irjeaweaWftrii a itaummmmmimammmmmmmmmmmm mmm it -'1 r , MARKS : . "niii WITH THE DOOM, r ! L . 4 hf We gave no option, but bought outright a Superb Stock of Spring Dry ) Goods. Every department is loaded We nave everything which Fashion guarantee our prices iW. v i J than New York Figures. v We promise reliable goods, honorable dealings, and our prices we will guarantee against the American World. 1" facts Worth 4 t ws . f'JFhat 0. MARKS is the most reliable, as X7ell ad the Cheapest House in the city, i for all kinds of Goods. He sells both Retail and Wholesale. That 0. MARKS carries the largest, most t complete and comprehensive Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes and Notions in this State. That O. MARKS is always the first to reduce prices, and sells only the most reliable and honest goods. That O. MARKS invites the closest scrutiny and comparison of prices and values with those of other houses who imitate his method and try to eopy bis prices. That O. MARKS will meet any out prices made by any reputable house, provided the cut is made in good faith and not as a bait to obtain business, and that he defies competion. Is this what the women want? - Here's news for. every woman who goes about with? broken corset bones. There's a material that'll neither break nor roll up, and it's guaranteed. A year is not too Short a time to wear out that warranty. If it does, here's your money without a word but it won't; The material is Kabo. And more. It's stitched in, double-Stitched in, top and bottom, and it can't be worked out with any ordin ary wear. 1 The Kabo corset is more than a common blessing to the average woman. There's no wearing out of corset facers by the sharp edge of the eyelet ; there's nothing to rust, no eyelet visible through a thin dress; never a breaking of a corset lace with those loop eyelets, i We take the risk in selling the Kabo corset. We buy and sell under this guarantee : "If for any reason whatever the corset is unsatisfactory to the wearer it may be returned to us, and the money paid will be cheerftdly refunded without question. No matter what condition it may be in, provided it hasn't been worn ever three weeks; and if the Kabo with which the corset is lonidever breaks, we will as cheerfully refund the money. . Just Eeceived--Another lot of those beau tiful 15c. French Finish Satin. Wholesale trade . u - . Irill offer special inducements. My stock is ninch larger than ever before, and all bought for spot cash, and I give the Trade 'the benefit of my discounts. Therefore I can sell ytttt1 Goods as cheap as Northern markets. You will save money mWSfcr of M down with the latest productions, demands for the season, and we will TsMrrarl Remembering: and time by calling on SLOkwSa Low Iripes, m27 THE JOURNAL. Do yon know the use of light house! ; I wonder if yoa were ever oat t sea on dark night, the wind whistiine in the riggtar. and the wares dashing against the aide of the ship; and yoa not able to see the way one bit. If yon hare, yoa will remember as yoa eat' there and felt the ship speeding through the water, - how eagerly the. sailors looked oat for the light-houses. All along the oast -at' different points there, are dangerous places, strips of sand jutting out, or hidden rocks; the sailors cannot see them in the dark, , and the ship would certainly strike on some olthem were it not for the friendly light house, which Bendsjts gleam across the water, and warns the sailor not to come too near. How glad the siilor is to see the light, and how carefully