. . -. 4, ;--- 4-. Jor RNAL ' VOL; IX.-NO. 6. , NW BERNE. N. C. SUNDAY. APKIL 6. 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. J'- ! , - i t H - v " ft if ". ' I " I as rBiJcmsa LOCALS. SALES'J AN.r-An energetio 'nu wtoud to pah oar manufactures oa this KToana. On of oar aen's ' earned S3 20Q in Address P. O. : Bjx 1571, New York. 8k ; ; LIVE, - ENERGETIO PERSON J. wishing to etarua forth life of Henry W. Gredy, nJ pplr - OfflOof; T'k W7 ANTEDAn" old Mahogany Dining ; W : Table.' Apply to Johh Simtn. 8i SEWING MACHINES WCPAIREfi -Jobs A. Edward does fell kindl of repairing. 8ed orders to bim at bouse " oa Pollock street between Bern and 1 Eden; - ;v-. fmchWtf. EOB kiLE'-Appletott'. -Cydlotceiia -of American Biography, ia afz ela gently bound volumes. A Price, $25 00; ooat $s?.0. .The work ia Just from the press, ; Apply at JorWAL otnoe. nsow TJAtENT CLOTHES LINE -Clothes ' .a. "cannot do oiowa on. no pwa. Sample can be aeoo at the Cotton, Ex change.'. D.T. Camaway, felStf - , Ageot Manufacturer. ' I III! -H.U.I' III IS I, II Wilson will have a cattle sl ow on May 15th. " LAEGB . Pemooratio gains are reported throughout the West. :'" A. SUPTUSX between Serria and A , Bulgaria is imminen t. 'The trouble J iM said to hare been fomented by Bassia. - Small Industries are s tarting up all over the State. New. Berne in tends to hare several of them on foot Tery toon. Tax North Carolina Medica Society will hold Its thirty-seventh annual meeting in Oxford, May 27th and 29th. ; ..Mb. James i. mobak, late 'saooiate editor of Raleigh News - and ObserrVr,'hai accepted a posi tion oa the staff of the. Bichmond , Dispatch, . ' This number of patents, .designs, ' 1 trade marks, labels, and reissues v whioh has been favorably reported for issue " ou April 15 is 624, the - largest In the history of the Patent Office. North Carolina gave 980,000 . to crippled veterans of the Con. Xederacy last year, and its contri p. button! to the pension fund for , Federal 'soldiers was $3,000,000, 'Norfolk Virginian. 1 -a owjiinielyrenhe,!, words Xof xnomaa , Jefferson ana now weu v worthy of stndyl "X -have never," '" saldthe founder of, the Democracy," , suffered a political to become a per ' SJnal difference." t ' . Ejcln Pasha ts not going to oropa to exploit himself. He has , cpepted seryioe lender the German ( CrNnent and wl letprn shortly y totatfTictoria $fynzaatthe head ' of a strong expedition. . Unless he 1' fortifies himself pretty thoroughly the English ((phianthroplsts', will s. send np and rescne him again.- n - Bomb time ago ft f wpmaii's club, I ' r to' be Ihe firstf? kind In ' ; this country, was organized Jn New K . ; Tork, and no one has' been orga Si: ' 'nized in rhlladelphia. It.ls 6dm ; posedolsome bfrthef most i " eratlo women of that - dtyj and - - , classes in reaaing, mnsioai lnstruo "tion, sewing imCjooklng iWxjbd formed, At a few of the entertain , xnents a limited number 6figetttj- men will b admitted. Exohange. CtrLLiYAit and' Jackson ;wUi not fi'ht near Norfolk under ny sup pose J authority', conferred t by . the - cb rter , referred to, j and halt; 0i - icbmon6XiriU.iafs to: be: content ' irlti hzn :iti$2ll.;ori 'If; they tz2 ; -i down here,4butrno -prize ' fights, cor daela, nor Spanish- bull c:tcot8. .Th6re are cplendid hotels aad fishing clubs, and sea bathing1, . til sbootihg 7 and dancing and f Mlrr, arid apollinaris'and lemon r '.3, etc., ets4 etc., but,' though the cf a great boom 1b in every , t. a are ia Virginia, not I in ' I Eor New York,---Norfolk A BOUi3 rf wailing and ; gnash :r.f tcctL : -t y Iron, the Iassa ' Mi :Oon IXC -?3, ? WtO.