... , V- J- t I. ' I tUC DAILY JOUHMAbiaYalx eoluma eapar, published telly, axeept Moaday at ti 01 par year; SIM tor tlx months. OaUTarad toetly aaoaorlbara at $0 seats par month TB.BWMa.LY JOURNAL, a M eolumn paper, ta published every Thursday at $l,i perannaaa, ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY) One laea oa ay We,; I'xs. for each abaqaent lwartloa. .Advertisements under head of "Bnalneea LjeaU," H eenta a line lor first and 5 eenu . Uaa tor every subsequent Insertion, He advertisements ai ba Inserted batwaaa . aaal Matter at any prioe. VoUaaaar jlamaxM or Daatba. not toexoeed leaUneawlllbelnsertedfre. All additional I attar win ba enarged 6 cents per Una. 'j Payment for tranatent advertisements atnatba mad la advanee. Rea-niar adver . tlsemeat will ba collected promptly at the cad ot each monin. ' Oommanleattom containing news ol ml. talent publlo Interest are aollolted. No enamanlMtlon most be exneeted to be pub liahed that eontalna ohj actio able personal 1 Ilea, or withholds the name of the author. Articles longer thaa half a column mut be paid for. Any parson feeling aggrieved at anv anony aoua communication can obtain the name of the autoor by application at this offloe and showing wnaraln tne grievance exist. THE JOUKNiLL. m. B. UARPBK. ROICOB IfVNN, Proprietor. Local Reporter, RW 8E&NE..N. 0.. AUQ. 24 1880. Umt at lbs Post office at N fe.rm. N 0 aaaeoond-elass auttter. THANKFULNESS. There is always cause for thank fulness. The sunshine that comes to all ts cause 'lor thankfulness, and darkness that shuts out business bares and invites to sleep makes us thankful. But we North Carolinians bavej especial cause for thankfulness. J Where in all the world is there a i land more blessed of heaveu I Health revels in its mountain breezes and rejoici sin it si f sea air. Fruits and flowers spring spontan eously from its bosom, and fields of golden grain reward the husband man. We will enter the courts of the Lord with thanksgiving; we will give thanks to the God of our salvation. Bnt there is yet greater cause of thankfulness; still higher reason for gratitude. Here in this old North State the mind has scope lor its loftiest thought, and the soul rises on exultant wing to its native heaven. When we consider the intellectual and moral darkness that envelops many portions of our planet,: bow. should our bosoms swell with gratitude in that the lines have fallen unto us in pleasant places and ours is a goodly heri tage ! Thankfulness and gratitude are best attested by works of benef cenoe. It is right on all proper occasions to express our gratitude in words and lift up our hearts in thankful song ; but it is better still to let our deeds express emotions no language can portray. To act the heart and live the soul amid "the war of elements," is to en noble the world by living in it, and make bright the path to heaveu. A DRAMATIC SCENE IN THE SENATE Yance Rather Puzzles the Uentleman From Rhode Island. In the Baltimore Sun we find the following article which we produce : "Mr. John 11. Morris, of Haiti- more, formerly of Goldsboro, N. C, in a letter published in the Wil mington (N. 0.) Messenger, thus describes a recent scene in the United States Senate during the discussion of the glass sohednle : "You know that Senator Aldrich, of Rhode Island, had charge of the tariff bill. The glass schedule had been reached. Vance asked Aldrich .' why common window glass, the glass of the poor man's house, was ' made dutiable at one hundred and fifteen per cent., while fine, polished plate glass, the glass of the rich man's mansion, was to sustain a dnty of bat fifteen per cent. Aid rich turned his eyes from Vance, smiled the smile of one discon certed, and walked in the direction of Quay's desk. Vance receiving no answer resumed his seat. In galls bad vacated the chair, and ' called Piatt to preside. In a few moments Vance arose and stood ' awaiting recognition from Piatt. While heBtood he seemingly grew taller. Quickly raising his hand ' be threw a great mass of iron grey v hair from his forehead and exposed a brow red with the blood of emo tion. lie did not tnrn his eye toward the gallery he seldom does. Bat all eyes in gallery and , Senate were fixed on Vance. 