N - 1 hi ft 4 V . ' J ' ; ; : r PCLCSCPST. -, f,' ;'-r - r ' f f , A ' . ' - 4..'-' ',A''ffh-'wTta d trochlea surround ..i-.' Don't fi-et ;t ; fm'wlll alaya hata trouble around ' yoa, ' ' XouUtr - - If you shirk, -: :' Ttii mwt who it busy hi worry forgets - tV Hfralmt Ua't harraawi by thongbuof - t hlJabte,'c .' ' And tha harder he works, the .more ..,. " heppy be tats, - ' '. ' Till he's gay as a Turk. If For.uuo won't tmile, let ber frown, if She will. rv NeTermindl - ' iJitu't -sulk, and look wholly cast down, ir - - 8best.ll . Seems uoklml. Ifynu mile at her, -u -he will smile back at you. , .You are certain to win In r, if .u will ' t- pursue r Her with cheerful persistent e, and hone i . ever new, ( Ami then solace jou II fiud. The worid doesu't care for your woes, Oh, no ! Not a bit I The mau who Is wise never shows His foe That he's hit. Every one of your neighbors has griefs of his own, He greatly prefers to let your griefs alone, And he doesn't at all enjoy hearing you - groan, So take waruing and quit ! Somerville Journal. LKHOir ELIXIR IU W4rfot KiTect (he Unr, (Buck, newels KiWwcyi a4 Bloael Dr. Mosley ' Ltmon Elixir is pleas ask lemon drink that; positively cores air Biliousness, Constipation. Indiges tion, Headache, Malar it v Kidney DIs 'ease, Diislneee, Golds, Lose of Appetite, Fever; Ohiils, Blotches. Pimplef , Pain in Back, Palpitation of Heart, od all other diseases earned by disordered liver, stoniaoh and kidneys, the first great cause of all fatal diseases. Fifty cents and one dollar per bottle. Sold by droggiits. Prepared only by H. Morley, M.D., Atlanta; 0. LBnOH HOT PROPS, For ooaghs and oolds, take (iemon Hot Drops. For sore throat and bronchitis, take Lemon Hot Drops. . For pneumonia and Uryngetia, take Lemon Hot Xtrope.,, For eontumptlon and catarrh, take Lemon Hot props. For ail throat ana lung diseases, take Lemon flet-Deopst ' An elegant anl. reliable preparation. 8old by druitnUM . 85 onte per bot le. Prepared by -H Mozlej , M.D . At aflta. Oa ootid arty ' - ... i I I J A I m t jr. w 'MM?) 'Don't jo'i think yoaog le Pimp smokes too many deadly cigarettes 1" "No. Ou.tlie coutrary it is pos itively pttiuful to society at Urge to Bee' tim Vmoke so few deadly cigarettes !" : v qHUHBiM mm w on towii rttg. ruwavt,MXMb nillbbrgGltifs! UB3. B. B. LANE having removed from ber old "stand on Pollock street to the elegant store . under Hoteji Albert (south side is now prepared to serve tbe publlo; wkh . ' ; , , Hew int. 'Complete Stock . as cheap Is. e&n e. bought in; the eity . 8:iafa otioo guaranteed ap2d.w2m , " KOBTH Oaroun m i ; sopenw Court. Craven Oountf, . i njj lijfotles. ,' is B. Outlet vs. L (3ark)pAithbert. : ToE.aOutUbarti ';i'.i'' .ti '& : v ' Take notice that an aotios nas been insti tuted against ou by the aald plaintiff, L. u. untler,nrtbafcteeloenrvef aeertalaaaort- - ?; gae exMBted to K.G.OuUibrtS Jaae Ann Clark on certain ioHaitoe aliv of New y bern od tbe north aat eeratr ot -Cravdn end New etret,whoh a 1A mortgage was ab. - aequenrly aulgned by tbe owne to said pilMir. Ton are tkertttMr required to ap pear at the neat Un o ibe.fMiperlor Oonrt of Craven eoontyt to be. blJa-the ettyof Newbernon tbeCJib Monday after the 1st . M oh Jay ta Maron, VfM, d.anfwererde.mnr April Ut itwu " ; aplflBir y f Olerk ot the nnpertpr Court J '( jnecsssbf t-fhi iiew Berne Furniture Co.) Has Jost woelyed'iob lot ef - ,"wi.'Mt ricttrPr&mety&x. And wmTrtoee'M'a'jSU-aNIW YOIUC gosT-tor the next 1 - S dtiye.1 - He also has a full line or , t 1 h FunxitureiiTigClock i'j i ;v.