v - 'i A lit i r:1 'rTBnWUttoh: brightly before YOB.. - .' . ' T A field for jour rbuscta and brain, NOIfH CAROLINA. 1 And though clouds msjf often float o'er Adoiphos. lwrri AM 01 ion oouiea tauiptni iuu rain, B fearless . of storms which o'ertako foah forward through all like a man Good forta&e will nertr farsske yoa, " ' If yoa do as Bear right as you can. JocJite Prisoner a. the bar, have yoa an jthinf to ear before mb tence is pasted f Pr Uonee Ye, jourkpoti Will yoa please date mj sentence from, the time that Jink headed, long-winded eon of a ganxtfa lawyer of mine etarted to talk 1 . . f. LEHoa Elixir IU Waerfl aWees the Slemaab, newalB. KMnfi ad Bleed Dr. Moalej's LBon Elixir is a pleas nut lemoa drink that po-iiiTslv cores all Biliousness, Cotntipation, Indiges tion. HstdMhe, MaUrU, Kidney Die ease, Disiinesa, Cold Lou of Appetite, Fever. Chills, Blotch. Pimples, Pain in Back, Palpitation of H fart, .and all other diseases caused by disordered IWer. stomach snd kldue, the first crest eanae of all fatal dises. ' Fifty cents and one dollar per bottt. Sold by druggists. Prepared only by H. Uosloy, tl.D., Atlanta. Q LUU HOT DROPS, For coughs snd colds, take Lemon Hot Drops. For sore throat atd bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. For pneumonia and LryngetU, take Lemon Hot Drops. For consumption and uatarih, tuke Lemon Hot Drops. For all throat and long dUoases. take Lemon Hot Drops. An elegant and reliable preparation. Sold by druKttists 25 oents per but le. Prepared by II Mi tley. M D . At ante. Oa. uoyidwly BTATt o Kojrrs Carouja l County at Crav. j !BBpetWrOWrt.75prinjTra (May)lnSQ PublleU4a Aprusui. imm. aura. Phebe AOa'eid Jamts Boy a. To Pbeba A, Jarltoa. T.ke nutlet: Thts aotloi,-entity t at above baa tie en coviuenaea ia.atd inuri to setup andee-. tabllahadeedtxeouted by you to aald James Boyle, whereby you empowered said Bo vie to exeeute deeds for ear Uodi situated lit aald oourvty. And jou aie r quirtd 10 ap pear at tn Court. House In said oounty on me Twelfth Monday after the ant Monday to Maion, 1890 and answer or dmnr to tLe eompialnt tllel In said action. or I'.e plain tiff will ppl y to tbe eouit (or tho lellif de manded lu tbe eompialnt. K. w cahpxn' ric . Clerk anp Court of Craven o-iu..u . QBKaJI at T VINSON forlb ' r roliDV Att'ya for naiotim aps-nw CBtfUeafatfceU&efteae,ea4tfiaee.v.a cniv4 Imaglae aw lleaiy trade la. Or sow fcard tm eanyuHkx aars to wort to Keep wttljla Hht of oa. Aakyoeriatauarteaae4aMBtaaaaiSax)abetttMJaM raalttTalyaoBppiUliaeaaaTlatojaaBMaa4prkaaaipeS plainly on the aolea. To reUller win aopply yoa wita iboes so ataaapedUyoe taalstapoaafeidouicao; tfyoadonot uuW.toma ratalleri win ooax yea Into baytpc In! erior skoet apon which they aiaka a bucerproat. saps iimsr: jsmsrexks ,, i ii mm? JmlJlil J I I eniniTini! ' T , X -. k I . - j TSJ "Fjne night,"- said Smith to Jouea as they came oat of the elab. Yi'8," said Joneu ai tb chn:k .begun sti iking the hoar of 12, "It u a 11 e night, bur I -xpect it will etoiui wheu I get home." A. PLB48INO tKN -B Of health and strength rud ed und uf vuse and oomfoit f. Ilr il us ot Syrnp' of Fig, a i nc- in h .mi-oj with eaturn to fff etunUy r wuso (he aiatem when oonlivi or i i i un For sale In BOj and $1.00 boitio.