-s. HEADQUABTEBS FOB ureecn-LoaQing (iunr, : Brass and Paner Shells. Powder and Shot, AT l; h. cutlers, NEW BERNE. N. C n. j. GOODING, (SuocMSor to E. H. Meadows & Co-) Druggist & Apothecary Southeast Corner Pollock and Middle Streets, New Berne, N. G. A FULL LINE OF DRUGS AND Druggist's Sundries. febl9dwlm REMOVAL: Old Man in a New Place. I hare moved TwoDxjrs below my old Stand, into THE BISHOP STORE, where can be found a good selection of Watches, clocks, jewelry. SOLID SILVER and PLATED WARE, Spectacles, and in fact everything in my line. ' Don't forget the place, Middle street, opposite Baptist Church. EATON the JEWELER. Note This ! That A. E. BIBBARD has opened a place of buainesi at Hall's bookstore, second door south of corner Pollock and Middle streets. He is prepared to do all kinds of repairing on Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Satisfaction guaranteed on all work. fe21 dim SAMUEL JACKSON Is at hi OLD STAND on South Front Street. It will py any Hone Owner to call ;and see him at once (or TrimmiDg & ShoeiDg Horses at ha lathe only one In the city that Guar antees Satisfaction, to lit the Shoe to the foot, not the foot t the fchoe. Also guarantees no corns and bruises on the foot. Respectfully yours, janSdly samuel jackson. ROBERTS & BRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. We Stll FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigan. We have in stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the West Indies. Give us a call and Bee our prices. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front street, NEW BERNE. f3T We jobOail & Ax's andLoril lard'a Snuff. STOP! STOP! STOP! AND LOOK IN AT And see the largest and best selected SIaaIt nf Wntnhea. Clocks. Jewelry. Solid Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the city. No trouble to show Goods. Come and tea me. EATON the JEWELER "' ' ' Middle Street, I fe25dtf Opposite Baptist Churoh, NEW tfhodistjlymn Books , "l'' JUST RECEIVED AT ' H.L HALL'S BOOKSTORE A supply of the New Methodist Hymn T'Ooke at the following prices: 24moj. Cloth, 85 eta ; Sheep, 60 eta.; Roan and C.;:t, $100. Turkey Morocco and Gilt, 11.50. ; Will be tent by mail, postage paid, on rcee'' Of the above price. A l.beral discount allowed in quan- I t e Story of MethoJism, cloth, $3.00. C Amok's History of North Carolina, C3 23. 4 fe21dlmH : 'fyfawr?'''- " ' '": '' '''' : ::Sh camM'-f.x , wily THE JOURNAL. Arrival and Departure MaiLi MAIL CLOSER. For North, West and. 8outh, via A. ft N. C.R. R. at 8:00 a.m. For Beaufort and the Bast, at 5:30 p. m. For Washington, 8wift Creek, Hjdeand Beaufort Counties, daily at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, PoUokaviile- and Mays vllle, daily at 7 :30 a. m. For Qrantsboro, Baybsroanl Van demere, daily at 6 a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing Department from V a.m to 5 d. m. , and from 7:80 to 8 p.m. Office open constantly between these hours except wh an mails irejbeirg d s tributed or sent. Hunting Comrades. If you see two old hunters going oat lor game in compiny, you will observe that they never interfere with one another. New men, those who are just serving their apprenticeship;" are usually anxious to b'i ahead. They want the credit of being tl e first to see the game. They want also, pjrhaps, the first shot. They do not consider that it two beads come in sight over a ridge, the chances thut they will be observed are just twice as great as if only one appears. Theyseeui to tbiuk,too,th,vt Provi dence is looking out for them in some especial way, and that game will be dtif and blind to their blunbers, though fully alivo to those of others. Old hunters act voiy di fl'eieiuly. It is understood by them that the man who is aho.id is to do the hunting. The one behind, while keenly scanning the country to see anything that may present itself, and which may have escaped the eye of his companion, never inter feres with him, but awaits his direction. Ho is ready at a sign to creep up beside his leader and shoot, or ho is equally prepared to lie down where he is, and to wait there for an indefinite time, or he will make a long round to