-ad " Kir rort, w t : k whiehbetrieeilCfliaFROAs'ii ' uau aoa examinaw Mosav -natisiaenon "teeOf. tb'AfidflfAtrlenltar v mui.ti ' Wm: Bftunh. John Baugb and James BSugh, t tntdlng as Bangb A. Sons Oentpanyi; ;.,',,;. To Wm, Bangb, John Baub and Jim'M Baugb, traUlot as JBauih A 8obs Oompenyi TnVe notice that an' eetloflbaibMh eom r (iminit ou in the BnnflriorOonrtof , - nountr by tbe plttntti J in the above -i ona.ton, to condfmn -oertoln com nmi ii. i (...., iMlra aokl or otrored (ungate by you la ! county of Liiavea wl outbaving tint ol.' t . )iin thtir- c ftom tbe Treui -i . ( . . v iut having r paid the t - i r. 'Youari Therefore u , ar, the next term of the b" iivaneonatvt ti held on i. i f tiierthelst noTi:i:;asuccEEDs :LIKE SUOOES?. ' - 1 he reason RaDAM'8 liltEOBK KILLEB is the moet wonderful medicine, is because it 1M n ver failed in any instance, no matter what the dl-ea.se, from LEPROSY t. the aim pi at distase known to tbe human MSttm. The acientiBc men rf today claim and prove that eveiy disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AHD Radam's Microbe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them. out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pin. No matter what the dUeuae. whethrr a simple (uae of M'l'irla Fever er a eomblDatioo of dleeaaes.wti cuie Jh all at the laiucjime, as we treat ull diseato coeotitutioiially. Astbnjauukuwiti"i, Cntari h. Ifroiicliitl, iUituiunt'Hiti K d. n aud Liver lMse Chills and FeTer, Female Troubles in all its forms, and, in fact, every Dleease knuwu to the Ham ii System Bewre of Fraudilent Imitations ! See that our trade-Mark (name as above) appears on each jug. Bend for book "History ot the - juioroue Killer," given away by R. J, GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., m30 dwly enrm New Berne, N. C. MCaMtitleaUtkI i f '-e4'aalf ra have eot seen owlatcattapravwicoodaroa .i-ywtiiwjtyt -i-m vinwniow companion bt " war w wlthla sight ot w. AikTMrntaOectettMba.K ajrtbJWniMW481icac)OrUitoyerne PeatdvelraoaeieBUineataaaowraaaM and price itamped pUlaly on U aolea. Tour retailer win rapplyyea wtth stoes ao Staatpedtf joatoatrt apo Ui doing If you do not hunt, tome retallera wQ ooaz joe bUaaax&c tafehnr elej ipoa wklehtbor make a larger proflt NCXCtUEDevIN .STYLE UNEDOaUED LU1XA8IUTY A U f AM F.v m if mgRS JAMES WEARS' J 3H0B , I4,SH0E CANN0T1-FAIL S ATI S I TOE MOST. nNtFASTtDlJJ Eyoa Iuj been the recent progrwataoerbraaeh of iadutrrOtat we are Sow able to affirm that the JametHeana' U Shoe ta teevtrjrTeapMeoualtetlieidteeawkloa oDlrafew yean ago were re. tailed ateight or tea doUara. If too will try on a pair you will be eooTlheed that we do not exaggerate. Onre are the ortginai $3 and ft Sboea, and tbose who Imitate ojir ayrtem of tnuueas are unable to compete with us in quality of taotory product. In our Uats we an toe largest manufacturers In the United States. Shaea from onr celebrated faetarr are eeld kj vUMWtkt retallera In all parte of the eoantrr. We wUl pUoe them eaallr within jour reach u anj State or Terrlwry if yen will lnrert one cent in a portal card and write to na, JAMES MEANS fe CO 41 Lincoln St Boston, Mass. FULL LINKS OF THE ABOTB 8HOS9 FOB BALK BY