PUJLISHEIir A.SBOVICUIKRT - -. ta DAILY JOURHAI.U six eoJUBB paper. pabUshed daily, exoapt Monday at 15 K per year, f tSS tor six moatns. Mlwnd to elty saosertbers et to eati per sooth ; ' - TUS WKEAXY JOCRJJAI. ft W.eolamn paper. It pubUahad every Thursday at 11,46 peranaosa.-- -.--.- - , - ADVXCRTISUG BATES DAILT-ne took odi day 68e.; lio. tor each subequta lasatioa. - ' ' ' AdverUseateats and head of "Business L JoaisJ' 11 sen ta a line for Bret, and oeats Uoe for every subsequent lnsertloa - , .- KoadvartleemanU will be Inserted batweea :. I Melaaettar at aajr pnaa. -,.- Vv , ' jroUecor:4am-eaorDatb.aotUtxoad ' lea Uaas wllibe inserted free. AB additional aiettar will be snarted lean taper line.- ... . Permeate for transient advertisements ssoat be ' made la edvanoe. Beaniar edver- MsesMata will be collected promptly at the end or each month. ., i Communications eontalnln aawa of suf laleat pnblla tntereat are solicited. No immeaieaUoB maat be enacted to be oub- tiahed that eontalna obleeUoaabla personal IUae.e withhold! the name of the anthor Article longer than half a column meat be paid for. .,- ' .. "' " Aay person feeling agtrleved at eav anony aaoaaeomataaieauoB eaaobtala the aame of the aataor ay appUcaUoa at this offiee and abowiai waeralB tae mevanoe exists. THE JOURNAL. M. K. HtHPU, Rosooa turns. Proprietor. Local Reporter. RW BKBNE. fl. 0.. JULY 13 1890 iu4 at the Pom omoe at N Bora, (f O aaseooad-elass MatUr. SITE THE SHIP I Oar ship ot State is on a treacher ous sea. Never have the wares been bo high, never was her path across snch dangerous reefs and giddy whirpools. How is she manned f Experienced seamen are on deck. Every man knows the larking place of every danger that crouches beneath the waters and the ability of the craft to resist them. There is bnt one daogcr which their skill, their experience and their courage cannot success folly1 meet. That danger is muti ny ! The wildest storm that ever shook old ocean is as nothing to a mntinous crew. What would be thought ot the owner of a merchantman, troighted with the riches of the East, who, in a dark and stormy night, would take the captaio from the deck, the pilot from the wheel, the engineer from the engine, -and fill their places with unskilled seamen igno rant of the duties they were re quired to perform t There is not a man who would not say tbat the owner of the vessel deserved the fate his madnesB courted. Our ship of State is built of seasoned oak and tempered steel. Every inch of her canvas is spread before the tempest as she walks the waters like a thing of life. The night is dark and tempestuous, but onward she keeps her steady course. towards ber destined harbor. But bark! there is a cry, a midnight cry l ha"; curdles the blood, and frenzies the soul. It is mutiny! mutiny ! This is no fancied picture ; it is the faint outline of a terrific fact. At a moment of national peril and political danger unequalled in the history of the Kepnblio, it is grave ly proposed and rashly determined to throw, experience and statesman ship to the winds, and tarn over the affairs of State to men who have not learned the alphabet of the science of government. But they tell ns they have the right to do it. Aye, the same right which' a roan has to shear a wolf. The mad man says, " have a right to shear the wolf, and I will shear the wolf." "Bat have you not considered the danger of the undertaking 1" "No, man has dominion over the beasts of the field, and 1 have a right to shear the wolf and I will shear him." fiat we deny that any man, or any, combination of men, be they patriots oy conspirators, has a right to block the wheels of progress, '. trample upon wisdom and ex- perlence, change this paradise into a bU and riot in ; the rain they have made. There is a terrible , mutiny aboard, and It ; becomes every man, who is really a man, to do bis utmost to save the ship J They say , f throw Vance overboard, and with him every other man; who has trod the decs: in time of storm." We reply we will, not throw' him overboard, for there is no heart so brave nd no arm so strong as his"; none In all the land so able to save the ship.; V : . 