1 1 I'. rt if h' AW r k . f 1 I' Jfr i ' ' ' : J ji t 1 if f cBLiiasnr iiioriciuNTi . TfUt UAJLY JOORitAli la six eo'.nm paper, published deUn eaoept Honda? at so.OQ per year; I1S0 tar tlx months, DellTsred to elty snoaerlbera at SOoents per month THKWKSK.LT JOURMAL. W column paper, Is published every Thursday at $1,80 ; pr annum. , k " ADVERTISING " RATES (DAILY) Ont sstefc one 4y 50c. ; 3q. for each aubsquent iaeartion, -Advertisements under head of "Business Lieel,"ie cent aHne for flret. and S eenu a Una tor every subsequent insertion Re advertisements ill be Inserted between lMi nutter t any pnoe. ,1' Jotloof Jarrtages or Dee tin. not toexoeed - lea Uses will ae ttiMrted free. All additional aaettor win be charted 5 cent per line. Payment .for transient advertisement! , aula aaada la advance. Reeuiar saver "' UaemeaUwllibe collected promptly at the ." end oi each month. Communications containing news of a dis easmax of )oal mailers are solicited. No :' ejDsmumoeUon must be ezoeoted to be cob- . l isned that contains obieotlonable oersonal . Uiee, withholds u at me or the author: or ta4 villmaKe more man one eolamn of the FMer. AM personfeelln aggrieved at anv anony ;. Btotu communication can obtain the name oi ' ; the author oy application at this offloe and , -ShOWtnt waernln tne grievance exist. THE JOURNAL. ' B. HA.BPKH. Baslness Hiif. ffKW BERNE. N. 0.. JUNE 4 1890. tared at the Post once at N Berae, K 0 . Mseeond-elaaa matter. r THE NORTHERN PRESS. i 'The insane ravings of Shepard, Of the New York Mail and Express, having been given to the country, ' we can do no better service than to present, through our columns the seutiments of representative! J, Northern papers in regard to the Lee Monument at Richmond. No part of our common couutrj is more loy il to the Union than -1 that wl,i:h was eraliraced within the lines of the l.im (.'oiilV derate States. The people of the Smth. have deeply regretted the unwilliuguoss of the people of the North to accept their declarations of loyalty to the Federal Government and devotion totho Union and the Constitution, and it is with genuine pleasure that we hail the roseate flush of the auspicious morn that is to usher in the day of restored confidence and mutual good-will. We have heretofore spoken of the liberality and fairness, as well . aa the ability of tho Washington Post. It was with no surprise that .we read, iu its issue of the 29th of May, an editorial on Robert E. Lee that concludes with these stirring words : 'So let ihe statue be unveiled in all its maicstic proportions, midst music, oratory and heroic ode. It will not shame the sunlight. It 'will not endanger the liberties ol the people. It will cause no patriot to draw a bated breath. It will shock no mauly sensibility. It will simp ly show that the South retains a grateful appreciation of her noblest i son. and commends his name to the muse of history as worthy of exalted perpetuation." While the Post has given us no surprise, our pleasure is not di minished because we rightly judged its spirit and its chivalry. But we are surprised that papers of which we expected nothing but censure have ri6en superior to party bias and sectional animosity and spoken words of truth and commendation From a great number of papers we have selected the New York Tribune as the best representative of that classof newspapers to which have we just referred. We have read its words over and over again to see il they did not contain some covert stab, bnt here they are, open as the day: "The Tribune has never hesitated on fitting occasions to denounce disloyfi acts and tendencies in the Sooth; and it will continue to do bo, if need be, in the future. But lor that very reason u may iauiy 1 claim the right to defend the South i wheil it is unjustly assailed : as in onr oninion it has been in connec- T tlon with the ceremony of unveiling ' ' the Lee monument on the 29th ult. P "- in Elehmond. That the people of i; "the Booth should delight to honor 'f$ tb memory of that great and popu i$lwti leader need not and does not ' ; reflect on their loyalty in the slight- ' eat degree. It is trne that numerous Confederate flags were flang to the 4 breeze in the qaandom Confederate capital: "and there were a great 'inany things .