AT :. .. the journai;: tv- a a vr Ul t- w ' ;oti:i::3 sucgei: vr . like success;:. STfiAMESS. FABinms' LIRE. tT0 roZ6ME!f2TA3.' - t ' " 1 " - ' ' ' ' S ' ' " " j nMffft iriitii "riiE" nnnnn .jji.d wim nit uuuu. - We gave no optica, bat bought outright a Superb Stock of Spring Dry Goods. Every department is loaded down with the latest productions. " We haye everything whioh Fashion demands for the season, and we will " . " i . ; guarantee our prices vto be as low, and very many instances lower than New York Figures. We promise reliable good's, honorable dealings, and our prices wo will 1 . guarantee against the Amerioaii World. r s w iii hi liVlw rn That 0. MARKS is ... woii as me uuecipcst for all kinds of Goods. He sells both That 0. MARKS carries the largest, most " nmn1ftt.A and comprehensive Stock of Dry Goods. Shoes and Notions in this State. ' That O. MAEKS is always the first V I' ll. 3 1 i. ,1.. Ill UB H 1VI1AV1V eAiva 4iuvu t-vvuu- That 0. MAEKS invites the closest and values with those of other houses eopy bis prices. Tbat O. MAEKS will meet any cut nrovided the cut is made in cood faith n end that he defies competion. Knock Down Arguments: Here are a few of the many Knock Down Arguments. Let competitors howl and declare it can't be done, but remember it is money in the customer's pocket. 50,000 yards heavy yard wide Domestic 5c. per yard 5,000 Check Nainsook (P. K.) 5c. 50,000 " Ginghams, fine dress style, only 8c. " 5,000 De Bege Dress Goods, only 5c. " 2,000 " Linen Crash Towclings, only 5c. " 5,000 " Hamburg Edgings, only 5c. " 5,000 " " " " 7c. " 0,000 " " " " 10c " 6,000 " India Lawn, only .5c. " 5,000 " ' " " " 8c. " 100,000 pair Ladies' Hose, only 5c. per pair 50,000 " " " " 10c. 8,000 Fine Ladies' White Neckties, embroidered ends 5c. 10,000 Ladies' Linen Collars, at 5c. Ladies' Button Kid Shoes 75c. And a thousand and will not allow us to .mention. WHOLESALE TRADE :-t ah I will-offer special inducements. My stock is much larger than ever for spot cash, and I benefit of my discounts. you Goods as cheap You will save money deader of ;A. 'ft iiti ink iniiii iniy: m w w w w - - - the most reliable, as uuuac m mc vllv Retail and Wholesale. to reduce prices, and sells only the scrutiny and comparifen of prices who imitate his method and try to prices made by any reputable house, and not as a bait to obtain businesp, one other things space before, and all bought give the Trade the Therefore I can sell as Northern markets. and time by calling on Low Prices, iilarks, TJnflinohing Dante of a later day, " Ihoa who -but wandered through the realm of pain. And teen with aching breast end whirl ing brain Woee whioh-thou wert nnable to allay, What frightful visions hast tpu . ' bronnhtewav; ..'. . ..-. Of torments, passions, agonies, atrug jrles vala 'f- To break the prison walls, to read the . ; cnain- s. -.. v -r Of hopeless hearts tod desperate to pray T Men are the devils or that pitiless hell! Han guard the labyrinth of that nine fold ourse! Marrel of marvel! Thou hast lived to tell. In prose more sorrowful than Dante's Terse, OX pangs more grievous, enfferiegs more fell Than Dante or his master dared re tl6& 183! -Nathan Haskell Dole. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Mrs. Wis slow 'b Soorawa Syrup should always be nssd for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cores wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diar rhoea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly lie ia no friend who enters jonr garden to rob it, or your life to worry youv .11- -, . COMMENDABLE. All claims not consistent with the high oharacter of Syrup of Fig are purposely avoided b theCal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure all and makes no pretensions that every bottle will not substantiate. He who is afraid to attempt is already defeated. 