V 1 5v :'l I Ti C&nvertf Mav Vpliey issued bj . MUTUAL BENEFIT :i I "ce Company . . Includea all the liberal features of the : Company, with tbe addition of a guar anteed Cash Surrender value, which :! will be paid at any time afur two yeare , V prouiuua have been paid, if demanded. : -, ' ,Eery Policy hat endoraed upon it a ' tabla showing in plain fitrorea tbe op- nous granted by the company. 1st option. Gash surrender value. 3J option. Amount that may be bor rowed from the company on the pol icy. 31 option. Extended insurance for fall amount of tbe policy. 4th option. Paid np policy value. This la the moat liberal policy yet of fered and ia tbe safest insurance to be bad. Every dollar paid ijteta a dollar's worth of Inauranoe. No loss by lapses. D. T. fARBAWAY, Agent. Healthy persons between fourteen and seventy insured. J. J. BRIAN, Prtt. L. H. CUTLER, Vie Pre 6. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OP NEW BERNE, N. C. INOOBPOBATED 1865. Capital, - - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86.700 DIRECTORS. Jab A. Bet an, Thomas Daniklb, L H. Cutlb, Cbas. 8. Bet an, O. R. Roberts. TO LAND AGENTS & OWNERS County Surveyors, and Others. Persons having mineral or timber lands to sell at reasonable prices (for themselea or others) would do well to lend tbelr names, addresses and (a 11 particulars of properties to Alllanea Mineral and Timber Lands Agenrr. MIODLS-8BOROUG1I, raayZT dwlm Kentucky. IVEAtI HEN Bufferinf from ths elhct of Touthfol rrors, sarir deo7, wasttnewMkiMsa, lostmanhood. efo, I will send a VBlnaUs tnatlM (staled) containing foil particulars for home oars, FREE of charge. A splendid medisal work i should b read by vnrj sun who is nernms and debilitated. Address,; Prof. F. C FO tTXEB, Koodus, Conn. FOR B ONLY! K 'Sii Hit Oen.rsl.ana KKEVOU8 DEBILITY; . aHruHi HUNK TKKA1 MIHn w n.y. ,f) from 4 ; St.tra, Tetrtffi, hb4 P.r.lg Cmlrl... .. .ii!i..lhri.. Bat.k, hitltinl.tiaUoa, nd proof Bilt.4 .. (-,. idi.w Ult filOICAl CO.. llllFALO. H. r, 0: e Herrings Patent A !' 1 1 ill Make Iron Safe, No. 7, cost '. t fictury; two very fine office D u. .1 Chairs; one Copying Press; Button Attaching Ma cliiou fur htort; one very handsome Show On; -ail to ba Riven away by I bl IKE at very low UVures. mSldtf AiUvuio ami N. C. Railroad. Passenger Dkpartmbnt, New Bkhnk, Juoe 7, 1890. To ikuuIs urt tbe Public: HohcIaI ratex tit fare to tbe members of tbe North Carolina Teachers' Assem bly, from points uamecl below to More bead Ciiv and return. Tickets on stile Jnne iCoh to June 30th itioluhive, to be Rood returning until Jul; Slat, 1890, continuous passage io eaeb direct ion, viz: (Juldsboro $2 40 Tusoarora ....$2.00 Busts 2.0 New Bern... 1.45 La Granite . .. 2.2y Rivt-rdale. ... 1.10 Falling Creta. 2.25 Croatan 1.00 Kins ton 2.15 Havelook 75 Dover 2.00 Newport 45 Caswell 2 15 Wildwood ... .40 Core Creek.... 2 00 Sell "Ironclad Tioketo" when shown certifloate of Membership. 