is . - ..e-.-ijj. P 4Q iW. ' 5 v. - i if r mm, ,ri.' 83.00 the Works of V ACljarles , Dickens, handsomely I and finely botmd,Tlna v;witlr over 130 illustrations, :V doubtless seems v fabulous to ,:- uiaur. uub iii is poo vu umj recent pj)yproquc oi Aiaen'g xm- The r Dickens. Dtrkcn. Th Work, of Charles Dieken. " Bos " BdNoo In six vote., siDUSvo,iroed type, - wiu aumeroui lllattrattoes, vol! printed om Cafi pir.etoi,$3.00. : v . . Ut of Tola. 130 Illustrations. v t Bombay nd Rob, ow Cariosity Shop. I Mutual rrind. ' Hard Tim. uhw uorru, Reprinted, ' . t fcavld fjopperfleld, . CarlatiaasStorl , Tale af Two Cities, ' - rDAOuunarciai Traveler, Jr ksjMjlMlilcktebjr, JV Xartln Caasslewlt, - Aaaerioaa Mote. awwiavrooo, & Pk-kTrlek Paper." Barnaby Rods, Sketch, by Bo. . Oliver Twtat, Great Expectations, Bleak House, Pictures from Italy . This " Boz " edition of Diet ens is printed from the same, as Appleton's Popular Mbrary Edition of this same author: their published price -; ' being $10.00 & set. The paper i. H used is a trifle lighter and a Httle cheaper in quality, but ootn are gooa. N The books may be seen at the office of thiDaDer.or a soecimen volume, returnable, will be sent postpaid for 50 cents. . Z AtDEN'S ...Manifold Cyclopedia - A Cyelopeal of Universal Knowledge, and Unabridged Dictionary of Language in one, 40 s j handy vol., large type, over 4,000 uhistrmttonai , cloth binding, per voL, Oc, per set 84.00. HalfMorocoo, perToL,86., pta'aet, a.0O. Vol. 18- Now Ready The rolamea thus far issued will answer , mora Questions In the practical every-day life of the average reader, than all th Volumes of any complete cyclopedia In the mattes. Test turn ana ee a speci- inm tolumotnay be ordered and returned : If not wanted. fQ.OA.shltti order before Nor. 1. wll) ?P 1 O awureth. fuUaetof A( ri!Q H Urn SMneboumd la fiaU lloroeeo, aU aMit prepaid; - tic now ruiy at once, remainder as leeued. "The Drice ii vefv tow the foitn ex MMhwlv handr for a work of reference, and the editing skillful and comprehensive," IAterarf trona, Boston. . " The literary skill and judicious editor- alp which have characterized the undertaking' Sun, Mew York. " It Is an unabridged dictionary and a storehouse of Information on almost every con ceivable topic. The more we see of the work the mora we are pleased." Jcditeationai Monthly, Akron. Q.' it " The convenient form, the excellence of ' btadiiur, paper, and Ulustrations, and the skillful arrangemeni- of article, make this a handy crelo. whlh will ha imd ten Qme. where the bulky 4 BriUnnka ' would be consulted one. The 3hM&aUona are reafly helpful, and are verynuro. tuiybave, 'AJden'. HaBifold should be upon bit 53m "Z,n Writer Boatoa. J ' ,omatwrwitenwo7weuw ""J"" It U A remarkably well made nook ioi to price The peculiar shape makes the book treme y eaqr to feaoVjrhieh M sttfioet valuable thing to the (tudeot. The clean cut, heavy faced type used for uti. Is a good feature ana materi) ally lighten, the task of the investigator. Th V aeceoted syllable of every diffleult. word is plainly -' mtrWvi and thn nmminrdAtinn. when it offers any T lifflcaltiea, 'to set forth phonetically. In a word, .tel. popular work to most carefully edited and , neatlyandaweuratelyinwabctur JOHN B. ALDEN, Publisher,' NEW YORK, 893 Pearl Bt., P. O. Box 1227. ; Chicago. W Wabasb ; Atlanta. 