'AILY OURNAL. 1 - VOL. ' IXrNO. 19. VEW BERNE. N. C. TUESDAY. APEIL 22. 1890. PRICE 5 CEFIS. y X y it 'ft 1 1 1 v , r rra i urea tnniTo LOST Sands? el ternoon, somewhere f between the oourt boa ud the ' Baptist churoh, lady Bilk Bow and s am; Any penon leavlos: it at this ' v nfn.m wui ba niitablT rewarded.- a22tf FINE STALL-FED iBEEf Uta mora ine "J B11 ,tre -v. (J; CHi:lt Jiiiok. LOST-On Bands? night, between the Episcopal Church aha Gaston House, one gold Brawlet. $3.00 re ward will be given for the deliwry of Mine either to tbie offioe or at Quton House. ap23 St , A FINE line of SMALL HAMS, 5 to 7 pounds at John Donn'b tf. FOR RENT Two or three rooms, up Uire, on Middle strait, 'opposite Baptist churoh. aplS tf Dr. O. K Baobt. SODA WATER on draught today at John Dunn's. tf. A BIQ LOT OF CHICKENS Just reoeived from Hyde oounty. Very ana. For sale at D AIL'S. Broad street. FOR SALE. AppletonVt Cyclopcelia of American Biography, in aix ele gantly bound volu mee. Pi ice, $25 00, oost $87.60 The work ia juat from the presto Apply at Journal offlje. f20tf PATENT CLOTHES LINE -Clothes cannot be blown off.. No pint. Sample oan be seen at the Cotton Ex change. ' D. T. Oarrawat. felStf Ageot Manufacturer. last Lea equestrian statue was sniped from Havre on the 12th Inst. Plymouth Church will lose its putor. Dr. Abbott, the successor of Henry Ward Beecher, resigns. Speaker Tom Reed accuses the Republican party ot virtue. Wfiat will Quay and Dudley think Of this! Atlanta Constitution. The Montana Demooaats con tinue to win victories oat in Mon tftia, .but when they come before the United States Senate the Re publicans are too many for them. - Bjatou Herald. ' We hear of several places in ' Eastern Carolina "contemplating" the establishment of small indus tries The way to do a thing is to do It. Contemplation, of . itself, accomplishes nothing. : Editor Dana is very much troubled about Cleveland's increas ing "fat." But the. probabilities are that it is Cleveland's increas ing popularity which is troubling him more than the fat. Wilnjing tin Star. As the time for the annual elec , tion of the Sachems of the society of Tammany draws near, its respect able members are becoming more and more restive over the evident determination of its present rulers to re-eiect "Barney" Martin. New York Star. LI Grippe still playing havoc. Twenty thousand cases of influenza have appeared within ten days in Valparaiso, and the. medical fra ternity find it impossible to answer even a quarter of the calls made L upon them. All the colleges and schools have been closed. - i OONQRESSIONAL aspirants will da well to study the provisions of thd; Sab, Treasury bill. The Alii- ance asks the passage of this meas '-. ...... are, and candidates for Congress : " will be required to pledge them V selves to its support before recelv. Ine the vote of Alliance men. v . - Uonroe Beglster, ' It is noir iery generally believed , that the Republican managers of - the forthcoming census propose to deliberately falsify the coant in the ' S)ath. in order to UaiiC i far as ' possible; the Bohthera representa ' tion tn the ; Jloase.'. ; There are tricks in:all trades laolading ; cen 'ins taking, and -every Southern - State should sleep with the; optlo propped wldeopenV Houston PosC About the only good thine thai v is likely to result from the steat of two rjenaiorBUips irom wuuwiui ,w the revolution in the political com- ' plexlo16(.h1 ef I 'fyi. froniktba;dtyle1e(itt $;-( he)d the other day, when jhe JSettlv torshlps, a t : 3 issue," vronld in : diOate thatVaireadyj the Democracy, have Montana nailed down, Louis vine Time8i'jv:-; J H Thb tendency among modern literary men and women is to under a - t a m iaxe wnac a lew years ago was generalized as style in writing the something that made Dickens notable, Gharles Limb cuarmiDg, and Fanny Fern popular. It, was not always so much what those people said, as the way in which they said it. N. P. Willis illustrat ed the idea of saying things in a striking wiy as much as any man among the writer of his riny. lie is not remembered now so much for what he said iu the way, the taking way, in which he said it Inter-Ocean. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost Gold bracelet. E W. OiRPENTER-NotioO. Journal Bow and sash lust. C. E NDLSO.N-Stall fed'beef. O. D. 8. Co. Change of schedule. Fhe Dtmooratio ward meetings will be held tomorrow night. Remember the Y. M. C. A lecture toaifthtat 8:80 o'clock. Preparations for home entertainments seem to be in Togue. They all promise to be of an interesting character. Treasurer Thomas Daniels says he is eady to pay eft the interest on county coupons whioh is really due in July. A telegram last night from G. S. Palmer, of New York, says that there is very light supply of Southern vege tables. Asparagus is quoted at 83 to $6; peas, $5 to $8; N. C. cabbage, 82 to $2.50. Mr. J. F. Clatk says he will ship to day six one-half-barrel crates of peas, via O. D. line, to Naw York. This is the first of the season. Mr. Clark hipped the first of the season last year on April 17. Coneiderab e frost fell Saturday and 8unday nights, but a careful examina tion of the truck fields chows no serious damage. Beans have probably fared the worst. The leaves on a good many plants are tinged from the snap, but it is only in a very few instances that the bud has been killed. Potatoes and peas show only a slight sign of the effect. We have as yet had no news from Norfolk. We notice that memorial day at Goldsboro this year has been changed from May 10th to 12th in order that it may not be on Saturday which is generally a busy day. Since it does not confliot with the service here a good opportunity is offered New Bernians to attend at Goldsboro. It is probable a number would attend should sufficient inducements be offered oter the rail road. Mayor's Court. The following case was disposed of yesterday: Haywood Huff, chap 5, see 4, dis orderly in the city limits; fined $5 and cost. Shipping News. The steamer Vesper, of the E. C. D. line, sailed yesterday with a full cargo of general exports. The Annie, of this line, will sail at 4 o'clock this after noon. The steamer Newberne, of the O. D. line, will sail for Norfolk at 12 o'olock today. Honor Boll of New Berne Collegiate Institute. Following is the honor roll of the Collegiate Institute for Maroh-April: Misses Jennie Burrus.Minnio Dowdee, Mamie Daniels, Willie Ferebee, Agnes Foy, Lottie Hubbs, Sudie Hall, Emma Katie Jones, Battle Lane, Etta Nunn. Laura Suter, Sadie Vass, Julia Wether ington. Messrs. Robert Jones, Clarence Miller, Edward Mann. Harry Marks. The Lecture Tonight. Mr. 8. M. Giddings, of Brooklyn N. T.fWill deliver a lecture before the Young lien's Christian Association t their hall at 8 50 o'olock. Mr. Giddings d Vice-President of the Brooklyn As sociation and has been connected with the work about thirty-fire years. He will speak upon the general work of these Associations and what they are accomplishing throughout the country Also he will speak on soma of his re- oent travejt to ,the Yellow Stone Park and up, the Pacific ' coast to Alaska The M. E. Sunday-school choir ill furnish the music, - ' ' '. S t - t COMMEHJBABLE. ' All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by theOal. Fig Syrup Company. It acta gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, cleansing, the system effectually, but it is not a oure all and makes no pretensions ttut every bottle wui noi sunstanuata. TWO WEKE DROWNED. Three Boys Were Sailing on Neuae River on Sunday The Boat Turned Over One Occupant Saved. About 11 o'clock Sunday morning Henry Conner, about 14 years of age, was sent by bis parents aoross Neuse river, it is said, to' get sand. Henry was acoompanied by David Tooker and Horace Day, aged respectively about 14 and 13 years, he having invited them to go with him. The boys used a sail boat belonging to Conner's brother. They went over to Gray wood first, however, and played sometime, and then prooeeded to Sandy Point on the east side of Neuse river. When near the east shore of the river the boat turned over and Tooker and Day were drowned. Conner clung to the boat, which drifted to the James City shore. He was taken up by a passing boat and brought to the oity, arriving here about ix o'clock in an almost exhausted and sensible oondition. The reporter saw him yesterday morning and he told the following story: "We left here (Patterson's Island) about 11 o'clock and the acci dent happened about 12, 1 think. We were sailing along, laughing and talk ing, as boys will, not notioing the wind, when a back flaw came and jibed the sail and turned the boat over in a min ute. Wo were then about one hundred yards from shore. We all clung to the boat. It drifted further out into stream. We held to it about two hours, til we came near a net stake, about three hundred yards