Daily Jo urn a 0 YOL. K.-NO. 7. NEW BERNE, N. C, TUESDAY, APEIL 8. 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. ft. v BUSIHESS LOCALS..; ;; SilKSMAWrf-Aa energetic nan wanted to pub oar manufacture oa this grand. One of oar agents earned tS.800 in "M. Address P. O. B 1571, New York. eofi S EWINO MACHINES REPAIRED. John A- Edwerde doea all kinds o! repairing.' Bead orders to him at house on Pollock, street, between Berne and Eden. . ; 'V fmcbl&tf. FOB SALE. Applston'e CyclopceJia of American Biography, ia six ele gantly bound volumes. Price,, $25 00, cost $37.50. The work is just from the press. Apply st Journal offlae. f20tf PATENT CLOTHES LINE -Clothes oaonot be blown off. No pias. Sample can be seen at the Cotton Ex change. , D. T. Cabbaway, felotf Agent Manufacturer. McKisley's Tariff bill promises to reduce the Republican majority rather more than it will tbe reve nue. Phil. Tiroes. Monday the Federal court opens at Greensboro and Judge Dick is to enquire into the Kilpatrick case. We are rather curious to .see what he will do in the matter. THE executive committee of tbe Georgia Farmers' Alliance has agreed upon the questions which all candidates for office from bailff to Congressman, will be required to answer. They demand that the powers of the State Railroad Com mission shall be enlarged, and that more control of tbe railroads be given to the State and Inter State Commissions. Tier demand thai bettercommou school facilities shall be afforded the children of the State, poor and work houses for the indigent, that convicts be better treated and cared for, and that the able-bodied ones be made to work tberoad.4, 1 ho lowest powible tariff duties on all articles necessary to the farmers of the country, and that all candidates for offica iu Georgia shall place themselves squarely with the alliance on this policy. The storm of protest with which theMcKinley Tariff bill has been recieved may well oause its authors and abetters to halt in their course. They are showing a disposition to retreat already. Phil. Record. Again a petition has been pre sen ted to His Highness, Tom Reed, asking his Mightiness to recognize some one to move the passage of a bill repealing the tax on tobacco. But His Majesty safd his Rules were not built that way. They permitted suoh requests to be made by members of his own party only. News & Observer. The ' absolute worthlessness of the Harrison Administration, and the glaring contrast it presents t o that of Mr. Cleveland, has convinced the Western people that they have placed the care of their interests in very incapable and unreliable hands Henoe the unvarying success of the. Democratic party in that section at and since the Fall elections. Al bany Argus. If every Republican leader in Ojngress were pledged to do all in his power to elect a Democratic Presidedt ia 1892 the outlook for our saocess in.that campaign would not be better. More vigor to you all, agents of the monopolists and surplus grabbersl You are making Democratic votes by the thousand every day in the week. National Democrat. It Is said that the Czar of Russia has become such a slave ot the mor phlne habit that he now uses from twelve to fifteen grains of the sedac tive drug daily by injections. From 6ae half to one grain is the dose daily - administered by pby sicians. According to this the Nihilists will have to harry ud if thev want to dynamite Alexander oat of the world. Waterbary American. ' 'sg,. v. '. 1 Nearly every country of Europe has about perfected arrangements tot using only smokeless powder in r military operations, and soon all ought to be, able, to carry on the , business of war at the old stands with nnexampled facility. What with smokeless powder, dynamite gans nitro-glycerlne , bombs, and other nwwenr nt entlons of .war : it - mar soon come ; to: be i;v choice be tweealannihiiation riuT!nC' We may hare to agree to universal peace in order toT escape universal ' aestracpionv JMewxorK bcm.?: -i? In studying the South I regret have neve been in the Sooth, bo.