73 Whitehallfi Tltt Real 8crttf the mpwllded tnceesT of Th Chicaoo dailt wbwi tnay D tAintmtdiitmniukittetiraibnUieu, , wbichmore tlw anvmlng else have con. j1 tnoiaett to in rrmarsaiiic pyvwuw-tMTTih'aDttihPattt-far Butt Pnffc ' , llepeopIeofmebttsyWestaprar , 1 1 the necessity of an iihcjit Imowledge ' , busy to waste'aluable ttW k Mardiing ; ' ihrouehacumbroia"bii- -., I o I'l Inn - paper tor tne ixat aww. . science, religion, politics, and the tbxwsand -ami. nn tliinrs which make op fDodern erf " Uiistion. Ther wartnews-Jll bt M- i,t h,vrmvrsMkccocaledinOTeK ; TOweringnnaM()fmeWvilndirKe tid.vlt tobecaurt TIM CmaTAM.t.. Its circulation it over v a snww . . r'j-.kj.t Tii.tttr; - iTOUrMiw''-7r3 AW;iW!r:TO partial, independent aewjoepewnitn gric v t Jj0ckw00d ,,ee Kdiih C. Xhumas, Defend Msndcrveskfrefa Nolice. cfprtisra biss.j'Yithaoir I H la oral fv no aXIO OTnVruwnAT"ouoeMa .pooiai proceeaing tnuuca mm I " ii.iuucuwiutuiiis "i'TT..VTiiI - guide, philcaopher and mencj " io,tons cicnof every ihadeof pouueal laiini anainis is why Th Chicaoo Daily Nkw has to circulation of over" million awttkr t Chicaco DAiur Niws now adds to i e two comprehensive dements of pop ; y, third, In its unparalleled reductM to I X " C- Tm: VA.T9V 1 1, i so, -hT t l ret iicA i aili twsator aaieoy .... . . &-vn L-int rer wj, w ,1 ta msiled. pojtf? paM, f jxo per ,t, or tj ec.i t per nwnfb. luo tarmef 1 mc-.h now aJ.-d, uweUas the :hanv ' r n,v have his opolit'e-' .'"'.. ' " f r. w gwooDvyoRK.i(g(a AffAeriMqrgljg) L-SSnOO. -28 UNiONSQUAREY. nrfSg- eMl,ILI.. ,ATLANTA.eA4eALS?ISM ST.LOUH.MO. -a-r DALLAS.TEX. A3ENT W AVTSD. 1 filliam Ik Oliver, INSURANCE AGENT AMD NEW Ubik.N, N i. Connecticut Mutual. Life Continental, of Nt" York. Fiie. Etna, of Hartford, Fire. Manufacturers and Builir, o' N. Y. Travelers of Hart ord, Life acd Accid t. Hibernia, of New Orleans, Fire. Fidelity and Casualty, of New York. Marine IoenrHiiCfi Ln , . I London. Amerioan Sceam Iioiltr Iua. Co., N. Y. Board of Marine Underwriters of Pbila. Notary Public. Commissioner of Dee New?"y, Deeds for tho States of land Penney!- vacua, Connecticut. Ha. Jutt r.tarned Oneat lot of ficm Ifce V 1 1 1 v :' 1 ill Kentucky Horses and Mulos that ba ever been In New Borne, whiih will be .old at Close Figures Call and sec tlipm at their old Stand, Middle street. M Hahn & Co. Jau25dw3m Fashionable Tailor! AW Work Done in I I tt-( iass Stylo BICHARDSAWYER, Middle t , two doors north of Hahn s Livery Stables, dec4dtf NEW BERNE, N. C. and Whiskey Habits cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. B.M.W0OLLEY,M.i. TO WEAK LIEN Bnibring from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weazneas, loaimannooa, ero., i wiu .end a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home ours, FREE of charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every man Who 1 nervous and debilitated. Address,! Prof .Jf.JCVOVnJSa, Ho odus, Conn. FOR IM ONLY! 1 DfKITIVE For LOST or FAT1IH0 MAKHOOB: R rilwl 1 1 1 C General and NEEV0O8 DEBILITY: fflTTWP Weakness of Body and Kind: Effects I w aj JLwaC of ErrorsorExoessesuiOldor Young, I trSke.wi,iiniivsu('i!DOROAss parts or Sour. b4utl. i am tMilf. fM. 47 StAtM. Territories, ant Forrlcn CoontrlM. mi Ma writ tkrm. Booh, fall oiDlanotloa, tad proof aiallMl msWU free. Adore. ERIE MEOICAt CO.. BUFFAIO. N. f, NOTICE. "he unden lgoed. Jame. C. Harrison, Pub- lie Administrator, ha. duly qualified as Ad ministrator or tne estate or Lucas w. samp on, deo'd, and hereby elves notice that he require, all persons having claims against the estate of the said Lucas W. Bampson, to S relent them to the said Administrator, uly authenticated, for psyment. on or be fore the 6th day of February, 18U1, or else this notice will be pleaded in bae of recov ery. Person. Indebted to the estate must day wlthou; delay. flewDern, n.v., reo. 4in,jsw. JA8. O. HARRISON, fbrdd6w Pnbllo Administrator. Mortgagee's Sale- By virtue of a power of sale conferred upon me by a certain mortgage exe coted to me by E. J. Patterson and J. A. Patterson on the 13th day of Feb., 1889, and duly recorded in Book No. 100, page etc, of tbe Eeoords of Craven county, I will sell for cash at pnblio auction to the highest bidder, at the Court House door in New Berne, Craven oounty, State of North Carolina, on Tuesday the 15th day of April, 1890. at