I have moved Two Door below my ; old Bund, Into . THEBISHOP STORE, where can be foaod a good selection of 'WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. SOLID 8ILVEB aod PLATED WARE, Spectacles, and la fact everything io a.yllns. ' Don't forget the place, Middle street, Opposite Baptiat Church. EATON tho JEWELER. SAUUEL JACKSON ' ' I at kit OLD STAND on South Front Street. It will piy any Horse Owuer to call nd aea htm at once for Trimming & ShoeiDg Horses Mb lathe only one In the city thai Guar Mteea SatlafheUon, to at the Hhoe to the foot, not the foot ti the Bhoe. Alto guarantem no corns and braises on the foot, . , Respectfully yours, janSdiy samuel jackson. ROBERTS & BRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS ' Dry Goods, Boots and Shoe? . We atll FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigan. 4 We have in stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we Import direct from the West Indie. Give ui a call and see our prices. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front street, . NSW BERNE. 3" We job Gail &J Ax's and t.oril lard'a Snuff. STOP! STOP! STOP! AND LOOK IN AT And eee the largost and best selected Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Solid Silver and Plated Ware to be found in the city. No trouble to show Good?. Come and see me. EATON the JEWELER Middle Street, f85dtf Opposite Baptist Cburoh. Fresh Roasted Coffee. I.have put in a (COFFEE ROASTER at my Store, and can supply! my cus tomers with Ccffee fresh 'roasted every day. JEW BOODS ! The Line of Goods in our Stock are nnrarpaiBed in beauty and design, quality and finish. Watohes, Diamond Jewelry, Sterling Silverware, China Bracelets, Bangle Bracelets, Flexible Silver Purses, Hair Ornaments, Book Marks, Rins, Chains, Laoe Pins, Scarf Pins, Charms, etc. "Dell The Jeweler." For Sale, Pecan Trees from three to four feet high, 60 cento eaoh, delivered on board of freight line to New Berne. Kaffir Corn, SO cents per peck. A few Cape Jessamines at 50 cents each, nicely rooted. . J. S. LANE, feSdwtf Stonewall, N. C. Take Notice, That Big Ike. the Clothing Mm, next door to F. Ulrich the wholesale grocer, who buy so many merchants out at 60s. on the dollar and less, has made oath before me that for the next sixty days he will let no more goods go out of hi store until paid for; and any goods bought of him can be returned and money refunded if not satisfactory. This March 11, 1890. v. W. G. Bwsson, ml5 Justice of the Peace. LITTLE INDIAN, Kiddle street, near the corner of South Front, you can find the choicest cigars, of TANSILL'S PUNCH, the finest 5 cent cigar in America, and other brands . of the best make and purest stock. Tobacco of all kinds. Fine Cut, or Com BOM Tobacco, Cigarettes (I don't r-:i paper cigarettes). Pipes, Smoker's Ar' cles of all kinds. . ; Also, Candies, Frnlt. Soda Water, eta., etc.:, I sell everything I hate if I c;a, . , ,Wm. L. PALMER. 1 ', ' , 'VrATTHE SIGN OF THE the journal:' Arrival and Deuantre Haili KAIL CLOSES. For North, West and South, via A. ct N. O.B. B. at 80 a.m. For Beaufort and the Eait, at 0:80 p-m. For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Counties , daily at S:l)U a. m. For Trenton, PoUokaville and Hayt- viiie, daily at i :su a. m. ' For Qrantaboro, Bayboroanl Van aemere. daily at s a. m. OFFICE HOURS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. in Mailing Department fromWa.m to 5 b. m., and from 7:30 to 8 D m. Office open constantly between thesa nours except whsn mails arepeirg die tributed or sent. Life la Greenland. From tbo narrative of the cel ebrated Dr. Nausen, who was the fcrst explorer to cross Greenland, we take the following interesting sketch of some of hi8 experiences: In the beginning of September, 1888, we reached a quite flat ana extensive plateau, rtstinbling a frozen ocean. Its height was between 8,000 and 9,000 feet. Over this plateau or highland we travelled more than two weeks. The cold was intense; on some nights it was between 80 and 90 degrees below freezing point, Fahrenheit. Daring ono month we found no water. To get drink- ing water we were obliged to melt snow either ia our cooking appa ratus or by onrown warmth iu iron bottles, which were carried iuside onr bosoms. To give a description of the scenery during the day in this region is easy. We saw ouly three things: these were snow, sun and our selves- One day was quite like another