li LY 01! ftNAL, . , VOL. VIIL-NO. 283. NEW BERNE. N. C, SUNDAY. MARCH 2. 1890. price 5 cents; TTAKDSOKS Klloh Cow aad Calf . , v mSiSt - - W, P. BtmiJi Co.: ' ' OX wilUag erdioole oa Monday. f; 1 1" r yoo have act trid my freea RoM" X ed Coffee; d M at ouoe. Jtvery- JHO. DUKH. body delighted v Tl f B. FRANK E. MORTON.the Piano J.U- and Organ Tnntr LOCAL NEWS. 'kNEVTADVXSTISEMlNTS. Ma. kUinnso Reopening. W.P. BrfttSOT & Co. Cow and calf tor Ml. The fir alarm Lut night was (aide. Ths county commissioners will be In session tomorrow. Mr. E K. Bryan, of Charlotte, is visit ing felafiv.. and friends in the city, -8pecial mosio will be furnUbed at the T. if. 0. this evening. The steamer Vanceboro has been THE THIRD EXHIBITION Of the East Carolina Fish, Oyster, tiame and Industrial Association. I. ta In the city. Orders left at Hotel 'Albert or at Mr. Pavle's carpenter ahop will ireoelve prompt attention.1; i p r, ItiiM D URN'S BLENDS I of Boasted Coffee an limolT delightful. ; febvJaOm T AM IS THE CITY A FEW DATS purohesed by J. T- WlnBeld for $1700 JL on professions! business. Parties eaaJ n w ill resume regular tripe as before "'aBOWK- Tm etemner Eaglet, of the E. 0. D. ' fab25-tfl - OpUoia'a. line, will sail tomorrow afternoon at 4 'l70RSAIX-A Annle of thiB Vlae wiU ' A. of American Biography, in aix ele- arrive today. aiUhrboondjrolome.- Priee, $28 00, Ther wg, onl one marriai6 lic9ns8 e' J 3 .C . a ortirt Annlea. HomtoT. Dried "BB lue monm oi ' '' 4 Peaches.-Oat ' Flakeek Prnnee.' Split I Februarythree to white couples and r - Peas, Tapioca, Whit Beans, Vernal-1 eleyen to colored couples. Jamea Sullivan, colored, was before "cUL Baialnt, Crushed Wheat, Fresh -Ranniul Oooda. Mae&ront. Cheese. Irish ; N Poutoee. Small Hame, Codfish, Corned the Mayor yesterday for violating chap- Beef. Beef .Toncnea. Breakfast Bacon, 'Pickles, fresh Boasted Coffee), Finest Teas, Coooa, Chocolate, Flarorlng Ex- f traote,to. . V. je. dlotkb. s w'nmM ' mo ' ni-iv I days on the streets with 1 'TJATENT CLOTHES LIBE -Clothca ' v :fi 17 cannot be blown aff. No plna.t Mayor Williams and .Sample can be seen at thaHOotton Ex ohanga. ' D.T. Carbawat, ftWtf ;I I $ Agent Manufacturer. i6 ter B, section 8, of the city ordinances, being drunk and disorderly in the city limits. He waa fined $5 and ooet or 80 boll and chain. the city polioe deserve much credit for their oool and determined efforts to bring the gam blers to justice who infested our city WB bave received th Colombo during the Fair, fhere were nearly Wesklf KaWS, pnblisbed, at Chad twenty of them, hailing principally boom by 8. F, Thompson and edited f tom Peteburi v. bT J. A. Smith. I Wd welcome the ,4Wttle Lord Fdntleroy " will be pro- isr nnino will duced at the opera house at Goldaboro rV' -'::x 1 . 1 11 I on Tuesday. Many have been the read ;j ' THB Fair il Over, and we would ere of this atory, so beautifully written l' k- Knt rni fh fut ihftf. thai by Mm. Frances Hodgson Burnett. A J - ? -T t ' u AahTille OitiMa and Clinton Caa ; -aaaiMjitiifoiTil this office tecenti Qentlemio, please call f atiatoU&;:.:.:.:.- V - :'S ml .i n ii I. 11 "JZ?Zt Democrats of Indiana adopt cd the iiinstralian . ballot system. " peal to the eonrts to oterthrow It. A 1 Under this law there WOnld be no (he moon oast a ahudow aorose the track y' tshance Whatever to "work the blocks-1 immediately where the man was lying. ; ' of-Bve ractet in Indiana. Keobnk Just before approaching, a dark object Oonstitutlon-Democrat. waadUcovered by the engineer but it - was too late to take up and the heavy ' Vvmt thn ArtrnmABnament of its train thundered aver him. The train - pnblicatloa the State Ohronicle has pped and backed only to d- v-- k v- in vArl. noVnlin oter the mangled remains of an un it was afterwards I special train will leave here