O". MARKS 1 nnRNiiiA ' fc'J 11 lirili lnll I bUUUIUU i . - - , , ..- ... 1 - J Wt gave no optioo, but bought outright a Superb Stock of Spring Drj Goods. Every department is loaded down with the latest production;. We hare everything which Fashion demands for the season, and we will guarantee our prioes To be as low, and very than New York Figures. "W fc promise reliable goods, honorable dealings, and our prices we will gtuantee against tho American World. facts Worth That 0. MARES is well as the Cheapest for all kinds of Goods. He sells both That 0. MARES carries the largest, most complete and comprehensive Stock of Dry Goods, 8hoes and Notions in this State. That O. MARKS is always the first J most reliable and honest goods. I That 0. MARKS invites the closest and Talues with those of other houses - eopy his prices. That O. MARKS will meet any cut provided the out is made in good faith tad that he defies competition. Is this what the women want? Here's news foe every woman ivho goes about with? broken corset bones. There's a material that'll neither break nor roll up, and it's guaranteed. A year is not too. Short a time to wear ou$ that Warranty. If it does, here's your money without a word hut it wont; The material is Kabo. And more. It's stitched in, double-Stitched in, top anci bottom, and it can't be worked out with any ordin ary wear. 1 The Kabo corset is more than a common blessing to the average woman. There's no wearing out of corset facers by the sharp edge of the eyelet; there's nothing to fust, no eyelet visible through a thin dress; never a breaking of a corset lace with those loop eyelets, We take the risk in selling the Kabo corset. We buy and sell under this guarantee : "If for any reason whatever the corset is unsatisfactory io the wearer it may be returned to us, and the money paid will be cheerfully refunded without question. No matter what condition it may be in, provided it hasn't been wortt over three weeks; and if the Kabo with which the corset is iQtod ever breaks, we will as cheerfully refund the money lust Beceived'Another lot of those beau tiftil 15c. French Finish Satin. WHOLESALE TRADE I will offer special inducements. My stock is mch larger than ever before, and all boughi tor 1 spot cash, and I give the Trade the benefit of my discounts. t .':.' ' 0U BOOQS as cneap Ton will save money Haider of " Arid give 'him:affrial. ssa saa nkknn II I III. Illllll1'! n MIL UUU.fl. many instances lower1 Remembering: the most reliable, as House in the city, Retail and Wholesale. to reduce prrces, aud solid only the scrutiny and comparison of prices who imitate his method and try to prices made by any reputable house, and not as a bait to obtain business, Therefore I can sell ll 1 A as normem marrow. and time by calling on iViarks, Low Prices, . m27 THE JOURNAL. v t Heart Loneliness, t , Whodoea n6t know what this means! Who doea not know what it La to hare sorrows, deslrea, dlr appointmenta, longings after deeper lore and sympathy, foal .even the nearest and dearest of dor earthly loved ones can never fathom. Ob! if we only could realize the intense love that the Lord Jesus is waiting and longing to pour into our hearts, these lonely times wonld fade away and be lost in the sunshine of Bis everlasting love. It is because He wants all our love, that He bo often lets ns be disappointed with human affection, and allows onr hearts to sadden under the feeling that after all the deep love which we are pouring out to others, and are so hungering for in return, is not given. 