3 i.J ' Nothing keeps one from gaining a w 141 . At i-1 knowledge ana wisaom line minn- ing he has both. ', j ' - A Life of Strategy. v ; There are people in the world whose lirea are a scheme. A scheme, mind, not a plan.; It is a good thing to form a plan of life, squared hv tViA Ainfataa nrndani. &nH mam ujou dcu so, ana to live cquareiy up to it; Dot it is a bad thing to con? coct a plot against society for the advantage . an aggrandizement of Rf.If. withont refarflnrtA tn tha richta. i 1 -------- - ' r 1 j i a. r . iccuugs ana, mieresia oi otners. There is cunning, and what some people call shrewdness, in this sort of strategy. : bat it does not pay, however successful it may be as a pecuniary speculation. The man who practices it can have no friends, and it is a terrible thing to live and die unloved, an object of general distrust and hatred. ' . t Many who are called fortunate men, owe their acquisition solely to a species of trickery and fraud, which is not the. less rascally becauBeit is so ingeniously con trived as to evade the penalties of the law. Call it smartness, or what you will, there is no name that can make it smell sweet in the nostrils of honest mem. Without too have the respect of this das, you cannot have your own, and, wanting tbat, the riohest is poor, indeed. Every now and then, an unscru pulous fellow joins the church as a speculation. He obtains credit, moral and monetary, for his piety "mal-piety," as Tom Uood calls such sepuloher whitening. By and by, he suddenly absconds with, say, half a million of dollars. Suppose legal justice never puts its imnd upon him what then! His -on science tries, convict and unices him twenty times a d.ty. His evil reputatiou follows liim on the wingB of steam a r I lightning wherever ho goes. There Is no corner ol tiio civilized earth where he can esci" oiiioquy and scorn. The rt-ss blows ins perfidious deeds in t-vrry eje. The backs of all good tm-n aie turn ed upon him. He is a iuiub,in outcast, a marked man. What is there that lll-gotteu weaUu can purchase that will compensate him lor the "immediate jovvel of the soul," reputation! lie in a moral pauper or self-couueniuMl felon. He has not even the miserable consolation of the repentant State prison convict, for he is maktig i o atonement ta society lor the wrong he has done. What is he but a wretched con vict, with all Christendom for bis Bastile? The jail-bird can hide his shame in a cell, but the detected yet unpunished villain is continual ly on view, and whichever way he turns, he sees ther curled lin of contempt, the slow-moving flager of scorn. The Weather and the Farmer. It cannot be denied (hat the state of the weather is a most important factor in farming. The successor failare of a erop is nearly alw.iys attributed to the favorable or un favorable effect of the weather. Yet, until recently, it was hardly thought that the study of the sub ject would yield much of practical utility, lhat there has been a rapid development of the science of the weather daring the past few years and a growing recognition of its importance to the farmer is evident from the fact tbat thirty two States now have organized weather services. The N. 0. State Weather Service Was estab lished as a division of the Experi ment Station in 188C, The important work of this division is the collection of meteorological data from which the climatic conditions of every section of tho State may be deter mined. The weather service is prac tically useful to the farmer mainly through the distribution of weather forecasts, cold wave, and, frost warnings. A valuable feature is the weather crop bulletin which gives weekly a brief ' statement of the effect ot the weather on staple crops and entirely prevents outside misrepresentations of the condition of the farmer's crops and enables him td estimate their ' probable value. It