,.- "J V 1 Daily OURNAL. VQliJlX.--N0.48i .YEW BERNE. N. C, SUNDAY, MAY 25, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS, Til ...,V " .V c "it .Id . . f in XL v " BUSINESS LOCALS. JPHB BE3T Timothy Hay, Corn, Oats I rrA-- W,Dm Bran at 0. R. Hill's, East lid Market Dock, dS. NOTICE The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Neose & Trent Elver TranfDortation Company will be .held et the rooms of the Board of . Trade. Tuesday, the 87th day of May, mon aloha nVlnfik n. tn. J ikes Redmond, '' ap28-td. Seo'y & Treae A FINE ne of SMALL HAMS, 5 to XX 7 pounds at John Dunn s. tf. I70R SALE Applet )n's Cyolopoedia a. of American Biography, in six ele gantly boand Yolamee. Price, $25.00, cost 837.50 The work is just from tbe press. Apply at Joubnal omoe. f20tf QODA WATER on draught today at John Dunn 'a. tr. Love all, trust a few, but arVajR yourself. John G. Carlisle has take n his seat in the Senate. Thb McKinley bill has passed the House and now goes to the Senate, where Mr. Carlisle will take another whack at it. THB best Bervice a man can do his country is to be a good citizen. This, acted on by all, is the solution of every governmental problem. Ten Congressmen have died since the opening of tbe present Congress. One Senator Beck, and nine Representatives Gay, Burns, Townshend, Cox, Laird, Nutting, Kelly, Wilber and Randall. ' T3p late meetings of Conferences, Conventions andPresbyteiies, have shown gigantic strides in Christian evangelization indicating that the time is not far distant when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdoms of our Lord. Rev. Thos. Dixon, the brilliant young North Caralinian who has gaiued so enviable a reputation in New Yotk in referring to the war on Sunday daily papers said that ha had rather read a live paper, than listen to a dead preacher. The difference that sometimes exists.' between brothers is illus trated by the Oarlyle's of England. Thomas was the great philosopher amT essayist, while his brother Jamer, who has lately died in London, was the highest authority in all England on small wood and house vermin. There will be an immense gathering at Richmond on Thurs t day to witness the unveiling of the statue of Robert E. tee. Veteran organizations will fee present from all parts of the SOjUthand there will be large num ber present from beyond our borders. d (We are in favor of the proposi tion , to promote Dr. Kin88bnry. -There now 1 The accomplished editor of tbe Messed gerjrould never speak of the transfer of a great .editor to a college professorship as a promotion, and we modify oar ?. expression by saying we would be pleased with the change if agree able to oat distinguished, friend. , Op the gallant band who made the world ; renowned charge at .. Balaiiava, twenty are In an'English workhouse, others are existing as best they can, and; every mse In a whirs ikl feVof them tarn up in this section of the world. f Sacli is r fame, iioeov the sweet reward of ' patriotio aervice-New York Press. All of as are proud of Charlqtte. She has inst Jcelebratedj the flrsi . Declaration orlMerleaif tndepen ' . dence , in . a manner worthy of the - event It was' intendoS to bommem- - orate, aiidttlMmmptenod stimulate all the people of North " Carolina' toi the proper observance 1 of, the most memorable event in v- their hUtory.'.;v;l:u THE&egroes of Baltimore have : had an emancipation celebration at which Isaad Meyers, Trcsident Of t!se meeting very sonslSly said : !' 13' the negro'a1 duty to think for fclmsolf;: - The time has come when be should not be subservient to any politician. His politics should not be determined by his skin. He should stand side by side and vote with the white man. If he cannot do that, his enfran chisement is a failure." Senator Evarts has almost as large a residence in Washington as he has in New York. He baa three houses which he keeps open all the time one at New York- one at Washington and one at Windsor, Vt. At each he has a library almost a duplicate os his other two filled with the best works of law, history, political econmy, poetry and prose fiction. The Senator likes his comfort, and his ambition and satisfaction is to live like an English gentleman, on a luxurious and liberal scale, without anv reeard to tho nettv economies of life. It cannot cost him less than 1100,000, a year to nve. