f r s u m a p. r a a s ot a ckv khtj - " - - - t - . I TSX DAILY la six' ootami . ipr, published daily, iMpl MemUy at .oo per year, I UB tor six iuaUi Mlwtl toctty auoacaMberaat WeentaaeraseaUi TUI VKKK uT JOURHAl ft M column HPr pabllcM ery Thursday fUH pir annua AUVBSTOWQ BATSS (DAlLT-OBe nab. Ma tey tl W; Ma tor mob sabeqoent Uawttoa - adTertlaaeeas wader heed of "Buainees -Man," 19 oafcta par tor Unl and 6 cents foe wrj aiibafejtiesit Utaertleei B Mvamaanawta Ulbelnaei'.e4 between I teal matter at any ansa. KoUoes or jlarriiawe or Dea a, not to exoeed tea Unas vriu ba Inserted free All addition better vUl be enartedloenu per Una rayiaeass for t transient advertisement aoat ba aaede la adrauoe Reeniar adrer : ttaemeaUwUtb collected promptly at the enj er each snonta - ; v ' . Cosamanleabona aontatalnc news of a dbv eaaaton or ooai Kauei-ir tolioitad. No .eoamupteeUon must be ajKoaetad to ba nub llahad tnal eonteina obteetlonable neraona 1 tie withholds tna aame- of tha author or ' hat will mac nioratuan one column o ft h rpar Any person reelrMafrieTedt any anony mooa oomiaanjoetioo oan'obtatn the name o autnor ay ap'hHeetlon at toil offlee aud aovmc woaraln tntineanee aztota TIlJiJOUKNAL. T'T-T 1' B. H4lPI - (uImm Heacr. 'W BERNE. N. U.. APRIL 20 1890. .etetedet the Poat offlea at N Ban. K 0 Meeooadrslaas suiter. . BH0E1AIEB STICK TO TOUILAST. . Restlessness is one of the con- ditiona of existence. Tbe sea of humanity is agitated. Ware beats upon wave, and billow follows billow. This is not peculiar to any era, Shakespeare makes ltichard the Second say : "Thus play I in one person oiany people. And none contented; sometimes ami King; Than treason makes me wish myself a beggar. And to I am: then crushing penary Persuades me I was better when a King, Then am I King again; and by and by Think that I am unking 'd by Boiiog broke. And straight am nothing; but what e'er I be, Nor I, nor any man that but man is. With nothing shall be pleased, till he . be eased With being nothing." There is no perfect rest for man until he shall hare entered into "that rest which remainetb for the people of God." Bat there are antidotes for an rest, and the surest and best of thARA ifl Iahnr. Plonsnrn sutiitAa dissipation destroys, and even travel with its ever changing scenes, fails to satisfy and tran qoilize. Labor is the great con servator, and in tho "sweat of his face" man eats his bread. Labor has many departments, each requiring special qualifications for success therein, and happy is the man whose taste, education and vocation harmoniously blend for the accomplishment of the high ends of life. The lawyer must have a legal mind, and be learned in the law and practiced in its application ; the physician should understand thevponstitution of man, the nature of dlseasfe and its remedy, and the farmer must know his business in all Its complications. Bat no less important is per sistency of purpose and inflexible determination to succeed in the life work of the man. ''Shoemaker stick to your last." Jt.has been said that "the object of. business is to make money," and so sharp and close is compe tition that a point has been' reached where there must be long continned effort in one line in order to make progress. There is no business in which any man goes forward to success without encountering difficulties. Frost comes and destroys early vegetation, and later come storms and inundations ; the farmer does not abandon his purpose, bat with renewed energy buckles down to tha A am in A a rf rVin nilnatinn - And so it is in every avocation of life. t - There , is another suggestion .snvsra sMan Trr rt omiaa in Thin connection. Success depends more ' noon tbe man than it does nnon the occupation. The man is before the business and creates it. When we ask, "What kind a business ' T ''a - II. 1 man la ajonesi we are reauy bbk. log what kind of a man he is, and when we ask whether he!is doing good business, while we are thinking of the amount of his busi ness, , and its profits, much, more we tre 'thinking of how much of rhA man fa in it." V.ABBUUilug tub buoio la a iDiti '.