v A -x ' v.; Ca Fcblb. 0 Gas Light Co. " Eeglanlng with ' the 8nt day of this i : -".i, this Company will furnish Oh t j &e citizens of New Bern at the rat a Two Dollar pet thousand enbto feet, instead Qf three 'dollar as heretofore i'iT2d. ,.-: . "' :' NEW BERNE OAS LIGHT CO. '; February 4th, 1810. dim or the I:niI:fsr$on Davis. ST - v'jl MBS. JEFFERSON DAVI3. to il BOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. , The prospectus and complete outfit for " eaaTessing will be ready immediately. . Agenta wishing desirable territory on this great work will please address, as : toon as possible, the publishers, . BELFORD COMPANY. ,; 18-83 East 18th Street, New York. , ,febl8dwlm rfiNEW GOODS ' V JUST RECEIVED ' Jit j. LI. HOWARD'S ! Fast Black H. Hose, 25c. and 85 is. pair. - P British H. Hose. MourniBg Bands for etiflf bats. Bachelor Buttons. I Rubber Coats and Boots at low prices. . V Three Linen Collars for 25o. Whlta Silk, Black Silk and Pique 4 in Black Dude Bows. -L Whit Shirts, unlaundried, made of N. s ( Y. Mills Muslin, at 60c. s ' "Lew prices on Clothingto closo out Winter Stock. Jaa89di J. M. HOWARD. HEADQUARTERS FOB fe6ch-IoadiIlo, Gunp, Brass and Paver Shells, Powder and Shot, AT L. H. CUTLER'S, NEW BERNE. N. C. f . 'E.H. Dewky. W. E. Snellings. '"rR II. Dewey & Co. Announce to the.people of New Berne v-tnd Tioinity that they bate jut re-,-CTielTedfrom New York and Philadelphia , ine nans imo vi Vlnterior Decorations, - "-tomprising the justly celebrated Fibre ' ' V .Centre Pieces, Cornice and Mouidines 1 1 Wall Papers, Lincrueta Walton, Vene ' f'-4ian Iather, Anaglyptas. Lignomor Antique Repousse, Felts, etc, ' ' ever offered to the North Carolina pub' ' lie. ' We have opened an effioe just 'north of Dr. H. O. Bates office, on - J Middle Itreet. febl3 dlf ' KOBXH OAKOtlKA. 1 In the ' Carteret County.) Superior Court. . t't.i. n Thnmu Plaintiff, va. Edith ( fc7Lookwood, nee KdllhC. Thomas, Defend ' ' nt. Notice. '.am.-Jafkniiant mhnv named will take B0Uee.thatft special proceeding entitled b ii' -u dbore naa neen commeuueu m mo "?'?x.i m.'K'i .- m. h.ianii. Annntv. Btate of worm . OMoUna. before the Clerk. The purpose of , . eald speell prooeedlngU to eell lor parti L", tlon, wTto make actual partition of. the , tends owned by ihe plaintiff and defendant V1" "S.rSSi heirs at law of William A Thomas, dee'd, said lands being inuy ae t 0 eertbed in the petition In aald special Pj , mii,. And the aald defendant will f ro ar .....C. mum. tkataha la redulred toap I , 1 at the office of te Clerk of Uie Superior " Kurt ol Carteret county, to MHfAHa ' Carolina, on the lrt day of April, I89p,and V answer or demur to the petition of the .iii.nr kih ! nid in aald medal pro- eeidlnK.'orthe plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief demanded in earn peu " Uon. . - ,ThUehruaryl8th.lW0.o uAvia .."; X : 'Clerk of the Superior Court, CBAS. B. THOMAS, JR., i-, plaintiff's Attorney, feblSdfiw if f-MV n. J. GOODING, (Suooeeaor to E. H. Meadows & Co ) n -ZS'5fi Apothecary ' v Sjuthot Corner Pollock and Middle) StreeU. ITo Berne, If C. i A' FULL HUB OF '.AND ?:: tist's Sundries S'-.ii THE IOUENaL Arrival and Departure Mails v S- MAIL CLOSES. ; ' " For North, West and South, tU A, & N. 0. B. B. at 8:00 a.m. , . 