- : forei T have been looking not so , ' $ moon to' its" materiuff4eTe!h?pment as to its people, their, eentimentf, their inetbods4f . lite; as to where the differenpea.cour-between the $mz Norflierttand Southern ; American , ., if any exist. I am glad t say that P observation leads me - to' the con elusion , that i ln aUlhe elements constituting' good; cUweshlphon tgm;'(uk patriotism and intelligence there " Is no difference.' Channeey Depew at Chattanooga. CITY COUNCIL PBOCEEDINGS. Death of Mr. Daniel Stlmson. One of the best and most highly es teemed citizens ot this community is taken from us in the death ot sir. Daniel Stimeon. For many weeks be had been riftrlininir in hAiiIth nnHl nn RufcnrriAV u , . . ... . presiding. Present: Councilman Bur- nitfiiii ran iiiinn till run rm-.iivHrv i mi inini i - tha hftpb. nf th friar.,, whn w.hH rua nd Kennedy. for want or a quotum ine tueeung April 1, 1890. A regular meeting of the board of city council was beld this evening at half -past seven o'closk , Maj or Williams by his bedside, and at 3:15 o'clock a.m. Sunday, April 6, 1800, on Easter morning, his soul passed into eternity. Mr. Stimson was born in Limerick, Maine, on March 26, 1833, and was consequently a little oyer sixty-seven years of age N. C in the saw mill business. In 1870 he came to New Berne, where he oontinned to live until the time of his death. For sometime he was in copartnership with Mr. D. Congdon, but sold his interest In tbe business to Mr. Congdon and built mill tor himself at the foot of King street. Thia mill was destroyed by fire adjourned to Wednesday night at half past seven o'clock. Silas Fulcojer, Clerk. cessor qualified, he paid outon vouchers and orders about $400, which vouchers are in the hands of the finance com mittee and have been ia the possession of tbe clerk eioce last May; that on the examination of bis account oount as treasurer by tbe finance com mittee last year they found that the auditing committee had only allowed him for forty eight wteks when they should have allowed bim for fifty-two LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS R Sawyer Fashionable tailor. RuaKHS -Entertainment tonight. Prof. Manning's night writing school will suspend until Wednesday night. Tbe boys of Vance Academy made a rery creditable appearance on drill yesterday. The members of the Board of Trade are requested to meet tonight at their rooms at eight o'clock. The regular meeting of tho Ladies' Auxilisryof the Y. M. C. A. will be held at the rooms Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock. April 8, 1890. The regular monthly business meeting of theY. M. C. A. will be beld tonight at eight o'clook. Every member, both active and associate, should be present and hoar the reports from the various committees. Tho Rogers exhibition for the benefit of the N. S F. E. band last night was much enjoyed by tbe audiance, which was fairly large. Prof. Cook's comic songs were especially good. Music was furnished by the band just before tbe performance began. Will be repeated ton ght. Tbe "egg hunt" was engaged in by a large number of children at tho mi dence of Miss Emma Disosway, yetter day afternoon. The participants tn joyed the hunt very much, it seemed Miss Maude Eoonce found the prize egg and was awarded the prize, a handeome bottle of cologne and a darning egg Hon. W. T. Caho will deliver the annual address before the Ladies Memorial Association the 10th of May and Gen. C. A. Battle has been made chief marshal. Both of the selections are good, and we feel sure that the Association will have cause to con gratulate itself. April 4, 1890. An adjourned meeting of the board of n 1873 and he built another on the site citT counoil was held this evening at where tbe smaller mill now' stands. e'Snt 0 cl0ck- Myor Williams preeia- Thia mill he continiied