1 A If tcetslty of Health. It is a prime neoeesity of health thtt the action of the bowels should be kept regular. But the way to overcome a temporary fit of constipation, or to rem edy chronic coativenees, in not to deluge the stomach and drench the bowels with purgatives of violent and painful action. The happy medium between an inop erative and violent cathartio is Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters, whioh acts just sufficiently upon the bowels to relax them without pain, and whioh being a wholesome tonio as well as aperient, has the effect of strengthening both them and the stomach, and promoting the well being of the whole internal eoonomy. The removal of bile from the blood, increased activity of the liver, usually dormant in cases of coetiveness, and sound digestion follows the use of this beneficent medicine, as thorouah and genial in its effects as it is safe and pure in composition. Rheumatism, fever and ague, kidney troubles and debility are also remedied by it; Death has nothing terrible which life has not made so. Christian fidelity to the duties of this world is the best preparation for the next. Bviybody Kiowi That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of months of close confinement in poorly ventilated stores, workshops and tene ments. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula, salt rheum j or other disease may be expelled by taking Hood's Sarsapanlla, the beet blood puri fier ever produoed. It is the only medi- oine of which "100 doses one dollar" is true. 8 IT Hlsd wandering ettm!. Boskilwrtied ia on reading, Taatimoniali fraa all part o tha globe. . Proapaetoa voeT rasa; lent on anpUeatton to Prof. A. LoiMtta, g37 livii AT. Kew Tack. Found tn tbe Newspaper. From tbe Creeco, Iowa, Flaindealer We have never, as our readers for nearly thirty years in this oounty can testify, wrjtten a 'puff 1 of any patent medicine. Duty as well as inclination imcel tie to denart from thia a tu riled silence, to say to oar readers and the publio that, having been completely prostrated with, a violent and distress ing cold, after three years fighting it with ordinary remedies and getting no relief fPom their use, we obtained a bottle of Clarke's Extract of Flax (Pa Dillon) Couth Cure, obtaining almost instant relief and a steady improvement under its use," Large bottle only 81.00. Ask for Clarke's Flax Soa.p. "Best on earth," 25 cents. Both the above for sale by F. 8. Duffy, druggist. Am Eminent Doctor'! Preacilptlon. Dr.O. P. Henry. Chicago, 111", who has practiced ' medicine many years, says: Last spring he used and prescribed Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure in 40 or 50 cases, and never knew a oase where it failed to oure. " know of no remedy I can rely on so 1m plicitly." Positive cure for all diseases of the skin . Applied externally. - Clarke's Flax Soap is best for babies. Skin Cure 81.00. Soap 25 cents. At F. o. quay's drag store. 1 Mrs. Qeo. P. flnoote. Bmeote. a highly lladyof PrewsoU, Arl AprU 1V89: "During cultivated and estimable k-write, nnaaraateoi the mm- mer of 1887 my eyet beoam Inflamed, -and I my Komaca ana uver nop eamlTdlaordered. Nothing I at With me. I tookehron- le dlarrb I for soma time mv life wai despaired of by my family. ThelaadtngpbT-'' toiana or tne conntry were eonamtea, out, bue Htouuuuav muiuimiw vj mesa never did me any permanent good, and I lingered between lift and death, the latter being pre ferable to the agonies I was enduring. Ia May, 188S, I became alt raited with ph; elant and their medieinea. I drobt all and dependea aoleiy on Bwif ft Bpeelflo (8. B. B.), a few bottles of whioh made me permebtiy weU-rell front thenantU aos, It Bonds tip Old'People. My mother who is a very old lady, was, Dhyiicauy broken down; The eat of Swift's fipecitto (4. 