- M .da u Sa thaa h aa A n nA a I ('ahnAmaVAP Rtlr"-"tA -Tnf Iat will lead to independence - and fortnna. f t . V' ; CaufederaU Teteraaa Jtatlsr. i The signs of activity among the old Confederate soldiers are un mistakable. The Atl&n taBe-Union on tbe 36th inst,the regular Memo rial Day meeting of ''Mecklenburg Gamp" here in Charlotte on -the 10th of May, the Veteran Parade en the 20th, and the great Vmveiling of the Lee statue at Bichmond-on the 29th, all come in rapid sucees eion, and are now upon us. - We hear, too, that the "Mecklen burg Camp" is about completing an arrangement of joint action with .the "I. M. 0. A.. for a good historical library and museum ; and that "Mecklenburg Camp" is also contemplating a grand reunion, and homestead and battlefield visi tation, at their regular annual camping here on the first Thurs day in August 28th and 29th of the month. The idea is to invite all' old soldiers and others who have removed from this Piedmont section to jein in this August camp," and then form parties for re visiting old homesteads, historio sites, and famous places,all through this region, and arrange for excur sions, also to several great battle fields of Virginia. We heve seen a letter from a gentleman in Ten nessee, in which it is stated that, if they conld get excursion rates on the railroads, 50 to 100 persons would atteud such a re union from a single ronnty in that Start. Reduced rates have alseatly been made for the Atlanta and Richmond gatherings, and we hear of several going to each from this city and vicinity; and we are authorized to say that any others expecting t do so, will oblige the officers of the Camp by reporting their names to the Secretary, D. G. Maxwell, when they will receive proper cer tificates as delegates. Charlotte Chronicle. Strength for the Lalor. There are many people who seem exceedingly anxious siDce they must work, to find something which is easy to do. I5ut it is by no means certain that this is a wise course. IIow much would a biy know if he was constantly kept at easy lessons t lie might study his primer for fifty ears. aud everything would be easy; but what would he know, and what would he be fit for! So a Dcrson might read easy books, like the sloppy, trashy, sensational novels oi me aay, dul wnen he had read lor yyj years what would he know, and what would he be sroodforf Such things do not task the mental energies, do not develop mental powers, but leave a man as they found him, only a little more weak ly and flabby than he was at the Degmnmg. o witn easy work; work which tries no muscle de velops no muscle. A man who never puts forth efforts which tett his powers and try his strength will never have much power to test or strength to try. He will grow up lazy, flabby, feeble, and unfit to fight the battle of life. There is much work to be done which requires men of brain and men of brawn, men of mental vigor and of- muscular power, and the world at large has little use for men who are always looking for easy placos and for easy work. What wo need is men of muscle, brawn, pluck, courage, and strength; men who are ready to grapple with difficulties,. dangers, and hindran ces; take hold of what comes, and do what is needed; meet enemies and overcome them, and do work which shall tell in time and eter nity. God calls us to quit ourselves like men to be strong in ihe Lord and in tho power of Ilia might. Let us be ready to obey Uis call, and do His will: and it we do th work which He gives us, we shall have blessing In our labor while we dp, it, blessing on our labor when it is accomplished, and blessing for our labor at the end. Boston Christian. Thought it was Her Brother. A rather small girl, perbaps eight sum mere, got aboard an F street car the other day with a doll thrown over her 6houlder as big as a four year old child, nnder the weight of which she positively staggered. It had on a real little boy's hat, and it was not until the passengers bad time to observe the fixity of its round eyed stareand the