4 For Beaufort and the East, at ' 5:89 p. m. - , For Wasbinjton.Swif t Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties, daily at 0:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokeriile and .11 y- vuie,auyt vu a.m. w " For Granteboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demere, dailT at j a. m. . . OFFICE HOURS: In Honey Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department fromVa.m' to 5 d. m., and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. Office open constantly between thesa hours exoeptwinn mails arejbeirg J a tribnted or te&t. Concluded from first prtge BEAUFOET COUNTY. Hero we come to one of the must charming treats at the fair. Tho firet thing that Btrikvs the eye, is tho Wash ington Utzetle office, octagriol in tilupr, pagoda like, and built entirely of copies of the Gazatte. Over the door is a pair of beautifully polished ox horns with a picture of the editor holJiu a Ouzette appearing just below the horr.a. Above the room is an old fashioned bread trny, with the Gazette ein insiJe. The in terior of the office ia decorated with boquets of grasses, quaint furniture, stationery, curios etc, ar.J ij quite a resort for the boys and girls, s well as older persons, desiring a moment's reet or a tete a-teie. The Bean'oit ominty room has not 11 crowded exhibit, but has something of excellence ki i.hoost every branch of industry, ecitnea and art. There is an elaborate collection of grasses, a varied and beautiful d if pi ay of fern-pictures, lady's fancy work and decorative art by thrco m-t-rs; rice hulling, manufacture of bt.IustcrH. pools, shuttle blockH, traj h. tubs, har nesses, plows, all havo rfprtm ntativos of the highest order in this liitic woihl of industry, map drawia. p iiut nnd bouiton lace, spotter work, cr.izy work, crayon work and commercial colL'a balance sheets, and a thousand othor things, add Ueauty to the and nooks and corners. A map of VVashics- ton today, curios of her pnRt.nnd indi cations of her future prospe; ity ato all shown here. Music and II ju crs aro not even lacking, and those who desire to whiff the weed that Raleigh taught liis gallants to smoko in capacious bonds may be gratified. It is a very creditable exhibit to Beaufort county, and if she does not win the $50 prize will be close to the victor. Mr. II. A Latham, editor of the Gazatte, designed and col lected the exhibit and bas it in charge. MISCELLANEOUS EXHIBITS Mr. C. T. Randolph, manufacurtr, of this city, has on the grounds an exhibit of buggies, etc. There arc open and top buggies, carriages, and ladies' phaetons. They nre the prettiest wo ever saw, of the very latest style and well put up. Mr. Randolph obtained the premium on buggies at the last Goldsboro Fair. Henry Millor & Co., of Goldsboro, exhibit, in the Beaufort county room, the celebrated Ivors & Pond pianos, manufactured at Boston. They show a etyleof "S" of this make in old Spanish mahogany, that for bsauty cf finish, purity of tone and general good quali ties, we think excels anything shown at previous Fairs. This piano has five patented improvements key bottcm, key bottom support, music rack, soft stop and wrist plank. The Ellis Carriage Manufacturing Company, of Kinston, have bu;.'i;iei on exhibition. They are neat i.nd ap parently very durable. NCTiS. In tho department cf Mis. Richard f. Williams, in tho ait room, v,o noticed two chairs, one elrgently up holstered In filk cf beautiful and gorgeous colors and is intcr-ricii as a memorial chair. Tlie other, ia uphol: stercd in clolh of o!d gold cokr, and beautifully f.nd elaborately fcibroid erod with Bilk, both tho lu rid i.vork of Mrs. J. Havoi s. Ia tho Fioral department wp riptiood an elegant exhibit (made by Miss Lucy Duffy) of a very great vaiiety' of mosses, also those curious plant known as Venus fly trap, and tho pitcher plant, Dr Pierce's Pellets (the Oi i;:inalLii tie Liver Pills) have today tho larst sate of any pills sold by druggists. For all derangements of the liver, stomtch and bowels, they are unequaled. One a dose. 25 cents a vial. . ProbabW the early racfi of man.