PCSLIIHSIir AiaOOICiaKHT. TIM OALL,T JOURNAL la a si a eolama aapar, Babiiahed dHr, exeepl Monday el , per year, IM lor six BvooUc DellTered uatVMOMriinuHMiiu.rooth uv ucu wi ,UD SS&XZTS1 he hM diP,ad. 88 oe- J,Wf t j count of his uucoinproiuising Da- . AwVavariaiNo sates (dailim mocracy. We mav give op our JJl: . 'Iftn-otite candidate, bVcoae other - , . , ... , idarUeeiieaU an Wf aed of "Basluees men , equal 111 ability, snare OUf tj ' 6-nUf0r Wt MrmttmnKiiaVnr,td liMiMUwiWvntii - wwwiu Msvwrgwaoeniaper uuw C4r (tin for raoatent advertisement saastba mad la Avaa.e Regular dver tlaemenu wlltbe eatleoted promptly at the ad ol each aoest ' UoiumunloaOoaieoaUlntot: news oradls eaauoa or oo4i v'nr are solicited. No omBaaMtoWcanA be' exoectad to be oub luhs tktti dteUu Oblactlanable Demon IMS waBBa Psaae. ai ue aumur. or let will bum jartaaB one column o ft b Any pareOQ.eeUa Wfax-wved at anv anony sous oqgnpiunical kid can obtain tne name o in auuiaf b application at this office aud sowing jnarwloiue grievance exists ! ? .a - BlUlDOK XllUfM, K8NE. N. O., APRIL 24 1690 tund at tb ro oflea at N"- i N O Mseooad-alaas matter. PRINCIPLES. It cannot be too much empha sized that the Democratic party is a party of principles. Measures are constantly chang ing. What was expedieut jester day is uot curreut today, and by tomorrow may have passed into the limbo of forgetfulness; but the underlying principles upon which this 'Government was founded and on which the Constitution rests are the same jesterdjy. today and forever. . t- a ;.. .i... n ... I, aenivcruiiu loiiucio iu iuc uuuto are twitted for not bringing forward the Mills bill and urging its adop tion by Congress. The apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossans giya : "All things are lawful to me, bat ail things are not expedient.'' Expediency is essential in the con sideration of every measure. De feaT injures a good cause, and to press forward a movement that cannot possibiy succeed is to do an iojury to truth and bring censure ODOtt its advocates. It is the unquestionable duty of the Democrats in Congress to op pose the McEinley bill, not because it is a Republican measure, but on ccWnt of its violation of Demo cratic principles on which this Government was founded. Aristocrats and monopolists were sufficiently secure in the old world. It was not necessary for tbem to cross the ocean to escape oppres ton. It was men who relied epon taefr own brave hearts and strong arms, and "felt oppression's lightest finger as a mountain weight,'' who einre to the new world and estab lished a governs ent of equal rights. All the years that have gone by the Democratic party has been the champion of the people. No oli garchy, no monopoly, nor privileged class has escaped its fierce and un compromising opposition. Central ization itself, has felt the point of its spear and recoiled from its dire ful purpose. The rights of the States have been held as only secondary to the rights of the people. The majority iu Congress found it ueeessary to strike down the Damoceacy in the House before it couldf proceed to the pillage of the States and the robbery of the people, but it cannot stille the voicd Of the heroic party which alike in victory and defeat stands by the ark of the Constitution. There are a thousand different conditions in the application of these principles. Kvery day new questions arise, but no man need hesitate where to stand, or with what patty to align himself. He whft f Pflld hold the Federal Govern ment W the Constitution and give equal rights and privileges to every cltizetylis a Democrat, no matter nndrrhat flag he musters. - Ko man can be a Democrat and SMIVOvalB UHiu iuai uieti imiuaico - A - I OF t. n .1 i .. n i m i n n ( .in ia jtiyor. of a section, or in the lniMMtaf. anv aIam of citizpnH. to Iraf ' " 1 ' th4fewn)eDt of any other citizen. u.' tfh superlative right or an Ubor aitfdie secure in the rewards Of belabor. If he is taxed to espport' another man's business he Is robbed of bU birth right and VBetttef la Tie Saddle, r becomes the slave of a deepotiiax. j It U,lhe English method of horse Toe Jotjbnal w partial to Clove- that ia being taoght alto- Und, not so much because of the f!taJ PriDuiIjk'8 wilh hitn "J through these principles flow.i (ha life blood 'of Democracy, giving vitality to Business Methods in Farming. whlhteDaa e ftorno iKm iiSZW1t& many larmers onject iwcause tne process of information is too long continned. It beg ns with the preparation of he laud, and Roes ouuuu. L,iMi.DguuT. on,. 