unnatural hue of Its porcelain com plexion that they realized it was not an actual infant. It even had on a thick coat, for protection against the weather, 'made in the latest fashion for children, and its hair bung in golden ringlets oyer its shoulders. The little girl seated herself near tbe forward end of the vehicle and placed the doll beside her in the, attitude of looking out the window, as children do, kneeling upon the seat. Presently, the conductor came along for fares, acd sh9 banded him a single ticket. "You must pay for your little brother, too, if he is to occupy a seat. This is the rule of this line." "But this, is not my brother," jreplied the small girl, sitting with one nana noicuoz on to the aou which was still apparently engaged in looking on of the window. ' 4,WelL he, may be your cousin for all 1 know; bat yer gotter pay fee: him unless jou take him on your Up.' V v . .' "All right' --said theimail girl philosophically, ru take him." And with that she lifted the doll into her lap, so that it faced the Loondactor, who;fter ? gazing at'it xor .eignt. seconds by- the watob, rushed out upon the platform amid the tittering of the other passen gers, and, in his agifatipn, recorded four extra uncalled for fares.' Tbe little girl got off at Ninth street with the doll over her shoulder and staggered .toward Pennsylvania avenue. Washington Stan ' Bare Matrimonial Combination. The county clerk's record of Cook county, Illinois, show the following named persons who were united in marriage: Thomas Black and Mary White, Peter Day and Ellen Euight, Solomon Bank and Kate Vale, James Hill and Susan Dale, Isaac Slate and Jane Thatcher, John Barber and Mary Butcher, Stephen Head and Nancy Heart, William Stately -and Jessie Smart, Joseph Beed and Jnlia Hay, Thomas Spring and Mary May, Joseph Brown and Kitty Green, I John Bobbing and Jennie Wren, 1 William Castle and Nancy Hall, ! Peter Chatter and Fanny Call, Joseph Mann and Eliza Child, John Meray and Lucy Wild, Thomas Bruin and Mary Bare, James Fox and Katherine Harp, Anriraw (,lav And Tinnv Sfnnp. i Mitchell Blood and Lizzie Bone, James Nowell and Ada Hood, Edward Cole and Nancy Wood, James Broom and Ellen Birch, Chas Chapel and Susan Church, j HOT DROPS, For ccughs and colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops, For pneumonia and lar;ngetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, takn Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, taka Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot lo. Prepared by H. Mozlej, M.D.. At- anti. Oa. novldwly I.EBION ELIXIR Its 'Wonderful Effect on the Liver, Stomach, nowell, Kidneys ana Blood Dr. Morley 's Lbmon Elixir is a pleas ant lemon drink that positively oures all Biliousness, Constipation, Indiges tion, tteaaacne, Malaria, Kidney Die ease, Dizziness, Colds, Loss of Appetite, Fevers. Chills. BIntnhAR. Pimnlen. Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all otner aiseases caused by disordered liver, stomach and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar rer bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D., Atlanta. Qa. Good nature is more nerreeable in conversation than wit, and gives certain air to the .countenance which is more amiable than beautv. It shows virtue in tbe fairest light, takes off in some measure from the deformity of vice and makes even folly and impertinence supporta ble. The Importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At tills season nearly every one needs a good medicine to parity, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we' ask you to try Hood's DAfMlIiar ftanaparilla. Itstrengthcns rebuild! jrojja, Bp tte gyStcm( creates an appetite, nd tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. - Tbe peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparllla pecul- r- 1ealf lar curative powers. No 1 O IfClT otbermedlclne has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be Induced to take any other instead. It, is a Peculiar Medicine, and la worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparma Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood ft Co, Lowell, Han. ,100 Dosei Orto Dollar !TF. '8. 