bat still even this part of the earth has its beauties, and 1 sball never forget the glorious sun sets and tho nights on the snow and lco-fields of Greenland, when the ever-changing northern lights were scintillating, perhaps, brighter than anywhere eise. I shall never forget the strange impressions, as Irom another world, we got in this solemn, silent nature, as we saw the lights spreading like a terrible fire over the whole sky, then gath ering again in the zenith, as if swept together by a storm, always flitting, burning and scintillating, and then at once disappearng, leaving the monotonous snow fields in darkness, as they were before. The worst thing was to turn out in the morning. It sometimes happened that 1 found my head in the sleeping-bag surrounded by a crast of ice and rime caused by the freezing of the breath. To tarn out an hour before the others to cook, and bo obliged to touch iron articles, and get spirits of wine on your fingers, was not very agree able. I had this pleasant work every morning, as the others, when they tried it, generally used too much fuel, and we had to be careful in that respect,as we should not be able to get any water without fuel. As to cleanliness, we could not afford to indnlge much in that luxury. I am afraid you may consider me a thorough barbarian when I tell you that we did not wash ourselves from the time we left the ship Jason nntil we reached the west coast that is, during two months and a half and in the same time we were never out of our clothes. That we did not wash had, however, its peculiar reason: On one hand we had no water; but, on the other band, even when we had it, washing was strictly forbid den, as the washing ot the iace is very bad on snow-fields, where the sun is constantly shining, the skin is easily blistered, and the sun can cause you dreadful pains. Our cooking was always of the tidiest character: wehad no water to wash our cooking vessel, and when we had cooked pei-soupin tho night, we had to cook tea or chocolate in the same vessel next morning, with the remains of pea soup in it. It was, however, rather good, as we could not afford to throw away anything belonging to food, neither were we very par ticular about what we got to eat. I remember one night our cooking apparatns was upset, and all our precious pea-soup was poured out over the canvas floor of our tent, bat we did not hesitate: we imme diately took hold of each side of the floor, lifted it np, and sacked the pea-soup oat of the middle. No drop was lost. We were compelled, in fact, to live like natives. ADV1CB TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wisslow's Soothing Svrup should always be used for children teetbin?. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all palu, cures , wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diar rhooi. Twenty 'five cents a bottle, jaly Staves R, per M. O. hhd. dressed, $12al5 Bsekleja' a Arnlea Blv. The Best Salts' in the world for Outs, Bruises, . Bores, Uloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively' cures piles or no pay required; ; it is guaranteed to Kve perfeot satisfaction, or money re nded. - Prion 85 cents pot box. For sate bv II. N. Duff v. 1an 1 $ ;r:WUHnppe a Om. , You are nervous and dyspeptic, your appetite flag, 7 our slumber is broken or distubod by uneasy dreams, or you court tna sleepy god in vain, . What hall you do?; Try an alcoholic excitant to stimulate appetite, deaden the nerves at bedtime with a narcotic? : Neither of these. , Try Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters. It will, believe ua, be more than a trial. Ton wUl continue to use this, justly renowned- nerve Invigorant-and atom achio Tlt is is 4b. exigency supposed just what V( wanted. Vi 1s heaithlul stimulua V apatite and digestion, does not exoiie; .but quiets the brain and nerves, is an, Excellent diuretio and a speedy reformer of a disordered con dition of the liver and bowels. ' It coun teracts a tendency to rheumatism, nul lifies the prostrating effects of over work, mitigates the infirmities of age, and hastens convalescence. Persons exposed to rough weather should use it as a preventive, as should also tired students and business men. As youlearn, teach; as yoo get, give; as you receive, distribute, mm 3la iVi ia on reading. TattimonUli from all oafta of tha rlnba. PrnaiMotjii vmT f RI, - nnt nn ..nnltajLHnn 1. Pmf A. iMlutce, S37 Fifth An. New