J Daily RNAL VOL. IX.--NO. 108. NTEW BERNE. N. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 0, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. i r i i. 'r f BUSINESS LOCALS. FOR RENT Two Urge airy rooms, furnished. Apply to J. R. Jones, at If. H. Saltan' store. auStf A Nice Ball Boat end Sail for rent BO ott day, 85 eta evening, or for aale. Necsi Rites Bith House, OLD PAPERS for kale ta any quan tities at JgyBiiAl, ofBoe. THE TAYLOR ADJUSTABE SHOE for ladles. New and marvelous in yenilon. Saeeample. N. Abpin, jl8 if Opposite Jouhnal Office.. THE FINDER OF A PAIR OF EYE glasses with Franklin, Washington, D. 0.,'stamped on the oase, will please return them to this office. jVMf. SODA WATER on draught today at John Dcnn's. tf. A FINR line of SMALL HAMS, S to U 7 pounds at John Bonn "8. tf . Republican senators have Plumb padding which they can't digest. A horse valued at $50,000 drop pad dead while being driven near Paris., Ky., a few dajs ago. The Paris press reports that fresh Nihilist plot against the life of the Czar has been discovered. It is said that Seed has not seen his quorum in bo long be wonld not know-it if lie saw it on the streets. The Valley . Virginian says Nor folk has a population of 35,000, and it predicts that in another decade it will be 150,000. The Washington Star says that Mr.jBlalne forced ouffof the Cabinet, would be the moBt popular Eepub lioau in the ranks of his party. Wattebson calls Reed and Lodge a pair of as "sleek, snug and fat hypocrites and rascals as ever cnt a throat, or scuttled a ship, or burst a belly-band." are also unsurpassed as patriotic statesmen. To brand them as hit dogs may amuse the national Al liance organ, and it may be endors ed by Alliance men by sab scribing for the paper, but Alliance Democrats and all other Democratic candidates will have a mighty bard road to travel this year, who do not endorse the hit dog, and do not heed his howl ing. Charlotte Chronicle. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Salem Female Academy. J. O. Harrison Adminlstrs. notice. Mr. J. E. Willis made a large hhi;- ment cf marble to Beaufort yesterday. Dr. R. S. Primrose is having his office on Middle street handsomely repainted. There will be a lecture tonight by the pastor at the Hancock Street Meth odist Church. The baseball game yeiterday mulled in a score of 3 to 7 in favor of l uuicls' nine against King's nice. There was a man at Mr. J. F. Taylor's store yeetrday who weighed 316 pounds. He was given the riht of way. Mr. John S. Thomas gave a inoouliht sail on Monday night complimentary to Mr. C. F. Harvey, of Kinston. It was a very enjoyable affair. There was a little excitement on Mid dle etreet yesterday, caused by a mule's running away. Young Mr. Moody, who held the reins, stopped the mule before any serious damage was done. In speaking of "a little sorimmage atoutaiove anair, a few days ago we said Mies toy received a message from her uncle down South to come to him." A friend of the young lady re quests us to say that her uncle was in New Berne to meet her. The Augusta (Ga.,) papers an uonnce their confident belief that the Atlantic Coast Line will be ex tended to that place. The idea is to build a road outright from Flor ence. Ala. The Wilmington Star says: 4 'sponge 8 were put ou the free list Friday. There is business in this. The Republican statesmen will need lots of sponges to wipe out the record they are making now." Mississippi is soon to have constitutional convention, the dele gates to which have been elected. Limitation of sufferage by a prop erty or educational qualification will be the chiet subject (or con sideration. Personal. Miss Carrie May hew and Mibs Lizzie Hunter have returned from Morehead. Mr. F. Ulrich and family, and Mies Blanche Pavio have returned from Morehead. Mr. Dan Jones and family cme up from Morehead yesterday. Mr. J. E. Partott, of Kim-ton, who has been at Ocracoke for a few days, returned home yesterday. Miss Chattie Credle has gooo to Ocra coke and other points in Hjdecounly for a few weeks. Judge A. S Seymour si rived city last night. Mr. Fred Dixon, now of Durham, is here on a visit to his old home. Miss Carrie