'Duffy, druniatt agent,. ITaw COMPOUND EmCTlVw ilg x J, Both tbe method ' aid results when and refreshinff to"the taste, and acts gentlyyet ; promptly on &a Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tern effectuidlv. dumAla colds, head- tern effectually, dispels colds, bead- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy or its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac effects, prepared only from the most mm Jicellent qualities commend it , &Te,'"""l and $1 bottles bv all leadine drue- , gists. Any reliable druggist who may not nave it on nana wiu pro cure it promptly for any one who ! wishes to try it. Do not accept any than similar goods can be purchased elsewhere. -BUtute- ! Eespeoffujly, fill ir-nnuit r-tf numm rtn 1 Murunnm no ornur ou. SAM FRANCISCO, CAl. lOWSVtue. Kr. Nn tour, r CAUTION Take no shoas nnlaaf Vf, L. Dona las' nam and price are stamped on tha bottom. If the dealer cannot supply yon. send direct to factory, enclosing adTartlsed price. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy X,aecd Grain and Creed Uoor Waterproof. r Best In the world. Examine his SS.00 GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. 4.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOET 3.60 POtlCE AND FARMERS' SHOE, 92. DU AiL'llVA (ALIUS B11UI. liwnWiTnHKN'll SHOKfl. SMMasdeLW BOS SCHOOL SHOES. All mode In Congreu, Button and lAce. $3&32 SHOES lafd.58. Ol.TS SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting. Xf. L. Doualas, Brockton, Mass, Sold )J o. nvri-iis, Cor. Pollock. snd Middle Sts.- mor22dtJiil 1 Another Lot of Samples AT J II HOWARD'S, AT NEW YORE COST ! Pocket Books for all. A few Bilk Umbrellas, s'Z) 26 for ladies 4 in hand and Silk Scarfs. A large lot of Wiudsor Ties for bojs. Colored H. Hose in great variety. Men's Handkerchiefs. Six dcz. Napkins in the lot, a bargain. Men's Balbtigaan Sbitts, a large as sortment. All of the above at N. T. Cost. J. M. HOWARD. WANTED BY LOUIS STERN, Of Burn- Bikbr 4 Co. 'Jrleans. ! OOMM1B8ION MERCIIANT, 7J Pine Street. 'faeir York City. - Heron Plumes, Egret Plumes, Alligator Skins, Hides and Wool. 'Sea Birdfe or alt fjoclf, and Bouthern product. Cash advances made against bhlpmentslf desired, i . . , HIKERKNCK8, Importers and Traders Sat. Bank, New York City. Cfermania Nat. Bank. New Orleans, La Peoples' Mat. bank. Mew Orleans, L. -.- . LOUIS jTERV, m23d8rA TO Pine Street. New York. AtCost. The Finest and largest SftUPtl; MATS Ever brought to New Berne, ranging In price from 2 00 per dozen to $30 00 per dozen,, -. - i ' . . ' . . . .A floe Stock of . - IClothing, . Shoes and r.VJJry.GobdsVw' jns received at . - C:rritsn & Doxt: i ri V .v Has jut retoKed-r.th C n y n nr Kci h n ? ever brought to New Berne. NOVELTIES IN DRESS GO 'from UUililg UIIU SHOES of every detenptaoa'at toe cheapest possible prices. 46 ? v ,;V In KEADY-MADE CLOTHING1! will positiyeiy ?mvs VoV V feakt'- ' 20 to 25 per cent., asT.haT ow. figures and will jell them accordingly. t Poraastanee, A Fine 11- Wool Satin-faced, Dreae Suit , . - , , 1 ' ast $10 or $12 anywhere els J. Flannel Coat and Vest for 70o.', 1' '-:'-r- ' Seersucker Coat and Vest for 700.'.- v ;- Boys Suits from $1 up. Oar stick comprises so Jiany NEW, u h la mM". 10 " We Solicit an Examination of Our Stock, Feeling confident that we will mako it vour patronage. REMEMBER ! the prioesof onr ids can be purchased elsewhere. - ' , i A Eespeoffodly, K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi i j Sold at manufacturer's price?. i i Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR f.1EN ONLY! I P ACITIVF For "ST or FATXIHO VAHBOOSj ' n ww. uenerai and niSAVuua unmi,ii 1:11 H ! biowj .. I M M mr, . . . J . WUJ. iMui. ZZ77S SH 22TE. TSiS ImitlioWIUlI.lINnilVtLOrlCD okahs a riETSofBODr. Vwlul.ll mhllta HOIS THUTIUiT-feaHU la a tf. f. teiUfr trom 41 St.lM, TnrllaHM, aa4 Faralta Cantofaa. saeaawrilaUwai. Baot. tall WfUaaUaw, a4 ft It lallal ST.IOUIS.MO. Hlg-ffl-ia OALI.AS.tCX AGENT. WANTED. . HUmPHREYS' VETEREAfil SPECIFICS : For Earses, Cattle, Sheep, logs, Son, . AJTS POULTKT. . 