York, lie that have gained a friend hath given hostages to fortune. IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE! Read the following: Mr. C. II. Mortis, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends and physi cians pronounced me an Incurable Con sumptive. Began takiDg Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee he work on my farm . It is the finest medi cine ever made. Jesse Midldewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: 'Had it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died ot Lung Troubles. Was given up by doc tors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at'' R. N. Duffy's Wholesale and Retail Drug Store, New Berne, N. C. $8 per dozen, wholesale. There is more merit in subduing a passion than avenging an injury. Saved from Consumption, Several physioians predicted that Mr. Aaa B. Rowley, druggist, of Chicago, would soon have consumption caused by an aggravated oaseof catarrh. Cus timers finally induced him to try Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Ca tarrh Cure. He says: "The result was unprecedented. I commenoed to get well after the first application and am now, after a few weeks, entirely cured. It will do the same for you. Price 81. Try Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin and you will use no other. 25 cents. All of Clarke's Flax remedies are for sale by F. S. Duffy, druggist. The best perfection ot a religious man is to do common things in a perfeot manner. Ruby 'i Letter. A letter from Mr. J. W. Ruby, Union City, Ind., says: "I have used your Clarke's Extraot of Flax (Papillon) Cough Cure and find it a complete cure for deep seated cold. It has done more than two of our most skillful physi cians. My children had the whooping cough, and with the aid of your Cpugh Cure they had it very light oompared with neighbors' children who did not take it. I believe it to be the best cough cure in the market." So it is. A large bottle only 81.00. Clarke's Flax Soap for the Skin. It leads them all. Prioe 25 cents. Cough Cure and Soap for sale by F. S. Duffy, druggist. A lucky man n mau who marries a widow whose first husband was mean to her. COMMENDABLE. ' All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by theCal. Fig Syrup Company. It aots gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. An Omaha man has an egg he claims he has kept for ten years. It mast be a deoade egg, of course. For the cure of the inflammation and congestion called "a cold in the head" there is more potency in Ely's Cream Balm than in anything else it is possi ble to prescribe. This preparation has for years past been making a brilliant success as a remedy for cold m the head, catarrh and bay fever. Used, in the initial stages of these complaints Cream Balm Drevents anv serious de velopment of the symptoms, while alv most numberless cases are on reoord oi radioal cures of obronc catarrh, after all other modes of treatment have failed. FBOlif NKW TOKtf tiTT. Mk.A. K. SAwRK8"-DearSlr: Youtnatant eye-giasMa received sometime linoe. and am very rauoH gratified At the wontetful change that has come over my yealght stnoe 1 have discarded my oljl glasses -acd - -AlEXANDXB AOAS, Secretary Statloneri'-Board of Trade. All eyes fitted at the-drag store of k - F.S.DUFFZiNewl)erM,0." , If church MEMORY Offloe, MiddlearwReite BsptlsM U very dssirablf-dwelling TB.UrilMitXif TBAMi of Grain. Brick and street, nexHqjar COMMERCIAL. ....... v pQJKESTIO HAS BUTT, C ' ' Niw Bust, N. C, , March l The fol lowing are today's quotations ia this market: -',. ; WBOtXSALI FBICXS. Eggs-10 cents per dosen. Cork 45a 50 cents per buaheL VnAir-tto, bolted, -v Potatoks Bahamas 40a45o.; yams BoaCOc. perbuahfcl. Bixr Oafoot.4o.to fc. HUIB Country, lU18o. Lard Country, 10a lie. Omoxxxt Urow 4060 v. per pair, half grown, 80a85c. PiAjrcT Sl.OOal 25 ner bunhal. Oats New crop, 8037o., inoluding sacks. Fodder New, 6070e. Hat-t rah grass, S5a5. Uxss Poax -gil 00. BBOOUn Mxat SalOo. O. B.'e.F. B's B.'eaT.o L.O.-64a7o. Flops 93.O0aS.50, Laud 7e. by the tierce NaixjB Basis 10's,$3 50. SOOAR Granulated 7 OorrxB 18a20o. Cexksk I2jal5. jrBALT 7Ba60c. par ci . MOLA8SXS AHD8YBUVSV- - ; . Kxnossjoi-81c Powder 83.00 Shot Drop, $1.25: (cck, CI 50 HlDXS Dry. 3aBo.; a r..