- Bar iau oiooi,uisoraer..-v - -; , v A inSrrih .vnAvk eU tocet HoodWW.: .'.M they wUl fight the McKinley bill till its hide is taken off, and from the Massachusetts boot aud shoe manufacturers, who flod themselves unexpectedly, and, as they think, Z 1.1 . . . . Massaehusetta will CO Democratic I are heard on all sides. Eren the Boston Adrertiser gloomily re marks: "If Chairman McKinley and his Rapuhlioan associates wanted to take the coarse most likely to secure the transfer of Massaohusaetts Irom the Reonbli-I Can to Ihe Democratic column of uuroaeonamy wiaca-ea in menouse neat and tidy as probably any in the Service for joung men. 9.15 a m; sub Of their friends. Threats that State, but they are not largo enough for ject for reading: Christian work the im- States at the neit election, they m? W'y'?0' ' via nioAA Kam wANHff Man nan aoaAivihiA I tnvifon rn transi tnoaa anrrina ond could not Gave hit upon a plan more for the deTelopment of their wci.1, will be .shown to ...to by t hrewdly adapted to that end." mental.pbjsical and spiritual conditions tentive ushers. New York Sun. LOCAL NEWS. . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BciLTHE JxwELiB-Silverware. Eister. The steamer Tnhoma was on Howard 'e waya yesterday for slight repairs. Truckers think that if frost does not fall before Wednesday the crops will be all right. Prof. Rogers will continue -his ex hibition this week for the benefil of the New Beroe band. - AH the youpg men of New Berne are invited to be present at the Y. M. C. A. meetinar thla afternnon at B flft nVl sar. wm.uouigan bas completed hie tore near the depot and will resume business on Monday. He has a neat building. The marriage of Miss Shinie Oliver ill to take place at Christ Churoh on Wed nesday morning. April 16, at a quarter to eight o'clock. mi -aan. at .1 ine wora easier- occurs once in the New Testament (King James ver- ion) in Aoto 12:4 In the late revised version ths word ''Passover" is used. The proceedings of the Board of City Council, whioh met on Friday niaht. are on hand but owing to length and 1 af a Iiam s 9 a ah I a. ....U a I. - late hour of reception could not to published in this issue. All persons taking part in tho "Song Tournament," are earnestly reauested to meet at Mrs. Prederiok Jones', cor- ner Pollock and Eden streets. Monday evening promptly at eight o'clock. By order of the exeoutive committee the regular monthly business meeting of the Y. M. 0. A. will be held Tuesday Instead of Wednesday eveniog. A full meeting Is desired to hear the reports and other badness that will arise. A gentleman in the city has a hen that lays. Easter eggs. For three suo - oeseive days (he has laid eggs of various oolors tho first day a dark colored one with light spots, seoond day a striped one, and third day one of olive-brown oolor. Smart hen that. Little Off. The State Qhronicle, whioh generally strikes tho nail on the head, says: "The electrio light was turned on in Greenville Wednesday. - Miss Bessie Williams, the little daughter of the Mayor, held the honor of starting it. Tha Jouhhal says there are twenty-five liirhta" . Our brother was striking at New Berne and its new electrio lights. The JourMal said there were twentv-flve aro Street lights. There's nothing the Personal. Miss taverns Dixon, of Greene esnntv.la vialtlno-Rev. I. L. Cheatrinttl nA rawiii' ana lamiiy. , , ;Bri'rj."K.!Bagby went t? Einston yesterday and will, return Monday . Miss Battle Buxton, of New York, TUlUng KISS iiOUlSe UenjJlSOn, fl; v' .