5OOPWB.rt.-jr5t.fAlB,aU crmes(FeTer, Concestiona, ' InflanmatteHt ' A. A.i Spinal Meningitis, Milk Verer, B. n.Stralna, LameneM, RbeanaUaai. C. C.Dltemper, Nasal Dlackwrgea.. D. D. Bote or Grab, Worms, a '.. E. E. Contha; Hearea, Pnenmanla. - F. F. Colieo Gripe. Bellyache. G. G. MUcarrlate, BeBsarrkag-ea,: H. HVrlnary and KUaey Dlwaaes. I. l.wEraatlTe Dlaeaaea, Maaga ji J.K.-Dleaaas f Digeatlaa. Stable Case, with BpeeMos, Hanual, Witch Basel Oil and HedlgatoTi . Sf.OS Price, Single Bottle (orer SO dceea), . .ta Sold by Drat sists; or 8nt Prepaid anrwbsrr and in any tuantlty on Eeoelpt oi Frlos, Humphreys Hsd. Co., 109 Fulton- ML, I. 't. E0ME0PA1HI0 flf ISPECIFICNo.frO W veryitLorS Tulandlun Tlai powder, for ai, SoUBX PBUOonn. oraentpoatpaid on noalptat Jihmm'MSuml4.,A aa H., JU x, lM- fMn A tll"rif our Veterinarv ''Prnnaratloni can be had of J. V. Jordan,' Druggist, N. W. tor. Broad and Middle treU Kewbtrn, N. Q,jrfJJ "-f 1 ROBERTS & DRO. t'.. j XV:M f,-T J'''in'i. XUwi'-' it"'- WHOLESALE DEALERS ttif Dry Good?,. Boots and Shoes. We etllffmt'B direotroinWltllft ) in Michigan. - t-f ' .. We bare in stock a bigiupplt of- West India Molasses. i.-. '..,,.1.' . ':::"T ' f.-l ... V - f W-'t which we import direct from the West Indies. ' . Oivens a call and see our prloes. - ROBERTS & BR0., ? , ',. 8onth Front street, 1 - ' , NEW BEENlC J We lob Gall AIAt'a nndLorir. Blffll'lillH .U"ll!l- fll 1 l&fm'DcbnitfTVital Wecsj,j mnA Trtmkrm. fwtm altfomark M A thaw mnatf ' Li L -u Ji the m:t superb stockof. n r i ni n r R n n r ! 0 .We are now durplaylnrall thr t Vl ODS NOTIONS and GEN Tfl for $8.50, which woaU eost w ,T " - ' " '.7. . J , - ''t f. , J- GOODS and SPECIALTIES that tta ' 1 1 to your interest to give us a share o ft-ml OH. i ' 1 .' 111. "-.l-'f.l '' goods are and must be as low or lower professional; ROCOLPH DUFJ7. : -, .- NIXOM . Duflv& Nixon, attorneys at law, NEW BEBNB, 0, , . ,,: , Office over R. N. Dtfffy'a drug atora. Branch Offloe: Catharine Lake, Ons low county. t ; apif dwly - P. H. PEIJiETIEB, ATTOBNE Y AT, tA? , ANl ViOSTYlBKOKER. Orareh St.,' two doors 'South Of Journal ofnoei f t ; ' ' A speolalty made in egoUatnt, small 5 loans for short, time. Wiii prartiee in tha Ooontlea of Orayam. CkW teet, Jonas, Onslow and Pamlico. , United BUtea Court at Maw Bane, and-' Supreme Ooort of the State, :: " ' ...i.-'fcA, . Manly M&afatij Offloe d floor of Qreen. Foy j Oo,1i . bank, Middle street. New Berne, . a Wilt praotioe in tbeesourte of Uarea ( and adjoining conntiee, in the Snpreane Court of the State, end ia-the Federal . Gourta. ' t ' aprtdwtf :T . H. STJOIONS, H. UtUBBS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW,,; , Will praotioe Jn the counties of Oraea, Jonee,r.Oriel6w,:CarUretv1 FanaUco, Unoit and Hyde, and in the, Federal , Oeurta. ' - -' ' r pfflce on Craven etreeV aeztdoor 1 below JonairAii offloe,, r . eplftdwtfn- T i4i4i.rv . ! DENTIST, - i ' ' it. BEW BEBJIEa W, O. Offloe on, Craren strt at, between PoUoek . ,. and Broad. ,jflw 1 . "''I' ." t'l."'1 '," I. V ll J tit Hn' v inp ir-niiiis EASTERN NORTH CAROLIU ' Clarajq .- i : . id tfait tfa fli 1Vil.i f; .. .!(' ' JST ew Brne,r iN; v C.- - re v J 'r' ir? " ' ';u- i J?4 A)6Mt WarndUVv -1 qoalifiee of material. t J , -, '' , , rdets solioKei ani'l'lvW H ' sarjsssssssnjp: LflL. ii rt ... . ar - - " er T . , r .. fc t :J , ' anention, t wuni aaturaotlon Ogaaran- v r j?n- ju. aaiiut u my agent at Kinston, sh and iALBXl FBL&S . Timlap . traMllns H '? aw:M tfti r; m" "ndWhtrtVyEes "w. . P'xna wi,i-"'ii ;,. , ut pain. lo,ianf,r.y-'.'.,'" . mlant I IHtVl I I ' i, u 1.' I Si 'JiVvu UilBt.rv,,". . All Kinds of Orain.JIri:!; ri; i Agricultaral X!r sfsrtr bet.' IT. 0 "3 ni iy? .r. ,'0 .. i t'tit' ID in me cose, tuc viu nuatjp, j;-,V,-:'v ; weridw v I i ?f- ' 'i ' ' I '. ' .' ''.''I'i.V t'.'..; Berne. N. C. t p ,a marl cwly -1 lard's Snuff. . , , - t ,, s,

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