- kind were not much superior to other animal life, and in the ab sence of books ana other impie ments wero entirely destitute of means except what nature fur nished, yet they no doubt lived ae happily as their posterity do. Good Advice, Bbtiwlng tteault, Edward Silvey, Chioago, gives toeti monv: "My wife bad catarrh twentv five years; suffered severely for six years before she began to use your remedy. Unable, to breathe except through the mouth; in a most critical condition. . Tried everything without relief, when Dr. Streets advised her to buy Clarke's Extract or r iax irapiuonj Catarrh Cure. . Relief followed imme diately. Sbeoontinued to use it until he is now entirely , oured. 1 Her health has not been so good ia many years.4' Prloa $1.00.; V' '.Wash tthe -babf with Clarke's Flax Soap.' 25 cents. ; F. S. Duffy, druggist, now nas tha riox rem edlei on vug " 'I dou't banker after bear meat, 1 bnt h0T;wfll yon trade overcoats 1( said the man to the bear. t V T11 keep my 'own, if Wi all the same to yon, said the bear. W'lVe taken pi notion to black fur inyselfj jonrs jooks aa if it weald fit mej -hand it :OTer,,l,fiaid the inan.1 itv:. vjf ."How VU1- yon ave iif" said the bear,; ,;:; : "With a hole .in ;t." said the man; "there :is no use to dicker any longer abont " it," ' Afid bevpnt a Daiict where it would close the bar gain at once. , . ' "Take it, bnt.-yoii will fisd it a dangerous etyio -oi'coat to wear m this country , said the dying bear as ho clumsily bhoffled off the coil. So tho man wore the bear's over coat, : t One day another man saw him in tho.' woods. "That's mv meat." said the other man, and he blazed away with a !n long. "If I had known yon werfj'a man," he said, "I" would not have; shot. I was misled by your. far coat, I took you for a 'bear.'' v "You cannot aUays jndgo from appearances. Clothes don't make the bear," said the dying man. Forest and Stream. luiOrt Uu.' ( A lilt a uis IIiiET Salv in tho world for Outb, Bruioes, 8o:es, ' Uloars, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, 'fetter, Chapped Hiale, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pny required. " It is guaranteed to give re ruwt satisfaction, or money re fuiKic d. Price 25 cents per box. For v P.. N. Duffv. :nn 17 Some people ; are born klepto maniacs, but moro acbieve klepto mania. ADV1CH TO ITlOTIIliUS. Miw. Win blow's Foothino Strup bhould always be ubsM for children teething. It soothes the child, softous the gurrs, albtys all paiu, curbs wind colic, nnd is tho best remedy for Diar rheal. Twcnty-flvo ccn.a a bottle, jily "Your achemo won't go on Wall street." "Why not?" 'It won't hold water." Don t say there is no help for catarrh, hay fever and cold in head, sinoo thou sands testify that Fly's Cream Balm has entirely cured them. Ic supersedes tho dan;eio.:s use of liquids and snuffs. It is t'at-ily applied into the nobtrils and Hives Klijf at ence. Price 50a. Ju Force "Were the Four Ilnu tlieref liYcs about eight huudred of tliorn." fill On flic BrukCfc If uu llnd you are going down bill in point of health. Failing strength, im paired digestion and assimilation are tho marks of decline. Check these and other indications of premature decay with tho grand vitalize and restraining tonic, IIo.;tetter'a Stomach Bitters. Be ginning at tho fountain head, the stom ach, t'uo iTitters romedies its inefficiency, corrects its errors, and sets it vigorously at work. Tho digestive organ is thus enabled to thoroughly separate from the food its nutritive principles, which the Llcod assimilating, is enriched. Thus tho system nourished, and being nourished strengthened, and abnormal wasto of its, tissues stayed. Appetite, the