- 5 Mr. Alonad Stow; the leading ner chant 1 Hutcras, was In the city yefr i H '' ;HEat$--4v rdtf f Jiessri. Ma Ue w t3,tevenson, c , u. Simmons and Clement Manly hare re tunrodfromTOnslow county court. , 1 , . ,,1. Onslow county, where court convened dnrlna- tha r,aat anA Inflfc lha t,.r:M:.- .va n duageuTavescameiromuacasonviiie.iaou waiiuicams uu tmiur.i ar n : Atlanta. Bi. t i greuiyr aiarmea ine lnnaoiuats. Us home. -e ' - v . t ' s A number of buildings were1 flooded It Is with much, re fa: tsat we learn I swept from their foundations. ' that Mr. Daniel Btimson, who has been K..t(i. . Aimm ai In poor health for sometime, does not licproye but rather Jontinaes,(;de'Uhs planting can begin. ' 9lme.':rfrY'j?:?i , v c. . . --i, ; ,, - vr ,.;-V Hies Susan Collier, of Qoldsboro. is ,.T -it W- vw T !tlng the Misses Oliver. Zl&iiw Tlai Mrs. jwargares poison, jiibb wonneu and. Mies Roulhao returned last night irom a trip to norw.- ,f . , s ; :Jtt ,s, sm. . ........ v ,.yvj-v, , v Tblnand Impure blOOd IS made rich . - . . : . r : - j- . and healthful by taking. Hood Sarsa ' InAvllle it nnra eAvArnla j.lfc ,h.nm I . '.. t... .i. ' j. 7 rrj. i r r. .'loiue or wuion. ivouosee one uoiiat" isimaao pwuuf . Should Hare a Better HalL I The Y. M. O. A. of NewBeraehasbeenl in operation about five years, dorioc which time it has been located Jn the Bishop building on Middle street. The I loostion ia (rood and the rnnmi ara maland ectntnnnion atthn mnrnina aervira. " i th accomplishment of the work within Ith9 hounds of the Association. The membership bas remained at about one I hundred for sometime and to inorease it has been found quitediffionlt,througn, I it is thought, the inability to meat the I demands for a larger and better I equipped hall. It is to the interest of I the citizens of New Berne to offer any MwtaBcetneycantotnlabody oiyonngtTcea weonapei, ow a m., ana at tne and it behooves any community to aid in such work. I Is there not some person in New Berne who will give the matter a little tbought, make suggestions, offer a I building or site '( In this great day of philanthropy will New Berne remain I silent? Are We Keeping TJpr While we prefer seeing the establish ment of more industries in this imme diate vicinity, it is a pleasure also I to note the prosperity of other seotions vr . i i mi i i i ii I mgvon. in oooBeouoo who u, iruiu J 1.L1 III i- 1 JI.J tA I auu vrgeiaoies win u uauuiea laier. The business men of Selma are deter - mined on having a knitting factory, 1 6 ""IMonday, 8 p. m. All are cordially in- suoceBeiuuy ai isrnoro is w neen.argea right away Are we keeping up in the race? If not, where lies the fault? If so, should we be satisfied and contented? By no means, we will make answer for tne list query, and so will every other mm who has the least spark of publio enterprise and love for his home. Gen- tlemen. let's do something more. Wo owe it to our children and the coming generation. Whenever you hear of fa mlliAfl mnvinrr avav kind vnnncr tn ATI seeking new fields of labor, mark it, I there is some good cause. Traoe it back, and we honestly believe that hi I I . am a. a 1a UahVIii baa nine cases out of ten the trouble may I bs safely attributed to the laok of fere- thought or timidity on the part of the business and monied men or tbat plaoo 'ai,inK t0 Provide sufficient employ I men ,or them. Increase your population and you In crease the demand for and consumption of all