-. .. . Tha CcnycHiSIer Policy Tb Convertible" policy issued by THE' MUTUAL BENEFIT f'IYf lami ac4j Gmpivy deludes a"H the liberal feature! of the Corupuy, with the addition of a guar anteed Cash Surrender twJu:bich . ill be paid at any lime attar two years proruiunis have been paid. If demanded. Every Policy his endorsed upon it iutii Hiiowinrf in plaio figures the op iioiierntfd br tne company, lni. option. Cash surrender Talue." 3.1 oviion Amount that Way be bor rowed from the company on the pol icy. 3.1 option. Extended insurance for. full mount of tha' policy. 4ih option. Paid up rlicy value. thidis the moet libt-nl policy yet of f . r.l nod is tho sfeet insuranoe to be fa-id. Eveiy dollar paid tti a dollar's w rth of. Inmiranno No toss by lapses. U. T. r AHIIAWAV, Agent. UsUliy 1181111 hhtwern fuurtunn Mid-U-?env, iurd. Bolerlai from the effects of youthful errors, early dew, tutlM wealmiiM. lost manhood. sts- I will sends valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars tor home enre, FREE charge. A splendid medical work ; should be read by every Hum wha is nervous and debilitated. Address, rroftP. CFOWLEB, Hoodus,'Conn. flATTTIAW w- I" Donslas Mioes are yayitun warranted, and every pair hae hie aaaie and price stamped on bottom. T W. L. DOUCLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Pine Calf and Laced Waterproof Grain. The excellence end wearing qualities of thin shoe cannot be better shown than by the strong eudpise meuta of It thousand! of constant wearers. id loe W itvli SO .BO Uoedyear Welt Is the standard dress m enoe, at a popular price. $0.50 Policeman's Hhoe Isespeclally aunpted v for railroad men, farmers, etc. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES uGSls, have been moet favorably received since introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior to any shoes sold at these prices. Ask your DeAler, and If he cannot supply you send direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. W. 1 DObULAH, Brockton, Mass. AGENT, Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts. ma2 dtJuly 1 inORTU CAROLINA Cbaven County. In tbe Superior Court- liefore the Clerk. 0 B, Palmer, Ex'rofK. H. Hill, dco'd, v Martha mil. Elizabeth Bowen, Win. Bowen , Tbos. Ho wen. Geo. Kowen, Otas. Kowen. W. C. Hill, wire Harriet, Carrie Hill, Mary T. Mason, Hannah Mason, Lawrence Hill, Ches Mason, James Mason, IMchard Jones and wife Bnsan Jones, arrie Jones, Corse i'ns Jones, Georglana Janes, Sarah Jones, Edward Jon -8, Nannie Jones, Lizzie Hill, ' r'enelope Hill, Ferrlde Hill, Geo. W. Hill, Andrew Bryent mid wife Maria Bryant. audU.B Pajnur. ' Mate of North Caiolina. To Thomas Uowen, George Rowen, W. 0. Hill, Harriet Hill, Hannah Mason, Charles Mason, George W. HIl:: You are commanded to appear at the ortiee ot the Clerk of the Hi) per lor Com t for ibe-Coumy of Craven, on the 22d day of Heptember 1MK. aud answer the complaint, . oopyof whloh will be deposited In the nolo? of tbe Qlerk or the Bu per lor Court of said eonntyj within leu dava fiomthe date or this sura n ons. arid let tlie defendants , take not:ce that Mtbey fall to answer tbe . said complaint at that time., the nlalntifr itfOi " Mies O.. will apply to the eonrt for tne relief demand Herein tail' not, and of this .summons make due return, G Iven under my band, this 7th day of A'lKUSL 1890. .K. W. 0ARP.ENTKB,O.8.O.. ; aug8 ,'.. Craven County, VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY mm SHI Aa axenta for owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms tbe follow - . . nig a eecnrjea improvea tteai estate in tne ''.li; CltvofNeie Berne; : : ; No. 4. THK IRON FRQNT WARBHOTJBJS ' ; .H3I UMSV1.B MMSEl. ., . . '"S V No. 6. BRICK HTOHB AND DWELLING ON ORAYBN tJTRJCBIoecnpled by K.O.B. A full description Of this valuable proper ::: ; ty. together wttb the beat teruuanpon which . ' tne same wilt be sold, w Hi be Tarnished on V 'application to the undersigned at their office nnouto r ron street. , ; - ' Two Houses and Lots on Craven streetj . ' , . ' a. rmeMToi)i'x-t '' 'I'-;-' 'V'; -V-.'.'' WATSOS A RTBKKT, . s?V.4;: ' ! and Real Esrate Asia. VAIUABLB TRUCK LAND FOR SALE Abont FORTY ACRES CLEARED LAND, slinated within two miles of tba city, suit- ma tor trnoa raisins' A great. Bargain, - j marl ., '.' Real Eat. Agents. 0 f. BRYAN, Prw. ; I, H. CBIEEB, Vie? Pres J- ' '1. 1L ROBERTS, Cashirrs;ft- f; THE flATlOriatOflllK ' OF NEW BE111?E 1ST. C, ' iNCORPOBATJtD l8M-j CapUal, r " Surplus rrofitsi ; $100,000 - 63,700 Jas A. Dhta, Thomas Daniels L. B. Cdtlkb, '-; . Ooab. 8. Cutait, di II. Robert II0TI1II1G SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. Tne reason RADAM S MICBOBE KILLER is, the most wonderful medicine, is because it ! has never failed in any ! Instance, no matter j what the disease, from ! LEI'llOSY to the sim- j pltst distase krown to ' tho Lninan svHtem. ! i2-Jl5S The scientific men cf i today claim and prove that every disease is i CAUSED BY MICROBES, , Itaaaiii sMicroDe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives I them out of the system, and when that is ' done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter what the dl whether simple ' cage of Mularia Fever or a combination of) diseases, we ra-e ths in all at the same time, ' as we treat nil diaees eorstinitliiiialle. ! ttliiua Cousumptiu, '.ittii-i ii. Bronchitis, Kheiimatlfiii.K 1. ney niid Livsr IMai.f IiMIh and Fvr, Feuuilo 1 ioul)lo in al! Hn forms, aatJ, hi fact, every IUeae. tuovvu t lite lltini n S rttein Beware of Fraudulent Imitations ! 8ee that our trada-Mark (sanni as alu vc) appears on each jug. Send for book "History of (he Microbe Killer,'' given away by R. J. GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner l'ollock and Middle Sts., iuHO dwly enrm New liorne, N. C. Buckeye Mowing Machines. Hay ItakiH. Gr;t'n Cradh'ri Bele City Feed utt i, BUCKEYK COUN SIII l.liliS Lawn 3IowerH. Ttiiti vittir , flotton I'jw. And h Full Linfl 1 Ifiirduai o, and Afcrliilttiiiil linplciiinits AT J. C, WHITTY & CO. PAINTS, OILS, &C.--SAW MILL SUPPLIES FKOM NEW YORK CITY. Mlt. A. K. HAWKES-Dear Blr: Your Lalnnt eye-Klusses received lome time slnco. aua am very much gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight since 1 have dlsoarded my old glasses and am no w wearing yours. ALRXANDEK AOAK. Secretary Stallone is' Board of Trade, All ejes titled at the drug store of F. S. DUFFI .Newbem.N.C. iieciu wiy Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. Passenger Department, New Bebne, June 1st, 18110. . Through rate3 of fare, round trip tickets, from ooupon stations below to points named on the W. N. (.'. Raiiioad, season of 1890. Tickets on salo from Jane 1 to Sept. SO, .1390, inclusive. Qooi for return passage on or before Oct. 31st, 1890. a l. CD From To o O as C Hickory .814.25 $12.50 $11.10 10.50 Moreauton. . 