power to rest well, a regular habit are also re established, and the various functions move onco more in their natu ral and healthful groove. The Bitters, moreover, is a ppeoific for and preven tive of malarial complaints, rheuma tism, biliousness and kidney troubles. When a yonng man is fired by Lis best g'ul he surely doesn't go off in a blaze of glory. ELIORY Mind WHidOTing cured. Books teamed in one reading. Testimonials from all parts of (he globe. Proa pec toa post fkei, sent nn application to Prof. A. LoiBcUe, W tilth Ato, Sew York. "Id the cashier in?" asked , the cailer at tho bank. "Yes, sir," was tue roidy. "lie s in jail.". . A ct.ntuuy of nrno-rKH has not iro- duiod n remedy equal to Ely's Cream tJaln: for c itarrh, cold in the head and hdv fever. It is not a liquid or a snufl but ia perfectly safe and easily applied into the nostrils. It gives immediate rclicracd cures the worst cases. ' No oho is satisBed with bis fortune, nor dissatisfied with his own wit. - v For a disordered liver try Beecham's mis. . a -FBOM IfKW TOBK CITY. . . MR.A.K. nAWKKi-DearBln Your patent eye-glasses reoeivea aome umi ainoe. ana am very much gratified at the -wonderful onanfte .iimv .iia.a.vuiv 'VT.i,viuj vymiiiuii alnce 1 have discarded my old glasses and ' . . . ... v alrxaJjtxb AOAa. r. Secretary Btatlone rs' Board or xrade. All eyes nttea at , toe ami store or Ft S. DUFFIjUewbem. N.O necfswiy ... ' t ItForiSale;!,, mi- c Pecan Treea from three to four feet high, 60 cents eaoh, delivered on board of freinht line to New Berne. ' Kaffir Corn, BO Cents per peck,' '1 r ! ; . A-few -Cape Jessamines at 50 cents acb, nicely mMiWx-' r-a-:wk'''w3. Bt LANE. .-'- VI , Stonewall, N. U. ' "Jf.LiES RED".0uD, (DUtUlers" Afent,) Importer and Wholesale Dealer n Liquors and Cigars, CRAVEN STKEET, NBAU COTTON EXCHANGE Kew Berne, N. 0., Keep constantly on hnnda COMPLETE STOCK of L1QI OHS and ( IOAH8. Stock la the largest In the Btate, and was parcbased from lltst handa FOU .CASH.- Conscquontly era enabled to SiHuilowas uy northern Market Ilave on hand the follijjvlsgbrai.dll of VV1HES LIQUORS and CIGAH3 hYX WHISKIES . Old Family Bim; Qoldon Crown, Old Century, Acme, L'.xington, &c. &c. .Mitchell's Pure Old Scotch. Puro North Carolina Corn Whukey, WINES. Old Burgundy Port, Old Scuppernong, Old Sherry, Blackberry, Madeira, , Claret, St. Juliar, Swoet'.Catawba, Rhine Wine, Califorijia Angolioa Wine. RUM. ew England, West India, Jamaica. BRANDIES. Apple, Peach, ' French (James Ilennesy), Garretts Cognao Brandy, Cherry, Blackberry, Ginger. GIN. Holland and Domestic BEER, ALE, Etc, Etc. The Bergncr & Eugel Brewing Cos Celebrated Lager Beer, Imported Ale and Porter, Claussen & Son's Export Beer Wm. McEwan'a India Pale Ale from Edinburgh. Agckt and Bottler of the Berguor &,Engel Brewing: uo. ueie orated Lager Beer and Porter. Cordials; : Angostina Bitters, ,Imported and Domestic ; Champagne. , i;. Agen tfor l Calvin Shafer Wild Cherry i Rock and Rye.r ; . I j , CIGARS. : A large assortment 'of Cigars' ind' i v,. . -v wneroois . Agent for the Virginia Standard Che roots, the best in the market. . in. i--"i!T.S';'..i'-: Ceistix Will guarantee sell as low as any houses Norths and lower than . any house r in i Korth Carolina. "';. V ; WE ALSO la ANUFACTURE ff, '3.'l. fV Vfo,k.fJtt' -WSS-.'A U ii- ' ? Sarsaparllla, Lemon Soda, , xtXj. ttoee ooaa, . CaliforniaLPear Cider and Mineral : ported and 'mpbtfot to "any proburabte inihe State.j;ij;l frSZ&WA-tf-, " ' Orders prompuy .sued and laliafae tlott guaranteed. M.fyse-vJhtMjt : ::". JAMES REDMONDS JOE It WILLIS EASTERN Hifk:CfiRi)L!HA Uarbli Italian and American Marble'ani'Jall qualities of material.' ? "4 jv Ordcrs solicited 'and given pfcroi.t attention, vitu satisfaction UiraiH' teed. v -.''