- 2a Tallow 4c. per lb Deer Hides Dry, 15a25o. Wool 12al8c. Beeswax I8a20c per lb JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Marble Works. New Borne, N". O. Italian and American Marble"and!atl qualities of material. Orders solicited and given prompt attention, with satisfaction guaran teed. G. E. Miller is my agent at Kinston. and Alex. Fields regular traveling agent. VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY f As agenta for owners we offer for i&la on easy and accommodating terms tha follow. lug described improved Real Estate in the uuy oijNeir Berne: No. 4. THE IRON FRONT WAREH0D8K ON ORAVKN BTREET. ISO, o. jSKiUK BTuKK AND DWELLING ON GRAVEN BTREET occupied by R.O. K. Lodge. A fnU description of this valuable proper ty, together with the beat terms upon which the same will be sold, will be famished on application to the undersigned at their office naonw From street. -ALSO- Two Houses and Lots on Graven street. A Farm at Bandy Point. WATSON & STREET, deoS dwtf Ins. and Real Estate Agtf . TUMBLE TRUCK LAND FOR SALE? About FORTT ACRES CLEARED LAND, situated within two miles of the city, mlt able (or truck raising. A great bargain. Apply to WATSON A STREET, may 16 Real Est, Agents. K. It, JONES, heavy And light Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi '.Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. . THE ;ily of tho South ' SBWANEK,' TKNJtESSElV ,C ' -' Ou the Cumberland Plateau, 2,100 ft above tha tea level, offers ,the healthiest residence to young men la 'its Grammar Kehool, Its MUltaryy Ita College and Its Tbeoiogloal Depta. For special Information write to , UBV. TELFAIR HODGSON, D.D., i -; Vlce-CnanecMor, " . mSrUdwlm BE WANEK, TENNESSEE. It Is tho Dying Truth J B; Planner at 40c, on At.. r r : I , 'f u. p. Dunnos & go.', merldw $Cfi . ' . jr,rr"vi HowtoGefflepDeloVGd Having completed arrangements with one of the largest PaWihUf Houses in New York, we are now; enabled to furnUKUdar4nd Popular Books at prices that are Low w is Your Library uompieto? If not, visit the Jotjenal office and examine oar collection una tewm terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is dn hand, as ou will Had mentioned in the list below. We handle them Ia two editions, the 'Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Red Line Your choice from this edition on payment of -155 foB. Ont yaarV subscription to THE DAILY JoUBN'oMlJ5'f&'lta WlSm.Tr JOURNAL. If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will be required : - Bryant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Banyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's Illiad, Irish Humorous Poems, i - i na nnnTR are inn piil ana dook. in ail respects. v Franklin Cloth binding, gilt back, and most .Ui.. n nun Vtt nan!! ft1 Rfl flt Mil .TnrPVlI. n-iSKftft a- TtTW TIjLTT.V by mail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. American In Iceland. iEsop's Fables. . . " Arabian Nights Entertainments. . Bryant's Poetical Works. " ; Craig's Pronouncing Dictiontrf. Oreasy'i Fifteen Decisive Battles." Children of tho Abbey. - - ,;i Diokens' Child's History of England. Emerson's EssayB. Famous Poems. : Grimm's Fairy Tales. - " Gulliver's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetioal Works. Hypatia,i HalfHonr the Poets., Hoyle's Games, s1 Ingoldsby Legends.; John Halifax, Gentleman. Eingsley's Sermons.7 ' rlt)J I.' 1 ' 1 jVi lOTDErMBisi!; 1 i ,t I if l-"f u ' Jit i ' ' rr;: . ' . . -' ; V - s- -: ti. t r i . i,V St - as the Lowest. t a?f 1 . 4 aaa. - w . , w t i ' Edition no. " Jean Ingelow, ( Keble. Kingslty, . Lucille, v Milton. Meredith, , Moore, Poe, , v n-k , - Pone.' r s ' ; Paradise Lost, ,-' v i roetry ot tna fiectioss, . - w -"-SL.AU I.'"' . Scottish Hnmoroui Fon) Shakespeare, ,! Swinburne. ' ' , - " am . . m .m Tfc a.' -.'a , . ,1 ('.' 1 Li,-;f r ; ninaiameiT nmneiiiariAa. a ntinninr " , , "V Edition : a .r of them good, Itf geolear firissv'Teur anbaiWlAtSAtl itPYmTXrf'TXr .TnTTOWiT.. infanta 'MinrfC -..";-'.... . . . -14,. ,..-. Longfiellow.tf hth Ppe's Poems, m , filgrim's inrogreis.' rj.if 1 Jfoetrt or the ttentime&ts, -fj -Paradise Lost. A I ? Poetry of the Affsctions, oo.jsoy ..... r , -,?. t& a i" Robinson Crasot. ou g - j Scottish Ohlsfi v.i!i,fr ,-( Bwiss Famay J&obinsoli. ' il Bidereal Heavens. ' .IV. I Skejh;Bool,-v;a? ,v " , ThsddUfof saf ' ThomsonVPoetioal Works. Tentmon'i Complete Poc" 1 Worla. Tom Brown's Bchool D;j tt Ilajhy. yiSMof Wakefleld. ' 'fJ . Wesley's Poems, i'- 4 . O , 7 v r y ? - ;aod l

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