Daily OURNAL. 1 VOL. Vin.-NO. 307. NEW BEBNE. N. C SUNDAY. MARCH 30. 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS.' 1 nnnrn 5i 41 '' -( . V V (t.; BUSI2ITS3 LOCALS.: Northern capital and Northern in flow T jSTEB CA.ED3. BUak mUo 1J ce8 to JU Books and Writing Pads, Just r- loutb ward. Savannah News .lil at HXS. BTA.ItLT'B BOOKSTOEB 1 cornet of Broad and MiddU sis. 80 81 Tmt greate8t of y . . . i . i - n. - v. I n.ti. At BAUBitlvB. iwv nwyw re,?"flb.aritvn charity A Dok Ems: tuarenteed to h.tchl xnBntJ -nanty ; 60 ots setting. My duok took premium last Fair.. J.W,Watboh. 19 - TVTHW BATS A new line soft an! 1 iui,juniwi"". -. . II i I J 29 ' HOWaHBTJ, iiuw-hhhi, bwj wimi) la must ueeueu O EOOND-HAND ORGAN, in s;oodlnere, n'J 01 0Ui' -irengitt give our O condition, for sale cheip Apply I best, charity that will make ua kind M JOUKHiliOmOO. tnr.hflarrano-ftrrhfU i wit hin r.nr all virtues which m as lenient towards the failings of erring mortals charity that makes Philadelphia on charges of gambling 08 enter into the hearts of our fel- Pn the Pennsylvania RUroad last De cember. His eentenoe waa one year in Dick Oxford's Photograph. The Philadelphia deteotive bureau will probably rival that of Paris in its minutiae. Deteotire Tate has forward ed to Mayor Williams a pioture of Diok Oxford, the notorious gambler, who was oaugbt here by Mr. Williams du ring our Fair and afterwards taken to the city prison. On the baok of the photograph of Oxford, which was taken by the deteotire force, is a complete list of blanks filled in with a full de- SjAEdwK1 will cause oar .oriptionof him whereby he may al and that so repairing. Send orders to nlm at nouseina.ares to expanu ana deepen on Pollock street between Berne ana M.. rmohlStf. .. .r, . so. I harass as will find no bold and drop OIAROS. Seed and Pipe Organs , . ., . L X toned, regulated, repaired and re- irom us: county mas win unng modeled. Workmanship guaranteed. u8 DntO the great whito throne to Material -only the beet, out pianos . ... .. ..... 0 UksnUexehangefornew cues Lea- dwell in perfect unity with the Son orders at Hotel Albert or at the oarpen- of God. Oxford Orphan's Friend. tor shop or is. u. ravw. Frank R Morton rrTMnT B.Wn9Rrt.. rvffo- WBma notdouW that in the U ., .imni-daiichtfni. feb9dwm next election in November next a CANNING VEGETABLES. The Cost, Giving Full Particular?, kc. Editor Journal: As my article on the canning industry baa awakened such interest, and your people solicit further information, I shall endeavor to be more explicit and give figures. 1 herewith submit estimate of cost of outfit and the necessary articles of machinery for canning 2,000 3 lb. or 2,750 3 lb.oans per day to be used with steam or set in brick : 1 scalding kettle, 1 exhauit kettle, 1 process kettle, 2 soalding baskets, 2 exhaust cages, 2 process cages, 1 crane, 3 furnace doors, 8 setts of grate bars, 2 gasoline firepote, 3 capping machines, 2 soldering cappers, 3 tipping cappers, 1 forging stake, 2 pair of can tonus, 1 vise, hammer, 2 files, etc This outfit oan be purchased in Baltimore for SI 50 F. O. B. the purohaser can, by in structions sent with outfit, put up and ways be known. We copy from the "Ledger" a brief acoount of Oxford and a few others of his "pards." Albert Miley and Richard Oxford, operate it without the aid of skilled fair fakirs and card shams, were ves- help. It would require 15 hands to terdav convicted before Judge Arnold successfully operate ic as follows: 1 1 or conspiracy to cheat Drank Boott or processor, l capper, l tiprer, i, peeiere usual avocations, witnout an en ore to A TERRIBLE .CYCLOJiE; Hundred of Lives Lost, aod Great Destruction of Property. Louisville. March 2i. A tornado struck Louisville at 7 30 o'clock last evening. It entered the southeastern portion of the city at Eighth ttreet, and swopt a path five blocks wide diagonal ly, reaching in a ragged line to Seventh street, levelling every building