from shore. We 1 left the boat and held to the stake, for the boat was small and would not baar our weight. Before long, though. I decided to go to the boat again, be- iusa the stake would not hold us all. I swam to the boat and crawled on top of it, and drifted over to the James City shore. When I got on the boat I looked back and saw the boys still clinging to the stake. Horace Day was very much frightened and was about to give up. I hallooed to Dave to save him." It seems that Conner was so much frightened and exhausted when he was taken up by a passing boat that be could not give any sensible ao count of what had happened. After arriving here, though, parties went out, about 7 o'olock, to look for the lost boys. The parties returned without having seen them. Men on a boat which came up about 3 o'clock heard hallooing but thought it oama from persons on Bhore and did not stop. It is probable that the boys held on to the stake for several hours, but no doubt dropped off and were drowned before 7 o'clock. Yesterday morning about 9:80 o'clock parties went out to look for the bodies, Henry Conner going with them and pointing out the stake where the boys were last seen. The bodies were seon fished up with hooks by Messrs. H Tooker, L. K- Goutier and James Fore man. They were found very near each other, one on one side the stake and one on the other. The stake was near the mouth of Duck creek. Tooker's arms and hands wore still in the posi tion of holding to the stake. He had no doubt clung to it as long as possible. There wero no bruises upon him Day's face was bruised and he had bled from the head considerably. The bruise was caused, it is thought, by the stake to which they bad held. The bodies were brought to the city, and after being examined by the coro ner, who considered an inquest un necessary, were carried to the homes of the parents, who live on East Front street. Tooker's father ia Hying, his mother dead. Day's mother is living. David Tooker was an employee at the cotton exohange and was well known by the members of the exohange and the people of the neighborhood. He was epoken of as being an excellent bjy. Yesterday afternoon there was double funeral, and the remains of the two boys who died such a sad and awful death together were taken to Cedar Grove cemetery and laid to rest side by side. List of Letters Remaining in the postoffice at New Betne, ..Craven oounty, April 19th 1890. Matthew Bird (col.) 2. Mrs. Minnie Bryan, Mies Emmer Barnes, Mr. John Bagnall, 8tephen Ball, Covington & Oe, John Dupre, Mr. P. Gasnowiti, Miss Mary Jones. Mr. Morgan Jones. F. A. James, Henry Lartrell, care of George Jenkins, aft. a. z. Mann. Miss B. Matthias, Mrs. Baran J. Nelson. . E. Parks, Miss Ella Pugh, Miss Elnicer Robeson, Miss Nioy Redgster, M, T. P. Styron, George Btanoel (001. ), lira. Mary-Banaeis, miss Magre Williams George Williams, Mrs. Sallie A. White, Mrs. Roseau Wager, ' Mr. Leslie Wes ley, L, T. Witheiiogton, Miss Lucy Weldon. Miss Bossy West. Persons calling for above letters', will tor advertised.and give date of Use. . The regulations now require that one cent shall be collected on the delivery of each letter advertised. WW . .r.;i Wn E. CUBIC, P, M. I An Important Movement by the Uni vesity Alumni. a very important movement is ou foot to secure hearty and practical co operation between the University and its Alumni. The University is neces saruy dependent mainly upon us Alumni for friendship, counsel and criticism; and the Alumni have shown themselves by no means regardless of the interest and claims of their alma mater. But there has been hitherto no systematic, organized, practical work ing connection between tiw University and her graduates. There is a move ment on foot to remedy this. Wednes day of commencement week, has been set apart as Alumni Day, and besides the annual banquet and teunior, there ill be a regular business meeting for the disoueeion of plans and methods of increasing the patronage, enlarging the endowment, strengthening the spirit and exalting the work of the institution. This year a memorial address will be delivered by R. H. Battle, Eeq , on Dr. Charles Phillips, and the Alumni ora tion will be by Col. W. H. S Burgwyn, of Henderson. The best results attend this move ment; and in order to make it efficient it is earnestly desired that every Alum nus of the University, who can possibly do so, attend the approaching com mencement. . Branch