to run and hnilt ing. Present: Councilmen Ulrich, alareer one uearitafew years seo. Lne. Crawford, Ellis, Willis and Ken- thon running both until the disastrous nedy. 18SQ whioh want hnth The Marshal s report was read, and on motion received and adoDted. weeks, and agreed to investigate for April 2, 1890. orders paid street bands and engine An adjourned meeting of the board drivers; that tbe account was examined He came to Beaufort, 0f city oouncil was held this evening at by Mr. B. B Lane and F. Ulrich. The in February, 1864, and engaged half past seven o'olock, Mayor Williams vouchers were turned over by him to in the chair. Present: Councilmen the finance committee and by them Lane and Ellis no quorum and the meeting adjourned to meet Friday night at eight o'clock. SiLiS Fulchkb Clerk. plants from existence. With great energy and determination he began to clear away the ruins of his former large and valuable plants and to erect new mills. One of these was completod and has been in opera tion for several months. The other is yet unfinished. Mr.Stimson's political life, if we may iy ho had such, was, we believe, pure. He was no politician, nor desired to be, we tbiuk. His canvass for the office of MARSHAL S REPORT. We have made 24 arrests during the mouth of March; 9 were dismissed and 15 convicted. Fines collected, S10 JO; oost, 833.90; total, $43 20. One half the above oost, .(. 4i, was deduoted for my fees. Jas. T. Lewis, (j. M The Mayor read the following report, which was on motion received and adopted: mayor's report. T hflff Iaava In Riihmit the follnvvin? Biirriu auu ui3 ciiiuiui iiie ice people oi I report ('raven county are familiar with. The work has been done on tbe At Mr. Stimeon's personal character is lantio engine by Mr. bd wards, and the well known. He was a true man, we believe. He was honest, charitable. generous, conscientious, a Christian. rhe poor found in him a friend. With a liberal hand he ministered to the wants of the needy who sought assist ance from him. Withal, he was ener getic, a business man. Few men have done so much for the laboring class of the community as he did. pump forwarded to the Silsby Company lo be repaired. I expect a bill for bar nest, and ask that the clerk be instruct ed to issue a voucher for the sum of 855.00. Sanitary condition of the city is good Police have made 24 arrests, 9 of which placed ia the hands of Mr. Ulrich to be turned oyer the auditing committee: that bo was ready and anxious for a settlement and was awaiting the action of the auditing committee: that E. K. Bishop was appointed u committee in August last to get tbe books and vouch ers from the auditing committee so that a settlemeut could be had ; that he now asked some member of the board to mike a motion requesting the auditing committee to meet at the earliest day possible in order that he might have a settlemsnt in vindication of himself and Mr. B. B. Lane from any blame which might be attached to Mr. Lane. Councilman Crawford moved that the auditing committee be requested to meet with tbe finance committee Monday, April 7ih, and settle with Mr. Williams, the treasurer in 1838-'&9 Tbe motion was carried. The Mayor suggested that the matter of the market house insurance be left with the finance committee to examine, with power to act. The Mayor stated that Mr. E. M. Payio had an account against the city for work on eLgine houses, rent, etc., and asked that the clerk be allowed to take it in payment of Mr. Pavio'a taxes. Councilman Kennedy moved that the matter be referred to the finance coin- were dismissed; 15 oonvioted. Fines I mittee with power to act. imposed, $32 00; cost, $13 00; total, 875 00. The streets are in fair condition. We need some shells to keep them up; think it advisable to try shell rock, es POWDER Absolutely Pure. This po-,i never varies. A msrvsiof rHy.siri';. , kihI wbolnoneiiHi, Mora economical Umii ths ordinary kinds, ft4 cannot