ft - 1 1 u 1 ' - t 3 O . TUrti K!1 - Or.- 3 ts - . : C3 CO a la! "s a. rA ta & Q 35 O 0 .T : sr. o to I1 Mr .c2r -ft C9 yj MuxiU'l iB-Mmiiilly Seizure. TH grjMIBCLKOPATBA. PC .7 V H ri?f " r . III " )lstrtJt of Pamlleo. 1 wrustuss. H tlfttf hath been filed In the r Dtairtctcewi orabe United States of Amer ; ' tM forttteDiatrletof Pamlico, on tbe 10th ' ' y of January, In the year of our Lord one ' - inoueand eljhi hundred and ninety, by Jas. MeJones, L. Roberaon and Chaa. iirown ; v,. The Steamer .Cleopatra, for seamen's ' waaee. and MMVlM4.he usual prooeM and monition of UaeoUr', that all persons In--Urested In the eafd vessel, her tackle, ap mhI w alOiiamay be cited to answer tae pre. -A aad-au due proceedings being health' li.K aiMky "e decreed to be ., :w . --J--. f h distributed - aeouro . wSMeecere.lnpursuanoeof ' the sila. .-.11 ton sneer the seal of said - court, lume imeatad M -delivered, 1 do r ; ; . hereby give nottaa(naeaUy, unte all per- eeos harlMor psaeodeaej'4o 'have any 1 - ticht. tlU gilatewst therein, and to , Hi siaaierer tewnaeaCleopewa. in special, to : Aavpwr busre ftke aforesaid eeurt, at the eltyof Hew Mtne, on the 8d;day ;or rebru rr.tI0o'eloek in the forenoon, then and . : . there to aaewcr the said libel, and to make . i their allegations in that behalf. And also -' '' to answer natto all other persons having ' '. :. . claims agalnat the said vessel, for wages . ' mmA m mm tharaORWho mar choose -. tomakethemselres!partles to the libel of ... ;. aald steamer ciaopaua. dt way to amouu ' meat or supplement, without further pro- ' Dated at New Berne theSWb?4ayof Janu- - ry.ln the year of onr Lord one thousand tf. D Savanso, Proctor . ' " 30SHDA B. HILL, UvB. Sfarshal, i: JanUlid By OHAS.B. Hill, Dept. Marshal ... j?; ; M 1 v ..''" ; 1 HBAOaVABTEKS r" Mm" Breech-Loading Gunp, ' - w . . .. Brasa aad Pauer Shells, fotrder and 'Shot, L H, CUTLEE'8, .BERNF, K C. 1'iasffeots of yonthfal errors, early knaa.lwtBwnlood.eteIwiu trauie(eftll) eonteinlag full t home curfc I-li 1 of nlworki auouid be wad By every J vnVrtreVfts- ..iToui ana onumwwa. juum,i THE JOURNAL. Arrival jtn4j)epa?tuiT Haili ' - liAlL CLOSES. .I For North. West and South, via A, ft N; as. R.fct8.00.m. - For Beaufort and th ' Ifeit, ; at 6:39 D.m. ' i For Waahineton, 8 wif t Creek . Hydaend Beaufort Counties, daily at 6:00 iw ift, . ror Trenton, rouoksviUe ana Kays. Till9,daiiyat70a.ni.'- ; ' For Gmntsboro. Baiboioaal Van- dsmere, daily at 8 a. n.p , v. , ; ; OFFICE E0UE8: - la Money Order and Kesris tered Let ter Department, from a.m. to 4 p. m. In'V&llinv Ttanartmant tmrrt U m to a d. iL. and from I'M to 8 n. m. Offloe open oonst&ntlv between thtss nours except wash, mails artVteisg a iriDuteaorient, t.; - ,:.z Emerson on Kewspaper Bead Ibk. The frflotring Ulrom 'Emerson's Talks with a College Boy," in the reoraary oentarjr "Newepapers hare done tnacb to abbreviate expression, and so to improve stjle. The; are to occupy daring jour generation a large