Twelve o'clock, noon, all the right, title and interest of the mortgagor, it being an undivided third of the whole of the eaid property, bounded as follows: Lying: on the south side of Johnson street, and bounded on the west by the Jerkins lot, and on the south by Nense street, on the east by the Smallwood and Bounties lots, on tbe north by Johnston street, it being fully deeoribed la the said mortgage, reference to which is hereby made for a full and more perfect description. This tire 18th day Of Jan., lbm P. H. PELLETIEB, jahUfiOJ Mortgagee, '1 North GaBoltna. i "iSthe" IT., , Carteret County. Superior Oonrt, Itulo H. Thomas. Tlalntlff. vs. Bdith C. abonamed will' Uke HOonrt of Carteret coonty, Btate of Kortn - t Carolina; before the Clerk. The purposo of Carolina, before tne Clerk, The pnrpoae oi said special preceding 1 to sell lor parti' I aara .peoiai proeening i to sen lor paru- lands owned by he plaintiff and defendant in aaia county ana nutte a. lenant. in com mon and aol. heir, at law of William A. 1 homa. dae'd, Mid lands being fully de scribed in the petition in said special pro- ceedine. And the said defendant- wilUt tbertake notice, that she Is required to ap pear at the bffloe of the Clerk Of the Superior Court of (latteret oounty, In Beaufort, North Carolina - on the 1st day o: Apr!', 181HI, and answer or demur to the petition of the plaintiff, which I Bled In .aid special pro ceeding, or the plaintiff will apply to the uonriiortni reiiei uem.nuco in saia peu' l aim, teoniHTf 40m, xbvm, v, tr - f JNO. U. I) A f - . rierk of the Superior DAVIS. Superior Coqrl, plaintiii'. Attorney, Iebl8dSW (iilODu m Auanu,tia, umceioi Whitehall tst. THE JOURNAL. A P0PTJ1AS C1D PASOIY. THE "AOER." BV l'KOF. J. F. STELLK, MOBILE, ALA. Ooce upon au e veuiug bleary, While 1 i-at me, dreamy, dreury, In the sunshine, thinking over PassiDg things in day of yore; A bile 1 nodded, nearly sleeping, Gently came a something creeping L p my back, like water seeping Seeping upward from tha floor. " Tis a cooliDg breeze" I mattered, "From the regions ' Death the floor Only this, and nothing more." And distinctly I romember It was in one wet September, Of creation that it bore, Had for weeks and weeks been boaking In the meanest, most provoking Fojijy rains that (without joking) We had ever seen before; So I knew it must be very ! Cool and damp beneath the flooi Very cold beneath the floor. ; So I sat me, half way napping, hi the sunshine, stretching, gapping, I Craving water, but delighted With the breeze from neath the tloor, Till I found me growing colder, And the stretchiug waxing bolder, And myself a feeling older Older than I'd felt before; Feeling that my joints were stiffer Than they weie in days of yore Stiffer than they'd been before. All along my back the creeping Coolness soon was rushing, leaping. As if countless frozen demons Were attempting to explore All the cavities (the varmints) Twixt mo and my nether garments, Up into my hair aud downward Through my boots into the floor; Then I found myself a shaking Slight at first, but more and more Every moineut more and more. Soon I knew what 'twas that shook me 'Twas the agor, and it took me Into heavy clothes to every Place where there was warmth in store; Shook me till my teeth were clattering. Till the tea they brought went sp.itteiing From the cup, while all my warming .Made me colder than before; :hook me till it had exhausted All its powers to shake me more Had not strength to shake me more. 1 lion it rested till the morrow, When it came with all the horror That it owned, or e'en could borrow Shaking harder than before; And from that day damp and dreary, When I sat all dreamy, bleary, It, has made diurnal visits, Shaking, shaking, oh, so sore ! Shaking off my boots, and shaking ,Mo to bed, ii nothing more Fully this, i! nothing