OURNAL MLY - iV -y it- VOLIX.-NO. 32. NEW BERNE. N. C. WEDNESDAY. MAY 7 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS, -I , 1 X V BUSINESS LOCALS. FEAR'S Perfumed Soap doc . 15a. Mr oaks. ... 1 M na Cashmere I Boqoet, 80o. per cake. BwBkm'i Ootimui Ointment fox skin diseases. R J. Qoodiso, vraggist, a l a. rnTrnrc-The annual meetiaa- of the ii stockholders of the Neuse Trent &SSSTST Wd Trade, Tuesday, the 27.h dy of My, 1880,telghto'olookp.m. ap2-td. 8eo'y& Treat. I tiiano TnNiNa. hepairimq AND X regulating done in first class style, ad workmanship guaranteed for $2 00 by 0. L Gaskill. lol-lw. A FINBlineof SMALL HAMS, 5 to xV- 7 poundi at John Dunn's tf. T EAVB TOUR ORDERS FOR JLd TUNING. REGULA ' ING, RE PAIRING AND REMODELING of PIANOS and ORGANS at Hotel Albert, and they will receive my prompt attention. Workmanship guar anteed. Prioes low. ap36tf Frakk E Mobton. CODA WATER on , draught today at KJ JOHN DUNS B. tr. Mr. Perkins, of Kansas, ex presses the opinion that the weak ness of this administration is that it professes to stand by the civil service law. Mr. Perkins is away off. The weakness of this adminis tration is not in its professions That is its strong point, it is in performance that it is weak. Louisville Courier-Journal When unjust legislation, having iMmnlA tl.a naniila la . . J , , . r.vwu . u F..v H-.6,.n tiamincr fitters over h s Sneaker's services, ana puoiicomciais, sworn i f as- . mt 1 . I. to do their doty, are appointed for tha sole nnrnoae of oarrvincr ont the iy I orders oi campaign managers in falflllment of their corrupt bargains, It is quite time for the voters at large to take a hand in the game. I Omaha Herald. Chairman Quay repeats that he Jiaa no intention of resigning fiom the Republican National Committee "ander fire.' An honest man "ander fire" will return the shots if ha is armed with truth. The trouble with Quay is that he has no am munition except to call hU assail ants "Free Traders." His silence is confession of his defenseless state. New York World. Governor Hill's memorandum of approval of the. Ballot Beform bill is an excellent statement of the Democratic possitioa in defense of free, apd pure elections. It is fall and candid in its discussion of what remains to be done, but unreserved U approbation of the, advance al- reaay maae in me campaign against Uadd and terrorism at the polls. m - a t t . ' . a I Netf York Star. r , .,' ! , , AiusBOie oujBos onueamuiaBioaoi . territories D as Deen tne securing Ol material for v the making Of the United States ' Senate; safely Re publican for as many years as sible When it was found, that. -.r,tfi -11 at-nuana. alfA.fttrUU0U -Tjll "." . '"."!T.r was Aiemocrawo. tne iace was not allowed to stand la tha wav of th -?yi ,x f -"' ' 1 TrfTT 'tI . . - T.rrT. " - .- general plan, a A WO Senatorial BeatSI . .:.., -i . mr nmmntw nfnlon-T? Am'A Q.n v. nvv ,viujwj uwtwu. ;MHuiy ucu tlnel. -'-:'' : -Tfr.ll IS IH 1. I', OP COUrse, the advocates Of the ' i ttOODliy guarantee for fifteen years in.n.i.. iAmou n-Ar, .ni.) "mw-uwow mw fnTTJn1n Kill arlll aIsIm that thai -"" ue uww u. AlCj W-;WUlrttum. wm, tne lmmoril dav will take nlaoe this ; . : muj AU ViAUUUf UUt - WilQU Ae lm Av membeaV t v the right ndltoisorsrtO any.lU effe0t8, DUt When it U re- - tha navmftnr Af fho lumtit.y .. tr.. ttrill al. -.-a ila t.u.. iiiit i.nsji IIH.V in mi i ii liim iHinnT.v - - i r. win be pereeiveo; ; liQw lUtOe? soph nan argument immnt$:iiMMM ti lag marahjal of JFlprtda, ' who lia- V ' itracted hU deputy ta mak no the I llat of fcraeftnd trinaEeDriblIcana'Mrt ,Am to indict Democrats for political of- fancei. hava been MwardediDT the ... ... -i i ,"rn wtfv- rrs. coi.cctot oi cuiwms at rensacoia. Tlnis (!nA hhA rrmil tTr. Harrison encour iul ntti- nlnnflnna 3 tbe flteaiing 0( .eieociona , . ' . .and the rcrtlaan ttrostltntlon of the i.iut.i ii.. . juuiyiw Bjoicui mo r buummjt Philadelphia i;oord. srw. TJb ifl right. The relation Of too- tey t3 the