in its path probably twenty-five hundred houses. A rough estimate puts the killed at five hundred, with thousands injured. The city is filled with a crszed mass of people, wildly seeking friends Such desolation in the city has not been known in this century. Every building, tree and telegraph pole in the district struck was leveled. The cj olone was predicted by the Signal Ser vice bulletin yesterday afternoon, but no heed was paid to its warning. The cyclone came with scarce a warning sound, and in all of the buildings struck the inhabitants were engaged in their 170R SALE. Appleton's Cyclopoedia tfreat tidal wave will sweep JL of American Biography, in six ele gantly bound Tolnmee. Price, $25 00, will sweep over the country and the Iloase then to Il--I .-1 -li. r-. i.t cost $87.60. The work is just from the -m uDejuuuianu. mo press. Apply at Joursal office. fSOtf are very hopeful ot a splendid "PATENT CLOTHES LINE Clothes 1 triumph. If the people are not blind and stopid they will not keep S50 in a frame of euohre. Scott is train and packers the dispatcher in the employ of the Pen- by women, boys nsylvania Railroad Company, at Jersey City. In December last, while he was com ing over to this city, In a smoking oar, Hiley, who was seated in front of him. invited bim to join a euohre game. whioh Oxford and a man named Shaw were playing on the other side of the latter ,could be done and girls. In Mary land processors, cappers and tippers re ceive from $2 to S3 50 per day . Peelers and packers $1 per day, but often farmers do tbeir own processing, which could be done in this case. Thus the farmer oould supervise over the capper and tipper, this work being dimple, it oould be bad for Si per day. Thus the & J. eannot to blown off. No pins. Ka ims at the Cotton Ex change. D.T. Cabhaway, I in office conspirators and.dema fe!5tf Agent uanuraoturer. g0gues who neither regard law nor It fon hare not tried my Fresh Roast- a8age nor tradition nor the best dealt two bo ed Coffee, do so at onoe. Every- t t A( oody delighted. Jho. Ojjsn. interests of the whole country. 'Science deals with philosophy with reason; with the personality." car. Milev raiseiy ciaimea mat tne players were strangers to him. Soott labor necessary for packing the above number of oans would consist of 1 prooestor (the farmer himeell)... 8 2.50 1 capper and tipper a uu 12 hands (peelers and packers) . ... 6.00 whose members say that constituents want to bear. An inBtitation where patriotism means partisanship. agreed to play a "sooial" game, with Miley as partner. lie was dealt thrse low hands, but refused to make side bst9. Miley, however, bet on his hand onoe and wou $10. Finally, Scott was wers, an ace,' queen and a After some persuasion he hot $Fn that, hn wnnlri nnt ha i'he politicians may forget bnt tne euchred. This was bis claim, but the natnrp: nonnlo will nnt Th oanW f ra. other side aliened that Shaw bet that ample-100 bushels will be required to llfwym ..... UUv. .uu BuuO .. ,. .... a mu.lflll ,k. Q OnO nana I3 1h Tkn ,m ... I i nnmc w luui ikil uifl iivts iiriuKB. iudi .... uvov .wv " .. . . v. j v religion volutionists in Va8hington are Lflvnn.fiil,ht and nine SDota were Dlaved have 100 bushels tomatoes at 20 cents dailv drivinc thn nails in t.hn coffin bv Shaw on Soott 's right, left and aoe. per bushel, 20.0): im- . . , . . i at I - .i. aa men ocotc piay ea ine queen sou oaaw i oans 43.uu Labor (in packing) lu.ou Labels, solder, eto 4 00 Cases (containing 24 cans, 3 lb.) . 