s!art the game by giving it h:s wind or showing himself to it, so as to drive it in some desired direction. For the time being the man who is in the lead is commander, and if the two have hunted in company often enough to understand each other, they work together with most perfect system. Another thing tha1; you will notice about two old hunters is that they never try to shoot together at game. One or the other takes the shot, and if it fails, then they do the best they can. They know very well that it is almost impossible for two men to shoot at the same time without each being a little thrown off his balance, and they conclude rightly that, the two being both fair shots, there is more likelihood that one ball from a deliberately aimed rifle will kill, than that two, each of which will be more or less hastily delivered, will reach the mark they are aimed at. Forest and Stream. For the cure of the inflammation and congestion called "a cold in the head" there is more potency in Ely's Cream Balm than in anything else it is possi ble to prescribe. This preparation hsa for years past been making a brilliant success as a remedy for cold in the head, catarrh and hay fever. Used in the initial stages of these complaints Cream Balm prevents any serious de velopment of the symptomB, while al most numberless cases are on record of radical cures of chronc citarth, after all other modes of treatment have failed. Life is to be measured by action, not by time; a man may die old at thirty, and young at eighty; may the other perished before ne died. There is a power a hundred times more powerful than that of bayonets; it is the power of ideas. Raby'i Letter. A letter from Mr. J. W. Ruby, Uuion City, Ind., eayp: "I have used your Oiarko'a Extract of Flax (Papillon) Cough Cure and-flnd it a complete cure for deep seated cold. It has done more than two of our most skillful physi cians. My c'oi:dren had the whooping cough, and with the aid of your Cough Cure they had it very light compared with neighbors' children who did not take it. I believe it to bo the bret cough euro in the market. " So it is. A large bottle only SI 00. Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin. It leads them all. Prioe 25 cents. Cough Cure and Soap fcr sale by F. S Duffy, druggist. Gods promises were never intended to be thrown aside as waste paper, lie intended they should be used. . 19 CONSUMPTION Iff CUB1ELKJ Read the following: Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark,' Ark., says: "Was dovn with 6 bscess of bangs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an. Incurable Con sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm . It is the finest medi cine ever made. . , Jesse Midldewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: 'Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given tap by doc tors. Am now in host of health. Try it. Sample - bottles free at R. N. Daffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, New Berne, NY C, ; $8 per dozen, wholesale. INHUUTXIt BLOOD JMH$OX.. How many people there are' whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. . Bad blood passes from parent to child, and It therefor is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pore. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B, B. (Botanic Blood Balm). - Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of most convincing proof. - James Hill, Atlanta, Ge., writes: "My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was heredi tary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly eon trolled and finally cured completely." Mrs. S. M. Williams, Sandy, Texas, writes: "My three poor afflicted chil dren, who inherited blood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B. ItisaGodssnd." J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station, N. C, Feb. 13, writes: "Bone and blooi poison forced me to have my leg ampu tated, and on the stump there came a large uloer, which grew worse every day and doctors gave me up to die. I only weighed 120 pounds when I began to take B. B. B., and 12 bottles increased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." R. N. and F. S. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents. New Berno. N. C. A monkey remains a though dressed in silk. ruonty, Kind wuderinf cured. Bookaletmed ivi in one reftdiof . Testimonitl. frota ml put of th t lobe. Prapeetag POUT ran, nut on application to Prof. A. toilette, 837 Fifth Are, New York. The love of the past is often tie ha 'red of the present. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. M113. Wikblow's Soothing. Sirup should always be used for children teeth in-. It soothes the obili,. softens the gums, allays all pain, curbs wind colio, and is the beet remedy for Diar rhoea. T wenty-five cents a I ottle . jal y Saved from Congumptlo .1. Several physicians predicted that Mr. Aaa B. Rowley, druggist, of Chicago, would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated case of catarrh Cue tomers finally induced bim to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papdloo) Cu tarrh Cure. He says: '"The result was unprecedented. I commenced to get well after the first application and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured. It will do the same for yoj. Price $1. Try Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin and you will use no other. 25 cent. All of Clarke's Flax remedies are for sale by F. S. Duffy, druggist. commercial: DOMESTIC n ARKBT. New Bkrnb, N.C., March 5. The fol lowing are today's quotations in this markQt : WHOLMALZ FBIOIB. Eggs 11 cents per dozen. Corn 45a50 cents per bushel. Mbal 65o. bolted. Potatoes Bahamas 40a45o. ; yams 5oa60c. per bushel. Bext On foot, lo.to 5o. Hams Country, llal2c. Lard Country, lOallo. OHidKura Grown 40a50c. per pair.; half grown, 20a35c. PnANUTB 91.00al.25 Der bushel. Oats New crop, 30a87c, including sacks. Fodder New, 60a70e. Hat Crab grass, 85a45. Mess Pork Sll 00. Shoulder Meat 8al0c. 0. R.'s, F. B's. B.'s and L. 0.6)a7c. Floub $3.00a6.50. Lard 7o. by the tieroe. Nails Basis 10's,$3. 50. StraAB Granulated , 7o. Coffee 18a20o. 0H2E8B 12Jal5. ' Salt 75a80o. per sack. Molasses and Strum S0a45c Keboseni 8ia. Powder 15.00. Shot Drop, S1.25; buok, SI 10. Hides Dry, 8a5c; green 2o. Tallow 4 c. per lb. Deer HrDES Dry, 15a25c. Wool 12al8o. Beeswax 18a20o. per lb. Spirits Turpentine Market Crm'at 4to. per gallon. Tar-81.80 per pork bbl.; $1.00 per pine bbl. Crude Turpentine Market flrmat $3.20 for virgin and yellow dip and J1.10 for hard. Timber Cypress, 18 "iu. and over, in demand at $5.00 per M. Shingles West India, dull and ncm Inal; 6 inch $3 00a2.25. Building 0 inoh hearts, $3.00; saps,fl.50 per M. Just Received, AT J. tl. HOWARD'S, Nine doz. Children's SuUs, ages four to fourteen; price $2 00 to $6.00 - This is the nobbiest and prettiest line of Children's Suits ever brought to this market. ' NEW SPRING SUITS NOW ARRIVING. The best Black Corkscrew . Suits at $12.5). ' . . ,; mar6 dl w J. M. HOWARD. The Line of Goods In1 oUr' Stoctr arc unsurpassed . in beauty, and-' design, quality and finish. : '.. ,fr . Watches, Diamond Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, China Bracelets, 'Bangle Bracelets, Flexible Silver Purae!, Hal? Ornaments, Book If arti,R)njjs, phainst tiace rins, wan run, unarms; etc. - ry JEW GOODS "Pill .Tho J:r;cl;r.'R Fresh ncaslcj Ccffcs. I hive put in a COFFEE ROASTER at my Store, and oan supply my cus tomers with Ccffee fresh roasted every day. K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Bold bt manufacturer's prices.; Dry Gjods & Notions. Full stock and Urge &tonroent. Prices as low as the 1 est Call and enuiine my et'ek. Satisfaction guaranteed. T0SK."WiLLIS, PltOPKIETOK OP EASTER H NORTH CAROLINA Harble Works, New Berno, TsT. O. Italian and American Marble and.all qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. G. E. Miller is my agent at Kinston, and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent. Received Today: 10,000 More of Those Celebrated 'Old Virginia Cheroots.' Take No Other. 