Tho C:nvcrH!:lo Policy The Convertible Policy issued bv THfc MUTUAL BENEFIT ' lfrt Ijll ftnCA lliimuinv' includes ail the liberal feature of the Company, with the addition of a guar uuteed Cwt Surrender value, which ill be paid at any time after two years premiums have been paid, if demanded. E? t-ry Pultey haa endorsed upon it a. tnlu ehowinu in plain figures the op tion graiitt-d by the company, 1tt option. Casii surrender value. 21 option Amount that may be bor- ' ioi irom the company on the pol i V 3 I upii u. Extended itixurance for full Minount of the policy. 4 ih option. Paid up policy value. This in t,h( mitat lib' v 1 policy ytt of f rod and iii the hitf.'bt insurance to be i.l . Rveiy dollar pai.i pets a dollar i.' .it1! of Insurance N loin by txpa- i. D. T. C Alt It A WAV, Agent. Health) i-mboiib tiKtwurn fourteen and .vent i TO VEAft LIEN Buffering from the afreets of Toothful arm, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, ate, I will Band a valuable treatise (aealed) containing fun cartteulan for homo eon, FREE ot charm. A apltndiil medical work i ahould M read by every man who is nervoua and debilitated. Address, TrQttJB,C.jeOWLEB, Moodiu, jCono. PAITPTAV W" I. DoaalM Shoe are wAU t lUfl warranted, and every pair mmm um uriud nay ynvv iikuiIDI uu uuiiuni. kaMMilnuwi'if W. L DOUCLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Floe Calf And Laced Waterproof Grain. Ta excellence and wearing qualities of tbta shoe cannot be better shown than by the strong endorse- SS.OO Uenalne lland-aewed, an elegant and tylish dress Shoe which commends itself. l4 AJOO Hand-aewed Welt. A line calf Shoe unequalled for strle and durability, SO. SO lioodrear Welt la the standard dresa Shoe, at a Dooular nrlce. SO. BO Pollcemao'a Hhoe Is especially adapted w tor rauroaa men, r armors, ew. All made In CengTeaa, Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES LAmis, have been most favorably received since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at tht J prices. Ask your Dealer, and If lie cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price,," or a postal for order blanks. W. Lt OUtOLAS, Brockton. Main. AGENT, Cor. Pol look and Middle St. mar22 dUnlyl NORTH OAROIJNA Craven Counit. In the Superior Court-Before the Clerk, C. B. Palmer, Kx'r of E. H. Hill, dec' d, va. Martha Hill, Elizabeth Bowen, Wm. Bowen, Tboa. Bowen. Oeo. Bowen, Cbas. Bowen, W. v. mil, who gjttrrivb, rriv mil, jnar1 O. Mason. Hannah Mason. Lawrence Hill Cbaa Mason, James Mason, Richard Jones and wife Susan Jones, arrle Jones, Corne lius Jones, Qeorglana Jones, Baran Jones, ld ward Jones, Nannie Jones, Ldzzle Hill, Penelorje Hill. Kerrlde lllll. Oeo. W. mil Andrew Bryant and wife Maria Bryant, auu u, o. ruiiuer, State of North Carolina. To Thomas Bowen. Oeoiite Bowen. W. O. Hill, Harriet Hill, Hannah Mason, Charles Moson.ueore w. nil : You are oommaude.l 1o appear at the otuce ot the Clerk of Hie HupeitorOouit for the County of craven, on the tttd dtty of neptemrjer ana ansner me complaint, a copy of which will he deposited In the nfllce of the Clerk of the Superior Court of aald connty, within ten dnvs from the date or Mill aumn ona, and let tne defendants take notice that If they fall to answer tbe aald complaint at that time, the plaintiff will apply to the court for tne relief demand ed In the complaint. Herein fall not, and of this summons make due return. - Qlven nnder my hand, this 7th day ot a'lxuikioni, . . E. W. CARPENTER, 0. S.f., aug8 6w Craven