J. M. HOWARD, Pollock St, New Berne, N. C. VANCE ACADEMY, New Berne, HXT- O, NOTICE. Stats of Nokth Cabolina, I Couiity f uraven. j Superlo' Court. To Spring Term (May)luu Publication-April 8th. li0. AdoUhuaS. Howell and wife, Jaiuea U. Houae and wife, va. Pbebe A Curlton und Jaiuea Boyle. ToPhebeA. )rlton. Take not lec: Thte action, eutltled aa above ban .com ooauiSbOed In aald touri. to aot up ami e labltehadeed txeuu'.od oy you lOktt.ii .1 utm Boyle whereby yon empowered m ioj in , to exeeuie dt-eda for) oar lands si :untert iu I aald oouuty. Aud ou aie rKiuunl toap-i pear at i-a iwum riouse 10 bbiu uuuni j mi -meTwi-lfth Monday fier the tlrst Monday 1 In Match. 1800 and anawer or demur to the , conip alnt nieJ In aald acllOD.or lte plain- 1 line will apply to me court tur intf itmtt ue- manded in ine complaint. B. w. uaiiriiii 1 c 'i. Clerk Sup Oonrt of Craven county. QkiiM i-tvnson, Morin uaronna. Att'ya for Hamiins. apr Soktii akoljna. ) In the Craven County. 1 Superior ilourt. r-ummona for Helltf. Notice. John H. Knight, plaintiff, vs. nii:y 1. Knight, ueienaaui. TLe defendant atKive named will take notice that an action eniillfciHa above has been oominenoeii. In ili Muprlor tourtot Craveu county, tald ctlon b lug lor ' dl-ffi.n-A finm the b nd.i of m ttrunony " on account of adulter; ; and the aald defendant will luither take tioil-x in-i 8n- is requireu to acDeur at the Spring loira. 1890, oft rav n oouuty Superior Court, to be be d on ihe l'2th Monday after tha 1st Monday In March, lbJ, aud auaaer or ormur aa she sbnt: b advised to tbe complaint which la filed In the ofQc of the Clerk of the Huperlor court for aald county, or the piaimirr win sppiy 10 ine court f r the relief demanded in me com plaint. inia zist uay ui a ui, iow. K. W. CABPENTEIt. Clerk Superior Court. Craven County. ,. J. Moork. A try for Plaintiff. p 8w ' ' "M'llaTl BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL. Special attention given to Mathematics, Commercial Law, Book keeping and Penmanship. Experienced teacher in Instrumental Music. Vocal Music a prominent feature. Tuition, including Board, Washing, Lights, etc., $05.00 to $75.00 per session of five months. Jan'll dirtf W. R. SKINNER, Principal. NOTICE. Statb cf Nobth Cabouna, I County o( Craven. ) Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court. Take Notice, That I have this day is sued letters dcc'.atioK Pbeneas M. Bar ber, R F. Brauddua and Charles L. Ives, and their successor, to be a cor poration for tbe purpose, and according to the terms prescribed in articles of agreement filed a oil recorded in said office Tbe substance of said agreement is, that said partiva desire to become in corporated under the name of the New Berne and Pamlico Lumber Company, for tbe purpose of manufacturing lum ber, and dealing in lumber timber and timber lands; that the principal place of business is New Berne N. C ; said corporation is to continu thirty- years; tbe amount of capital thereof to be eigbtet-n thousand dollars with privi tcgo to increase the snie to fifty thou sand dollars; each share of block to be of the value of ot o hundred dollars; ibe number of ehari e one hundred And eighty with corresponding increase to tbe capital slock; aud that the stock holders or subscribers are not individ ually liable for tbe debts cf the ( om pany. Witness my hand and ctlicial seal at office in New