0. MJM entirely rsstored her to health. K. B. DI1WOSTH. Oreenville. S. O. Treatise on Blood and SklabiseaMs mailed rp (S Keeps constantly on hand a full line of samples of. the very latest aty lee of Foreign and Domtetic Goods. Satisfac tion guaranteed. . Middle si. , two doors south of Halm's Livery 8tablee T0SRent4 The Two Stores in Sfinly Hall, for mcjrly occupied ny the Post Office end Mr. Pima, will ha. ranted for a term of iy ears to desirable tenants on favorable terms. The building now occupied by the Daily Journal is also offered for sale or to rent. . , , , Information in ' respect to said prop erties may be obtained from Sir. L- S. Wood, or communication! may be ad dressed to A. EDWARD WOODRUFF, 120 Broadway, Equitable Building, aplSdtf - New York City. House For Kent. A very desirable dwelling on Union street, next to Mr. E K. Drj an. Apply to m4dif J. K. WILLIS. FROM NEW YORK CITY.; Mil. A K. ITawkes Df-arSli: Yitnr patent eyt-tilk8tHS received roiue time xtnee. aud am very much graiinl fit the wondeiful ehhnge that baa come ovtr tny eyetWht IDC 1 have discard' d r..y old nlaare m.d am no w wearlun yo ir. A LKXAXDEK ) I!. Hecretary Mallon 8' tiOKiri nf'i'indr. Allejes titled at tbe d'Ug stoie of F.S. DUFFI,NewbeD.N.O. pecll) Wlv fi,,v" Catarrh CREAM BALM lvsV Clranaea (he Natal raaaegca Allays Pain end Inflammatinii. Heala the 8or a Resora Ike Scaae of la ate 1 and Smell, fm'im ' ) HAY-FEVER TRY THE CUSE A particle la applied into each nostril and la agreeable, hrlce 50 cents at Urucslata; hy mail, reKlBlered. 60 eta. ELY BKOTHKR8. 66 Warren 8trel. New Y.rk pprlOJwly LITTLE INDIAN, Middle street, correr cf South Front, you can findlhe choicest ciiiars. of TANSILL'8 PUNCH, the finest 5 cent ciar in Amerioa, and other brands of the best make and purest stock. Tobacco of all kinds. Fine Cut, or Corn Silk Tobacco, Cigarettes (I don't sell paper cigarettes). Pipes, Smoker's Artioles of all kinds. Also, Candies, Fruit, Sola Water, etc, etc. I sell everything I have if I oan. Wif. L. PALMER. Stale of Town Property, Pursuant to a judgment of tbe Supe rior Court of Craven county, for pur Doses of partition. I will sell at Publio Vendue, at the Court House Door in Newbern, on Monday, May o, lorn. 12 o'clock, M , the water front of Lot No. 117, on East Front street. Terms, cash. CHAS. C. CLARK, r- , Commissioner. Lumber! Lumber! Are yon going to build, or are you needinz lumber of any kind? If yon do, write to me, as I can mate yonr prices lower than you can buy else where. AU. kinds of building material always on hand, either rough or dressed. Flooring, weather-boarding, ceiling, mould me, ew. 1 . 0. W) WCEfARDBON, jatil3d?m , , - CpveN. q. .M. P. HOLLY, ; FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next door to P. M.-Draney 's Hardware store, v-: SOUTH FRONT STREET. Large 'stock of fine samples. Clothing made to order. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates reasonable Also, cleaning and dyeing done in neatest style. : 18d2m GREEN, F0Y & CO. Do ft' General Banking buBinees. ' Nw BAHKma HotiSB, Middle Street, fourth door below Bote 77 . Albert, ' , feldwly , BTKW BEBNK. W C. 18PROE0S. DENTIST . Offioe, Middle street, opposite Baptist ' &4c9 dwfc -IE WERN; -Ni' 0. BnfJwlnj ftw theeffixrtaof ro-ithftUeT-or,atlT ". -1 loat manhood. ii manuooq, aro. I win 1 a valuable treatlMlaeaieai eena itaining rau Trvt Vt C VOyrhEB, Hoodns, Conn, University of t!:o Sculh Z- 'iKWAHKK, TBXSESSER ' On the Onmberiand Flatean, 8.100 ft above the sea level, offera the healthleat residence tn touM man In lta Grammar Hohcol. It Military, Its College and lta Tbeologloal iwpia ' cor apemai inioiioavion write w -iq TKbraiH uuuuiuii, u.u., Vlee-Chaneellor, atThb mokSf the''' The reason B ADAM'S MICBOBE KILLCB is the most k wonderful medicine, is because it has never, failed in any instance, no -. matter what tbe dhiease, from ' er ' at tr& - j-usouiuai