will be sent to all ' who desire it. Meteorologist.. ... ' .A Meun. Woman, f 'One of the most contemptible persons in New York is the woman who is seen daily in Madison or Union square park, and who evades the law which forbids ; dogs.being permitted to ran at large. She; ties her dog'to a tope long enongh to do duty as a clothes line for a good sized lamiiy wash. When the po liceman is at the other end of the park she 'pays' ont"; rope until the dog can reach the flower-beds, where he enjoys'; himself ;;!q his heart's content in scratching at the roots of Jhe flowera planted at the expense of the taxpayers for : the delectation of visitors to t the squares. When she sees the police man coming toward her, this, most aesthetic woman , hauls in slack" till the car is pulled on tho walk. I am certain that even - ary, the meanest ' man ; In Spring county, would envious of : the superfine meanness of this .well dressed and evidently well fed New York wo man. Epoch. ... Unturt br a Plum Orer a Precipice. -Thomas .Wiser, while aecending Lookout mountain by the pike, lost a valuable horse, but by almost a miracle a 9 year-old boy was spared a most dreadful death. The lad. who was sick, was lying asleep on a pillo w on . te back seat of a one horse. wagoB.tw ben tho horse AtTa curve la the. narrow road -became frightened and leaped off the edge oi rae precipitous descent.4 lie, !el almost a hundred feet, and was in jared" so' badly that. he had to.be KUieu. ihe wagon-was smashed into kindling ;wood The t boy strange to say, was unhurt save a few slight scratches, and is in better neaitn than Tor sometime, past. JNew uneans 'Almas Demorat. 1 ; Cattlag Agparij-us for JIarket. In eutting asparagus for market, the cat is made' two laches under ground and m observed to have the stalks about eight inches long. All ; broken I and,,., small f sprouts snonia Deleft oat.' rises the beads evenly and cat the butts off square ly.. Make banches' that measure about four and a half inches across the battel from twelve to; twenty stalks are req aired Tor each bunch. according to the size of the stalks. A bancher is required in preparing asparagus Tor market :tor insure uniformity in length - and .size. The season for cutting usually con tinues about fivj week?.1 New York World. : ; '! ; The best medical writers clairtf tbat the ucoaeaful remedy for nasal catarrh mast be Bon-irriUUnf , easy of sddU- oation, and one tbat will reach all the remote sores and ulcerated surface The history, of tke eflona to treat oa tarrh darinc the past, obliges us to ad mit that onlr one remedr has met these conditions, and, that is Ely's Cream Balm. , This pleasant remedv bas mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done, and both oh vnioiana and patients freely concede1 thisiaot.' The more distressing symptoms yield to it. A movement was started at the Teachers' Assembly, which met at More head week before last, lookiog to the formation of . a Western . North Carolina Teachers' As&cia- tion. One of the principal reasons ior this step was the permanent location of the North T)arolina Teachers' Association in Morehehd, intne tar east, remote iron the west. The first meeting of tbe new association will be held in Lenoir in November. Lenoir Topic. The love of earthly things is only expelled .by a certain sweet experience of the things eternal. - WHAT . XS It Is that Impurity in the Mood, which, ae cumulating In the glands of the neck, pro duces unsightly lamps or swelungs; which eaases painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which derelopes ulcers In the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or , deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cam cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed te "humors;", which, " fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being, the most ancient, It Is the most general of all diseases or affections, for very tew persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Be CURED By talcing Hood's SarsapariUa, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer f roc scrofula, be sure to try Hood's SarsapariUa. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous soreneckfrom the time she was 22 months old till she became six years ot age. Xumps formed in her neck, and one of them after, growing to he size ot Z Jijeon's egg, became a running sore for over throe years. 'Wo gavo: her Hood's Sarsaparillai when the .lump and nil Indications 'of ' scrofula entirely dl appeared, and now sho seems to be a healthy - child." J. 8. Caklile, Kauricht, a. J; r r N. B. Be sure to got only . -WW. UftafHe . fiaveWn Aril tsi Bold liy all droggliti. jSlj Uforf. Ayropawdottt by C. L HOOD CO., ApoUiuurto, lwel, Mi. f--i- PASHIOI? Ali tB TAJ LO 11. Next door ty PllV Dfanejrllardware . Btore,- ' SOUTH. FRONT 8Tftr:ET.' - Earfte stock ot fine samples. Clothing maae to otqj. Matisf action guaranteed. Rates reaeonablu- Also. elAaninv and dyeiiig 4ona in neatest style :l8d2m One Herrintrs Patent Aidd Feriill Make Iron kita. Ma. l"ioat $128' at factory Wo efy tin office Desks and Chairs) one Copying1 Press; one American Button --Attaching Ma chine for (tore; one yery handsome 8hor Case; all to be given away by BIG IKEat rerr low agnre. v fnSldtf Kr" V .h Ik 0t0n Aivsry fins XSigutf itMAititiipl Best Grades of Tooacco b jlling lots i( iboodi ioi 'litti'mbnoj; Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, "cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds,-' head aches and fevers and cures habitual constlDation. " Svrun of Fira is tha only remedy of its iind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in' its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy ana agreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commend it to ail and have made it the most popular remedy known. : Syrup of Fiffs is for sale in BOo and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druercist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any ope who wishes to try it. Do not accept anv substitute... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. ' SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE, nr. f iv nr. I: " CATARRH CREAM BALM CUanaci til Naaal Paaiigei. 9msm r- TXIa"JnCfV " sal Allaya Pain and HAYFEvtRl Inflammation. Heala the Sons, Restores tha : Sense of Taste and Smell, HAY-FEyER TRY THE CURE A. Dftrttola In anntlA.1 im minTi nn.iwiiiBMji Is agreeatiltf. Price 60 cents t Druiteists: hr mall, registered. 60 eta.- KLY ill, rer.lsi.erad. 60 cts. KLY BROTHERS. oo warron btreei. Hew x na aprl(idwly OUR LINE OF Sterling Is the Largest and Most ArUstic ever shown in this City .We offer special drives Tomorrow. ,. BELL THE J WELEB;1 reecsburo" Female College, GuEEaSBORO. n. o. Tha Seventy-first Seiou of this well- known institution -will bruin 'on the ; 7t':Drtr.f:ARnst, 1800 In addition to tborouah instruction in the Literary Course, special advantages are offered' in the departments of In strumental and Vocal Music, Elocution, Art,ana 1nyBioaixraioinR. . - . , ; Cbares moderate.. ; . f,;:.. ' For Catalogue apply to - " . T, M. JONE3, 1 Je24 d tm :'? '--t: President. GRANOlOPErilH&JL UER 'kHOTELlALBERT.H ' Erenr reader of-the JoURSAt'ouRht to keep time and join the procession to the above-named splendidly appointed Jewelry' Store, where you will find a new BtooVof Watches, Clocks and Fine Jewelry, at brines- tbat ' defy ; eompe. tition. ": " vif.'.; .; Hftvinff moved to' tUe above eleKantly furnished store, will be Dleased to serve ail my bid patrons and the rblio gen erally. ' Ropniriri) a specialty, rOur worssnopB oeiDR more spacious and fitted with' the latest improved machin ery; we are how able to do all classes I of worlr witb neatness and dispatch it BiltThegJsiYelera! II JOE KM7ILLIS, fiXi.uy: PUOFK1 ETOB fJ V.'j EASTMfiORTHlCftROUHA 2JL " Italian and American Marble'and" all qualities of material, r .v; '-; , urdert ioiioitea ana given prompt attention, wun , satisraotion guaran- ' th E. WiixEB la my BRont at Kinditon, and Alkx. Fields regular traveling ISM til 1 1 ymz , .