rCIUSHUtr AlHOUICXUIfTi I TBX DAILY "jODBNAXi la a six colntna aapar. pabliahed telly, exoept Monday - at H es par year; U moaUc Delivered to etty saasarloars at Wawitt per month THCWIEkLT JOUBKAL. a M oolumn aper.la psbllsaad every Thursday at I1.M ytttinB.' . " . ADVEBTISTNa RATKS (DAILY) Ons laoaonsday Me.; lie. foreaeh subaqueot lusartionX .. Aaveruaaiaants anaer ohu w - cuimou Loeeis," 10 MiU a Uns for first, and 5 cent a line lor every ubuqatnt Insertion : Be adTartlsemenU willba inserted biivMn . leeei atatterat any pnoe. . . Hotleee ofMarrlacM or SmUu, not to exoeed Ian Una will be lniartadfrac. All additional tatter will beenarfsd 5 eenti par Una. lasst be made la advance. Ruiar adver tisement will bs collected promptly at the and oi aach monlo. Communications containing news or a dis eaauon of lseal matters are soitolted. Mo ommnotoatlon mnat be expeeted to ba pub lished tbat sontalns obleotlonabla personal lttoe, withhold! tne nma of the author: or wuiuuh uiirro miDUDi oomfflo vi toe paper. Any person reeling aggrieved at anv anony moaaeommunieauon oanobtaln the name of ta author dj application at thli offloe aud ahowing wnareln the grievance exist. THE JOUKNAL. B. HA&PKll. Buluil Hanagar. ltW BEBNE, K. 0., JUNE 14 1890. tatered a ae Pot offlo at Ni JBuat, aasaoond-olaia matter. FRIEND OF THE WOBKIXttMEX. "Among the resolutions adopted by the Republican State Convention of Alabama on Wednesday, was one to tbe following effect : 'The Republican party is a true friend of the worklngmen everywhere, and the Republican party of Alabama, composed mainly ot' farmers and skilled mechanics and workingmen, expresses its profound sympathy with these classes of wealtta-pro-dncing people, and pledges itself to nld them in every way to better their condition, to encourage tillers of the soil to own ibe land they cultivate, to promote home getting free from the burdens of debts, to belp emancipate the toiling masses from tbe imputation that honest toil is degrading, to give honor and dignity to labor, and to the labor ing man his rightful share in shap ing the laws under which he toils and lives, and fiually to socurefor the most favored citizens equality of citizenship throughout our vast republic. We favor that just and protective government policy which gives protection alike to American industry of all kinds, and American labor of all classes and affords to onr farmers a remunerative home market for all their products."' All this is superlative impudence, la its early days the Republican party took from the toiling millions oi iuks country a magnificent do main and gave it to the Pacific Railroad Company. In doing this it violated inalienable rights of citizens to pander to the cupidity of a soulless corporation. The only Democratic Administra tion with which the nation has been blessed, since 18G0,restored millions of acres of this land to the public domain, thus returning it to the people for homes in a land of golden harvests and delicious fruits. The Republican party bas passed many resolutions in the interest of workingmen, bnt it has not done a single act for their beneit. Year! by year it grows more and more distinctly the representative of monopolies. "It is the party of unscrupulous schemers and specu lators who would drive their car of Juggernaut over the millions of the poor and tbe hard-working, without a qualm of mercy or pity in their impervious breasts." Workingmen everywhere are realizing the truth and are shaking Republican shackles from them like dew drops from a lion's mane. The present protective tariff, a legitimate offspring and proper representative of the Republican party, is a ponderous machine that s griuuti tuo uuuco vi iud jpuui auu transmits them into gold to fill the coffers .of the rich. xnere is a worningman s party, honorable for its past history and , magnificent