Arendall, accompanied by Master George Henderson, went to Morehead last night. The Wilmington Messenger says: "What is that ! Who drew the odor line 1 It has been done at seaside New. Jersey resort. Re publican negroes are not allowed to bathe their persona in the same ocean where the white Republicans plunge into the waves and desport themselves. . - THE Omaha World-Herald says The masses are trying to break away from machine polities. The desire of the people is to curtail the power of party managers and to get the Government back nearer ' to the people. But the effect f the Lodge bill, if it becomes a law. . will be to centralize . all political power in the party managers. ' A press dispatch dated London Aug. 1 say 8 r Letters .from South -" America represent hat the Chilians - - scorn the idea of, extending any trade advantageous tothalTJnited ' States. ; They ; claim that their r copper ,. producing , industry .:. was greatly injured by the American tariff, and that: the United States has no such claim, upon their good will as England.1 - A similar feeling ; ' toward the United States is said to be prevalent Jf " the Argentine Republic.- ' - A Delightful Trip to Ocracoke. The Local returned Tnesday morning from Ocracoke, where he went to spend a few dsys to allow bis note-book to recuperate and to dampen the point of his pencil in the salt air. We had a delightful trip down the Nduse river and across Pamlico sound. We lefJSew Berne at 9 o'clock Thurs day night, on the steamer Beaufort, of which Cspt. Parvin is the clever master and Mr. Carmault the accommodating purser. There were several New Berneans ab.ard, whose names have been given in uu- "Personal" column, and who have returned from Oort- CDke. It was a beautiful night i liar sky, moonlight, delightful breeze, and and etc. (We would writo more about the meon it it were nut fur the fact that it is an old subject it's the name old moon so many people Lave written about, and said ilia eame things about.) But as so many people seldom see the sun rite, let us tell you about what we saw Friday morning. A little before fie o'clock gentle sleep abandoned our couea. 'l i e moon'.ight came streaming through the window and beckoned us ou deck, I.H d our poetic (?) nature led us there. A faint glow, which soon became visible in the east, seemed to fiihlua the retiring moon, for it grew piior aud hastened to rest below the wetslern horUon, and as its last silvery ray iadtd, the glow in the east assumed it J go: Jen hue. A patch of dark j-ged cloud in the east sat heavily upon the waves, while higher in the beavt'tn were scattered little smoky cloudlets with the grayish tint of dawn, upon them. In the zenith and in the west the sky wai clear. From behind that rugged black cloud the light, grow iug stronger, shot upward and spread over the sea. As Sol slowly rises we caicli the light of hie bright eye through a rift in the cloud he had drawn back the curtain of his couch and was smiling and peeping out upon the naughty world. Soon his shining face appears half to view in a v-shaped notch of the cloud, like a great dla- we failed to catch the steamer at the wharf and had to row a mile acrosi the sound, (the steamer having stopped) to get aboard. In conclusion: If you are broken down and need rest, if you are longing for the seashore, for the invigorating salt air, for a change, for a pleasant spot to recuperate, go to Ocracoke. The Man Around Town. I met with several old friends, in cluding the venerable agent of the O. D. Steamship company, from whom I gathered much information. I learned a remedy for bone felons and also for severe fevers. As the remedies are not patent nostrums, I will give the pre scriptions verbatim tt literatum. For a bone felon procure a frog and insert the finger on which the felon is locat d into the mouth of the frog, force it clear down his throat, and then tie a string tightly around the neck of the frog and let it remain until well. For a fever take a chicken, split it open and bind one-half of it to the sole of each foot of the patient. A perepira lion is soon induced end the fever abated. I learned of the remedies from a re liable source, and