8 L. DILL.'O. P. A. NOTICE. Tbe undersigned, Robt. O. Mosley, has duly qualified as administrator ot the estate of Violet Ann Bolloway, de ceased, and hereby gives notice that he requires all pertons having claims against the estate of tbe said Violet Ann Hollowly, to present thorn to tbe said Kobt O Mosley, duly autheaticated, fli iat navment. on or before the 16th day of June; l89l, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar or recovery. . Peroni. Indebted to this estate must piy.w ithoot delay ' " . , w . ROBERT O. MOSLEY, ' j15 d80 1 Administrator. : " : KOTlCE. , '-r The undersigned, James O. Ilarrisou. ,jt pobllo Administrator h duly quall V fled as Admiaiatrator with' the wU n ' r . neied of the estate of John La wreaea, : 4 deceased and hereby giyes riotroetht 1' ' 'h require! all persona' having claims :i agalntl the wUte of tharaaid Joknjfow; -"u renc to 'present them to the iaid Ad; " V ,iutatordnl authenticated; for pay- ?.Maalvttr ttfotel Uth 47'n . r itaoi A- bIm Mita natica win ne dibbubu in UK m - " - . . ' rW .- llAMi8 0.HARRI80f "?rSr w, : Pnblio AdminiOratei fi - :, PnMlfl Adminiatril '4.S'W'nBB. June 11th. 1890; :.'' ' j twiiim ,M Ti'f, property ot the oilTi coming Int?tuen . - possession, nu quarwriy ruu- " ' vAntorr of the same, with an xnwnmZZitn'HmnS W of all toole V condemned &liWjLltoW&&F. :..ue expiration of hie term foffl0 nr. i . m a, a..Mk. kwA sail tAAiairrmip l i; meats, booka end other property of the ' as soonrai quallfled tp receive tbe sanve. V2.;.- . .. O. A. Battlb, uayoK.., ' Bitia Fdloteb, Clerk, " , N0TI11F1Q SUCCEEDS " LIKE SUCCESS. The reason K A DAM'S MICKOBE KILI.EK is the mut-t wonJcil'ul medicine, : Woane it has nevor fnilci m any instance, no mutter : what the disease, from LEPROSY to the sim pltstdistaso known to the human system. gj-w55 The scientific men cf today claim and prove that every disease is CAUSED BY MICROBES, j AND I T 5 a- i uaaam s micro oeiimer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. N'o ! matter what the disease, whether a simple case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we cuie them all at the same time, : as we treat all diseases constitutionally. AstUma. Consumption, Catari li. Bronchitis, Rheumatism, Kid j ney and Liver Disease, Chills' and Fever, Female Troubles in all its forms, and, in i'act, every Disease known to the Human System Beware of Fraudulent Imitations ! See that onr trada-llark (same as above) appears on each jug. Send for boot "History or. the Microbe Killer,'' given away by R. J. GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Tollock and Middle Sts., m30 dwly enrm New Berne, N. AGENCY FOR Things are moving, times aro better, or rather improving. Our truckers are pushing forward their little products of tho land and soon will be booming, and all tbe time we would remind them. and tbe public generally, that at PALMER'S Cigar and Tobacco Store they can find the best Cigars, Tobacco, Candies, Soda Waters, or ua good bh any, for Cash. Also, the MAGIC POCKET LAMP, the cutest little thing yon ever nan price 75c. Come and sen it. 4 WM. h. PALMLK, Middle street. New Jiorno. N. C KttOM NKW YOKK ill'.. ' Ik. A K. Hawkks-1'ih "i : r : iitenl. ' eye-tf.sseK retrelvnt min r t-.i i-.". :iik i am verv much urtt'ih.i.i :il ileilui Ctl lllt ttllt llHH COMie IV, 1 !:. . . .ri'.'ht , Sine... 1 have uitiearil.d - . , s yi i , sin iio weai Ihk yo'irs. ! A I.KXANMi'l: Hecretary Slutloiu. k'i:o i . ,;e. ; All eyes fit led at the druu s : : . ..; , F.S.DUFn,Nev;bc;i,N.iV n'ilf wlv Commissioner'3 L'-a'.o. By virtue of a ju Itfitu us. oi ib Supe rior Court-of CraV-n coun'v, undoied at the February Term, lwl!i). tl under signed Commissioner will, on ti.o First Monday in July, I860, Letivit!, th hours of 