- . .ymy,., M--jaaaaasaw PROFESSIONAL. - . DS. O.K.BAOBY,Vi - Officio, Middle street, opposite Baptis church, ' - -"" " r-. . . ' -. decS dmt- Z - NEWBERN, N. 0 P. H. PILETIERrTtlumeiT: PT H N 10 y:';!AT"lW, i't'ii.'rt!i.: A T AND jttOsS I Y KlCOKEK. Craven St., two floors South of. .t Journal offioe.l - specialty made. Jbv negotiating am all loans ior anort ume. . . , . i4,..-. t Wul practlee !a tbe Ooaotleeof Oraren. Oaf- lerek joaea. unaiow ana ramiiaa.. Doited Btatee Conn at New -Serner and Supreme Court of the States reuau CXEXE5T HtXLY.- o.H.cnot - Manly & Guioi ATTOKN EY M AT'iAW, 'lOfiloe 2d floor of Oreen,f Foy'ft'Oo. bank, Middle street New Berne, N, C. Will praotioe in the oourta of Crarea and adjoining eounties. in the Supreme Court of the State, and in the Federal Oourta. . .".-apHdwtf;" F, M. SIMMONS. t ' H. Jk OIBBS. Simmons & Gibbd,' ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Craven, Jones, , Onslow. Carteret, - Pamlloo, Lenoir and Hyde, and in the Federal Courts. ..O. : :':-;X-'v j Office on Craven street, neat door below Journal office. . . ap!2dwtf .. Dr. J. Clark;; DENTIST, y - HEW BERNE, N. C, OfUoedn Craven street, between PoUoek and Broad. . ... ; "T-" Or ii STRftVHAtS. A Fine LineTof them at ' I I. 1 71. Also, a large lot of SAMPLE HAlS at New York cost. rr. j See Our StoGk of Neckwear, Full line of CLOTHING, SHO li and DRY GOODS at , .1 Bamneton & aprldwtf Attention, Ladies, Having just received a Simple Lot 01 tne ' : " .' . vv'-Mtjtf.-.. FinES a RE4T REDUCTION', wril! sell , them tit Fg'-Sr1.,. f.-ilil New York Cost; POSITiVY. fS CALL LEARr:jj Jnf 11. bULTAy Afft." mm - r 4' I . 1 ROBERTS 6 DflO. GROOERItlS.PEOYISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Mdesi re Bill FLOUR direot Ironi the Mills V. in Michigan. .".4 . We have in stock a big supply of est.India,;Mole) M'f- which we import direct from the Wea. Indiesiiit-.i: m issgMmfSt ibi j ui vo us a oaii and see qui prioei.K " ' ! ; 8outh Front street; t '.'-;; J -' -v:'.;.f.-.:-...t.;-NEW BERNE.- 5 rT We Job Gail Ax's and txrU artftBnuff.,;--;.A,v-h HUnpHREVS! KTEEU1ET SPECIFICS ; . fat BsMaL CattV RTnam timi. ttuJ??? ? .I..' Atm .Ant).. r 9 T, 800 Pate Bsek en Treatmeat ef InimaJs f- . .-. .,. and Chart Seat free, T7i CW.KS(FttTer, rooseetloni, TnOammiitloo, A.A. 8plB.t MealnalU., Milk Paver7' Jf' r,BSt Lameoesa, Rheamattsaan E.E Coasha, neares, Pneumonia.' '.0.1,oor.G,ll,M,!tB,u''"'' i rXt. '''Vrlnmrr aaa Kidney Uiaeasaa,,, L I.I. Ernptiva Dteaaea, Blange. ' a.jL.uueaes of Digestion.- ' -; , ! Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual.'' T" . - Witch HarelOUanof Medlcator. T7y.0i Price, Single BottteXoVereO doses), '5. C'M -I Bosl br Drnggints; or Sent Prepaid annrasrS and ia any quantity on Receipt oi Pries, t ' f Humphreys'. Med. Co. 109 fulton t.,;. IITOPIiaBTBr. E0E0PAintq rf SPECIFIC t J r ' y""-, ?"eorrae(!8Ssrnlrsinofae.-i, I.iwm4 LwMiliils Vhul ,v-..".: and Fmtrstlon, fron'oreNwork op or cnfc 1 perviaLorS risla and Ume vial pnwir, fr . B0U)Br DBt700isTS.orsentpnt.i)rdonraoli)t(3 : yroe,--Mfcrj,aikMU.,iui ihmm a.VT- Allljof our Veterinary Prepsrations can be had of J. V.Jordan, DruKist, N. W, cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbtrn, N.C,, . . flie AlliancQ tothe .Front. THB PBOaRBWIVrAB.bold, Vlfltnril aKKreaslve and proBre.siva. Una oiinti andexpreeses theru. Kortr-elglit coin..,. eight pues. All Horae-PrtDt. miniHi Of North CHkrollna find Virrlnia hi anoea. The Llvest psper in the h i i to nearly liW) posuiillnns In t'm i n ( and to !W Btates, ONK BOi.I. U A dressJy Cft'll, B9nd t0T Ba" : ' ' Au" , : tqk ritoGKi.., iv;:t - .r.t L.L.Poi.K.Kdllor. 1 'l-hll'N' ..-!, H, RaowPKK, r.ttt!'rf t" t .r, . -.tf - uarnngton a tsaxter , WANTED BY Louis sjonri, 0.HWB 81KRR Co. . , I w orleaas, ; VCOMMISBION .ERca",'T.