r 4 . Si V t r - - GOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. pulCS 25 CEWTS PER BOX. ' : Prepared only by TH0S.BEECIIA3L StIIclcns,Ijmcasliire,Englaa(I. . ; JB, F ALLEN & CO., Sole Agents FOB UITITEJD STATES, SO 67 CAHAI BT,,KEWTOHK, , Who (if your druggist does not keep" them) wilt " mail Beccham's -i Pill on receipt of price-- injuirffr& (Please tffention this paper.) t ' ' - r -:p f ; C m be liad, at B - N. Duffy's Drag Store, Kew Berne, U. 0. OLESJ HORSES ! 1 FflRU STOCK AHD ROADSTERS. I have on haDd as fine Horses, Males and North and West, as ever brought in North constantly arriving.' Gall and examine. OV STPEWABT, febl9 dw r IT.tOUlS.MO. I!!1 1 ' r-ij DALL&TEX. ' ; A0E NT ;W ANTED. TO l7EAKiDE ' Mrtimln fnr hom obtil St Re Rot ahuM. ' sots who t wrvoas and dsbUttated. Addrnw,; " eSIT11f5 f W8Terf imiro KAWgQOBi A r Hit ChnunI ui HXB.VOU8 DEBILTrTi fITTT T1 VntaMl ot Body And Hiadi IffMtl 1 vwMmwiRnKiimwiiviiiiiin kMlnUlT MhSlsl HOIS TKKiTHT-BrfU I. J. HiwritatkM. Bm, MlnlMwUkH4rMlkwlM . ,. tMnm mi HUICM SS IflltMS, I, Alias jnst returned from the "West with th finest lot of, , $ 1 " - ' Kentucky Horos and Mules that baa ever been in New Berne, which will be sold at Close Figures. t Call and see them 'at jhelrpld Stand, Jllddle street, , JangSdwSm. tM-Halin & Co. .Fashionable Tailor ! All Work Hone la JTi. st-ClA I; RICHARD ( SAW YEK, , Middle st.', I wo doors north of Hahn'i ,.' Livery 8table8, J . Auction Cales. From 10 tq(ll'A.M 3"to 4 P.M.V And 0 to 9 at Night, Every iay during the Fair, f ' TOIlr A. D.H j r Cros , Raleigh '. C, F'ena ". T 't), New York ' a F. . i.-. i "- C jns, Phil , '" -e Candivj e 1 Cu fectlons , rnnanas, LeiuuiiS, Apples, " . ' ' ia their scaaon, Fine T and Chewing Tobacco, . : "l Irsnds. Pipes and -r t,l ON mm BoSnlnf fcem he effeets ef youthful man, t ' dcoU'.irutiiwvMknaM, loatmuihood.fcI i,mIi mlnsbla ttHlmmiti) eoBttinlna -'-.V OM'WiiTr." v I BOX." Ponies, imported from Carolina. New stock BROAD STKEET. Atlantic & 0. Railroad. Gen. Freight and Pass. Dep't, New Berne, Feb. 4th, 1890. Cheap .Excursion Eat 3 TO THE EAST CAROLINA ish, Oyster, (hie and Industrial Ass'd AT NEW BERNE FEB. 21, 25, 26J27, 28, and MARCH 1. Ticket will be sold over this road on l he mail train on Feb. 22d to SSch inclu stve ftood to return until March 3d in clusive. All stations east of New Berne wilt sell tickets up to and including March- 1st, and on the Special Train, Feb. 24, 25, 26, 27. 28, and Mirch 1, good to return to March 1st inclusive, by said special tram, viz: Tickets for the round trip, including admission to the Fair. ByMailT'n. Stations. BySpoo'iT'n Rate, S3 40 Goldsboro Rate. $1.50 S30 2.10 1.85 1.60 1.45 1 25 .95 .75 .65 .65 .70 .95 1.00 1.15 1.25 1 25 Best's La Grange Falling Creek.. Einston Caswell........... Dover Core Creek Tuscarora Clark's Riverdale Croatan , Havelock Newport Wild wood Atlantic Morehead City 1.40 1.85 1.85 1.25 1.20 1.00 95 .75 .85 Schedule of Speoial Train for informa tion of the publio, and not for train men, as this train will run by tele graphic orders and will have no right over regular schedule trains unless so ordered by the train dispatcher. schedule: Leave Qoldeboro ...8:00 A.M. Best's...... ...8.30 .8.45 ...0:00 ...IWO ....9:85 ...9:49 ..10:04 ..19:30 . 10:27 La Grange Falling Creek Kinston Caswell... Dover. Core Creek- Tuscarora.... ClarkW;;; it ii .lS r , ' . t i. Ar've New Berne . 10:45 Returning, leave New Berne. 