al Is aoal to any im ported and Iroperior to any procurable in the SUte. .j, t . t Orders promptly filled and jatisfao tlon guaranteed. . vyl -' : JAMES REDMOND. - angUdwtf Baggage Transfer Baggage taken safely and 'promptly to and from any part of the city Wagon will attend Railroad. Siesta- I T?l-. 1 . v - i Orders left at my offloe will-fciV good attention and quick dispatch. -J. W. STEWABT.I augl tf . Broad street M JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Llarblo Works, ISTew Berne, US. O. Italian and American Marble and. all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. Q. E. Milkb is my agent at Kinston, and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent. Mortgagee's Bale By virtue of a power of sale conferred upon me by a certain mortgage exe cuted to me by J. J. Patterson ana J. A. Patterson on tbe 13th day of Feb., 1SD, and duly recorded in Book no, 100, pages 143, etc, of tbe Beooxds Of Craven county, I will sell for cash at publio auction to tbe highest bidder, at the Court House door in New Berne, Craven county, State of North Carolina, on Tuesday the 15th day of April, 1890, at Twelve o'clock, noon, all tbe right, title and interest of the mortgagor, it being an undividei third of the whole of the said property, bounded as follows: Lying on tbe south side of Johnson street, and bounded on tbe west by the Jerkins lot, and on the south by Neuse street, on the east by tbe Small wood and Rountree lots, on tbe north by Johnston street, it being fully described in the said mortgage, reference to which is hereby made for a full and more perfect description. This the 13th day of Jan.. 1890. P. H. PELLETIER, janl4 90d Mortgagee. For Truck Farmers! TRUCK FARMERS' SPECIAL C3rXJj5LKTO ! THE BEST FERTILIZER FOR POTATOES AND OTHER TRUCK CROPS VER SOLD. Introduced seven years ago, and exten slvely used since by leading Truckers along the coast from Norfolk, Va , to Tampa, Fla North Carolina Truckers will consult their Interest by giving It a trial, at least. Address for Catalogue, giving prices, cer tificates, etc.. THE WILCOX & GIBBS eUANO CO., Jan25 dim CHARLESTON, 8. C. Fashionable Tailor ! All Work Done In Style. Fiist-CUss RICHARD SAWYER, Middle et., two doors north of Hahn Livery Stables, dec4dtf NEW BERNE,' N. a GREAT BARGAINS. The Stock of General Hardwire, Cut lery, Locks, Hinges, Saws, Saddle? Cart Material, Wall Paper, Paint, Oil, Glass, Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Iron Pipe and Fittings, Iron, Steel, &oM &o., alflo Plows, Cultivators, Farm Maobinerj Cotton Gins., &c, belonging ti the business of Geo. Allen & Co.,s will be closed out daring the next lew weeks at VERY LOW PRICES. All persons indebted to Geo, Allen ft Co., by either note or account, are not! fied that payment must be made at ui early day. Indulgence cannot , . la given. L. S. WOOD, augl dwtf Truttee. iVilliam II. Oliver, INSURANCE AGEHT - NEW'BERN, N. O. Connecticut Mutual, Life.' ' "' . Continental, of New York. Fife. JEtna, of Hartford, Fire. Manufacturers and Builders, of N. Y. Traveler!, of Hartford, Life and Aocld't. Ulbernia, or new urieani, tire, Fidelity and Casualty, of New York. Vtmrlna Tn.nr.nfs Oj . nt Tmah American Steam Boiler Ins, Co.,N.Y, Board of Marina Underwriter! of Phlla - Notary Public ' j Commissioner of Deeds for the States of - New York, Maryland, Pennsyl - , . r Tenia, Connecticut. A I.I 0 AND F. B. Dnff. : dnigrlst, kgent Hw Bern. N. O. v.. marldwly' ROBERTS &;pnQ. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GEOOEBIKS, PROVISIONS Dry Ooods.iBootsii Shoes. We siH FLOUB direct from the Villi in MlcblnT, We have in stock sibYg Jupply of West India 'Molasses, which we import direct from the West Indies. , Give us a call and see our prioes. ROBERTS, &,B?9-. . outn rront street, v , 'NEW BBlRNE. tS--We job Gail fiAx and Loril iard'a.Sntiff. g 3 SAL1UEL' JACKSON Is at hi OLD 8TASD mm South Front Street. It wlU Ptv any Horse Owner to call Sand see him at once for Trimmiflg & Shoeing! Horses as he Is the only one In tbe city that antees Satisfaction, to fit the Shoe to the foot, not the foot t") the Shoe. Also (uarantees no corn and braises on the foot. v - Respectfully yours, JanSdly SAMUEL JACKSON. Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of J. A. Mattocks & Co. Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. A. Mattocks will assume all liabilities of the lace firm and receipt for all ac counts due the same. All persons in debted to the firm are earnestly re quested to make immediate settle ments., , Stella, N. C.Dec. 80. 1889. J. A. MATTOCKS, jlOdwlm N. M. HARGET. DB. O. K. BA0BY, STJRGEOH DENTIST. Office, Middle street, onnoaite Bantlat church, decS dwtf NEWBERN, N. 0. fiLa Grippet'9 "Have Yoi Got fhe Grippe J. F. TAYLOR, TBE GROCER has the fcrfo on a stock of. tbeeafi Goods, Groceries, Meat. Lard, Chaeae,1 Butter ( Floor, Coffee, 8ugar, Tobacco, etc, ever brought to this market He baa a grip on these goods, but be wm - Let Tnem Go Quick!. at Very Low Pxioea. tto to aet Urn Wholesale atld Retail Grocerf w. i . Middle Street. P.,S.Hferieet araLQW.fe J SelebfldJ Jlalniloae SEED ' . .. . :. firs bi For jsale by WHOGggCEB, , MIDDLS STRBET sdT. Md li NO ADVURtlSlNO DOW H The balance of. oujr Wutor'Jifis Olotbinti and 'iiii wjrU eloM - - to make room; for trrprlaoMa.- :!:Deri:fluDibl; ;Are you going to build,, or are yoa V V J: . needing lumber of iny kind? If you ' t j. '. i ll iissesa.. ao. write to me:, na i man. mv j-y, pricee lower than; yo-ea bay;!e ;L?!, where. Alt ftndeof tbilding materU i alwaya on hand, either rough orK i. dressed. Flooring weather-boarding, T&i; celling, moulding, etc. " ;1r?f r , q. w. RionATtcsc,' ;;; fanl.d6m - . ..; Cove, 11. CV .H-, t 1 ) 0 4 si. V, RtwlimJ!lWi1, prlce' ,8p ?ozen-Hi;i .

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