in its present aspect, to which workingmen of every de partment of industry are rallying ' wltblraoyant hope and firm resolve. ' '.V. fMi - A At - A. T a xnat party is me great. Ltemocrauo party of the American Uniou. . Facta Worth Knowing. In all diteasea of the nasal mucous mambrana the remedy used must be non-Irritating. The medioal profession ha been slow to learn this. Nothing Mtltff aotory can be accomplished with dooehei, nuffi, powderi or syringes because thfcr are all irritating; do not thoroughly reach, tbe affeotad surfaces and should be abandoned as worse tout failures.' : A Ualtitnte of persons who bad ror yeari borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can inflict testify to radical cures wrought by Ely's Cream petition is the thief pi Enjoy, ment as surely as Procrastination is the thief of Tiroes It is with pleasures as with sparkling -wines. You can have the flashing globules, the rushing loam, the tare bouquet, but once. r Cork up. your wine, for after use, and the next draught from the bottle- shall be comparatively fiat and tasteless. Take a second sip at any1 joy tbe earth affords and you will find it less exhilara ting than the first. Novelty is the spice of life. No secondary sensa tions are like the primaries, and habit, in tbe end, states every luxury. Middle aged reader, do you re member thfi pride with which yon wore your first watch ! It may have been a cheap affair always at odds with Chronos, and the golden horologe tbat now ticks sonorously in your pocket may bo a patent lever richly jeweled. But what a contrast between the indifference with which you draw forth the costly watch of your maturity and the subdued exultation with which a dozen times an hour you paraded the valueless trinket of jour hob ble de-hoy-hood. Probably your first love and your first watch were contempor ary; they generally are. Have you forgotten the- twelve year old co quette for whose sake yon forswore solid food, and moped disconsolate in solitary places, and coveted unattainable personal adornments, and longed to be twenty one f Of course, you have not A dozen tides of patwion may h.v surged through yotir heart mikv ilu-n, Ont they have not washed aw.iy the memory of your "call" love What aro all the 'vi.i!U-," of later life compared itii iliosHof our earlier years f IW the veteran feel as proud ui his heavy mustache as the boy man did of its rudiments! Does not the youthful author experience rnoie delight in seeing his initial work in print than the veteran litteruteui from the issue of bis twentieth volume ! Life has many pleaNures that will bear repetition without be coming hackneyed, but the first lings of the tlock arc l way s the sweetest. I)en!orost'9 Magazine. " 'Funny !' Well, 1 shoifld say so! Look at the one iu short lace skirt to the knees, ru!ier Im-oIm, bare arms, an immense muff, str.tw hat, and a beard ! 'What is it ?' Why, that is 'A Modem Columbus' in the burlesque ot that name given by a dramatic club of t he (vlobr.tted Seventh Regiment of New York, and these illustrations and the account of it are, as you see, in Demorest's Family Magazine for July, which has just rrived." The pictures of the six footers of the Seventh arrayed in feminine tog gery are about tho funniest that have appeared m any magazine for a long time. This unmber also contains a beautifully illustrated article on tho interior of Vice President Morton's house, which H full of suggestions for modern house furnishing. The article "Stanley's Rescue ot Kmin," pro fusely illustrated, is also of great interest at this time; and "The House Boat iu American Waters" will give a hint to many who are wondering how to spend the sum mer. In fact, the whole Magazine, from the handsome watercolor in the front to the "Spice Box" in the back, is artistically and handsome ly executed. It is wonderful