r '!. v.. rrn viTvni.--No;27i&lS NEW BEKNE. N. C. SUNDAY, FEBKUABY 16. 1890. PBICE 5 CENTS. 'IfelJBNAL., I -II . . w ' - -i ? Ill " 1 - V m - .... . II - II M ) I" ' )ATZ:;TCLCl.ir3LtliB.-Clothei rrtJt ta tSown off. No pins. l"v;'.'.i,.oa be te at the Cotton Ex choe.'-t .- .; D.T. Oamawat. v . fei;;f,! " Agent Manufacturer. "XXT ANTED-A oopy1 of the Winiv . -' Y Journal of Juu , ,18W. ; liberal reward will be paid at this office. febll-ddtwlw ; , - - I r F ton hare not tried my Freeh Roast- Xed Coffee, do ao at oaoe. Every rpHB HAY MARKET GONE PELL n t'-Xi mell, end Lodge : phtioeophioeiiy taking la the situation ia 'eelling No. 1 M Timothy; Hy at SI 00 per, hundred at - hta standi on Craven street,' M-lw f vC ELEOTEft Early Rose ' Potatoes at O K. R JotixsY aravi . rei-4 E. ilorton; can be fovsd any day thia - carpenter ehop of E. M. Patle. Fire , 70UBGood FarM''Moriohep" for - aTtrdkah; byf .W.- KTIfe.2 JomtsV 4 . Tl IANO i and DkQANS TUNED, tlaaa work only, at resaonable prloee. ' J--fab9-tf v. : .. tcii rjfcAa Mr (v oran" Firat and Beat?' "Alaaka." and r n 1 1 '.11 il. n if - be eoldiat the loweaC poaaible ,vi rioerforoMb.bjA!jti-'i;f .-J''' f I1AEDEN iSEEDS-Pntt and freah- V VH al F. 8. Dotft'b drnc atore. TUN itENiS of Roaartd'Ooflee XJ, are limply delightf nl. feildwflm t. . ens 1s ."epldemtsches schnupfeu "f flebeV? an it b'ey say the disease , s; is not at all serioua-Qrana uapias TAi . Sassian t Government has j - perfected the scheme for a Siberian "railway. It will he 4775 miles in "'length and is expected to cost f 176,- ,: ,:-, Wis -' ' ' -,! in ' - t V" BiiiATOR B.OAB proposes to oat ' " r- ferry msnder the Demooratio Legis- . "iatawinOhto by forbidding it to V, tepeal'thEepublican gerrymander , of that Btate.Philadelphia Times. . r .THntTEEN prominent' business . ,, 'menof Helena,' Mont.7 have been ; , J jndicted for stealing , coal from the .. Northern Pacific railroad company, ? .The company claims to have lost 210 carloada there in one month. , '-- , The ExBctire Committee of the ' ' ' ' Honha Democratic Campafen-Com- ' mittee hare elected - Congressman Flower, of New York, chairman, and Mr, Oowles, o( North Carolina, secretary the fhll membership oi the committee was also chosen. : 1ex efforts of Harrison's Admin Jstrationjo pay off the debts in curred by those who brought it in- to being served one good purpose s" in that they are bringing to light the means by which the funds were raised to bribe the. votes of New ' '' York and Indiana, Albany Argus, r lUcinraia), tVa:t-Feb. 13. In the bouse or delegates coaay me , com nritt;e oo elections reported a bil for conducting the elections in this State, the essential features of whlci are those of the Australian eyst " i. She patron of tUi tz :asure (a Mr. Arnold, of Bedford; ; ; s W were Jn Terror In (our ' state taentthai brother Mi. !A. Undor .. wood hzs sold lis entirs interest in the Monroe Beister, a lirs,; ex callent, cLeap paperr Ca has sold ' tut half, and will couth" ; to C:v:t3 LU time to it. e ar3 ; 1 1 ts will rcnaih on declt. . i . t.a lirsc'cr. , iFtr-r-t:. i i. j at C Z Z 1 1 1 l,f A- ;aapr j r;- 3 a; tllj :;ba would t a q-lta zzHsU " to J i-lify its defsat next ITotcat dent lla party can carry such a load 3 T - i ia the: IIouss and IngalLs, ' t:s tni Efilr ia the Canate.