for the convenience of those who wish to attend. Killed on the Track, The special Fair train that left New Berne Irlday evening for Goldaboro ran over and killed a negro man a few miles above Tusoarora. It was after dark and the train was going at about an average speed. From a wood house FISH AMD OTSZKBS. Brock, of Peace Institute, aends work which is a treat to eyery, one, a lovely placque in colore after .Gainsborough, the admiration of all, and the Royal Wooster vase, which is beyond descrip tion. We sincerely hope this lady will favor as with more of her work at the The Gamblers. Mayor Williams oontiuued bis inves tigation of the cases of the gamblers yesterday. Harry Raymond waa up for another charge of gambling on the streets Raymond had a nice little game to work The Fish, Oyster and Game depart- Bex F,ir in ' would be glad to have on the unwary. It :s called the "tbree mentwas one of the most attractive w"eowoa sennromner ciass at reace. sneu game. " Three little sbelle and a I m r mtm la . features of the Fair. As one entered I rs.uakeiy Kindly loans a handsome oau are used. Raymond would put this building the first thing to attraot P'Qture, painted by her sister. One can down the shells with the ball under one the eye was the large and fine display "oaroely believe that the pansies are of them and then the generous "fake" fish and oysters exhibited by Mr. ao " as they so gracefully fall from would bet you five dollars toonedol- Gao. N. Ives. We have not epaoe to-do lM oasxet. tar that you could not pick up the shell ustioe to this exhibit. All who taw it The exhibit from Kinsey School is with the ball under it. He was re- were amazed at the wonderful colleo-motartl8ticuy,a"ned, and adds quired to give a ?200 justified bond for tion which was so beautifully arranged, "won to the appearance of the room, bis appearance at the Superior Court, and our visiting friends who had seen The pen and ink sketches are beautiful- W. M. Asher and F. J. HardisoD, suoh displays at the North said it was 'idone. Many thanks to the echool for charged with allowing their saloon to the finest and most complete ever made ,nelr exhibit. oe used tor gambling purposes, waived in this country. Every variety of fish I The Missss Hughes with their usual examination. fromthe waters of this State were there, generosity send Jpretty painting, and J . Justice, Chas. Faulkner and R. ... .- I j .i i- I rjm: i . . i as well as the red snapper, grouper, " won, uuUmnv, uuuu iar iaoir appear- Spanish mackerel, pompino, and other Tfae oil painting of Miss Mace, repre- ance at Superior Coarf rarities from the far South. Libsters, eenting a sailor boy clinging to the Samuel Coward, for permitting his crabs, scallops, and the delioate smelt ehroudsof a vessel, is very good, while "loon to be used for gambling pur- were there in dishes of ioe. Fish frozen her crayon of Major Finger is said to poses, gave bond for his appearance at in blooks of ioe made beautiful pictures, be one of the finest ever hung on a wall. Superior court, Oysters of many varieties and of large uiss Mace haa also a display of crayons Kiohard Fraley also worked the size, rivalling the famous Lynn Havens drawn by her pupils in the Collegiate "tbree shell game" and is now iu jail, and Cherrystones, were also shown by Institute. They are very creditable, in default of bond. Mr. Ives. The whole collection was considering the few lessons that have lhree othere, one by the name of artistioally draped with nettings, fish I Deen taken. It would be impoieible ti &arie, one Stevens and one Mallory are flkes.eeltraps.corks, and other fishing mention all wLh.lfc...M.M implements, furnished Mr. Ives for this Miss Lula Makely . and M ie. Mary 0 ture'd ; the Tepot yesterday. . . m .