7.02 810.50 We will now figure the cost of raw material, cans, cases, labels, etc. , re quired for packing 3,000 3 lb. cans per I day. Tomatoes will be taken for ex- A r . t . : i , ..i i i 3 rVnasiss-A dhat.ini nocietv vl w auuuuu0u -uu BC00Ded it in with aking, and claimed vvuxw. o ' j , : .. " cil . -i.U-T iiuauKiuuB uany kuuw iuum iar m me money, oaaw kuiuuhhuoipuuu UUUI. - nil), t the history of our Republic the tion with the money and has. not been seen since. party of Harrison and Qiav, Oil Miley was arrested in this city, while IngalU and Foraker, of Dudley and xtoA PP"hended North ' , Curolina- It was in evidenoe that the Sherman, of Hoar and Chandler, of three men had worked ' the same Sentence was MANY say they think, when they Lodge and Reed, of Edmunds and Kame 00 the crg be,ore I . l...!. lTI TT " 1 ! . . r lur.c.cu no not veo -now wuhu ib HicauD vu rjiair. wumingcon messenger thiol; jost as men say they believe, when in reality they only cherish ODlnions others have formed for them. uiF Brer Ingalls and his fellow- statesmen ot Kansas do not hump I themselves to ease the depressed agricultural interests, the Kansas etc formers will build a corn fire under them." LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Vegetable Nolandine Rogers Entertainment. J. W. Watson A sacrifice. 887.42 Now $87 42 is what it costs to pack 2,000 lb. cans of tomatses per day (labor and material) this includes pay for the farmer at $2 60 per day; also .20 is included for bis raw material a has murfeAf. thncA S 000 rftna n.nn. Uiiurcn usrvicea loaay. liitin. o( 83 0Meg and receive 81 .65 per Christ Church Rev.T. M.N. George, I case, the present market price. Thus rector. Palm Sundav. Holv Oommu- we nave ioo o. or a proni or ao, a m Hni j 11 pretty good showing for one day's escape when their homes collapsed The district laid waste comprises an area of the city three miles long and nearly half a mile wide. Chicago, March 38 A speoial from Metropolis, 111., says: The cyclone of last night cut a clean swath of about quarter of a mile wide clean across the town, wrecking property of all descrip tions, and burying men, women and children in the debris of the falling buildings. The number of victims can not be ascertained with anything like accuracy, but it is reported that several hundred people were killed or wounded and between two and three hundred houses were swept from tbeir founda tions and dashed to pieces above the heads of their unfortunate occupants. Cincinnati, March 28 Lite dis patches state that the tornado struck the town of Bowling Oreen, Warren county, Ky., and completely wiped it out. As the wires are down no detailed report can ba obtained, and but the meagre fact that the calamity had oc curred has been received. Bowling Green has a population of about five thousand inhabitants, and the loss of life ie ooojectured to be correipouding ly large, Mabion, Ky , March 23. This city was devastated by the same storm that wrought so much ruin at Louisville There was great loss of life. POWDER At: Cutely Pure. This powder never varlea. A marvelof purity, Birengih and wboleaomeneM. More economical thnu tb ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with tbemul- uluub or iow ieai, anort weigm, aiom ec puoapbate powders. Hold only In cans. Koyal Bakinu 1'owdkr Co., 106 Wall sk XV. une23 dm wed III A w FOlt Pea. Bean and Cabbage Crates, FOR SALE CHEAP. WHOLESALE GEO0EB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. work. Where one has wood or coal to a. m a.m. livening prayer and oonnrmation Duy lt wouid reduce these figures, but leoture, 7:30 p m. The public cordially a profit of 840 oould be counted on, invited to attend these services, and will be shown to seats by at even where one has to furnish all labor and buy his raw material, wood or coal. I w nn Id ad viae farmera to nlant their Mas. Stanly Prang's eaater cards, I tentive ushers. Sunday -sohooliSt the! own crop an(j not depend entirely on bis neighbor for his canning supply. He oan then realize a profit on his COMMENDABLE. All claims not c nsistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by theCal. Fig Syrup Company. It acta gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. E J. GooDiNd Nothing succeeds like suoccss. it ' Should Mr. Depew be nominated for the Presidency, be will not lor ret the aericnltnral interests. He will shave