OURN VOL. DL--NO. 106. NEW BERNE, N. C.. SUNDAY. AUGUST 3, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. 1 HE JAILY i BUSINESS LOCALS. cals to have control of the ballots; of the counting, of the returns, of A Kloe Sail Boat and Sail for rent e certifying! ult. ' Nkusi Btvib BATH HOUSE, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J. C. HiKEBON-Notice. JlliKS Rxdxond Steamer for Sale. LOCAL NEWS. - LD PAPER3 for tale in any quan . . V tlties at JouBNAiTofflco. . rpHE TAYLOR ADJU8TABE SHOE X - for lad lea. new ana marvelous in Vrhtion. Sea aampla. N. Abpkm, . 118 tf Opposite Joubhal Offloe. ... -rrHE FINDER OP A PAIS OP EYE A KlasseewUh Franklin, Washington, The County Commissioners hold their D. 0., stamped on the case, will please regular monthly meeting tomorrow . return them to thiaoffioe. U17-tf. CODA WATER on draught tod.y at A t001 Packa of mCDev W8S Johw Trmn'B. tf. found on the street yesterday. No NEW BATH HOUSE-Now open at owner has boen heard from, the foot of Broad street. D Towels The road supervisors of the eighth furnished. Gentlemen, lOo. Boys. oo. . . ., . , , tn ticket. $150. m37tf township held their regular annual A FINE line of SMALL HAMS. 5 to tin O- W. Vinson's office XX. 7 pounds at John Sunn's. tf. yesterday and appointed overset -rs for the roads. Lieut, James Birt, of the Solvation Army delivers hie farewell address to night. Everybody ia invited to come and hear him give some of his war ex perience. The executive committee of the second congressiona' district is culled to meet at Wilson August 7th, for fix ing the time for holding the ci n vention. In our tocount of the Republican con vention we omitted to mention the i o ui nation of Robert 0. Moeely, one of the most prominent colored men ia the county for county treasurer. The mill of D, Congdon caught lire on the roof yesterday evening from the smoke stack. It was discovered in time and put out before the arrival of the engines. Not much damage. Mr. Noah Fulcher And Mr. Lewis Rowe, the men who had the difficulty mentioned in yesterdays Journal were each tried on a charge of "assault and New Berne within a year from the date of its completion to Jacksonville. Personal. Mr. J. E. Latham, the cotton buyer, has returned to the city. Mr. Benj. C. Jones, now of Wades boro. came in laat night for a weeks visit to his boyhood's home. Mis6es Nannie and Mamie Roberts left yesterday morning to spend a month at Chapel Hill. Their father, Mr. F. C. Roberts accompanied them. Miss Nettie Hollister left Fayetteville. Church Services Today. Cholera Is causing a boat eighty deaths a day in Mecca, Over five million dollars worth of gold bare bare been shipped from New York this week. Gen. Kiyas, in command of thi army of San Salvador has turned and attacked the capitol. Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Glarkson has tendered his resignation to the President. k lit the celebrated McKinloy bill where do the farmers come in! Mr. Blaine says they are frozen oat. The latest returns enow that 9C,000 out or the 97,000 men in the English home army are nnder -twenty-one years. THE F0RCEJILL DEAD. No Attempt Will be Made to Pass It This Session. Washinqtoni D. C, July 81. Your correspondent ia able to state on what seems to be the most reliable authority that no attempt will be made by the Senate Republicans to paea this session the force bill. The backbone of the measure has been broken, and it will be laid away. AN AGREEMENT RKACUED. it seems that an agreement waH reached today between the Senators on both sides that if the minority would for a visit at consent to discuss the tariff bill only in a way to emphasize their protest against the measure an adjournment could be reached by the end of the first week in September, and no attemnt would he Baptist Church-Rev. n. W. Battle, made to pass the Federal election law pastor, services at 11 a. m. and a tnis session. p.m , conducted by the pastor. Sunday- no limit on deiute. school at 3 p. in., C. C. Clark, superin- One of the most prominent of these tendtut. Public invited to attend these Republicans said that his own side was aiviaea ana len or a aozen or ine Ke services. 