t - . Daily Me OURNAL 0 VOL. IX.--NO. 137. SEW BERNE. N. C. TUESDAY t SEPTEMBER i), 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. Mr Xj BUSINESS LOCALS. TO LET IfWeor ix roomi in most desirable put of the city. Every convenience for housa-keeping. Apply at Journal office. ee.9 lm HORTICULTURE Vineyard, Or chard, Fruitful, Profitable. Rolan Baking Powder. "WANTED A. lady to teach music and other branches. Must be experienced and thorough. References required. Add rem W. R. Skinner, Principal Vance Academy, New Berne, N. 0. eep4 dlw 1,AAA Fresh Cor.ed Portsmouth UUU Mullets juH reoeiued at Churchill & Parker's, also a fine lot of small 8 C. Hams and Breakfast Stiips. Jve us a trial before buyiog elsewhere. Respectfully, Bep2 6m. Churchill & Pakker. KOBERTS & BRO. are receiving their fall stock Boots and Shoes, Dry Good, Groceries and Provisions. They buy at head quarters and can give you Low Prioes. au26 A FIN R line of SMALL UAMS, 5 to 7 pounds at John Bunn's tf. I70R RENT Two large airy rooms, r furnished. Apply to J. R Jones, at M. H. Sultan's store. auStf rPHE TAYLOR ADJUSTABE SHOE X forladies. New and marvelous in vention. Ste sample. N. Arpbn, j 18 if J Opposite Journal Office. OLD PAPERS for sale in any quan tities at Journal oflr.se. (JOI)A WATER on draught today at k5 John Dunn"b. tf. Theb'e was a big blaze in Phila delphia, lust Friday. Loss $103 000. MR. Cannon has become as famous as a pole oat. Much the aami everyway. Vance is hard "at work for the farmers, and the most of them ap predate his labors. Toe New York State Hoard ol Arbitration have tackled the Cen tral roilroad strike. The Confederate and Union Veterans bold their annual reunion at Knoxville October 7th. We are indebted to Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, for a pamph let on "Tho Mississippi River, what it needs and why it needs it." "Judge Albion W. Tourgee's wife is in jail." This is proof posi tive that the wife is in a place where the husband ought to be. The Convict labor system which has been a blot on some of the States must go. Georgia has abol ished it and Mississippi will follow suit. President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, started life as a track hand thirty-years ago, The Combined salaries he receives now amount to $100,000 a year. " A Convention of all the Demo cratic clubs of the State has been . called to meet in Raleigh on Sep tember 24th. Ex President Cleve- land and ether distinguished men. are expected to be present. . There are two institutions which are greatly needed in nearly all of our cities that have notes- ; tablished them viz., a workhouse or reformatory and a society for the prevention of cruelty toani '.mala. Father: Son-, what is a city T , . A collection of houses was the re ply. ; How- many inhabitants aro : necessary' to'.- make a city . was asked.' The answer came In Norths Carolina about three bun , dred, , when it - has a newspaper : Wilmington Messenger.- ' 0 . The. Montreal express on" the New York CentraL road was wreck ' ed a few days ago by rails firmly , fixed in a cattle guard. . The en gine arid all the cars were thrown from the track, but no one was killed, some of the passengers ea Oipios miraculously. This is one - of the resuUs of the groat strike; . These is hardly any doubt that the Democrats will carry the elee tions this year, and it would be un grateful in 'tis to refuse to aoknow edge that bo far as the pending contest U concerned the big, fat duda epeakor 'from Maine baa Lc'rcl more than ho baa hurt us. -n-Ilic! -"oncl Diepatch. , . , ' . "THE boast of the Republican Organs that population has in creased most in the Republican States indicates that the census managers have had an adequate conception all along of what thoy were there "for." "A city reader of the Star says that there is more destitution in the city than one would suppose.'' Destitution is not confined to Wil mington. It is in all our tovens and cities. Nothing h more Wetted than charity. It blesses lie who gives and him who iecieves. Hon. 0. U. Bkkckinkiduk of Arkansas has been deprived of his seat by a vote of the House, but ho will be