more. And to day tho swallows tlittin Wound my cottago see me sitting Moodily within the sunshine, Just iusido my silent door, Waiting for the ager, soe ruing Like a man forever dreaming, And the sunlight on me streaming Throws no shadow on the floor; For I'm now too thin from ager To make shadows on the floor Nary shadow any more ! INHBB1TED BLOOD POISON. How many people there are whose distress from sores, aches, pains and eruptive tendencies are due to inherited blood poison. Bad blood passes from parent to child, and it therefore is the duty of husband and wife to keep their blood pare. This is easily accomplished by a timely use of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, for book of most convincing proof. James iiiU, Atlanta, Ga., writes: My two sons were afflicted with blood poison, which doctors said was heredi tary. They both broke out in sores and eruptions which B. B. B. promptly con trolled and finally cured completely." Mrs. S. M. Williams, Handy, Texas, writes: "My three poor afflioted chil dren, who inherited blood poison, have improved rapidly after a use of B. B. B, It is a Godsend." J. R. Wilson, Glen Alpine Station. N. C, Feb. 13, writes: "Bone and blool poison forced me to have my leg ampu tated, and on the stump there came i large ulcer, which grew worse every day and doctors gave me np to die. only weighed 120 pounds when I began to taice u. a. a., and is bottles inoreased my weight to 180 pounds and made me sound and well. I never knew what good health was before." it. N. and F. 8. Duffy, wholesale and retail agents, New Berne, N. C. Tithes. To too many persons "systematic giving" means the setting apart of a few dollars or cents, as the case may be, for certain objects. withont any reference to the amount of the income: somewhat auer tne lasnion of the rich man who declared that when he was a poor boy be decided to give a dol lar a year to foreign missions, and ne was nappy to say be bad never dropped the custom! If all the tithes were paid into the Lord's treasury, conld there be constant requests for money with, which to pursue tbe work! Then are there not some whose cap of worldly riches faiily "runneth over"! Could they- not double or even triple their tenth part for the Lord! intelligencer. EliEOTBIO BITTKHSo This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Electric Bitters sing me same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it isgnaran- tecd to do all that is olaimefl. Eleotilc Bitten will cure all diseases of the Liver ana Aianeys, wiu remove Timplea; Boils', Salt Rheum and other affections caused tj impure blood. -. VTllr drive Malaria fmrn the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. K For ? eure" of Headache Constlpatlonvand Indigestion try Electric Bitters. Entrre satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded-r ' Price 6fJ etc and $1.00 per. potue at w B, Vnt'f Mug Utan, uujBBuie pnoe, fa per ooaen, $. i , "'More i aeoompUshed by doing eaoo aayg wore raitaruiiy than by crowning two aayfa worK into one, .-- ? " L". t Mrs. Geo. P. Smoote. a highly cultivated and estimable lady of Preaeott, Irk., writes under date of April tV: "During the ram mer of 1387 my eye. became inflamed, and my stomach and liver hopelessly disordered. Nothing late .greed with me. I took chron ic diarrhoea, and for some time my life was despaired of by my family. The leading phy -sicians of the country were consulted, but the medicine, administered by them never did me any permanent good, and I lingered between life and death, the latter being pre ferable to the agonies I was enduring. In May, 18S8, I became disgusted with physi cians and their medicines. I dropped inem all and depended solely on Swift's Specific (S. 8. 