it , isk uailt 'crIaTj, fit iwu I ,,TP n ftl1 nB t'S tpT. ,ubn.hed daily. . Monday at an bid fellow in City Hall Park to tjm peryr. iwa tot au swum. ,DUTwd ' a sparrow policeman the other day. ueityo!rtbwMowiuprojiu . jj0 was a man who had traveled , ; . 4 tus wv-T JOUKfAih ,m eoiaam an 0Ter the world without paying -, L1" f itawrt IM Cent. it was early in the morn . .vRBrisiS(i' Aides DikT-OM,tng and the policeman feli like a kaa oa e day 10O SIM foreaoh subequent cnat, BO QO aSECaX 'J-S T .'5 ' f jo. j,. " J M What do you wean. 1". !"! f,.,Aarttownftitn4n "BwueMj jUBt whatc I say-i-tramps are V HflifirftfM.Hl e.nUftot ,1 alike, -jw gre rgujlh, igUO- ' rant chapr, too 1-zy loworkvwho l-r.ttL-t.l ; -r "prey on the country far a nying, " natiofloiiTUorDuj.nttoxo They toam In bands, and are ready pNri)ne urtod fn au nimuon f0r arjy crime. Again,. there is the AtlwwVLtiiMfdCMBtsPMrUM..:ffvt tramp v whom drink' or 'misfortune fVfa ' ax advertisement . hM down ff om reapectable uiHiuiTMM Reaoiar "j'ranka in life; lead'the trstmpato m . -. w ...... l .: i 1 a. . ft. iorget, 1 tie wonts enoagu to uuj .- iuwtaeau'wulfceeolleoted promptly, at the niv"l?vfi""'"" nwio.ri- VnmUnoti muti ba tzMoted to b onb L irtl4t4v ,'WVln obieotlonabl iwnonk 11m jrttlvhdidi ln oma of the nttor. or sii vUi pukka mor loan on oolumn Qflb, ' tew. -I ' rXay pmos fvalinit d at nr aacmr ntnittrrf ""T" obtain Ui nam satnor by applloatlon at this offloe aud owtni wnareln tn grievance exiiu THE JOURNAL. Bilet Hu(r, SRW BEUNE. S. O., MARDH 3. U90. atw4 at the Pot offlot at N- !. . aiMooad-alaM tutMr. K 0 his meals, ' bnB never stays long in one place, and travel. tn freight cars from place to place. Then they are the gentleman tramps- men who- ride in freight cars, be cause they . believe in paying for nothing. They are cheeky ana well dressed, and always have money which the? hardlv need, as their insufferable gallia safficicnt to car ry them through anything. They are-nsaally hard drinkers and drift aboot to see the couutry. xney are alway geuerous to pour bams they meet on the road, and they travel comiortablv ven on freights." New York World. THE 3AT10SAL ELECTION LAW. Earlier in the session we did cot believe it possible for Congress to pass the national election law, but aince the passage of the House rules, and the high-handed meas urea of Beed, with and without rules nothing seems impossible that has for its object the contipued as oendancy of the Republic tn party There is now reason to believe that the Eepublican majority will pass a national election law with special view to extending the power ftf the ReDublican party in the Southern States. The measure will be opposed by Democrats in the House and in the Senate ; eloquence will be displayed; hallowed mem- LEMON KLIIin Ita WonUeffal Stomach, coweli. Kidneys and -V ) ; ' ONE UNJOYS ;l Both the method and results when n . tt . . .; . v . . . a i oyrup oi lgs u ianen; inpieuauuii and refreshing to (he taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidney liver and JBowelsj ,cleanaeti the1 sys tem -effectnaUy;" displa'.colds, head-; aches arid 'fevers nd cures habitual constipation. Syrup 'of Figs is the only remedy of its . kind ever pro duced, cleaaini? to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomachj prompt in ita action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the- jnoBt l.-li7u 1 VI- Li J.. neaiiay ana agreeauio buu-u-.uucb, il many excellent Qualities commend it to all and have,made it the post popular, remedy known. - , Syrup of Pigs is for sale in 50p and SI bottles by all leading drugr gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand. will pro-" "fff !i PZ'Ji cure it nromptly for any one who Dr. Moaley 'b L' tnon Elixir is a pleae- wishes to try it Do not accept any" Iamam 4 Triril' rkftr rtAai I ival if A n r All I miVvcif lfft f ft ; 1 l ant lemon drink that positively cures substitute. all Biliousness, Uonetipation, iQQiReg tion. Headache. Malaria, Kidney Dis ease, Dizziness. Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills. Blotches. Fimpies, rain in Back, Palpitation of Hi art, and all I other diseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidnejn, the first great cause of all fatal dieeaaes. i if ty cents and ene dollar per bottle. Sold by drugnists. Prepared only by H. Mczley, M.D., Atlanta, Uh. New 22 1LJ JV-, 1 1 is ?9 TV.- Ill 1i :. Do a Oeneral Lull'.. :l. 3. LIkdilo Street, f-r h ? - - t'.ow Lote Lumber! I::: ::r !. '.re yoa goine to f-.:j, or sr yea needing lumber of any kind? If you aou-wnte to rne.- as i can make your prices lower toan yo co ouy eis tcbtre r All kinds f buildirg niHterit-l always -on hfcnd.-eithfr 'rouuh ,r drwe r Floorlrfi WHathi-r-boarding, ceiling. monMinr er- 4.t,i Wv KICDARDSOji, janlldwOm ' Cov,N.O. . t 1 - " - AUatotic: In a. . tAhlik , fit LKMOJI HOT DUOI'S, For coughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat acd brouchitie, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and c-tarrh, Uke Lemon Hot DroDS. For all throat and lung dissases, take TRY THE CUBE Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 o. ntff perbot- le. Prepared by H. Mozle j, M.D , At- coy Id wiy CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8 AH F8AHCISC0, CAL,, ' - lOUisviue, kt. Affw ror, H.r. ely's gatawhH CREAM BALM Oleamea th p Naaul Paack Allays Pain and Inflammatlo-a, Heals the Sores Restores the r Senie of Tte and Smell. ' rnvsiM fit . V,Sr&&I I U.5X HA5f-JFEVER BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Special attention given to Mathematics. Commercial Law, Book keeping and Penmanship. ; 1 - - ' Experienced teacher in Instrumental Music. . . Vocal Music a prominent feature. Tuition, including Board, Washing, Lights, etc., $05.00 to $75.00 per session of five months. v" Jan2I d wtf W. R. SKINNER,1 Principal. Mortgagee's Eale. oriea will be invoked, and the Con titution will be apothegmatized anta, Oa as the palladium ot liberty, out it Th Decuniarv condition of will be all in vain. Sooner or later gome 0f the people of Illinois ma tunat vioirl tn the inevitable. Illinois seems to have driven What willl be the effect of the them to the verge of impiety. At . . r , :l k a session of the Illinois conference new law i in gouciai iu u. nf thA RwAwlIah TAitheran chnrch. A nartlcle is aoolled hntoeach bostrU'Chd la egreeable. Price 60 cents at DrogKlsta; by mall, registered, 60 eta. USLY BROTHEB8, 66 Warren Street. ew York: Ianl6dwly AGENCY FOR If I oanH sell out one Way; Itonsi try another war; and for this reason I have got in mora goods. Tobacco, Cigars the subversion of States rights and at Eockford a reBOlulion thanking iWdnrr' PftStas tbe esfcabllshmentof consolidation. God for the general prosperity of Kb North Carolina hesitated to adopt last year was dereatea Dy tanner 0f Durham Smoking Tobacco. Cut t nnn r,nnor.0A aha fpard lay delegates, who denied that ping, and granulated at five, cents for IUO -JWUOUIUWVU Uvv ' Uk. n nr.h nnnAit inn ftf tWO OZ. . fltO.. BtO. I LUCID WOO UUJ ouuu wuuivivm , ' ..en Middle st.. New Bernev nl3tf 3'. i 1 : fi. r I f that the rights of the States and rJ the liberties of the people were not .nffinlonflT omnrdfid. But no Fed- The Verdict Vttanlm oat. ... i : a W. D. Suit. Drufirelst. Bippns, Ind. , tes- erailBCOI mai aay never Ufles: VI can recoimend Electric Bitten tn iha c-Annral government such as the very best remedy. Every bottle '.t . rr sold has elvenrellef in everycase. One powers as 16 is exercising umaj. x. tookBlx arjd Was cared of AlAtrnhrtpr Hamilton iJOUld rise Rhanmatiam of 10 years' standing." Abra ... i. ham Hare, druircist. Bellville. Ohio, af- from U18 grave u wwmu uo 0 firms: "The best selling medicine I ever tnnndfld at the usnrnations Of Con- handled in my 20 years' experience Is r Electric Bitters." Thousands of othem P88, have added their testimony, ao that the -But it must not be supposed that verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters the specialobject of the measnre will do cure