-. by i leading drugkiM. II VS.STYLE ue i -:r Utlh aaajj a .v tinfl tU-SDs'-IN VN'EOBAltED CUSASIUTY rsrccnoN 0LF1T. USH0E CANNOT FAIL TO S ATI S I Pl!..Mllli Snii l t Court. . -i 1 -e County ofOiav 1 he BoSrd of 4rloulluro - . Ta Vm, Baagh, John Bauh at d J imra Heugb, tradlng aa Buh & doaa Company TO Wat Baugh, John Baugh ana J iniea BtugnjtradluieaUaukndt&oniu mpany: Take aotlea that an aotlon haabt en com menced agninkt on in the Superior Court of Oraveneouuiy bj ti e plalntltl ln tr.e above entitled action, to o udtmn eeriain com. mereialfertlllaera sold or offered foreate by yoa In the com ty of Ui aven without having Ofst obtalmd a lioenae inereior irom toe Treasurerof tbebtate And wlinout having a aid tne taxea aa proviaeu dt iw. i uu re lerefore tequ red to appear at the next term of the (superior court or crave n conn ty , to be held on the 12ih Monday alter the let afondav In March. 1890. and ana er or demur to the eompialnt In aald action Olven at my offloe In the cliy of ewbern thlalUhday of AorU, 1890 Clerk etup. Court. AprlllSth 8w NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior Court. Craven County. I .Notice L H Cutler v. E E. Clark. K. C. Cutubert. ToE. 0 Cotbbert: Take notloe that an action has been Inatl- tutedairalnat jou by the aald plaintiff, L. H. Cutler, for the fo eclosure of a certain mort gage exeoated to E.O. Culhbcrlby Jane Ann Clark on a certain lot In the cltr ot New born on the north -ait comer o: craven ana Now sweets, wnlulie Id mortgage waa sub- quen'ly aeslgned l y the owner to Raid aiuiim 1 ou are intrvitr required up- war at the uext term of the Surertor Court of Cravon county, to be hi hi In the city of Newnern i n meii n ,iniay ui;er ine isi vi on lay 1 1 Mmca, 189). and answtr or demur to the eoraplaint. April luih, IWHj. E. W. OAUPKSIKK, aplOH Clerk of the ruperl r tourt. Id the Liueof Busine.'.- Doctor. MVVhy do J on Ttive th litile Smith bojM o much caody, Cake, and soda water!'? Doctor, B. I'm Smhli'ti family doctor." A Valuviji iteelr;4 V A letter from 8 P WaTtlwc 1, flotton, says: '1 ued Clarke1 Extract of Flax (Papilloo) C itarrh Cure in June last for Hey Ferer itb great satisfaction, and find it is the onl thine I have seen which wontd vtlgy ' Without Irritation the inflammiition Of. she nostrils end throat Its soothing and healing prop erties were marked and immediate. Large bottle 81 Oft. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. Ask for shem et F. 8. Daffy's drug store. SOKTH AROUNA. I Ililhe CraVon Jonnty. 1 Superior Com t. t umiuona for Hellt f. Notlco. John H. Knight, plilntlff, vs Kiul y K Knight, lefeudant. TLe defendant above named wl'.l lake 'iiitloe that auucllun entitled as itbovttl, been com menceu in the Superior ourlof i;rveu county, aald otlon b lug lor 'di vorce from the b -nda of matrimony" on account of adultery; anil the axld defendaut will inilher take notice that Bliu Is required to appear at the Boring Term, 1HU0, of i rav n county Superior Court, to be held on ihe 12t.h Monday after th 1st Monday In Match, lxi, and anawer oroemur aaiihe blmh be advised to the complaint which la tiled In the ortlc nrtliet lerk of the superior leutt for aald ennuty. or the plalnilff will upply to the court f r the rvlli-f demanded in the com ' K. W. ( ARPENTIi.lt, Clerk Puprlor Court, I'ravoa County. L. J. MooRa, Att'y for flaiutlft. apx w ' Bock haa been the recent procnai la oar heaaefc of ladutqr thM we aM bow aUeto afflrm that the Jameaateam' at Shoe la ta every napeeteqaattstae aaoaawhleh only a tew Tears age) wtat re tailed at eight or tea dollar. If yoa will try oa a pair yoa will b oonrtnoed that w doaot exaggersta. Oun an the original as and St Shoe, sad those who Imitate oar lyittm of bailneai are unable to compete with tu in quality of factory product, la oar Unci we axe the largest manafantttwri in the Culted State. 