8.), a few bottles of which made me pennently well well from then until now.'' It Builds up Old People. My mother who is a very old ladv, was physically broken down. The use of Switt's Specific (S. 8. S.j.has entirely restored her to health. R. B. DILWOBTII, Greenville, S. C. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. FlNEfjLORSTHAT .WASH OUT N0RFr.DE ONLY USING .7 2am Tp-Vim ?aJ - Sold bydruggistS ALSO PEERLESS BROnZB PAISTS-8 Colors, FEKRLKSS LAUXDKT BM'INO. PEERLESS INK POWDEUS-ft Kinds 7 Colors. PEERLESS HHOK ASD IUKNKSS DUKSSl!i0. PEERLESS EUU DYES 8 Colors. HUMPHREYS' YETEMARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. 300 Page Book on Treatment of Aninmls ana Chart Heut Free. CUHE8 j Frtyers. Connestlons, Inflnmmntion, A.A.I .Spinal Meningitis, Milk I ever. II. II. --Strains, Lamenegs, It heuiimlimu. CO. Distemper, N'nsal Ulscharites. l).D.--Bot or irabe, Worms. E.E. Couch, Heaves, Pnenmonla. K.F. t'ollc or Oripe, Bellyache. G.G.Miscarriag-e, Hemorrhaires. 11.11. Urinary and Kidney Ernptive Diseases, Manee. J. K Disease, of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel Oil and Hedicator, 87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over SO doses), ,UO Sold by Druggists; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and in any quantity on Receipt oi Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulion St., N. Y. HTJMPHEETS' HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC No. 2x0 Innaaaa vaara. The onlv Bnoeefififul remedr for Nervous Debility, vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other otmes. 1 per vial, or 6 vial d large vial powder, for Se. SoLnstDBUOonrrs, orsent postpaid on receipt of Kit-AwAnn'JlwlWuCu-tlW 'iXia St., S. V. AlU'of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, Druggist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbern, N. C. CURES P. .8.' Duffy,? drujririst, agent, Net Berne, N. O. may 1 d wly HAT I AHT Hi MT WEEKLY PAPER : WAX T A laUahle naner that I can I WANT ' A naner whlAh Htffh Tdnnlq A. HAI HIT UER 1 Tl 1(1 111 T Uni 1 And Sound Principles I WAHT Th latest Bom Hews, Th latest Foreign News, Th Latest Political News, I WAHT UbT Varket Reports, JUllsible quotations of Farm Products, Ut. Stock Markets, Financial X Commercial t WANT Senalbl sad seasonable Editorials IWAH1 Zbtori Taj Va rouucal, social, and Horal tjuestlou AaT onam er in nan Editorials Jl w York snd other dally and weekly papers To 1st m know what they thlak of matters I WART - flood, reUabl Farm and Garden Articles . Written by Practloal ktsn. I WAWT , av uiotv instuiof oi tne Home ure or Taei nertci people, and of their thoughts, .ad experiences. Uf. IWHT flasiaat moral storle for th Toung People, That the ohlldren may look for the papef t WAST ' 4 t0r trleB(l' ' Stoxles f ratrst for ns Xldert, Eor we, too. Ilk out hoars of leisure THIR IS WHAT I DON'T WANT: ewSArtt,,-, Ik. peddlnf doesn't add to the vain. '..: Ahd I aarest Urns to read them. rav meMniteVMHk WrlUan bv sneolal ttUadeta, Wh ean see aothljig rood Sw' . . la any aid hut Uwlr ow. NOW, WHAT PAPER WILL FILL THE BILL? iri AamrtBi THE HEU YORK WEEKLY WITNESS TJtaimTiBT vitts. - tL?Q3L$X J. YEAR. .&! (WTtV. !. the tatVfot FarmtrS, Farm. wlv, tarm Snas. ranoers' Daughters, Ooun. SeM.,ntrimtry Storeeapem Blaoksmltha, nm nuiifjasiL fon atasona, aw au ouier iL form ut baoltbone of oor OonnOry and m susfonani poswa u waai u gout b.o WITH Zftrt adrara ansa aftfea saaat vala- lU snraalaita lUu tmrny er la Aaterlea. pnarr swttol saaraBt na4 nwar SWIiaa BannfernlrBweyvr, fj. 1 mm iaj.ii. in i - . .,- a-' BTmjtmmtmtwWmtta- i 9 ' sVitUMS ..-easai ; ., (... .,; !. ,,v ? PROFESSIONAL. G. E. Thomas, Jr., ATTCriNEY AT LAW. Orifici: Craven street. Dear Pollock street, two door no th o' Joi'HN il ofBce. Pnotloea in O1 aven. Caneret, Jones. Ons low and Pamlico oouune-, in the Supreme Court of the Htate. and lu theU.H L'isiriel ana t lroull Court. October 16th. IsSK. d 1 BODOLPH DC! FT B B NIXON. Duff & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office over R. N. Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ons low oounty. apl9dwly P. H. PELLETIEE, ATTOKNKY AT LAW AND MONEY BKOKEK, Craven St., two doors South Of Journal office. A specialty made in negollailn ' small specialty made in negotiating loans for Bliort time Will practice In the Conntles oi Oraven, L'ar teret, Jones, Unalow and Pamlico. United Btate Court ut New Berne, and Supreme Court of the Slate. febl dli CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. QC10N Manly & Guion, ATTOKNKYR AT LAW, Office 2d floor of Oreen, Foy & Co.'s bank. Middle street. Now Berne, N. C. Will practice in tho courts of Craven sud adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. opl8 dwtf F, M. SIMMONS. II L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jonee, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. spl3dwtf DR. J. D. CLARK DICNTIHT, and II road. o .rr-l- & J. H. OBABTBKE. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CRABTE.EE &l CC ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers in tiKGIHES AND MACHINISTS' SUPPLIES Builders of EnglnH Boiler. Saw Still. Edging & Cut-off Iflachlnes, We are prepared, to do Castings of all kinds With promptness, Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will bo glad to give plans and estimates for any desoi lptlon of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ioan Baw. Also for U. & A. Hargamln's cele brated Indestruotlble Mica Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all work done by ua. 1 yvtl d'iaw wly 1 1 Next ! Prof. W. H SHEPARD and compe tent assistants in the toneorial art will give you a Hair cut for 20 cents Shampoo 20 Shave 10 " Canon House llaiber Shop. New Berne, N. C. J. A. BRYAN, Pres. L. II. CUTLER, VieePrcs G. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK 0? NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Bbyan, Thomas Daniels, L. H. Cutler, Chas. 8. Bet an. Oeobqe Allen, F. M. Simmons, (i. Li. ROBERTS. You Can Save Money By buying your Alabastine, Ready Mixed Paints, etc., from WHITTY & GATES Wo have the celebrated "Packers" Ice Cream Freezers be sure and see them before buying any other. We have a full stock of every thins in the Hardware and Builders line, and invite your attention to the same. WHIT I X 6T UATtS. Anents for the Sherwin Willisms celebrated Ready Mixed Paints, and dealers in Lime, Cement and Plaster. HO MORE EYE-GLASSES MITCHELL'S IyeSalve A Owtaln, Bate, and Eflteettv. Bwnedj for SORE, WEAK, & INFLAMED EYES, Producing Long-Sfghtedntst, A Rtstor - tog tht Sight of mQId. , Cum Tear Drop, emulations, Styt Tamors, tied Eyes, Matted Eye Lash it, in nmpAm cick tarn in nuuimcDii. Also, equally fflcaolon wbea twed tn ether, rrialadles, so oh as Hirers, Fever Sere, ' Vainer. Halt Kaon, Wbereverlnflamrnatlon eilU, MMtCHmii-Vt SA1 FJS may be used to advantaga, , - f old by all Drssglst at 83 Cents, NO STEAM EB8. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TAHOMA. The followicg schedule is now in jpemltoii : Leave New Berne every Tuesday and Fridsy morning at 7 o'clock. Returning Wednesday and Saturday jvenings. All landings c i Neuse and Bay rivers taken in. both ways. For further ic formation spply to JNO. S. MANIX, Agent. Ne Berne. lec. 5, 1889. EASTERN CAROLINA DISPATCH The Faat Freight Line Novo Berne, &aste rtfc . axe)Ua Point, aud Norfolk, B Luaaatr Philadelphia. New York. Bostaav. El. la Elisabeth City. If, C. T IE STEAMERS Eaglet and Annie oi mi una will run on regular scbednl lima. leaving New Berne evor I MONDAY. WEDNIC8DAY aud rKlUAY for Klltareth City and ratlins anlvlDg on MOMIjV, THl KtiilAT and SATb'MIAY. Those steami-rs in connection with the Atlantic A N. C. K. H.. .Nurtolk honthern K. K , .New