'The Senatof from North Carolina,' said Piatt, as he lightly touched the desk with his gavel and inclined his head deferentially toward the majestic figure of the great South' era statesman. llr. President,' i cried Vance, in a shrill, tremulous ! key of which I did not know his . abroad to all the American people that I have asked the Senator from Khode Island why the glass of the poor man is taxed 115 per cent, and the" glass of the rich man bnt 15 per cent., and that I have re ceived no answer.' liaising his voice still higher he almost shrieked the refrain of his own words, 'Yes, I want the American people to know that I have received no answer.' Vance was unconsciously dramatic. The effect was to bring a deep hush over the Senate cham ber. The Republicans could not say anything without admitting too much. They had to refrain from admitting the truth that tbey were paying for Harrison's election, and owed much to the makers of com mon glass in America, but were indifferent to the makers of fine plate glass in France. The He publicans did not soou recover from the question and the terrible manner in which Vance had hurled it at Aldrich. John Sherman fingered his stubby beard, Judge Edmunds, who affects indifference to everything and everybody by apparent absorption in som book, peeped over the top of his constant volume. Quay, the ntolid dude, shook, the lappel ol Lis grayish flannel neglige coat. Allison rolled his eyes toward the upper frescoes, while Frank Hiscock, on whose shoulders rests Conkhn's mantle of vanity, with several additional breadths, looked hopelessly toward his colleague, poor old dried up Evarts, who himself sank farther into the physical nothingness of an unsexed witch." FARMERS' AM.HMI.. ACTION OK THE GEORGIA STATE CONVENTION-THE TT.ATI'VRm OF THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE ADOPTED. ATLANTA, Ga., Augut -1 The Georgia State Alliance rinithed its labors to day and adjourned. The most important action was the unanimous passage of a resolu tion endorsing the platform of the National Alliance adopted at the St. Louis convention. This carries with it, of course, unauimous en dorsement of the treasury plan, which is one of the principle planks of that platform, a is the government ownership of transpor tation linos. Ootton Lagging was adopted as the Alliance covering of cotton, as against jute. This is carrying out the tight on jute made last year, which was so successtul, The eligibility clause was made identical with that of the National Alliance, providing that no one shall be admitted to membership in ibe order unless he be a farmer, laborer, mechanic, country school teacher, country preacher, country editor, or editor of a strictly Agri cultural journal. The convention wss largely at tended. Competition and Advertising. "Can't afford it; no, sir; can't afford exclaimed a retail merchant one day this week when approached by an advertising solicitor who wished to sell him space in some medium or other. "It's all I can do now to meet the competition in my business and keep my expenses down. hat with high rents, high priced help, high Heights, high taxes and high prices for advertis ing, I must cut bomewhere, and I cut the advertising." It was none of our affair, and we therefore offered no commenton what seemed to us to be the illogical not to say absurd, position taken by this merchant. However, he echoed the senti ment of a number ot men in com