'We are loved, we are cared for, praise God for it: but still not with that intensi ty and strength which we feel alone can satisfy onr heart longings. Is there suoh a lonely heart read ing these linesf Dear friend, tha Lord Jesus exactly knows and uu derstands those longings. He loves with a height and depth which far surpasses the very tenderest human love; and it is just because He wants all heart, that He seems sometimes lo leave us unsatisfied. His love.is so full, so past all under standing, and He calls you thns aside that He may pour it out npon you. Other natures, with less depth of feeling, He can trust, perhaps, with the fullness of human love, for which you so often yearn. But oh! what horor He is giving you, in thus drawing you apart into lonely places, that there He may seal you "His own," and give you the as surance that yon are "His beloved." The poet Keble, in his "Christian Year," expresses this very sweetly, when he says: "Thou art thy Savior's darling; seek no more." Oh dear ones, who possess these strong effections that so few can understand, do let us leave off straining after the love of earth; do let ns take our heart lohelineness to Jesus to be satisfied, and let Him nil every empty place. Then our lives will be bo radiantly beautiful, and so abundantly satisfied; for He will Himself show us how He can indeed be "all in all" to His loneli ones. Ex A PLEASING SENil! jf health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows the use of Sjrup of Figs, an it acts in harmony with nature to effectually cleanse the sjetpm when costive or Li iaus. For sale io 50c. and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. v Tell me what you admire, and I'll tell jou what you are. advice to mothers. Mrs. Wkslow's 8ootuino Strup should always be used for children teetbiuj?. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all paiu, cures wind colio, and is tho best remedy for Diar rhea. Twenty-five cents a bottle. jly Golden words time. live through all Everybody Knowi That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of months -of close confinement in poorly ventilated stores, workshops and tene ments. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula, salt rheum, or other disease may be rxpeiled by taking Hood's Sarsapariliti, the best blood puri fier ever produced. It is the only medi cine of which "103 doses one dollar" is true. 3 Homo is the first and most im portant shool of character. In advanoed age the declining powers are wonderfully refreshed by Hood's ga'saparilla. It really does "make the weak strong. 10 Labor may be a burden, yet an honor and a glory." More of Those Cele brated OLD VIRGINIA On hand Today. 3F. XJlrieli, WHOLESALE GEOOEE, ... MIDDLE STREET, - NEW BERNE. R. C, . IF TOUR Financial Condition Is embarrassing, and your mind is so troubled that your dreams are un pleasant and prevent your resting well at night. It would be well for you to close wit your stock of dry goods, boots and shoes to Big Ike, the Clothing Man of Nawbern. N. Cat SOs.on the dollar.or less and not wait until the Sheriff closes vonr door and too have to make an i Iffiunant. and let vour exnensei eat the last button off Jack's coat, and your ereaitois ana yourseu get nomicg. : All communications promptly ; lit wered. VVv Nature should, la stitted la the spring to throw off the heaviness of the sluggtea winter circulation of the L blood. , Nothing does it so well, so SPRING, prompt or so safely Bwin a opecuio. I have used 8. 8. 8. for a number of years, and consider it the best tonic and wood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it H. W. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co. , Dade City, Fla, Our book Oft Blood and Skin Diseases :nailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ga. THE MDTUAL BENEFIT Life Insui auce Company OF 5EWARK. - - NEW JERSEY. ORGANIZED IN lHi. Assets. Surplus, $44,039,928.59 ,TT9,T6.33 All Policies non-rurteliable od non-con, testlble after two annual premium hve been pal J. Follcy holders falll (? to pay a premium after two years have tbe Insurance oonlluufil in force for a term n Jong as the reserve will carry It. 1 dividends paid EVERY YKAB. Tbe following well known cliltrns of this State bave 1'ollolfcs In ihlg Oumpany, and cheerfully commend It to all wanting lbsu ranne; Lnwronce Holt, Kaq.. Kurlington; Henry V e l, Eq., Uoldooro; Geo. 1J. Green, Esq , W ll.on; J h. 0rr, Esq., Durham; Col. A.t'. I avis, ouOrange: Kev. K L Keld, Hon. 1'anl K Ffllson. Ktelgh; Thomas Wnlte Eiq., Loulsnerg; W L. London, ro., Pittg boro; I. K. sliaclcleford, Tarboro; B. O Oow per, usq , Ralelpli; It Q. 'ortb, f q . II rn lug tou ; I, iiatm. Pres l!ank rl New Han over; Major A. K DennUou, fte Berne, aud manyolherK. Kull luformat onwili bo given und appli cations are siiirtud by D. T. AKIIAW AY, Ai'tnl. Ordinary l.ifa, Kndowm t, I.lmllfd Pay ment und Cinveri li.le l'ol:c c.i i-sue ' on the most f ivoiab.e te ma. majldwlf State of Xoktu 'JiuoLiSi, ) Coucly of Craven, j Superior Court-Sprinn T rm, 1890 The Natlou .1 Bdiife of New Borne, The Tide Water L .fid and Lumber Co.. and Judson R Browu and W. B. Graves, trading as Biown, Graves & . (Jo , B P. Mootagoo no t James W, Denny, assigiiee. The defendants, JudHoa R Brown and W. B. Graves, tradioe Brown, Graves & Co., will take notice ili.it an action entitled aa above hug been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven county ; said action is brought to recover of you tbe amount of certain drafts drawn upon you by the Tide Water Land and Lumber Co. and accepted b you Yon will also take notice that an attachment baa been issued Hgainst you in the said action, and that tho same has been levied upon your interest if ary iu cer tain bow mills and timber lands in Craven county, and that J M Brcaddus has been gar tjiiheed for a certain debt for about three thousand dollars due from him lo you. You will therefore take notice that you are no ;ired to ap pear at ti e Spring Teira, 1890, of Craven Superior Court, to be hold on the 12th Monday after the lat Monday in Marcb, 1880, and answer or demur as you may be advised to the complaint which is Bled in tbe office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in th complaint. This the 5th day of May. 1890. E. W. CARPENTER. maj6d6w Clerk Sop. Court. J. H. OBABTREE. BASIL MAULY. JOHN H. CRABTHEE & CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists llf.nufticturtrs and Dealers in mm i b mmim supplies Ilalldtr of Rgtn Rotlera. Saw Hllla, EIk'"K Cut-off Machines, We are prepared to do Oastlngi or all kinds With promptness, Panlonlar and Immediate attention given to repalis of all kinds. We will be glad to give plans and estimates for any deaotlpUon of machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for O. A A. Bargain ln't eels bra ted Indestructible Mica Valves, Ws give satisfactory guarantee for all work don by ns. lySdaaw wly Grape Baskets, Frait and Tomato Boxef, BERRY CRATES & BASKETS, South Side Manufacturing Go.. ' may 7 R. BEERY, Agent. Truckers' Barrels. Those In want of Empty Flour Bar' rels will pleas 9 send in "their orders at once. Orders booked now will secure prompt delivery. E. H. & J. A. MEADOWS. Diay7 dtf PAPE & DEY0, 859 & 861 Washington Street, -KEW TORE. Consignments of Southern Fruits and Vegetables solicited. rK Highest market prices obtained, and returns made each day of sales Rmtkbekck: GaneBTOOrt Nat. Banki N Y. Nat. Bank, New Berne, H,0,v I Stencils can- be obtained at 'Jno; For Sale,: i Tbe flnest SADDIXPOKT In North CarolnitV ';lpo i t gM bpggy jronjr. ' Apply Monday or Taesday. f1 JAKE V FROM NIW YORK CITY.: ; Ma. A. K. HAWKKSr-OearFIrr Yoor patent eye-nlissts rreelvfd some time sine, and am very much a-ratlfled at tbe wonderful chtng-e thtt bas eome over but rrarUbt tncoi nave aiaearoa my eio gisxars ara m no weanngyonrs. . AI.BXAi.DCR 4 9 AH. Secretary KtStlone s Board of Trade. Alleges fitted at tbe drag store of F.S.DUfn;NeWberi),N.O. m F. !3. 