off his sidewhiskers alto . . I gelber, orne will oyeinem a ncnuille, Onslow county, where court con OOrn color. I venes tomorrow Major C M. Stedman will deliver the Memorial Address at Wilmington on You will be welcomed at Y. M. C. A. service this afternoon at S.30 o'clock. Greene county court convenes to morrow, Judge Boy kin presiding. Judge Graves will go from Trenton to Jackson' chapel,' 9r 'a m., and at the churoh, 4 p. m. Presbyterian Church Rev. L. C.Vaes, D. D., pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. Sabbath school and pastor's Bible class at 8:15 p. m., Wm. Hollister, sup't. Young men's prayer meeting on Monday at 8 p.m- A cord ial invitation to all. Churoh of Christ, Hancock Street I. L. Chestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday-school at 3 p. m., W. R. Skinner, sup't. All have a cordial invitation to attend these ser- Kverybody Knows That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of months of close confinement in poorly product in two ways. I would not ad-1 ventilated stores, workshops and tene- vise farmers to pack corn; the labor! ments. All these impurities and every and expense attached to packing thisltraoeof scrofula, salt rheum, or other article If so much that they could not! disease may be expelled by taking AT THE SIGN OF THE LITTLE INDIAN, Middle street, near the corner of South Front, you can find the choicest cigars. of TAN SILL'S PUNCH, the finest 5 cent cigar in America, and other brands of the best make and purest stock. lobacco of all kinds. Fine Cut. or Com Silk Tobacco, Cigarettes (I don't sell paper cigarettes), Pipes, Smoker's Articles of all kinds. Also, Candies, Fruit, Soda Water, etc, etc. I sell everything I have if I can. Wm. L. PALMER. compete with the Western packers. It requires expensive machinery for silk ing and removing the corn nom tne cob, and as they have every facility and pack nothing else, there would not be much money in it as there would be in utilizing the same acreage in to matoes or other vegetables. Hood's Sarsaparilla, the best blood puri fier ever produced. It is the only medi- Another Lot of Samples AT J. 1,1. HOWARD'S, AT NEW YORK COST ! oine of which true. '100 doses one dollar" is Th Wilmino-rnn Star has been . ' . " "' ' HUU ' v' " UU"MJWU " Now we will take the prohts onoue , , .. I p. ui. , yy . At.. kJ.iuuci , pu v. au uai. tuts Ui iuuinivco, giunu iui vauuiug pabllSbed twenty tWO ana a nthelOthof May, taking for his subject, a cordial invitation to attend these ser- purposes. In the first place the plants Tears. It was not OUTS to Witness -Qen. William MoRae. and the battle of n e Put atter au aaD8er 01 .iro." the brightness Of its rising, but it Ream's Station." Centenary Church-Jtev. J. E. Mann, .eed that will yield him from 300 to 700 la onri to basxia ismenaian SDien-i WehadaDleasantoallvcsterdivfrom D.D., pastor. Seats free; pome ushers; bushels per acre; for an average we Mr. W. H. Wall, editor of the Hoboken publio cordially invited. Preaching will say too. He disposes or nis . , . ...... j -.on a I Droduot either by packing it in cans a j ) evening ews. tie presentea as a.m. uu p.m. o ,.,, :. ... neiBhborat20 dor and be led by its light, bolitlcal stondDoint, we sbau see ? the beginning of an intelligent and complete brotherhood. entire evenings It has been conduoted in the very best order, and all those tinm hivA honrii CTnroftH them- ' I . n i i J t..