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. M. Watson Warn in k. E. B. Roberts Truck notice. C. B. Bill Timothy hay, corn, etc. No services at New Btreet M. E. Church today. The market was well supplied with a variety of fish yesterday. The Atlantic engine and hose car riage and driver and horses returned from Charlotte yesterday on the freight train. "Got any five-cent handkerchiefs?" asked a country darkey of a Middle street merchant yesterdav. "Yes." Well, what do yon ax far 'em V" It ia announced that Bishop Watson, of the Eastern Diocese of North Caro Una, and Miss Mary K. Lord, of Wil mington, are to be married in N9w York June tbe 0th. Here is another instance that adver tising pays even from unsuspected sources. Mr. R. J. Gooding has re- oeived an order from Murray, Miss., for druggists' articles that had been advertised in the JocnNAf!. Thus trade is drawn 1,000 miles distant. The approaoh of summer weather in creases tbe demand for ice, and we would suggest that our dealers deliver ice to their patrons. It would un doubtedly give much satisfaction to those who do not keep regularly employed servants. Often it is more expensive to send for it than what the ico sells for. The ladies and gentlemen who par. 'icipated in the Song Tournament are requested to meet at the residence of Mrs. Frederick J. Jones, on Eden street, at half -past 8 o'clock on Monday even ing, to arrange about tbe music which will be rendered at the Festival for the benefit of the Elm City Baseball Asso ciation on Tuesday night. The ladies are requested to bring any music which they may think will be appropriate We bad a pleasant business call from Mr. Surismond Proskey yesterday. He is a full fledged Polander, and while he has no hope for the restoration of bis native land, he is still possessed of that devoted love and patriotio zeal that has always characterized his raoe. He has been a resident of the United States a number of years and is now making searoh for oak ties in the interest of the New York Central and Lehigh Valley Railroads. A LaOrange correspondent writing to the Kinston Free Press says: "Prof. John Portis, who, two weeks ago, in oompany with Dr. Bizzell, went to Texas on a prospebting tour, arrived at home Saturday night. He was not very well pleased with Texas. He says that Dr. Bizzell is still looking for a better country, having gone on to California. We predlot that in another week or so he will turn up at home, better satisfied With the old North State than ever." Personal. . v Hajor Harrell, secretary of the North Carolina Teacher's Assembly, went down to Morehead ity last night, to look after the' Assembly's property. The prospeots are bright for a very success fur and enjoyable session. Mlsa, Maud, Saunders, assistant tele graph operator in the West Union office, left yesterday on visit to her home In Richmond, ! Mr. T. R. Garner, of New, port, takes Miss Saunders place here in hef absenoe."'': " Judge Whitaker and Judge . Armfield r A. PLEASING SKNSlt .'.Ji Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follow! the use of Syrup of Figs, as Jt acts in harmony with-nature, to effectually bleanse the system when costive or bilious. For sale in B0d. and ? LOOK bottles by all Daath of Rev. Dr. J. E. Uaon. It was sad news indeed to many of our people yesterday morning to bear of the death of Rev. Dr. J. E. Mann, pastor of Centenary M. E. Church. For several days the many friends of Dr. Mann had been anxious concerning his condition, though the reports received were not definite. Yesterday morning Mr. T. A. Qreen received the following telegram: St. Louis, May 24, 1890. T. A. Green: Dr. Mann, your pastor, died of typhoid fever last night. Jno. R. Bbooks. This news spread rapidly, and it was a great shock to tbe congregation, whose lovo and high esteem Dr. Mann had won, and to his numerous friends throughout the city. Seemingly so full of life and vitality, so robust and strong when he left here three weeks ago, it is sad indeed and bard to realize that be has fallen so soon. Tbe deepest sym pathy of all who knew him here goes out to the afflicted family. Dr. Mann was well known in this section of the State, having been Pre siding Elder of this district for four years previous to the four years in Greensboro boforo coming here this year. The North Carolina Conference logos one of its ablest preachers, the New Berne Centenary church a beloved pastor and the State a noble citizen. Tho bereaved congregation here tele graph d to learn whether the remains would bo tent here and expressed the earnest desire that they Bhould be. Mr. Green received the