12 and 1 o'clo: li, teli -t the Court House door in New i ;n-. to the highest bidder, for cash, tbe following desoribed real estate lying and being in Craven county, in the State of North Carolina: One tract being in Township No. 8. containing about twelve hundred and ninety six (1,296) acres, commonly known as the Egypt Pluntati.n, being the same upon which Major A (Sordon recently resided. Also, one other tract lying on Neuee road, noar Fort Barnwell, uJjoining the lands of R. C. Russell, Mr..Catwell and others, being a part cf the old Ed gar Biddle Plantation, and bring the same purchased by Frank Bid die from Samuel Biddle, administrator ot . r. Biddle, containing "bout ono hundred and three acret wi h certain excep tions of parts therei f haretofore sold oil, which will be msde known on the day of sale. Also, certain choses in action given by the purchasers of tho parts so sold. May 3let, 18.0. F. M. SIMMONS, janl tds Commissioner, mm and Whiskey Hablt a cured at home With out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. Atlanta, , Office loiX Whitehall at. Atlantic & N. 0.. Railroad, Passenger Department, New Bebne, June 1st, 1890. Through rates of faro, round trip tickets, from coupon stations below to points named on the W. N. C. Railioad, stasjn of 1890. Tickets ou sale from .inn. 1 tn Rerit 80. 1890. inclusive. Rood for return D3B8BK9 on or before Oct. 81st, 1890. a S u - n a 5 2 a S So 'From - To . 1 ipryi...li25 512.50 all. io iu.ou organton.. 1B.10 13.5 li.uo n.ao niA .. 18.45 14.70 18.80 loiv grerkfTl'ln 1T.00 15.25 13.85 13.25 iU"U l.iDILL, G. P. A. t IUAftAKGE SALE iillhiiiiiiul wnhti Or anas from jX , m0 ttaodsM m- i t-.. -L. i-i i A "-"SSiBJpy as 50 SAVED verv purchaser. Wa bsva 111 onPUnos.- OorS285 iVtMiA to PIANO s oM W M", uvmt do&ten at 887a. B,rtd Is worth It. teo. f r . mil. i rki shMDStt 1 THE JOTJKNAL. ' BERKS TEE bass. L State Chronicle. J " That He might hear the mourning of Mich as are iu Captivity." Within a damp co'd cell a captain kept Lono vigils thro' the long and weary nights Nor closed his eyes as slow tbe hours crept Hut watched with longing for the coming light, "Forgive" he prayed my wandering faith, my fears. Hopeless, despairing now I languish here If thou rememberest me thro' all these years Oh ! God vouchsafe au answer to my prayer 1 Iu mercy send some message, Lord, to me To bid my fainting spirit hope once more Hoie have I languished till 1 seem to be Like useless wreck the waves have dashed ashore. To-inorrow breaks the tnllowed Easter morning And -vith it gleams the light from Cal vary Oh! bavior ! let it be the blessed daw ning Of hopo from the despair that crushes me ! The light of day into the dark cell creeping Reveals tho hollow cheek and wasted l'oiiti. As woru and weary now the watcher sleeping I'nconscious is tho longed for day has come. Till thro' the bars as morning's strug gling light The brighter grows wilhiti the dreary cell, A tiny wanderer darts in sudden llight, And high and clear his sweet uotis upward swell. "Alt '. contest thou to this prison mo to wako To wretchedness w ith thv sweet mil slrelsy? Art come, alas! my heavy heart lo break tr rati it bo that thou wast sent to ttieV Trembling with joy, with hands to heav en extended, And rain of hot tears dimming fast his sight, The Captain kneels as now the sweet strain ended, The