resources, andjthe olaeses that re- oeive the greatest benefits are the buai- ne?s men and property owners. Assistance for Mr. Collins. It is proposed to purchase an artificial I leg for Mr. John Collins, who was so 1 unfortunate as to break his only leg I sometime since. Contributions for the purpose will be received by W. E. Snellings at his store on Pollock atreet, Alex, Miller at his store on Broad street, and R. J. Gooding, oorner Pollock and Middle streets. List of Letters Remaining in the postoffice at New Berne, Craven county, April 5th, 1890. Teeraa Avery, Mrs. H. A. Brown, Miss Mary Douelas. Mrs. M. L. Douglass, Mrs. Ida Dudley, Mr. O. T. Fnioher, a I Mrs. Manuel Hardy, Mrs. Julia N Vm V....I a. Mm Tr.ll. W crnhh ' Wiam wlBnia Hii g. mnhrA Harris, J. H. Johnston. Miss Eliza Mon- I roe. R. H. Morse. Caleb Mann. John Mm, Cabel Mason, 2 Mrs- Martha Lizute fopiar, u L. sudineu, oare 01 J. Miss Cadelia Saunderson. Mrs. Fannie .1. i-i ovaa .lannn Knnnai w m . Kvnn k Smith. Jfersons calling roraDOve letters, will lsayadyertised,andglvodataoiliBt. I rm.. rBn,ltinna now reanire thai; one cent shall booolleoted on the delivery I of each letter advertised. Is I ,rhrfi1 ... fU,nrl tnna In TlltnnU war viaitMl hy a tornado Thursday evening, whioh Oaused great fright among the peopto. I A number of buildings were nnroofed. I nva KAra inat and no nna ininred. - U lfclooM of Wiohlta. Kus.were r.ided by temperance people TbrAJ:" T. I J .11 !....... J . A J.1,L. teets. " Arkansas City waSSWept by SV violent starm,: Thursday night, which "pfn noP8" entertained that, the over flawed diatri0t will soon be relieved so flawed district Will SOOn b relieved : ' - . r -f, , - - - - L? r 4?,r,ryjr T?7 ?i i That : at . this season the Wood Is filled with Imtmrltlaaahav fleumnlation ttt months 01 Close COntinemeni in poorly Ventilated stores, workshops and tene a. m an r a an vnaasisa l vriTtnrir laaas ann aawsnww -": . " Z ,1 iiZ ' "ii'l ' I traoe of scrofula, salt rheum. or Other . i niHPitsiH rnir, ua idhiihi siw- ukidit I rr . o.....,ni. ,k.k..t. Ki nnr.l i nwvtVa.r.knIIU-nnaAiinannraUva - KTT " iZXTTl uu "JZTZIa Church Services Today. Ontenary Churoh Rev. J. E. Mann, D.D .pastor. 8eats free: polite nebers; Ipublio cordially invited. Preaohiog at 11 s.m. and T:45 p.m. Easter offering Iperative need of the individual Chris- tian. Sunday school at 3 pm .J. K Willis, snpt. Prayer meeting. Tbuis- day night, at 7:15. Young ladies Qible-meeting, Friday, 3.80 p m. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George rector, taster day. Service, sermon and Holy Communion 11 a. m. No night service. Children's Easter ser- Baptist Church Rev. II. W. Battle, pastor. Services at 11 a. in. and 7:30 p.m.. conducted by the pastor. Sunday- school at 3 p m. , C. C. Claik, auperin- tendent. Public invited to attend these services. Catholic Church Easter Sunday- Morning service: First mass at 7:30 Ia. m. Second mass and sermon at 11 a. m. Aloys Wuerth's mass will be rendered by the choir at this service. Evening services at 7:45 p m. Vispers. germon Benediction of the b'es ei q.orament IX ICUUItCllBU uutu iv AJ v , d admini8tration of the Lord's onno, Sr.in. ut i-HO n m S.hhath eM and pMtor,g Bible claB8ftt8:15 m v mn'. ..r ..iin. Jted tQ Rttend the80 8ervice8. UsherB at the doors St. Cyprian Church Easter servioes at 11 am.; morning service and holy communion, Rv. W. H.' Wilson, gen eral missionary, preacher and cele brant. 8 p.m., Sunday-school service and baptism. 