8hoe frem car celebrated faetery are seU by wlae-awake retailers In all pari of the eeaatry. We will plaoe them eatlly within your reach Is any State or Territory If yen will Invest one cent In a postal card snd write to a. JAMES MEANS & COn 41 Lincoln St Boston, Mass. FULL LINES OF THK ABOTK SHOES FOB SALE BY J. M. HOWARD, Pollock St., New Berne, N.C. VANCE ACADEMY, UNror Berne, 3XT- O. NOTICE. Stati if Kobth Caeoliha, ) Uonnty ot urate n ) OrBoe of the Cleikor the Superior Court. Take Notice, That I hare this day is sued letters declarm Fbeoeas M. Bar ber, R F. Brandduj and Charles L Ires, and their successor, to be a cor poration for the purpose, and according to the terms prescribed io articles of agreement filed and recorded in said office Tbe substance of said agreement is, that said parties d.sire to become in corporated under the name of the New Berne and Pamlico Lumber Company, ' tot the purpose uf manufacturing lum- ; ber, and dealing in lumber timber and timber lani; ihV ibe principal place I of buniaee U New Berno, N. C ; said t LOrporation ii to ooriliciu.- thitty years; , the amouot uf capital thereof to be , eijlJteen thousand dolUrs with pnvi lege to increase the s.me to fifty thou -! sacd dollars; ecb sbate f stock to be of tbe value of ore hundred dollars;' iho number of smarts oni hundred aod i eighty with correKOondn. increase to j the capital stock; aod that the stock holders or subscribers are riot individ ually liable for tbe debts of the Com pany. Witness my band and ornctai seal at office in New Berne, this day of April, 1890 L. 8 J E. W. CaRr EN IE 11, a25 30d Clerk Superior Court. W. R. BAKRIITOTOK, AGENT FOB THE Life of Jefferson Davis. Ex-Presldent of the Confederate StaUi. A Memoir by hie wife. THE ONLY GENUINE WORK OF THE KIND ON SALE. ap29dwlm ljillinory Goods ! Salesmen WANTED AT ONCE To sell onr ?ooos by aatnple Ui wholesale and retail trade. We are the largest manu facturers la our line, uoerai salary paia. Permanent position. Honey advanced for waaea, advertising;, ete. For terms address CENTENNIAL MFG. CO., apUdwim Chicane HI. HOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Special attention given to Mathematics, Commercial Law, Rook- keeping and Penmanship. Experienced teacher in Instrumental Music. Vocal Music a prominent feature. Tuition, including Board, Washing, Lights, etc., $05.00 to $7f 00 per session of five months. W. R. SKINNER, Principal. Jan2I dwtf ft a. Our HANDSOME HOT SILVERWARE. 2 K i Commissionei's Sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Superior Courtof Oraven county, rendered at lis Feb ruary Term, lwo. In an action in wmcn w. Maler waaplaintin ana Mlr iiixon ana others were defendanu, uuderwhlcli said Judgment I was duly appointed a commls sioner ot said court, and ncenseu tnereoy to sell the hereinafter described land, I will therefore sell at fable Au.ilon forcaahto the htghrst bidder, at the t'ouit Honse door In the city of New Beruu. at 1 o'clock, p m.. on Monday the 5th day ol May, 1S90. Hie fol lowing land, to wit: Ding and being in Hie State of North Carolina, county of Uraven. on the south side of Ceuse river and south side of l)ovtrrad: b klnultig ft a stake at tbe south side of Dover road. In tbe norther, most line of a tract of land conveyed to John 3. Heaih by William H. WashlDslorr, run ning tiirnoe wlib and up said Dover road, lt). pou-s to a point on 'irnbomti utie or sain road, and east dlfie ol Urn Hrymi loadasll has been