15.10 lo.35 11.9.1 11.35 Old Fort 16.45 14.70 13.30 12.70 Black M'tn... 17.00 15.25 13.85 13.25 Asheville 17.65 15.90 14.50 13.90 Hot Springs. 19.15 17.40 16.00 15.40 S. L. DILL, O. P. A. STBjmjMTS. A Fine Line of them at Barringtan & Baxter's, Also, a large lot. of SAMPLE HATS at New York cost. See, Our Stock of Neckwear, Foil line of CLOTHING, SHOES and DRY GOODS at Barrington & Baxter's. daprlwtf RUNS EASY. GINS FAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY. Makes FINE SAMPLE. NEVER CHOKES or BREAM THE ROLL. CELEBRATED COTTON fp OKI Has All LATEST IMPROVEMENTS Innludlnsr Balnnee Wheel on Brash which in- htm ivan spoed. This feature Isr paouliar to ;! 1 1 U'.ke of Gin end is used on no other.. Are VJr( UVAKANTF.EDand Arc IrllTirel :1J a ! OF t-lt;(IHT at any R. B. Station or t Viidlng of any Regnlar Btoamboat Lina in V Jo-ith. . If ws have no Agent near you, d'r.lii the Oaneral Bouthern Agent, . .HUZ3ARDVAWtAi? lOHCOOD CCALES , Ireleliteald, Mb V J V 11 $ nwiimi .BHl h. ri, Hull. nil Url.rtl.j Sllh, a. W .aKDilABUiMtllliBvllia S,iwWMiv''i. fir mm THE JOUKNAL. TES LAST OF THE EASL. I 8.1 w her in the festive halls, in scenes of pride and glee, '.Moiigst many beautiful and fair, but uoue so fa'i' as she; Her s was the most attractive form that mingled in the scene, And all who saw her said she moved a goddess and a queen. The diamond blazed in her dai lc hair and bound her polished brow, And precious news were clasped around her swau-like neck of snow; Ami Indian looms had lent their stores to j form her sumptuous dress, !Am,a,t with naur joined to grace her passing loveliness. 1 looked upon her and I said, who is so blessed as she? A .-roatuie she all libt and life, all beau ty and all glee; Sine, sweet coutent blooms on her cheek and on her brow r f pearl And shu was young and innocent, tbe Lady of the Earl. Hut as I looked more carefu'ly, I saw that radiant smiie W.-.s but assumed in mockery, the un thinking to beguile. I bus have 1 seou a summer rose in all its beauty bloom. hen it has shcl its sweetness o'er a cold mid lonely tomb. She struck tho harp; and when they praised her skill she turned aside, A rebel tear of conscious woo and mem ory to hide; I!ut when she raised her head she looked so lovely, so serene, To i;az(: in her proud eyes you'd think a tear had seldom been. Tho humblest maid in rural life can boast a happier fato Than she, the beautiful and good, in all her tank and state; For she wns sacrificed, alas ! to cold and selfish prido, When her youutf lips had breathed tho vow to lie a soldier's bride. I !l late I vbwed her move alone, tho idol ol t lie crowd; A few short months elapsed, and then , I kisied her in her shroud ! And o'er lior splendid monument I saw tho hatchment wave, Hut there was one proud heart which did more honor to her grave. A waiiioi dropped his plumed brad upon her place of rest, And with his. feverish lips the name of Ephilinda pressed; Then breathed a prayer, and checked the groan of pitting pain, And as ho loft the tomb he said, "Yet wo shall meet again.'' Stnrtllng Discovery, , The discovery by tho inhabitants of a locality hitherto unvisited by the pesti lent scourge of fever and ague, that it exists in their very midst, is decidedly startling. Such discoveries are made at every season, in every part of the Union. Subsequently, when