to tne suu- '"r prcBturaiasa .acowa the hnntan system s Tbe solentifle men today claim and prove that'every disease i CAUSED BY MICROBES, ; RadamUicrobeEiller Exterminates the Microbes and drives them oat of the system, and when that is done yon cannot havcan ache or pain,. No matter what the disease, whether a simple ease of Malaria Fever of a combination of diseases, we ewe them all at the earns time, as we treat all diseases oonstitutiojsJIy. , -r Asthma. ConsanptlonCa.tri h. DroncLitls, Bheamat'srn K'd n ey aud Liver Disease, ( hills and Fever, Female 'Troubles In all i( fornis, and, id fact, every Disease .known to the llnmsh System. Beware of FnnMent Imitations 1 See that our trade-Mark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe Killer, " given away by R. J; GOODING, SOLE AGEOT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., . jn30 dwly enrm New Berne, N. C It Is the Dying Truth! BIG IKE has bought the entire stock of W. LB. Flanner at 40c. on the dollar. Our HANDSOME NEW SILVERWARE. "Dull Tho Jonclcr." Salesmen WAHTBD'AT OlfCK 1 " To aell oar eoda bv aampla to wholesale and retail trade. We are the largest mann- racinrera in onr line. Liberal aaisry paid. Permanent poeltlon. Money advanced for wages, advertlalng, etc. For terms address CENTENNIAL MFG. CO., aplSdwlm Chlemro. III. ' J. B. OBABTBXI. BABIL VAULT. J0HNH.CIIABTREE&;C0 ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers la . 1 tNGim A B MACMSTS' SIfTFLlES Bnlldora of BngtiMa. Boilers, gmnr Blllla, Edging Cvt-otf naebimee, Wears prepared to do Oaatlngspf ap kinds W1U1 ptVUl bUt3H, . . Partlonlar and Immedlata aitsntlon given wrapajraofauwnds.- 5, - - Wawlll bd Rlad to give plana and MUmate for any deaoilptlon of inaohlnery. , We are the agenta for the sale of the Anaer loanBaw. AlaoforQ. 4 A. Bargamln's oals oravea inaeaimoiioia mm vaivee We give aatlafaotory guarantee fcrau work donabvna.;. -.-.- ..tySBdaawwiy VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY (As agenta for ownewe offer for sals on aaay and aooommodatlng terns the follow lngdescrlbed improved Beal Eattaln the gilvofNeir Berna: 4 i. Ko. 4. THE IKON FRONT WAREHOUSE ON UR AViN. HTRES.T. No. 6. BRICK bTOKB AND DWEIJJNO ON CRAVEN BTI oooupled by R.O.B. Lodge. . ' - Afalldeseriptlon ef this valnabla proper ty, together with the beat tennanpon which the aamewlll ha sold.nlli be fnrnlahedon ayplication to' the nndaralgnid at their offlo nSonth rront itoasvijrf- Ir '' -T.t.ijc fit ;AL9J0".V, U-'. t&jH-kWtf- H Twe Bouses and Lots on Craven strteLJ . a rarm Bwioy Mns.-?; ii""': . 's'ff-.'WATfMMT aV 8RIET, . dsot d wtf ;Ins. and R Estate AgtsV; AbontrFORTT ACRRS CLEARED LAND, Unated within two inllea of tha olty.anlt ble for truck raising. A great bargain, . ; Atpi to f , "r ' WAISOW i STREETS mayW - '- Real Eat. Agents. J. A. BB!i,Pret. L H. CUTLER JtetPm y , . ' Q. B ROBERTV CatMeri, THE lATIOnflL Dfltill 0 NEW BEENE, N. C. ; j !;t Inoorpobatxp 1868. . ,;-. BarTiliis Profits." snmi -0.7C0 JfAst-iLi' ButAv'lTHOMAB DaRIILS, hi H. OUILMt, Chas. S. Crtam, -fifemeCleojp4ua;v flatnrd&vk 'ejk .ii.w 1 RAtllT&lu. will - and Thbradava at'a an ...t, Hl aaaaaavw a wsasKMa jBvaivasn si r , -.a - Gaa.Manafar, u. ' 'apIS dwly Trenton, K.O. NEWBEBHE.ANB PAMLICO LIME. The Steamer TAHOMA f The .f oilowjng Khtdlf s: now n speratioa: Leave New Berne every Tnesdsy and Friday morning at 7 o'clock:.' ' ; ' ' Returning Wednesday end, Saturday f evenintcs. fJ isrnM.'