-r fac-cc-:a tllzfrr Lj c:.. ' 1 Hivee:Ir c V " r :s rtritl'.f.r .r ; t -'fy t ta cat' ! : ' -i ttdr t- (Mb. Smith U(moftbe foremost men in this country in intellectual cnltar6.7 He occupies a eonspicu out position amon; leaders of tnougbi. Powerful as a writer, Sifted as a. speaker, he is also one f the first newspaper men in the country In executive 2 ability. Be sides all this, Mr. Smith has tact, real diplomacy. Of course, it would better for this country, and for civilization, to i have a Democrat lunch every day with the Czar; but since it must beaBepublican, why, men, euoa .? speea, yon, unanes Emory Smith. polished scholar and genial gentleman, that yon are. pharJotte Chronicle. LUOAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. E. B. ROBEtTS To the traveling pub lic . " . , me superior court will convene again on Toeaday morning. Traaanrer Roberta went op the A. & N, C. road yesterday and "paid off" on that end. ' The Fair ia only future, now. Get one week in the ready. Get your season tickets. A party of students of the Collegiate Institute, escorted by Prof. Adams, were oat horsebaok riding yesterday Fishermen say that ahad are running little better. Large shipments1 of various kinds of flab, are being made from here daily now. One case before the Miyor Yesterday Wm.' Jones, col., drunk and disorder ly in the city limits', submitted; taxed with cost or thirty days on the streets. Only one marriage license issued by the Register of. Deds last week. It was to a colored oouple. The Register saja the marriage business is unusually dull. Prof. T. C. Manning will open classoa in writing' next Tuesday at the Col legiate Institute and at Vance Academy In the afternoon and at the Board of Trade ypoms at night. 5. There will be prayer meeting servioea every night this week, except Thursday night, at .the Baptist Mission Station, market dock. All; interested in the ad vancement of the cause of Christ in this community are. specially Invited to attend. i Aspeoial train leavea this morning at 8 o'clock for Goldaboro, for the ac oommodation of those wishing to attend the dedication services of the new Catholio church at that place. Qiite a number are expeoted to go from this eity Mr. Robert Hancock, colleotor of cus toms for this port, hasf received a letter from the lupervislng arohiteot at Wash ington City making , inquiries as to a location and the cost of same for the Government building to be erected here.: Operations : have not been going on steadily at the , oyster canning eatab lishment daring the past week, on act count of the soaroity of oysters, but boatmen' arriving from the oyster grounds say that a nnmber of boats are loading oysters for the cannery and will apply the demand next week. v A Ulaslonary service will be held in Christ Church, Monday .'night,- In the interest of Missions in East Carolina. Addresses will be made by Rev. Robert Strange,' of . Wilmington, and pothers, occasion wm ce one or great in terest and it is -believed will-attract a largo congregation. The pnblio is bor dially invited to attend. v A oollectlon wilt bo taken for Mission work in the Diocese of East Carolina.; The service will begin at 7.1 8 oWockf The appearance of things la the saw' rill seotion of the clty is beginning, to be something like it was before the two i'X rcs which have occurred there :ce last August. ' Mr." SUmson's new r..l'.l houBe is nearing completion. Mr. Corion'e new planing mill and dry Li,n will be larger than before.- In month or two it will be livelier, than ever before in that vioinityFeur saw mills will be ta.bpsratfoa--? The agent of the - Old Dominion Steardshlp Company hande4 'u's a telfr- tnm addressed to Kim. and sent by the ITcTfc'i seents, which ' reads as fol lows: "Impossible to set Newberne c3 this week. She will leave here next Ttlizj," In consequence of the failure cf the ateamer Newberne to, sail from Norfolk on Fridsy, February 14th, 90, .a mill be no steamer , to sail, for " oa thir line, Tuesday next 3 E'.