returned to Congress, by the vote of the people by a large, majority. He is a son of the great John C. Breckinridge and in t ho soul of chivalry aud honor. LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Cius. Gerock Notice. JouunaL Rooms to rent: Mr. O. B. Duffy has added Mr. W. V. Smith to hia force of clorkp. Mr. X. Brock is now chief clerk at tho large and woll equipped livery of W. Stewart. The first fUt load of lumber for build ing tho new cannery was placed on tho grounds yesterday. The price of cotton ranged from 9.50 to 9 60 at the Exchango yesterday. Only nine bales were marketed. There wcro two baptisms in Noueo lver Sunday morning, at the foot of Broad street, performed by Rev. I. L. Chestnut. The-Ooldsbaro Argus has a very com ¬ plimentary notico of Mr. Roscoe Nunn, formerly local reporter for tho Joiiknai, but now a student at Cliapel n ill. The Wilmington Star makes a flattering reference. Several of our citizens dewiro us to oall the attention of the city author itios to the fact that the condition of some cf our sidewalks permits tho Btanding of water in large puddles after a big rain and request that they be attended to. About one hundred people from New Berne, attended the camp meeting at Lane's Chapel Sunday. The total at tendance is estimated at one thousand. It is said that by actual count there were two hundred and fifty buggies on the grounds. There wore three scrinons preached by differont ministors. An application has been made to Judge Spier Whitaker for an injunction prohibiting the City and Fair authori ties from closing Berne street, and praying that said street be opened and put in good order. Judge whitaker has ordered a hearing at Warrenton on the 10th inst. We call attention to the change of schedule of tho Cld Dominion Steam hip Company as shown by their ad vertijement. The steamer Nowterno now leaves Norfolk Mondays and Thursdays and arrives at New Berno Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving thcrsnmo day at noon. There was a large increaso in the attendance at Vance Academy yoBtir day over the previous week. Miss Maudo Moore, who taught in the pri mary department last term with f,o much satisfaction to both Principal and pupils, now has charge of the music' department. Dor thorough knowledge and practical experience in instru mental music is a sufficient guarantee that this popular branch of study will be successfully conducted. The pouring rain of Sunday night came in such torrents that the cutter to Mr. Q. B. Duffy's store could not carry off tho water with sufficient rapidity, o it accumulated on tho roof until it rose above tho tin flashing on the parapet walls and forced Ha way through, flooding tho Btore and causing Imminent danger oi ruining nearly the entire stock. There having , been a slight trouble of the kind once before, Mr.; Duffy's fears were aroused suf ficiently to cause him to go to tho store to Investigate and we are glad to nay that he discovered the accident in its be ginning and procured assistance to cut holes through the floor, move eome of the goods and spread i oil cloth over others in time to prevent , any teriouB damage. "Mr. Jt A, Simpson is going to see to that roof pretty quick. THE LADIES DELIGHTED. The pleasant" effect and the perfect safety "with which, Jadies may use the liania'iruit laxative, avruo of fibs. under fill conditions tnakeitthoir favor ite remedy,;. It is pleasing to the eye and to tbe taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver, and bowels. Co-Partnership. We call attention to the notice of the co partnership formod between Messrs. L. II. Cutler and B. B. Neal. The senior partner has a firmly established reputation as an upright, far-seeing, successful merchant, arid prosperity has come to him through his activity, through knowledge of his business and courteous attention to tho wishes of his customem. Mr. B B. Neal, the junior member, is a young man of splendid business qualiilcnli rj.. who by years of steady application under the training of Mr. Cutler, hae nia.