he keeps away from the dangerous spot! - Now God gives ns light-houses. Over and over again In His Word, he warns us of some bidden danger; His word is a lamp, and it shines out through the darkness of this world, and warns those that will look at it of dangers that they may avoid. Sometimes it is a rock on one side; sometimes a rock on the other side; sometimes a strip of hidden sand, where we should make shipwreck if we ventured on it; and sometimes a dangerous current. But the light-house is always a friendly light, it shows as the dan gers that we may avoid them, and so get safely to the end of the voy age. Dear ones, who are just begin ning the voyage, look carefully for the light-houses, and when they warn you to keep from danger, then keep from it. I will tell you of one light-house, the rest you must look out for yourselves. "Enter not into the path of the wicked, and go not the way of evil. Avoid it, pass not by it, turn from it and pass away.'' The evil may look very fair outwardly, and you may see no danger, but there is danger, and the friendly light-house 6hines out, "This is no safe, harbor for yoa; avoid it, and pass on." And if you are wise you will at once sail on, and leave the dangerous place. But if you neglect the warning you will come to shipwreck, and none but yourself will be to blame. Ob, be wise, dear readers ; believe God's V ord, and you snarl jet come safely to the haven ot rest Words oi L'f-. "The church in the world," says a recent writer, "is like a ship on the ocean. The ship is safe enough in the ocean, so long as the ocean is not in the ship. The church is safe in the world, so long as the world is not in the church." Tha Univenal Verdict of the People Who have used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Skin Cure award it the first and highest place as a remedial agent in all oases of Skin Diseases. Erysipe las, Eczema, Pimples, unsightly blotch es, humiliating eruptions, bolls, car buncles, tetter, etc, all yield to this wonderful preparation at once. Price $1.00 for a large bottle at F. S. Duffy's drug store. Clarke's Flax Soap is good for the Skin. Try it. Price 25 cents. Closed lips strangle spats and quarrels before they are born. Tha Clangor of an Alarm Bell Close by, in the stillness of the night, could scarcely startle tbe ordinary ind vidual more than do trifling noises the nervous invalid. But once the nerves are braced and the system invigorated with Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters, this abnormal sensitiveness is succeeded by i traiquility not to be disturbed by trivial causes. Impaired digestion Is a fertile cause of nerve weakness and unnatural mental gloom, and a vigorous renewal of the action of the stomach is one of the surest means of invigorating and auietinn the nerves. Insomnia, or sleeplessness, a form of nervous dis ease, is unquestionably benefited by sedatives, when it is proiongea,cror frequent occurrence, but its permanent removal is more effectually achieved with the Bitters. - This medicine is also signally efBoacions for malaria, rheuma tism, constipation. liver complaint, ana torpidity of the kidneys and bladder - -i i Till men are honest they are not capable of self-government. The more yoa vex others the easier are yoa vexed by others. THE MUTUAL BENEFIT Life Inamance Company OF SKWABK. HBW JERSEY. ORGANIZED IN 1815, Asset. - - 4,6ae.3a8.S Surplus, - - 3,7 7$, 76,33 All Policies nonforfeitable and non-con testlbla after two annual premiums have been paid. Policyholders fafllag to pay a