-- h.fln nl.oanl Ra tcill PaSlOr. DBrVlOBS BUI . m., BUUUUOr nay to ship, the surplus can bo packed As to the capital one nas to nave in order to undertake the canning busi- WHEN nations traly OOrrespona as with a oopy of the News printed on young men, 9.15 a.m. Sunday-school, oents Der bushel. Thus he realizes WiUiOne another and thoroughly la rloh green tinted paper nn Saint 8 p.m., J.K.Willie, supt. Steward's per aore; rune no risk from early plant i . i. L.kji. a 4 1 p.ikV. i mMtinir. ThpbHv niffht S o'clock, ing, and he is sure or getting nis money 4 away one auoiuei'-uavi. suu get --., v. --- . ' "V" nuite different rom the Dresent mode f ' to OCCUOV one another's mental and Me- woraing society at parsonage. -fdi8D0Bin.0fhu product. Sometimes " ... . .. I t .a :.ui j .. n.. t j dftT n SHE at O O OlOClC. JrraVer meeiinSa k.a. .n arram l,. Anna nnt Knt iMHI. II II li LI1H 1 1 rN 1, W M. IIS I W - I no UUGVa HUU ." uw vvw -ww v - iThuraday niftht, at 7:45. Young ladies mora often finds himself in debt D I . n i aaa T - . I VnaH mr K II Aiti shin tl I fT (r ttB n A A ft n Bioie-meeunK. r riaar. o.ou p m. uoto u.r w -v feast, Friday night, 7:45. Baptist Cburch-Rev. II. W. Battle, SKOOTorct aweetnearts by lovers lieettinff to be quite a common L .m....,K. ed by Hon. 0. O. Clark. Sunday J'irent these davi. OnDid has COt w. whool at 8 p.m. , O. O. Clark, superb .if t.in.Ai,f Whan I ..... . tendent. Publio invited to attend these sfiw .utoiuj "f tvwir. I in tnts issue wm ns iounaacom-i . - .I1. . l .olrlnn lrlo at ti- I I .1 u. T T n-iU -loomuoo. ( IWVH9 " W - '- v imuuiuawwu uuui r. u. u. uaiuvuu, wi Mi..,nn Sk.Hnn M.rWAl ilnnk w .. . A I D.t.l !: .: i t .1. . I -t--" ' $-:P0ll?.w-'PUJwn w mrTj.uuniuuiiamwv, FWlu..I..u ,1Ioniiig servioes at 9:80 o'clock, J. B "Holland, leader. Afternoon servioes at saoniaDecareiuuyreaaanaconaiaerea ... T A VMarmnn ,Mif . m . m I W V-W WB w J MWW WWH -? 1 oy pur oubiuwSs men, ueuause it is uo yond question an important move for New Berne. Besides the labor they will give employment to, they furnish a means of utilizing all the various NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason ItADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the diseaso, from LEPROSY to the sim plest disease known to m me uuninn syxirm. J5oMififi Thn scientific mnn ct today claim and prove that ovory disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND for Pocket Books for all. A few Ki!k Umbrellas, size 26 ladies. 4 in hand and Silk Scarfs. A large lot of Windsor Ties for boy. Colored H. Ilose in great variety. Men's Handkerchiefs. Six doz. Napkins in the lot, a bargain. Men's Dalbrigaan Shirts, a large as sortment. All of the above at N. Y. Cost. J. M. HOWARD. SHERIFF'3 NOTICE TO Delinquent Taxpayers. Your Real Property will be adver tised for sale on Thursday, April Sd, unless vour taxes are paid befora that flrwUt nrofltahle: then when it does not Kfl.ri flTYl fl Ml P.rrth A Killer day. Please pay up at once and save Exterminates the Microbes and drives tbem out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No trouble and expense. m26 dtw wit W. B. LANE, Sheriff. . T J.1 A. At 2 4 U ness, i wm eay w '1UB' ,u luo matter what the disease, whether a simple not the outfit, we will figure on the " , .i..u rv L u...:Ar v ihoot them if theyrefase it is en-1 ?V tirolytoo pointed a' way of eondnot- 't Ing amatorial i tteKOtiation8.--Wil- inlngtonStar. amount necessary for one to have Costcf outfit ...$150.00 Freight (about) 8 00 Briok work, eto ou uu 25,000 labels (to start) 45 .00 case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at the same time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. $253.00 TKa nana nan hn nil rohftflflfl nn R1Z a-w whuv w - r - Keguiar prayer meeting services eyery month. time where parties can close Wednesday night. The publio generally I account with approved paper, bearing Arc nnrHUll- invito tn AtttmA thnie I six per cent, interest. Ifcis allows one meetings. Y. M. O. A. Servioes at 5:80 o'clock. That peerless songster; Fatti, made ,herrappearanbe. .iiiKwlpro be shipped on ao York last night at the Jletropolitan. leonnt of an over stocked market; n 'illLiiJ'Ujjii a ;;l - . wromoaer; ij;iwt..vuftm-i tt j, hoped that work on the New and the world will probably uerw Beraa end of the road will be com see another. Her Telce is as sweet I menoed at an early day. From th and enltored SS ever, and her pres Wilmington Messenger we