moraU of the people,' Hi r . : rnptinj Inflaenue, ts not onlj the danger which threatens in the fu- tare, bat is the bane against which this country has bad to contend for the past qaarter of a century, and public virtue, to destroy houesty, to imperil and curtail liberty, to cru8n the many and exa! the fe' than all the other causes combined. The blind, reckless, soulless, God less pursuit of fortune ban been tne besetting national siu aud national calamity, Today the chief object in life of legions of Americans is to make money, not . , . . , fcne competence merely which every thriftv man Bhon,d 8eek- to ,ive with comfort and enjoy life, but the fortune which will bring power and distinction. Wilmington Star. IN snort, speaker Heed's propo sition to 4cut loose from the State elections, do our own registration, oar own counting and our own cer tineation," would cost the public treasury not leas than $SOO,000 lor each Congressional or Presidential election held in Pennsylvania, and the oost in all the States could not be less than $15,000,000, and for whatl Simply to employ hundreds of thousands of Federal officers, appointed solely for partisan ser vice, to mock popular government by violence and fraud under color of law, and disrupt the tranquility of the whole country. If Speaker Reed insists upon such an experi- UlCUS ID. DOUIICS, HJ6 Dim IDOVO On land make it: but let him first write chair "After me the deluge!" Philadelphia Times er V v t a v TTTfww- L(JLAL JN.EjVVo. new advertisements. R- Rkrhy Grape baskets, etc. ULrich Old Virginia cheroots. E. H. & J. A. Meadows Truckers' barrels. There were over five hundred boxes of truck, mostly pea, shipped by rail yesterday. The regular meeting of the Brother hood of St. Andrew will be held this evening at 8 o'clock. .There will be a meeting of the M. E. Cburoh Working Society tonight at F. Ulrioh's residence. A full at tendanoe is desired. Three bales of cotton were Bold at the Exohange yesterday at 111 oents. This we believe to be the highest prioe paid for eight or ten years. Tha steamer Newberne sailed yester day with hood cargo of freight includ ing a big shipment of truck. There was a good list of passengers. The city council met last night, and after attending to soma routine business took a recess till 8:30 o'clock Thursday night, when the completed reports will I be ready and the government turned I over to tho incoming board We aoknowledee thereceiot of a neat invitation oard from Miss Emma Sim. mons requesting our presence at the closing exercises of Kinsey Seminary, June 4 and 5 Dr. B. F. Dixon will de liver the annual address on Thursday, June 5. The regular Wednesday night prayer , .i.. !Tr I T..T.11 " A iiii nnnrnn win im nn n mm ovpninff ar, 1 w -..... r ... ...... B ' 8 o'olock at the churoh instead of the I r.i.. 11 I uiiwiuu bkhivui unuioa .a n ci 1 no gentlemen are Invited to unite with I ISim In tttaa. a.nlu. ' rT. T T ' l inn iBBn nnna vns nw w nn mil a i n m w I (Wednesday) afternoon at 5 ololook, at I .l. ,i . ,r n,.,.. j un .ioeUOW wflir.. eu vvniMora, Craven street. ,AU who expeot to take vii.u mni, ou wuv upau. bu w&o part areriquested to be present, and to Memble promptly at the hour named., THA dovb are treuinff in aooa trim ior a . . . . . .. i - I -. "' mjn .uw. ..u..u.i. . .. - .... .. ., i ..m. Pvi.v .A.t,,M u 1 game Friday afternoon. It d expected that there will ti liAffiaiit' A till be a large attendance at the game. ""'- rw""-' w ...... The olub is .endeavoring to furnish vu t uK .u. u.Ui. M soon as they gel a little mors practice, proeura tmlformi, etc., they will invite these preliminary games win be. used 4 . - ' . . ; .. purphasinKOtttttU. mye.tnem Qiye them a r ; ;?,r , . t i souw AUanuc Fire company. 1 Tha members of this comDanT are - I A.4.Mfl n mbof ,1 ih. R ,K . il.nnt oroerea w meet bi too a. xv. - uepui, w-jfte-a.