1 a rvF nnn a n Ahi ttl h.n hnf n r is, of couse, an objection, but not an insuperable one. To determine the tost of product, it is only necessary to keep regular ac.:..u..t uga.U the lirlds as to he manure and labor ex pended in the preparation and cul t.vat.onofl nd and the gathering and marketing of crops. This l is not more serious or objectionable than accounts kept . agiint hired Sished0 for articles fur These calculations, to be acen - rate, must be determined by tach individual farmer. No one farmer can settle the cost ol unking a pound orcottou for any oilier firmer. There are many elements that enter iuto the cos of farm products, and pos.-ibly all uf tbem vary in each individual instance. One man cultivates much more intelligently and economically than another; one man's methods, ma- plied, 'just give me your note; nn r, nure, stock, food aud help come to 'rt9 j0u will never pay it anvhow, him much more cheaply thau an- you" will to not lung out and a cow otherV; one man's faim may bo ahead. ' ' much better adapted to certain crops than another's. Thi seasons ' , L!U0LIXIK ., r . Ila Wiindcrfal F.flT-rl on tlifi Liver. upon any two larms are not ex siomncii, kohii . uinncya rciud pected to be uniform in their Dr. Mozlej'a L ... E,i-r i.. . ag benefits, however bearlv adjacent '(,mon dria ' "v"ii Js.,,rw the farms, as they do not always tioa , rioati,,che, Muri-., Ki.tt.y Dts find the same crops in the same eago. Dizziness, Colds, Low of Ai.petite, condition. For these reasous, to- j cether with many others, it is nllinln rrt fia DAAn frlil aanh fnptnaw I must determine for himself the cost of his products. This information, npon the farm, is necessary to determine the most economical labor. In all these years of experiment, not many farmers in the South can give, accurately, the difference in hiring help for wages or for part of the crop, because they do not know the cost of products of either method. It is highly important that our products be grown at the least possible cost, if wo are to make our efforts produce the most good. With this view, every labor saving method should be applied until the cost is reduced to the mini mum. What we greatly need on our farms is the same business method that is applied to any other enter prisesuch a system as will let us know at any time what we are doing and what we ought to do. Anything short of this brings us a haphazard life that takes its chances of many evils. Southern Cultivator. Easily Upset. A famous thinker who has him sell passed through several phases ot t-kepticism, tells of a clever and vivacious man who was led to abandon prayer iu a way which is, perhaps, no: very uncommon. Being on u bunting party, before he lay down tft rest, according to the custom which he had observed from childhood, ho knelt down to pray. His elder brother watched bim until lie hiom!, :unl ihan said: "Ab, you still keep that iu f Nothing more passed between thenvn the subject, but, Irom that day the brother who h. d prayed from childhood cease i u piay and to go to church, and for thirty years he did not take coinmuoii n nor enter the church. This story has several les-oa . It is easy to turn souk; men aside from their religious practices. Many a man has spoken a srieeriog or critic sing wtrd in jeH without thinking barm, but by it has changed the direction ami destiny of a soul. It is true also that some are easily turned asidu because they have nothing to hold them. Their religion is a mere form. A word will overthrow them as the push of a finger will overthrow a wall which is ready to tumble down of its own weight. Tbey