Alumni Associations are now in process of organization in the leading towns and cities of the State. Organi zations have already been effected in Raleigh and Goldsboro. President Battle hopes soon to visit Greensboro, Winston, Durham, Charlotte and other plaoes and aid in the formation of the Associations. Persona:. Mr. Halph Gray left yesterday for New York on a business trip. Kir. J. V. Williams left yesterday for Charlotte and other towns in the State. Jdge A. S. Seymour has gone to Elizabeth City to hold U. S. Court this week. John S. Long, Esq., returned from Chapel Hill last night. Rev. H. W. Battle leaves this morn ing for Raleigh to attend a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Baptist Female Univeisity, whioh will be held tomortow. At this meeting the Trustees will decide upon a site for the Uni versity, elect the president and ar range a curriculum. Vanceboro Items. The farmers in and around Vanceboro are pretty well advanced in their prep aration for the 1890 ootton crop. Festival in this place April 15. for the benefit of Episcopal church. Quite a large assemblage present, and consider ing the hard times it was a decided success. A convention, for the purpose of se lecting candidates for the offioes of mayor, commissioners and constable in in our town for the May election, has been held. J. A. Jackson was chosen chairman, and W. T. Lee, secretary of the convention, and the candidates se lected were as follows: T. J. Ewell for mayor, Andrew Jackson for oonstable, and E. T. White. Oliver U. Lewis. B. F. D.nkins, O. C. Noble and N. A. Purser were selected as candidates for town commissioners. Thin and impure blood is made rich and healthful by taking Hood's Sarsa- parilla. It cures sorofula, salt rheum, all blood disorders. 12 To the Alliance of Craven County. Having qualified as business agent of the Alliance, I hereby give this notice, that I will be in New Berne on the 1st and 3d Fridays in each month. Offioe at Hill Humphrey's store (sign "Big Ike.") Having received several communica tions to visit some of the sub-Alliances of this oounty, I will visit tbem at any time, provided they give two week's notice of same. Big Ike has fixed up a very commo dious office in the rear of his store, which the Allianoes generally are in vited to use at BBy time free of all oost. Farmers coming to town can have the use of this office to transact their private business. H. H. Persy, ap22dltw8m County Business Agt. The Standard. "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as hav ing passed above the grade of what are commonly oalled patent or proprietary mediolnes," said a well known physi oian recently. "It is fully entitled to be considered a standard medioine, and has won the postion by its undoubted merit and by the many remarkable cures it has effected. For an alterative and tonio it has never been equalled." 4 To Shippers and. Passengers. On and after Tuesday. April 23. 1890. until farther nouoe, the steamer New berna will leave Newborn on Tuesday at 13 o'olock, and the Steamer Manteo will leave Newborn on Friday at 12 o'clook for Norfolk direot. the all water route for Norfolk, Baltimore. Now York, Philadelphia, Boston and rrovidenoe. A word to the wise is suf Bolent. E. B. Roberts, Agent. ADT1CB TO niOTHKBS. lilts. Wis BLOW B Boothino 8YRTJP should always ba used for children teething. It soothes the ohild, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oolio, and is the best remedy tor Dlar rhcev Twenty-five, cents bottle, jaly Murdered by His Own Son. Clinton, N. C , April 19. Avery Butler, a 14 year old son of the late tuwaru n. rjuuer, wno was assess! nated near hero one week aso today this morning made a confession stating mat ne was guilty of the awful crime. He alleged as the oause of the deed that his father cruelly whipped him. Young Butler has made bis eecopo and a posse are in pursuit of him. 4 fjl Mind wtnderhic cured. Books lund 1 1 f V'M P the llobe. Prospactoi post I U f4 " Mnt on tpplicttion to Prof. I V-ISJ A. Lottotta, to Fifth An. New York. Nobth AROt INA. I In the Craven Lonnly. Superior Court. tuninionB for holitf Notice John II. Knisht. plaint It!', vs. Erul'v K. Knight, Defendant. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as ahnvn lini been oommenceu In the Superior Court of craven county, tald i.ctlon b.lng for ' di vorce from the bonds of matrlmonv" on account of adultery; and the sakl defendant wui lurtner take nouan tht the in required to appear at the SpiluuTerm. lh0. of cravtn oounty Buperlor Court, to be held on I he 12lh Monday after the 1st Monday In March, 18!l'J, and answer or demur as she shall be advised to the complaint which Is filed In the offlcs of the Clerk of the superior Court for said county, or the DlalnUff will sddIv to the court for the relief demanded in the com plaint. This aist day of April, 18110. K. W. C'AUPENTKK, Clerk RllDftrlor Court fVnv-An Cminttr L. J. Moore. Att'y for flalntlu". aD'i'i tiw BASEBALL ! Every game of the Brotherhood re ceived by wire and posted each night by "Jimmie." apriy dlw E.1. IIAIII1 & CO. Has again just received a Car Load of YOUNG HORSES and MULES from the West, whioh they will sell at reason able priocs for cash. Middle Street, New Berne, N. C. nprl9 dwtf 50 bbls. New Pork. 250 " Flour, of all grades, 3,000 lbs. Lard, 200 boxes Tobacco, Prices to suit the times. And lota of other Goods at Lowest Prices for Cash Only, At J. F. TAYLOR'S. 6 A large lot of SHINGLES for sale. Atlantic & N. 0. Railroad, PAfSENQKR Department, New Bern, N. C, April 15, 1890. Memorial Day Excursion r HUM MOREHEAD CITY And Stations Iotormodiate, To New Berne and Return, MAY 10, 1890, In commemoration of the Confederate Daad Hon.W. T. 0AH0, oi Pamlico Co. Orator of tho day Tbo following low rates of fam mill oe charged when tickets are DurchasfiH to rtew uerne and return, viz Morehead City, $1.00 Atlantio 90 Newport 75 Havelock 70 Wild wood 80 Croatan 55 Riverdale, 50a. SCHEDULE. Leave Morehead City Depot 9 00 1 " (uptown) 9.10 ' Atlantio 9;22 ' Wild wood 9:30 ' Newport 9:43 ' Havelock , 10:05 ' Croatan 10:19 ' Riverdale 10:25 Arriye New Berne 10:50 Returning, train will leavu New Bemn at 0:30 p.m. 8. Li. DILL, Pen. Pass. Agt To the Public. I hereby give notice that I have ev ered my connection with the firm nf E H. Dewey & Co., and will continue the sale of House Decorations and Wall Papers of the latest desiens in all of its branches, under the name of Snellings a, oerry, ana win guarantee to sell cheaper than any House in the citv Samples oan be seen at the shoo of E. T nerry, rainter ana Uecorator, corner of middle and road streets. Respectfully, W. E SNELLINGS, E. T. BERRY. April 1. 1890. apl6 dwlm R, 8AWTERT Fashionable Tailor, JEW BERKS. K, C . Keeps constantly on hand a full line of samples of the very latest styles of f oreign ana Domestic Goods. Satisfao tion guaranteed. Middle st. , two door south of Hahn's livery ntaoies. POWDER- Absolutely Pure. n.'.itv Trtt'1Tnev?r IarlM- A "arvalof pi.uiy, btr. ,.ih and wholesometieia. Mora economical (n ,,. orri, Z . fZZ cannot be g. , competition with lh?ml. tiiude of low test, snort weight, alum "r & 'ie.f,,wdei;8- Bold on'y tasaai )yai. liAtisu 1'uwdik Co., 108 Wall st. . udu n .u . j i s. w NEW MILLINERY1 For anything in an Elegant Line of Millinery Goods. sr Mrs. Scirb trough & Koonce. They have alao with them Miss Ford am, who will tako charge of the Dressmaking Department. ap9dwlm Millinery Goods ! MRS. B. B. LANE havinir removed from her old stand on Pollock street to the elegant (store under Ilotel Alhart (south side) is now prepared to serve the public with a New and Cnmnletfi Sfrtlr ewuVvJeV OF SPRING GOODS. as cheap as can be bought in the city. otiuiacuon guaranteed. 8D2Jw2m 1,000 Boxes Tobacco, Bought Cheap, And will be sold at a Sacrifice -IF. UJj?ieli, WHOLESALE GEOCEE, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. H. C, For Sale, A Sixty Horse Power Steam Boiler nd Engine, and Saw Mill ADnaratn. complete; all new. Terms reanon.KU Apply to SIMMONS & GIBBS, m27 dwlm Attorneys. Bath Rooms At my shoD on MirMio f,i cold, and good large rooms. junl dtf J. B. BROWN. Sash.Daorsand Blinds Paints, Oil?, Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kinds of Building Materials At Lowest Prices. L. H. CUTLEB, NEW BERNE, N. C. Wanted to Rent, A small Dwelling House in a d- sirab'e portion of the city. Address Plic.f JOURNAL OFFICE. UUTfV'S IsAUOrh riivli.M f 1 auioicui remedy ior - ; v ' Coughs, Colds, Croup, Broa- I ' chitis, Sore-throats. Dibh- K inis medicine i, A germicide and antiseptioor rare alos,and is useful ,f in most of the Infectious diisMes eTsa- lruiilue,to ferattion. . trial wui convince yon of its merits. B(3T.DTJiT7, . c .j'"? S..'....-.i-''A'ttV-"-'-t., a. jt-a "( ' f, je : .v ti, y . u v yw-i f

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