altered and ltd o.H on (Iree inl side of John s Kilber'a li n, etc s fully de.erll't'd in t!ie coinpUInt tiled in tire above eilllllerl Hi-tloil, to b ell relerence lroiebv marie for u fu'l a'ul li unite n--Ri-iiiiiion thereof. n II. (il MN, A prll :.!. IKS I. Slid (' jiunilsiiioner. Commissionei's Sale. d it Ml' ,.To III ll A. nd, l 1 it d.i. Pursuant to a ji:d'rner;t f -b Court of t th veu nn:ty. ren Full term lS'.l of sn.nl nini t. In . Which .1. H. llieKouin Uptii'') W. Avery and oi nei k ai di leer. ; Which snlJ judttiii-'ii' I u k ! coniralBsloner lo -e l Hi I er. i scribed land: I will el ' t I'ubi e .Miction foi catii to the li'gheHi I ' il . I , nt Hie i uni t House door hi Hie city of ,e Heme, on Mondiy the 5th uny of Mny. kl 12 M , the following dtsorlbi-d land, to w ii; All ilieun dlvlded lntie-,t of A. W, Avery In the lutidn ol Wiley Avery, deceaKed. lyliiij on thcBouth side of Neu-e rivor iulniiiU'g t lie lumla ot William Arnold, tlui i)r -at llninrh, 1 tie lands formerly owned b) .1 S. I ai e, W. W. Prestcott and otheis: rnt iu:iy k. t oi l ml de scribed In tbe complaint bled in the above entllledaclion.ref.-i ei.ee to whieh ih hereby made for a full and prifect diM-rlptioa thereof. O. 11. H!IO.'. ConirniBBloncr. March 28. 1890. ap.'i FOR MEN ONLY! 1 DfKITIVr TMTocJanjN8 atANHOOD; H r UOI I II t eHinmi mkkvowb BiBrxrrY; riTTT? "E Weakaeo efBudyaad atmAUffeot J U JlXJ of Errors ariSzoaawtia Old or Yotuif, UbmtL NoU( 1NHOOD rail. ReMnrri, How o ttulint ind .UII1WCI. Wlut.lt uhlllu laU TltKiTKIf-BcarSta la dI. B testlrj froa 41 SUIi, 'Tfrrltiii-U, flBd FoivlgB t'onBlrlci. bb bb ritBtaBf. IIbbIl. Iwll sipt&aaflon, bbb prufi bibII4 ibbIbb) me. AddrtH Rlt MEDICAL CO.i BUfFAlO. N, f, Igiforance Costs. NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE NEW BEKNE, IT. C. Intelligence Pajs. INSTITUTE, M83. B. B. LANE having rempiad from' her bid stand on Pollook street to the elegaot .store undef Hotel. Albert (south Side) is cow t repared-to serve the pnbllo with a - New and Complete- Stock I BPRING GOODS, M cheap il eii. ba iwgfr&i'lm th city. StlstAotlon gnsranteed. nq tf y2m IJE17 UILLli:2nY4 X ) Tth'W . , tr. M? J' . ' ), " 1 '' . X - -.. -. i i :tTJ t For anj thing jn .a Elegant .Line of fa'ii';u-,: MUlinery Goods, see :e. Mrs; &arbMgfc-$ Koonce. they naw also with them Miss Ford " haii; " who 1 wfa" UklCcharge of tho - DraWmaklng bepartment-. opOdwlm . Zi'dZ tn V.. 1.4. jN V A prompt tad Qoiens temedv for . . cMtiis'SortkropiBh t 4 -i "J? 1 a-B-SvPSfrfA -.'Att-: V Thla rnn!na, Ui Mftrat-mlctde Srid - intlseptio of" n4i1riWW . IB mOK IDS liiutiaawsH oiallyt in- tupblriejtiaerisiPief leterj mauisi atai . aad In stofiaeh aha bowel trotibtei dtteVWiiimentatiojn;.;Oao trial will oonvlnoa yoa of iU merits. plSdwly "vt" proprietor. AllJUsia cf r. -:n, Trick; an4 SEU L J, N. O 0 0 CO o . o H bo CQ I bitvo kept up with the work of Prof. Adams in this city. 1 1 is genuino and thorough. It is education in earnest. With a splendid building, first class teachers and a judicious course of study, his school is a success. The deportment of his students is the outcome of good government. .Bright, orderly and contented, they have learned to apply themselves both as a duty and a pleasure. Learning and Progress are the watch-words of the New Berne Collegiate In stitute, and it is an ornament to Eastern North Carolina. JOHN S. LONG, President of the Board of Trustees of the New Borne Academy. New Berne, N. C, Feb. Uth, 1890 The advent of Prof. G. T. Adams to this city marks a new era