premium after two years have the Insurance oon tinned in roroe for a term as long as the rsservo win carry iv Dividends nald EVERT TEAR. The following well known olUiens of this State nave Policies in tnis uompany, and cheerfully commend It to all wanting lnsn ranee; -Lawrence Holt, Ksq,. Bnrlingtoni neury w en, jutq., uoiasooro; treo, u, umii Kaq... Wilson; J. 8. Oerr, Esq., Dnrham: Col A. O. Davis, LaO range: Rev, F. UPlUiVVII L.Reld.Hon Pant r. faisottr Kale Bia..Lonlsbera! W. L. Paul P. Palsoitr Balelgh) Thomas Wnite, ndon, Use,. Pltta- Doro: I. F. Bhaokleford, Tarboro; ..lioniSDera: w. jj, lmi .txw- per, JEsq , BaleUh; B. Q. Worth Kq Wll over; Major A. ft. Bennlaon, JMew Berne, and manyotnera. - - - Full information will be glvsn and appll eauonaareaoueiteu "J . JJ. V. CARBATV AT, Atant, ' Ordlnarv Ufa. Kndowmemt. Limited Par ment and Convertible Policies Issued on the most ravoranis terras. ,c maji awir noTUino succeeds .' LIKE SUCCESS. The reason B ADAM'S MICROBE KILLER U the most ' wonderful medicine, la because it has never failed in an; Instance, no matter what the disease, from LBPBOSY to the sim- pltst disease fcnown to the human sjstem. -ij5S". The scientific men cf toddy claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, ASD Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out 1 1 ihe system, and when that in done you cannot Lave an ache or pain. No matter what the disease, whether a simple c.tsfl of Mrtlana fever or a combination or (1isoa5i's,-ri ruie them all at the Fame time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Asthma C'oiuitniptiii, Cutar. li. BronclrtU, Kbeumatism Kid noy arid Liver Disoase, Chills and Fever, Female Troubles in all its forms, and, in fact, even Disease known to the llunrn System Bewara of Fraudulent Imitations ! Bee tbat our trade- ark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "Uistorj of the Microbe Killer,'' given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Tollock and Middle Sts., ni30 dwly ennu Now Borne, N. (', State of Noktoi Carolina, ) Uuunty of Craven ) Soi'crio; Couit--Sj! T. riu. 1800 Tbo N tlou 1 It.i.k uf iS., li.-rm, a The Ti3e V.iUt L in! : ! L uutior : o and Judnun U iU-n .. and W. B Graves, trading uu B. own. Graves & Co., R I'. MoriU.) u.i an . James W Denny, aesigneo The defen.Jante, Jade ti It Btown and W. B. Graved tr idmg us Uruwn, Graves & Co.. will take tiouoo ihat an action entitled qb above has betn commenced in the Superior Court of Craven county said action is brought to recover of you the amount of certain drafts drawn upon yoa by the Tide Water Land and Lumber Co. and accepted by you You will also take notice that an attachment has been issued aguinet you in the said action, and that the same has been levied upon your interest if any iu cer tain saw-mills and timber I tnds in Craven county, and that J M Broad d us has been garnhheed for a certain debt for about three thousand dollars due from him to you. You will thertfoie take notice that you are n quin d to ap pear at tl e Spring Teim. 1890, of-Craven Superior Court, to be held on tha 12th Monday efter the l-t Monday in March, 1890, and answer or demur as yen may be ad v 1st d to tho complaint which is filed in theolTioe of tbe C! rk of the Superior Court of said o u.ity, or tbe plaintiff will apply to tho Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 5th day or May. 1800. E. W. CARPENTER, tnaj6d6iv CteikSu'p Court. T. J. TURNER, (Successor t the New Berne Furniture Co.) Has just received a job lot of Window Shades, Mosquito