- ,ninr. Mav 7. in time for I the arrival of the malltrain. to receive . l ana esoori tne remains or our tataoom AWMd.,;.: iri.'Klitm tarefullv a elected. narsonallT ax The members of the New Berna Firs oomoany ana or tne meonanica a. a t Co. are respeotfully invited to at X gSM$ actena. f.r, .ri L. UICTIAKDSOW, B00f- Interesting Cas-s in the Supreme Court. In the case of Bryan and wife vs. Spivey and others, the Supreme court has decided that the Judga below erred in his rultings at the fall term, 1880. This is an action involving the title of James City. The suit was begun in 1880. The plaintiff filed usual com plaint in ejectment, including all the defendant's in same suit, numbering about one hundred and twenty defend ants. The defendants filed a common answer. At the fall term, 1889, the defendants made a motion to ba allowed to file separate answera and tha motion was allowed. Tbe plaintiffs appealed to tha Supreme court. This decision of the Supreme oourt will send the case back to the Superior court for trial upon the origi nal pleadings. Ia the case of Whitehurst vs. Petti pher, which was a suit involving the title to "Sheep Island" and "Oat Patch Island," in Neuse river northeast of the city, the Supreme court has decided that there was no error. This case came up from fall term of Pamlico Superior court, which deoided the case in favor of Pettipher. Young vs. Western Union Telegraph Company. The Supreme oourt has taken an adversary, carrying over the caBO until next term. Pi-rsonai. Mr. Will M. Hendren, of Winston, is ia the city, on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Wm. Hollister, jr., wno left for the North a few days ago, has, we understand, secured a situation in tha bueinees department of the Daily News Hoboken, N. J. Mr. C. L. Ives left yesterday on a trip North. Miss Kittie Burrus, of Augusta, Ga., who has been in the city visiting Mr. O. Marks and family, left yesterday for Greenville, S. C. Messrs. F. B. Lane and J. C. Thomas left on the steamer Newberne yesterday for Coin jock . Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner left yester day for a pleasant trip North. Mrs. G.W.Wallace and little daughter Carita are spending the week in Eliza beth City. MEMORIAL DAY, 1890. All persons who desire to take part inl the annual servioes commemorative of I me oonieueraie ueaa, are ooraiauy r- T". i il.ll invited by The Ladies Memorial Asso - oiation to assemble at the Theatre on Saturday afternoon, the 10th inst., at five o'clock, where the following ORDER OF EXERCISES will be observed : 1 Prayer, Rev. T. M. N. George. 2 Music by the Choir "God save the South!" 3 Oration-W. T. Caho, Eeq. 4 Music "Cover them over with beau' tiful flowers." 5 Recitation "The Broken Battalion," by Paul Hayne, Miss Rioaud. 6 Anthem by the Choir "Blessed are the Dead who die in the Lord." The procession will then be formed by the Marshal and Assistant Marshals in the following order : First Div!sion-Newbern Silver Cor First Division Newborn Silver Cor net Band. Confederate soldiers and : a..i.- ir.i..i -Z Z , - k. . w . nnao. 1 ww w. Second Division Orator and Chap- A r l.tR.. i mm , t&-srabuio auu uuniaiuva, .uu i Ladies' Memorial Association. In chars-e I 1 T UT DIJJI. "."ZZu- iiiiu A-j a w aniuu f ik ui h du iiiBiiiiJuu tn charge of Assistant Marshal George ainr "e prooeesiou win meu marua iw - . ho e -evsral tne Kemeiery. rririui uioro, ui divisions wm nait ana open ranas. hiiuwiuk uiuu bun vuair -tl. 7.. ILa PL... ' m lain, Jjaaies memorial Association ana Marahal SS rrpaMon . ... ea . . r - r i a . ... i Tomb" with oornet accompaniment, orA t,a Pan1fat.lnti- At the conclusion of Ceremonies the graves of airsoldiers In the cemetery ,,.. j. j i - . . a vfc-' M11 thr. tllM. , i raniiAnrna to nrinir nowan. ma ia rs-i - , Chlat Marahal. I The Beat BeamH. I Vttarv iMorro1 lant MnnlAtM. In nnk i xjvery lanrouiou uiwju. ih duolna Hood's Sarsanarllla is strlotly Inure, and is the best of Its kind it - 1 dobs us ia to dst, aiim root anu narm lamlned. and only tha best retained. i mat rrom tne lime or pnronass unui ruooa v Barsaoaruia is. DreDareu. every 'lOOOIQ, (III A BBW l COU" citizens, and children bearing flowers, ion(,er n& be a Christian I. ... t. . . . a. m 1 ; i nr aa r.r.ai ininir inn nvsasi aaaaii 11. r a 1 JOtt try Wt 5':v.