(said about the Lost '$-aanithittoo& taste of which 'A'taleht be qaestioned. Bat there Mm& no Mnt of disloyalty :to the -:pVoan-Jtom:, the beginning to the tykfc m Of the fcelebtatlon; d.we there i was no thoaght of dls ip!oyalt in the heart df those .who took part In iVip thisday,sacred , : to the memory of the Joyal dead, . we can well Aftord to be gf3nerons to thosft who were once armed against the nation bat who are now an integral pari of that nation. If the South loyally 'accepts the ver dict of the war, as it is, doifig, the North wiU not criticise it for honor ing the memory of its fallen chief tains, or even for occasionally bring ing eat its old flags, which to enlightened southerners today are no longer emblems of treason." We conclude with the following sharp extract from the New York World: "The brilliant oration of Colonel Archer Anderson at the unveiling of the Lee etatne an address at once eloquent, philosophical, and patriotic is a sofficieut answer to the tirades which hare been uttered in certain quarters against the ob servances at Richmond on the 29th." political The hardest fought battle ever known in Alabama, within the liues of the Democratic party, has just resulted in the nom ination of Thomas O. Jones, -of Montgomery, for Governor. Sov- . t . eral candidates were before the Convention and at the commence- menc of the-balloting dpt. B. P. at Kolb, (he candidate of the Farmer's Alliance, led the field. At length the opposition to Kolb combiued on Jones and secured his notniua- tion. Great enthusiasm prevailed and speeches were made by all the candidetes, Kolb specially stirring the hearts of the Convm; "n and pledging Lis followers' i of the ticket. FRUII' IA1SI(. Country Gentloaiin The publications of tin- ..lay give many inten'sti la ments ot the succt'sslui c:i tion or the lame sm ill fruits but often leave out some essential part. We Li.ve lUt read an account of a lino stiaxv-1 Jeanecio xnuroer a lew evenings berry crop, stating that twvmy.'og'i and talked music with a fivfi nr-n nf thn h,.n,i w..,-, m ,-. i fluency that astonished some of were pur chased to begin with. Halt' an acre was then set out with strawberries with some addi tional plantings. This patch then bore "an immense crop, so mucn finer 1 others that all ii quality than sold' at hio-h prices, although the market was already overstocked' with com mon fruit. More were planted, and the "ix hundred bushels which were marketed brought four dollars a bushel while others sold at two. This is quite an interesting statement, but it does not inform us how much land the six hundred bushels grew on, what the expense and profits were, nor briefly, what the improved treatment was, which produced such satisfac tory results. We desire distinct ness. J. II. Hale, of Connecticut, who has had wide experience in fruit raising, after speaking of the advantages or the present day the railways, nearness to towns, home markets, cheap conveyances, etc., says: "Yet with all these advantages none of us aro getting rich. Some are just making a living, others are losing money and are be coming discouraged with low prices. We hear indeed about tho successful cultivator who produces 0,000 to 8,000 quarts of berries to the acre and sells them for fifteen cents a quart, while nothing is said of the ninety and nine just men who raise ,000 quarts and sell them tor nve cents. But at present I advise those who are established in the business to hold on: culti vate fewer acres, give better care to what they have and let new beginners not begin. These remarks apply to those who raise fruits for market they can have no retarding effect on such as provide an abundant supply for their families at home. Irving D. Cook, of Genessee county, stated in his last report last winter to the Western New York Horticultural Society, a successful instance of fruit rais ing for home use and for neigh borhood marketing. J. F. Rose, of that county, raised on a por tion of his lot last year not ex ceeding three-fourths of an acre, crops of currants, grapes, pears, berries and other fruits, which he sold for $78, besides what was given to his neighbors, and for supplying his own family, while many of his grape vines have not yet come into bearing, and he received premiums for his fruit" at the county fair amounting to $10. He depends much oh the bone-dust and ashes and good management. Mr. Cook's advice to his hearers was, "Go and do likewise." ADV1CB TO nOTHEng, . . Mas. Wisbijow's Soothing Strut should always be need for children teething. " Il aoothei the child, aof ten the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colio, and is the best remedr for Dlar-( rhosv Tenty-flve cents a bottle. 