Canopy, Picture Frames, &c. And will close them cut at NEW YORK COST for the uext TAIN days. lie -also nas a run line or Furniture, Chairs, Clocks and Mirrors, whlAhLo will soil CHEAP F. It OASH Cull and examine lilu Btocfe. Satisfaction gimrautucd. T. J. TUHNKK, eii27ds New Barue, N. C, SALE OF LAND. In obedlenoe to a Judgment of the Superior Court o Craven county, rendeied on the 1st day of April, 1890, In ihe su t wherein James u. Harrison. Administrator oi mens w. Sampson, Is plalatlff, am Mary Sampson ana otners are oeienaanis, i win, on Mon day. June ad. 1880. at the Court House In New Berne, w. u,. at xweive o'oiook, m., sen to the highest bidder, for oash. a oertaln tract of land belonging to the estate of Lucas W. Sampson, situate, lying and being in ho. o Townsntp, uraven oouniy, on tne eaat aide of Bachelor Creek, containing ten acres, more or less, fully described in a deed rcom ADram aioore 10 l.ucbs w. campion, dated Nov. fltb, 1873, recorded In the Records of Craven county. Book No. 100, folios 18? and 141. Bald sale to be suhjeot to tbe conflr- maiion oi ine uourk. New Berne, N. o., May ad, io. , JAMliS O. HABRIgON. may3Hs Commlsslcntr. Agents Wanted : POB Heroes of the Dark Oontioen By 3. W. BTJEIi, The most sncodssfnl American Author. POSITIVELY TBK ONLT COMPLKTI New Stanly Boot and Pictiresqns Africa From the writings of Henry u. btanley. Two hundred tnonsand copies sold In seven weeks, ana me aemana rapiaiy in creasing. Nothing like it has been known in the history of boo K DUUll nnbilsblna-. This la the only book oontalnln (I eomnl a complete lire of the world's hero, Henry M. Btanley, with full history of all hia great exploratlona, and Dosltlvely the only complete account of hla positively tne ouiy eompi last and grandest espedit t and grandest expedition for the relief of Eraln Pasha, from h 1, irpm nis own wiriuiuH repon :lended Btanley books are lm- at ei in AU other other tt; perfect and Incomplete. ena lor proois ana satisfy yourself. This great work Wo oon merous maps, rendering It theonly complete floturesque nisiory oi Airmeevor iuuhbuou t la wonderful, thrllllns. magalfioi ntl Dan'l be deceived by false representations, but send for proofs and facte, "Heroesf the iMk(kmUnent"la nnbtlsbed in onesnlen- did quarto volume of 676 pages, equal to 1,200 octavo pages, with SOS magninoent illustra tions, colored plates, and numerous maps; nrtMAnlvSS.00. AeeuU wanted. Territory nnrcstricted.' Bales enormous. Bend 'o lotorlal circular, or, to save lime, eena i for complete oenvsasihg outfit with guaran. tee ef ItOO clear the first month, or youi monev for Outfit refunded. If ion have been deceived Into eanveesln for any of thi hmrni Ntanlar books, we will exehange out fltawltb you, free. We mean business. Bee our standing in Don's and Bradstreevs Coxa' meroiai Heporia. Aoonn - HlHTOBIOAIi PUBLISHING CO.r v- Bt. lonls. Mo. or Philadelphia, pav MM , ' , mays tuff if .vS, C- -wssss-ew- ' -'-V3- : A troaWcBcane ekln disease 1 caused me to scratch for tea months, and has been cured br lew days use of S. 8. 8. M. H. Wolff, . "- Crltodboro,Md.:V Swift peciftc I was rared several rears ago of white swelling in iny leg by the use of 8. 8. 8., and have had no symptoms of. any return of the disease. Many prom lnent physicians attended me and Q failed, but 8. 8. 