have no profound religious convictions and settle a religious principles, Their prayers are unmeaning acta. Their religion is vanity. Only those who are rooted and grounded in the truth shall stand. Christian Ad vocate. COMMENDABLE. All claims not e usisteit with the high obaraoter of Syrup of Fig art purposely avoided by theCal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kid neys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a oura all and makes no pretensions that ever bottle will not substantiate. eonntr, now. The Eoetfsh sttle is widelj different from that which beat Am mean riders used totin- P'7 Englishmen Bit far t nek in tW,r '."k ,a sure ot the bail of th fui iu the .tlrmnlAbMri (hum in If is not the moat rombl rtem, either, fur tbebor.se orf.r .lie rider. mean harder work for em b, and taught in Kentucky and South Oaro- -Tig"3i S and depend lupoa the pressure o. tQ kneea and thj h t h d tQ t Tne E ,ih a u uil Lnd lhAmeJAU ia baturuL You obtain , easier 8eat am, I in a vlS an a r .- a..tilrl i n mn An tkn , , of horse by the leg pressure than you can possibly do Ict wi if a H it uiri n ri n if in anl t' ah i JJ iivumij an iUgiug j VU1CU1 VU ;,bIy hle barebaek in the Eaglisn : fasnJjou at a but th AKmer. ioan way maKke8 t fectl e to do But lhe imported notion has con ered in 0UJ fasnionabIe lidi 8hool nd J0U can hard,? tee noine Araeiican riding with ;oattraveli ng down the ruTal dis tric;s alonthe Southern ! - Uor'eJ!!l?i?2.V - 1 Justice Lamar Tells a Good One. j Justice Lamar, of the Supreme Court, who never accepts a pass or a present of any kind, tells this one 0n himself: "Dewn in the locality I 'call mv home lives old John Dil lard. Some years ago John pre Bented to me a very floe Alderney cow. l said: 'John, l never accept a present.' WeII. Lamar ' he re Fevers. Chills, Blotches, Pimp!, s, Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, and all Owlet UBDMOO VBUIOU ur UIBUluncu liver, stomach and kidneys, ths first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Mozley, M.D. , Atlanta. Qa. LBSOII HOT DROPS, For coughs and colda, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and laryugetis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and catarrh, take Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and lung diseases, take Lemon Hot Drops, An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druggists. 25 cents per bot le. Prepared by H. Mozley, M.D.. At anta, Qa. novldwjy I am convinced of the perilous disposition of our times to treat our Christian duties on the base Of an experiment as to how near we can live with an ungodly world, rather than on the principle of a walk made as close as possible with God. Be Sure If you have made up your mind to ouy Hood's Sarsaparllla do not be Induced to take any other. Hood's Sanaparilla Is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of Its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curaUre power superior to any other article. A Boston lady who knew what she wanted, and whose example Is worthy Imitation, tells her experience below: To Get " In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparllla the clerk tried to Induce me buy their own instead of Hood's; he told me thelr's would last longer; that I might take It on ten days' trial; that if I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparllla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Hood's When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparllla I was feeling real miserable, suffering a great deal with dyspepsia, -and so weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and bad for some time, like a person In con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of it." Una. Ella A. Goff, Cl Terrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Sold by aUdmggbta. fljllx(orf4. Prepared only fey 0. t HOOD CO ApethaparlM, LowaU, Kau. 100 Doses One Dollar e crati lint . f P. IS. 