following reply: St. Louis, My 24. T. A . Green : Will start with the body Monday. Don't yet know its destination. Memorial services will be held hero tomorrow at 8:30 o'clock. Jno. R. Brooks. But later the following telegram was received from Goldeboro : Qoldsboro, May 24. T. A. Green: Mrs. Mann wishes the b dy sent to Winston. B. R. Hall. So the body will be sent to Winston, tho home of Mrs. Mann's relatives. Mrs. Mann has been visiting in Greene county sinoe Dr. Mann went to St. Louis. The official body of Centenary church met yesterday afternoon to take ap propriate action in regard to tbe matter. It was decided that no services should be held in the church today. Memorial services will he held next Sunday if it is possible for the Presiding Elder to be here at that time. The following committee was ap pointed to draft resolutions: Rev. Q. W. Neal, Messrs. T, A. Green, G. T. Adams, J. J. Wolfenden and F. Ulrioh. It was also decided that the chairman and two others shall attend the funeral in Winston. The Diocese of East Carolina. From a private source we learn that the recent council of the Diocese at Greenville inaugurated some decided plans cf activity. It was determined to employ a general missionary for the Diooese, the Bishop to select the proper person. Resolutions favoring the es tablishment of a college in the Diocese were passed ; and a committee to solicit funds for that purpose was appointed. biT.J. B. Bonner of Aurora promptly subscribed one thousand dollars to the fund. The office of Chancellor was created and our townsman, Mr. Henry R. Bryan, elected to that important posi tion. The Trip to Richmond. A notice appeared in the Journal a week ago requesting all Confederate Veterans living in New Berne, Intend ing to go to Richmond for the unveiling of tbe Lee Monument, to report their names to Mr. Matt. Manly, Mr. W. O. Brinson or Gen. C. A. Battle. It is necessary that this should be done at once, as the railroad companies require that, in order to seoure the lowest rate of fare, $4.75, there must be a body of twenty offering to go. One tickat will be issued for the whole party of not less than twenty veterans. Not a sufficient number has reported as yet, and unless the number, twenty, is made up the rate for eaoh one will be $8.85 to Richmond and return. Report at once, and make the matter sure. jKinston is Acting. Writing and talking about establish ing manufactories do not suffice the oitizens of"Kiuston. Two ef her busi ness men have been sent where cotton and other mills are at ' work to make a personal examination wiftt the inten tion of going to work. We quote from the "Free Press:" "Messrs'. : Jv W. Oralnger and J. P. Taylor left Tuesday for Raleigh and Greensboro to look Into the cotton factories and knitting mills and obtain information regard ins; the co-operative plan' of ; establishing Iaotoriest tov Tbey will be away several .dayS. A meeting will be held ' when thev return to organise a stock oompany to establish Church Services Today. Presbyterian Church Rev. L C. Vaas, D. D , pastor. Services at 11 a. m., and 4:30 p. m. Sabbath school and pastor's Bible class at 8:15 p. m., Wm. Hollister super intendent. Young men's prayer meeting on Monday, 8 p. m. Lecture and prayer meeting on Thursday at 8 p. m. A cordial invitation to all to at tend these servioes. Christ Church Rev. T. M. N. George, rector. Whit-Sunday. Service, sermon and Holy Communion at 11 a. m. Even ing prayer and sermon at 8 p. m. The pubilo are cordially invited to attend these services, and will be shown to seats by attentive ushers. Sunday- school at the chapel, 9.30 a.m., and at the church 4 p. m. Baptist Church Rev. H. W. Battle, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p.m.. conducted by the pastor. Sunday- school at 3 p.m., C. C. Clark, superin tendent. Public invitedjto attend these services. Church of Christ, Hanoock street I. L. Chestnutt, pastor. Services at 11 a. m., subject, "The Foundation of the Church." Services at 7:45 p.m., subject, "The Church of Christ." Sun-day-sohool at 3 p. m., W. R. Skinner. superintendent. All are invited to attend these services and will receive a cordial welcome. Baptist Mission Station.Market Dook Morning services at 9:80 o'clock, J. A. Patterson leader. Afternoon services at 4:30 o'clock, W. M. Rountree leader. Regular prayer meeting services every Wednesday night. The public generally are cordially invited to attend these meetings. Y. M.C. A. Services this afterncon at 