-i-i. . tntng is oareiuuy watonea witn a viewi tastaiisora truoa,ana nyanaoytney SAM J0XES AT CHARLOTTE. Extracts from Ills Strinon. Why, you haven't got a whole man in town. There are lots of pieces, but they don't fit each other. And yet you aay Sam Jones must be careful how he talks in Charlotte ! You might chop my head off, and bury me on the hill side, but every clod that falls on my grave will babble. Here lies an honest man, who had Che courage to tell you his oonviotions. It tickles me to nee onu of these preachers walkiDg around scared to death because "two of the most princi pal I est families in town" are going to quit tbe church, or some old deacon is mad, with one or his ears sticking straight up, and fanning himself with tbe other. There ain't a leading church in the United State that would have me for a pastor, and none of 'then I'd have. No board of deacons is going to boss this boy. About tha first thing I'd do I'd skin them rabbit fashion. THE HOME LIFE. It is the breaking down of the home life that debauohes society. The purest, sweetest love in the world; next to God's love, is the love of wife for husband, of husband for wife. No love so sacred as that of wife, husband, mother. WHAT GOD ASKS. But God's love is more. What does God ask in return V It is that you love Him in return. There are two classes here those who don't love Him and those who do. By pure kindness I have won the love of my horse Drennan and my dog Hero. Brethren, when God loves us so, let us rise above the level of tbe horses and dogs ? Love I There n nothing like it in this world. Some people ask me how I can work as bard as I do. Its because I love Him I am working for, Let each of us resolve. Whatever oCber people do, I'll love and serve God all the balance of my days. Tbe Baptist church will not take a fellow until he gets experience, a Presbyterian won t until he gets in telligent experience and a Methodist will lust slosh around and take any body, and we aro just as good as anybody. Old married women dance and dance right up until" your old figures get 10 tin you oannot get arouna, ana many a woman never quits aancing until sne danoes down with rheumatism or Swinney." or something else. "Swin ney" is lameness in tne lore snouiaer. ' ORTHLESS LITERATURE DENOUNCED. MaDy a girl is ruined by reading cheaD novels. A girl can scatter em around in a community, too. You little pale faced girl, you read a novel nearly all night while your overworked mother gets up and gets breakfast for you. At v o otocK you can ior your maid and get your corset, and tie one nil nf thn Htrinc to the bednost and the I . . I other to your nigger and squeeze your lielf into it and go down looking like a asp. The average gin ia no more uae God Almighty made her than if a Chiriaman bad made her out of soft pine. CONSECRATION IN BUSINESS. We ought, he said, to have our relig ion in plowing and pushing a plane, as well as in praying. Here's a man says "Religion ia religion, and business is business." You old fool, it your dubi- nesj had the measles, your religion ould never get close enough to it to catch them. Consecrate everything to God. There's not a foot of land nor an ounoe of gold in the world that every day, from crea tion down to the present time, don't belong to God. My idea of a consa orated man is one that walks up to God's altar and lies down on it and says, "Good Lord, if there's anything that aint rlfeht about me, or anything that I've got that I shouldn't have, burn it up." CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS In speaking of the appointments of churches made by the conferences to Methodist preachers, Mr. Jones said that it's always the way that the good, fat appointments are made by man, nd the poor, little ones that don't pay anything hardly, are made by uod The good ones all go before God gets i 1 1 i . 