propose to give them to the publio in this inexpensive way There can be no danger in using them as one will not take cold on them, and they are of easy procurement, there being no neighborhood but haa an abundanoe of chickens and frogs. The sooner applied after the death of the frog and chicken the better, and the longer before the death of the patient the better. I beard also that politics w ra raging in some parts of the country, and it was thought would oontinue until frost. Under existing circumstances it is thought there need be no quarantine against it, and convalescents will be admitted into the city. As there is a great variety of causes for the diseaee, and it generally has to be allowed to The Bojcot Hecirocity signifies reciprocal obli gation, an exchange of mutual benefits bet wee a individuals, corporations or nations. It enters into all the relations of our lives, both private and public. It bagins at home in the family circle, and its importance is well understood in all the dealings aud commerce of men. Its tendency is to cultivate and foster at tachment or friendship, and therefore it is commendable. Forsake not thine own or thy father's friends, nor desert them in thtuour of danger or distress The boycot is the opposite of this sys tem, and its adoption implies resent ment or a determination to return an injury. If our neighbor would 'medi tate on restitution and devise plans to restore to us that whioh he has unjustly deprived is of. then we could see clear ly our way mt. But it happens to us to have insult added continually to in jury, and we find ourselves engaged in a contest with foemen unworthy our steel. For a time we tried resignation And accepted what was tendered to us. Now submission is demanded, to invi mon of our rights, to the surrender of our representation in the Congress of the nation in the great outrage of the Force bill. Our contest is between a party who ia tired of war, that loves peace with her sister's prosperity the white winged dove with the olivs,aud a party which hungers for the fruits of war a party inaugurated under a dark and ominous cloud, the thunders of whioh are still heard in the distance, and which lingers on the horizon though thirty years have passed away. Let us for a moment take a view of this party, this sectional division of our great country. Is it a wealthy party? What made it so? It is rich and its wealth is largely composed of war booty. Are they in a position where it is necessary to the existence of the party and to their interest to make un reasonable requisitions or to invite re sistance. Have they bad an eye to this state of affairs, betrayed by their course on the tariff, the pension and other rad icai legislation." would not war pay them better th n political defeat? Ail these and other like questions may be answered in the affirmative. How per ilous it makes the situation. We yet have hope in the people and a reason able hope. We see our friend, L. J Moore, though a Republican f. r so long a time, has kept the coals of patriotism alive in his besom all those days, and NOTICE. The undersigned, J aims O. Harrison,. Puolic Administrator, lias duly qualtled as Administrator of the estate of Collins Moore, deceased, and hereby gives notion that he requires all pt rsons having claims against the eftate of the said Collins Moore to present them to the aald Administrator duly authenticated, (or payment on or be fore the nth day f Auoot, 1H, or else this notice will be plea ed in bar of recovery. Tersons indebtad to the estate must pay wi'.hout J.'lay. J A M I - C. II A KRISUN' . Public Administrator. Newher.i, N. O. Aug bin, lsw . NOTICE. fhe undersigned. James ('. Harriunn inh. lie Administrator, has dulv uiialinert , u.i . Imslrator with will nnnvxc-ii nf i)u of Jane Kealing, deceased, and hereby gives notice that he reuiilres all Demons navlrnr latins atalust tba .state of the krM .iitnia. Keating to present them to the s .id Admln- strator, duly anlhentlcat. il for nr,v..,u,.i ou or before the mil dav of Auoniii ISM ,,'r Ise this ndtice will be pleaJed In bar of re. covery. leiso ItM bled to the estate must pay Ithoul cli-i ' VMKS O. 11AKKISON. Adnu.. Tutor, wan will annexed. New Berne, Ah. . 