unconscious herald wings again his Might 'Father, forgive iny doubts ami my re pining. Tho' dark the way, so faithless was my fear, liiighl. now the path wil h Easter radi ance shining 1'i om Thy blest cross on me, oh ! Lord, 'en here '. V. contrite )e-rt. my hopes and my desires 1 lag as sacrilico at l'hy dear feet: Knrn out the dross deep in Thy l'urnaca liivs Ami main- that, sacrifice an offering meet. From a glad world are Faster anthems pealing. And hurrying feet press on to worship Thee, On hallowed ground 1 worship, humbly kneeling. For sentest Thou not a message hero to 1110?'' Anna Alkxamikk Camekon. llillsboro.N C. After a Day's Work. N.irtow and contracted is the existeuee oi the i)ersou wuo uoes not Irtqaently engage ia social pastime and pleasant relations with his fellow men. Business as well aa Mm home ought to be lit up by bright, cheerful people, who con sider the comfort and happiness of others a necessary condition of existence. The person who imparts fresh life and bright thoughts is always a welcome visitor; wnne the cynical, cold, calculating re tailor of his own misery and suffer ing, like a bird ot ill omen, is shunned and avoided. Want of cheerfulness makes life little more than a prison, in which an assigned task is dropped for a few hours sleep, to be taken up the next morning with no brighter prospects than when left off the night before. Especially is this necessary in the home and among tho young people with whom we associate. A lew hours of mirth aud jollity before going to bed refreshes more than sleep, and evolves pleasant dreams. Ultra in nothing so wearing as to be constantly confronted with busi ness cares; it wrecks the brain and wears on the nervous organism. To throw off this chain, a free and liberal acquaintance with onr neighbors and friends is necessary. If all would consider it a duty to agreeably entertain each other, aud make an effort to do so, after the day's work is done, it would eventuate in prolonging life and increasing our happiness. Many a premature grave is filled for want of recreation and pleasant business surroundings;, and most of the failures in life occur through not giving both mind - and body suf ficient rest and relaxation. St. Louis Stationer. For the Campaign. In many ways the oonllng campaign will be the most interesting one that the voters of North Carolina have seen in many years. It will be an educa tional camDaieu. and economio ques tions will -be largely disousied. The State Chronicle, published at Ealeigh, will be in the thickest ot the fight to maintain Damooraiio Drlnoiplea., and uphold those measure that will secure relief for our .agricultural population. It wilt be sent to apy address one year for tbe low price of I So. Bend money by; registered letter,'; money, order or postal note. auuhh i 1UK BTATBJ UHHUmUbB. -M..a4f . i . Palatal., wn. U. H. SULTAN, itet.. Lias just returned with the most superb stock of Spring and Summer Goods ever brought to New Berne". We are now displaying all the NOVELTIES IN DRESS GOODS, NOTIONS and GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. SHOES of every description at the cheapest possible prices. In EEADY-MADE CLOTHING I from 20 to 25 per cent., as I have ow figures and will sell them accordingly. For instance, A Fine All Wool Satin-faced Dress Suit for $8.50, which would cost