-itered every detail of the biisiiicps. Ho ia careful, diligent and woll informed, has excollont judgment, is a rapid thinker, quick both to per oeivo, decide and execute, and wo look for him to sin-coed in whatever he undertakes, Thn t-iiKincfh will bo continuod at Jit. 'itlnr's old Ktand, with the full line of (:i:rji'i!ii hardware and select house furnishing goods that Mr. Cutler previously handled and the past repu-tuk-ii of the house is a sufficient guar antee that; first claps goods at a reason alla price, will ho furnished and all due elTort made to please customers. Work of the Lightning. During the storm which occurred early Sunday niht lightning struck t'vi f-'irwr rd mf.Ht of the schooner Car rie !,, 1'V.rnm, lyms: in the dock back f Mr. J. A. Meadows' grist mill, knocking over a wood fish that wbs on a pile iibovo tho mnpt, and splintering Urn ton ir tho mast. Not far from the top the lightning appears to have met a metnl ntay reaching from the mast to the bov. iT.rit. and i Hcaned without dn- ng further injury. Fortun.itoly no ono was on hoard the vcprcI when struck, though Captain Murphy and sevoral others wero a little previouH to that time, but to Oricapo tho heat from being shut up in the cabin during the rain thoy wont up to Jlenrs. H. II. & J. A. Moadows' ollbie. Thoy saw the lightoing as it struck; there wore two flushes, each ioeming to como from overhead, the first one appearing to strike the ground very oloao to tho mill, sprangling in sevoral directions, having the appear ance of fire when a lighted brand is thrown violently on the ground. Mr. James Hill, the watchman, who was one of the group at the office, started to run to tho mill, thinking the lightning had set it on fire but before he proceed ed far the second Hath came, striking the vessel and presenting the same gen eral characteristics as the first. Peraonal. Mrs. W. F. Iiurrus and daughter left yesterday to visit her father in lioxa bello, Bertie county. Mrs. A. 11. Uriswold,of Durham, who hart been visiting Mrs. H. II. Bryan, and Mr. J. B. Smith, of Sumtervillo, Fla., who has been visiting bis uncle, Mr. W. B. Smith, returned to thoir homos yos terday. Mr. C. J. Scheolby loft for Norfolk and New York, and Mr. Jas. Redmond for Baltimore, on business trips. Mr. C. B. Foy roturned yesterday to Bingham School, and Mr. L. C. Vass, jr., to Davidson Collego. Mrs. A. R. Delamar ia visiting her father, Dr. E. L. Perkins, of Newport Miss Lala Ewoll has returnod from a months visit to friends in Uraene county. Mr. J. W. Timborlako has accepted a situation in Mr. T, J. Turner's furni- turo storo. Tho Florida State Superintendent of the Southern Express Company, Mr F. R. Ojboruo, of Jacksonville, is in tho city visiting relatives. Miss Mary L. Atlon, who has been spending her vacation with her father ia Salem, Virginia, returned last night to resume her duties in Now Berne Collegiate Institute. Mrs. C. W. Harper, of Kineton, ar rived on last evening's train on her way to Baltimore. Capt. D. L. Roberta returned jeeter day on the schooner Mattie E. Uiles from a business trip to New Jersey Delaware and Pennsylvania. Tr. John . Long leaves today on a visit to his daughter, Mrs. Yost, in Bal timore, "RAILROAD DISASTER. THIUTY-SIX OARS GO THROUGH A BRIDGE into the Yadkin river. Charlotte, N. C.Sept. 8. Thirty six oars and the engine of a southbound freight train on the Richmond and Dan ville railroad crashed through a bridge into the Yadkin river, a few miles from Salisbury, this afternoon. Conductor Scott unooupled-his caboose when with in twenty -live yards of tbe river and saved it. The fireman and engineer jumped. They were bruised but not seriously Injured. Brakeman Will Ar rington stayed with his oar in its leap of sixty feet, to the bottom of the Yad kin, but rose unhurt and was pulled oat. Nobody was badly hurt. The Iota is not under 8100,000, and it is said to be the biggest' freight wreck the Rich mona ' ana uanviue roaa oyer bus lained. Hon. John A. Stanly. The following we copy from the San Francisco Weekly Commercial Record, handed us by Mr. Jonathan Havens of this city, who knows Mr. Stanly well, and says that he is worthy of all the honors that tbe people of California h&ve conferred upon him: "We are sure tbe