3aly v. GIru Cillmaa. - '---''lsis''JoT7!BALV---FermIt' me through the eolamn s of your talaa We pa,per to say a few words in regard to politics .in this, the 9th Sensorial district, as to the next man t represent us in' the Senate. I have seen and talked with a good many of the leading men of both Onslow and . Jonea, counties and find Kbig majority of them are in favor of T. E. Oilman as their re presentative in -the next Senate. lie having served the people of Unslow ' so faithfully in the last legislation. Give as GUman and we will be well represented in the Senate. Jackson. rolloksvitle S. C. May 28, 1890. LEHON ELIXIR A Pit a ant Lemon Dilak. For biliousness and constipation, take ' Lemon Elixir. I For indigestion and foul stomach, take Lemon bilxir. For Biok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleepleatnees and nervousness, ake Lmon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take : Lemon E irir. aw wvuo, usita ceui uigtai m, iniQ Lemon Elixir. j Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any ' ?f the boTe dtaeMtw, all of which arise , from a torpid or diseased hvor, stomach, i kidnevs. bowels or blood. I EVi favors nhtlla a r J mslsrie tnlih lanta, Ua. A ivaicu UUIJ VJ I'll TJ. MO.LEY, At 50c. and $1 00 per bottle Sold bv druggists. A Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great Buffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disoidfrfd kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley s Lenon EMiir, and nm now a well man. Rev. O. C. Divis. Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 29 Tatnall st. Atlanta, Ga. The Wondrous Power of Sony. Congressman John Allen, of Mississippi, in addition to being oue of the wits of the Uouse, is also something of a "pluugei'' in socie ty. lie was present at a musicale given at tho ShoreLam by Mrs. those wno heard him. Daring the evening Mrs, Thnrber engaged the Misfiasippi Congrassmaa in con versation for a lew minutes, and incidentally inquired if he was familiar witn th9 study of music, ' 0h J"e9" replied Mr. Allen, promptly, "i an someimng oi a musician myself. In fact I am so fond of music that I introduce iU into my every day life with very beneficial effect. I control my wife and family and govern my entire household by the power of ' my music." "I don't quite comprehend yon," answered Mrs. Thnrber, smiling. 'Well," said Mr. Allen, with a merry twinkle in his eye, ,;it is just like this: When I request my wife or any member of my family to do anything, . and they refuse, I threaten to sing. They immediate ly relent and do my bidding rather than hear me.'' Baltimore Snn. WHAT IS SCROFULA It Is that Impurity In the blood, which, ac cumulating in tbe glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the anus, legs, or feet; which developed ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it is tho most general of all diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Be CURED By taking Hood's SarsaparUla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven Itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for tills disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer f ron!' scrofula, be sure to try Hood's SarsaparUla. ' My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of C rigeon'g egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's SarsaparUla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Cablilk, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's SarsaparUla BoldbysndrnggisU. Jl; six for I. JPreparsdonly l7 C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Moss. - IOO Dosf d One Dollar . GRAND OPENING! Bell's Jewelry Store, ' UNDER "HOTEL ALBERT." Every reader of thSJ?trBifAi, ought to Keep time ana join the procession to the above-named sulendldlr atmointed Jewelry Store, where 7ou 'will find a new stops or watches. Clocks and Fine Jewelry,'' at prices that .defy : comae. titlon. J -?:,5v.i ;..'