'snteiiary M E. Church Rev. R. A. Willi, pastor. Communion service at 11 a. m. mid service at 8 p. m., Young rvn 's prayer meeting at 9:15 a. in. Sun- day -sehoul at 1 p. m., J. K. Willis, sup't. Prayer meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Tne public are invited ti at tend bll these services. Church of Christ, Hancock street I. I. Cht'Sinui, pastor. Services at 11 a. in . and at 8 p. m. Sunday school at 1 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday night at b;l .), All aro cordially invited to attend these services. Christ Church There will be lay publicans would never consent to hav ing a limitation put on debate, and under these circumstances it would be impossible to pass the force hill this session. THE BEST NEWS. Senator Blackburn and other Demo crats admitted Itonight that an agree ment had been reached, and the nows is about the best that has been obtained here in many weeks, if not months. A CRUSHING BLOW. It will be a crushing blow to old lions Reed and the other radicals, but the Senate Muds that it will be useless to carry this fight any further without applying the gag-law. Besides, the conservative business elements of the country are opposed to the proposed service at 11 a. m. Sunday-school 9:30 1 legislation and are calling a halt. at the chapel and 5 p. m. at the church, ovinion OF democratic oovernoks on Baptist Mission Station, Market Dock tue effect of its passauk Morning services at 9;30 o'clock, J. A. Baltimore, Aug. 1 Tho Sun this Patterson, leader. Afternoon services morning publishes some replies to a 5:30 o'clock. Randolph Parker, leader, "cenny uaaressea circular to tne gov HON. D. L. RUSSELL, leading btterJ with a deadly weapon" and meetings. Regular prayer meeting services every Wednesday n:ght. Tho public generally are cordially invited to attend these .Republican of Wilmington, has written a letter to Senator Hoar in opposition to the Force bill. bound over to court in the sum of $100 each. ine a u. it. k uo. is paring to build six flat and six pre-box The Republican majority in Congress is undertaking to catch and hold the defenseless people while the monopolists rob them. cars. It is found that those built here give better satisfaction and last longer than those purchased elsewhere. The company also expect to purchase two new locomotives this fall. ine managers of the colored Indus trial Stock and Fruit Fair have their It is a credit- There is a little speck of war in onr fikifiH. ThA Panifin mail ateam- . . rnn nan -rl premium lUt now ready . ' I fthlo nni and ni-min i,.ti. n ror wnicn premium are usually offered at such exhibitions. A copy can be procured by addreesing W. W. Lawrence, Ssc'y. Tho Fair will be open four days, beginning Tuesday, Aug. 20 and closing Friday Aug. 29. As has been often stated, we are glad togive space in tho Journal to com munications that we consider of sufri- Quatemala, and the claim has been artioles referred .to Mr. Blaine for settle ment. Y. M. C. A. There will be services at the rooms this afternoon at 3 o'clock. N. W. Jones, leader. All men invited. Certified Resolution. We certify that the following Resolu tion was adopted at the Democratic I convention held in New Berne July 12ih 1890. kesalveil: That the delegates to the Judicial convention be instructed to act as a unit and support the strongest man frcm Craven county. E. U. Meadows, Chin n. J. W. Piddle, Sec. Republican extravagance in Congress has brought ns face to face with a deficit. Democratic economy, daring the Cleveland Administration, left an immense snrolna in the Treasury.' Which is cient Importance to the majnity of our nrAf0'rpar,l tn tha AmariMn r,Ar,nl4 readerB- LorjB articles on any subject v ; I (with few exceptions) are not solicited THE Utaca Observer says: HaB I and i( expected to be published they the Republican party ever protested D epaia Ior- AU cards 0 a p- "II. i . luuiviuuai cbubs wnsiever mul oe against any law to secure a vote and an honest count!" asks the Buffalo Commercial. No. The Quays and Dudleys of the Republi can party waste no time in protests. They believe in aotion. They bny and steal votes. paid for. Dogs at Large. Our attention has been called to the fact that many dogs are allowed to roam over me streets at nigni. jpeciaiiy is this the oase on Broad and Pollock streets, two of our main thoroughfares, in the vicinity of the macadamized The Judicial Convention of the tenth District met at Morganton road) where almost any night cumbers ontheSlnlt. and nominated Bv- nfth ftTYl ISfit.tl lama on1 small nam Ka i. tA xr ij .o tk. ..