how Demorest's Family Mugaziue has come to tho front in the past few years, and now stands in the for ward rank ot the great M agazines. Indeed, there is no other Magazine published that so acceptably eaters' to every member of the family. Published by W. Jennings Demo- rest, 13 East 14th St., New York How Ooo Man Proposed. I was very much amused at the article published a few days ago on 4,How Girls Are Proposed To.'' I think the way I proposedjwas just as unique, and the time and meth od a little more novel than the methods the fellows in that article adopted. It was a case of love at first Bight, but the girl didn't know how I felt, neither was I sure that she cared a continental for me. She was modest, retiring, bashful little thing, and while I wanted to tel her how muoh I thought of her was afraid to. One Sunday night the fourth time I had called, made op my mind fully that wanted her. But she was so shy that I thought it would frighten her away it I spoke. About 10 o'clock I proposed a game 61 cards, and a joke suggested that we play ior a wager, ana mat sne put ner self up against mo. She modestly consented. I thought I was going to lose and I knew if I did it was a last chance, even if it was . a Joke. Well, I won, and told her with a laugh that she belonged to me After sitting and looking at each other a;few moments, I took her hand and said (the must always pay hes leases, , and that the , hand held was mine, - She looked at tne with a Bjnile, and said quietly: a; i'Well, U you' vast It you can hare It.? V '. I won that girl ' by ; a game of cards on Sunday night, but we neither- have, regretted the rotating the.. rourth vtJommandment. , Per haps my method may help some other bashful couple. Globe Demo crat. ' - ' ' --- The Hands. One of the most common signs of breeding is a sort of uncomfort able consciousness of the hands, aa obvious ignorance of what to do with them, and a painful awkward ness in their adjustment. The hands of a gentleman-seem perfect ly at home without being occupied ; they are habituated to elegant re pose, or if they spontaneously move, it is attractively. Some of Queen Elisabeth's courtiers made playing with their sword hilt an accomplishment, and mosf ef ficient weapon of the Spanish coquette is her fan. Strength in the fingers id a sure token of mental aptitude. When Mutlus burnt his hand off before the eyes of his captor, he gave tbe most indubit able proof we can imagine of forti tude ; and it was natural that amid the ferocious bravery of feudal times, a bloody hand in the center of an escutcheon should become the badge of a baronet of Englaud. LEiHOS KLIXIH. A PItaiant Lemon Drink. For biliousness and constipation, tike Lemon Elixir. For indication and foul Btomach, take Lemon Elixir. For sick and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ake Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozi.ky, At lanta, Ga. 60o. and $1 00 per bottle. Sold by druggists. A Prominent Mtnleter Write. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley'a Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. 0. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 28 Tatnall st. Atlanta. Qa. There is no better way of empty ing the mind of evil than by filling it with good. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to sell-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache. heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu- . larity of the bowels, arc DlStreSS some of the more common JffQf symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well of itself. It bating rcqUiros careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa- parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- u JL u toms removes the sympa- HKiaCrl thetic eflects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes tho tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat Uanr- distressed me, or did mo nearx" littie goodi Iu aa h01ir burn after eating I would expe rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a So LIT room with fresh paint. Last e. spring X took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCn rWa took three bottles. It did me on Immense amount ot good. It gave mo an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." George A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by tU drngglrt. f 1 ; tlx for $&. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecariea, Lowell, Mui 100 Doses One Dollar Money To Loan. Persons desirine to borrow taaney can be accomodated byapplyinx to the undersigned. : Loan must be- secured on unencumbered real estate. . ROBT.-O. MOSELY. May 19. 1890. -mSOSOd GRAND Of ErilNG ! Bell's Jewelty Store, UNDER "HOTEL ALBERT." Every reader of the Journal ought to keep time and join the procession to the aboVe named splendidly appointed Jewelry Store, where yon will find a new stock ot Watches. Clocks and Fine Jewelry, at prioet that ,defy compe titlon. . .. -':' Having moved to the above elegantly furnished store, will toe nleased to serve all rnyold patrons and the poblio oen- ernllyy 'Repairing a specialty. ' Our workshops being ' more spscious and fitted with the latest Improved machia err, we are) tvnr.abjejq do all classes of work with neatness mki awpatcn, 9) Next door to P M- Draney's Hardware SOUTH FRONT STREET. W Large stock of fine samples. Clothing made to order, Satisfaction guaranteed. Rates reasonable -, Also, cleaning and dyeing done in neatest style. ; I6d2m Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; -it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers aud cures habitual constipatioiu flyrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in ito action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from tho most healthy ami ngreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist vho may not have it on band Ayill pro cure it promptly for any oue who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. ' CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CCl SW-tr.ANCISCO. C". LOUISVILLE. K i . ; ') Kl-Y CatarrH CREAM BO CleanseM tl.c Nml I'tiKnara. AllttJ'ft Pain nutl Inflauiinxli'ii, Ileal llio Sur. Hcitorea li 1 Sense of Tlo and Smell, TRY THE CUItP. A .1 MItI U1TiT HAYFEVERl HAV-FEVER A partlrl.) Ik HuiillBd lnt-i u 'i lumirH'snd Is agreKli. I ri- fut cnin i liiugslats; by mall, r-.lHtoi. il. eu rlH. 1 i I'.Kiii lijtnt), 5S Warren Slruet. New V t'k HlTlldwlJ CAUTION SS Take' no shoes nnlesi are Mamped on the Dmiflrlftft' name an bottom, jr tno oruiiv send direct to factory, If the douliT cannot suppljr Ton, enclosing a uverincu price W. L. DOUGLAS to cuAcr" for 40 OnVb GENTLEMEN. Flno Calf. HeaT Laced Grain and Creed. moor Waterproof. n.0() ENUINK H A N I-HKVKI 8HOE. erar. in run irnr m. r Tnminv ma W4.00 HANIJ-HKWK1 WKI.T BMOB. 3.B0 PXIJCE AND FAKMKKH' HHOE. 82.50 EXTRA VAI.IIK !ll.K SIMMS. K2 '2K 'J Vni!KIN(iMKN'H 8HOFS 't.OI and 1.7r ISOYS' SCHOOL SUOE8 All nin.li- in ('mit'resb, Jiutton aaa Ijace. $3 & $2 SHOES lafdIE3 81.7B SHOE FOIt MISSES. Bout Mntorlal. Bert Style. Best FittinK. W. J., ituiislait, jirocKton, Mass, coiu uj Cor. Pollock nnd Middle Sta. mar22dtJnlyl To Hent. The Two Stores in Stonly flail, for marly occupied by the Post Office and Mr. Prag, will be tented for a term of years to desirable tenants on favorable terms. The building now occupied by the Daily Journal is also ofTefed for sale or to rent. Information in respect to xaid prop erties may be obtainod from Mr. L. S. Wood, or communicntiODH may be ad dressed to i A. EDWARD WOODRUFF, 120 Broadway, Equitable Building. apl3 dtf New York City, M : JOE K. WILLIS, PKOPRIKTOIt, OF1 EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Uarble Works, New Borne,' IsT. O. i itniuui ana American aiamie ana au Va if . r sa aa .ais qttalitiei of ;materiaLAyi4, Orders solicited end given prompt attention ' 'with ' satisfaction ; gnaran teed. .'i-:.Y'-.,C' $ri'yv$Kt?j "G, B. MiLLEH is my aeent at KlDston, and text; FIBLP9 . regular' traveling agent.