Connty, VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY ' t As agente for owners we offer for tale on eaav and accommodating! terms tbe follow ing desert bed improved Real Estate In the " City of New Berne: , , No. 4. THE IRON FRONT WAREHOUSE . O H 1IRAVH.N HTREK1. No. 6. BRICK STORK AND DWELLING ON CRAVEN BlTlKKT occupied by B.Q.B. Lodge, -. A fulldeacrlpttoii of this valuable proper- ty, together with the beat terms upon which ,-tlie same will be sold, wilt be forntahedon -: application to the undersigned at their office . fiUiimn irenv arjkjiw i 1 UIJUUUi ivua Mvevrvajar v. ,';.,;-. Pm ITmiaAa sind lt nn ClravAn atvufc " VA Farm at Bandy Point. : j r " t WATRON A STREET, deot dwtf . Ini and Real Estate AU. . TlFUlBLE TRUCK LIE FOR S1LE About FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND, , : situated within two miles of the city.auit- v biA for u-ncit ratainar. . A areat nanraiB. Apply to , , mayia ' , Real Eat. Agents. . Jl. BRYAN, Pres. L. 0. CUTLER, Tiee Prei , C. 0. ROBERTS, Cashier, THE HATI0I1AL DACII OF NET7 BERNE, N. C Incorporated ' 1865 Capital,. ; " Surplus Profits," $100,000 ,86,700 s 'iS DIHECTORS. . " . . . Jas 'kl 'Brii?V; Thomas Danulb, f Q. CUTLtR, ' OhAB. 8. BRTAH, IIOTIIING. SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. The reason BADAM'S MICBOBE KILLER is the most wonderful ' ' medicine, is because it . 1 instance, no matter what the dUf as from I LKPKOSY to the sim-, plrBt riwtase known to the human system. The scientific men cf t xly claim and -pi ore that every diKf-ase is CAUSED BY MICROBES, AUD Radam'sMicrobe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them out of the 'system, and when that is done you cannot have an aelie or paiu. No matter what the disease, whether n i ui j 1 e case of Malaria Fever or a combination of diseases, we are them all at the 'ame time, as we trei-.t ill dishes coustitutiorallr. ivr'Micjnus, itueuruiu isiu iv i noy and Liver iiucane, lnlN and Fever, Female Tfonh'en in all its forms, and, in fact, every Disease known t the Untu n f jsteiu Bewira of Fraadnlent Imitations ! Bee that our trada-Mark (same as ulnvt ) ipears on each jug. Send for book "History of the Microbe iller,'' given away by R. J. GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., ru30 dwly enrm New Berne, N. ('. Buckeye Mowing Machine?. liny JRnkt-s, Gra n Cradles. Iteilo City Feed ( utt rs, ItUCKEYFi COK S 1 1 1 : 1 - L I : iriS Lawt, Blowers, Culiivat r , Cotton l'iowis, And a Full Iin ol liardwaie and Agricultural 1 iiii)l('niiMi(s J. C, WHITTY L CO. WHi, OILS, &C.--SAW MILL SUPPLIES FROM NEW YORK CITY. R. A. K. Hawkes DearBlr: Your patent eye-glBHses reoelved some time i-lnce. nnd am very much graiitled at the womlerful change that has come over my eyesight tnoe 1 have discarded my old glasses all(j m no w wearing yours. ALBXANOKR aoak, Secretary Stationers' Hoard of Trade. All eyes titled at the drug Btore of F. S. DUFF! ,Ne wbern.N.O. neci wiy Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. Passenger Department, New Berne, June 1st, 1890. Through rates of fare, round trip tickets, from coupon stations below to points named on the W. N-. C. Kailioad, season of 1800. Tickets on sale from June 1 to Sept SO, 1890, inclusive. Good for return passage on or before Oct. 31st, 1890. a From To ft B d u u a n J3 91 a w Hickory J! 14. 25 $12.50 ijfll.10 $10.50 Moreanton. . 15 10 Ki.o5 11. US 11.35 Old Fort 16.45 14.70 13.30 12.70 Black M'tn... 17.00 15.25 13.85 13.25 Asheville 17.65 15.90 14.50 13.90 HotSprines. 