4.1 A..a;An 1 110 K bw tlitjui uuuoouiatiuu 10 sumo thing that's doing the best it can under I tha nirmi instances. . allegiance to god. I MT fiTSt allOKianCe IS tO UOU . 1 BiaiO. i Democratic , party a. long a. I a w i,jt. n lOOUla, till A bbw i couiuu ii stay huj There are things in the past of the I Uamooratio party mat are saorea, dui, when that Dartv out in that non sump tatry pUnk it pledged iuelf to liquor n mi Tmirnit roirrm . on old n-DnbHcana needn I V. .am T . m A . pvw - --- o-- i nn niosi vnn. i nnvnr nin izhl . . .li now oown enouga to mj bujvuiuhiui jour party. The Democratic party says Wl4. drink it, and i lb lUtT iiui don't care who knows it. The Repub imi. I'm neither a Demoorat nora Republican. I'm a religious mug- voa men that will vote for the eale of liauor are as mean as a saloon keeper 1 1 rinn't mm nan tne nrMinenc is. ii God ba tha kins of this oiuntry.and we wain syery aay on tne ten commanu A LICK. AT IM 8UPBEHK CODET. I know tha Buprema Court has only this wsk deoided that whiskey can be unpmfi taw m piujiuiviuu uuin, uu I that nraotloallr breaks ud Drohlbition is I In the States, but we ars going to rally oomsoi tnosa oia Denawra ana xwjuro - aantatlvea ara mlna? to ba dead and in So I hell after a while, and we are going to i eieoi soma mors. i"va seen us iitwe i wnita anow-naae s rauinn. one oy one on 1..' .k a.. a a L'.a WByaontiaet thicker and thioker. ana i ve seen B I those- areat. mlirhtr - enslnei that ,"-t,vi94-,:;':;i. ,8.;.;,; ,....!. ...i. , y-i;L:, knocks a'steer off the track in a m( ment, stop and the wheels go spinning round and round, but they could not move her. It bad got stalled in a enow bank. Yes, and this daronabl traffic that knocks thousands off the track to bell every year after a wbile the pure snow-white ballots are goiag to fall on the track and stop it still. Woman's Enterprise. Editor Jocrlal: You have referred to the suoceas of the Turboro Knitting Mill, whose proJuct, I notice, is largely sold in the New Berne stores, and you pertinentlv ask why cannot such an ic- dustry be organized here? It could be. on the co operativo plan. just as Urite cotton factories, roller nour mills, etc.. have been established in the western portion of the State, by weekly payments of 25 oents on each share of stock, by men of small means, women and children. Iaasmuoh as women and children do tbe work in knitting mills.it seems to me that it ould be an appropriate tLin for the women and children of this town to get up a knitting mill for tbe employment of their kind: and that the men of the town could do no better thing than to goto work and aid a movement wheie- by men, women and children could, through paying 25 cents weekly, per share, soon accumulate a capital that would be ample to buy and set in op eration a knitting mill. No better savings bank scheme could be thought of, and nothing is better for the employmentef women and children who have to earn their living than such small industries as the knitting mill Here is a chance for good home mission work, for the good and benevolent. Wby shall not the ladies of New Berne organize this movement: Ohsekver. Wonders of 1 lie New Era. Editor Journal: A dealer of Kin ston received a carload of corn, from Seneca, Kansas, which he bought at 20 cents, and on which the freight was 14 cents, enabling him to lay it down for 34 cents per bushel. Just think of that. Of course where transportation is so multiplied, as in the United States, and distance so oompletely annihilated as to make Kansas corn cheaper in Kinston than tbe native product ef the county, there must be agricultural depression. Tbe productions of the country are too great, and freights so low as to lay down the products of one edge of the continent alongside those of the other. In all things we are not keeping up with the procession. Our private in dustries and enterprises must keep pace with the development of facilities. Y. For bracing up the nerves, purifvinu the blood and curing sick headache and dyspepsia, there is nothing equal to liood s Sarsaparilla. 