5:30 o'clock, W. P. M. Bryan leader. Subject, "Personal Effort," Luke 10: 30-37. All men invited. Mayor's Court. The following cases were before the Mayor yesterday : Hugh Simmons, chap. 3, sec. 10, play ing games on the streets. Discharged. James Simmons, same. John Henry Groom, ohap. 8, sec 8, loud hollowing in the city. Judgment, pay cost, $3.20. Lettice Cobbett, larceny, sent to Su perior Court. Alex. Clark, sent to Superior Court. Kinston Items. Kinston College will close on May 30th. There will be no Commencement this year. Mr. Geo. Tull was badlv bull yesterday, but we are glad to hear inai ms wouna is not serious. Several of our people will go to Rich mond next week to attend the Unveiling. The truokers around Kinston have made a light crop this year. CALENDAR SUPERIOR COURT Mat Teiim, A.D. 1890. Monday, June 2d. 8. Neely vs. Duffy & Gaskins. 9. Asher vs. Reizenstein, admr. 17. Jones vs. Allen. 18. Stewart vs. Foy. 54. Dillahunt vs. Harrison, admr. 22. Turner vs. Hobbs. Rouse vs. West. Tuesday, June Sd. 29. Kinsey vs. Kinsev. 34. Kabn vs. Railroad. 80. Wolfenden vs. Railroad. 47. Patterson vs. Flanner . 50. Hahn vs. Anderson. 51. Pope vs. Pope. Bell vs. Insurance Co. Wednesday, June 4th. 60. Lovlok vs. Insurauce Co. 55. Patterson vs. Flanner. 62. Collins vs. Mumford. 61. Sullivan vs. Sullivan. 65. Sultan vs. Insuranoe Co. 66. Hahn vs. Spier. 61 8taten vs. Smith. 67. Fisher vs. Colligan. 77. City vs. Cooper. Becton vs. Railroad. 14. Cohen, ex., vs. Spier. Smith vs. Smith. Thursday, June Wi. 4. Stokes vs. Cassev. 32. Batts vs. Smith. 44. Beherns vs. Blumsardt. 45. Beherns vs. Blumcrardt. Motions. 2. Justioe vs. Caho. 12. West vs. Ferrill. 19. Langfleld vs. Sultan. 91. Green vs. Mbt. 26. Gaskins-vs. Ward. 27. Hahn vs. Smith. 81. Murray vs. Lane. 87, mrns vs. Johnson. 88. Toler vs. Winalnw. 89. Williams vs. Asher. 40. Cuthbertvs. Williard. 42. Sohelkey vs. Patterson. 48. Bank vs. Green. 49. Bank vs. Allen. 59. Reizenstein vs. Hahn. 58. Gleve vs. Allen. 57. Gardner vs. Lof tin. 58. Richardson vs. Ipock. 59. Haokburn vs. Avery. 64. Hobbs vs. Railroad . 69. Bank vs. Lumber Co. 70. Carnantar va. Jnhnnnn. 73. Bryan vs. Biggins. oi. Johnson vs. Perry. 83, Drug Co. vs. Perry. In advanoed age the declining powers are wonderfully refreshed by Hood's Sarsaparilta It really does "make the MAY 22D, 1890. TO MR. AND MRS. T. M. O 'I know in grist like thine how more than vain All comfort to tbe stricken heart ap pears; And as the bursting cloud must spend its rain, So grief its tears. "I know that when thy little darling's form Had freed tbe living spirit fettered there. You could not pierce beyond the break ing storm Ia your despair. "You only knew those precious ejes were dim; You only felt the silent lips were cold ; You only clung to what remained of him Beneath the mold . "You could not see the tender hand that caught Your Utile lamb to shield him from all harms. You missed him from your own, but never thought Of Jesus' arms. "But oh ! young mother look ! the gate unbars ! And through tbe darkness, smiling from the skies, Are beaming on you brighter than those stars, Your darling's eyes. " 'Tis said that when the pastures down among The Alpine vales have ceased to feed the flocks, And they must mount where yet the grass is young Far up the rocks, "The Bhepherd takes a little lamb at play And lifts him gently to his careful breast; And with its tender bleating leads the way For all the rest. "That first the mother follows in the path; Then others go like men of faith and hopes And soon the shepherd gathers all he hath nigh up the slopes. "And in those everlasting hills he feeds The trusting fold in green that never palls ! Lookup! ob, see! your little darlini? leads ! The shepherd calls. " IV MK1TIORIAM, Constable. "Another angel enters heaven." Died, at West Point, Va., on Thursday, May 22, 1890, Oliver Orice Constable, aged 13 months, son of Thomas M. and Martha H. Constable. Seldom have we seen a more healthy, more interesting, more precocious child than this was a few months past. Al mighty God in his infinite wisdom has taken him from his parents, his rela tives, bis friends, who doubtless had to too great a degree centered their love on him. "It is well with the child." He is "safe in the arms of Jesus. " Newborn, N. C. A. The Beit ReanlC. Every ingredient employed in pro ducing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly pure, and is tbe best of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, personally