8. did the work. v Paul W. Kirxpatbtck, Johnson City, Ten. Treatise on B)ood Skin Disease nulled free. Swirx Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. FROM NKW YORK CITY. Mr. K. K. HAWKC&Dear Plr: Your patent eye-glasses received some time since, and am very mach grailQed at the wonderful change that baa oome over my eyMlght since l nave aisearaea my oia giaaaea ana m now wearing yours. AlBIAIiDIS aoar, Beoretary 8 tat lone is' Board of Trade. Alleges fitted at the drug store of F.S.DUFn,Newbern.N.O. neois wiy CURB 041 F. IS. Duffy, Berne. N. O. dracKist, agent, Net marl dwly WANTED BY LOUIS STERN, JV 1IKNKY DTKRB a. CO. 1 K..n,lMIl . . i DiniuUi COMMISSION MERCHANT, 70 Pine Street, New York City. Heron Plumes, Egret Plumes, Alligator Skins, Hides and Wool. Sea Birds of all Specie, and Southern n rod nets. uasn aavanoes maoe aguiiint buhjiubuw u . . . . i . desired. BIFEBKKCES. ImporVers and Traders Nat. Bank, Hew Yor city. ' Oermana Nat. Bank. New Orleans. La. Peoples' Nat. Bank. New Orleans, La. LOUIS STKRir, m22d3m 70 Pine Street, New York 50 bbls. New Pork. 250 " Flour, of all grades, 3,000 lbs. Lard, 200 boxes Tobacco Prices to suit the times. And lots of other Goods at Lowest Price for Caih Only, At J. F. TAYLOR'S ttW A large lot of SHINGLESfofsale, House For Rent. A very desirable dwelling on Union street, next to Mr. E. K. Bryan. Apply to m4 dtf J. K. WILUS AGENCY Things are moving, timet' are better. or rather improving. Oar trnoksrs are Eushing forward their little products ef lie land and soon will be booming, and all the time we would remind, them and the publio generally : that : at PALMER'S Cigar and Tobacco Store they oan find the best Cigars, Tobaooo, Candies, 8oda Waters, or. as good as anv. for CASH." : -' . Also, the UAQIO POCKET LAMP, the ootest little thing-you ever saw price Too. . come and see it. . WM. L PALMER. Middle street, Nsw 3erne, N. C. Partnership Notice. By mntdai consent, Thomas Gates, of the firm of Whitty & Gates, has this day sold nis enure interest in we said arm to J. J. Dlsosway, , All debts dne by the firm of Whitty A Gates are hereby assumed by the firm of", J. O, Whitty uo.. and tne said arm ot J. v. w nitty (C Co. are hereby authorised and em powered to collect all debts of any kind due the Arm or Whitty uates, v i This May 1890. ', t . s 3. O, WHITTY. f -t "TH0MA8 GATES, t mayldSOd J. JDIS09WAY. - At mv shoo' oil Middle street. Plenty of -water, hot or cold r and good large rooms. ' , -junldtf J, B. BROWN. a row iwi "3 BTEJLSirS, FARIIERS LI8E. 'y -.v ..- ' ' 'f& r-i-v Steamer Clebpaiiig taaTes Sew Beri, vrj Weduetfa j ana Saturday or Tnlott at 4.3 'eloek. ' " asa Tno.ntays at e,e o'sliw.iya " Oe. Hfcna(er m ,,5.TteiitoB, H. 0. - 'J apl awly NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE, The Steamer TA HOMA, The following scheduls is now in peraUoB: Leave .New Bern eyety Tuesday and ' Friday morning at t o'clock. , " . Wi Eetnrnint yTednpsdar and 8atnrday svenlogs. All landings ca Ncuse and Bay rivers taken inboth wsts.. For farther information apply to JMO. 8. ItAMIX, Agent Naw Berne, Deo. 8, 1889. 1 ASTERN CAROLINA OISPa TCi The Fast Freight Mte . dew Bern. Bute - it. aretla Flmts, mm narlbik, Blumr t.-rto BUamheth City. If. u THB STEA&fEBlr Eaglet and Annie or tola Una win ran on regular aohednlv Uma. toavlnt; Mew Berne very MOHVAf, WU)N8BAT and 'KIi)AY fur Ikllxabeth Oftv and return arriving vn ututvir, xuvKslUI and BATOUUAT. . Tnese sUamers. in connection with the Atlantic . u. . H Norfolk Bonthern K. a. Mew York, Pkila. and Norfolk B. K and tne rennsyivania k. it., form a reliable and regular line offering superior facilities tot quick troniTortatlon , no uNiaien except at JSiisaMtn whloh point freight 111 ba leaded ea ears to go through to destination. Direct all goods to be shipped via Haste o Carolina Uspatoh daily aa follows i '""".f ork, by Penu.K, B.. rtoi Jorth River, m Philadelphia, by Phila W.ABeji... H. Dock Bt. HtaUou. 