.; ' ' G. E, Miller ia my agent at Kington, and AIkx. Fields regular traveling agent. , . INSURANCE AGEHT AND KETOWEltX, If. (I. Connecticut Mutual, Lifo. Continental, of New York, Fiie., Itna, of Hartford, Fire. Manufacturers and Builders, of N. Y. Travelers, of Harford, Life and Accid 't. Hibernia, of New Orleans, lure. Fidelity apd Casuatty, of New York. Marino Insurance Uo , of London. American Steam Boiler Ins. Co., N. Y. Board of Marine Underwriters of Fhihi. Notary Public. Commissioner of Deeds for tho States of New York, Maryland. Pennsyl vania, Connecticut. For Truck Farmers TRUCK FA Ril Kit?,' 8 PL CI A L. GrXJjnKTO 2 THE 11EST FKItTIUZKU FOU PJTATOKS ASU OTHKK TItUCK C'KOPU KVEH SOLD. . Introduced seven years no, and cxleu slvely used since by leatlU:K Truckers along the coast from Norfolk, a , to Tampi, Fla North Carolina Truckers v!U consult their Interest by giving it a trial, at least. Address for Catalogue, elvltg prices, cer tlfloates, etc., THE WILCOX & BIBBS GUANO CO., Jau!5 dim UU KLKSTON, P. C. ROBERTS & BRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes We sell FLOUR direct from the Mills . in Michigan We havo in stock a big supply of West India Molasses", which wo import direct from the West Indies. ' Give us a call and ee cur prices. ROBERTS feBRO., Bouth Front street," " NEWBERNE.-' W We jab Gil &J AxV and t.or i lard's Snufl, T SW' ! ( ." V-is'iii hU oid'stWd'ou',!?. Qnnili 17in-M4-6iii- ? It will twy- ati y Horse 6wnerto cillnd ee .nimaii once wr.., , HJmf9V. '';.i:.v'.;'iyv.,r:fc::!;:S;W5 as he U the only one in' the city Iffatfiar nteep Sattifactlan, to fit the; Bhpe to ,the ioov, no me iooi n mo euoe, yv-. i t;. 1 Also inarantceg no cqrni and niBiaeSiOn the foot. ; . : ' . ii -j S-lMI" 'I;.;; ftsspectully yoursr-'''"' ft J,o3 dly v SAHlUKL JACSO, ,1 have a small Ipi of ts REMARK ABLE CQRS for. sale at W.K.JBAR- RINGTON'S in Now peine, and olo at W. H. SAWYER'S in Bay boro. It makes its good and as palatable flour as ordinary wheat, ond ' will on rich land make a larg6tyifild than common corn,' as it Bttocora abundantly and thpy boar well;One grain to te-hjll. ? It j ieldi tnbre to'ddet than the common corn. ; If it doesn't do what is Bad 6f it, the purchase- money will be' refunded,1f put on good land.' It willJbe ofi exhibition at the New Eerne Falrt-Wfii'-f--.- f feldwtfi:t-f InBtllut' N.'Oi'?,. Manufactuwd by Aspinwall MTgv-Co. SLE-rr.R & J0NE3,Oaks Stock Farm, Agents, ' , : j30 dwlm - ' '. Now Berne, N. O. ' ''0 OTXLS-VISITCr'O.tJa'e rJLl x Doot forget to call cn FaHibus Tobacco Dealer boxe lnritock, 'irom 15o" to t.00 per pound, -v S; ; v'y " iiGfpc1HeI;!ry;Goods, LSWn CJliaExllery, &c. iruro iiiiomiiain .: uoni . Cures ,grtp' without a itowbV . . MidMStfteUNeti ; Eemt, H.'C. '3STEW. ..JUST .RECEIVED At' S ' - : H.L. HALL'S BOOKSTOBE A supply of the New Methodist Hymn - ; Books at the following prices: 24mos. ;- -Cloth. 25 eta ; Sheep, 60 cu ; Roan and ' Oilt, $100. Turkey Morocco and Oilt iiM.V? "'. , Willbesect.by mail, pee tags paid, on r receipt of the above price. Adiberak discount allowed in quan , titles.'-' '.":.,.,-'-'. . ' ' . ' , The Story of Methodism, cloth, 83.00. A Bohenck's nistory of North Carolina, - 83,25... ;.v;v'-?'X- ' - . fe81dlm hi a . ICoteTHis! That A; E.' HIBBARB has opaneti a f place of business at Ball's bookstorev '; second door south &t corner Pollock and . Middle streets, He is: prepared to do- all kinds of repairing on Watches. Satisfaction guarantoed on ail work.: fe2f dim. t To the Traveling Public Off ick of 'i'he Old .Dominion S, S. ' f ISewberne, n. O., Feb. 13, 190. -Arrangements have been completed for the running of the Steamers of the Old Dominion Steamship Company to accommodate visitors to tho Fish, Game, Oyster and Industrial Fair, Commencing -February 24ih and .endinK March 1st, " Tickets will be on sale, at the om- - pany'e office. '835 West street, N Y.,' February. 