mercial life, which number, we are pleased to say, is diminishing with great rapidity. Not advertise because competition is too strong! When, then, in the name of com mon sense and good business policy, ought a man to advertise! It is precisely because competition has become so great in all trades that every enterprising business house, every house that expects to bold its own, must advertise. Competitors are so numerous, and towns are beoming so big, and facilities for reaching other towns still bigger are so easy oi access, that the man who doesn't keep his name before the public not only cannot gain new business, but im perils the business he has. It is competition, Indeed, that has devel oped the new and extensive meth ods ot advertising that now pre vail. The Northwest Trade. To be worth anything character must be capable of standing firmly on its feet in the world of daily work, temptation and trial and to bear the wear and tear of actual lite. Cloistered virtues do not count for much. With Ely's Cream Balm a child can be treated without pain or dread and with perfeot safety. Try the remedy. It cures catarrh, bay fever and colds in the head. It is easily applied into the nostrils and gives relief with the first application. Price 60c. - Credits. . - The complaint of many of our houses for not working np a trade with south America on account of long credits is justifiable; the dis advantages in collecting large sums that are outstanding are innumer able. Theseare hindrances, it is true, but may be considered trifling when the enormous distance between the nations is taken into consideration. In comparing this condition of affairs to our own country, how often do we hear, and is it not to be regretted, that our Western houses, in purchasing goods, extend their payment to extremely long time! Under Bucb circumstances, if money were to become scarce, it is almost inpossible to forestall what the results would be to the country. Do we not now hear of goods being purchased on great length of time sales made in the fall, wares to be shipped in the spring, and time ot collection extended four months more! - This long credit system may Becure orders, but it is decidely a disadvantage to the business interests of this country. These too broad and democratic principle of co limit should be care fully weighed and long credits more thoroughly considered, from an economic standpoint, though long credits are an inducement to pur chase, it would be decidedly bene ficial to the country were they to be discontinued. LEMON KLIXIR' A Pleasant Lemon Dtlak. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For indication and foul stomach, lake Lemon EUxir. For siok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ake Lemon Elixir. For loss of appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any of tho above diseases, all of w hich arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach. kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. 11. Mw.i.f.Y, At lanta, Qa. 50c. and $1 00 per bottle. Kwld bv drueerists. Prominent Minister Writes. After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with groat nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. 0. O. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 28 Tatnall st. Atlanta. Oa. When a man is coiner down-hill he finds the attraction of gravi tation and the encouragements of the public a great help to him. One of the most effectual ways ot pleasing and of making one's self lone is to be cbeertul: joy softens more hearts than tears. Dyspepsia Make! the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to sell-destruction. Distress alter eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu . . larity of the bowels, are U I STreSS some Cf the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does Eating "ot 8et wtU oI itself- 11 no requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It touts tho stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus c:! overcoming the local symp- ' c toms removes tha sympa- HeadaCnO thetic effects ol the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I hare been troubled with dyspepsia, I bad but little appetite, and what I did eat Honr- distressed me, or did me h little good. In an. hour DUrn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gono feeling, u though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut np in a ' room with fresh paint. Last sour spring I took Flood's Sarsa- Stomach rilla-took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount ot good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." Geobgie A. rAGE, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by aU droggliU. 1 ; six for $5. Frepared only by C. I. HOOD ft CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mm. 100 Doses One Dollar AGENCY FOR A FORTUNE FOR AN MAN I $25,000 IN CASH TO BE GIVEN AWAY in Premiums of $5,003 to 85.00. Every one buying Five Tansill 'a Punch Cigars will get a coupon and make a guess of the number of persons at the World's Fur, to be held at Chicago in 1893. Come and see the plan, get a coupon, make a guess, smoke, and be happy. Wu. L. PALMER, Middle street. New Berne, N. 0 it. TYLER DESKS-200 New fitvles. TITER KOTAL TYPE WHITER OABIHETS, XA BUS, CHAIRS, BOOK CASES, fto, ,at Reduced Bate and Special Diuounta, Cataloges for 1890 cow ready, ISO pages, IlliutrateA, Book free; PoeUft lOe. TYLER BANK COUNTERS. . OManlM fer Mrle, Onlay as Frtoe. lllaaMto4 h Oltn IpwlMtimkelirliltOfaiM. Bo. Frett PmUs It ata, XTUS 9X8X CO., 81. 10VIB, M0 T.8.A. oreE ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind" ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for salo in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have It on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAl. LOUISVIUE, Kr. NEW VORK, N.V HAVE YOU FORGOT TIliT J. F. TAYLOR MAS T1IK Largest Stock of Tobacco in If ew Berne. Sella more ut lower prices than any other Iloueo in to u. AlrtO, tho Oreatett Variiiy i f other goedn kfpt in the city. GO TO SEE OIM. BERTS S 3RQ. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, PROVISIONS Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. We atll FLOUR direct from the Mills in Michigan. We have ia stock a big supply of West India Molasses, which we import direct from the Wea Indiei. Give us a call and see our prioes. ROBERTS k BRO., South Front street, NEW BERNE. ST We job Gail & Ax's and Loril- ard's Snuff. Bath Rooms At my shop on Middle street. Plenty of water, hot or Told, and good large rooms. junl dtf J. 6. BROWN. I and Whiskey Habits I cured at home with- ItiticuUrsxent FREE. lAtlt nnln. llnnlr nfnnn. I B. M . W UU IjL, JS It ,M . 1J. 500 BAGS SHOT, ALL SIZES, For sale at Tower's Prices. Aent For Hazard Gunpowder Co. Sold at their Prices. WHOLESALE GKOOER, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. t balem Female Academy, SALEM, n. o.i THE OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. The 89th Annual Session beams An gust 28 tb, 1890, Register for last year 815. Special features: the Develop ment of Health, Character and Intel lect. Buitdings thoroughly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate ana rost uraauate Departments, be sides first olass schools in Music, Lan uages, Commercial and Industrial tudies. JOHN H. CLEWELL, au6dwlm . , s Principal.' ALONG THE LINE OF PROGilESS. The Taylor Patent Adjustable Ladies' Shoe is the latest and beet improvement in that line. It . r quires no breaking in, is always comfortable, and- retains its original shape. It is a marvel of perfection. ,r ' . ' ; Samples ttoaj bo seen and orders left at my r place, of business on Craven street, two doors south of telegraph office. ; N. AEPEN, -. r ; Boot and Shoe Maker, Agrt. Consolidafed Adjustable . ; jyl8 djrtt v j Shoe Company. mnmrn Mill Bill Aiiaui,uu. umce iih wmtenau sr. PROFESSIONAL. DB. O K. BAGBY,. :e-. SURGEON DENTIST, OfflM. Middle street, oppoaiU Baptist church; - . ... dec dwtf NEWBEBN. N. 