- w': -.v-,:ri-.;- . IBM u.. (1.1 0 p PROFESSIONAL. , DB. G."& BAGBYi ,; SUR&EOH DENTIST. Offloo, Middle street, opposite Bsptist churota, : decS dwif NEWBEBN. N. '0 P. H. FEIiLETIEBi TTORNiSY - A T I A. , I ANU MOSy BBOKEB. Driven St., two doort'Sonth of Journal offioe. , . . a anMlkltY msdo in negotiating udbiii . . -. ..I loans for ahort limn. Will nractles In the Ooantlm ot Orsvsn, OfcT- nulled fttAte Court st inew Bern, snd I Supreme Court of tbe SUts. . febldti CLEMENT MANLY. O. H. GUIOM Manly & Guion, ATTORNEYS AT 1AW, OfBce 2d floor of Green. Foy & Co. bank. Middle street. New Berne, a. U. Will praotioe in the courts of Craven snd adjoining counties, in tbe Supreme Court of the State, snd in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf . SIMMONS. H. L. QIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones, Onslow, Carteret. Pamlloo, Lenoir and- Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal offioe. aplSdwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, NEW BERNE, N. C. Office on Craven stret, between Pollock and Broad. dw ROBERTS & DRO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RGCERIhiS, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots-apd Shoes. We sill FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigsn. We have in Btock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the Wee Indies. Give us a call and see our prioes. ROBERTS & BRO., South Front strpet, . NEW BERNE. fcT Wo job Oail & Ax's snd Loril ard's Snuff. Attention, Ladies. Having jiifet receiveil a Sample Lot of tbe ClflCCT DADlCf.1 O nil tO I rnilHiJlll-U I at a il kka I iiuw. win . sen tbm at JN6W lOrk UOSt, rObl I IVtLTi 1,on uuokl ' &w mi t. wiur.V: , "tti Tfit & STRAW HATS. A Fine Line of them at Harrington & Baxter'!. Also, abirge lot of SIMPLE HATS at New York cost. eee uur cslock oi iNecKwtstLr.ijputeworit ismost.ca Full line of CLOTHING, 8HOE8 and DRY GOODS at Barringtqn & Baxter's. aprl dwtf HUMPHREYS VETEBISABY SPECIFICS- ForEorBos, Cattle, Sheep, Port, Son, : AND TOUVSRt.. ' Jr 5s: BOO Page Book en Treatment sfAataaals - and Chart Heat free. " rmtEs ( Fevers, Coat eatloni, Inflamsaatloat A. A. 1 Hninal Henlnirltia. Milk Vmm. l(.II.-Htralni. Laraeaeaa. Binnatlini. C.C. Distemper, Naaal UUcharaes, j n.D.Bots or Grabs, Werns. E.K.uongBa, ueaves, FnenmeaU, . F-F.t'olioar Griaes, Bellyaehe.- - G.G.Mlacarrlase, Uemorvliaaas, H.H.i-CrlBarr and Kidney Dlaeases. J.K.OUeaaes ef DiKeitien. ,.-;. l.l.MKrnnttTA Ulannaea. Mana-aw Stable Case, wtth Spednes,' Manual, ffinn ttaiei uu ana iK3HKJr. Pr1oe Single BotUs(over N daseg), Sold h TJnualatl! UP Sent Ptanatd ahrvhara andinanTouantitronRooeiDtof Prloa. jiumpnreyr meo. lo., iu ruuon &., w.'i. l. T. : .. . . ' ... .. . .7. . .(J : SPECIFIC No, lU ' inuaeJttyeai . I'nnieii : llnl tnaeesifiti remedy lot J ill I V'flntnaaaJ and PrtMtraMoii. fram'oveMWOrk bf Athav Mnu. S 1IIUI Slbuiiliuaai : r aii pOTTiiLora ytawMiaiarce nu powaar, for at, bolobi Danaoma, orient pMtpald on raoipt 1 tn-lniTiMtnrfSiilMm1)i,,11ft,iillia St.. I, r I AllJoil)our Veterinary leparon can do una or J. y. Jordan. uruRtist, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle streets, newDcrn, , u. .r.vu. -y-Q- ? Ht. PKOQRiBSSiva F ASKsii. bold1, vlgllnnt, Sglrresslve and proBrssslve. It has opinions and expresses them.' Forty-eight eoltunne, eiKiiv piaea. M.n nome-rTim. uinwai organ ol Worth Carolina andvirslnla BtateAlll- snoesi XheLtvest paper in the Houtbl Ooei to nearly im postomees In North Carolina and to W Btates. ONK DOLLAR A KKAK.I gSSfJf..0; ;eend for ssmpie copy. Aa- XtUU Jr auuxvoSI V E FABMEH ;. 