it is as certained, as ic invariably is at such limes, through the valuahle experience of some one who has been benefited and cured, that Hos tetter's Stomach Bitters is a thoroughly efficacious eradicator of the malarial poison, and a means of fortifying the system against it, a feel ing of more security and tranquility reigns throughout the whole neighbor hood. Besides the febrile forma of ma larial disease, dumb ague and ague cake are removed by tbe potent action of the 1'itters, to which soience also gives its sanction as a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, constipation, liver complaint. debility, kidney troubles, and all diseases impairing the organs cf digestion and assimilation. NOTICE. The underpinned, James O. Harrison,. Public Administrator, has duly qualtied -as Administrator of t lie estate of Collins Moore, deceased, and hereby gives notice that he requires ail persons having olatms against the ettnte of the sild Collins Moore to prtsent them to the said Administrator duly authoatlcnted, for payment on or be fore the lith day cf August, 1801. or else this notice will be plea ied in bar of recovery. Poisons lndebtsd to the estate must pay without delay. Jam ks C. Harrison l'ubllo Administrator. Newbem, N. C. AugGth, 18!)0.. Ocracolte. SUUQER SCHEDULE OF Steamer 11 Beaufort." For the benefit of those who desire to visit Ocracoke during the season, the BEAUFORT will run the following ocneuuie : Leave Washington every Saturday 11 p.m. " " . " Monday 6 a.m. " " Wednesday 9 a.m. Close connections with the steamers from Greenville and Tarboro, and the train from Jamesville that connects with the Wilmington and Weld on Railroad. On intermediate days the BEAUFORT will touch at New Berne, leaving theie 7 a.m. Tuesdays and 9 p. m, Thursdays, connecting wnn Atianuo ltanroad. FARE. From Washington to Ooiacoke ar.d re turn, $2.50. From . New Dei ne to Ocracoke and re turn, t2.50. Single trip tickets, $1.60. From Washington to New Peine, $2.50, From New Berne to Washington, $2X0, AMPLE ACCOMMODATION, FADE AT HOTEL. Per day - . - - $1.60 J Per week - ... - $10.00 'f'gvt month - - - - $30.00 1 jSTEOIAL RATES TO FAMILIES. ':..K f-i; J' BPKNCEB DUOS.. w"' -Tne,JVtieamwr BEA.DFOBT has been re built and made larger, and la now com foftable . and teaworthy boat, and has a permit to carry 850 passengeia. jyl0dw2m For any Information call on E. B. Roberta, at Old Dominion wbari. ; ".- How is Your Blood? I had a malignant breaking out on my leg below the knee, and was cured sound and well with two and a half bottles of 8. 8. 8. Other blood medicines had fail ed to do me any good. Will C. Bbatt, Yorkville, S. C. I was troubled from childhood with an aggravated case of Tetter, and ihn c bottles of 8. S. S. cured mo perina nently. Wallace Mann, Maruwille, I. T. Our oook on Blond and Si:i I):M-ii.e? mailed free. Swift Specific Co., Atl.inn. !ja. m'YH CatarrH CREAM BALM Cleanses the Nasal Pasges. Allays Pain and luQamniiitlon, Heals the Sorrs. Kcstores (he (tense of Taata and Smell, SCoW.IHEAn, HAY-PEVER TRY THE CURE A particle is applied into each nostrll'aird 1 agreeable. Frioe 50 cents at iiriitelstB; by mail, rfinlstored, SO cts. KI.Y HHoTUKRB, 5 Warren Street. New York. aprli.dwly FOR r.lEN ONLY! 1 PfKSTIVF 'or LOST or TAILUIO MANHOOD: H rUdl lilt General and NERV0U8 DEBILITY; piTTT? T wakness of Bodysuit Mind: Effects A.W JLJ of Errors or