Berne, this day of April, 1890. L. 8 E. W. CARPENTER, a25 30d Clerk Superior Court. GREEN, F0Y &C01 Do a General Banking bosii Ntw Banking Houn, Middle Street, fourth door below Hot Albert, f'd "If RKW BKKlfK. R C W. P. BURRUS & CO., COMMISSION MEECHAHT8, AND DEALRBS DC All Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime. F PERNE, N ( n. mm & go. Commissioner's Sale. Pursuant to a Judgment of tbe Superior Court of (Jraven county, rendered at in Feb ruary Term, 1890, In au action Id which V. W. Dialer whs Dlaintlff and Major Dixon and others were defendants, under which said Judgment I was duly unpointed a coram 1b slouer of said oonrt, una licensed thereby to sell the hereinafter described land, I will therefore sell at Publ'c Auction forcashto Ihe highest bidder, at the Com t House door In the city of New Berue. at 1 o'clock, p m.. on Monday the 5th day of May, 1890, the fol lowing land, to wit: Lying and being In the State of North Carolina, county of Craven, on the south side of Neuse river and south side of Dover road: beginning at a slake at the south side of Dover road. In the norther most line of a tiacl of land conveyed to John S. Heath by William H. Washington, run ning thence with and up 6ald Dover road, 165 poles to a point on i he south tldeofnaid road, and east edge of the Bryan lonilanll has been altered anil luld o.il on I lit; can sideof John s Fllber's h-ub. elc as fully described In the complaint lllt d In the shove entitled action, lo Ii cli ri'terem e i lr,. by made fur a foil ami il. tlultc .Ikci i nilon thereof. n ci ids April ii"l. I MlO. mi, C.,ia!Mivsi..iH v. , Has apain just received a Car Load of YOUNG- HORSES and MULES from the West, - ' ich they will sell at reason ! able pric6 fa cash, i Middle Street. Nbw Rom m n aprl9 dwtf jTITkVAN, Pres. L. II. CUTLER, Vice Prei (J. II. ROBERTS, Cashier. ' THE NATIONAL DANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. Incorporated 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 DIRECTORS. Jas A Bryan. Thomas Danikls. ( l- Chai 8. Bbtak! ' II. UoilERTB. Commissionn 'a i ile. PurKtinnt l.v a judan.. i Court o( , ravrti r .ni.iy Fail in in ISN'.i or Bald Whl-ll .1. M II -(' U I) u . 1 1 W. Avery and Hum nr. which siiiil Jml.n. n I L f 'h com ni iHsioiK-r i" m':i ill -8crib,(l laud: I will m-i. m for cath lu thr Inhoat Ii d.li- House di.or In Ihe ctlv m s ii p,-i lor I .11 lIlH 41-1 h,Il 111 i p.iilni ill M d a. il. tei il:l Ii t, . undl'l M 1 1 1 1 u 1 1 III! 1 1 U'll fa( I'lihlte a uct .1-11 i , tit t he t oill'l . t w Hi-rni'. mi Monday ihe Sth miv of Ilni . .t I 2 M the followlnif d scribed land, 10 u il: All ilieun dlvlded Interest of A. W. A veiy In itio lands ol Wiley Avery, deceased. I ring on iliisinilli side of tsenn river adjoining Ihe lands of William Arnold, tne tJrat Hnniih, the lands formerly owned by J. S. I am W. W. prestcott and (iibers; as nr. ly s, l out and d scrliel In the complaint nied in ilw above entitled uttlon, reference to which m heri-hy mado for a full and pnlect deKcripliou thereof. H. (iUli)v, Commissi ;.iii r. March 28. 1S90. up.1 :tu-t FOR MEN ONLY! rjTTTJ T VeiinM ofjBedytjii Mijd: Effecta V V "f Brran or EWsueiln Old or Tonnr. llMill,- KShU aiAHnotr falW iilerd. 