-?sier ITanteo-will make her "jr t.lp Friday next, February i, tt SI a..m. :X' ;';;:? v'-i,' 'a r"a cure bilious and ner VC Shipping News. The ateamer Carolina arrived from Grifton: yesterday afternoon with a varied cargo cotton, ahad and geese From Kinaton.: Oar correspondent wrote by laet night's mail aa followa : "The Sheriff closed np lira. F. C Becton'e store to day. Liabilities not yet known. Prof. MoHegan ia teaching a dancing school here. There was a danoe at the opera house last night." Personal. " Mr. A. E. Hibbard returned from New York last night. W. W. Clark, Esq., returned from Raleigh, where he has been attending the Supreme Court, last night. Mr. 8. R. Ball is in the city. He ia a travelling salesman now and ia on a short visit to hia family. Albemarle Preabytery. Thia new Preabytery met in Raleigh, N. C, on Wednesday, 12th inst. Rev. L. 0. Vasa. D.D., its first Moderator, waa pcfvented by sickness from attend ing and preaching the opening sermon; so Rev. Alex. Sprunt took hie place. Rev. J. 0. MoMullen, of Goldaboro, wu chosen Moderator; and Rev. 0. Moore and Ruling Elder T. W. Hawkins were chosen temporary clerks. Rev. Dr. Johnston presented the Presbytery with a handsome Record Book for keeping the minutes. Mr. Geo. A. Sparrow, a prominent lawyer of Washington, N. C , was ex amined and licensed to preaoh the Gos pel. He is a son of (he late Hon. Thomas Sparrow. Gov. Fowle gave a reoeption at the executive office to the members of the Presbytery. Church Services Today. Centenary Church Bible and prayer meeting for young men at t:18 a.m. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:15 p.m., by the pastor, Rev. J. E. Mann, D. D Sunday-school at 3 p. m , J. E. Willis sup't. Prayer and teachers meeting Thursday night at 7:15. Toung ladies Bible meeting. Friday, 8:80 p. m. Baptist Church Rev. H. W. Battle, pastor. Servioea at 11 a. m. and 7:15 m .conducted by the pastor. Sun day school at 8 p. m., C. C. Clark. superintendent. Pubho invited to at tend. Christ Church Rev. T. M.N. George, reotor. Quinquagesima Sunday. Early Celebration, 8 a, m. Service with aer mon, by the reotor 11 a. m. and p. m A cordial welcome to the public Attentive ushers. Sunday- school at the chapel, 81 a.m., and at the xhuroh, 4 p. m. Presbyterian Church-Rev, L. O.Vass, . D ., pastor. Services by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 4:80 p. m. Sabbath school and pastor's Bible class at8:15o.m.. Wm. Hollister sup't. A cordial .invita tion to attend these ser rices. Church of the Dispiples-Rev. I. L. Ohestnntt pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m, and 7:15 p. m. Bunday School at 3 p. m. The publio is invited to attend. Baptist mission station.market dock- Morning services-at 9:80 a. m., J. C, Whitty, leader. Afternoon ssrvioes at 4 ;80 p. m., Luther Lewis, leader. All persons are cordially Invited to attend tneae meetings. .-..,. x ax. U A. Services at tha rooms on Middle street at 5 o'clock p. m.. Rev. Edward Bull, leader. All men invited. Kessrs. Xoore 6 Brady. Editoh Jours ai.: In reading the col umns of your paper I see A letter of ao ousation and one of retraction written by A M. . Warburton. To mora rally let the oystermen ana others interested in the oyster business know. X will here state that Messrs. Moore ft. Brady have never . given or Offered one dollar or aided or abetted in any way,ahape or form, the said - oyster patrolmen. Messrs. Moore & Brady opened their canning factory ' hero in New Berne eight years ego and have worked their business up to what it is under tne most trying olroumstanoes. :; Oysters were poor and small, but thai did not stop: them.