1mm. autinw to try the frog or chicken remedy on that also. I would suggest, howover, for the disease that the frog should be mnnd selectc 1 from the precious stones! of the croaking order and the chicken of heaven and placed in that grotesque 1 of the crowing kind sett ng by the hand of Uod ; the glory I I learned some valuable lessons on of his countenance bursts upon us; the I farming, but it is too late in the season little clouds are all burnished with I to give them now. gold ; the waves of the sea sparkle as if I We have the promise of good crops kindled with life and joy the Qod of this season, and I always notice that Day is on his throne I all of its silvery charms, can show forth I given farmers, so I may have to hold the handiwork of God so beautifully, so I these over. When crops are short the sublimely, so impressively. farmer is surfeited with voluntary ad k:. l. : a . , , , , , , . , UID Dim VUDU VV BOD dUUlUKUlUK uauKci run its course, it might be worth while L. hi' S(11ir,Brn Nn donht j - - thousands are contemplating a like course A man has to be a big man to do it. lie has to be a safe man. One wo can trust; a man who if he does not discover danger bo quick, yet he is in time and may be relied upon to save the ship. A little man hates to acknowl edgo bo ever was deceived. Ho grows up with the idea the sun do move, and sticks to it. He is important tanta mount to bis country and other minor considerations. Our gains will all be But, to Ocracoke. We arrived at 7 in the o'clock, breakfasted at Spencer Bros'. hotel ami took in the situation very much pleased. The island of Ooraooke is about one No moon, with good crops diminish the stock of advice valuable, not only in numbers, but the coming if we get any. We hope we shall escape the necessity of the Consti tution s boycot, but we cannot see it in vice as to what he ought to do, and many times from persons who scarcely know a plow from an ox-cart or pump kins from rutabagas. Now I never give advioe to a farmer except from actual the light that Southern honor or chival ry would be compromised in the least if in such event it is resorted to. It is hard to kiss the band that smites us. Is it practicable? Would it not (damage the South? Paregoric. experience of somebody else so that I my advice ma; always be relied on. mayor's Court. The following oases were tried Aug. 4th, 1890: Patrick Irenwith, ohap. 5, Bee. 4; diaorderly conduct. Judgment, pay ooet, 83.30. Monroe Powell, chap- 5, sec. 4, dis' orderly conduct. . Discharged. Tne following oases were tried on Aug. 5tb: Caroline Holly, chap. 5, sec. 4; dis orderly conduct. Pay cost, $3 20. Kate Atkinson, ohap. 5, sec. 4, dis orderly conduct. Pay cost, 83 20. James Green, chap. 5, sec. 4, dis orderly conduct. Pay oost, $2.90. George Green-, chap. 5, sec. 3, cursing and swearing.' Judgment, cost, $2,90. Wm. Jones, chap. 6, sec 8; cursing and swearing. Pay cost, 82.60. Sold Out. UNCLE 5f2N TO THE BOYS IN OFFICE. Keep out of politics and let the will I of the people be done. I will ! Cheat 'em." Go ahead, boys. Uncle Ben will not know. So come "Bob' the alright "Bill." "Uillie," where is Pete" and "Riley" I will be there 11 Yes, "Dick" can take the and a quarter miles wide and fourteen in len;"b. Nearly the entire population ive w itl. in a radioua of a mile of the hotel. This pait of the island has some vegeUl lt) growth, but the most of the rest of it is a sandy beach. The trees aro piincipaily live oak, cedar and roiMiou. In some places they form pretty groves. Having "stood storm" and bent to the breeze so long, they all incline tne same way, ana TOte8 rfoht out of thehat.andif "Dick" viewing tnem from a aiatanoe, it iooks i cannot get enough out, why "Lewis ah if thflir Nat tons had all been trimmed can count enough out. Hoi Ho r I. . . .a it. ui. . .a ,0i.. a fi,,,. 