share ol attention.'' (This was said nearly a quarter of a ceutnrv ago. It waa us if he saw ahead the blanket editions.) "And the' most studion8 and engaged man ean neg lect them only at his cost. Bat have little to do with them. Laarn how to get their best, too, without their getting yours. Do not read them when the mind is creative. And do not read them thoroughly, column by column. Remember they are made for everybody, and don't try to get what is n's meant for you. The imiseellany, for in stance, should notlie,c.9ive yonr attention. There is a 'gfeat secret in knowing what to keep oat of the mind as well as what to pat in. And even if you find yourself in terested in the selections, you can not use them, because the original source is not of reference. You can't quote from a newspaper. Like some insects, it died the day it was born. The genuine news is what you want, and practice quick searches for it. .Give yourself only so many -minutes for the paper; Then joa will learn to avoid'the! premature reports and antictpa tions, and the stuff put in ior peo pie who have nothing to think." Prof. Lbisette's I8H t!a ill DISCOVERY AN? TRAINING METHOD, In spits of inlteiatBnUtaltaBoM whlofc mln the theory; and prctiol resulU of th Original, In apiU of (to grossest misreproseutationa W enfioua would jompotitora, and in spite of 'bane attempts to rob" ntm a( (lie fruit of his labors, (nil of which demonstrate the undoubted superiority and ponularity of his teaching). Prof. LoisetU's Art of Never Forgetting is rooogniied toiay in both Hemispheres as marking an Epoch in Memory Culture. Kis Prospectus (sent post free) givoi apiniima OI poopio in au pariB 01 hki glum, wuw lukvvwu ia!ly studied his System by oorrespondeBce, Bhowing that hi System is used mil WW bevnl studied, not tfterwardii: thatonv oool:conoIe(WTitltn.o(iina mulina, mind-wandering cured, te. For PiospeetaB, lenns alio lesiimumn uu'o liof.A. L01SKTTi.237FathAvauua.M.V Stranger Want a good item? City Editor Why, yes. Stranget Well. I'm jast going home un expectedly with two friends and a set or poker chips, .andluglit perhaps you'd like to ti'avq yqur war oorresponaenc see; my wile re ceive us tto ..:ct.j . . ' 1 ? t The osnal treatment . of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, as 'thousands of despairing patients an testify. A. trustworthy medical writer . savg ' Proper local treatment is oositrfalr necessary to success, bat most of 'th remedies in general use by phyilcians afford but temporary benefit. iAur cannot be expected from snnffs, pow ders, douches and washes." Ely'i Cream Balm is a remedy which com bines the important requisites of quiok aotion, speciflo curative power with perfect safety and pleasantness to the patient. . He. who-wisely uses his wealth need not hare it for his tombstone, 1 Bxraordlnary Bone Straichlns;. Herbert Sparry, Tremont, 111., had erysipelas in both legs. Confined to the bouse, six weeks. Hs says: "When war able 'lb get 'on my legs, I'had an itching, sensation that toearly rntt tneJ erazy. I scratched -them raw to the bones. Tried everything Without re lief. I was tormented in this way for two years. I then.' found Clarke's Ex traot of Flax IPapillon) 8kln Cure at the Drag Store, used It, and it baa cured IUD DVUUU suu won. Clarke's Flax Soap has no equal for bath and toilet. 