17th to 22d inclusive (good for 80 days), for $15 for .the round trip, New York to Newberne and return, in- eluding state-room berth the entire trip, ' ' and inqluding meals between New York - and JNorioiK. vfarnes can leave new - York,. February 10th; 22d and 26th: and- make close connection at Norfolk. - . The Steamers leaving Norfolk, Febru y ary 24tb and 28th. will come direct to '. Newberne, reaching it the following Parties from Washington, N. O-. can leave there so as to reach here Sunday " : previous to the opening; or can leave there Tuesday pight so as to reach here Wednesaay.-? iv Visitors from Wasbineton wH be re turned to Washington on Tuesday and , Saturday.; ; . . , ''. : C. For further Information apply to E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. rj, Newberne JT, C. Jko.Myebs SONS, Age.' s y Washington, N. a . , - 1 16 , t'AsiI f ONiLBIiB TAILOR." w; Next door to P. if. Dranoy ! Hardware -v . :, otore, 'Z 1 SOUTH FRONT STREET. - , ,: -Larce etock of fine samples. Clothinot : farr made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. f Rates 1'easonab.le . Also, cleaning and . ,.s " dyeipgidohe Jo neatestltyle, ,--,.tl8d8ni '. ' ; NOTICE. , 1 ho tinder leiiied. 3amen CI narrtutn. Pnb. He Adiniilrator, ho duly qoallfled as Ad- 1 juiuiHiirniiurui bDstuu ui L.ueaa w BKBip 60d. dc'd. end hereby slvei notice that he requlroi all jersoni having claims against me enateor tnaaia jt.ucae w.wimpson.lo resent them to the tald Admlnlatrator, nlv authenticated, for Daymen t. on or be. fore the 6th day of February, 1891, or else s -v thin notice will le pleaded In bae ofjteoov - arsons indcbtta to me estatejnust (lay wlthoui delay. . - - A 1 i - f. v . ,. . JAn, o. HAKRISOW, " ' fbvad6w ' 'Publlo Acmlnlitrator. v.. , ; ADMINISTRATOR'S a "Furm.ia.nt to a inrtament and Mdor of the ; Superior Court ol Craven county, rendered on.tbei3tuUy of January, 1S9H, In Ihe mit Whereto James O. tiarrlson, Administrator, wuu inewiu annexea, oi me esiate or jo teihPtejdeeefedrle plaintiff, and Mllly Fate and Qtheri are defendant, I will sell at Publio Auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House In New Berne, N. Con Mv DAY.lff.AnCH 3d, i860, ot"l o'clock, M.. the following tracts of land belonging to aid mate, lying In Graven county, tiDout six mile southeast of Fowler' Feiry.on the west; aide Of Upper Broad. Creek, in Mo. 3 Township, to W1U One tract containing 48 acres more or les, being several email tracts on upper Broad Creek, fully diios,t.(i ju a oe iced from Geo. 8. Urn 1th nn Jonotri i'ate, Ap-11 SOth; 186S, -fctx.,i ho, . folio 609.. HioorUS of Craven county. . A I , another tract, containing 155 acres, !' f less, tt'ijoinlng the above traM,, fniiy ; -scMbert In a deed from A 6 M. nho to Jo. sepb. fate. May 4th. 1883, Book ho 84, folloa , 671J nnd 673, Kecorde of -aald county. Hald land has a good dwelling house on It, vith Snfllclent cleared land for a one horse farm. There la also a very valuable aalne beach connected with this land. - Terms of Bale: one half cash; balance" ona eredltof six months, k , ' JNew llei ne, N. C Jan. 1890, . JAS. O. HARBiaON, . T" Aamr. with will annexed of lanatdtd ( x H' Joseph Pate, dee'd. r Received Today: 10,000 Horo of Tr 2 ;i;rCclcbratcd ldirginia Clropts WIIOLESALE OKOCr ' w MIDDLE STREUT, . NEW r (

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