.r. All landings cn Nense and Bay rivers taken iaiboth ways.'4 fhH- For further information apply to JNO. S. MANIX, Agent.' v 4 .New Berne. Deo. 5, 1889. ' EASTERN CAROLINA umiU The ttitt Freight Uoe " Sa waaa ; Raw Baraa, Kaatoa, -? avtl ' Patata, aad Harfalk,' , Baluaaarv PniUdalpkla. law Vark, loua, vta Kllaakat cttjr. H. C. THE STEAMEtt Eaglet and Annie or una una win - ran e regular aohadola Uma, laavtna Sow Berna mm MOMUaT, WEDNESDAY. and lftUVA. (or juiaaaatb City and re tarn axriTiDg on JnunuAX, TJ1UK8J. DAiunuai, Thee ateamere. In oonnaetlnn wHh h- AttanUo4N.O.K.U Norfolk Boulharn R. R.. New York, Phlla. and Norfolk K, &. and the Pennsylvania R, h., form a reliable and regular Una offering anperior taolllUasfor qulok trani-wrtatlpB . , f , s , i . No tranafera aictpt at Kllaabeth which point freight a 111 be loaded on ears to go through to daatlnatton. Direct ail gooda to be hipped via Zastata OaroUna DUpatcu daily aa follows i 'feiW'lPhlSM by Phlla, W, A Banc K, BDook8wBtatlon, . 1 rrom Baltimore by Phlla- Wll. a Baltu k. Jt,. Prealdent bi gtationT ' rrona Norfolk, by Norfolk Bontharn & B. rrom Boaton. by Merchants a Minora Trana PortUon0o4 New XorkandNewCnglauJ Batasaa lew and tints nlckart .au by any ' Other Una, .-.., . i ''Si JOrOJS (Gen, rgt, Traffie Agent, P. R. B, Q Val Xraffl. i Manuar. . V?7 ' aOOOKK.Oaneral : D A. Hr n 1 ! i FrahrhlAaant. S v. H. a HTJDOINB, General Freight Agent N a. n. ck, 0wnwis. va , V GEO. HEHBBRSOH. Agent, febdw Nawbaraa.N.o. old do::i;:io Si::m:hi? C:.7.p:ny. the OU Iaalaiaa yteaaukJii Ta paaya Ot a VavariU Wataa Raata, via Alkamarta mad Ohaaasaaka Oajaat. ' ' " 101 NarfolR. Baltlaaeca, Saw torK, Pali ; : dalplUa, Besta'a. Pravldaaaa. , . . aaS Waaklaigtaa City, ' And all poiate, North, East and 'West. ';;;.''-"; tmmmm. ..i.-.i :- .. On and after FRIDAT, JfEB. fttn. 'i860 ' until farther notice, the - -Ti. ITT : Stetmsr HUTBO, Cipt .ootiigaU, ' Steimer IWBSJSL Cipl PritcieU. Will sail trow. Norfolk.' iV?liK,w Be via j XS10!? tftiPt . MONDATa elose .eonneeUoa with the B team or of the N. A T. R.B., for Klnaton Trenton. l and alt other landings on the Naoss and Returning, will sail front NEW BtRNK m ;NOBOlidlweV TUEBDAtS andrKI. , , for "'i" 2 i".'.'" snaking on neetion with toe O; 1. 8. B, tio.'i ahlca inxij-(.ja soaking eon: k.Uie 0;l. 8. B. i$o. wk, B. 8. P. Oo.-a fteamaiv. I'iFWJtt1 torPhiiaa,,;iV AM.T, Oo.'a ships for Boaton H.flWJ(",A..'' 00,-s ateamaV wr jmiiiiuiiwv, delphbw St.: delphia, M. and Provtdi and Provldanoa - jWJW ununng efforts to please enrnatrMS, . . end onr almoat porf,eetH(ervloa forth paat ; -fifteen years; is the beat ;goarahte can, " ?5W V1 '.PP to n we wffl do for them in the future, . , v , ,,. Passengers wlUSnd a good table, sentfeYi. ( Sbl rooma, and every eonrteay and nttea.:yr Uon wiu be paid them by the off B. ROBERTS, AgaaU CULPEPPER A TURNER. ; .Agents, Norfolk, 7a. W. H MAHT(fRD, i ,--.."'v -; ' ' '''.;';v1mtWty.' j - a. V ' w gt. gf ,. am 'i. .t l f KEBiniAimiinii TjLriwiiiiT, . On and after October lflL igit thia uka wii u rs. reanme thalr reanlar mm l,i,lj wVk!i:i.t,i,jatiii -.'.., .-k 5i-' tit 'if a ai.l M mA n. . ha J V... ,, -aw iMuiuui b "i cuiu. i in awt- t prn w t ' Wig&Vs2?Zi$Z. w-EDi . ,"T"iiHuiiai'4i1(iur, BslMmore, oa "Thia la tne only WAECT ilnaoot if New - ; - Barn for BalUmora without efaftDra, and on f 1 f their return trip from Baltimore one or. - nectlngthen for Boaton. Provldene f hlla rV j. v jl mm dla r. an. , . L Eaat and Waal Hkiog eioa eonnaetlon, IP's ii point by River aud ten out of New ' Bern, . !,,. if Aunu are a follows! 1 REOBUN W1UL ben'l Manaaei-. t 1 t a a W . i b S IJsb Hu. Baltimore,.' S ,MoOARRltK, Agt konolk. Va7 whlrvee?!' lua?Mal m2TJ' Balto, Trans. Una, Plsr- , Norta river. ' .ir1.'"'?'!' : K. Bampeon, Boston, tt Central wharf - r B U.Kockwe.Provldenoalar::, " ' i. '' V 2rlw t weaneadayiA P" V? " Philadelphia, Monday, , vi a.Atflll.1. C3 . . through bill ladin ain. . a ii il to all pointa at the v ATOID BKJEAXAOB C3T ZTUt AIT ". .' STOP VIA N. C. LIME. ' . W OTIV a k V it I Jfj And give him a Trial. m27 I . free. WH'T 8PK1JIWO CO., Atlanta, Oev marl3dwlm i;W4tBJ,Ti!WirB .ffXT&W' Q, II. KOBEBTS. ... F. M. EfflMONB, xwueiB,N.C,'

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