1 coys it win not ao to let - oore go, aPPflar- -"George"! What. Bob? Stop that Asa summer mart, Ocracoke has I voting or Jeff will go to the Congres natural advantages. With the sound I sional Convention and "Henry" will n ;j aA ,ua A fi,.niv get left, that you know. Boys you all . . . .,. a . . . iusu uuuub luaui won. uuyu ujo viBuuiB may oujuv oamiiK, iumS i '.jioof e" and "Jeff" now you know bathing to t'leir hearts' content, that "Henry" will go. Now come With nothing to shut off the breeze, boya and get your pay; you' have nn m,i tr from whftr. rlironUnn Ik m COUnteo wsil-uur tit is sure uwo y oaro ...... .' more. Who are the Delegates to the oomone may drink in the pure salt DiBt Convention V Jeff and Fred bad air snrl rpc.pivn itn hanentfl. A VOnnB I ili.nlu' tkit -am tnnn n,it " Allan - j m I lap v W vo , y wi nuv " . v m..vu mary Bryant, cnap. o, sec. a; ouising . d ho Hves at ocracoke told us that and "Jessie" will ao. Who was nomi . a T a. An trt I l . m . . II At r there was no cemetery on the island "tea tor tne i nonse r Aiex. rranci. ana no aoctor-not neeaea. 10 oe sure QenU) take the "Bull" by the Horns there is a death occasionally, and there Yours until the 14th. We, the many area few graves on the island, but I Delegates of Craven County For bracing up the nerves, purifylnu the blood and curing sick headache and dyspepeia, there is nothing equal to Llood s Sarsaparilla. 9 and swearing. Pay cost, $2 GO, Mary Bryant, chap. 5, sec. 1; dis orderly house. Pay ooBt, 83 90. Mary A.Dunoan, chap. 5. sec 1; dis orderly house. Pay cost, $3.90. Ellen Kiggs, chap. 8, tec 11; Dis orderly conduot. Not guilty; dis charged. Lonna Whitfield, chap. 8, sec. 11; disorderly conduct. Not guilty ! Ellen Webster, chap. 8, sec 5; bav log a filthy yard. Judgment suspended Pr. IT, 8. Black to Succeed Dr. Dixon. Office of the Old Domlnlou Steamship Company. New Behne, N. C. July 31, 1890. The steamer Manteo will sail from Norfolk for Newborn, via Washington. iN. u. Friday August 1st. Wednesday " 6th. Monday " nth. Friday " i5th. Wednesday " 20th. Monday " 25th. Friday " 29ih. Returning, will sail from Newborn for Norfolk direct, touching at Roanoke isiana wharf. Monday August4th. Iriday " 8th. Wednesday " 13th Monday I8ih Friday " 22d Wednesday " 27th. The above is the Old Dominion August Calendar. Please clip and pin on your black ooat sleeve. E. B. Roberts. Aa't 500 BAGS SHOT, ALL SIZES, For sale at Towers Prices. Agrent For Hazard Gunpowder Co. Sold at their Prices. WHOLESALE GKOUEK, MIDDLE STKEET, NEW HEKNK :!. l. Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seyenty-fivo feet Iodic. IS feet wide over all; draught 'M inches loaded, carries 110 bales of cotton, and re. tered at Custom Rouso 47 toon ross, 28 net: licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Re built in October. 1889 Joiner work and deckiog entirely new, hull made as KOod as new. EngiDe aud boiler re built, all wearing and destructible parts renewed: new crown Bhepr. nH mho n boiler. Inspected November 27, 1889, and licensed to carry 8( pounds steam pressure. Propeller IS inches, engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 ieet Dy tu inches, of 5-10 iron, tensile strength 50,000 pounds. Fully equipped throughout, according to law and in perfect running order, the Blancho is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught navi gation anywhero, and has shown One, towing capacity, blic is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a very low price. For furthpr information apply to James Redmond. Sec' .fc TroaH, aug3J&wtf New Borne, N, C. Wanted, to buy a eood ton or t .lv horse power Boiler. Apply to Ja.mks JRedmond, New Berne, N. C. TO THE LADIES ! Read this, please, .-mil know that the "NUMBER!)"' WlIEULEll .V WILSON SEWING MACHINE, which received the Grand Trizo at the Paris Exposition of last year u the greatest wonder of the acre. Silent, Light and Rapid. Durable, and adapted to the finest and coarsest work. Embroidery and ick-rack without any extra attach ment. Call at T. J. Tumor's. Wholesale and retail Furniture Dealer. New 7 Berno, N. C. and examine. there is no living for a doctor at Oora ooke. At Spencer Bros', comfortable hotel you may find a very pleasant temporary home. We wish just here to return thanks to the Messrs. Spencer fori Paymasters B. and B. Officers. SUIPP1MJ NEWS. SOHOONEHS IN PORT. Unity R. Deyer, Capt. Bev- llow of ' North Alliance v men Carolina will enjoy VanceV being : classed by The National Economist as a howling hit dog, it is hot for th) Chronicle to v determine. Messrs. , Oates,. Mills, ' Carlisle, Vance & Co.,! are not 'only able , men and true Democrats, bat they ARRIVED. Sohr. J. D. Maryl.i Capt. Eekridfe oourtesies shown ns; and we can assure 'wm Newport News, light our friends, from experience, that should they go to .Ooraooke, nothing The trustees of the Oxford Ornhan that will contribute to their enjoyment, Asylum have eleoted Bav. Dr. W. S. will be left undone by these pleasant Blaor, or this city, ouperintendrnt of I gentlemen 7T t,l llt ,0 ;uoceea vl U!XP' Those who enjoy dancing have a good Dr. Black has for years been presiding , . , . . elder of the Raleish District of l!h M. band of musio at their service. If you E. -Conference and oar., people are wish exeroise, you may procurearow warmly attaoned to him. With our boat on "Silver Lake." a beautiful. oongratulatloneto him and to .Oxford , oid atUegheetof waternear the hotel The Eaglet tn mi rlaaPAflt VOffTAl fife lAaitirf YtttfM I I . " i j --,-, .uk , ., t,. tomorrow. - Th Or.at B.nnt ; ; f . -.iiafi ; This lake is a harbor for all the today and sail tomorrow morning, wntcn people in run oown state ai .m.M rafr hAmlth dorii-fromUood'. Bars.narilU " . PBOORESa. conclusive! v woves that this medioine If T0U wlsn Pleaaant. and entertain- n B very important in this age of "makestheweak strong," It does not I log company, n is sumoient to say, a i vast material progress in ai a remeay rt like a stimulant. lmDirtlnir fintltlotm m.n ni ii, WoahinvtAn mmU be pleasing to the taste and to the ere. strength, but Hood ' barsaparilla builde BDand thi iummer . Ooraooke. We eM,i,r.tn'. "W"? ? hS "f0 nn in B-Deriectiy naturBi wav ail tne I . . .. - nuuitnuiui u uamtv nuu cuvuia rosaessing tnese qualities, oyrup oi Figs la the one perfeot laxative and moat gentle diuretic known. Sohr. eridge. Schr. M. E. Hiles, Capt. Ireland. Sohr. John R. P. Moore, Capt.Oaskill. Schr. J. D. Marvil, Gapt. Eskridge, NOTES. The steamer Vesper, of the E. G. D. line, will sail this afternoon at 4 o'clock. of this line, will arrive balem Female Academy, SALEM, n. c, THE OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. The 89th Annual Session begins Au gust 28th, 1890. Register for last year olo. Special features: the Develop ment of Health, Character and Intel lect. Buildings thoroughly remodelled Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and fotit Uraduate Departments, be sides first class sohools in Musio, Lan guages, Commercial and Industrial Studies. JOHN H. CLEWELL, u6dwlm Principal Wanted! Within forty-eight hours To rent house of about seven or eight rooms, in good central location. Party will pay about $12.00 per month rental. Best of reference given. Landlords or agents will leave word at Journal offioe. 2t .Mkenedn.ru. i.nrifie. thA binnd. and enaoyed our stay very muoh,anditis auisU to healtiy action those Important i clearly 'evident that we were reluotant organs, the kidneys and liver. 3 I to leave when the fact is known that Engine for Sale. A fifty-horse-power steam engine will be sold at auotion at Brinson's wharf, New Berne, on Friday, August 8, 1800. j23dtd JAMES MAN WELL. Duffy's Cough Mixture. A prompt and efficient remody for Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bron chitis, Sore-throats, Diph theria, Catarrh, Etc. lltave tried DUt-'KY'S COUU1I MIXTURE and take pleasure In recommend Ing It be cause I believe It will ao all that Is claimed ror It by Mr. Dully, Uio proprietor, who Is druggist of long experience and a gentleman of highest Integrity. I do not bellev-' would advertise any thing thatlwas notSkC2 ceptlonally good. This Kemedy has oertaf. - ly answered the purpose In my case. It cured a cold, an obstinate cold J had, after I had tried a number of tho principal cough remedies without benefit. V. U. BR1N30N. May nth, sin. R. N. DUFFY, apl5dwly Proprietor. Sash.Doorsand Blinds Paints, Oils, Lead and Varnish, Lime, Cement, Plaster and Hair, And all kinds of Building Materials. V At Loweat Prioen. ;. L H. CUTLEO s NEW BERUJ!,if. C, MX: IS

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