be aold in competition with themul- uiuue oi tow lest, snort welgnt, alum 1 pliospluue powders. Hold only In cans. HOVAI. liAKINU 1'OWDKB CO., 108 WkU tt. N Y. Iuue23dju wed frl A W Mr. Stimeon died of chronic liver it would prove to be a great deal cheap- complaint. He was buried yesterday er 8nd better, as we could buy a sman iraub ui muu uu ireub uvoi auu uavu afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, the funeral caking place from bis residence on East Front street. A large number of friends followed his remains to the grave, and there was along line of colored em ployees who attended the burial cere' monies. He was buried in Cedar Grove cemetery. the rock blasted to buH the purpose. Resp'y, R. P- Williams. Tbe Mayor stated that he had a deed from the Atlantic Engine Co. for the The following bills were allowed R. P. Williams, mayor. $33.33; F. Ulrich, treas.. $16 66; Jas. T. Lewis, marshal, $25; J. E.Oaskill, police, $30; M. T. Roberts, police, $30; Thomas Wil son, polios, $30; J. L. Willis, special police, $20; John C. Qreen, engineer, $25; W. R. Waters, enginser, $25; D. Stallings, sexton, $20; R. W. Williams, sexton, $20: James Lucas, janitor R. & R. Co., $2; New Berne Journal, adv.. New Berne Aoademv. rents, $8; NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason RADAM'8 MICROBE KILLER Is the most wonderful medicine, is because it has never failed in any instance, no matter what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim plest disease known to tho human system. The scientific men tf today claim and prove that overy disease is CAL'SKI) BY MICROBES, AND Radam's Microbe Killer F.xtermin.iti's the Microbes and drives them out of tlie system, and when that is done you cannot liuve an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple o.ise of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cure I hem nil at the eaino time, as t treat nil diseases constitutionally. A.vihnia, Consumption, Oatariu, Bronchitis, Khcumati.siu,Ktd noy aiid Liver Digcase, Chilli and Fever, Female Trouble in all i(s forms, and, in fact, every Disease known to tho Human System. property purchased by the city, which warn Ulart, att'ys, J10.6G: Atlantio t.ug. vu., ieeu lor jumper norse, $iu; New lierne tng Co., feed for jumper horse, $10; Prince Hyman, lighting 8 lamps, w, J. Li. Harrison, lighting a lamps, $2.25; Merritt Whitley, lighting 1 lamp, 75o.; T. F. McCarthy, lighting 1 lamp, 75c; Geo. Richardson, lighting Shipping News. The schooner Mattie E. Hllee arrived at Beaufort on Saturday from the West Indies. She has a cargo of molasses consigned to Roberts & Bro. of this city The steamer Newberne, of the O. D. line, will sail this morning at 9 o'clock for Norfolk. The steamer Kinston arrived yeetsr- day from upper Nsuse and will return today at 12 o'olook. was read and received. Councilman Cllis etated that com' plaint had been mado concerning the TnHtpr K. lnd mouse occupiea Dy Dir. irenwitn as It was a beautiful, sunny day. Earth hlaoksmith shop as being a nuisance, seemed lit up by a smile from the risen ana movea M enmrman oi nre oisirici m an,Pi 75o paul Williams, lighting 1 T.nrrt Tn tha rhnmhom ,nnrnnri.(a oommiuee mat tne matter do leu witn lamp, too.: John Collins, lightine I ... i.m r.r: . D T -.1 .7i..:" 1 Rftrvinna wfir hlH whinh e WayOrana City attorneys WIW awiauj, ukuwuk i , . 