- . I I JAArt I MM h kWA AMa V. n a J . L ll I I t " ' occasion by tne American net ana i '"""""a "" T" kuuu wum, ids tie nas Deen skulking Twine Company of New York. I former oil painting from naturs; the the city for several days. Yesterday t-t j m . i u-j -i . lltnr nninn nnrln t ctouiuk " llBUlDloa air. laaywoou xuuser ubu biiu mi ...... i.oa. l . .. smaller but a very creditable display of We were also impressed with the Qa8kil, wag on hig traok and cantured &h on the opposite side of the room. heal drawn by Miss Emma him. Boss ran when Mr. Gaskill ap- He had some very fine shad, black and I Katie Jones, after taking two lesions proached, but stopped as still as a post striped bass, a yery large toad fish, and omr- ia worS "nects great credit on a creat varietv of others, the names of tiuir teacher. whioh we could not learnr Miss Bayard Morgan's oil paintings -nurca bervices Today. The oysters on exhibition came from are laite wonderful for one of her age. Baptist Church-Rev. H. W. Battle, Harbor Island (by Mr. Walter Homan), I tne crayon or miss Bertha Tucker, pasior. oervioesat n a. m. and 7:15 Rrnii1nrfik.Nelaon'ii hav. Core ennd. aa many others. p. m , conducted by the pastor. Bun- North river, Jarrett'e bay, Piney Point on,T china Paiuting in the chil and Portsmouth. Tho clams were from dren'8 dePartment la a pretty cup. sauoer and pitcher, exhibited by Miss Lulu Ives, the work of Miss Mabel Niohol, thirteen years old , of New York OAME, DOQS, ETC. There was a large and interesting J Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvelof purity, Btrengtb and wboIeaomeneM. More economical than the ordinary kinds, aad cannot be sold In competition with the mul titude or low test, abort weight, alnm or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Royal hakinq Powder Co., 10 Wall at. N Y. t une23 dan wed 111 A w NEW GOODS ! Goods in our Stock are n beauty and deeiga, The Line of nneurpaesed quality and finish Watches, Diamond Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, China Bracelets, Bangle Bracelets, Flexible 8ilyer Purses. Hair about Ornamt nts, BoAr. Marks, Rins, Chains, erday r.... p; a-.. t:. -.l to leave on the ' "va" 1UD' urul. "Bell The Jeweler." when the officer shot at him. have a hearing this week. He will Do you want a Fine Suit of Clothes? Goto Harrington & Baxter, C. C. Clark, invited to at- Beaufort. TAXIDERMY. Miss Alioe Dnffy'e display of taxi-l dermy, in the room with the art de-J partment and exhibit of curios, waa I : Iimm a v nnwr In Korth Carolina r"m 11 joarnaliBBi; We are glad to be able MriiaA th,t tha deoe,B6d had bean at Y , to Btate that WO are to have a Daily Tuearoira drunk and wanted a ticket ' Chronicle, r Oa Thuraday, the Bixth on the train. He did not purchase it day of ilareh, the first.iatne of the and it is supposed that he started out ; BtatUhronicie as a morning aauy w .v- will ptmmm vv ., - BBceBaBeacaaaBn i iaa xsur viuaeu, AO00D many K-ansas iarmerBXheFairisover, and all parties are y- who are now burning corn for fuel I to be congratulated : aay that, between graashoppers and The high character of the Exposition v protectfoir: they5 wiltchooae; the f";4 '' f6"?" toth! , r . v. - . j- V. vMim effloient officers of the Association, and . : graaehoppers. Oraaehoppers come , -M ,B , : ,mslj onee a year bat proteetion khe mrrounding country, who with " eomei gets holds with all its elaWS ieU-Merifldng enthusiat m devoted r and ch$ws away alt the tinieV WU- themselves to the enterprise. : "intonlStarll 5 We gratefully acknowledge, our in- - iniasfeawMaaaMBBai : debtednecs to the gentlemen of the yTat aingnlar nnanimltywitn press of the State for the wideadver .'v vhich.tbe Bepnbliean party 4on't tisement of the Fair, and their generous Want Hartiaon for a second term ta worde of commendation of the enter "'irfrfnrf'rf. it l WthArSfft. ptiie'No local prejudices were ta- ;;narlcable;andi,ra ; While one hears not maoh 'aaia1;. ln Lpproyal Mi encouragement.' . - t opposition to his renominauon nom I u the past year had been a prosperous - thft rartv oreans. we do hear theloae the attendance would have been lrtnMt Hnd of rftBti6nai.QdinCT. I larger: but, 'as It was,' there were a j tii T.M''&i:.'5v:i of people present 'from New rCT ' York Pennsylvania, Michigan, "Marr V eqjlis: ltTinit3r Of Christ, 0 far I land . ' Virtoi .n4 the OaroliQaeln. t Ai Vahnfriur.! ami deed bom all parts of our common inm; tn tril COUnWy. , V VWlV TriI'Vi Ulepleaslngtochroniclethefactlhat V latollect to handle, is concrete, .fttli thft to 6f, tiring and infinitely precloos reality fend th, - aensibilitlea of the most re ta call forth the confidence and af- fined 'and cuitlTated-tne most moral '. f'ffiflnii of the 'heart, lcsininone'of andreligiousi't-Jlsf rMnm hAnanafl tfiilfla; in l ! It & unfortunately true' that sharpers, "."I, Wa caa ftPtsrehend nd tricksters and gamblers attend fairs and ? C r-SFfSJe-gi tatheiihgs oltheUecplei -3"? l' au V ft waa not expected i. that, Ut suoh a r fcii tl:.: li, evci tao', we cannot Uime. New Berne would eeoape-their -r'er:,--.a it." 1 1 ' iT69 M' j presence but It is to the credit of New "-.-.I divine E'.viaur t. . i r-JtrsaW Berne that the nimble; fingered gentry " " ..Hfound a Honv In their path, and were i , :3 ipv- w miio ' " speedily brought to the barpf justloe. r --aca cf fStb." meaning there- Tkeae fairs will continue from year I j'a f .'.ta tlat la so confident andl to year, until "Eastern Carolina'' shall :l!78, ed free from doubt, and sol Wore the world revealed In it ' "r Cod esjeveated In 1 cf tii cracs; tbat tt day school at 3 p. m., superintendent. Public tend. Pl-aghwia.! T) T ri-rAn m. .www j VUUI wU 1M3 V . U. J, V dOC , I w D. D.. pastor. Services at II a. m., IN eCKWear yOU sermon ny uev. w. K. Coppedge. At 4:30 p. m., conducted by the pastor. much admired. The representative of aliPlsy 01 "e ana deaa game, dogs, oaDDatn scnooi ana pastor 's Bible class Harper's Weekly said that it was "the,to- Beeidesthe exhibits before men- at 3:15 p. m., Wm, Hollieter eup't. chief attraction of the Fair." It was, I "onea we noticed the following: A oung men s prayer meeting on Hon- we think, one of the moat attractive 1 Dear T Mr- Samuel Coward; Italian day at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation to features. There was a verv interesting: STey hound, by Miss Mary F. Manly; attend these eery ices. scene arranged in a large glass oase: I JSoglUh setter; by nr. Kobert Hancock; nrist Uhurch Kev. T. M.N. Ueorge, On the outskirts of the woods, in theE8,i(,h greyhound, blaok and tan, rector. Second Sunday in Lent. Holy .v:u .... v..u.. tu... I KntrliRh Matter and three St Rcrmrdp. I Uommumon at K a. m. Mnrninc nrftvnr ail, mwft wtkun auu uuauva, huioti .1 " j 1 gmm m . . frightened rabbits are squatted as still bT Mr- AlDert Patterson; coach dog, by ana sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer ureSS OmriS. DOtn laUH- as mloe, but ready at. tne slightest! Jur"'''u''-"' 'Bi nuu iu, cuuniu muium . p. m. iuo puunu noiaetoinmn. In the baok aronnd a I and opossums, by Haokhurn ft Willett; I cordially invited to attend these ser- fox is peering through the bushes at two thoroughbred mastiffs by Mr. C. S. vices, and will be shown to seats by at- jl citVt j : I Krinn Rt. Bernard nnnnv and hlarV I tftntivft nntipra RnnHiiT.iuhnnl at thai - v fauom auu wijrtjr uaciui( upvii wiuni. i i - r-rn . j The animals look almost as natural as ana Mni 6T KeT T re; new- cnapei, i a.m., and at the church, i life. There are a number of beautiful Uoundland, by Mr. A. Dughi; Angora p. m. ... .u vt I aroata. hr H. J. Stowe: onosiram andl Centenarv Chnrrh Rihln and nmtpr B()W1IUIUI Ul IWUHlUi IHUtt H WUJWIB 1 ' -r I I '' ITI j i g mmim m British owl; a real Connecticut part- oat r -Joe nelson, jr.: a buok and meeting lor young men at 9:15 a.m., OUtlOUS, oCarl JrinS. d&C. .... .. I . nn -1 J -i 1 i . I n t - .... . .1 ridge, whioh is muon larger than our7ew w"11 muwp uj laame not rreacnmg at ii a.m. ana :oup.m., ny "partridge" (quail); a akunk, large Jlearned): horn owl, by w. F. Becton, I the pastor, Kev. J. E. Mann, D. D. horn owl, a beautiful mallard duck.loiiiariowe; onicxen nawx and rabbit, I uommumon at the morning service. white heron, summer duck, a large j by Jhn Bryant; Brahma, game, dusty Publio cordially invited to attend. eagle. There were also beautiful cards miller and. mixed chickens, squirrels, Beats free. Polite ushers ready to con- of original design, easter chickens, etc.; hawk and quail, by J. 15. (juick, of duct strangers to seats. Sunday-school game planks mounted with dead game; Pamlico county ; fox, rabbit, mocking at 3 p.m., J.K. Willis, sup't. There novel fans exquisitely made; a lamp bird, red birds, opossums and coons, by wsll be the usual meetings during the aoreen, made of a green heron, whioh I Bender roe. ury an ; collection of wee . tt a. unique and ingeniously designed. o.uail and rabbit, by C. J. DeBruhl, of Baptist mission station.marketdock ! Another scene-broken limbs and vines, Jones county; wild turkey, by C.Reia- Morning services at 9:80 a. m., J. A. entS Jild UlOVeS. with golden-winged woodpecker, lensteln: musk rat, by John Bryan; Patterson, leader. Afternoon services at mv . A 7. . . . I 1 r Till!.. iu u i. I i.on tt r t rr ,.. j. . ,, I I 11 A T1Y10CT SiQ nil Swamp Sparrow, linnet, red-Winged I ) J nm- uw, wuu kwo, uruu, i.w p. m., n.. r. iuuy, leauer. iiu uuvuu yiUV starling and flying squirrel perched I red heads, ball pates, mallard and shell persons are oordially invited to attend T-aniPs RhnA in Wftxir apuu las uiuua,. toij yiatny. miiwo 1 -i , m u. . - Duffy's exhibit was .beautifully and ar- chicken and plover, by a. k. Dixon. I Y. M. C. A. Services this evening tistloally arranged. I There are no doubt some exhibits! at 5 o'clock. Special music. All young There are also lnoluded In this ex-1 etui that nave not been mentioned. It men are invited to be present. hlbit a display of mouated deer horns 1 1 almost impossible to get them all. I Disciples Church Services this morn- by Mr. Henry Brown, and a largo wolf, 1 notes. mg at 11 o'olook and tonight at 7:30, mounted In New York, exhibited by I Mr. Herbert Simpson's exhibit of Rev. I. L. Chestnutt, pastor. Sunday Mr. Wm. Hunter, of Goldaboro. This I architectural drawings, in the north- school at 8 p. m.,W R. Skinner, eupt .. . it,, i?.:- luiu.. .11.. I watt mom on ther second floor, was in aet dipabthent. ; , Urestlng and attracted attention. The "T tSZZ" " V.. CT is the place to bay Goods. The description of the Art Depart- drawings showed the plan and style of gires a feeling of buoy anoy and 'strength . Me. D. M. JONES, of Beaufort, do giaa to see and sell them where you will also find the finest lot ot ever saw. Also, the best $3,50 hand sewed Shoe in New Berne. The prettiest line of Neglige Shirts ;and Dress Shirts, both lann- dried and unlaundried, 1 the city. A fine stock of Gents' Collars and Cuffs, Cuff iitl A new line of the latest style of Hats, including the latest thing in "Derbies" Crushes" and Slouch Berne. All the above Goods have just been received, and we guarantee satisfaction or money refunded. Give us a call and be convinced that Barrington & Baxter's ment betas rather hurriedly taken. We a beautiful house and gave the views the deem it worthy of a more extended I ttom each side. The drawings are very notice. By fat ihe largest exhibit of