-" They continued to take oysters, whioh broke op the solid rooks and gave them the proper culture lor flavor and growth. : And all they want is to do a legitimate business, and are willing now, as they always have been. to pay all they can for good oysters, Manager for Messrs. Moored: Brady, v.-H New Berne, N. u. 'iTheTlaaies! Favorite: "The newest fashion in ladies' hats WiU doubtless causa a flutter of pleasurable excitement among the fair sex. Ladles are always susceptible to tne onanges of a fashion plate; and the more etartling the departure, the more earnest the gos sip, over the new mode. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription ft a positive curl for the ills whioh aflliot females and make their lives miserable. This sov ereign panaoea oan be relied on in cases of displacements and all functional de rangementa. It builde np the poor, hatgard and dragged-out victim, and givee her repewed hope and a fresh lease of life. ; It is the only meaiclne for woman's peculiar weakness and ailments, sold by druggists, under positive guarantaa from the manufactu rers, tbat it wi'.l give satiiirac: n ill evory case, or modify refunasi pil2t?3 guarantcs ca bottle wra;r:r. i:r BrlllUnt Karrlsge.' Hahcock-JoKDia. Oa - Wednesday evening St - Peter's was the scene of a most brilliant and intereeting marriage, At V o'clock the church was crowded to its utmost with the friends and rela tives of Mr. Seymour' Hancock, the colleotor of customs of this place, eon or Mr. Bobert Hancock, jr.. of New Berne, colleotor of thia diatriot. and Miss Rosa Jordan, one of Washington's most beautiful young ladles, . the daughter of Mr. and Mr. W. G. Jordan, of thia city. The church was elabo- lately decorated with mock orange and yellow jessamine. . Aa the clock struck nine, the bridal party marohed in to the musio of Mendelsohn's wedding maroh, beautifully rendered vby Miss Bettfe Hoyt. The procession wealed by Master Oroom Rodman and Miss Rosa Short, as gate openers. The attendants marched ia the fol low in? order: Hal Jordan, Liszie Hancock; Lalla Clark, Manie Hancock; Dr. DuT.Tay- loe, E. S. Hoyt, jr.; Katie Blount, Ella Tayloe; 8am Blount. Will Bryan: Mamie Myers, utile Move; Unarles Bell. Harry Creagb; Annie Myers, Julia Jordan; t rank Jordan, Leon Richardson. The ladies formed in line on the right of the chancel and the gentlemen on the left. The wedding bell, wroaaht by Miss Camilla Rodman, waa beautiful, and the floral arrangement of the chanoel superb. The bride waa elaborately and ex quisitely dressed in white satin rho- dane, en train, duohess laoe, tulle veil, natural orantre blossoms. She bore bouquet of callaa in her hand, and her dress was ao elegantly fitted that her beautiful figure looked like sculpture. The lady attendant were hand somely attired in white tulle, satin ribbons, and each bore a bouquet in her left hand. Rsv. Nat. Harding read the aolemn marriage ceremony of the Episcopal oburoh, clear and .impressive. The party retired in the following order: Julia Jordan, Leon Richardson; Frank Jordan, Annie My era; Harry Creagb, Mamie Myers; Charles Bell, Ollie Moye; Belle Blount, Will Bryan; Sam Blount, EllaTaylo; Dr. D. T. Tayloe, Manie Hancock; Ed. Hoyt, Lslla Clark: Hal Jordan, Lizzie Hancock; Croom Rodman, Rosa Short. The ushers were Jno. Havens, J. E. Hoyt, John Blount, H. A. Latham. After the marriage a reception was held at the house of the bride's father, and many happy congratulationa were made the handsome groom and lovely bride. Cake and wine, and conversa tion briatling with wit and repartee, added to the enjoyment of the evening. The presents were numerous and veiy handaome. Among the atrangera we noticed Mr. Robert Hanoock, jr., and wife, Messrs. Frank and Carlyle Hatcock, and Mrs. Pritohard. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Han- cook will make Washington their home. The Gazette, wishee them long life and that they shall neyer be less happy than on their wedding day. Washing ton Gazette. Calendar February Term, Tuesday, Fib 18. 5. Stokea vs. Causey. 20. Jones vs. Allen. 60. Smallwood vs. Brooks. 85. Looker vs. Locker. Wednesday, Feb 19. 24. Cohen vs. Jackson. 21. Stewart vs. Foy. 28. Rouse vs. West. 78. Sullivan vs. Sullivan. 1890. 43. Tucker. Smith & Co. vs. E. E. Bishop. Thussday, Feb. 20. 12. Darden vs. Steamboat Co. 87. Batta va. Smith. 40. Venable ve. Tolson. 43. Wolfendcn vs. Railroad Co 48.' Williams vs. Asher. 65. Stewart vs. Hardison. 58. Hahn vs. Anderson. 75. Collins vs. Mumford. MOTIONS. SO. Summons Hughes vs. Board of Commissioners. 4. 0. J. Kornegay vs. Steamb't Co 9. O. J. Morris vs. Building ass'd 18. Hasketya. Cohen. 28. Broadhurst vs. White. . 80. Gaskins vs. Ward. 54. Perry vs. Hahn. 58. Bank vs. Green. 57. Bank vs. Allen. 81. Reizenstein vs. Hahn. 87. Walker vs. Allen. 84. Dillahunt vs. Harrison. 68. Cleve vs. Alien. .' 70. Riohardson vs. Ipook. 71, Haokburn vs. Avery. 76. Bank ve. Ehem. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, or nneumonia. Hood's Sarsaparllla r will I give strength to the System, and expel all poison from tne Mood. i l A : AttenUen, Ladies I Those who have articles to exhibit in tha ladies department at the Fair are rea nested to send them in Friday Fen, 31st as early after ten o'clock aa they oan. ' Articles of those who send promptly will be plaoed most advaa- tae-eouBlv for exhibiuon.- :. v -- - The ladies composing the committees are requested to meet promptly and be at their posts to receive tne same at tne Uv V MUSU Hum ' h, 'H " V i - MBS. VA8S,' , -: President Ladies Committees. Make so Mibtaki. Ifyou have made npyour mind to buy uooasarsapa- riila do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Barsaparllla Is a pecu liar rnedlolne, possessing by virtue of its pooii'.iar combination, proportion ana rrcrnration, curative power supe rior to e y olher article of the kind be fore t" a t "tie. For all affeotions aria- 1 Izx Le a i. are blood -or low stats of - J I the tja': ii ia unequalled; Be sure to st LasJ'e, 4. i s t , ; . -M;n ITS BXCEIXXST QTMITLIKS Commend to publio approval the Cali fornia liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs. It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste, and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels.it cleanses the system effectually, thereby pro moting the health and oomfort of all who use it. DIED. In Hillaboro, N. C, on Friday, Feb ruary 14th, in the 60ih year of bis age Joaiah Collins, eldest son of Josiah Col lins, late of Somerset Place, Lake Scup- pernong, N. O. To the Traveling Public Officb or the Old Dominion S, S. Co., Newbebn. N. C, Feb. 15, 1K90. Arrangement have been completed for the running of the Steamers of the Old Dominion 8teamahip Company to accommodate visitors to the Fish, Game, Oyster and Induatrial Fair, commencing February 34th and ending March 1st, ltw. Tickets will be on sale at the Com pany'a offioe, 385 West street, N. Y February 17th to 23d inclusive (good for 80 days), for $15 for the round trip, Mew xork to Newberne and return, in oluding state-room berth the entire trip, and Including meals between New York and Norfolk. Partiee can leave New York, February 19th, 23d and 26th, and make close connection at Norfolk. The Steamers leaving Norfolk, Febru ary 24th and 28th. will come direct to Newberne, reaching it the following days. rartiea from