1 lamn. DC. : HAl 1 Wl llmi liirhlimr . , rr. i i n i nnviir man I ' " , . ...... attenaea. inougn nowers are soarce "" - lamp, 75c. ; Wm. Bell, lighting 1 lamp, this season some of tbe churches were uuuunuiit un,uro, acm ' (oc.;u. urdmann.rentof houseforM.U beautifully decorated with thm. Tha the deed for Aaron Jones' property on & L. Co. $10; E. E. Disosway, rent Odd " " " I . . I l?.ll T T . ii rf rw f r t - , a n u I German street which the citv bought nan, uu rnew uerne use u., ..,,,W.U,,i.,W,U,. CO.. 882.50: J.T. lAwin fMdinBnriwm. served than on former Easter Sunday . " """- . . ; ers, $2 25; J. McDaniel. shoeing horses. At tjnrist Uhurch tbe Moral display "u"1 " r"" sj.vo; j;;. n. Meadows, Bundry bill i i . ail. -.a :Linrn -rr . was superior to any of former like oo- Property since laet year, ana mas po. to; j. a. meadows, feed for Atlantic The chancel was literally " Pe to deed it to the city, -, eaoows, ieea tor geraniums, lillie. and which should have been done long since SK: L H." (hitler! Eeware of Fraaddbnt Imitations ! See that our trada-Mark (fame as above) apjiears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer, " given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Curner Pollock and Middle fits., inlJO dwly enrm New Berne, N. C. Personal. Mr. F. C. Bryan returned to Norfolk yesterday after a short visit to his old home. Hisa Settle l ord ham, of Kmston, is Tisiting Mrs. A. J. Scarborough. i Mr. Q. F. M. Dail has returned from Greene county court. Messrs, O. R. Thomas, jr., Clement Manly, and H. L. Qibbs went down to Beaufort oil professional business last night. Mayor" Court, r The'following cases were disposed of yesterday: Or. Fox, drunk and down in the city limits; fined $5 and cost or 15 days on the streets. ', Violet Wiggins, ool., riotous and dis orderly In city limits; fined $5 and cost or 10 days on the streots. Louisa Earner, ool., riotous and dis orderly In the city limits; fined V and oost or IB days on the streets. ) Per nU White, Jfames White and Mar. tUle White, .charged- with yiolatlng ohap', 5, eeo. 4, oity - ordinance; die charged. Su - : Violet ;Wigginsv ssault and battery with deadly, Weapon; bound oyer to court. LouUa. Harper, assault and battery with' deadly weapon; bound over Witt aitanoed age thedeclinluir powers are. wonderfully refreshed by Hood's Sarsaparilla.' U really doea "make the caeiona. banked with Tanous rare flowers and plants and ana lnen vne CUT JoneB- brooms and duster, 75c ; Small wood & tuh momnri.i oinn. n m).n.lli Councilman Kennedy moved that the Slover, sundry bills, $12 15; M. E matter of making a deed be left with wa'"5?"!, stationery for otuce, Sl.lU; ... ... kM. .tort... .n H.uhM.Tnr "v""'u'l,"ral nu pump nanus ana gregaiion was unusuany large ana tne "J" engine drivers, 8142 56; Mrs. E. B. services fully up to the standard of this ana clMlt 08 nruciea 10 msse a aeea Ellis, coal for engines and polico office oonirreiration. which ia always of the to Aaron Jones. Adopted. u. K. J;. M wards, work on eng a -a-- t ' " I .... .liJ. WUWfn r n-i. J best on this grand festival of the Councilman a-enneay euggestea tnai - -M'n TJL 5 yuumu. iu uiusiu was uwuuiuuj - --- r- (oo,; Hmaiiwood & Slover, sundry bills, rendered, sweet and appropriate, the P,aco lne PumP on uta rronl ana 816.45; Smallwood & Slover, sundry sermon an impressive one. and the Muddy streets soon as possible. puis, d.7; Hale tire Harness Co., $55 v,. i. .i.i.- I Tha following neraons were anDointed I iowi iuoi.a4. uuuiuu buiuuiuuiiauig fit mo veto I ' bration of the Holy Euoharist rery registrars and judges of election, to be large. Of the offering we hare heard beld the nrst Monday in May, laau no account but it was doubtless liberal ,rBt wara' L- u- "Owar registrar in amount. I A' r-arsons ana Asron ueu juages, At 5 o'clock the Sunday School cele- election to be held at the station house; bration took place which was. while cond ward, J. K. Willis registrar, mnoh in th orlr of fnrmar nnu. W. F. Rountreeand Jeremiah Abbott highly interesting and delightful. The judges, polls to be held at J. K. Willie classes march in singing as processional shop; third ward, Thomas Stanly regis "Onward Christian Soldiers," and eaoh trar, James W. Hcott and W. a. smith, with its banner took position in the pew polls to be held at Phillips' shop; fourth u; o.utu. priuwu progr.m d K R Jon s regiglrar David I3ale of Town Property. Pursuant to a judgment of tbe Supe rior Court of Craven county, for pur poses of partition, I will sell at Publio Vendue, at the Court House Door in Newborn, on Monday, May 5, 1890. 