'How to kolr md tnnilllxn HMtiK, VailSTKLOi'lrD HOi S8 Pi BTB of BODU boolutolT ttlklllaf MOMC TREITHKXT-Roktaii h. d.r. tMUr frooi 4T BtktM, ftrrftorioo, lad Vem-lgn Conolrlco. rulloinlonfttlon, AMI proof! MftlloS OICAL CO- IIIFFALO. I. X. on Ma wrIU tkOBi, waM) ttM. AtfdrM ERIE MEllCAl CO Ignorance Costs. NEW BERNE COLLEGIATE BEBNE, IV. C. Intelligence Pays. INSTITUTE, 0 (0 H I have kept up with the work of Prof. Adams in this city. It is genuine and thorough. It is education in earnest. With a splendid building, first class teachers and a jadicious course of study, his 6chool is a success. The deportment of bis students is the outcome of good government. Bright, orderly and contented, they have learned to apply themselves both as a duty and a pleasure. Learning and Progress are the.watch-words of the New Berne Collegiate In stitute, and it is an ornament to Eastern North Carolina. JOHN S. LONG, President of the Board of Trustees of the Now Berne Academy. New Berne, N. U, Feb. llth, 1800 The advent of Prof. G. T. Adams to this city marks a new era in the history oi its educational interests. Under a contract with the Trustees of the New Berne Academy this gentleman took charge of their school property in September last, for the purpose ofconduct ing a High School; and what was at first regarded by many as a doubtful experiment has in a few short months proved a phenomenal success. New Berne Collegiate Institute, ander the management of Prof. Adams and a corps Of able assistants is rapidly taking rank with the most rlourising schools of the State. Parantsand guardians, desiriDg for their children and wards a thorough preparation for college, could not do better than Bend them to this institution. W. M. WATSON, Sec'y and Treas. Board Trustees New Berne Academy. P o cm Q o o p- U CD B CO -3 CD P CO CO oq g o p t p erf CD fed o p p q CQ 0 d CD o a. l p p" p oq CD CO P o - o p" P P CO rt- P" O e - O P -" P W CD 1:Um M. L. Allen (Peace Institute), tp&'d-.- Modern Languages, History and Geography. MisatiAUBORi; Mace' VI -mj ft? 'lp '-i ' o. - " . :-- A.DAM8 A.. B., (Trinity College), Ancient Languages and Natural Sciences. Geo. W. Neal. A.M. (Univ. N. 0.1. Mathematics. S. 0. Bioaw, (Univ. N. C), Hogliah Literature, Reading, Spelling and Physical Culture. J. B. Patbiok i: ' : Tutor In Int. Department. ij- ypCAL MUSIC, ELOCUTION AND CALISTHENICS FREE. SPEWAL 4DVA1ITAGES FOR BECOME TEACHERS. and Girls, Principal. MBS. A, B. FEEEBEE, hk'-wizfr ?'if Primary Department. rliitr, V'"' ft "111 i"Misrj -ft hKiiiilu in Sl Al' inrMilamlltl.il io t...eonoiHi.M c 'tf.1. wwbujw .winiic.uiii,.juOTcyl.jwaaing room una iiiiBraryPotety4 ;j su speciai;inducement8 to poor Boji (&j WOODWORK JY6f ATfAeMEMffif31 Ktf,-I!I.CTTCTPT.'.I.U!ll'll,g,l:MW.MM ciC 20 UNION SQUftRE.NY.WNf,. Cf" , ATLANTA. Gl,ct- JJCl Ga 'l riS'S" DALLAS TEX. ST LOUIS MO. AOENT WANTED. mDiiirn iriuuj Wlll..l. ' .. . .i: una Whiskey HablU curpri at IwtmA win,. Outpaiu. Bookofpsr- ucmareseot rKEE. B.M.WOOLLBV.M.l). Noiitm ( "a ho 1,1 n a , j Huperlor Court. I'ruviii t oiinly. I Felrruary Term, 1890. A iishinntmi Hiyan ami M. Ue W. Stevenson vs. ' Sumncl llURKlns anil others. Hy virtue ol authority conferred upon me BS u conniiilfK.ouer, In Judgment of court', lutneabove entitleil aoiton. I will sell on Monday, tlio '.mil ilay of May. A.D. UNO at pulilic outcry, at iho Court House door In theclly of Newbern, N. C.atlZ o'clock M lo the hluhesl lildder, the (oIlowlDE de" sorlhed IiiihU: All those traots of land situ aled In said Craven