Washington, N. (J., can leave there so as" to reach here Sunday previous to the opening; or oan leave there Tuesday night so as to reach here Wednesday. Visitors from Washington will be re turned to Washington on Tuesday and Saturday. For further information apply to K B. ROBERTS, Agent. Newberne. N. C. Jno. Mter8' Sons. Agt., Washington, N.C. (IS Steamer For Sale. The Steamer Vanoeboro will be sold at Publio Auction at foot of Craven street. Friday, February 28, 1890, at 13 o'clock, noon. The Steamer is almost new. and in first-class running order, Terms Cash. IPOCK & GATLIN. fel3dwtd Owners OFFICE SEC. AND TREASURER Board Tins tees New Berne Academy: A special meeting of the Board will be held at the office of the President, Monday afternoon next, February 17th, at 4 o'clock. The meeting is called to discuss the propriety of offering for sale certain property belonging to the Academy. By order of the f resident. W. M. WATSON, 15td Seo. and Treas. To Deliniiuent Tax Payers. You are hereby notified that your property will be advertised for sale un less your Taxes are paid on or before veby.rotn, leuu. f 13 d3t wit W. B. LANE, Sheriff. WHOLESALE GROOEK, SELLS P. Lorillarddc Co., and Gail & Ax' Snuffs At Manufacturer's Prices. ALSO- Horsford's Bread Prepara tion, Agent for Hazard Gunpowder MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. C, E. H. Dewet. W. E. Snellinqs. E. II. Dewey & Co. Announoe to the peoplj of New Berne and vicinitr that they have lust re ceived from New York and Philadelphia the flneat line of Interior Decorations, comprising the justly celebrated Fibre Centre Pieces, Cornice and Mouldings, Wall Papers, Llncrusta Walton, Vene tian Leather, Anaglyptas, Lignomor Antique Repousse, Felts, eto. ever offered to the North Carolina pub lic. We' have opened an offioe juit north of Dr. H, G. Bates1 office, on Middle streets X ,4 ' v; febU dtf Excursi daV.'febihjaky is. SUNDAY, . -. -i - j.. -i ONLY ONE DOLLAR for ROUND TRIP tot the benefit of those dailrln to attend I we Dealer lion or Hk Harv'a Ckthollecnatott. Goldaboro, the A. A M.O, B.R.W1U rnn al train from N Berne, N. 0.. enarglng only dm aoiimr lor o ronna irip. , Train leaves New Berne Depot at Arriving atGoUUboro atI0:S0 am i wrung at honrbtforethe Vedloatlon BervloM and retnmlng areordlng to ordinary ute. arrives al New Berne, S p w. - Far from Klniton, Ji eents; from 1 ta 5.1 Orange, so oMa JI. en CI So a (f) BSsS 3 1 BBSa m 00 01 u. a 0 CO 5H 8 CO CO a sa i i -s CO o BjBJgS V9 Notice to the Stockholders OE THE New Berne Gas Li&rht Co. The Regular Annual Meeting- ef tk Stockholders of this Company will be held Feb. 25th, 1890, at the offioe of the uompany. By order of the President, U.S. MACE, Seo. and Trees. Feb. 13th, 1800. Hdtd New Store, New Gccda. FOR-A. D. Royster & Bros., Raleigh. N. C, Eugene W. Dunatan, New York, and Stephen F. Whitman ft Sons, Phil adelphla, fine Candiee and Confections, also OrangeB, Bananas, Lemons, Apples, and ail fruits in their season, Fine-, Cigars, Smoking and OhewingTobaooes Cigarettes of all brands, Pipes and . Smoker's Artioles CALL ON s if ,.,vti Sam. B. Waters, algt, uiaoie Ht., New Berne, N. O fe8dwly , , ., WX OHIO, iy aOl Pecan Trees from' three Ia fame rue cv high, 50 oenta eaoh, delivered on hoard ' ' of freighl Una to Nt)w Vm : , juror uorn, CO cents per peck. ? , ; 1 v " A few Cape Jeeeaminaa at Btt wnii eaob, nlos!jootod.7.f-5;i-.i.;-.r - : . . -J.-8.-J-ANBL :-.; . feadwtf BtonawaUN. CLxii- W-lPPi-?: I have put in a COFFEE BOA8TZ2 amy Store, ahd can supplylny ou. I eJ no j 'J 'DT1 1 .s:W isomers witn uonee rreeb roasted evry begin, W.fWtfi ;vf

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