Wlfullf and nioely done. Mr. Simp- this department is that of Miss Kan son has recently completed a course in Roberta, now at Cooner Institute. the stud ol arphitecturo in Baltimore in whioh she exhibited a large number and Washington City a( nil rjalntinn. water colors, oortralu I , Uy or r. Williams exhimted a and two tery; fine' UpesttielTheee m W e, nmeyears old; dam arWraa.iniitliaa' aal?W?WtW5 VWette; he by .... i ... . . . t , . . w . mention, out apace is wanting la wnion to desoribe them;: The one Eung ia the northeast, corner Venus Anhrodite out of the sea. " The dtSer, Aurora, the! the marks of deoline. Check these and sddessof the moraIng.fv? Indications of premature deoay hole system. K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LlOHf Vat Oa tbe Brmtte. Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuff Sold' at manufacturer's prioes. is with ns and will his many friends goods very choaD. Don't forget the place, Barrington & Baxter, Middle Street, Between L. H, Cutler and J. Snter. STOP! STOP! STOP! . . w.t I If, you find you are going down hill In M ' . n . , v.? m.t7f pbmtof health. ming strength. un-D A IJOflfinS. in the act of rUIng digestion and awimllation jare U,f UV".U U ,iWI,u,," AND LOOK IN AT wi ii. n.-,. . -t,n,ik I wiw tne grana tiwimw ana reeuaminK . --r 5 ; " u! toalo, Hoetetter'a Btomaoh Bitters. Be- painting U yery floe; her lovely soreea ginning at the foiinUin head, the itom and painting on silk requires especial Itch, the Bitters remedies its ineffloienoy, mention, and the Royal .Wooster vase, oorreeta itaerrors, and sets it vigorously though the ,a.tln the list, i. not leut t1iXSiSSS in merit. , s i th. tnnA Itm nntrltlvM nrlnhinlna. which Mrs. Ellis exhibits a handsome bluet the blood assimilating, i ie enriched. silk scarf, one ot the finest In the Art Thus is the system nourished, and being Denartmentt also a? masnolIS ' study. nunea swenginenea, ana aonormai ueparvment,. aieo a magnwia asuuj, i . (uU .t..d. JtnMhtifca. whioh is very attractive. ? The .Fruit the power to rMt wM MguUr habit and Flowara sent hv Mrs. Nalaon ia in-1 tra alan ra aataklUhad. and tKavarlnna deed a workof arfci Miss Janet Hollie-If unoUone move onoe mote In their natu- Vfu' DW w,.Piy J w ter,the effloient ..oreUry, add. Urgely au rgjroove, .. j tive of malarial oomplaints. rheuma-r: tism, blliovisnega and kidney troubles, day RwHiHiim'i- riilannra KlKnna and no I A . - mm W , mm-mw m, mmm V WINVWI ) MVS I ' -i -.-. ' . ;:anta to t -.zziztp,, cr ratter dcrca of 3 Gad gad .at. the i V 3 ricbCwt eip cri . '. If cae , wants ' : , 1 n r,zzt excr- i T these t' true beauty, its marvelous resouroes and wonderful development, i1 . It ia impossible to estimate the effeot of the late Fair upon the future of Fast Carolina. ; The C editore of our State f ?pers who were present will fill their columns with the details of the Expo s'.Uon, while those who came from New York will picture to the North this teo sion as it is, and thus attraot to our botiors Hit wealth and enterprise of distant ccsimunUies Full stock and large assortment Prloes u low as the lowest. Call and examlne'my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. Roasted Coffee. And see the largest and best saUoted Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, S S Solid Silver and Plated tWan ta hm iuuou in toe cuy. $1 Ihave pat la a COFFEE ROASTER to the beauty of the department by her display of crayons, water colors and landsoapea in oil, the latter, we think, onoof the fineot on exhibition : tllos tJrLo.ajxxnia No trouble to show Goods. Come and see me. EATON the JfiWELEBJ : MMdieBtt' ftSSJtf Opposite Baptist Churoh, DAT A TA JiTOT li ttmrn T I every J jaav ;y ;,A JUttil JL Uanufactursd by Asplnwall Xl'f'c c . SLEEPER ft JONE3).ks 'fcotA T $ " ' '