'Dnfly, druggist, agent. New Heme, w; u. marl dwly tm-. asm -ait. , rmvsi ' Sax rMsw. ' OJVIS ENJOYS Both tl''-1 method and results when Syrup cf Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the KidneysJ Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy&J tern eflectually, dispels -colds, head-' whes and fevera and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, it maby excellent qualities commend it. to ail and hare made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup' of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have if on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. new Y!)9K. H i CAUTION Take no shoes unless. V. L. Donalaa' name an price are stamped on tne tha bottom. If tlie dealer cannot supply Ton. end direct to factory, enclosing aavarusaa price, VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Laced Uraln and Creed moor Waternrooi 65.00 GENUINE HASD-8EWJED SHOE. Mien in me woria. Examine his 84.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. 83.60 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. 3.60 EXTRAVALUE CALF SHOE. 2.211 Ale WORK TX(iM R"S RHOKH. 2.00 and 81.7B BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. An nude In Congress, Uutton and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES lad'.e's. 1.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Beat Style. Best Fitting. W. L. Douglas, -Brockton, Mais, Sold by Cor. Pollock nnd Middle Ste. maraSdtJulyl Another Lot of Samples AT J. 1.1. HOWARD'S, AT NEW YORK COST! Pocket Books for all. A few Silk Umbrellas. b;z9 23 for ladies. 4 in' band and Silk Scarf. ' A large lot of Windnor Ties for boys. Colored II. Hose in great variety. Men's Handkerchief. Six icz. Napkios in the lot, a bargain Men's Balbrigann Shht., u Inrge as sortment. All of the above at N Y. CohL J. M. flOWARD WANTED BY LOUIS STEflN, Of HENm 81KHN & Co. lloston ewOrleanr. OOMMIf-Sln.V MKIICUANT, 7) Pine Street Nc w Yoi k City. Heron Plumes, Egret Plumes, Alligator Skins, Hides and Wool. 8ei Ilirda of 11 Hi-eclf, ond fi n'.hf rn prodtiols. Cain advance s Oiitdc o;a i .st Klili inrutg If desired. BKKfiRENC'EH. tmpoTlers and Trailer- Nut llsnk. New Yoik City. German i Nat. Dank. New Orleans, La Peoples' Nat. bunk. New Orleans, La. LOUIS STERN, mZ2d3m 70 Pine Street. New York. The Finest and largest Stock of SAMPLE HATS Evar brought to New Berne, ranging in price from $2 00 per dozen to $39.00 per doasn. A Ana Stock of Clothing, Shoes and iJ)ry;Goods; . Just reosived at '. ' r J-;-, Darringlon & Baxter's tpri hwu . Has just returned, witjf the moat superb stock of '" ' ff ' fl g and SlffiiBtioil Sprin ever brought to New B. n. NOVELTIES I.V DRESS G'lQDS, NOTIONS and OINTS FURNISHING GOODB.t v " SHOES pf every description at the cheapest poagiblo pricea. In READY MADE QLOTHING I wUl positively save yon, rt lel.t from 20 to 25 per cent., as t have ow ngures ana wuir sen mem accordingly. For instance, A Fine All Wool Satin-faced Dreas Suit for $8.50, which would cost you at least f 10 or $12 anywhere elsj. Flannel Coat and Vest for 70o. Seersucker Coat and Vest for 70o. Boys Suits from $1 up. THK HNE8T PUR CttUSU 8TIS-LIr D HAT ml 00c. Our stack comprises so jaany NEW GOODS and SPECIALTIES that it would bo a hard matter to enumerate Vo Solicit an Examination of Our Stock, Feeling confident that we will mako it your patronage. REMEMBER ! the prices of our than similar goods can be purchased elsewhere. Respectfully, 2Vd. H. SXJIji'rAJLV- K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIOHr Lorillard and Gail & Az Snuft Sold at manufacturer's prioee. Dry Goods & lotions. Full stock and large assortment. Price ae low as the lowest. Call and examine my stock . Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR MEN ONLY! RrUwIlllC General and NEB.V0VB HSKLOTf flTTT C Weakneu of Body ana Kiad: Iffetts J J XtiJTJ of ErrmorKxceuMiaOUwYeaaf, LbaM, Kohl. MliniOOn fall. Bxtorr'. In to blarnut Irani Che. ffkMK.lJNUKTRLOPKD ORSARS a PARTH.fieoy. bmlatol. nnf.llln HOIK TRKATMK.TT .U tm a 4r. n Uitlfj froM 4 Stain, Trrrilarln, aa4 Fmlfi CaatriM. 