- .u I quick to see and appreciate the wants of front In political matters. Repre- wuiu uuugv wu imiiHuu mi i " i luu and wishes of Us patrons, and as soon sentative "Uel There, Ell." Editoi'. Journal: For almost 18 years uninterruptedly, tne ttlover wharf and the Haryey wharf, whioh are now. Known as the uid Dominion Steamship Company's wharves, have given life to the old town by the im mense amounts of goods trucked over them, whjch were being imported and exporto 1 by the Bteamers of the O. D. Iin. Since tho advent of this line into our city it has soen the birth and death of several newspapers, it has seen the rise and fall of hundreds of commercial houses in this city, and they are still running patronizing the newspapers and bringing goods to the merchants, also carrying the products of the pro They commenced with steamers that were loaded with 300 bales of cotton. They are now running steamers that are not loaded when they have on board 1,000 bales of cotton. The passenger accommodations of these steamers are first class in their appointments, and the fare is equal to that received from the tables of first class hotels. This corporation has been the warm friends of this community. It has studied the interests of its patrons and has been ernors of the various States, requesting their opinions of the federal elections bill, now pending in the Senate. The comments of the Democratic governors, as was to have been expect ed, are unanimous in condemning the measure. The governor of Vermont says there is no need of such legislation as the Lodge bill contemplates in the State of Vermont, and that he has not given the measure sufficient attention to feol warranted in predicting its effect upon elections in other States. Gov. Davis, of Rhode Island, says . "I think the proposed act is an expres sion or tne worst and most unwarrant able partisanship heretofore ventured in federal relations within Iho history of the Union." Qov. Biggs, of Delaware, says: "I condemn it as a measure uncalled for and not only unconstitutional but un wise." Gov. Hill, of New York, replies by sending a copy of his recent speech it Indianapolis, which he says gives his sentiments. Gov. Taylor, of Tenneee, says: "The bill is an envious start at a prospering South. There is no need in any State for legislation that is designed to foment strife, murder and riot. Gov. Flem ing, of Florida, says, "The passage of the bill would evidence hostility toward the South, at winch it is aimed , by Northern Republicans." Gov. Jaofcson, of Maryland, says: "It is an unwise and extremely partisan measure, fraught with much evil to the oountry generally. It will have blighting effect, if passed, upon the business interests of the South, binder and obstruct her development, and re vive instead of allaying unfriendly re lations between the North and South. WITHDRAWING CANDIDATES. ALL EASTERN CAROLINA TOLITICS IN THE HANDS OF THE FARMER'S ALLIANCE. Scotland Neck, N. C, July 81, '90. The continued withdrawal of the candidates for nomination to Congress in the different districts keeps a change SHIPPING SEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Eaglet, of the E. C. D. line, arrived yesterday and will sail to mor row afternoon at 4 o'clock Steamer Manteo. of the O. D, line., arrived last night and will sail tomor row at 12 o'clock. Steamer Defiance, of the Clyde line, arrived last night and will Bail tomor row night. CLEARED. Schr. Carrie Farson. Schr. Annie Predmore, Capt, Agent. SCHOONESS IN TORT. Schr. Pecora, Capt. Douglass. Schr. Unity R Deyer, Qapt. Bev eridge. Schr. 11. E. Hilea, ("apt. Ireland. Schr. John