learn that 1;, - wri fc.T-L v u"mV7 BU.BiirTOM.ysr,auustiTs i K.,n- Atl,. night from a bualners trip through the New York Market Review. enoe upon tne lynp siasa is as ! . v " mi - - d. m. bible resding. uapt. n. w. Jones, leader. All men invited. Personal. L. J. Moore, Esq , left yesterday for From thct I uneus wuuuvjr tuatwiuu ouniut vvum. w w..a . , x jar. o. v. VYunams reiurnsa ihi to dispose of bis entire pack and pay bis note without any inoonvenienoe wnat ever. I know of no business where so small an investment will yield such satisfactory results. If your peoplo wish tarormation as to outnc tney can address and I will turn their letter over to the manufacturer in person. . J. R. Calhoun. Baltimore, March 27, 1890. A.8thma, Congumptlon, Gatari h, Bronchitis, Kheumatlsm.Kld- ney a&d Liver Disease, Chills and Fever, Famale Trouhles in all its forms, and, in fact, every Disease known to the Unman System. State. 7;''' TSZ . " r :-. I 1ll.ly. freshing a a Tisjonofth-tpara where totiire mnsio is perenialk. B ,M , .hA wn.!,. 1 the city last aight and are -isiting ! Yflrk: Wnrlrll jf Z A.i- w... r.-it-.; t.n..j ... friends and relatives. i 1 i Ims'EiTo'lnnlna'" at the oomninvV wharvos on lai,V;-i.M r-.- tr the Lodge biU "fchonld become Uhe0p lrirtti4xtdtoga LvB,. Carolina arrived from moderate supply and prices are holding -i .ir.i .ni;i l. ...;. t i ' : nrm. ranov Dionaa seiiinB? no to ti conuuiou w. uue wu. quarter or a mue neyona iw junouon Qrlfton yesterday ;wlth OsrgO Of lum- Savannah W.ad ' Georgia 3 to W.50; VnnMB MPI'S nilUKTf 1W 1 WnRliTIIHi .miiA ftift Hnnfli aifnllftr I -lib th-Wllmlnntori Snaon.at Railroad. L- r : IUUHtf Mi O lafll.llAH AooUUlaliUH a4J n uuumuvu a aiww ? a " . UDt virua '.v v i uwrnaa- udh nt iv vv aa viaivi ivtvuvu that which hrerailed darlne the Work will begia today at the polat be-1 Th, iteamei. Stout, of the Ol vda lin. IS tot per harreK f Market is ruling -v I t a W. jf ' a i- I ' . . . j A mm ' am mttm An1 " In . 1a Af Ihaa 0. 8. Palmer reports market as fol lows: AiDarsgus continues in more liberal supply, as Norfolk put in appearance I today, and prices range from 00 to 75 oents tier Dunon; euus ou: oanoage in Beware of Fraudulent, Imitations ! See that our trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. sSend for book "History of the Microbe Killer," given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., m30 dwly entm New Berne, N. C. Rogers' Exhibition. BENEFIT OF THE House For Kent. A very desirable dwelling on Union street, next to Mr. E. K. Bryan. Apply to m4 dtf J. K. WILLIS. DR. G. K. BAOBY, " SURGE0K DENTIST. Office, Middle street, opposite Baptist church, dec3 dwtf NEV7BEBN. N. O. For Sale, Thirty bushels Stock Peas, Small lot fine Cotton Seed Heal, 10,000 Bricks. m27d4t W.P. BURRUS-kCO. For Sale, r :1 A Sixty Horse Power Steam Boilsr and Engine, aod Saw. Mill Apparatus complete; all new. Terms rsasoaablei Apply to :.:0stf:i In. I i - - Keontripettov period, Xtborwoud f Monday Even ing, Majch 31. 13 ttiaoreani-edandbusiheBs wohld ta W ,if ' wg0 ot g,nM1 will hold, selling, today ll to 15 oents; . U BM o'clock , 5 ;?,JJma- t0,r'rd -T h ils ! are iaUfofBalUmore tomorrow alght i duck SO to 80; geese W to 8Q. AT 80 O CLOoK. I ) f-rt!y paraljzed., Evety kind j, m mlft -Molarland's itradk. ' .j',; i i -,,nk(,.. ton ..irnTvi. Bfflaft -Bli it c f i ..try would snfferi ; ThS mar- machine whioh Is said to be the Dyspetalotims are numbered by -"j $ of j0Tjre " to ' 8 v t li. 1 1 rcr-irfij which the Sbath first ever u..d in building. railrosd in SSSZsZ saV. wheA sittlnir np.'o'niKhtMthe t Pntifth and Jndv. ShadnWw-rantia. anil :yi23 would be checked. longer it takes them td say it lother features. Good music, a m22dtf SIMMONS & GIBBS, aS7 dwlrt :tc Attornevs. . . GREEN, F0Y5?fc CD. Do a General Banking bus!? :-s,; Middle Stmt, fourth door 'tc!a V , , , Albert, J faidwiy ( " s w r I1

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