19.15 17.40 16.00 15.40 S. Li. DILL, U. 1 . A Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seventi-five feet long, 13 feet wide over all; draught 30 inches loaded. carries 110 bales of colton, and regis tered at Custom House 47 tons gross, 28 net; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Ke built in October, 1889 Joiner work and decking entirely new, bull made as nood as new. Engine and boiler ro Imilt, all wearing and destructible parts renewed ; new crown sheet and tubes n boiler. Inspected November 27, 1889, and licensed to firry 86 pounds steam pressure, rropailer 43 inches engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by 60 inches, of o 16 iron, tensile strength 50,000 pounds. Folly f quipped thrcuzhout, according to law and in perfect running order, the Blanche is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light arauent nayi gation anywhere, and has shown tine towing capacity. She is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a very low price. For further information apply to " James Redmond, Seo' & Tress. aag3d&wtf New Berne, N. O. ' Wanted, to buy a gcod ten or twelve horse power Boiler. Apply to JiMES JRKDMOSD, - New Berne, N. C. STRAWjiflTS. A Fine Line of them at Darrington S Baxter's Also, a large lot . of SAMPLE HATS at New York cost. . . . r See Our Stock of Neckwear, . Fail line of CLOTHINO, 3BOE3 and DRY GOODS t:.ft t. ;v . ; Barrington & Baxter's. THE JOURNAL. PEaSLY GATES. .... . , . ,, S ar ou &0la? 80 fa8 Jd m lf' are you gomg so ft? ulle ? lu clUBS auu ,l,er w There's a clasp of the hand and a parting , . Wo"lT , . , , Al1'1 ;t slSh fl l1"-' vautiuiaheU past, old ;na"' ... 1 hc beautiful, vanquished past. Tl: way has been rn, ired and roujrh, old man, To your Oct has beeu rugged and vou;;h ; Cut you see a dear living with tender eyes, VVl.o shares in you labor and sacrifice? And tins has been sunshiu') enough, old man Fur yon and mo, sunshine enough. You av-i n.v at the foot of the hill, old nan, !' lilo at the fool ot the hill; The sunshiny city that lies just before do m throuc'i th'! neavlv irates. old man ! The lieautitul, pearly gates! , Constitution. Stonewall Items. Iu our List ciriuspoudeuce you hid some crrois ia regard to spell ing tho name.s of persons mentioned which we regretted very much. Miss Sue Gifliu, daughter ol W. J. Griffin, near this place, died at her home on tho l)th iost., quite suddenly. She was up, well as usual tho day before, and died before day, congestive chill sup posed to be the cause of her death. Mrs. Annie Ferrebee and daugh ters, Misses Emily, Ola and Willie, havo been spending a few days with their relatives and friends in this place. Mrs. Annie and Miss Willie have returned to your city, their home, and Misses Emily and Oia are to follow them tomorrow. This morning Miss Ola, accompa nied by B. W. Ferrebee, were in the iier crabbing and Sam says all tho warning he could give bad no effect and the sequence was that the boat being ticklish Miss Ola lost her ballance and fell over, board, getting a complete dowsing No damage, only a wetting of some crinoline. t the Methodist church in l)ay- boro, on tho K5tb, inst., Kev. D. A Watkins officiating, James Siwyer aud Miss Rosa Hooker were united n matrimony. The fodder Ravers are having a ice tirao for their business: no rain to prevent their work and if the eathor continues good there will bo a fine chance saved. Cotton is being damaged by the rust. Fort Barnwell Items. Lovo takes the sting