K. P. Moore, Capt. Gaskill. NOTES. The steamer Vesper, of E. C. D. line, will arrive today. What is a ivlii in tho huad Medi cal authorities say it is due to uneven clothing of the body, rapid cooling when in a perspiration, o. The im portant point is, that a cold in the head is an inlUmmation of the lining mem brane of the nose, whioh, when un checked, is certuin to produce a catarrhal condition for catarrh is es sentially a "'cold'' which nature is no longer able to "resolve" or throw off. Ely's Cream Halm has proved its su periority, and sufferers should resort to it before that common ailment becomes seated an 1 ends in obstinate catarrh. TOUKIiTS Whether cn pleasure bent or buc.iue6S, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers , head achei and other forms of sickness. For sale in 50s, and 1.00 bottles by all loading druggists. 500 BAGS SHOT, ALL SIZES, or sale at Towers Prices. Agrent For Hazard Gunpowder Co. Sold at their Prices. TTlieIi, WHOLESALE GROCER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW KERNE. V. C A very line ur. Trv Best Grades of Tobacco. Selling lots of (ioodn fo J. F. Notice. 1 lie unilri'Algned, James C. Harrison, Tub. lie Administrator, lias duly (iiialt tied as lulrnlnlhtrntur of tlie estate of Kllznbeth Hanks, duceaseil, and hereby gives notice thai he requires all persons having claims against the estate of the fate hllzahetb Huoks to present them to snlil administra tor, dnly authenticated, lor payment, on or noioru the 4Ui -day of August, IMM1, or eke this notice will be pleaded In bar of reeoveiy vrHonn luiii-titMl to the estate iiiuhi. pay wiihoat delay. .IAMKH ('. HAKKHON. Public AdmlnlHtrator. New hern, AiiK.'Jd. 1HW, lang:! liw Stuir Blanche for Sale. Seyenty-five feet long, 18 feet wide over all; draught uU inches loaded carries 110 bales of cottou, and regis tered at Custom House 47 tons gross, not; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Re built iu October, 1889. Joiner work and decking entirely new, hull made as wood as new. Engine and boiler re built, all wearing and destructible part renowod: new crown sheet and tubes in boiler. Inspected November 27 1889, and licensed to carry 80 poundi steam presHure. Propeller 48 inches engino 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler feet by 00 inches, of 5-1G iron, tensil strength 50.0UU pounds. Fully equipped throughout, accordin to law and in perfect running order, th Blanche 'u splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught nay gation anywhere, and has shown fine towing oapacity. Bhe is offered for salo on reasonable terms, and at a verj low price. lor further information apply to James Redmond. Seo' & Treas, aui3d&tl New Berne, N. C "TAX-SALE. 9 At J. F. TAYLOR'S ittie uiocey TAYLOR. Ocracolie. SUM HER SCHEDULE OF Steamer " Beaufort. Fur the Ix u. iit of thnS(. visit Otracoke ihirio.- tl. I'-EAI'FORT win Schedule : Leave Wusliiii.rtf.il who i, e.., ire lo ' i-eason, tho Mic follow iiijr v ry Saturday 1 I p.m. Monday li a.m. Wi dn. silny !l a,m, Close connect ioiiH with il. i from Greenville, nnd Tin horn. ',.,.1 .1... train from -lamesvilln th,,' ,..,.. the Wihnincton ami Wnldon Un-,i...,.'i On intermediate days i)10 liF.ArTKi lUT will touch nt New !erne, lenviD.r there : a.m. 1 iiomlavK and !l 11 m Tl.,...,,l connecting with Atlantic Railroad ke. and re- and TARE. From VaIiiiie((lu t,, o, .,,.,,: turn, s'J ;(). From New :,.rm to ViacnU turn, J'.' .iO SpU, trip tickets, From WashinKtoii to New Herne. ifO.Vf. From N'ew Heme to Washington. f'.V.il. AMPLE ACfOMMiihA I ION Solicitor unanimously, and enthusi astically endorsed Judges Merrimon I and wishes of its natrons, and as soon I sentative Skinner, from the First dis I evident annoyance and possible danger las seen steps have been taken to meet trict, has now withdrawn, and this of belated pedestrians. We hone that 1 their wants. I leaves all Eastern Carolina in the hands Li,. :n i ..M --.I The same agent who transacts the I of the Farmers' Alliance so far as con and Clark and Senator VanCf 5 and .. . . , . . . business of this company at this, end gressional honors are ooncerned i xl- . l I . ..... .uo n.j. ouHiuu- m tt th them at their birth int.hial on,A. denounced toe aurnor oi a recent !