nomination of ex Judge Stanly by the Democratic con vention at San Jose will be received with gratification by all conservative and upright citizens. There is no name that commands greater respect than his for thorough-going integrity end for firmness of purpose. His ability as a lawyer is conceded and with these qualifications he is certainly eminently fitted for the honorable aud elevated position of Chief Justice. Hon. John A. Stanly was born in New Berne, North Carolina. He comes of excellent family in that State that had long been settled there. They wore prominent in public affairs and aimed to serve their country faithfully. Hi unole, Edward Stanly, was a pioneer of this State and in 1850 founded tho law firm of Stanly & Hayes, in association with the uncle of the present O. II. H Hayes. That gentleman was mnn of great ability in his profession. 11' bad the purest impulses politically. In fact we havo ample evidenoo of this in that it was he President Lincoln selected as Governor of North Carolina during the war and that difficult po sition he filled with a true and p-ttriotic regard for the interests of his native State and the country at large. In North Carolina tho present Judge Stanly was raised and educated. He came to California in the CO's and j-iincd his unolo'a firm which was afterwards known as Stanly, Haves & Stanly. That ho soon bocanio popular and re spected hore is evidonced in the fact, of his election as county Judgo. Ho filled this office most acceptably and wai noted for the firmness and impartiality that governod all'actions in it. The county judgeship was the only political office Judge Stanly held, for he has boon very devoted to his practise and never been a seeker after oflioo. In tho present instance tho ( fiicj sought l ira. His name indrcil w as a surprise, but his position both m a lawyer and an eminently just man led to tho nomination. It is not to doubted that he is the strongest and most popular can didate that hid party could be presented by his record iB a pure odo. Judge Stanly is a man of mature judgment and great experience. As a lawyer he has been engaged in many important cases. He was of the counsel for Mrs. Oolton in that case, of counsel for petitioner in the noted French Hank case, and many others. If we go on the ground of especial fituesM for this honorable office, certainly Judgo Stanly is a candidato in every way well qualified Mistake. Tho last issue of tho Fayoltovillo Ob server has an article headed "Tho New Berno Evangelist for Fayotteville Presbytery," and i a it states that Dr. L. C. Vass has accepted tho call to that evangelistic field, and after epoaking in high terms of Dr. Vass concludes by saying that he will ontor upon his work in the near future. Tho Observor is in error. Thn Fay- ettevillo Presbytery in tendering the call, urged Dr. Vass to accept, but, though he appreciated tho honor, he preferred to retain his connection with the New Berne Presbyterian Church, of which he has been pastor for twenty- four years, and he wrote declining the oall in a day or two after he received it. Dr. Vase is highly esteemed hero not only by his congregation,but by our citi zons generally, for his Christian spirit, kindly disposition and scholarly attain ments, and we are glad that ho decided to remain with us. t tho Y. SI. C. A. Sunday. Last Sunday evening tho Association hold its devotional mooting for the tirst time in its new quarters. It was a little premature, as the rooms were not quite completed, but tho lease of the ball for merly occupied had expired, and every thing bad been removed to tho now lo cation. So turning away from the un finished weeting-room on tho south, and filing past the promiscuous pile of goods, furmturo, books, etc., m th gymnasium, awaiting adjustment, those attending, to the number of about forty, gathefed in the neat and cosy north room designated for games and amusements. - It was a time for grateful and joyful emotions, pleasant memories, lender associations, and deep and firm resolves for future activity and usefulness. The opening; hymn was of courso "All hai the power of Jopus' name." Then Beulah