'Duffy," dragcist, agent, New BarfM. N. O. mayl dwly AGENCY Things are moving, timfs are better, or rather improving. Our truckers are pushing forward their little products ef the land and soon will be booming, and all tbe time we would remind them and the public generally, that at PALMER S Cigar andr Tobacco Store they oan find the best Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, 8oda Waters, or as good as anv. for Cash. Also, the MAU1U FOUKET LAMt the outest little thing you ever taw; prioe 75c. Come and see it. Wm, L. PALMER, Middle street, New Berne. N. C. Lumber! Lumber! Are you going to build, or are yon needing lumber of any kind? If yon do, write to me, as I can make your prices lower than you oan buy else where. All kinds of buildine material always en hand, either rough or dreeeed. Flooring, weather-boarding, ceiling, moulding, eto. G. W. RICHARDSON, jan!2dw6m Cove, N. O. WANTED BY LOUIS STERN, Of IIeney Si bbm t Co. Boston. tew Orleans, COMMISSION MERCHANT, 71 Pine Street. Ne w York City. Heron Plumes, Egret Plumes, Alligator Skins, Hides and Wool. Sea Buds of all BreOle. and Southern products. f Cash advanors made aealnst ahlomentslf desired. REFERENCES. Importers and Traders Hat Back, New York Oltv. Oermama Nat. Bank. New Orleans, La. Peoples' Nat. Bank. New Orleans, La. LOUIS STBRV, m2-2d3m 70 Pine Street. New York. 50 bbls. New Pork. 250 " Flour, of all grades, 3,000 lbs. Lard, 200 boxes Tobacco, Prices to suit the times. And lots of other Goods at Lowest Prices for Caeh Only, At J. F. TAYLOR'S. W A large lot of SHINGLES for sale. House For Kent. Avery desirable dwelling on Union street, next to Mr. E. K. Bryan. Apply to m4 dtf J. K. WILLIS. Partnership Notice. ; By mutual consent, Thomas Gates, of the firm of Wbitty & Gates, has this day sold bis entire interest d the said firm to J. J. Disosway. All debt doe by the firm of Wbitty & Gates are hereby assumed by the firm of. J. O. Wbitty 4 Co., and tbe said firm of J. C. Wbitty k Go, are. hereby authorized and emr powered to collect all debts' of any kind due the firm of Whitty & Gates. This May 1.1890. J. O. WHITTY. THOMAS GATES, mayld30d J. J. DISOSWAY. v Bath Booms At my shop on Middle street. Plenty of. water, hot or oold, and good Urge rooms. ; -A v.; jnntdtf Ui J. B. BROWN. I tW SALE m LLST;m In ebedlenestoajndgmentof thsSanertor Conrt of Orsren oonnty , rendered on the 1st day of April, 1880, la the an it whereto James 0. Harrison, Administrator of Lnoas W, Sampson, Is plalaliff, anl Mary Sampson aud others are defendants, I will, on Hon day, Jon. Hd. 1890. at thaPnnrt Rnnuln New Berne.N. O,. at Twelve o'olook, M., sell to the hlgdest bidder, for cash, a Certain traot of land belonging to the estate of jjuoss w. Barapson, t uoate, lying and being In No. 8 Township, Craven county, on the east side of Bachelor Creek, containing ten sores, more or less, fully described In a deed fiom A bram Moore to Lncaa AV. Bampson, datsd Nov, 6th, 178, recorded in the Keoordi pf orayen county, Book No. 100, folios 198 and 191.