6:80 P.M This Company will transport articles (or exhibit on prepayment of freight to New Berne,' and upon production of certificate from the Secretary of the Fair Association that such articles bare not been sold, for. freight charges will be refunded end articles returned free. Or upon production of certificate from the Secretary that tucb articles are in tended tor exhibition they win oe transported: free from shipping point, and returned free as above provided for. ' ' Agents of this Company will be In structed as to perishable artlolee, etc., to use their discretion in giving mem free transportation without certificate from Secretary. These privileges are not extended to artiolee IntenUed for advertising purposed, . " S, L. DILL, Uenvtt. S Vibt. Agt nECOVAL; fc1 Old Man kf a; Newi Place. I have moved Two Doom below my old Stand, Into ' THE BISHOP STORE, where can be found a good seleotioa of t WATCHES, r. CLOCKS, .' JEWELRY. SOLID SILVER and PLATED WARE, fpoctaclci, and In fact everything' in Di i't forgot the place, Middle street, c 3 f ; '.'jt Church. ' . v. r. . r 'I r- THE J0URNAJL7 J atsh,ut2 to johi wvAs&.utsi J ATI JACQUES. fTha remains of the author of "Home, Sweet Home." left the bore of Tunis Jau. 4, 1883, oa board a French steamer, to be carried to Marseilles, whence the; were forwarded to America. 1 John Howard Payne I thy sacred bones Bnoaid rest upon their native snore; A thousand welcomes to the ship . 'lhat bears thee to tby borne once more. Mohammedan and Christian wept To lose the well-loved dust of one Whose-pure, poecio soul bad crept Into their inmost hearts and homes For three decades their loving hands Had iruarded well tby fdreign tomb, And dusky lips in Afric's land Sang oft thy tender "Home, Sweet Home." John Howard Fayne, thy simple song, From every open doorway floats, where summer evening loiterers throng And one by one take up thy notes. In every warm, home-loving heart, Though rich or poor, though high or low, Thy "Home, Sweet Home" has touched a chord Responsive to its ebb and flow. u "palace home," in pleasure's hall, lhy strains float out to dancing feet, The noisy newsboys cease their call, And roving arabs of the street Take up the strain with loud halloo, While barefoot waifs with voices sweet Sing on, of "homes" they never knew, Of "loving smiles ' they never meet. . Tis not the poet's fiery words That touch our fanoy for a time, And stir our passions and our blood, And make us half in love with crime. Tis not grave wisdom's learned voice 1 bat rings for aye, through deathless years, out thoughts like thine, one oommou theme Of lovo, half mixed with pain and tears. These words inscribed with iron pen. On slabs which guard thine empty tomb t ind echo in one ifi-aud amen ibat swells from every heart and home: Sure, when thy gentle spirit fled To realms above the azure dome With outstretched hands God's angel said, Welcome to heaven's 'Home, Sweet Home.' " Rushville, Neb. After the removal of Payne's body the empty grave was covered .with marble slabs, npon which were inscribed the words eitbis last verse, INHERITED BLOOD POISON. now many people there are whose distress from sores, aches. : pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child , and it therefore is the dnty of buBband and wife to keep their blood pure. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic tsiood Balm). Bend to Blood Balm Co, Atlanta, for book of most oonvfnoing proof. . James Hill, Atlanta, Ga., writes "My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was heredi tary. They both broke out ia sores and eruptions whioh B. B. B. promptly con trolled and finally cured completely." Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: "My three poor afflicted chil dren, who inherited blood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. It is a Godsend." J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, N. 0., Feb. 13, writes: "Bone and blood poison forced me to have my leg ampu tated, and on ibe stump there came a large uloer, which grew worse every day and doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents. New Berne, N. C. Tricks of Manner. To illustrate how the little tricks of manner are copied and become the fashion, it is told of a debutante of several seasons ago who speedily became a pronounced belle that at her first few appearances in socie ty, ont of sheer embarrassment, she invariably stood with her hands clasped. Before she ceased. to resort to this peculiar method of relief her reign became established, and all the girls of her set, rec ognizing her supremacy, quickly saw and copied her intertwining angers. :-- A Distressing Cue ana Happy Cmre For over a vear I had a breaking out on my leg, whioh troubled me so bad oould not walk; leg badly welled, of a purple oolor, with eruptions so baa that blood would oose out . if I bore my weleht on it. I was recommended to trv Clarke's Extraot of Flax (Pavilion Skin Cure, which I bare done. ' My leg ia now well, and I ean walk two miles on It without any trouble. .. Signed, D. Hay ward. , ClarkeH Flax Boap makes the skin soft and prevents chapping. . Skin Cure $1.00. Soap 25 cents. , For sale by Ft 8. Duffy, drueaistu. . Of all the actions of a man's) life his marriage , does least concern other! people; yet ot all actions of one life, 'tis most meddled with bj A Woman's Diseeverr. is ''Another wonderful discovery has bees made and that too by a lady la this county, Disease fastened Its clutches upon her and for seven rears the stood its severest tests, bnt her vital organs were undermined and deatu seemed imminent, n ot tnree monins she coughed incessantly and could not sleep. Bhe bought of us a bottle of Dr, Kintr'a New Discovery for Consumption. and was- so much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle has been ' miraculously; cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther huts.- - Thus wrote W. C. Hamrick & Co.f Shelby. N. 0 Get a trial bottle at R. N. Duffv's whole flnlo and retail drug store Wholesale, 'Ai . r'-l". Inherited Scrofula vriffa SneerAe ftt.'S. l.l eared my little rboj ot bei-tfitarjerofuuvwhich broke oat rttUtnmt his faoj Tiw tm be bad afferea, . utllM groans an wpuvui nonvr, when at length I decide Co ose 3. 8. S. Al ter siing a lew beetle he was entirely cored. , : Not a symptom bow remains of toe disease. This wss three years ago.- m Mas. T. I MATHERS, MsUatrsvflle, Miss. 5T In the early part of last year I had a vio lent attack ot rheumatism, from which I wsaeoiinMd to my bed tor over thne months and at time wis unable to tarn myMU ia bed,orevnraiMtheeover. A-nana had to be in constant atteadanee day and night. I was so feeble that what little nourishment I took had to be given me with a spoon. Af ter calling in the best local physicians, and trying ail oiner meaicines wuuoui rwwiv ing ai S.3. thirteen small bottles, which affected a com plete and permanent cure. L. C. BASSET, El Dorado, Kansas. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mail dfree. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Atlanta,Qa. FineQlorsTHat PTWASH out orFade )NLY Sold bydrug gists AAiBU PEERLESS BKOHZK PAINTS 8 Colors, " PEKRLES8 LAUNDRY BLUING. PEKRLE88 INK POWDEBS-6 Kinds 7 Colon. FEEBMSS SHOE AID HABNESS DBESSINO. PEKBUCSS KOG DYKS-S Colon. HUMPHREYS De. HCKFaaxTB' Specifics are scientifically and Carefully prepared prescriptions ; used tor many years In private practice with success.and for over thirty years used by the people. Every single Spe cific Is a special cure for the disease named. These Speciacs cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are in fact and deed the aovereisn remediesof the World. ust or ramorr aIj kos. cdrbs. pbicts. eTerS, iwngestion, mnammanon... ranee. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . Drying; Colic, or Teething of InfanU Marrl TIBS. OI unuureu or auuiis. . . . Dysenter uaoii orb Vomiting Cent-he, Cold, Broncnitu.. learaiiua, toouuh 'oothache, Faoeache .... Blok Headache. Vertigo iea4a.cB.es, hiokiii yspepela, buious oiomaon. Sappreeeedor raieiui rerioae. Whites, too Profuse renoas urea Salt K.1M fever and Atae, Chills, Malaria Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head riiea. mma or cieeuinv wneepiB General 11 '..ping Covffb Violent Coughs, Kidney Dise UeDllllV.riljriuucU vv txajuunn nnsae bility mkhaui wettlne Bea. V1M1 of theHeart.Palpltatlon 1 , Bold by prnggjsts, or sent postpaid on receipt of price. Da Humphbbyb' aUtroaL, (144 pages) richlv bound to cloth and gold, mailed tree. Hamhreys'edlclneCo.wFultonBt.N i. S PlO I F IOS. All of. the above medicines are fo sale at the drug stores of F. S. Duffy andR. Berry, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. P.. S. Duffy.' 'l"" r . mm agent, new Berne. N.O. .- onavidwly VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY (As agents far owners we offer for sale on easy aad eooommodating terms the follow ing d escribed Improved Real Estate In the git? or fie-ir nerns: No. L -WHARy PROPERTY AT UNION POINT : lnolndes the piece or land known as THIS ISLAND," aPd the wharf or roadway leading: thereto from East Front street. Also, water apaee now being filled in. The location ia ure nest in tne oity tor au mann facturlnir nnrnosea. while tha lareest pi aft visiting our waters have ample depth of water for loading and unloading at th wharf. Ho. 7 TWO HOUSES AND LOTS AT UNION POINT, occnrj'ed a dwelllnea. HO.. TOJa 1HUM 1THU1N1' WAKHiUUUBSi ONORAVhlN STREET. No. 6, BRICK BTORK AND DWELLING ON UKAVlca blIUCD.T occupied by ii. u, A fnll deserlntlon of this valuable proper tv. .tocether with the best termanpon which the ssme will be sold, will be fnmlshedon application to the undersigned at their omee inoouin sront street. tteetdwtf " IpB. and Real Estate Agts. YJJUABLE TEUCK LAJTD FOR SALE About FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND. situated within two miles of the city, suit ante ror trues: raising, a great bargain, Appiy to WATBOW STKEET. may It ueaiicsu AgeLU. arid WMetuiw IfaV Its cured at hom with I ' 'li l i 4 . jSonlareei u Book or par. sent IKM, R.If.WOOUJIY,H.IX ik i tMios m WbJtehU St, Vha 'r nrtr1ffnfl . fTIAmant 'ifaillT. has dnlvqnaUned a Executor of th estate of Henry B. Nunn.and hereby gives notloe that he requlrea all persons . havlng olatms strains, the estate of tha said Henry 8. N nnn. to present them to the said Clement Manly, duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the 1st day of February, 18S1, er else this notice wlU be pleaded in bar of re- eoveiy. .1. i i' -,.!. '4 -c;,t: s ;. f Persons indebted to the estate must pay without dolav. ' ' 't -a i CLEMENT MANLY. ; a&2t din..;,, j. - , Kyeeuto mm mm ,iT. 11 k. 'druggist PROFESSIONAL Gr E. Thomas, Jr., AT'f OitSKT A.T LAW. OrriOK Craven street, near Pollock street, two doors not th o' Joub sal office. Praolloee In Uiavea, Oerteret, Jones, Ons low and Pamlico counties In the Supreme Court of the BUte. and in the U.S. District ana circuit Courts. October ltth, lbSK. dtf HODOLPH Dcrrr. B. b. NIXON. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. apl9dwly P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND MONFY BROKER. Craven St., two doors South of Journal office. A specialty made in negotiating Small loans for short time. Will practice in the Counties ot Craven, Car teret, Jonea, Onslow and Pamlloo. United State Conn at New Berne, and Supreme Court of the State. febl dtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. GUION Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT T,A"W, Office 2d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'b bank, Middle street, New Berne, N. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. aplS dwtf r, M. SIMMONS. B. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal offioe. aplSdwtf DR. J. D. CLARK Ktwstu), . o. iftos in Craven , tract eetweni r'oliuvk and Broad. ur'-iovi J. H. ORABTEEB. BASIL MANLY. 0H1T H. CHABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, ounders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in ENGINES 1KB MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of Englnea. Boiler, Saw mil. EdflDK Cut-off machines, We are prepared to do Casting of all kinds wna promptness, Particular and immediate attention given to repalis of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimate for any deaoi lption of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican 8aw. Also for O. A A. Bargamin' cele brated Indeetruotlble Mloa Valves, We give satisfactory roaran toe for all work dona by na. y32 d3aw will . A. BRYAN, Pres. L, n. CITLEE, Viee Fret 6. n. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK 0P HEW BERNE, N. C. INCORPOBATED 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. J as A- Buy an, Thomas Daniels, Cuas. 8. Bbyan, F. M. Simmons, Roberts. H. CUTLBR, Ukorqe Allen, Q. H. Next! Phof. W. H 8HEPARD and compe tent assistants in the toneorial art will give you a Hair ont for 20 cents. Shampoo 20 " Shave 10 " Gaston House Barber Shop. New Berne, N. C. Tou Can Save Money By buy ins; your Alabastino, Ready Mixed Faints, etc., from WHITTY UATlOj, Vf have tbe oelebrated "Packers" Ice Cream Freezers be sure and see them before buying any other. We have a full stock of everything in the Hardware and Builders line, and invite your attention to the same. WiIHTx UATE3. Agents for the Sherwin-Williams oelebrated Ready Mixed Paints, and dealers in Lime, Cement and Plaster vv.p. Dunnus&co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick and 7 ; Agriicultural Lime. Highest Price paid for Cotton Seed. .": -lLaBxxx Dock, :- -Lr'"' ,!j'ir .4 STEAMEUa.- A NEW.'BERNE AND PAMUCQUf.be The Steamer TAHOMA- The following,-schedule ie bow ta ; peration: : i f i f - Leave New Berne every Tuesday aad Friday morning at 7 o'clock. : , ' ,L Returning Wednesday and Satarday evenings. ' , All landings ca Neuse and Bay river . J taken in. both wais. For further lLttrmation apply to ' JNO. S. MANIZ, Agent New Berne. i:ec. 5, 1889, Steamer Honcrd. Independent Steamboat Line. On and after Mot day the 18th da) oi September the steamer Howard will run the following schedule: For Trenton every Monday and Fri day at ei. it o'clock, and return oa Tuesdays a: Saturdays. . J. J. LAS1TTER, Managu. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Fast Freight Line BBTTWint Nw Bern. Kaatei rta s arIU Points, and Rorfolk, BalUamar Philadelphia. Kw Vork.Boaaaai, Kte.-vla Kllubetb City. N. C. THE STEAMERS Eaglet and Annie of this line -will run oa regular sonedule time, leaving New Berne every MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FKUUAY for Kllzaceth Olty and return arriving on MONDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY. These steamers, in oonneotlon with the Atlantic A N. (J. K. K.. Norfolk Hon them R. H., New York, Phlla. and Norfolk R. Kand the Pennsylvania H. K., form a reliable aad regular line offering superior faollitlea foi quick tramiortatlon No transfers exotpt at Elisabeth City, at whioh point f relg ht w Hi be loaded on ears to go through to destination. Direct all good to be shipped via Eastern uaronna umpatcn daily at follow ; From New York, by Penn. ft. R Plei -North lilvr From Philadelphia, by Fhlla., W. A Baito. H. H.. Dooa bt. Htatlou, From Baltimore by Phlla., Wll. A Baltt , U. K,. President Ht. Station. From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. B, From Boston, by Merchant A Miner Trans porUuton Co.; New York and New England Rales as low and time quicker t .an by any other line W. H. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt. Traffic Agent, P. K. R.I, U u u.l Traffic Manager. GEO. 8TEI th s. Division Freight Agent P. W. A B. K i ., Phlla. B. B. OOOKK, Uenernl Freight Agent. N. T. P. A N. K. K Norfolk.Va H.C. HUDUlas, Oeneral Freight Agent. 9 B. 11. K., Norfolk Va. OF.O. HENDERSON, Agent, Newbeme. N. O. fa 120 d OLD 00UIUI0U Steamship Company. SEMI-WEEKLY LIKE. the Old Dominion Steamship t'ea paay's Old snd Favorite Water Ronte, via Albemarle aad Chesapeake Caul. FOB Norfolk, Baltimore, Hew York, Phlla ' delphla, Beaton, Providence, and Washington Olty. 1 And all points, North, East anditCati On and after FRIDAY. FEB. 11th, we. nlll further notloe, the Steamer HlNTEO, Ca.pt SonligU AND 1 Steamer HEWBERNE, Capt PrittheU Will sail from Norfolk, Va., for New Berne via Washington. MONDAY and FRIDAYS. makln oloee connection with the Steamer of the N. 4 T. R. B. B.Co., for Kinston Trenton. and all other landing on the Neuae ana rent Rivera. Returning, will lall from NEW BEBfflE for NORFOLK direct, TUKbDAYS and FBI da x 0 at iMiJNrj, a.m., making con nection with the O. D. 8. B. Oo .' ahlna (or New York, B. B. P. Oo.'s steamer for Baltimore, Clyde Line Ships for Phllaa delphla, M. A M. T, Oo.'s ship for Boston ad Provldenoe Our untiring efforts to rleee nnr mlmn and our almost perfeot servloe for the paal fifteen year, lathe beat 'guarantee re ean offer all shippers a to wnat wa will na for them in the future. Order all goods care of O.D.H. R. rvu.lv. folk.Va. . Passengers will And a eood Uble. MUferb able rooms, and every oonrtesy and atten tion will be paid them by theoffloers. E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. Msssas. CULPEPPER A TURNER, . Agenia, nmmm, ya, - W. H- STANFORD. - ' ' Vice-President, New Tort City. The R. G. Freight Lino lf&CHAi;TS:and SmFPE&S, TAEHUOTICS On and after October 15. 18f8, this Uoewll ' resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TKIPS.op., I .Brrwini . t' ', : i . Baltimore land New Bern Leaving Baltimore for New Berne. WIS NKSDAY, SATURDAY, at BIX P. M. Leaving New Berne for Baltimore, TUES DAY, SATURDAY, at blX P.M. -This Is tne only DIRECT Una ont of New. Berne for Baltimore without change, and on weir return trip irom osiumcrt com aires to New Berne, stopping only at NceJoik. eeaw neotlng then for Boston, Provldenoe, Phila delphia, Richmond, ana all points North. nasi ana wesv Mating close connection. . for appoint by BlTrand Britons of New; Bern-. Aaents are as followa: REUBEN FOSTER, Qen'l Manager, ' ... - DO Llirht Hi.. R.ttlmnM :'. JAB, W. M00ARRI0K,Agt ionol:xi.P W p. Ulvda A Clo.. Phtla1alMhl. tetinBtK Wharves. ., , ' - - K- . -' North rtver? " K. Sampson Boston, St Central wharf.; .. S. H. Rockwell, Provldenoe, R, I, : . 4 Ships leavs Boston. To elay and rtetaraaya x New York dally. - . . . ; Balto.t Wednesdays A Batnrdaya ' PhUadelph la, Mondays, Wdn it ; v- days, Saturdays. -.; t "ovmenoe, Baturaaya. Through bills lading given, and id ra rat enar-f an teed to all points at tha different ofllo o" AVOH BBBK qg Q9 rrtE is . ;'-,... imp via iuc. x.:.. j.. v, B, H. GKAY.Ame!' : ftew aetu. ii, C, f"if' -f' sr.- f , '' " .' . " ."V... :",-.!