Land" gave a lively tone lo the meeting preparatory to what should follow. The position and work of tho Asso oiation, its trials and triumphs during the uve years oi its existence, were ad vocated to and dwelt upon at more or less length by two or three of its former presidents and others who had boon officers and pioneers in its work. The whole work through all its depart ments was commended to Qod in earn est prayer, and the Divine blessing asked upon all its future endeavors. serious devotional spirit seemed to per vade ana animate every one present and as we sang, "Praise Ood from whom all blessings flow," and turned away to .our homes wo wore ready to "thank uod and take courage." Reader if you are a man come with us next Sunday; come with us and we Will do you good. is Hood's Sarsaparilla Is In favor with all classes .because it combines eoonomy and strength. 100 Doses Ono Dollar, U Slliri'INU NEM. ARRIVED. Str. Newberno of the O. D. lino. Str. Kinston, from Kineton, with 2(0 bales of cotton and naval etoroe. Str. Vanceboro, from Vanceboro, with cargo of shingles. Schr. Mattin lliles, Capt. David Ire land, from Wilmington, Del., with cargo of prissed brick for L. U. Cutler. Schr. H. K Price with HO tons salt for F. K. Bishop. IN POUT. Schr Carriu Furson, Capt. Murphy. Schr. J.C. McNaughlou. CLKARKI). Sir. Howard, for Treutou, with full cargo of general merchandise. Str. Carolina, for Boll's Ferry, with full cargo. Str. Trent, for Adams i.'rrek, with merchandise. Schr. Ella Hill with full cargo of lumber. Schr. John It. P. Mooie, ('apt. Joseph Uaskill. NOTKS. The Htcamor Stout, of tho Clyde line, will arrive tomorrow morning. Tho steamer Vanceboro will sail for Vanceboro this morning, and the steamer Kinston at 12 m. for Kinston and the Nouse river landings. hist of Letters in tho poBtolliee at Remaining Now fii'rne, Craven tsoo. :ounty, September 0th, Benjamin Anthony, E. W. Hlaehlege, J. II. i'lements (,ri), A. B. Card, Mrs. Sarah (iodfrey, John R. (Jai-liins, Sam uel Harris, Hettoy Jones, Miss Ellen Jones, Samuel Lewis, Mollie Moore, T J. Moore, Miss Linda Nelson, I'armilley Edwards Nolsen, It. W. Parker, Pris cillar Polk, I'apt. K. A. Sc-awell, John W. Taylor. fVrsons calling forabove letters, will say advertised, and give dato of list. Tho regulations now roquiro that one cent shall bo collected on tho delivery of each letter advertised. Win, E. Clarkr, P. M. Applicants for tho A. and M, A. Cnlleire. There will be, at Trenton, Jones county, on Monday Scptombor 15, lS'JO, a competitive examination of applicants for admission, as county student, to the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. 1 hope any young voting man in the county who desires to take a courso in this College will bo present on that day. P.M. Peausall, t'o.Supt. Tim Purcut and licit Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. hyery ingredient is carefully seleoted, personally examined, and only tho best retained. The medicine is pre- ared under the supervision of thor ughly competent pharmacists, and every stcpin the progress of manufac ture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Karsaparilla the best possible rosult. 1 Notice. Oi i-ti f. ok Hoard oh- Commissioners 01'' CUAVKK COUNTV, New Bkknk, Sopt. (J, 1890. Notico is hereby given that a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held at the Court House in New Berno, on Tuesday the lfith inst., at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of se lecting polling places in tho various wards of the city of New Borne and pro ducts of tho county, for the election to be held in November next; and for the transaction of such other busmen as may properly come before it, JAMES A. BUY AN, dwtd Chairman. Notice. Co-Partnership. I,. II. CU I'LF.R hnd B. Ii. NEAL havo formed a co-partnership, and will con tinue the Hardware butiinuss formerly ofL. II Cutler. Respectfully. 1, IT. CUTl.RK & CO. Sept. S, l'JO. Hiving lakn Mr. B. B Neal as a partner, 1 thank my former patrons for their favors, and asking for a continu ance of the same, I am, ours respectfully. srp7 L. H. CUTLER. New Lot Samples AT J. t'i. HOWARD'S. Bargains in Wool Half Hose. rockot Books. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Coats and Vests. NEW GOODS NOW ARKIVINU. See our line of Double Breasted Suits in Black and Fancy Cheviots. sep7dwtf J. M. HOWARD Notice. I will rent to the highest bidder, on Monday tho 15th day of the present month, at 12 o'clock. M., at the Court Ilouse door in the city of Now Berne, the Poor House Farm, containing abBut 83 acres, for one year, with privilege of live yeais. Terms made known on day of lease subject to approval of the Hoard ot Commissioners. By order of the board. J. A RICHARDSON, sepSdwtd Clerk. .STATE OK NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Superior County ol Onslow j Couit. Tuomoi A. lircnn niiU oiiinrs, ) vs. 5 Notice, Null id I', .-iinith. ) In Nultian r. Smith: You will take uot'ce tlml hii notion an ai nve t-m itlt-U ! beta IliKtiluttil In liiH Supeiiur Court of OllSlow oounly tortile fort rlosure of H liiorlumrB m a trio 1 i npiir Wl I llllul Ivhii; in Onslow I'JUlllv on or ilu i 'ui. rtvtr. f-l i 'j you to Lewli ii) hum ana i, li Ilu iixhiLOipil lo i,l i i i if in. (iluJiiis; ilu- iUI.i Uu-rrun stcliroj, which inoi-tt;-it.'0 lo duly rcronii ,1 in ihn utfi,i.r thn jcey, Kter ,,r Deeils of onflow county. llOl K M, lolio Y on sre lit-r. liv n,in,iil. en 10 hi,i,. ur ai tuu I- u.1 1 Term, iww, of Jones Super lor Coin I ami lt nun ( r uimwtr to ilia i-oiiillut na you nuiy Ik' ailvlHeil. liivi n imili i- my mini ami seal this the .it il.iy orsi-pioubt r. I mi '. I HA-t. KHtOCK. Jli.. neiilow c. s. c. of oudew oouuty. See Our Sferling Silver Goods. Special Drives This Week Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seyenty-tivo fnet long, IS feet wide over all; draught KO inches loaded, carnes HI) bales of rotton, and regis tered at CiiHtom Houhp 47 tons proas, 08 net; licensed to carry pansi-ngers, and econimodalcj U)U un .'xcuraious. Re built m Ojiobt-r, 1S"J. Joiner work and decking eiuir.dv Iirw, iu mride a8 Kood as now. Lnriuo and boiler re built, all v.-Miinir and dr-n nctible parts renewed; new eron heet and tubes n boikr. In.ucd November 27, 1889, and licciirini to cm ry 8(1 pounds steam pressure. I'lop.-ller 18 inches engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by CO inches, of r, n; lroD tensile strength V),000 pounds. Fully uiuippod thr.umiiout, according to law niul in porfm running order, the Blanche is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to light draught navi gation anywhere, and has shown fine towing capacity. She is off.: red for sale on reasonable terms, and at a very low price, For further infiii-miiti' n apply to J.uifs Ki.hmoni,, Sn'' ,V Trois, anis::itwtf New Berue, N. C. OUR LINE OF Skrimg Silverware Is the Largest and Most Artistic ever shown in this City. J We offer special drives Tomorrow. BELL THE JEWELER. J. E. LATHAM, Cotton Buyer and Exporter, l'KAi.Eli IN BAGGINGMD TIES. Alwajs in m.ukel to buy Cotton. A big Btock of Bagging and Ties on hand and must be sold. Correspondence solicited, oniee near ( 'otton Exchange, au27dwtf NEW BERNE, N. C. Mrs. A. T. Jerkins Will resume tho duties of her School on Monday, Sept. 8th. Ttinroiigh liintiii.iim in iiio elpmpnlary tiniui'lies. History mill Knulisli l.ttetaluie aus 17 ill in. New York Furniture Store ST1I.L LEADS IN LOW PRICES. 1 havo, just received the Finest, Stock of Furniture ever brought in lis city. Also, a lot of On-atis and Musical Instruments. I am also :rciit f r the Number I" Wheeler ami Wilson SewinET Machine, which recei od tho Grand Prize at tile Paris Imposition of last year; is the greatest wonder of the ajC, Silent, liirht. rapid, durable, nnd ulapfcd lo the finest ami coarsest"" work, embroidery ami rick rack, with out any extra attachments, all nf which can be seen at my New Store. opposite Uoberts llios,, South Front street. You will also find a Well Solccted Stock of Furniture at my Old Store on Middle street. Keppcctfully, auliidtf T. J. TUUNKU. Proprietor. . f .... xv sr ' . - -i-n.zw -. rtlcfi0' 23 UNt0N SQUARE.NY ir- luuis mi), rtai r:!rn omli T. J. TURNER, Agent, New Berne, -

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