in the history oi its educational interests. Under a contract with the Trustees of the New Berne Academy this gentleman took charge of their school property in September last, for the purpose of conduct ing a High School; and what was at first regarded by many as a doubtful experiment has iu a few short months proved a phenomenal success. New Berne Collegiate Institute, under the management of Prof. Adams and a corps of able assistants is rapidly taking rank with tbe most flour ising schools of the State. Parantsand guardians, desiring for their children and wards a thorough preparation for college, could not do better than send them to this institution. W. M. WATSON, Sec'y and Treas.JBoard Trustees New Berne Academy. p CT- B CO -i O on Q o o p fed M CD Ui CD CO o CD -i P c-r- CD txj o p -. p r- q O o P P fjq CD CA tr o -. o rH CO o (- O w CD a. t. Miss M. L. Allen (Peace Institute), i Modern Languages, History and Geography. iss Auboea Maob (Cooper's , Institute), Painting and Drawing. ..j MesAB.'J'eebbee,: . , h -i-.Mirt'' '. -,'a l': Primarv 'TAnnrf mArit:. - , M"isf Miutx J-. -IJ-.1UJN booretatv. , tU. "Bell The Jeweler." J. A- MUX, Pres. 1. H. CUTIEE, Tite Fret C, 11. ROBERTS, CaiWer. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. iNCOuroilATKD 18C5. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jas. A. Dkvan, Thomas Danuls, L. II. Cctlur, Chas. 8. Bbtaji, O. H. Roberts. im WOODWORK. chTcP0,1?', 23 UNI0NBQUARE.NY N.bJ DALLAS.TEX. ST.'.QUIS MO. AKNT WANTED. I MM & GO. luflarp.in nut rer.eivpd a Har Iurl nt OVSU HOUSRH and MULES from tho West, which ihoy will sell atreasoa- blo prio-s for cash. Miihtie Street, Now Berne, N. C. aprl9 dwtf mm VbAHhhLu. tia. Offl iiiiii t'AHoi.ivA. Huprrlor Court. cnivi-M ( oimly. i February Term, 1890. Htsli Insit mi lli van imil M. DuW. SlevenaoD, vs. mnol lliiK''lni and olliers. Hy virtue ol authority conferred upon lae. ..vJ,uu,.uiin,iii it JUUKIUCIll or court, l.hA AhftVA Plltmn.1 Ckll..n I ,l MltllflnV 1llM Villi, ,IOTT ,t HA .. A 1, I O.Wk public outcry, at the Court House door In ,.u .... j i i.t. n u, ii . h.l il ucioca., M,, i .ino niKuemi niuuer, til e IOlIowlDg da rlbed )anil: All those Iracls of landsllu .ed In hiihl r'rnvHn ennntv nn ii.. slceof NeiiNo Kiveroiie trart of sail laud coiiUilurng 1"iO acieH, more or less, bounded nil the lliu-Th'liv NJmma nivor r.n .V - -1 .. - -" - ... . , .... ,u, W VBL by tbe la dsof William Hal ley. on the south ity iiic miiunui I., I). VYUi.U.HUU -tlffi eSlt by tbe lands oi Stephen LI. Holland; the ,uii,iuniK i-w Heron, more or l'S4. All iill 11 iliir Mm nhnua t ra n h,-v ' ' " -v., uj(J .1,0 siiuie land which was conveyed to Marglanna H. MbliHntnn liv k' W Paphjia. h-T .1 . dated April IHh. IHTLI, and recorded on records ..1,mii0,piM.iuui(iii uuiK io, pagea aao und 237, to which reference is mads for utore iuu auu pern ci atsrnpnon. Terms Cash.- 11. tJ. Bl K V JliNWUrl, ftpL'ii iltil Commission) r. and Whiskey Hablta cured at home with out pain. Book of Dar- ticularesent FREE. K M WrVll.T PV u r, Atlanta, io. Office lW.W hi tehallk. A.DAM9 . B., (Trinity College), Ancient Languages and Natural Sciences. Geo. W. Neal, A.M. (Univ. N. C), Mathematics. S. 0. Bragaw, (Unir. N. 0.J, English Literature, Reading, Spelling and Physical Cultnre. J. E. Patrick 1 i Tutor In Int.- Department. VOCAL MUSIC, LOCATION AND CALISTHENICS JFREE. SPECIAL VMTAGE BECOME TEACHERS. v A well-equipped Gymnasium, Library, Keading Boom tind Literary, 86ciety. 8peoiai;indaoement8 to poor B03 1 and Gir'g, 1 . '-4 All laqnliiej will Ui .tUMweted by personal lettw.