all diseases eijv be accomplished. No more is this b Duffy's wholesale and retail drug fair land tn bfi cursed with negro "tow. Large size, $8.00 per dozon. whole domination. The history of re construction shows that even where incivilit y is not a vice of the they were recently vanquished the soul, but the effect of several vices whites would not submit to the -of vanity, f8"orftn, -JL, .v. u.M laziness, stupidity, distraction, couiroi ui tuo w. contempt of others, and jealousy; been obedient to law and the up holders and vindicators of justice and Christianity, and there is no blot on their escutcheon. If they are to be further opposed, they will gather in solid phalanx aroUnd the ark of the Constitution and anlAtnnlv nwear to Btand or fall together! ' Wa have never beiPg in favor of pressing the black man to the wall. We are in favor of giving him a fair chance in the battle of life, and awarding to him the prize l r an iJ.ncr.ARS be may win. Bnt beyond this we will not go. The effect of the law will be, first, to . unite the whites 'more .. 1- ...I.U TannhliBT) swongiy aiufc partyf by.bringing them together tod Miyoa to try Hood-. I . more cioseiy iu uuiumuu vuv. -DAMiiii'sr "i"'"" , ,V .A..:.. .Ia. reCUIiar and builds np the iystem, taeconaiy, vo; orci (o;cup-j - ,' By virtue of a power of tale conferred Upon me by a certain mortgage exe cuted to me by E. J. Patterson and J. A. Patterson on the 18th day of Feb., 1889. and dulv recorded in Book No. 100, pages 143, etc., of the Records of Craven county, I will sell for cash at Dublio suction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in NewBernev Craven county, State of North Carolina, on Tuesday the lotu aay or. ABU1. 1890, at Twelve o'clock, j ,,noon, all the right, title and interest ot the mortgagor, it being an undivided third pf . the whole of , the said 'property; bounded as follows: -, b3fr Lying on the south side of Johnson street, and bounded on the west by the Jerkins lot, and on the south by Neuee street, on the east by the Small wood and Rountree lots, on the nbrth .by Johnston street, it being fully described in the said mortgage, reference to which is hereby made for a full and more perfect description. This the 18th day of Jan., 1890. P. H; PELLETIER, jan!4 901 Mortgagee DBTG K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST; Offi3e,'Uiddle"etreet,.opposita Baptist church, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN. N "O. 8TATB of North Carolina, 1 Superior County of-uraven. J Court. J . B, Gardner and L. J . Cho pjnun . v. :.v..: Bertha 8. Loflln. Oanwcll O. IrftUi.Z. B. v Jjoflln, minor. Unn M. Lonlu and iryan By virtue of a judgment rendered at the Fall Term. ISM), of Craven Conrltv buoerlor Court, I will sell to the highest bidder, rcr cash, at the Court House door In (riven county. on cue rirui Monuay in nircu, la o'clock. M.. the following described ti ucfof lana towita Lying ana being lauieoouniy ana vtate aroreaaia, on the norm biio or Neuse River, beginning on the main toad wnere me aiviaion line orine saia rieiiry u. H. Lottln and Zebble Loftln's )lne CroiuieH ,11 and runs wttb the said line, south west to the river low grounds, then with anil cp the river low erounda to Brvan Q Lollln'a line. then with the said Bryan G. and Henry Loi- tin's nee to ana ohms ine roaa to tne oaoa line or J. H. Dixon's line, then with the dtvltlon line of the said Henry Ijofiln nud J. H. DlJton to Zebble Lnftiii's line, then with the tald Henry and Zebblft Loain's to the mam or pubno roaa. the beginning, con talninc 92 acres more or lets. Bald land be ing lot No. 8 in the division of the lands of Neeonam juorun, aeotasea.wn'cn waa allot ted to the said Henry u, a. initio; Thii Jan. Jlst, 1890, '-' ' febltd - ' H. li OfflB'). fommlwilonm 8:00 A tt. Monday; Cctobtr GotNaEABT. SohePuli. G6uaWi8T. o. SI..' 'Pa8wngtr 'raint." No. 60. t . Ar.. Lve. . Stationav r f fAr. Lve. p m ; 8 80 ;, Qoidsboro 11 80 an 4 Oo 4 0 . j L Oraxge , 10 43 10 4 4 Z 4 40 ;, Kinetoii,, JO 08 10 18 6 00 0 15 - New Berne .. 