8kiJCttr $l 00. For sale at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Be noble) and the nobleness that lies' sleeping, but not dead, in other men wilr be increased. Bucklen a Arnica salt's The Best Salve In the world for Outs, Braises,' " Sores, Uloers, ' Salt Rheum, Fever Bores... Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions, andJpOsltlTely ttreey piles or no pay requlreL'4t Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monoy re funded. Price 85 eents per box; For sale by u. suwBtr-$:pm J? Jan .17 y-U ia i not what)wes intend, .bat what we ao; mat mates as nserai. Clarke's Extract JrJUax Oegh Cure, It is a sure cure fee whooping cough It stops the . whoop,' and permits the child to catch its breath.-: It Itftntlrely harmless, Good -for any Vcoueu of childhood Or old 1 age M. beats i the bronobl and Iudbs. and Itocs the coueh For? wiater orvbronphUl tsoug this syrup is the bestevef llcovered. Only one eizs, large bottle, ' price 01 00 at F. 8. Duffy's drug store, wl, , J CCUrke's llax Soap makef the skin J smooth, soft and whitPIcsSScentS'l ISP Ia Edseleld, S. Oi Friday, Benj, Jwdser.wMdalJ;oriU for jjtii. eazement with ' v . r, A. challere to. tU J- i the death' was neat by iScnj a- accepted .Gard ner," toiS Vere.arrested and placed nnder bond to keep the peace.'" It was believed Saturday thafr the bonds would be forfeited and the duel take place at aa early day.' ' i v . . , - . -. . - J I Tex 24 of Tebrnarjf U coming and the people are coming in multi tudes by sea and by land. i U coravvPTioir incitbibikj Bead the following? Mr. C. H. Monia, Kewarit,1 Ark;, . aayss "Wm down with abeoesi of .Lungs, and friand and pbrsl eiana -prononnoed me an Ineunble Oov immptive. Began takuc Pr. King's New DlsooTerr for Consnmpuon,' am now on my third bottle," and able tQ ereraee tbe work on my farm erne ever made. . ? .;' ' ' .. v Jease Midldewart, Decatur, Ohio, eayss 'Had It not been for Dr. King's NewDis eovery for Consnmptton I would have died of Lung Troubles. "Waa given np by doe tors. Am now in beet of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at R. N. Duffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, New Berne, N. C. $8 per dozen, wholesale. ; - ' . Beeoham'a Pills our bilious and ner TonaUla. - V ' ODAIMEltCUili, COTTON Niw York, Feb. Futures' Opened steady. Salea of o.oOO Mies. 1 February, 10 91 Avgntt, 11.13 March 10.90 Sept. ,10 55 April, .11.01 . October, May, . 11.04 " Nov . June, 11.0T Deo'r... v -r-July, 11 09 - January, , New Berne market dull. , Sales of 8 bales at 19 to 10.40. ' . J : 1 , . i, DOHSSTIO HAKstipr. , New Bken, N. C, JbX89. The fol lowing are today's qaoaaions.iB this market : ' " i :" ': . wholhals FBtotsj, ' Sra Cotton $3.208.25. , Ric Bdugh. 