71 p.m , evening service and sermon. Seats free; all are cor aially invited. Baptist Mission Station, Market Dock- Morning service! at 9:80 o'clock, J. C. Whitty, leader. Afternoon services at 4:30 o'clock, Robert Hancock, leader Regular prayer meeting services every Ti,ar.,,hii an.rnT I are cordially invited to attend these meetings. T. M. C. A. Services this afternoon at 8:80 o'clock, J. K. Willis leader Subject, "Songs of Trust," asongser- vtoe. All men are invited to attend. Notice. rhe Republicans of the 4th ward are requested to meet at Drayton Hall, Apiil 21st, 1890, at 7:45 o'olock, p.m. for the purpose of nominating a coun cilman, to be voted for May 5th, to rep resent said ward in tne board or city fathers By order ward committee, E. A. Richardson, April 4. 1890. Chairman. EASTER, 'Ring out, glad bellsl gloom No more the Hangs darkly o'er the sealed tomb, The grave is robbed of alt its dread ; Our Lord hath risen from the deadl I Ring out, glad bellsl your silvery voice Shall bid the lofty bins rejoice, And lowly vale and dewy mead Shall cry, "The Lord is risen indeedl" LEJIOil HOT DROPS, For coufihe and colds, take Lemon antJlMM, For sore throat ana Bronchitis, take r.amon Hat Drora. For pneumonia and laryngetis, take I Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take I ror an mroat ana iung aiseases, isas 1 mnn nan ijfihm. An elegant and reliable preparation I Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot ie. rreparea Dy a. juosiey, lanta. Ga. novld wly LESION KLIXIB. Its Wondcrfal Effect on the Liver. toSDjuin, Kewelt. Kidneys and Blood : Dr. Mozley 's juemon ciiixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively cures I all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion,' Headache, Malaria, Kidney uis- 5w. Dtetaa,ds,Loss 0f Appetite, ffw wu". ""J"??, oeoa, reipiwwn qi ana mu, caused by disordered IHver, stomach and Sidneys, the nret ! riif? Fo'I 5 1 VJ M. . . - "1 - J -I -.oa. T ,t - i . , i'.. .v. B.raordlnary Bo. Ser.whlDK. Herbert Sperry.;.Trem0ht IUM had otssy. . I ; soratohed them raw to ti4 .nrvthin.. withont rttn me SO 1 TVI4 rtkln . Wlthnnt ro llief. ; I was tormenttd in this way for t two years M then fonod Clarke's is "w ' - - tract of Flax (Papillon) 8kinJCnre at thedrus: store, ised ft," and It has cured -lit K " " V' " . . ni.rka'a Flax 8oan has no canal 4B( toilets Skin Cure $100. Soap insr t . wt.K i . a. war ea tih iraia m oeua. jr r w . o. ummj uA.A .. ;-v . . h . . .pr' -' i w 1 , - v- m ' 7n.T::i. u.r..nd Vhloh house SleekS, VO says: When I judgment I was duly appointed a commis . The I mak, akU-taffet- OD mv h?ffB. I had an aloner of said court, und licensed thereby to Our HANDSOME NEW SILVERWARE. "Bell The Jeweler' LEARN TO WRITE. MoS Sale of Town Property. Pursuant to a judgment of the Supe rior Court of Craven county, for pur poses of partition, I will sell at Public VflndiiR. at the Court Hours Door in Newborn, on Monday, May 5, 1890.12 1 r 'o l r t f tVtaa w oler f rr r o'olock, M., the water front of Lot No. 117, on East Front street. Terms, each. CHAS. C. CLARK, Commissioner. Newborn, April 3, 1890. tds Millinery Goods! MRS. B. B. LANE having removed from her old stand on Pollock street to the eleeant store under Hotel Albert (south side) is now prepared to serve the public with a New and Complete Stock OF SPUING GOODS, ag cheap as can be bought in the city. Satisfaction guaranteed. ap2Jw2m It Is the Dying Truth! BIG IKE has bought yQ eilUrC SlOCK 01 W. B. Flanner at 40c. on qq ttOllaX. M. P. HOLLY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next