8 85 8 60 7 54 , K m Morehea4 Cit-.- m 60 f ... jn. . n K n. . . n. rr ' No. 1. . s . -i-- 'NO. .f" Mixed Ft. & t Mixed Ft. ft Paw. Train.. '. Btationa.' irPase. Train. a m 0 80 1. .Qoidsboro , 9 00 p m 6 57 -705e--Beet,a-V i804 810 7 20 7 80 La Orange , 7 84 7 44 7 48 " 7 M ' ' Falling Creek , 7 00 7 10 811' 8 80 , Kinston . 5 55 8 42 JB 60 : 8 65 'J? JUaawell r 5 80 15 10 OJ . .,,Uover '- 4 65 10 81 10 8 -K- Core Creek 4 24 11 00 11 05 ! Juscarore ' 8 64 11 17 11 41 t - 'Clark'a . -. 8 8a 12 15 8 00 Newborn i 10 83 8 87' 3 48 ' Biverdale 41 48 48 8 50 , v j CroaUn t 88 4 ua t iu uaveiocx 8 5V 4 87 4 43..,,, Newport A 17 4 51-465 ' ."WildwooiV 800 6 01 0 0t 5 Atlantic 747 5 16 .6 21 Mprehead City ; T 17 6 85 6 10 4 0O 8 43 8 00 149 9 88 -i 9 04 ' 8 37 - 8 05 l7 53 727 6 28 (T88 Atlantlo Hotel 7 08 7 15 6 8r p ni fMorehead Depot ; a m 7 00 . 'Tueedav.Thur dav an Katurdav. ' ' t Monday, v edneeday and I rtday. - ll -llnStioonneata with Wllmincloa AWel. doni Train tnjn North, leaving Ooldibnro l):ov a. m auiu wun ruonmona jj nvui Train WeaV, aeavlng Ooldaboro p.jn, Train 1 eonnecta wita Bicbmoii A UbtIU Tr-.l,rriTlnr at Ooldibcio&ia jii., and with. Wilmington and . WeJ4on Train .from tl North t 1:16 P.H1. . ' 1 ' f l Train 2 ceo nects with WHminiton and Weldoa Througa ' Freight "Train, JJorth bound; leaving Goldsboro At lO-.oa p.. ,-;;.s;';Diii, : . , . ,' 5upertntiaiidn. I '" ( Batli Rooms. At hay shop-on; Middle ktreeti Plenty of .water, not or cold, and good large) rooms, s . t ' junldtfT '." "-J. B. BROWN. t , Ignorance Costs,-. i MEW IfeM ,3A- v. t i ' . t ... J. . J telHgoncajSa The Importance of pTrrlfylng the blood can not be overtttlmated, for without pure blood yon cannot enjoy good health., ; , ' ' ) At Uus season neariyTery tow wxmm lence at the Southern polls, which will be seized upon by the "Radical press at a means: af intexsifying the excitlngt feeling at the North; and? finally rit must . exercise . iowerful Influence In further -alien . -, atinir the two iaces . - Whatever the situation ' - the f . white ' people of the South , 'wUl ft maintain '.ineir nigu cuaracw." COUHtrvttiieut. ou create an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. ,' The pwmllarv combination, proportion, and preparation' of the vegetable remedies used give to' Hood's Earsaparffla peer 'If e Atf flnnllv nnwem. Mo S- ItOCIi othermedlcInehasBTiCh arecoraolwonderrui S ' r ti '''-8"-i!"-,J ... . I :. ! , " "R'-,&g t . , . , .. J ts xi;?r . i .iWw Sr. rT A.DAMS A.: B.V trinity Oolle, !'i I ernes. If yo have made no yonr itodX0 i MiS3,i. U'eace inBUiuiei, j, , i - .rbiijH(iod'sBarsaparuiadonotuindnsedto- i - - ? Modern Laneuaees, History and Geography, , .J."", I take anr other torteadV K U a Jfetnmar i -- - . , , . I Vpiiirinn. and li worthy vour eonfldence. " ' i"" TtfTtfq "ArrninXWf inrVrVionfr'snfititntel. " ,v-"' Q, O. Ii Ho)d'sBamparulalssoldbyaDdrneBlsts. j , k '-at f:l prtint!ff hiid tJfftwlne." 'vf ' " Irei3aredtoaLHo(4&Co.,TJoWojl,Mass;- li,,,; w , ,t "g r-"?Tfj ,4 I loo uoses une vouar i s aiiis. A.iiU'XKUtiuux; -i- .(. " r v- . - , ,M ; " f", ' There wiU be ho'chaflng,nom6ody V lUenneaa.' ? Since :nd power htB fccca able to destroy our manhocd, " FASHIONABLE TAltOtt Net door to P, M. Draney ' hardware w :-;':-'-&nt'3tore,' v:. SOUTH FRONT STREET. '. Large stock of One samples. Clothing made to order. Satisfaction crmm-;"" 1. Ancient Languages and Natural Sciences.' Jtc GEO. W. Neal, A.M.i (TJnlvi N.,0.)' Mathematics.? 'BEAaAw'(tJhiv. U?C.1 English Literature, Reading, Spellingnd physical Cr." MrnftrV'tionftrtment.' , f . ' -. r '; " - ' J Tutor in Int. DepwtnraLt-lV! ' u't7t.;V,' ' VOCAL MUSIC, ELOCUTION 'AMD CALIJJTIIENICO rr.E. ,'(' lowit at r'ntrrv "" TTftP H RTTTTiT,'tTn Hr"TPTITfr r?n tirfiHTTr. TTVr "A well-equirpcd Cjr.-: r i, Lilrary, Ecadmj lloom ana Litrrrry Society. ; ; Special Inducements to poor Boys r- 4 1 .!'!. Hm. J ! -.1 . i,, rnn divert ns. fron the

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