from grief, and Fattli gives eternity to Love. Tbe champion liar is the fellow who said it was not hot last Mon- ay, the 18th. Kev. Mr. Baker will commence series of meetings at the Baptist church Sunday the 21th. Ojr boys miss the dude, very much. Wonder what has become of him. We never hear from him. lie must be "chinning" some one. Woe unto ye lazy ones who are dliug away this beautiful weather. This Fall you will hum your same Id tune, ;'lnrd times." Capt. Gates, ot New Berne, was u our village a few days ago, look ing hale and hearty as usual. The Baptiet Sunday school is creasing iu membership. We urge all our young friends to come out every Sunday morning. They cannot better spend a short while than by attending Sunday school. Mev. Mr. Johnson filled his regular appointment at Lane's Chapel last Sunday. Miss Alice Freeman of Golds- boro is visiting Miss Julia Lane. rrof. Adams of New Berne was in the village last week. A. J. 11. BLOOD DI8KA8K9. Blood diseases are terrible on account of their loathsome nature, and the faot that they wreck the constitution bo com pletely unless the proper antidote is ap plied. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) ia composed of tbe true antidote for blood poison. Its use never fails to give satisfaction. Mrs. Lrtura Hart, Beaufort, S. C, writes: "A loathsome form of blood poison was killing me. Mr appetite was lost, my bones ached, and parts or my flesh Seemed as if it would come off my bones A friend brought me a bot tie of B. B. B. The sores began healing at once, and when I had taken two bottles I surprised my Mends at my rapid recovery." W, A. Bryant, Moody, Texas, writes 'I had an agdnizinir case of Salt Rheum for four years, which medioine I took only seemed to aggravate until l found B. B, B. It cured my hand, which re sembles a burnt surface. ;. It also oured my two children of itch, whloh had re sisted previous treatment." : -KOTIGE: The undersigned'.'' James f). Harrison., PnDllc Administrator, haa dulyoualded as Administrator of . the estate of Collins Moore, deceased, and heraby glvta notloa that he require all persons having eiatms agalnat the estate of the aald Collins Moore ta present them to the aald Adih)nHlrator duly authenticated, for pay men ton or be fnra the Uth tlavrf auatnat.l8Ul. or else this notice will be plea -ed In bar ofreoovary. feraona lnntDtea to me eaiaie muai pay wi noui ueiay. ' s '.i JAMBS 6. Harrison . ' l'ubiio Administrator. Nature should be assisted in the spring to throw off the heaviness of the sluggish winter circulation of the blood. Nothing ;does it so well, so Iprompt or so safely as Swift's Specific. , TAKE CfTBX SPRING. I have used 8. 8. 8. for a number of years, and consider it tho best tonic and blood remedy that I ever used. In fact I would not attempt to enter upon a spring or summer in this climate with out it. II. W. Coleman, Of Coleman, Ferguson & Co. , Dadu Citv, Fla. Our book An Blood and Skin I naeases nailed free. Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Ca. 'VH CatarhH RRPAM B&l M I 'PTZ W laWS ffMak '...V. rieanaca th Naaal I'assagea. Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Son a. Rcatoraa lb Seuae of Taate and Smell. HAr-FEVERll HAY-FEVER TRY THE CURE A particle Is applied into each nostrll'and Is agreeable, frlee 50 cents at DrngertMi; by mall, reKlstered. W) cU. ELY BROTHKR8, 58 Warren Street. New York aprliidwly FOR MEN ONLY! 1 DACITIVr for LOST or FATLING MANHOOD: H r UOI 1 1 1 C General and NERVOUS DEBILITY; fTTTJ "P Weakness of Body and Hind: Effects J J Xb JCi el Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. tnbu.t, NohU MANHOOI1 ftjltr KcArl. How to Knl,r2 and trtrctbf.Ak,t'MllCVi;Ul'Kll (IlldtSS 1'ARTS of UUnV. WlulelT onhltlnlt HUSK 1 ItKATHKNT Rrnrflu In s eu iUtj tnm 41, Tirrllortr., .nd Forplicn I'ountrl... (m tui writ. tbrm. Hook, fall rtul.n.tlun, eml iiroof, m2lM ,eUd frn. Ad4rM ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. f, HAND SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL For Young Men and Boys, Oilers a full and ilinmiih i ouw cf study mid h lu'iilthful niornl ,unl tiy?,l CHl tntlllinp. KvptuiM's unnh lalf. Write 1 u r Cillilloiur. CAPT. W. II. HAM), FREMONT, N. C. yX Liquor Habit- ttutntewojiui tnekfsbittone uix D!RX!)fES GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given in coffee, tea, or in articles of food, without the knowledge of patient it nccessurv; it is absolutely Uaruiless and will eirect a ptTina nent and Rpeedy cur1, wliethor the imliont ts a moderate drin Iter or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEV ER FAILS. It operates so (juletly and with such certainty that the. jiatient undergoes no Incon venience, and soon Ma complete refornmtiuu ia effected. 4 page houk Tree, To hud of It. N. N. C. Duffy, drugRiBt, New lierna, jy 15 dwy J. H. ORABTRXE, BASIL MANLY. JO HIT H.CRABTREE& CO ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealers In mm AD -X1GHI ISTS' SUPPLIES Builder a of Knclnes. Hollara, Saw Mills. Edging A Cut-off IfTach'.nct We are prepared to do Castings of til k'nclf With promptness. Particular and Immediate attention given to repairs of all kinds. We will beelad to give plann and iMUaial-v for any deaoilptlon or machinery. We are the agents for the sale of the Amer ican Saw. Also for U. 4 A. HartTRmln's cele brated Indestructible Mloa Valves, We give satisfactory guarantee for all wori done bv us. lv-3 d'jaw wly jsffijKlwjyt.WktJVLw: vv" Atlantic &. N. C. Railroad T1SIB TABLR lio. 20, Io EHCt 6:00 A.M., Wedncsjay, July 21. 18C0. Going East. Schedule. Qoiua West. No. 51. Passenger Trains. No. 50, Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve, p m 3 30 Ooldsboro 11 30 n m 4 06 4 09 La Orange 10 42 10 45 4 85 4 40 . Kinston 10 08 10 18 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 37 8 60 7 38 p m Morehead City am 7 07 Daily. Ooma Bast. Schedule Going West No. 1. No. 2.t Mixed Ft. & Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. Stations. Pass. Train. am 6 80 Goldsboro - 7 20 pm 6 57 7 05 Best's 6 24 6 31 7 20 7 30 La Grange 5 51 6 04 7 48 7 58 Falling Creek 5 24 15 30 811 8 80 Kinston 4 25 6 00 8 50 8 55 Caswell 4 00 4 05 915 10 03 Dover 3 25 3 40 10 31 10 36 Core Creek 2 54 8 00 11 00 11 05 Tusoarora 24 2 30 11 17 11 41 Clark's 2 03 2 12 12 15 8 00 Newborn 10 33 1 80 8 37 8 43 Biverdale 9 41 0 46 8 48 8 50 JOroatan 9 28 0 33 4 08 4 13 Havelook 8 69 9 04 4 37 4 42 Newport 8 17 8 27 4 51 4 55 . Wildwood 8 00 8 06 0 01 5 01 Atlantio 7 47 7 52 5 16 6 21 Morehead City 717 7 27 6 23 5 28 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 5 31 p m Morehead Depot am 7 00 Tuesday, Thursday an Haturday. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Train SO oonneats with Wilmington 4 Wet don Train brqnd North, leaving Ooldsboro 11:60 a. m aud with Klchmond A Daavlll Train Weal, leaving Ooldsboro 8:40 p.m. Train 61 eonaaata with Blchmoad A Daaylllt Trala, arriving at Ooldsboro 3:55 p.m., and with Wilmington and Waldon Train from thr North at 8:10 p.m. Train connects with Wllralngt' n ard Waldon 1 Through Kreight Train. North bound; leaving Ooldsboro at 9:50 p,B, S. L. Dill, us V Liquor Habits- : VANCE ACADEMY, BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL KOR BOTH riKXKS. Hl.i'i'inl a'tenlton Riven 1 Mallieuiatli's. IIIKllblllp. Kxpvrlencod tea'i lier in IiiNtrniiii'iital Music. Vocal Muatca prominent Iralnre Art liiUh.t tiy a FronVlmt iL-ae.hrr. IiiKlructton ,ivn In tlie Kierulsea in inun'.i l.f Mil iary (lovernment 1ovm. contract in.ttit witli IIimnl- wi:i dt-siit mflte Inuiit'iliato payment. An able I 'orvs of Teach p:k. Tuition, Inclinllni; lloanl. WaKliitii;. 1 itht--, i i Apply to tin- I'riiHpal f r falaloiii. W. R. Jan'Ji iltvtf KTETLW BERNE Collegiate Instiiute. MALE AM l'IZ.M A .IZ. FALL SFSSION :- Opens Tiiouoroii, PRACTICAL, COMIMMIIIKNSIN L COIiJJSK OF STI'DV r,ri ii'iknt TKAClIF.r.S. SIll'F.ltlOK ADVANIAOKS fi.r th MKNTAL MUSIC. MOItAI, r(nd litditfiotiH ndv.intnos unmii pu"K -d. KXPKNSKS very low. Itoardin fui'ili! ii'H SPECIAL inducement to. indiiri r.t itu.lniilH. JOHN S, I.ONO, I,.L. II , snys:- I . R-t 1 1 1 1 1 :.; and I'roivRK aru tho wutrhwirilM n( iii' Mew Ilei no I'nlli'Kliiti' Inslltnlr, mil it Ik hi, ormiiiu'lit lo K.IRU rn Nnrlli I'uniiriii.' Pl'.Nn full C.VTA LI MilT.. (J. T. WHS MARY L. ALLE., Secretary. ' z -ass ui:c mS5 BlX nt RI 0 shJs: i ? u5 Jo rt c (1 fax: L4 - e 9 i"l t?- v Ess 3fi I. i z le . . " -. ; J tmWH "A c . Uot 3 Eg itei r".5s i s 'f i -. s-u JAMES MEANS' S3 & S4-SH0ES ' Competition is the Life of Trade," and If you have not awm our latest improved goods you lm.iginc how lively trade la, or how hard our competitors havo to wnrk to kwp within sight of us. Ask your retailer for the James Moans' 3 Shoe, or the James Means' $ 1 Shoe accord tag to your needs. Positively none genuine unless having our name and price stamped plainly ou the soles. Your rctallcawlll supply you with shoes so stamped If you Insist upon his doing an; if you do uot Insist, some retailers will coax you into buying Inferior shoes 'mLS KEMS' T3 $H0E lt)NEXCELLEDf.N STYLE UNEnnaUirn J-, I nllDRDII ITV luvnnuiui RFECTI0N MX W Buch has been the recent progress in our branch of Industry that we are now able to aOlra that tho James Mentis' $! Shoe Is In every respect equal to the ahoea which only a few rears ago were ra tailed at eight or ten dollars. If you will try on a pair you will be oonvtnoed that we do not exaggerate. Ours are the original 3 and $4 Shoes, and those who Imitate our system of btulaesa ar unable to compote with us In quality of factory product. Ia oar UueS WS are (be largest manufacturers m the United State. ;U-1 ' V:- '.! Bhoea from oar celebrated factery are said fey wlde-awaka retailers la sill aarta of the country. We will plaoe them oaally wltlun your watA many Btata or Territory If yc wUl Invest one cent In a postal eard and write to us. an : :.. ; v. , : JAMES MEANS ic CO 41 Lincoln St., Boston, Kasa. ' HULL JLINEtj OF TUK ABOVE BHOES FOU BALE BY ' , J. M. HOWARD," Pollbclc Bt; Now E:rii:, ... C rof::n r'-'nl !.:tw. - i- i i i.j- i.iiil 1'en- :t!ul t'u; .1. i 1 i. ;.ur. d lo SKINNER. Princnal. September fith, llif;(). I'l l li'IENT inril KRS. Htu.iy nt A I, ' A 1 d INSTRir- ADAM i nicipal. j29d&wtf a:E - 4 2 P 2 fe, 3 in o "J 3 ft- S--X C '! r - "a U f-5 1 1 i 3 O C- o-VJ5 b upon which they make a larger profit. JAMS MEANS J . 4 SHOE MMMfAT FA1 L STATIC - THE MOST wsnow It m f" I fl ! I I tl i sewnern, , p. aoi fw iswu ; ! , . Superintendent. '"I ; s