-. Said sale lobe subject to tie confir mation of the Conr.. t , DewBere,N.C.,MayM,lR90. ' r, Vy lLmh& C. HABRIgOK, may US . . ,. ;. Comnilssloutr. : OtTRB-OTSSSBSnw' IIX.BJ. FOR FABIIEES U!?E. "fisBBskTBBisMfc; . ,,: ; Steamer Cleopatra . Isayei Ksw Berne" very Wednesday and ouuay. tor;Trtoi at .30 'clock. x aadThuwlawatMeioloek.; aplgdwly Hswbem.K.0. NEW BERNE AND PAMLICO LINE. The Steamer TaHOMA,' , The followicg schedule is now la jperation: Leave New Bern every Tuesday and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. Beturning Wednesday and Saturday evenings. All landings i Neuss and Bay tiver taken in both wars. For further information apply to JNO. S. MAN1X, Agent " "New Berne. Deo. 5r 1889. . EASTERN CAROLINA C'SPiUH The Ftat Freight Lin U VIU New Bevsie Haatei u aroltat VtU, astd BaUisaare. . Philadelphia, Xw wrk.. Boawat, Bte.-vU KUaabeth City. t). f , . THB STEAMEJ& r ' Eaglet and Annie or this 4lne will rum oa regular schedule time, leaving Haw Bene every and FKLUAY for Uiiatxth Oltv and return KxwfoAY. y.BulBUAy and .xneee ateamers. m oonnactlon with : the) s Atlantic AM. C. B. K Morfolk Boothers K. a, New TorS, Fhlla, and Norfolk B. &.ana the Pennayjvanla R. H., form a reliable and regular line offering an parlor facilities fof qnlektramoortatlon . . No transfers except at Elisabeth City, at which point freight will be loaded en ears to go through to deatlnsUon. - 7 MrwtaJJ goods to be shipped vteBaatsra Ollna Dispateh daily ea follows i i BWeTv1 b; Pwuu ' TP,J)Sh&.L v- aeif awa, dsj DvBUUU, rrosa JNorfolk. by Norfolk Southern B. R. rrom Boston, by Merchanu A Miners Trans. portationOo.; New York and New SaglauA BaUeas lowandtlmeqWckert an by any other line. B. B.OOOKK, General Freight Agent, N r. P. A N. B. B., Norfol,Vs " H.C. HDOG1N8, General Freight Agent X B. R. Rv Norfolk, Va. , , M ORO. HJtNDKRSOa, Agent. febSOdw Newbee.N.fJ. OLD DOLlINIOn Steamship Conpany. Vke' Qia ;'DwlBin 'sHemshtjittaa pajay's WdsuadVavecite Water Rente, -vim Alheanarte amd. h .ChesapeaJte CsuaJ.'0;-iy J TOB rfollt, Baltimora. Maw teirk, Pkll : aadWeshlBjrtea Ctty.' ' And all poinva, North, East and West, SUcn M15TE0, Cipt So.tligiti, Aim Steuner KIWBEMB, Gipl rVM.lt- irm, u mm Norfolk, ', '" wr ziaw Bern VI s Washington. IdONDATa ana.. sulhiVB iH.ki. . cloaa eoBaeotJon wltlf the Uaauer of the N. A T. B.B. B.Co,, for Klnston Trenton. and all Ather laadlnsa on the frn . maklnff , neotlom with the O. i). B. H, Co.'s ahlve for Nav Tnrk. W. a V rjTi. 7 . tor Baltimore, Clyde tine Ships for PhllaS 'PM . M. t, Oo. ships for Boatoa and Frovldenoa j - , . . . Onr n tiring efforts to please onr patrons, and onr almost perfect service for the past flfn , y eara.la the heat :garantee we eaq otter all thlppars as U wnai we will do for. Uiem 1 the future ' . r .Order all goods eareo O.D.B.B.Oo.Nor. Paasengers will And a good table, comfort, able rooms, and every eoarteay and atten. Uon WU1 be paid tham by the afficara: " . , . .. ttn jj, BOBEBTB, Asant,' aCiasaa, oulpxppkb a ttjbnkb, - Agents, Norfolk, Var W. M- STANTOBD. " , " , VleIlesldent.NwTortt01ty. , Tho n. ciTicrjht m BEucaAimiun mams, tm iicnca . jt H WM'-piJwrwDiqpor 19. ISIS, thlSJUtSWll Baltin mort"m ?Kew iSern wa, BiA jr. Jt. .: KpTJlpeput of New Thlsl lei tnA nvtlew II11)A Berne for Bait mora without ciianKa. and Pn thai ratnrn M fn. - . 1 vw to New Berne, stopping only at Hoi i.ik. cnn. necUng then for Boston. frovWeuee, h.,. oelphta, Richmond, and all polnU North. lore ;j points by Elver and Aril put of Kw Berne.-,-,-:',. ., . ,;: "T,f , w DBiav aw&aauri V - ; SensareMfnUowai' w-' Bnlpa leave Jton,TBesdaysand fs - " rs. V2- York dally. . Ziii :i -.!! 'tov Wedneiv a H,iiri'Ta i ...) i A f """aipnia. . . n-:.'--j".-. lays, batui PiovMenee, t , "TkrooghbUU ladings anteed to all polnU at Ue o. the companies. . 'yStVteuuaav ;s. ' .tUSttl OlUOkS Of 4TQU BBKAKAGU OF BTJtR AW m 1 f WW V, -, ' . B PAT.Agfni, ; nemrning, wlu sau rrom bbw BERN It lor NORFOLK direct. TTJBbDAIS and FBI. DAY8aTWKL,VE.k.. fnoonl. makino x::-"-,: ;..',:;f..T ;,,f ''V';-V.' '. " v v w 'WM "'S-W

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