., -.a. - Bavins moved to the above eleganttr famished store, will be pleaaed to serve all my old patrbna and .the public en erallyi Repairing a : epecifltyj fJ'Our wbrkshopa being more spacious-' and fitted with the latest improved machin ery, we kre now able to dfl ail classes of work with neatness and dispatch. ' G d 1 1 TI 3 J c "7 c ! z fa' ' owns isivjo ys Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the tast6, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the mo3t healthy and agreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale iu 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any ' reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP C:; SAN rnAMCISCJ, r !.'. LOUISVILLE. KY. r " yn"K r CAUTION Take no shoes unless AV. t.. Douglas' name and iri'H aro titantned on the bottom. If tlio cannot supply yoo, send direct to factory, cucloi:g udvortisea price. Jit -N , SiJfe W. Lr DOUGLAS $3 SHOE v ' FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. TTeavv Liued Grain and Creed. moor Waterproof. liest in the world. Kxamino Ills BB.00 GENUINE HAND-HEWED NIIOE 4.l HAND-SKWKU RI1UK. 3.50 POUCE AND FARMERS' 1A1F .SHOE. ' KHOE. SJ2.CO EXTRA VALUE C 82.25 & 83 WOItKINGMEN'S SHOES. 82.00 and 811. 75 HOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made la Congress, llutton and Luce. $3 & $2 SHOES lafd.eV S1.7S SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Fitting, VY . ij. uouKiaB, jirocHlon jnass. com 07 Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts. mar22dtJulyl M. P. HOLLY, FASHIONABLE TAILOR. Next door to P. M. Draney's Hardware Store, SOUTH FRONT STREET. Large stock of fine samples. Clothing made to order. (Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates reasonable Also, cleaning and dyeing done in neatest style. 18d2m To Rent. The Two Stores in Stanly Hull, for merly occupied by the Post Office and Mr.. Prag, will bo ronted for a term of years to desirable tenants on favorable terms. The building now occupied by the Daily Journal is also offered for sale or to rent. Information in respect to said prop erties may be obtained from Mr. L. 6. Wood, or communications mav be ad dressed to A. EDWARD WOODRUFF, 120 Broadway, Equitable Building, ap!8 dtf New York City, TO WEAK LIEN Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc, I wiU send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing fall partionlars for home cure, F R EE ' charge, A splendid medical work : should be read by over? man who Is nervous and debilitated. Address,; JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OP EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Marble Works, JNew Berrie, N. O. ; .Italian and Amerioan Marble antjail qualities of inatria jpM$&HyA. n Orders solloited and 61 ven prompt attention, wittt : satisraotion guaran teed., i :' i ..;c', .-V li .'V,M"-.V f ."-v ;.();' O. E. MiUrb is mj aRotit at Einston, A. A Tr. v n n . , 1 1 Iauu aba, .fioLaio- rfuiar traveling agent. . . . - J & 0, II is just returned with Spring ever brought to New Berae. and Simii NOVELTIES IN DRESS jsOpDSNofiPVIst SHOES of every description at the cheapest possible prioes.' '-.isiu--: In READY-MADE CLOTH INQ I wiU" positively save yoii least from 20 to 25 per ceut., as I have bought them at the most remaVkably ow figures and will sell them accordingly. For instance, A Fin& All' Wool Satin-faced Dreas Bait for $8.50, whicl would cest yon at least 810 or $12 anywhere elsj. ' . Flannel Coat and Vest for 70c. ; Seersucker Coat and Vest for 70c. Boys Suits from $1 up.. THK FISEhT rTR CBOSH 8ATIS-LINEU HAT t 0e. Our st03k comprises so many NEW GOODS and SPECIALTIES that it would be a hard matter to enumerate all in detail. . " ' We Solicit an Examination of Our Stock, Feeling confident that we will make it to your interest to give ' a sljare o your patronage. , REMEMBER I the prices of our goods are and must he as low or lower than similar goods can be purchased elsewhere. Respectfully, JSLm 41. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT CSrDroooirios. Lorillard and Gail"-& Ax Snufi Sold nt ni inur.iclurer'ri prices. Dry Goods & Notions. Full stock and large assortment. Prices as low as the lowest. Oall and examine my stock. Satisfaction guaranteed. K Yri Catarrh CREAM BALM Cleanses the Naeal Passages. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Sorts. ' Restores the Sense of Taste and Smell, - TRY THE CURE1 A particle Is applied into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price 60 cents at Drngaistfe: hy mall, registered. 60 cts. ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren Street. New York. aprlSdwly Sash, Doorsand Dlinds Paint?, OiIf, Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kinds of Building IMaterials At Lowest Prices. I. H. CUTLEB, , NEW BERNf, y; C. HUHPHRISV VETEMAEI SPECIFICS Fcr Horses, Cattle, Sleep, DcM-Soffi, . AHD POUI,TaX.v 7 , BOO Page Beokon Treaties t of Animals and Chart Heat Free. " t ?"!ME,,Telr,,f pimtestlons, InSaminauoDt ' n'lS?l,fLHenlI,Bml, mu Fever. '. B.B.HtiM, tonesMs, RbeaBiatlam. ' ??,temPe'f Nsal Dtacharsee, ; . lD.-Botser Grabs, Warms. 'SS""S0.I,,,' Meavea, Pneamonlsu ' F.F.-Colloor Urines, Bellyache. twIHlMMrrlsis, Hesienksgti,'. H.H.-.Urlnary and Kidney Diseases, Eruptive Diseases, Manse. J.Ki Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with "Specifies, HsntiaL , WItca Easel OU aif Hedloator, Ty.o6 Price, Single Bottle (over doses) 155 Sold dt DrnggistsiOr Sent Prepaid snrwhers and la any qnauUty oa Beoalpt 91 Prion a Humphreys' MeUCo., 109 pulton -St, M.' .' it. 1 - HoamopAtiio;: SPECIFIC la crvous-Dc assia) Tears. aa i nun i.6u..55l ev.a" SiySacPiIt?m JlM,ek or other esnMC .' W WT T"1" eaawa jsu Mb and Iww tial powdor, lnr A J -Alirof our Veterinary Preparations can be had of, J. Yi Jordan, DroKKist, N. W, cor.Broad and Middle itreeta, Newbtrn.N.q.,. i,,r itr"'! OmeralandHtiwu . J. 11 II IP TJ Weakneas ef Bodyand : inta , IT. T ef Errors or EsonmeB in tu ir nounsv Mnit, SohH IIASIKMln ri.llr Bi-ni,.. I. K .t.rir. lrWsejniK'KAK,llNIKyKI4H''llli fki. HolBOIir. l.liilrlT a.f.lllni IIIIMK Til til fl,., ,,, a . t f tMlllr fr 47 Sim.., TVrrllnrl,.., ami Vtirl,n trt.i. n u write (km. ui, riii.M..,,.iion, ...ii3 frit, MTW fcty.Ul ta,.li.l.l.S. t Uav. rrrwrr n si-ti- -.aw a re . tifi the most enperb stork of . G We are now diaplTy i"ng all - PROFESSIONAL. RODOLPH DUFTY. ,. r, b, pix0. DuftVAfiixon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, NEW BERNE, N. C. ' gffioe over Duffy's drug store. Branch Office: Catharine Lake, One low county. ' , , eplt dwly P. E PELLETDEE, ATTOBNBI ATuliAlf. AND MONFY BllOKER. Oraveu St., tuo doors South of Journal office. loans for short tlma. specially made In negotiating .mall Will practice In tbe CoonWol Graven. Uar. terot, Jones. Onslow and Pamlloo. United BUtes Oourt at ew Berne, and Bnpreme Ooart of the BUte. febl dtf OLEMBHT MANLY. . O. H. OUIOtf Manly & Onion, ATXOltNEYft AT 'LAW. Office 3d floor of Green. Fov A Co. 'a bank, Middle street. New Berne, X. C. WiU practice in the courts of Craven nd adjoining counties. in tbe Supreme Court of the State, and in tbe Federal Courts. , ante dwit 4JT. X. SUdlONg. H. L. G1BBB. Simmons & Gibbs. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will'pfactlce id this counties of Craven, Jones, . Onslow, I Carteret, Paalloo, Lenoir and Hvde, and in the Federal Courts. '' Office on Craven street, next door below Journal office. apiadwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, JDENTIST, HEW BERIE, If. C. OlBoe ou Craven street, between Pollock and Broad. ' , , aw noDinTs& Duo, tTHOLESALE DFiALEELS iN ? ' GEOOERliSiTBiMS3ir8: D17 Goods; Boots tod'Slfoes. " i-i'- i ! tflasasnaaV' -" i - ' We sell FLQUfe direct from tbe MU1 a -in Michigan. ladled lt9V' 4lf, ttm lvwa'tWoitt'ir ' - oouw r ront street. f f Ws 1 Job Gail dt Andl4oril srrt's Snuff. illincry Goods! 'A . MR3.!B. B. LAlfE .havinc removed front her old stand pn Pollock fctreet to ' the elegant store tindarl Bote! Alberl ; (sonlt aid's) la owWepated to serve ' thjpubiMjwitlva.MA. -,tH ' - , :.::8raiiio oopM,; as cheap as can be bought in the city, , Stlstactton guaranteed, apSdwfioa ' '.'"rtv;! "'"' 11 '1 Mm '.1.1 ta.. '' ,5l ' , . . T i lit , " k ?avlng just1 VsoeiVed "''Sainple Lot of the 'j x ijj r;u'll ii; 5 x Fi::-3T::Prr" at 'a GREAtBEDUCir-, v,iU l0:i ... a ' New York Cc CTOALI i 00(1$ k -, -.r 'A ."V.i 1 r

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