you at least $10 or ?12 anywhere els3. Flannel Coat and Vest for 70c. Seersucker Coat and Vest for 70c. Boys Suits from $1 up. THE FINEST FUK CUUSli SATIN-LINED HAT at !0'. Our stock comprises so aiany NEW GOODS and Sl'EClALTIES that would be a hard matter to enumerate all in detail. We Solicit an Examination of Our Stock, Feeling confident that we will make it to your interest to give us a share o your patronage. REMEMBER ! the prices of our goods arc and must be as low or lower than similar goods can be purchased elsewhere. Kespectfully, VANCE ACADEMY, 3Vew Berne, 1T. C BOAHDlNii AND Snw.ial attention fiveu to Mathematics. Commercial Law, Hook- keeping and Penmanship. Experienced teacher in Instrumental Music Vocal Mush: a prominent feature. Tuition, including Hoard, Washing, session of five moutlin. W. R. Jan2I dwtf MEANS' " Competition Is tho Life of Trade," and lr you have not sen our latest Improved Roods yu c.innot Imrlno how lively trade li, or how hard our competitors have to work to keep within sliilit of u. Ask your retailer for tho James Means' S3 Shoo, or Uie James Means' $4 Shoe according to your ui.-.l Positively none genuine unless having our name and price stamped plainly on the sole ;. Your retailer will supply you with shoes 80 stamped If you insist upon his doing so; U you do not lusLt, sninn retailers will coax you Into buying Inferior shoes upon .?3&HOE UN EX CELLED.? IN lOI.IIX. UNEuUALLUJ DURABILITY AND ERFCCTIOK 0E.FIT. 8noh has been the recent progress In our branch "Ira. tan a u a a in m m mi unrri the James Moans $4 Shoo Is in every respect equal to the shoos which only a few years ajro wcro re tailed at eight or ten dollars. If yon will try on a pair you will be convinced that we do not eiaRprerate. Ours are the original $3 and $4 Shoes, and those who Imitate our system of business are unable to compete with us In quality of factory products. In our Uuoo W0 W0 UiO largest manufacturers In tho United States. Shoes from onr celebrated factory are sold by wide-awake retailers In all partM of the country. We will place them easily within your reach lu any State or Territory If ycu wilt Invest one cent In a postal card and write to us. JAMES MEANS '& CO., 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Mass. FDI.Ii LINES OF THE ABOVE FOU, HALE BY F. M. HOWARD.1! Pollock St., New Berne, N. C K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goods & Notions. full itook and large assortment: Prloea M low aa the lowest. Oall aad examtoe mistook, I n.tUf atarf raarantaad. .l . . BatbfiiieigQiuruteed.; 7 Q 7 Ar. i p m 4 Oo i 4 35 ! 6 00 ; 7 35 will positively save you at least bought them at the most remarkably DAY .SCHOOL. Ligbtn, et $(i.r).()()jto 3T.").(,0 per SKINNER, Principal. $3 & $4SHQi which thaj make a larger prone. 4 SHOE . CANNOT FAIL 51. TO e' ATI C oni i THE MOST rASTIDl of Industry thai we are now able to affirm that Sash.Doorsand Blinds Paints, Oils, Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kinds of Building Materials At Lowest Prices, L. H. CUTLER, I '. . ttW UbuaK. a w, av? M a b w .I Wjy f 1 tfessio 1 Lll I ts if wnnsrv, Atlantic N. C. Railroad TIMS TABLE ffs. 9, i) Effect 6:00 A.M.. Wedntsday, May 28th, 1B0 Goisa Exbt. Schedule. UcnaWiST. No. 51. Passengr Status. No. 50. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. 