'i.'i " ' KalelKh.N U. H, Bbowdkm, linslness Msnsesr, . Just Received- n.- iiovAnD's; New Lo( Tennis Sbtits,. Windsor Tiasi Plaited Bosom Shirts. laundrled end nnlsnndried. 8fe our Lord Chumley Collars, New lot Samples in a few days. r. J. M. HOWARD. WANTED LOUIS STERN, OrHSNRY 81KB!. CO. 00MMIB810S MEKCHAiT,' 7i Pine Street, New York Olty. Heron Flumes, Egret Plumes AHigator:Skins, Hides and Wool 8ea Birds of all Specie, and Southern prodoets. Cash advances made sgalnst shipments If desired. FSVSBSKCKS. ' Importers-aud Traders Nst. Bank, New Yorit city. Qermama Nat. Bank. Bew Orleans, La. Peoples' at. BanK, riew Orleans, L,a. LOUIS STBRH, m22 dim TO Pine Street, llsw York. Next ! Pbof. W. B SHEPAED and compe tent assistants in the tonsorial art will give you a Hair out for 20 cents. 8hampoo..... .80 " Shave 10 " Gaston Hou Ha.berStaop. New Bbenb, N. C. ALDEN'S A Cyclopedia of UniverMl Knowledge, and , over vw luurorauouti. ut-perse.ou. , perset,S84.oo. Vol. 18- now Ready The volumes thus for tmied will answer more questions in the practical every-lay life of tho average reader, than till the- Inlumea of any complete cyclopedia in the market. Test them ana aeei &. speci men volume may be ordered and returned if not wanted. I b 1 O.OO cash with order before Nowl,wll P il O aeouretbe full setof Af f'S lnolothblDdinar.orft9B.OO W V Jt9m 'oiwco, all sent prepaid. ; "The price is very low the form ci- MMllnvl v handr for a work of reference, and the editlnir skUlful and eompreheratTS."-Uteron Wp which haTO characterized the undertake I rQ outset have been in ho degree relaxed.'' I Sun. Hew xork. i ... .. I "It ,1s an unabridffed dictionary and a more we are pleased." -i'daoaiioaol Monthly ' The convenient form, the excellence oi binding paper, and lllustratlopa, and tbosMllfii arrangement or arociea maro wip a imuuj ujcki. aia, wnaja wui do uara wd :wum wuwo hw Ikr 1 Britannica ' would be oonsultedence. Tbs lustrations are really helpful, and are very num erous. He matter what omer cyMopeoiasavwriwr ynave, &jaen BManuoia-buoiuu uoupuum lTe'I Writer, Beaton- . ! . It la a tvroftrbfthlw well made DDflk for . price The -peculiar Shape makes' tbe book extreme J easy toreadjrbieh Is a most vaiuawsi; thing to the student. The clean cut, heaty faced) type used for titles to S good feature and materiH ally lightens tbe task of the Investigator.' The lOOMtea ayuaaw ox vvary ounvuu wurm w ikumj narked and tbe pronunciation, when It offers any - - Cy roro,(j hia nnnniar worK tft moat careiuuv eaiiea ana- paatlyandaocurateiyruanuractureo,;'- 4"phki JOHN Ba ALOENfuWisbOTitV NEW YOBK. fl Pearl St., P.O. Boat 1SS7.; .. .s j Chicago. MWaMiti kvetlltWata; 7S wnltehsue. M ur:.. 01 jjicKens printed -and ;fioelyboiinil,fRnd . qQuptlesitfeeeins ; fabtdotia to , : inany,btit ib ia one of s thbj&senbJ happy -broducts of Aldenjwr I , " Bob " KdlUoa In aix Tola small Sro, yoed type, I . Wlthnnmeroui lllnMratlou. well Drlntad OS I Duiam. lth. an.i . .. f.,. . I ,;.v.' a - . . ; .0 1 Uleksns. The Works of Charles Dickens. ' i - - .- '--r"-svr.'r'.'.?. J T,.. juss r yois.r-isu.uiostniaiis, L Bomber and Son, . Did Ourtoalty gho f Mutual FrUnd," l barld Copperfleld " Chrlatmaa Storln, WWia Tale of TwoCHIm. Unoonunerolal t raeleri tKtcholuNIeklebr, Martin Cnoulewlt, Aaierlean Hatu,..-;, Ureal KxpwUto:.'V' v l?nmBozmitiono:f;I)icfcy f I.-':: 4yuas3M arvsa, siwj-a - - Ins jsTprintedtifrorn theme: v v-5 plates as 5:ApiDlet6n,s iPODuIar ; Library Edition of this soma -u1 " qemg JLy.w.g, sevi-lne paper tised: i3;:;arjfleijigtiterand. 'a ft & littJeeaper jirit; ,quaHty, ;l)tit v 'both'arCgood.'f ;X; Si -ttf i Thebopksi piay bo seen at the .. office of this papct.or a specimcii , t trn lirriP i'f-tni n'i i ' TV1 h P' 3n X X ft:;. 1 - At.

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