00a65o.. Cotton Seed tJ12.G0al3.00 per ton. Eggs 10 to 11 cents per down. Cobn 45a50 cents per bushel. Mbul 65o. bolted. . JPotatoeb Bahamas 80j35o.: yams lOaSOo. per bushel. Onions $1.00 per tush. ( Bxt On fcotr, 4o.to 6c. Hams Country. llal2ot La ed Country, lOallo. i Ohioxxns Onmn 40a60o. per pair half grown, B0a85ct FmANura S1.00al.2i per bushel. Oats New crop, 80a37c, including ' roBuait new, ouaue. . i fiAY-Crab grass, 85a4!W 1 Mxsa Fobs New 110 Uj ' Bbovldib Meat 8al0c O. B.'s, F. B's. B.Vand L. 0.-6a7c. Floue 8.00a6.50. Labd 7o. by the tieroe. . ,j ,.JS bsmb uimnuuieQ ,iio flomtB 18a80o. ru Cheese 12al5. Salt 75a80o. per saok. Molasses and Stbops 3Ca4fa, . Kebosbne-8ic ..5i-E Powdeb 13.00. , Ufa scIro,fKai-ft,tl 59.1 yi HES Dry, oaStf. ; green 2o Tallow 4 dper lb. DEEslIriES-pry, lJaJfje. Beeswax 18a20o. ner lh. BmiTS TuBPkntine Market firm at 41,0. per Ration, Tab 81.30 per noik bbl.: SI .00 per pine bbL . . . : obude itjhpkn tine Market Hrto at $3.25 for virgin and yellow' d--a& fi.vv iw aia.u. ' - v i If States B. O. hhd. dressed. 241i Tdibeb Cypreest,-.i8 in. and over! la demand at $5.90 per My , BmiroLBft West India, dull and arm Inalrfl turAMl DQan M, u.Bnilrliae- Inch kaarW, il.00 maps.tlW H i :. FBOJI NKW TOfiK CITY, d e l p Ma. A. K. EAWKXS-Dear Bin YoureatcrA eyklassts reeelved some tine ainoa, aud acs very muoh gratified at the "wouaeifui ehkBce that baa eome over my. erealaht . ' . Ai.BJTAirniru aniRj--mm 1 1 Secretary Btatloneis' Boardf Trade. 1 -iAft eyes fitted at the drugstore of I ..r:. ..... . jmA vis b.ti.it(n.n At J. DiOVAnD'S I m V i - Great Bednotion in prices of Clothing aad Orerooats to close out winter stock., i.tw . t. ' ,4 Linen Cojlarssi fox )0o.( three for 25o. : Bargai rgaip In Rubber BoeBhoesand www. Corey's Adjustablo Mourning Baals, 50a. each. iS ' "' t " . , : Fboket Books at N. Y.'cost. ; ' v JanM d w . J. M. HOWARD. 1 . rashionablo bailor ! one in rttst-ChiM Style. - y 'v T .. a n niimfnn.. Middle st , t a i .""rs rorth of Hahn's Lh'-y i"bles, i 'dccl't v NE1 DERNE. N, 0.. ' fTTnnrrri-inHT'- ai-t-r l mm - (DUtUlen Aftt,Y Importer and Wholesale Dealer in U:::rs cna Chcri, ' CRAVEN STREET, NEAR s COTTON EXCHANGE New BerneN. t. Esm eonstautry hand a CbnPLGTB STOCK ol aiaQUOKS and t'lQ a US. Stock la Uik larcett In the State, and waa purchased from ftrst hand FOl CASH, ; Oonaequently am enabled to sell as low as any Northern Market. Have on hand in followli;brauds of WJNES, LIQUORS and CIGARS RYE WHISKIES.! Old Family B x x M Qolden Crown, Old Century, Aome, Lexington, Ac. tco. Mitchell tVn Old Scotch. Pure North Caroiina Corn Whkkey'. TWINES. Old Burgundy Pof, . Via Souppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, . Madeira, Claret, ., ' .;: St. Julian, Sweet Catawba, Rhine "Wine, California Angelica Wine: . J" nnsr New England, West India, Jamaica. nrwsWii .i!Fmob (JlatnteHennesy), 'n t . x.4 OWfrstU'Cogpao Brandy, .CltirrVjio - Blaekterry; ' ' Ginger. ttM-i hiiluil.