'O P. H. PELLETIER, ATTOBXRY AT LAW, AND MON FY BltOKEft. Craven St., two door 8outh of ' Journal offloe. A apaoialty made In negotiating uul loan (or tbort Mm. Will practice In the Oooctlea ot Orvn, Ur terot, Jonaa, Omlow and Pamlico. United States Conn at Nw 6me, and Supreme Oourt of the State. febl dtf CLKMK.VT MANLY. O. H, QOIOS Manly & Guion, A. T T O it N KY 8 At JAW, nffl.iaO.1 flnnrnfOrren. Pr.v &. Co. bank. Middle street, New Berne, N. C, Will nraminA in th rrrnrta at Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Uourtol trie state, una in me reuerai Courts aalfl dwtf F, M. SIMMONS. B. L. GIBBS, Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will praotice in the counties of Craven, Jonee, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico, Lenoir and Hydo, and in the Federal Courts. Office on Craven street, next door below Journal offloe. apl2dwtf Dr. J. D. Clark, DENTIST, NEW DERIVE, N. C. Oineeon Craven street, between Pollock and Broad, dw mm m Mamr. ! mm w a a m m VETERINARYSPECIF1CS For Eorses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, AND POULTRY. SOtfPoffe Book an Treatment of Animal and Chart Sent Free. rir.ER ( Fpvcrg,Con(retion, Inflammation A.A.i Wplnal Meningitis, Milk Fever. 11.11. Strain., I.amem'nn, Rheumatism. '.. listempcr, Na.nl Ulnchargc. D.D. Hots or (irubs, Worms. K.KCoughs, Heaves, Pneumonia F.F.Collc or Urines, Bellyache. !.. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. JI. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. Ernptive Diseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 60 doses), - - .60 Htabla Case, with Bpeclflos. Manual, Veterinary Cure Oil and Medicator, 87.00 Jar Veterinary Cnre Oil, - 1.00 Sold by DraggUts; or Sent Prepaid anywhere, and in any quantity on Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Corner William and John St.., New York. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC "f f LJJSPECIFIC No.fiU Y la use 30 yean. Tha only euoceaaful remedy for i nervous Debility, vital weakness, I and Prostration, from over-work or other causes. SU per viaLor 6 vial, and large Tial powder, for M. Bold bt Droxmibts, or tent postpaid on receipt of prlcc-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., Oor, William and John Sts., N. 7. AH of our Veterinary Preparations can be had of J. V. Jordan, Drngglat, N. W. cor. Broad and Middle atreeta, Newbern.N. C. 7. P. BURRUS & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime. NEW BJERNB, N. O nwl dw GREEN, FOY & CO.. Do a General Banking business. New Banking House, Middle Street, fourth door below Hote Albert, feldwly WSW BERNF. N' C. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Llarblo Works, New Berne, 1ST. o . Italian and Amerioan Marble and all quauties of material Orders aollolted and (riven nromnt aiwntion, - wita , sausiaotion guaran- O. E. MiLLEB Is mT aarent ae Ttinatnn and Alex. Fields; regular travelipg r Administrator's Notice. . Having quallBed as Administrator of J. E. Mann, deoeased, late of Craven oounty, N. 0., this is to notifr all per sons having claims against the estate of Said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of August, 1891, or this notice will be plead in . bar of their reoovery, All persons indebted to said ' estate ' will please make Immediate payment.' i This 8th dsy of August, 1800. -'ktW-: J. L. PATTERSON, - r Wineton, N. 0.' aulO Sw .Adm'r of J. E. Mann, dee'd. 1k 1 1M- 1 .... . . . . .