- i t.um.c,.. , "T.rJ-u"": r.L" UMU"1""'' ftircnla asBailincr Jndira Olark. nia i. h.f Vornn OT hairnd in their Hnrvi ? thou8ht tha.t Sunmqna, however, ' r " i w -w wvmwu I o w ra- j . .ww. I d ill va atrnnnAr In t no rnnuantmn in When he assumed the agency he was.u a a a,i u ,a u. THK JN6W OriC Star Bays: An Wilmington, Onslow and Eastern JU "'""T" 7 T" " 8r"? been had he not published his card an Carolina. ...i. I . i""' . nounoing his withdrawal. His friends . mi . . n , , . . I 1 ft a VV llmlnQrrOn nin.?, I. n J I ww vw..v Vienna oners as 1M nrTi prize ine " k-k"- Ul !u UOUB" "uu Die. and it is thouebt that his name will -N- i nnntinaji n n nn tia inn nAnnnM bo am. - . sinm nf 1 .200. ' That award will I - j. uu 4, boput before the convention notwith Scarcely, be-t affioient to attract n.i...tn..n- ...ll Pany has made its patrons their friends THE CHOLERA IN MECCA- international ' beauty show at The Wilmington papers have nounced a double daily passenger and over the Wilmington,. iur"" L!"" "V--". standing his withdrawal has been pub nnolnor anrl TS.at. P.rli Wil. f""J " " K I liahnrl in thn nannrs. n.an'nf A t-W, lanhfr XI Zl: T " . " ? ' M Bll.otner companies w. v j -".-o-"--iiioui uuiiukiou mi oioop roini,iwenty i tney Keep aoreast or tne times. They CO tne competition, ana tne J0w four miles, and track lav ina has reached have adopted ae their motto in con- ' ii -. "l':" i'.''l:- l- m.V ' .-. -1 :-l . n m,. Idnntinff their business "ExrifilHiorl nua janff!Ni!ij) !. veijr " f"r. AQo n ;..,, m h-aht it causes qreat alarm in western second-rate affair it EnrODe must Mewenger of Friday says: forth these remarkswaa our noticing I Europe. ki-Viftf'-of- VATv- a new engine ana two passenger the commencement of most extensive Mecca, July 31. me cholera epi iuuiiii.uu M; r1? 'ears ate' ezpeoted here next week for repairs on. the oompany'a wharves, demlo here shows no sign of abatement, uauuHomeHii womeu ur irue woriu. . tne wumington, uubiow ana iistuaro- Under the superintendence of Mr. J. J. tne deaths irom the disease averaging itna'Jtaiiroaa. as soon as they arrive Howard, wharf builder, they have at- eighty daily. Tnv''WtlmlWCIvMAWnMfJ tegular achedale-will be onnounoed. tacked the rotten timbers and nlankiniz London. July SI. The confirmation z ' L' . .",U v' i, j The track will be complete to Jackson- and are replaoing tbem with first class of the reported existence of cholera to uae: xnecoBiou . Auveruijer, luijivuieny October 1st. and by that time timber and lumber. They intend to rn epidemic degree at Bagdad and . .' 4 J . "-l ' i ' 'al . J I tf MiA UMa M..ntni,.nn watt 1 1 k. n . .1 1, , I 1. 1 . I : 1 ,,. I Mamma MAnnna ! 1 leaQinS liepUOlICfta paper Ol rew I irwcuvunci m mm.tcu oave a iuuruuu uveruuuiiUK nna win I iuouun imou Kicaii uueBBiecBs iu won i, ii , " , " , : .., , 't snevarioue stations on tne line. A England, ia not particularly avor- handsome depot and warehouse will be able to the" Bayonet -bilU It Sees woted at their wharf in this city. ithat the feelirie against it is krow- "onier vmmtot the company, and To satisfy the unpaid taxes for 1889 I this day day levied on the following described real estate and will sell the same at the court house door in the city of New Berne on Monday tho first day of September, 1890: Mrs. Caroline Wolfenden, one town lot on Craven street, in the city of New Berne, listed on the tax list for 1889 by Jno. Wolfenden, agent, Caroline Wolfenden, being the same on which she now resides, described in a mortgage deed from said Caroline Wolfenden and J. J. Wolfenden to J. A. Meadows, dated November 29. 