-tli'tt t't:-' .ill Uiii ftqcii ' " ul tuadrlo euioi hu Jjtfw- t HolaKd&tnestio. BEEHy AliE, Etc.. Etc The Bergaer & Eogel BrsWlng Co.'s i jCelebrated Lager BeAi-;. Imported Ale and Porter, ( '"f Claossen & Son's Export Beer Vrn. McEwan's India Pale Ale front I , : Edinburgh. ! Agent and Bottler of the jjergner : .ngei urewint Co8 ' Celebrated lager. Beer and Porter. '. J ,dn: . CordlalaV AugOBUna Bitters imponea ana AJomeauo Afoot foi li OslvlnShafer Wild OheWy V 4 Vi iusd ( i!iiife flJirriTiwT sJ bL9'-w J A large assortment-of, Clgarf and iv, .MunarorjBTi4 Agenty rot tns virpnia-Btajnaarf une rv i i toots, the nest nr tM tttultew i.k, ,-Gi.-. 'mi djiI' For Ofi-hTi' Will guarantee to sell' ai low aa any. housei'ITorth, and lower tnan anyjnonse in North, Qarolina, i - f 1 .4 f J 3- .r '4 4 '.WE ALSO MANDFACTTJKE I'M i ' 1 !! (! ? 1 1 , u at . 1 ... S (,..'. .... :- A Ginger Ale.-, f - o'f ' i v - SarsaDsrilla: w " 4 j- f.A j -!r Lemon Soda,' ,';;' 'JQoaeSoda. ear, laaer ana aiuwrai Water. Our Ginger Al i ial to any im ported and surer.oei$ity procurable Orders promptly filled and taUsfae Itlon guarahtfcUdVWofi A . ! I ft . iU Til TTCI Tl T'TlT anglldwtf ' 17--... -. " ' J - B2e taVea iftfely and proi&rl-'r to and Irota any part of the citjr r i Wagons wi;l attend HaSlroad. Ete re an4 Fertiea. - f Ordere left at m c5ce will b good attention and qaick d' patch. ' HO: - J..W, 8TEWAKT, 'anRl tf : rj.-":-- Broad street.' JOE ..ViLLIS, PROPBlKTOn OP ; J EASTERN NORTH CAHOLin New Berne, 3Sr.Vv:0. Italian and American Marble and. all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. O. E. Milleb Is my agent at Klnston, and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent... filliam U. Oliver, inSUBAKCE AOEHT AND - . NEWrBEKK, N; O. Connsotiout Mutual. Life. Continental, of New York, Fiie. Itna, of Hartford, Fire. Manufacturers and Builders, of N. T. Travelers, of Hart i ord. Life and Aocid 't. Hibernia, of New Orleans, Fire. Fidelity and Casualty, of New York. - Marine Insurance Co : of London American SteamBoiler las. Co., N. Y. Board of Marine Underwriters of Phila. Notary Public, , Commissioner of Deeds for the States of . New York, Maryland, Pennsyl vania, Connecticut. For Truck Farnorcl TRUCK FABMEE3 SPKCIAI,,' THBS BEST FEBTILIZER FOE POTATOES AND OTHER TRUCK CROPS - EVER BOLD. Intrcdueed seven years ago, and exten. slvely uted slnos by leading Truckers along theooaat trom Norfolk, Va , to Tampa, Fin Korth Carolina Truckers will eon suit thslr Interest by giving it a trial, at least. ; Afldressfor Oata loans, giving prices, eer- tinots,eto - s.' y -THE WILCOX JanlSdlm & bibbs mii m CHAR1ESTOK, d ..! SAL1UEL JACKSOIl 'Ient lus OI.0 STAND ea . , South Front Street. " It Will Dv any Hone Owner ta aall 'and see him at once for i . ; j i j. Trimming St Shoeing Hortitf as be la the only one in tbe oft sisstees Satisfaction, toUtlM feot, not the foot f thehoe,! IA1B (uarauHJFl mjnua u the foot." ; .