9a Ma arrlt. U.ia. Book, folltiplaaattaa, ajul ara.fl ailUl4 Ud) rn. Addraa ERIE MEDICAL CO.. lUFfAll. sTT. tHl2itk. ,AT LANTA, BAe cacXS?1" ST.LOUIS.MO. UilgjajJg -W" OAllaS.TX. AAENT WANTED. HUMPHREYS' Da. HcarBaxrt1 Sracnncs are solsntlnoaUy and rifln la a grjeolal cure for the dlwaae namecu t? years used dt tne people, jsrery sinew t These Bpeolflcs care without drugging, parr tag or reducing the system, and are In (act awl deed the aorerelgn rentedleaoftheWerla. tw. a atimiirAt aoa. .rera. uongesnon, umammaoon... erais. Worm Ferer, Worm Ooue. . rylag cello. orTesuunsjorinraais Harrhea. ofOhlldren or adults.... Dysentery, unplug, Bmoosoouo-.. Utteiera iinsis, onumm, ueaaaa. uoio. uronvuiw, tffk Nearaiaii oothaohe. Faeeaehe. . . . eat BIckHeadaohe, Vertigo l t(v.a.Ml.. nlllnna Htnmarh Suppressed or Painful Periods. .31 I WEftea. too Profuse Periods. .. Salt llaeum, rslpaias. Eruptions. I Kheamatlsm. Kbeumatlo Pains.... Ferar and Aaae. ChUlalUlarla.... ' Piles. Blind or Bleeding. i-i rdiarro, innuenia m uiv xinau t w neaping t;oagnt vkiwu.wubub. I General iieDiniy.rnysKaini ivianey jiii i m Avwnna iinniiiiv ... ........ Q Urinary WcnlinesB, Wetting Bed. .1 ii Diseases of thelT,rt,PlplUtkul. Sold by its, or sent it postpaid on receipt f EUtVAU (IMpages) rlnhfv bound la cloth and Hold, mailed, free. DHPHBETS' Hnmphreys'aiedlclneOo.ln Fulton 8H.M x. SpEoficsI All i .h above medioiues are fo sa'e at tli drug stores of F. 8. Daffy aai U. Dmy, Middle street, New Berne. K. C ROBERTS & DRO. W HOLESALB DEALERS IN ' GROOERItlS, PROVISIONS Dry Good?, Boots and Shoes. We 8411 FLOUR direct from tha llillf in Michigan. , , We have in stock a big supply Of ' West India Molaei, which wa Import direct front the Watt Indies. . -.fi:(v Give us a call and sea our prices ROBERTS & BRO.; . ' Bonth Front ttreet,. t vWEWBEBNlL':- (T W bQail ft As V and Urll lard's mnr. .,r-;,:ZZi m W00DW0rK'6gXg AfTAeMtrlftrg1 ! 1! 1 We are now difplayin ' all tajs bought tnem at the most remarkailv all in detail. to your interest to give us a share o goods are and must be as low or lower PROFESSIONAL. RODOLPH DUFFY. B. B. sTTZOti. DuixV & Nixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. 0. Office over R. N. Duffy's drag store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, Ona low county. apl dwly P. H. PELXETIEE, ATTORNEY AT LiV, AND MONFY BKOKEit, Oravea St., two door South of Journal offloa. A specialty made In .negotiating small lona for abort time. Win praetloe la the Oonntlea ot OraTta. Uu. terat, Jonea, Unslow and Pamlloo. United BUtea Coon at New Berne, and supreme Court of tha BUte. febldtf CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. QU10S Manly & Ouion, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offioe.2d floor of Green, Foy A Co. Is bonk. Middle street. New Berne. N. a Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Sapveme Court of the State, and in the Federal Courts. aplO dwtf f. h. aamoNa. b. v. emsa. Simmons & Gibbs, - i ATTORNEYS AT LAW. twill praotloe in the counties of Craven. ones,' unslow, uarteret, faaUlco. ir and Hyde, and in the Federal rts. Office on Craven street, next door w JoubnaIi office. aplSdwti Br. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, , HEW BEBRK, If. C. Office on Cravtn atrtet, between Pollock and Broad. dw JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OP . EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Llar&Fo Vorlt, JSTew Berne, N. C. ... .Til r r a I Italian aid Amerioan Haibte and.alt' v qualities of naterla4a"? t - , ' rJj "& 'J j Orders jolioited and given proenpt ; attention with- satisfaction gonna v t u.- Bt. taujjsa ia my a grot as ajasmi, : rt aw - a a : . a. . and Atax. Fields regular ; travellag agent. . rf1' . waj WK SB n andWnlAaTlTata i cured at home wlth i . out pain. Book of par Amius.). W101X WMttaaU Bt, . n ar wrwir.T.i'v u r i. wiouieie mwu m at lass. , coinnE3ion UEECZiirrj, AND DEALEBS IN f . nv AUElndi of Gr&in,Xdc!$ ii V AgnonlhiT&l LLu8. r v- marldw : ' .VI r - V" Pi . ' '.'?'i;:t I jAi' ' ' V " - . . .' ; i . t, mH.i . .lv'(,.''.'T'' .. t.sr s-v.l':J ? .ffWV.i. .i;.7,.-A '-v. .- :.' , -

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