- -v '- - old Qonirnori Slaai5isf.ipCpn.pany; " 'SEMI WK KJA rtt 014 Dominie ' tru.i.i. pmj' Old aatd ITavorlt. Waiat RU, TtaAlbeauarU , CkeaatMaK. Caawt - - . - ot - -; Barrola, BalMiBiara. tora. Pklla. l.lpata, Boatoai. Prartdear. ad WasIkiuKluu lt. - . . ' 'i. Ar.il air poiata; North. Kt aad Wm -.- . 4 -. , On nd after MO'TAT. HE T. Ut, mt) until fartber notice, 'li . . - , , , Steamer Capt, Scatbgite, AND liumi IEWBEEHB, Cipt Pritchett, Will sail from Norfolk, Va for Nrw Betne, s . f? Waahinston, MOM UAYS oae wnmoiluu wild ibe hWauiVre of thS Katurnin? will aali tnna 'cot ..- FRIDAYS at T KLVK.M. (uXmVtSS coooeotlou wlih toe o. U.m, h. iio'm thul uaiumore; uitda I.lna r-hlt for FbHari.l "dour ffSG.'KSyiS. LVIM1?" to do tor Onr BBtlritlV UrTneta l ... tolfc Va. " " Hor- ah1"f.r,.wli1 0nd table,' oomfori. ftble rooms, aod every eoartetr and kt(n lion will be paid them by Uieoffloer. & B. BOBKRTO, A.sd 88M. ODUPtPFKR A T0RNER, Aauuia, norioia. Va 3- STANFORD. Vloe-President, New oik Olty . i'AKMERS' LINE. Steamer Cleopatra Leaves New Berne every Wednesday and 8aturday for Trenton at 7.30 o'clock. Returning, will leave '1 'rfT 1y.I1 Unn1A. - wuuu w sj and Thing lays at 6.30 o'clock. Paasor.xer aco mimouutlona . O. K. ANORBWS, Geo. Manager, aplBdwly Newbern.N. 0. EASTERN CAROLINA w!C The S KBl Proiebi i hp New Berne. Kaet. , , ...n Point, and or folk, Us'iimora Philadelphia. Bf.w York. Bo.ua, B. via Kliaabeth city. N.:. Commencing. Monday, June miu, THE STEAMEItt Eaglet and Annie of this una will r"n on renlar sohedul lime, leaving New Berne every vv a , ncil'Iiaouai and FRIDAY afternoons, at FOUR o'clock, ur muianw unj, ana return arnviCK on TDSDAY. THURSDAY and HATOHDAY now KHMuvra. iu eonnecuon wiln tna a New York. Phil, and Norfolk K. tUaud wvjrtwuvivaiiijawiw Arriorm reiiauie ana MFTllaU lln offiarimr inruiriAr siatimoji p. alok transportation. .no nanaieia exotpi at Kliaabetb Olty, at Which point freight will be loaded on ears to go through to deetlnatlpn. Direct all good, to be shipped via Kaateru llarollna Tnan&tAh if&iiv ti in . . "ro Nf fork, by Penn.it. R,, Ptai W From Philadelphia, by Phi la., W. A BaJto, From Baltimore by Phll'a.. WU, A Balti , M. : a A vwuwuk DWUUH, From Norfolk, by Norfolk Southern R. H. -From Boston, by HerehantaA Mlnera Trans 1 porUUon Co.; New York and NiW England HatAaaa Iaw atirf ilm An,,b., - . . . ,T . ..WW H.VBVET4 . K U UI MJJ other line. P. R. B.I. i Bit. I Trafllo Manager QBO. BTKPHF'.a, Drvlston freight Agent D 117 A U U l nun. , . tt , tx. j, i. a , AT UliW. B B. OOOKF, Oeneral Freight Agent, N t P. A K H U Vnrfnlk "D.- H.O. UUD01NB, Uener'ai Freight Agent 0 GEO. HKNDKKSOR. Ant, The H. C. Fieighl Lino HSacSANTS anatSHlTpEIlS,' TAKE KOTICS On and after October 15, lt, this llnewll resume their regular ' BEMI-WEEKLY TBIPS ismrra;. , .... Baltimore , and - Kt)w .Berna "S"?, BaUlmore f6r ew llerne. WED t NJfiSDAY, BATURDAY, at BIX P. At. . Leaving New Berne tor Baltimore-, TUKB 1 DAY, BATURDAY, at blX P.M. h ; Thls U tna only 1URK0T line out of Raw Berne for Baltimore without change, and otv their retorn trip from Baltimore come dlreo to New Berne, stopping only at Nm folk, con. neotlng then for Boston, Provldeiee, Phlla. : ilelphla, Blohniond, and all polnta Nortn- -East and West Making eioee eoonectlon. ' lorailpolnwbj River and Krll out of New -Beuti-, , j. . -. ; ! Aknta are as follows: : "' " ' REUiiHM FU8TKR. Uen'l Huu ;4 w 'Hu;!IJf! BalUniore. " . . Co- , neJph'a, Wrjpnh . .i snrth rr " na r'r 9 v i : i i s . i ' T a.f,r S4(fri a,SmfK5!j?.wttoa'.6? Central wbart Bhlpa leave BoTBelays and Hatiuya.; flava. Malnhl.Ti. . . f ... . tkrotiLTh f.m. t.4ia. JiiT rT. ; tha anteed to aU polnta ai the ditfereub omooe 9 AVOID BREAKAGE OP UVIH AN IF VIA W. C LINK.; 8. H. GRAY, Agenl. Vi i ' Beine. N. OUR HUE OF Sferling'Silverncra IMostjArtiMiever ,. W offer peclal drives Tomorrow.4'! "5,.