Yoii, fhv.ti. und Norlolk R. rUand the IViiiis) iaula K. h , lorin a reliable and regular Huh utN'rln aupvriur laollltle fot iiuiclt tratii-tinitiiuni No tri:i- rs i irt pi at Lllsabeth whl.'h p.:iii reiijiit 0e oaded on eir to go through to ilubtluat'on. Direct ail'.oilu to ! ihipped via Fasten! Oftiollna lJltpalcii oaily as follows ; Krora New York, by Ten u. It. K Plot TB ZNorth River. rrom I'huauelphla. Dv I'Llla., W. A Balio, K. K., DuoR HI. Htatlou, Krom Hultiuiore by 1'hil... Wll. A Kalu a. K,. President Mi. HUillon. Krom Norfolk, by Norfolk Houthern K. R. Krom hosiou. by Mercha,iit A Miner Trsns rxruilou Co.; New York and New England KaUis as low aud other Hue. I time uiokert i.n by any W. H JOYCK (Hen, Fgt. Traflio Agent, r. K. K.I.U u ir.i 1 rafflo Manacer upwHi h. K';.;i.!;i:61on 'reight A,nt B B. (Ji)UKK, He'iieral Freight Agent. N V I. & N. it. It., Norfolk, Va H.C. HI IKilNM, Ueneral freight Agent. II H. K. K . Norfolk Va. " " UKO. UKNIJKR80N, Agent, Newberne. M. O. feblM d QUJ DOMINION Steamship Company. SKMl-WEKKLY LINE. rim oi Dominion Steamship pany's Old and Favorite Water Kent, via Albemarle aad hooapcaka Canal. FOB Xorfoin, Baltimore. Hew York Pl.lla lelphla, Boston. Providence, aud Washlnston City. Aud all points, North, East and West On nnd after Kit I DAY, FKB. lith, 10 ouill further notice, the Sterner M1NTE0, Gapt. Soathgiti, AND Steamer NEWBERNE, Capt. Pritchstt. Will sail from Norfolk. Va lor New Bern via Wesulngton, MONUATki and KKlllAYH. mokla. close oonnecilou with the H teaman nr th. N. 4 T. KB. for Kins ton T,.nin. and all other landings on the Neuse ana? Trent Hlvers. " Returning, will sail from New nun for NORFOLK direct, TUKbJDAYB and KRI UAY8 at NINE, A.M. making con nection with the O. D. H. H. Co.'. shin for New York, B. B. P. Oo.'. steamV for Baltimore, Clyde Line Bhlp. for Phlla delphla. M. 4 M. T, Oo.'. ship, for Boston and Frovldenoe Our nntlrlne efforts to niaaaa and our almost perfect service for th oast fifteen years. Is the beat 'guarantee we ean oiler all shlpners as to wnat we will do for them In the future. Order all goods oar of O. D. 8. 8. oo.. or roik, va. Passengers will find a good table, comfort able rooms, and every courtesy and atten tion will be paid them by the officer. . B. ROBERTS, Agent dkBSEB. OULPEPPER A TDRNER, Agents, Norfolk. Va. W. H- STANFORD. Vice-President. New Tork City. The fi. C. Freight Lino tSECEANTSIand SEIPPZES, TAIZINOTiat On and after October 15, 188, this 11c wll resume their regular SEMI-WEEKLY TRIPS.w. Baltimore and New IBerne LeajLn?, '"nore for New Berne. WKD ..oL-i, , , an. l at bli r. M. Leavlns New Ilerne Icr Baltimore. Tnitn. . , SATURDAY, at BIX P. M. This Is tne only DIRECT line out of ft.w Berne for Baltimore withont their return trip from Baltimore come dtreo to New Berne, stopping only at Noi folk, een. nectiug Uien for Boston, Provldenee. phlla delpLia, Klchmond, and all polnU North. r.aai ana wst Making close connection, tora l points by River and Krllout of New Beiti . Aemrs are as follows: REUBKN KialER, oen'l Manager, whVarveslyde & -Wjoutt North rK Llne' Pto' K. Sampson, Boston, 53 Central wh . S U Rockwell, Providenoe, R. 1. Ships leave Boston, Tuesdays and Batnrdava ' New York dally. Philadelphia, Monday., Wednes days, Haturdays. ' Piovldenoe, Saturday.. Through bill, lading given, and rate, ruar anteed to all point, at the different offlo. o? the companies. AVOID BREAKAGE OS" BVLK AN ship via n. c. una. 8. H. GRAT, Agent. i New Beine.N. C.- fhe Alliance to the Froit. ..T... - r8 FVboloVta4i.l5 BKreeBive ana progressive. It has opinion.;..rYir nmna L lortCa",,m virgtau BJe A,,.- Py m Booth! i?? P"toffloe in North Cr . dress I -.'-J ., w nuiio copy, au- :;M4iBOGKtt3rvrA U tVpotE. 'irctltor. 5 ' Ral,""t1' , D, H, Bkowdku, I

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