Eioessei in Old or Young. Ulw.l, NoM. MAMKI(ll) rull, BeMor. J. How Id tnlnrup and lrfnihr.wiin,i;lliKVKLOl'Kliom;ss .v 1'iiiis'v num. lnolul.1. iml.lll.. IIIIXK TKKTK.S1 - llpn. HI, In il.,. leUlrjr rrun, 41 SUI.a, TiTrllnrlr.. .nl Kiirlun l ,.iinlrli..a oa can wrll. Ib.ui. Ilut.li, full ni.lHiiNdtiti, iui.i ii-o..r, n.lM caM) free. Iddra. BE a4E9lCAt CO.. BUFfAlO. N. 1, HAND SCHOOL, A MILITARY SCHOOL For Young Men and Govs, Offers A full illi.l .i-.hi!, , f sillily nml n hmltlirul iik.i i: hi.. I ;.lisi. col (ruliiini. K.i-iim'si I. iai.. Wl'llt- fur t'uttil ..'iu . CAPT. W. II. H AM), Fremont, n. c. 1 Liquor Habits IKAUnf WOfW 7XJJSBT0t CVK DHAIifE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can be (riven InrofTi.A. ton. nr in ftni.i..a..r t.A without tbe knnwlcdKP of patient if necessary ; It Is absolutely harmless anil will p fleet a pernu nent and Rpeedy cure, whether trie p.itient Id a nioderatedriukeroriiii aleohollcwreik. IT NK V EK FAILS. Itooerule.s situiiiellv nn.l uith ai,,.i. certainty that the patient undergoes no inenn venience, and soon bis complete relunnatiuii tft effected. 43 page boot tree. To bo bad of R. N. Duffy, druRgiat, New Homo, N. ('. ivl5dwv 3. H. OHABTREE. BASIL MANLS JOHN H. CRABTREE k CC ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinists Manufacturers and Dealer in mm ib mix ists' supplies Builders of Engines Boilers, Saw Mills, Bdglnff Jk Cut-off jtlacblnus Woare ornrjared todn (l&stmim,r ell with proniptneas, Pftrtinnlar end Immllat.. u.tn,. Ici. to repairs of all kinds W. Will hd 1 a , tn ... ..n 1 I , for any deaoiiptlon of maohlnery. We are the agents for the sale of the Aninr- Inert Haur A Imv fnr n a a u.. ...... . . ..L . . . . . . .. jimftmui , i .... I' ll rated Indestructible Mloa Valves, We give satisfaotory gnaranteo for all worn done by us. ) riaaw wl Hirer V whlm. ... Atlantic &. N. C. Kaiiror. TIME TABLK AV. 20. In B (oi 0:00 A M., Wedneslay, July 21. 1890. Ooino East. Sohedulk. Ooin'q West. No. 61. Passenger Trains. No. 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. Lve. pm 3 30 Goldsboro 1130 am 4 06 . 4 09 La Grange 10 42 10 45 4 35 4 40 Kinston 10 08 10 13 6 00 G08 New Berne 8 87 8 50 7 38 fto Morehead City am 7 07 Daily. Com a East. 8oheduJjE Going West No. 2.f Mixed Ft. & Stations. Pass. Train. No.l. Mixed Ft. & Pass. Train. a m 6 80 6 57 7 05 7 20 730 7 48 7 58 811 8 80 8 50 8 55 9 15 10 09 Goldsboro 7 20 pm Beet's G24 6 34 La Grange 5 54 6 04 Falling Creek 5 24 15 30 Kineton 4 25 '5 00 Caswell 4 00 4 05 Dover 8 25 3 40 Gore Creek 2 54 3 00 Tusoarora 24 2 30 Clark's 2 03 2 12 Newborn 10 02 130 Riverdale 9 41 9 46 Croatan 9 28 9 83 Havelock 8 09 9 04 Newport 8 17 8 27 Wildwood 8 00 8 05 Atlantio 7 47 7 52 Morehead City 717 7 27 Atlantio Hotel 7 05 7 15 Morehead Depot am 7 00 10 31 10 86 11 00 11 05 1117 1141 1315 8 00 8 37 8 48 408 4 87 4 51 6 01 616 6 23 5 81 8 42 8 50 413 4 43 4 55 5 01 6 21 5 28 p m Haturdav. tMouday, Wednesday and Friday. Tram Uoonnsots with Wllmintton a wi don Train Ifnnd North, leaving QoldBtmrc 11:00 a. rn., and with Richmond A Eanvlll Train West, leaving Goldsboro 2:40 p. m. Train 61 eonaeots with Richmond i Danvltlt Trate, arriving ayt Ooldaboro 2:65 p.m., and with Wilmington and Welion Train from th North at 8:10 D.m. ; ' i j . . Train i aonneeta with Wilmington and weiaoa inrougn rreiKnt Train, North Douna; leaving uoiasnoro atv:&u p.m. ' S. L. Dill, V'vWiO SnpariaMndentt VANCE r(AlU)L(i AND IVOR BOTH t-pi.i in. iil.fi.i: -n KlVfii io M.tln'n,a!irs. I o,;. :. manshlp. hxper'.nii'e.l t, iiclii-r In InKtrnmentsl M;"le. Vocul Muf-ieii pn)pilnent leaturti. Art tAUlil liy a Drolleleut teaclier. Instruction t,iven m the lijerclses nf i'lKnl. :-- ;t..' Mli.lary liin IT 11 Jt lilt ti (I- liliyB. Hpi'ilal o.iirrai't diade with tlioso who tirnw -in i i mahr laiin rii i. . : 1- puyiiienl. 