3S TTlricIi, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. t. FLOUR-CORN. I have a small lot of this REMARK ABLE CORN for sale at W. R. BAR RINGTON'Sin New Berne, and also at W. H. SAWYER'S in Bajboro. It makes as good and as palatable flour as ordinary wheat, and will 'on rich land make a larger yield than common corn, as it succors abundantly and they bear well. One grain to the hill. It yields more fodder than the common corn. If it doesn't do what is said of it, the pur chase money will be refunded, if put on good land. It will be on exhibition at the New Berne Fair. JAS. M. PATRICK, f eld wtf Institute. N. C. , VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY f Am agents for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the follow ing a escnDea improvea Heal Jlatate In the uiiy oi renr Berne: ' No. 4. THK IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE OXH UHAV BTKKJUT. NO. 6. BRICK 8TORE AND DWRT.LTUa ON CRAVEN BTREET occupied by R. O. E. A full description of this valuable proper ty, together with the best terms noon whloh the same will be sold.nlli be famlihedon application to the undersigned at their office t nooutn r roni Bireet. I -ALSO- Two Peases and Lots oa Craven street, A Farm at Sandy Point. 1 ' WATSON 4 BTREET, dec6 d wtf Ins and Real Estate Agts. ViJUAELE TRUCK LINE FOR SALE About FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND, situated within two miles of the -elty, suit able for trnck raising. A great bargain, . -Apply to ... f WATSON BTBEET, may 16 . Real Eat. Agents. liJEprrSale, -,: 'VPecsn Trees from' three to four feet bfgh, 60 cents each; delivered on board Of freight line to -New Berne.:.- ..-.;,:,. ; Kaffir Corn, CO cents per peefc. t& few Cape Jessamines at CO cents each, aicejy rooted. . -' ; .c ; ? '1e8 dwir-' .Stonewall, N. a' BOOKS ! ' st a Dvi to a isia m fTT - TO ? sr sra i adsr ana aj ta, How to Having completed arrangements Ilonses in New York, we are now Popular Books at prices that are Get Them Delov C Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit the Journal office and examine onr collection and leara terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as job will find mentioned iu ihe list below. We handle them in two editions, the "Red Line" and the'Franklin." , . Red Line Your choice from this edition on subscription to THE DAILY JOURNAL, or 11.75 for Tffl Wltktt JOURNAL. If sent by mail, 10 oents, extra will be required: Bryant, Burns, Mrs. Bunyan, Danie, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's Illiad, Irish Humorous Poems, r?" The above are full gilt and book in all r aspects. Franklin Cloth binding, gilt back, and most choice given by payin 11.50 for one Journal, or $5.00 for The Daily Jotjbnal. 10 cents extra If sent by mail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. Amerioan In Iceland. jEsop's Fables. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Bryant's Poetical Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Greasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of the Abbey. Diokens' Child's History of England. Emerson's Essays. Famous Poems. Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gulliver's Travels. ' Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Hypatia. Half Hour with the Poets. Hoyle's Games. Ingoldsby Legends. John .Halifax, Gentleman. Ktngsley's Sermons. -: vmOZ.Q i --',5 Vww- aiaw - w -w - ss 1 ' with one of the largest PabtbUpf v . enabled to furnish Standard and Low as the Lowest. Edition: payment of. $5.25 for one year's Jean Ingelow, Eeble. Eingsioy, Luaille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, UVUVU ; - . Seottlsh Hamorous Poems, Bhakespeure, Swinburne. handsomely embellished. A beautiful - 3 Edition : of them good, large, clear print, Ytl -: year's subscription to TM WEEKLY Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of PompeiL PoO'sTalds., Poe's Poems. " '. . Pilgrim's Progress. , Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. ' Poetry of Love. Pootry of theAeotipns. Bobinsoa Criuoe. . . .L ' Scottish Ohlefer' . vti v j -v Swiss Family BoMnoiU"VJ-v- - fm "f xwenty Thousand Leagues Under ths ; Thtddeus of Warsaw.., . Xhomson's Poetioal Works. - f TeMTsoii'ir Complete Poetieal7c i; T,om brdwu'i Bcnool DJf at r.c;by. Yl6arof?ake8eld,-i''v ; - a' , Wesley's Poemfc" 1

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