door to P. M. Draney 's Hardware Store, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Large stock of fine samples. Clothing made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Ratee reasonable Also, cleaning and dyeing done in neatest stylo. I8d2m DR. Q. K. BAGBY, SURGEON DENTIST. Offioe, Middle street, opposite Baptist ohurcb, dec3 dwtf NEWBERN, N. 0. Commigslonei 'a Sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Superior Connor uraven county, renaerea at in f eD- ruary Term, vm, in an action in which t; 1 1811 vai neieuiuwr aescriuea ianu, 1 wilt the Zm.s - in tho alt nf Nam Ttom t 1 n'nlnnk n m.. on Monday the sin dayof May, i89o, the foi- lowing land, to wit; Lying and being In the mate oi norm uarunus, ouuuiy oi untren, on the south side of dense river and eoatb sMe of Dover road: beginning at a stake at south stdeof Dover road, in the northef mate oi jMorin uarouna, county oi craven, for h Heath bv William H. Wiuibtnaton. ran. f8 Jhenoe .gjl. road, and east edge of the Bryan road as it - hu h... .iimui . i.m n.t . th.. i - - wwaw sjiufj vi vu ta o. a? iiuvr uvusw, vw,, snsi iuiiy I described In theoomplalnt filed In theabove h A!S??.. W?by tbereor. . , , . h. uuiun, aprusd,uw. . sea. Uommistloner, o o . S b to a a vs M .O O tZ Jill . y a d $Sb . O si :.itattVa .Ii k Sf o ffm U r ROYAL MtM Ml v mm POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbls to t' r never vaiiei. A marvalof parity, hi,, 'i and wholesomeneM. llor economical nn ths ordlDary kinds, ai d cannot be sol, I ui competition with Ine Bnl tii,uu oi iow lent, Btiori weigDl, Aiom r phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. Hoy a i, Baki.nu Powder Co., 108 Wall St. N Y. Iune23din wed frt w H0TIIII1G SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'S MICROBE KILLER is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim plest disease known to the human system. The scientific men cf today claim ami prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AND Radam s Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that ia done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure them all at thesamo time, as we treat an tliseases constitutionally. Astlima. Consumption, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Kheumatlsm.Kld ney and Liver Disease, Chilli and Fever, Female Tronblea in all Us forms, and, in fact, every Disease knovn to the Hum a n y stern. Beware of Fraudulent Imitations ! See that our trada-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer," given nway by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., nulO dwly enrm New Berne, N. C. AX Cost. The Finest and Largest Stock of SAMPLE HATS Ever brought to New Berne, ranging 1st price from 1 00 per dozen to $39 00 per dozen. A fine Stock of Clothing, Shoes and Dry Goods just received at Barrington & Baxter's spri awtr House For Kent A very desirable dwelling on Union atreet, next to Mr. E. S. Bryan. Apply to m4 dtf J. K. WILLIS. For Sale, A Sixty Horse Power Steam Boiler and Engine, and Saw Mill Apparatus complete; all new. Terms reasonable Apply to SIMMONS & GIBBS, m27 dwlm Attorneys. GREEN, F0Y & CO. Po a General Banking business. ' New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Bote Albert, fald wly 1KW BBRlfJC. If. O. 1,000 Boxes Tobacco, Bought Cheap, And will be sold at a Sacrifice . XTlrioIji, WHOLESALE GEOGEE, MIDDLK STREET, ft'-. 'iXH.' mm : v ' .-, , , ; . .' ;, ( C?:.' 'y,y.;rX-y,; y'r

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