3 30 4 0U 4 40 0 OS y m Goldsboro 1130 am La Grange 10 42 10 45 Ktneion 10 08 10 IS New Berne 8 37 8 50 Moreheed City am 7 07 Daily. GU1);AST Schedule Uoiku West. No. 2.f Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. GoldnDoro 7 20 pm Best's 6 24 6 34 La Grange 5 54 6 04 Falling Cieek 5 24 5 30 Kinston 4 25 5 00 Caswell 4 00 4 05 Dover 3 25 3 40 Core Creek 2 54 8 OO Tusoarora 2 24 3 30 Clark's 2 03 2 13 Nowbern 9 23 1 30 Kiverdale 8 41 8 45 Croatan 3 28 8 83 Havelock 8 00 8 10 Newport 7 17 7 34 Wildwood 7 00 7 0! Atlantic G 47 6 5a Morehead City 6 17 6 27 Atlantic Uotel 0 05 6 1J Morehead Depot am ti 00 Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. a m 6 57 7 20 7 43 S 11 3 50 6 30 7 05 7 30 7 53 8 30 3 55 9 15 10 oa 10 31 10 36 1 1 00 11 05 11 17 11 41 13 15 3 37 3 48 4 08 4 37 4 51 5 01 5 10 5 23 "5 31 3 IV 3 4 3 50 4 1 4 42 4 55 5 01 6 21 5 23 p m lueaday. Thursday an Saturday. tMouday, Wednesday and l-rlday. Train Woonneots with Wtlmlngton A Wl don. Train Ix Mud North. levlu( Goldsboro I !:& a. in., aud with Klchmond A Uanvllio Train West, leuvlnu lloldsboro - 10 p.'m. Train 61 codqwcih witb Kirhmond A Dht1I1 Train, rri?mg at (lnldHhcru'J:j". p.m., and With. Wllmtniiton and WUon Train from Ui North at ;i:H) p.m. Train "J enmurt with Wtlnilni;tn Bud Wei. Inn I'hronsiu lie:ht fr:iln. NurlU uoiunV !e,iv It.h ( ii ilCfctmni ut ':6e ii.'i). S- L. Dill, Superintendent. VALUABLt GUY PROPERTY For Sale. As agents for owners r ot!, r for Sftlo on easy and hcc.oiii imuint ti-imsthn follow -line d escribed liiiiiruvt-d Keiil KhIhIb In th- lty ot Ni-? Henu: No. i. thk ikon ! ;;. r w ahicuouhh ON UKWr N HTHKKT. No. IIKK'K MullK AM) 1 W K.I. I.I Nil ON (KAVi.N KTKK1.T (dueled l.i R. I). K. I.O(ttre. A tin 1 il"n'r1;.t i tl. vnle,!ih!c i ioner- tl-fl, Hiiint- .III ii. I M te-tliB u pon wliictl Ull! In in r. klird . il ,l oil c - I 111 I I li: i i.: ; Tu,, A I-1 decti il 9 i ,' VArUABLE TRU A bull I t' I I I ' 1 1 : 1 T fit Ml tll' K. i 1 i I,. , I A N ! Ill, : i U. V.7V Xi7) 1 I f IN EST ) WOO!! WORK ATfACHME'. ' f,;3 Za UNION SUlif.RE MY '--k C' , (iTLdNTA C1 AOENT WANTED J. H. OP.ABTUKE. BASIL MANLi JOHN H. CEABTEEH & CO ENGINEER -, Fouueers Viarhiiiietfc M.tuufhrlu Uullils-rj . Haw l(Uc. lit f sr.riliiM 6oJ-er, W r pr c tare-1 in oo C: t utl tlli.M With jiioiiiniunKH. :0 rt'uul h tif ml fan. a e hit if In:l !o l::vh )I:him ami t.i!i.Mi i fcr ft:iy ii ho 1 1 i.l. m;i t( li'urnli.i ty. SV'p lllf fll'tPlJI ' loan Snw. .v hm '.'-.r i Otati il 1 iiilt-r-t ru't,',lii 'A'm kI Vi. Kitt !:'!rifl' ir ti-' mi le if t tit' A Hiftr V A. I uri,tiV.n ft!-" ; rn'e n r nil w P C0SIKISSI0N Molten A NTS, AND DKAIJMtS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick ana Agricultural Limo. I'M" (tKKM K, N. ! mu I dw GREEN, F0Y & CO.. Do a General Banking business. New Bankino IIouse, Middle Street, fourth door below Hoti Albert, feldwly W KW BEHNK. N' C. Fashionable Tailor, . i Keeps constantly on htnd a foil lineof samples ot the very latest styles of Foreign and Domestio Qoods. Satisfac- tinn DiiarHtirnfln. j -i .1 T Middle st. , two doors south of Hahn'a Livery Stables. ,v'.?v.'t;:? . At inr shop on Middle street. Pier ' of water, hot or cold, and good In fodma. r:-.-V-'-.-: - ,1-inBl B. EKOV.T. H i. p j-v v .. . ... B- T..r 7r&!i- Vi') WOO!! WORK 6y.,;f,lJ ', 'M V : ,.:..,N--:v,:t-.Jt.--:-iv,'Vi-,-$' 4,'' 'S- ' ; V:-" -