-i;(;v)AdMW UU' ! v , , " Mis' MARY Ii. AXXBN.'Beorettitv:' ",r''- s aUS. T. ADAMS, Principal: 3TATE OF NUK'l'U CAKOLINA. County ol Craven, ) i By virtue of a iuilKment of the fnntirlnr Court of (raven cuumy, rendered at the Fah- ruary mm, i.viu, tne undersigned will sell on the nmt day of the Sprlhg Xermof the Sucerlor Court, 1H9U, of uraven county, to wit: ou the 2tjth day of May, 1890, at Public Auction, for caeh, at the Court House Door lo Mew Berne, the followluir described nr. sonal property and real estate, to wtt: two maicB, iiiiuo warn luuiea, oue norsa BQ1US, three carts, one cotton glu, one steam an Klne and one cotton press; two oertaJn trMt ui mini uum ij iug in iue county ana stats aforesaid and dosorllnd as follows; una trat Known us nimn An, lying between the else Koud and Dover Koad, about fourteen five thousand acres more or less, tine tract situated In the fork ol Washlneton and Nouse Kooda, alout twelve miles from Maw Berne, and acjolnlng the lands of B. H. (Ireen's heirs, llezeklah Uavla and Oeorga Hill, known as the Clear Springs plantation, containing ono thousand acres more or lees, being tbe same land devised to Olcero Green by hlsfather Jobn.Oreen. Also the 101 lowing described tracts of land In Pamlico county In the Htale aforesaid, lo wit: All thut certain piece or parcel ot land, beginning at a pine running thehoe South 71 West, 58 poles to a gum on Richard (Jary's line, then with aald Cary.s Una south IU Kast VX poles to a maple, than East 108 poles lo a ploe, tben Norlh 18 West 105 poles to a pine, then North 18 Kast 44 poles to a poplar, then West 14 poles to a pine, then North 71 poles to a pine, then tlouth 60 West 5 poles to a pine tae begin ning, containing 115 acres. Also one other pleceor parcel of land In Pamlloo county on the Booth side of Bay Klver Creek, np tho main courses of the main branch or stieam to Whorton's back line, a apace el thirty feet wide In aald branch containing two acres. Also one other traot of land the North side of Hay Klver, on tbe East' side of Mason's Creek, beginning at a past Oak on the Main Koad, runs south 45 east :!75 poles, thence north ltt west to DaThV corner, thence with his line to Thomas Jewel's corner; thence with said Jewel' , line about a north-east course to tha main road at Sandy Branch; and thence with tha road to the beginning: containing 250 acres more or leas. M. DkW. Stevenson, F. M. SlMUONS, i Commissioners. This Uth day of April, 1890. DESIRABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. - ' V STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA. V" uoumy or uraven, l TtVTlrt.na nf ft ln.limi.nl k . Court of Craven county, rendered at tha February Term, 1890, the undersigned will sell. on l lie 28th day of May, 18Sw"etPqblla TBuuwtiui vixcxi., ss tuo VUUri JCLOUM dOOT In New Berne, tt. following deurt. estate, to wit: certain lot with all tha lam " nrnvAmAlitsi thArnn. aif naafss. ta. v. . : . ew Berne, state and county aforesaid. ins part or piece or land formerly ovnad William TTnillatar .nJ ,.j TT" TZ. .. h T.A want R. RlBnlA ,nJ T i u -TlT-L , . said lot being lot No, 87 In sallTlaa. a Y n.lffllh .1 m.1 . T. . " . T V. , .... v.. aw.vv, a. VU BOV DOTII St(l Of , Stanly street, belhs tha houae and lot whara ii Alfred Want now nulriaia. n TT": :""" fcl . J.RO'HAJlA,-i.- ar-tA . . . . : . BVlllluiass11iJBBBr -i TUIs Jbth day of April, 1880, , , dWd " ) 'If .1. I A . J 1 . )

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