county, on the south sloe of Neuse Kiver-one tract of salj land containing I vi acres, more or leas, bounded on the mirth, by Neuse Klver, on the wast by the la ds of William Halley.on the south by tbe lands ol C. Ii Woi d, aud on the east by the lands 01 Stephen 1). Holland- the other tract containing l-'iO acres, more or lex, adjoining tho above tract, belDg the same land which was conveyed to Manrlann H.Mlddleton byK.W. Carpenter. oT deed dated April !th, 187'A and recorded on Coords of said Craven county, lu book 73, pages Zl and ZU, to which reference la made for more full and perftct description. Terms Cash 11. C. BTKVEHSO. " apJ, dttl Comnilsslonir. STATE OK -NOKTH CAROLINA, t lounty ol Orven, H V V 1 1'f I1A if B imliiniAHl ,, .... n7 . V." J"" s,""""" ui euperior Com t of ( raven couniy. rendered at the Keb ruary Term, l.s'ju, the nndersigned will gall on the nrnl, iluvnf iha uri, .7 r? " huDerlor Court, iww. ol graven eounty to U'll .111 I !,, 'l,l 1, Avnr H ,u,.n ' i-j ... ,.injF , low, Ht rUDUO uctiou, for cash, nt the Court House JJoor .. ;""iiiii; uoacrroea per sonal property and real esialet ta wit- two milrn l.hrAA mnnt ii.mn . . i " . ' "'vJ muiru, una UUHt O1019. iree carts, one cotton gtu, one steam 6n Mr niwl nnp nnltnn i,o,.. i ' of land both lying In the county and Slat afordBuid ami deBorib. d as follows one trapt bnnnrn tta Miul,Vi t, .. " io n i T r ' ,,lnB "etw'een the 7, V ., .V c' o(ut fourteen miles from New Heme and containing about . . u. IUUI v vr (CHa, vue tract . ... ,fl TTnomuBion and . w, ,Bnc uihoh i rum new Berne, and aojoining the lands of B H , . . ' uavis and Oeona Ull, known as ihe Clear Springs plantation 'onl.alnlni' oik. tlinii,on.i . in ma more or fel.fl helm, the .am. ln , . J ul Green by his fathor John.Oreon, vlerl lo'iowniguescrlbed tracts of land n Pamlico countv in ih u..t , "rr to wit: All that certain nl. and. beclnnliiir at .:!:r'1. " Boutli 71 west. 68 Doles to aunm nn"p S Cary s line, then with s4d Cary a line south Hi Kast m poles to a manle th.n East 1(8 poles to a ploe, tben Norlh 1 Wast .F... norm i Kast u poles to a dod ar. then wi n " pine, then North 71 poles to a nW ti-- rtoulhhrj West a poles to a pine the begin ning, containing 1 r, acres. Also one other piece or parcel of land in l'amlloo county on the bouth side of Bay K! ver Oreek.np the main courses of the main branch Vr st earn to Whorton s back line. asDaeeof thlrtv fan wl.lo 1 .i.i i "L "l"f 01 ; j " - "v uiuuD containine: t woaciea AUnmiA mi,., , T" ll.fl Nnrlh .1,1. , ,. side of Msson s Creek, beginning at a pott .,............, ,VJiu, ruDssontn 45 eaat it poles, thenoe north IK wear. nJvi; oornor. thence with his linn tn rhI.. Jewel's corner; thence with said Jewel's line ahniit rmrt h.ao.t . IT JOei v io rnk main SfS fnl M?.D r..B,n,hJ. nd. f e.n wtthth. ... ... uu&.,.ulufi, luuiaining ss0 acres more or Iprh M. DeW. Stevensow. F. M. Simmons, This 14th day of Apri?90 l0ne,, DESIRABLE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 8TATK OK NORTH CAROLINA. 1 ,. . .. . jjwnniy oi Uraven. ( Court WciVi'ff February Term. 18D0, thi sell, on the 2th day of May. l,5fKi1,,i Vendue, for cash, at th" SurtHiSSiS in New Bern,, the followlr Jealffi estate, to wit: aiwrui. i." r.ir!D?.a proyementa therionTTltniti 'ft NwBemt. state and iSMASf ..WHVn imtuMi i 1 ft. -if J. B. O'HAIU, Tatofttb aay of AprlUJK ,