-h- iJ'Si'. K t r-i.Bsseeetfgny'youie.K JanSdly .aAjiUJEIi; BODEIlPfin wo nare in stock a t . , .t:v ? ;iSiiS'''' waich we iu.port direct f..:i Indies. , . , - . . "Give na a call an 1 is onr ft: a ,!B id al V T ATJTTi ft 8?air.t ...flouth Ft tL.'iii;- bhi "3P lard flllUJIJ WW 4 Selected Ilainei ' tq: , I , 1 J 'w . i. I-. a. am a .1 , , r'i r' it "'" ' '.. -i ' f. WHOLES AM GEOOEIL ' 'i IS ir MIDDLE STSIST," . -, .i ; ,.,. , KEW EL. J f i r 1V5 rtnaiosiur- jAtiKinTn We' Sail AfflOlTkIfnrt trYti I i 'eSnntt.'" ,"""LLli t ,"iv LA .1 F. 8 Duf y.f .drugxUt, oerne.ft.tj., , may 141 Dissolcticacf Ccpaitiisn?. . Ths firm of J. A; Maltocka & Co. is v this day dissolved by mutual -consent J. A. Mattocks will assume all liabilities of the late flriaaAA-xeeelpt for all ao- counts due the same, AU persons t oeDtea to tne nrn are, jarnrsuy re- .quested j$ mke iat settle K StolfskN. C, DeJ807l8$. PJsVr- J i, MATTOCKS, JlOdwlm arHABOET. . :DB. O.K.BJlOBY BflEGEOH' DEIiTIDT. "Offloe, Middle street, opposite Baptist ehnrcn..-J:,ia',.l,; ; decSdwtf .:'WEw?Eiw.ir.a - . i. i a a . "LaCrksbl" 9 a.u l aYeYouGottheGHppe?ff . J,F,TAYI0B.lBEOB0C23.. , has the trip on a a took of: tbe Best ', Goods, Groceries, Meat, Lard, Cheese, . Uutter, ' riour, coffee, sugar. Tobacco, eto., ever brought to this market, ' tie has a grip.MtMs goods, but be Will . ' . n. r, tK.tr' ut t " . -a.nli' 4t at Very Low Prices.; Go -to seS hlaj Call at onos at : " p;V J, F. TAYIOE'0. ... . . i' 9 . Wholesale and RetaQ Grocer, . - LUf Middle Street; ' - P. 8. Onr prices are LOW. h jj no .Abmnsxro 'DODoit. - ' The bklancS off onr Wlatet gtoek of . V mot rung ana tiMerweerwe wyr.TOM y-: A At Cdst,Tfor :the irext 4 t f f V-.' , v"'7iri.T . ; vfc i Aretfon' going to build, or are yott heedfnghftnber orflany kind! U yots do, write txnevsSi I can make, your prices lower than you can buy else-'' Where. , All kinds of buildini material waya on ' ana, euner -. rongn or "ovnog,' weatner-aKmramg, ' ing, eio. 4 I t-. -aati 11 I -vialds TyBmDlete novela ol tie r. i asniiBir. miiuia ILMiil Jl'f HM ?SW 'W W A ..MtV uoi.-'ine'Xvortn." peerless. - msf!romancera, aiiior to.vv.: - tM Wt f Ho- Warorisy Hevels, by Sw WaKer i , - rIWitl,Mmt;ieUaSw. ,.,, aw n.i w.i.TB,wim v luuHraitons, -pt an a3. J f . : - tlBserttsriBolMWait f . .tari, i BrHe or lrfrf6or,''r BBir.TrnR fir: f Cfi.diri atAaCKawlwaa I AiiU(,'m., ,T i A Wavarteyw, '-i;' r. '. i I Our MannAriBr. ' . v nterly idffiiSal with.the Pcfp. r nlWlAfcraTy 'Edition of r tLa" -tzr" f ""4l-or published '; &t.$10.00 for the bw JigQtaa,,wei2at5and a l.ttl raer lriqaji)ut Lot! vp.rv Rjitififnr.tnrv: -4 " T. ' 8 books may bo eccn r t tL . iffice cf tbiipaper,orA,r. !aei: iub, returh able; vill be s'eni 'nwtpaid for .50 cento. Eass-fi-', I jrojai,'i,;:trr V- , . :rmiDt, ." BoufM ' h,on rao"' 1.1 , '.. '..,VI, ' ' ' 1 "" I'T ( 1AIBH JPUaUaUMtKeTV.wav. t v-f- lJtOb Ec Edition ":o - auwi v,ot, t-f p