1880, and recorded in Cmvcn county, book 9i, pages 116 and 117 to which reforence is had. Tax and costs $79.50. Macklin Davie, one lot,, listed on the tax list for 1889 by said Davis, situated in the city of New Berne, at the south east corner of Bryan and Queen streets, adjoining the lots of Amos Stanly and Wm. Colligan . Tax and costs $4 93. W. B. LANE, augl-d30ds Sheriff Pcrduy -1'er week Her month SI'l-VIAI, RATIOS ' SPKN'CHK I' Alll; T It'.'l 1-x. $l.."tl $111. (Ml s::tl ini I'D FAMII.IF.S. IIKOS.. Managers. The Meamer BK.U'FOUT Ims Wn , limit and made larger, and is now a com fortable and seaworthy 1 ml, and lins a permit to carry l'.ai passengers. jylddwJiu For anv information e.all r,n I,' n Roberts, at Old Dominion wharf. Old August ,t. " rth. " nth. " 15th. " 20 th. " Or,H, 29th. have a first class .wharf. The agent 1 era burope, and strict precautions are sava when nis company starts a do Deinz raaen si Marseilles ana otner en- anything it reminds him of the saying, trepots oi unentai trsmo .to prevent, if "(Jet there m.." ue savs thev dont possiDie. roe miroauction-or the inteo- make rauoh fuss, but they are a pewer. tion through those ports, The cholera 1 know the community will bear me I as Mecca is always caused, as every - .... t4 HialtlHnl,.m inn V 1 1 n J U . iKftilw VllAWI. kff ttta npncn.n n jm. ma?' it v i an ntlii nAtim inn .-. . ' mmmim hiu o hiu uu- j v i"o"w.o ui uu WtdOgtlMn'. Qntll.'ail -;;mMl1ll ; .we WA ebma' right! mity New : Berne with it, "Here's to you and your family, city of Mohammed, who have not the South Shalt dean se it The Ad- the wnrkl " The enalnrer hir rlrldon may y l0n ana prosper." , siignwn notion or sanitary laws, and Si ing in the South.: So ? it -is, arid !jrVZ TuTl ' v - , , , r. , ' v . that tnere ' will be no halt at Jackson H may; it : widen , and deepen -and nu- hV Vk . and Tertiser doubts now if the bill Will otef the ground ' betwem here ido the,W0rk intended by it that Joksonville and thoroughly examine J : v is, iecure a free baliotl Bat really, ly' t.' . . -; . i' i Anorineer corns " will nnur v milo tho si NAVIGATION. who dwell in a condition of filth almost Indesoribable. The pilgrimage this year ia on a more extensive scale than ADVICE TO ndTHER. Mrs. "WiBSLdw's Boothino Strdp for "apy years past, should always be used for children tnat U.OOC tne purpose. v lJia , not ...- .bj ,,..-,. in.t K-'is teethin. It soothes the child, softens I The declining nowara of old . i v UBurjjWr auui uuware mat wjju ta wew Berne. V. We' mav reasonablv iu8 ii ""MV 00 wonuorruiiy reonperaiea ana bus- . i -v.. ..v- i . - ... . - ' " -T .'.. V ressooBDij ana jg tha best remedy for Diar- tkinurl h th daliv ha f nnnA a..... TO THE LADIES Kead thtp, please, and know that the 'NUMBER')" WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE, which received the Grand Trize at tho Faris Exposition of last year is the greatest wonder of the age. Silent, Light and Bapid. Durable, and adapted to the fiaest and coarsest work. Embroidery and rick-rack without any extra attach nicnt. Call at T. J. Turner's. Wholesalo and retail Furniture Dealer, New Berne, N. O. and examine . bottle, jalf Ipatilla. Office of tiHj Dominion Stcmuslii New Beune. N. C. July 31, 189o. The steaflier Manteo will auii r..,, Norfolk for Newberu, via Washington N. C. Friday Wednesday Monday Friday n Wednesday " Monday Friday Kflturnme. will sail fm for Norfolk direct, touching at Roanoke isiana wrjarf. Mondav August 4th. Friday 8th. Wednesday .1 Monday 13.B Friday 2y,i Wednesday . 07, The above is the Old Dominion August Calendar. Please dip and pin on your black ooat B1BOVO. K. H. R011RRTS Ao't 1 "a UNIVERSITY fiFlORTHMOLlY,." THE FALL TKR.1I OPF.S SEPT 4 TUITION. $110. Kour rt Kn!ar conrsrs of Rln(iy. cias.leal, Phhoiophival, l.lierary, Selentirln. Special courses in Cliemlht.rv. (llvil and K.leetileal Kuuiueerliiir i'i,u,-. other studies. . ' Separate Fehoola or iw BIUi Med'eln. whose students may attend the Uulvorslty lectures. Address tr.; Hon, KKIflP P. BATTLE. LL.D., Jy8dw2m President, Chapelt HUU N- SAMPLE COPY OF THE WEEKLY JOURNAL SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. Engine for Sale. A flfty-horitvpower Btom engine iU ' be Bn Id nfc aiiAHnn a 1.. - nwwsvu wi iuduu 'WUMIV ': New lierne, on Friday August 8, 1800. i23Jtd JAVES UANWELt. ' absolutely necessary for tje; Kadi-hope for the " completion1 of. the road to I rhcBa'. Twenty-five cents a Vi fl'l -! V" ''Kv-'y::V:is-:;'( i 'v... ?'-' x-its-' ' ..... .:wmmmtm