12 ciocr M.., the water front of Lot No. 17, on East Front street. Terms, cash. CHAS. C. CLARK, Commissioner. Newbern, April 3, 1890. tds and approved Minutes were read Board adjourned. R. P. Willams, Miyor. Silas Fulchek, Clerk. Assistance for Mr. Collins. It is proposed to purchase an artificial leg for Mr. John Collins, who was so unfortunate as to break his only leg sometime since. Contributions for the purpose will be received by W. E. Snellings at his store on Pollock street, A Iay Mi 1 lor at a otnr a Rm A atA- v,. -j -..0. ... a m TJ. .........Bvamnu, At the call or the superintendent each - a-- " V .' and R. J. Gooding, oorner Pollock and okh preeeowu a guiuD du wdics wh puin mi uo uu muoo ouuy, nnu i a.rflflta wruuKuv iw u bwuou kw ward, w . u. tiooten registrar, a. w. upoownion .pyeuoa ,a largo letters, lVA-.rA. .nA Vf. p Omm inAon nnlU He is Risen." An offering was also ... . 7 . . 7 . ' ' made br classes. The service, were 1W neia at rive rointa market intoned by the Rector and choir, a The Mayor suggested that the name practioe whfohwe think might be well LfNeuse street be changed baok to its congregation is accustomed to It or not. " 1(u uo nuggeuuou One of the most pleasing events of the was adopted. day was the appearance oi an elegant The Mavor reauested CnunRiimnn rult"uy?l8kwi tiJ? !? mrioh to Uke the chair while he made vuo uuuiuu vj ui uiu an, ouuuu 0, , ... , ... . Waters In loving remembrance ot their """"'"a in iuayor deceased daughter, May Louise. It ia a I stated that a report had been circulated taat ne was snort in his aocount as treasurer in lov-vv; that the report An hour and a half's entertainment was inoorrect and untrue: that he had for 10 cents neyer owed the city a dollar, but that thft eltv hid alwSTii nvnd him and ia in his debt today; that he had on hand, as UN 6 W DQIJie O. I. Jj. Mild was eioellent and the church elewhtlt PPerd. 'rm xmination of the decorated with flowers. finance committee, $778.92 of the funds Tuoorlaw Vnnm'nn. Ail Q the Hancock Street M.E. Church, 0f the city, that he turned oyer to Mr. I uoouu,J xjvouiug, nu o R. SAWYER, Fashionable Tailor, SEW BERNE. N. C , Keeps constantly on hand a full lino of samples of the very latest styles of Foreign and Domestic Goods. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Middle St., two doors south of Hahn's Livery Stables. superb piece of workmanship of beauti ful design, and a fitting, memorial to one so pure and lovely. The Methodist Church was tastefully decorated ana the servioes were at tended by a large congregation At the Catholio Churoh the usual im pressive services were held. The muslo .At i Rogers' Exhibition. BENEFIT OF TOE .- ' Unawanooga.- W-M :f- wtk strong.' , - .r, 4, 18 were well attended. : iiiituKi MKr tus nxBoiiaaiiuu oi inei finance committee, and before his sue usual Sunday servioes were held. AT 8:80 O'CLOCK. Punch and Judy, Shadowgraphs, and oiner features, uood music. Our HANDSOME NEW SILVERWARE. "Bell The Jeweler" 1,000 Boxes Tobacco, Bought Cheap, And will be Bold at a Sacrifice WHOLESALE GEOOEB, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. "N. C. M. P. HOLLY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next door to P. M. Draney's Hardware ' Store, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Large stock of fine samples. Clothing made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates reasonable Also, cleaning and dyeing done in neatest style. 18dSm Lumber! Lumber! Are you going to build, or are yon needing lumber of any kind? If yott do, write to me, as I can make your prioes lower than yon oan bay else where. All kinds of building material always on hand, either rough or dressed. Flooriog, weather-boarding, ceiling, moulding, eto. O. W. RICHARD80W, janlJdwCm Cove.N.O,

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