9 Grape Baskets, Fruit and Tomato Boxes, BERRY CRATES & BASKETS, South Side Manufacturing Co., may7 R. BERRY, Agent. Truckers' Barrels. Those in want of Empty Flour Bar rels will please send in their orders at once, uruers booked now will secure prompt delivery. E. n. & J. A. MEADOWS. may7 dtf More of Those Cele brated OLD VIRGINIA Cheroots On hand Today. IT. Ulioli, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE N. ( , NOTICE. Confederate Veterans. The Confederate Veterans of Craven county are hereby requested to meet at the Court House in New Berno, on Sat urday, May 10th, at 13, M. By order of MATT. MANLY, President. W. O. Bbinson, Seo'y. m6dwtd J. B. OBABTKEK. BASIL MANLY. JOHN H. CHABTREE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In tMHES AD MACEISISTS' SUPPLIES Bmlldera f Baglaaa. Bollara, Saw KUla. Bdln Oat-off HaebUiM, We are prepared to do Castings of all kinds wttb promptness, -,: ; . Fartloular and Immediate attaatton givan torspaltaoraUklada. .. . , .. u We will ba glad to give plana and estimates for any daanlpUon of maetUnary. ; ;. ;;, we are the agenta for tha sale of the Amr lean Saw. Alao for Q.AA. Barsmmln's eela brated Indeatraetlble MloaVaiv, .;.--.i.vi We give aattanwtorygitarantM for all work dona or. a.fc:;t'i-.-.i rI;i Irl (Uaw wly , , 'a .vi,.v-.i'',v.--''-ii"i POWDER Absolutely Pure. TLis powa. r never varies. A marvel of p rliy, Ktrengiii and wboleaomeneM. Mora ecouomical tlian the ordlDary kind, aad cannot be sold In competition with, the mal tliude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Bold ODly In cans. KuY A L BAKt.NU 1'owdkb. Co., 108 Wail at NV lun23diu wed rrt w SARAH CXLEY lias opened her Ice Cream Parlor At her old stand, Broad St., near Mid dle, where she will be pleased to see her old friends and patrons. Choice Cream furnished families day and night at reasonable prices. mO lm PAPE & DEY0, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHUTI. 859 & 861 Washington Street, NEW YORK. Consignments of Southern Fruits and Vegetables solicited. Highest market prices obtained, and returns made each day of sales. Reference: Oanseevoort Nat. Bank, N. Y. ; Nat. Bank, New Berne, N. O. Stencils can be obtained at Jno. Dunn's. Just Received AT J. 1.1. HOWARD'S, Now Lot Tennis Shirts, Windsor Ties, Plaited Bosom Shirts, laundried and unlaundriod. See our Lord Chumley Collars. New lot Samples in a few days. J. M. HOWARD. WANTED A Tract of Mineral and Tim ber Land AT FIRST HAND. Write Immediately with lull particular and lowest price lo " E N U L. I S H m A.M.'' may'.' il wliii Mlridleiborougli, Ky.' IF YOUR Financial Condition Is embarrassing, and your mind is so troubled that your dreams are un pleasant and prevent your resting wall at night. It would be well for yon to olose out your stock of dry goods, boots and shoes to Big Ike, the Clothing liaa of Newbern, N. O. ,at SOo.on the dollar.or less and not wait until the Sheriff closes your door and you have to make an as signment, and let your expenses eat the) last button ( IT Jack's coat, and yous ceditOJs and yourself get nothing;. All communications promptly ah wered. STRAW HATS. A Fine Line of them at ' Barrington & Baxter't. Also, a large lot of SAMPLE HATS at New York coBt. See Our Stock of Neckwear. Full line of CLOTniNO anOHS n1 DRY GOODS at Barrington & Baxter's. - aprl dwtf For Sale, Tho finest SADDLE PONY in North Carolina. Ij also a firood huirirT nnn!' o ..i r . Apply Monday or Tuesday. ..i may4 dtf J. E. LATHAM.- Attention, Ladies, Having just received or tne FiiiESTPflnnscs:Di at .GREAT REDUCTION', will at'l . ; them at '; . A L.' '. w v.j j., t ' J .. mayS dtf . t-T.,: :! J. i-..iv- '!-. ?..-A.v,':'iti ':-r'v-; Wifi-n ;,:'V..;,;,',':X;-W;.'i