'I uhle i 'in j s of J I HI-llI ih Tuition, ini'iiiditii: It-wird. Washint:, I.ici.l- . Applv tr ;l-i. I rlll.-lp :! p.- C:ilHln.-i.(. . a. ,Un21 ilwli legiate M ai-i: AND FALL STSFION: Opens KlIiriKM I K ( 'II l'.l'S. SKPKRIOK ADVANTA'iFS f, i ;l. MF.NTAL MUSIC. MORAL anil RelinioiiH advautats unsn r; sshiv1 KXPENSES very low Hoard in f irilMu- ; n .. SPECIAL inducemontri to imiinM !-'ii !i n;s. JOHN S. l.ONU.L.L. II , s:ijs:-":.('ftriiin:: and Progress aro t lie wad'hwor-'s ..i : i . -New Heme t'nlleKlnti" Inslilnlc, nml il In hi, ornament to Knstern North I'nvoinr' SrM. It l ATAleHH'!'. Ml-iS MAKY L. ALLElI, Sucrotary. MEANS' C c.5 1 -, e' J r r. , eJ5 - ? v fi i- y .. f t PW n-K' c o y I 7 J U3 v 2; c u - u W 2C z- ic 3 O , Civ sr, ft -'. w . a gnu i m y gg" mA 0T 4 I !c, i ' - l. i-J Sit 2fiFS milk-Vih fS feglij s.h oil nl m Ha O fiD'S a o J -"a- CO o'-;Z H -i" r ;S g-3 ojn -,5 o - '- tr- . r?i-S oO -5.! 5 ij... u r IU oc Oljj - ' i ;o j CO W3 s$s1 I JSSK Z "eI 5 'ii zr:c - Kat I Jo .a t s s - .. hbs 1 i ompctition la tho Life of Trade," and if you havo not sr-en our latest Improved noods you -ai.iii.l imeiilue how lively trado U, or how hard our competitors hr.-r to work; to keep within slcht of ur.. Ask your n'tallcr for the James Means' 3 Shoo, or tho James Means' $ I Shoe aocordlnc to your noeda. 1'onitively none penulno unless bavlng our name ami price stamped plainly on the soles. Your Tetaller will supply you with shoes so stamped If you Insist upon his ilolnu so; if yon do not Insist, some retailors will coax you Into buying Inferior shoes upon which they make a larger proflt. ?JAfVE .WEANS' 32tSHOB NEXCtlXEDifrlN LST.YLE UNEQUALLED I DURABILITY 'AND ERFECTION Such has been the recent rroirress la oar branch the James Means' 4 Shoe is in every respect oqual utlcd at eight or ten dollars. If yon will try oa a pair l" unBni! eo unu B4 onoes, ana urose """F" wiui us m quality or factory proiincis. u Shoe from oar celebrated faatorr are of the country. Wo will plnoo them easily within invest one oont in a postal card and Write to us. a . JAMES MEANS fc CO 41 U&olk Eostbri' . VVUt lulHVS Of TH1 ABOfr 8B0KS FOU BALE 11V J. M. HOWARD,! Pollock St. , New ; Bern ACADEMY, Berne, 3J. C. DAY SCHOOL SiOXFS. m.i! I'm. ' ! r ; v j, :,!!,! to : : !: ' I . lui.lit lis. SIiIKNE.2. Frtuci-aL Institute. nrdALIC. Pt - ptoir. tiiokoi;gii, l'KACTICAl,, ki i h i kn i M PL'KII 1:NSI i; i . m i; COI'KSK Ol' ST! !Y. M:i vi !. .-. i .. .; i - i ': inripal. j29,l&wtf S3 a SSHOSS JAMES MEANS' , 44SH0E CANN0T1-FAIL SATIS THE MOST .1 of Industry thai wa are now ahln to amm' o,mt to the shoes which only a few years sjro wore r yon will be oMvtnoed that we do not xagoral. t wno imitat our system of boslneja ate unable to our iloetwe aro tbe largest manufacturers in the aaU h Idavnwaka retailers la all aarta your in any stato Territory )t yen wul e ,; l n T? el n 9 it SI - I - -

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