ex amined, and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Sarsaparilia is prepared, every thing is carefully watched with a view of attaining tbe best result? Why don't you try it? 5 Warning ! All persons are forbidden from pas turing their stock of any kind upon the Academy Green. Any stock found upon the ground in future will be turned over to the city authority and the owner prosecuted for trespass. W- M. WATSGN, 25 3 1 Sec Treas. New Berne Acad . NOTICE TO Truck Shippers & Passengers Truck! Truck! Truck! On and after Tuesday, May 27, 1890, until further notice, the steamers of the Old Dominion Steamship Company will sail at TWO, P.M., for Norfolk, instead of nnnn an nnw advArtianri. Firat.nlaaa passenger accommodations. snippers are earnestly requested to bring forward their shipments as ranidlv as nnssihln. an wm shall ha nnm. pelled to close the gates half hour prior to sailing hour. 8tr. Newbarnn. Ttiond at. Mav 27 V M Str. Manteo, Friday, May 30, 2 P.M. 25 8t E. B. ROBERTS, Agent. For Sale and For Rent. A nine-stop Bridgeport Organ, worth J90. which will be sold very low (or cash. Two Domestic Bewlng Machlnta,worth $45 and $55, at a aaorlfloe for cah. Also a general atook of Ladles' and dents' Furnlahlng UoodB at New York oost. FOB RENT A comfortable Dwelling Honae on George itreet. Apply at Mrs, H4NKI'B STORE, on Mid dle street, next to fire engine. m24 dst Office of Commissioners of Crayon County, New Berne, N. C, May 6th, 1890. The Justices of the Peace of Craven county are required by law to meet the County Commissioners at the Court House in New Berne on the FIRST MONDAY in JUNE NEXT, for the purpose of electing Commissioners for the next two years and for levying the county taxes. It may also be necessary to transact other important business at tbis meeting. :.; JOHN AmOHARDHON. 5W, PIP POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tl.ls powder never varle. A marvel of pi'iity, strength and wholegomeueu. More economical than U19 ordinary kind, and cannot he sold In competition with the mul titude of low teBt, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In can. Royal Baking 1'owokk Co.. 10 Wall it. N Y. iune23 deu wed frt & w Bath House. Call down at tho foot of Broad street this evening at four o'clock and get a free bath. Season tickets will ba on sale at Bath Uouae for one dollar and a half. Six single tickets, twenty-five cents. C. R. WALKER, 24 i;t NUMA NUNN. 10,000 More of Those Cele brated OLD VIRGINIA Cheroots On hand Today. IT. Uli-ieli, WHOLESALE GKOCEK, MIDDLE STREET, " NEW KERNE. N. C GRAND OPENING ! Bell's Jewelry Store, UNDER "HOTEL ALBERT." Evory reader of the Journal ought to keep time and join the procession to the above named splendidly appointed Jewelry Store, where you will find a new stock of Watches, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, at prices that defy compe tition. Having moved to the above elegantly furnished store, will be pleased to servo all ray old patrons and the public gen erally. Repairing a specialty. Our workshops being raoro spacious and fitted with the latest improved machin ery, we are now able to do all classes of work with neatness and dispatch. "Bell The Jeweler." STRAW HATS. A Fine Line of them at Harrington & Baxter's. Also, a large lot of SAMPLE HATS at New York coat. See Our Stock of Neckwear. Full line of CLOTHING. SHOES and DRY GOODS at Barrington & Baxter's. aprl d wtf Buckeye Mowing Machines. Hay lfakcs. Grain Cradles, Bello City Feed Cntters, BUCKEYE CORN SHELLERS Lawn Mowers, Cultivators, Cotton Plows, And a Full Lino of Hardware and Agricultural Implements AT J. C, WHITTY & CO. PAINTS, OILS, &C.-SAW MILL SUPPLIES Duffy's Cough Mixture. A prompt an efficient rmiv tnr Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bron- emus, s ore -tnr oats, Diph theria, Catarrh, Etc. I have tried DOFF? a COUGH MIXTDHIC and take pleasure in recommending ith. cause I believe It will do all that Is alalmed ror it Dy Mr. Duffy, the proprietor, who Is a druggist of lone experience and of highest Integrity. I do riot believe be :! would advertise anything that was notz " ceptlonally good. This Remedy his eertalfr ly answered the purpose in my oesej "It cured a cold, an obstinate cold Ihadaftarl naaineaa number or the piluclpal eough remedies without benefit. , ;;' W. a MUK805. ' May 17th, '90. ( . v,-it.'- " R. K. DTJFFY, pWdwlj- Proprietor; a factory or some una beret." weaa strong." . , . 18dwtd ,M ' Clerk Bd. Co.rComW