'imore by Phlla WU. Baltc, Jt, B,. President Bt.Btatlon. Froaa Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. B rrom Boston, by ktarehanUdi Miners Trana portatlonOo Sew York and Now KnglanJ Bates aa lew and tine anlnkaTt,,&n other tine. .- . , W. B JOTOB (Gen, Fgt. Trafflo Aslant, P. B. B.), ii m rai Xraflle Manager. -J? a. a. uwu, uenerai rreigbt Agent. JR. x. P.SS.Ei H Norfolk. Va- , ' H. a HUTOZS, Oeneral freight Agent. 9 3 neilVUVIJt, J BBja - GEO. HXNSX&BOlf, Agent, rebSOdw -. Newbeme.a.0. old Domiiion SEMIWEEKIiY IJKB. - tke Old IteaalBlea tsamsKla. cam pamy's Old sued VavertU Water . i Besite, tU AUaarle aad .Cbeaaieak.e Oaaal. Merrolk, Baltlaaare, Hew Tark, Phil delpkUswBawteat.CweMaaa, and WiwAlaictoa Ctty And all points, I?orJh, East and West. On and after TUESDAY. APRIL ZM. ism mHI IW(SkHenflu . .,, . ' Steimai MISTEO, Cift SodIi, Ann- -,, ' .' Steiior BlfBEUHE, dpt. rntclott. Will sail from Norfolk.. Ya.,wr Hew- Bern via Washington, MONDAY and flUUAYa. soasln close oonnecUon with tha Bteamsr of the a. m n. o. jd. vu., iwr junaion xrenton, and all other landings oa the Neuaa- and Trent Rivera, ' - . . , Returning, will sail from SEW BERNK for NORfOLKdlrect. TTJEbSAYB and FRI DAYS at TWELVE, M, (noon), making eon- ' ' neUon with the O.D.B.UI, o.,a ships tor New York, H. & K Oc'S' steamer tor Baltimore, Clyde Line Ships for Phllas -' nsai nnTssv., seat ia mm i i in im d v --4r w ewsssj .T. w. s aiuin lur Dumvum - -a i Our antlrtnc efforts to nleasa ana our almost' perfect service for l nrteen Tears, la the beet uru t . offer ail shippers as. tonMra will. 4a tot them la the future. , Order all cooda aarof OUS.a rn ..' folk. Vav ' - raasengerswiu and a good table, oomfort. - jt 4 able rooms, and every eonrtesv and attan. JL ? ss wiuoe paia tnem ny tne emoera. : ' ?.4--im B. ROBERTS, iaVgesti ' " atasaaa. otjlfIFFEB a turner, W. B 8TANTORS, , - ..-",-- ' J Vloe-Prieldeiit. Few York Olty. v Tho ft:G.Frci2btii:3 On and after October IS, istS, thlallne wll i x Baltimor and- Tew ;2ern i Leaving Baljmere ft Kew lerae. WKT ' ' . i ES1A, 8U ;wM.r , Lea vlng New'Prne for fealUmorei"TTjHB. k This la tne- only DIRECT Una out of erne for Baltimore without-ebange, ai Berne for Baltimore without-ebanve. and on their return trip from Baltimore eome direo ; to New Beroe, stopping only at Nofcik, r .u. vbomuh wioo. ior noatoo, rronaebce, fbn a rlelphla, Rlohmond. and all polnta finnif . Bast and Weak Making earn eonnmi a, lorailpolnuby Rlreraud RrUout of jw ' 'i - Barne,s'i.t.,j 4 .-j-i.-t --;.. -ii.-.i:"-'. 'J-.AieaHaveMnewsr'--''v--. ' UCOBBH Mti, Oenl MaasMMr,?.: ' -W-what,,BsJWeVw " - lAfL.M00ARRICKjAKt.. alowolk, Va, P. Clyde dt W.,lUdelphla,14!oath, Wharves, . ,,. .-1 . , . .-. v ,. jj -.. . s .New iork dt BaltcTraflS. tlase JPlss t. Mortli river. " ' 1 ' " !.Z .TT . T T. U. ramr-n,Toii, Central wharfl,r-1'." 8. "Lkoukwell, Provldenoe, R I. Ships leave Boewm, Tueexiai a and Baturd- . . " , wXork dally. . . J " 1 io., Wednesdays A (! i "v Irhiiwlelphla, Mondays, v , o-ys.Haturdaja. ' 1 ' Fiovldenea, Balurd. . -Throngh bills lading given, ., j ri guar ' anteed to all points at the diui.itui ttuiees of " the oompanlea. 1 AVOID BRBARAOB Ct L7'LU AN ' , c nor via N. c itxs. - :. - . ' 'B.D. t'"AY.Atrenl. - , tF , J.ftTftiBe.N,Oi r' - . , t J", rt - 4 v. . t .it

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