- ' 7) fine Street" v, Yotk Clt.. flerofir-Plnmei',' Alligator 3kins, . fiides;and vZool. Bei Birds ot all Specie, and Souther ' produet4."v) 5 ' . ' f; f . . uh advances made agalcst ahlaaaalair desired. , , . , i'V-" :-iBS,KHTtOB9,'- - -- importer and Traders ' Nat t Bat"k. Maw - v Yora-01ty.-.i .t-, .. : Oermanw Nat. Baak. Kew Orleans. lav Peoples' Pat. Bank, Kew Orleans, La. , ; -r to cis STcasr, mnWm'"TO Pine Street. Mew Yerfe. 4 IPbOJT. W. a SHEPAEQ and compe tent assistant! ia the tonaoriaT art will give yon a , v- " Hair cot for.i..... .....0 cents. 6hampo0MM...uM. 4imWMN ' 8h4Te....;...Ai.u.i....iO '. " Oaiton H sHber Shop .n.?y a-nr Ww SiauTTt. N. a ' ' ALDEN'S r Mariifdld ia A Cyclotvlla of Universal KnnwleIg-e, and Dnabridired Dictionary W Lanmsge in ona, 40 bandy toIs, targe type, vnt ifima iUustradona, Oloth binding, per rol.,'Oe., per set tm.00. : Half IUocco,parToL,85., per set,)34.0O . VolmTJoW Ready j. as Touunea urns jar tsraea mil answer moTeejuesttona 'ln the riractlcaj'every-day life of tha . average, ieii tb,an -i fTie Voiunet of any complete cyclopedia in the hOTkeAjrfffternJ sped' volume may berbrdered, and returned If not wanted. SI Q.00 cash with order before Nov. l.wil) 3 lp.sws.ili. hllHttl A( lre. inoiouiunauiK.or9i2B,00 uioi M same bound, in mit Moroooov all sent prepaid. tnose now reaoy at once, mmatnaer as usuea. HiB6oprlce fs tery'ow(j the' form ex- - eeedlnslv hand Ior aorkoi nienttc. and the ' eaiuna uuuilu- ana. ooujuroaeosiTO. uerary . World, Boston.,. . . -'4,.The litetairy ekul knd ludicrous editor- - Cyclpped thtp which 'bamebaractarited the nadertaking Irom. the outset have been in no degree relaxed. ., . HSa.WewYorki't9iitn!.fti! " It is ait unabridged dictionary and a -(torehonse of infonnatioa'en almost every oon eeivable topic, The more we see of the work the more we are "pleased."-ftfacohoao MowWy, aIJavt;.t i'A frtt'ii 1. . VThe cojiTcnlent form, the excellence of binding, , paper, and Illustrations, and tbe skillful arrangement of arSlclea make ah is a handy cyclo. peaia, wnicn wui oe ipwa mm uum nn i bulky BrHaonioa would b consulted ence. The 31uBtratioiia-are really helpful, and are very aum- 9nu. No maw whstottwr oyclopaia a writes 7 mAT nave. -Aiuen s naniroia - snuutu uo ujniu urn I. ci T. t. n..lT.)il arAll maa tmnlr fn - Ibe price Tne peculiar anapernaKes me nowai -rm. km fat imuL which is a meat valuable thing to the student The clean out, heavy faced wpebselfor titles is a geod- feature and matwl, aliv lightens the task o( the investigator. The accented syllable of every difficult word is plainly parked and the sronuncl nciauon. when it offers an fiffleulties, Is Set forth phonetically. In a word. SUis popular WW M most careiuuy neatly and accurately manuactured., JOHM D. ALDEN, Publisher, ; ,;yOrearlBt P.O.Box. 1 Chicago, 843 Wabash Ave-IAtlahta. 78 Whltehalia , THE I'" z- 03.00 f or ttho V Works 'of . pharles Dickens, 4 liandsomely " pnntea and hneJV bound, and witki over '130alla8trtions, 1 doubtless V ms fabiilous;' to many, out it is one on tne recent Jind f B(Dickens: IMclMMi' lre' Works of Charles Dickens. ' " Bos " Xditloa In six vols., small gro, good type, : ; withnnmerooii lllnstraUons, well ptiatett oa (air .... paper, cloth, S3. 00. - . . . sasi or voia.--iao illustration. I fiosssey nd aotf. ti t"'4 f'4WorutFried,' Old Curiosity Saop. , Reprhited - i.' , EdwlnDrood. v. t . t. , - 5- if K. Pickwick Papers. -Baroaby Rudge, .... Sketches by Bos. .btlVW Twist, great Expectation. t Bavid CopperSeid, t a Cfirlstmu Stories, TataoiTwo.CKIcs, V, Uncommercial Traveler. i Klobolas lf leu'tehy,' Hi Martin Chnsslewlt-i Amerioan Motes, y VUW -1 j;ictcm from Italy. . '-W:pi-i the- same plates 63- 'Apple'ton's'' Popular ' library Edition! of ''this ! sitne author," iheir-' published -'price . being $10.00 A set The -paper used is a trifle- lighter1 and a little: cheaper in quality but both' arer g66d;': 1- a - -; , i.The books niaybe seen at the c'e'bfthispdpe Itfme'rtturhaBldlwiU be sent postpaid for-C fl C Z ' am. ak ,'. iSkVM VMlVlVaA Vr A AJ JJa v ... a lTrarr. - t-nmr -4 a

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