I I E00K8! THE JOURNAL. COMMERCIAL. STANDARD WORKS! How to (let Them Below Cost. ArriT&l and Departure Malls 4 "mail cuobbL ; o r North, Weet and South, via A. A N.O.B.fi.at8:00a.m. For Beaufort and the 'East, at 5:S0 B.m. - For Washington, Swift Creek, Hyde and Beaufort Conn tie, daily at ffl a. m. For Trenton, Pollokaville and Maya rille, daily at 7:30 a.m. For Granteboro, Bayboro an 1 Van demert. daily at 6 a. m. Office open constantly between these hoars except when mails are; being dis tributed or sent. OFFICE HOUKS: In Money Order and Registered Let ter Department, from 9 a.m. to 4 p. m. In Mailing? Department from iin to 5 p. m., and from 7:30 to 8 p.m. Having completed arrangements with one of the largest Publishing Houses in New York, we are now miabbul to furnish Staudaid and Popular Books at prices that are Low as the Lowest. . u. Sa7e. Is Your Library Complete? If not, visit the Journal office and examine our collection and learn terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will fine mentioned in the list le)ow. We handle them in two editions, the 'Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Senator Vance made a great speech in the Senate on Tuesday, the -nd of September. His con eluding paragraph is as follows: Look over that free list, Sir. res ident, and no impartial mind can see a single solitary article which is largely imported of any purlieu lar benefit to the farmer in his business. He will soo every ono ol them either for the benefit of the rich or for the benefit of the manu facturer. That is not right, sir; it is not just, sir; it is almost, I was iroine to say, impiety itself to thus oppress men who, as the iustru ments of the Almighty, answer for us the prayer He taught us to utter: "Give us this day our daily bread." . pohkstio AsiBrr. , I Nkw Bjckkk, N.C. Aug 5. The fal lowing are today's quotations in this ! market : - WK0LX8JLLS FBtOEK Eggs 10 oents per dozen. Cork 45a50 cents per bushel. Mkal 65c bolted. Potatoes Bahamas MQj. per bushel ; yams SI 00. Buy On foot, 4c. to 5c. Hans Country, llalSc. Labb- Country, lOallc. Craoxxxs Orowa 40a50e. per pair half grown, 20a35c. PajiHCTB Si.75a2.00 per bushel Oats New crop, 80a37o.. including sacks. Foddkr New, 6070e. Hay Crab grass. 85a45. Mess Pork $12 50. Shoulicm Meat 8al0c. O. R.V -'. B's. B.'sand FliOOH --S3.00a6.50. Lard- (He. bvthe were. -S AXLB--HanislO's, $3.60. flea i.B -tranulatei . 7c (.V'KKKfc -iSa20. Oueebf -12jali). Salt 75i80o. per sack. MoLAeaae ASDdYRUFS ioaru POWPIH-fojO. SaoT Drop, SI 40, buck, 81. 15. HlDlfS Dry , 33e. , refi 2 T4ii.cw-4o.ro ib. Dekh IIiL'Eb Dry. I5a2':c. Si-ikitb TunncNTiMi Market firm at Umbwax 1Sa20c per In. Wool. -12al8o. 41c per gallon. Tah - ?1. 50 per ji.rk bbi pine bbl. Crupe Tvki'kntink Market firm at ?3 00 for virgin and yellow dip and $1 00 for hard. TlMBi.ii C press, in md pver, in demand at JfO.OO per M. Staves K O. hhd. d roused. S12al5 par V . (jHiNjr Erf Wm', India, .lull uud ni"m laal; 6 inch 82 00a2 25 Building 6 Ir.oh Wits. 5.O0; sapB,3'..f;0 per M. sale Aim exc:::.:::z L V1 v I have constantly on hand As Fine and Well Broken Horses as ever brought to New Berne. They are selected with care and from reliable dealers only. I have good roadsters, good draft horses, and those Biiitnd for familv purposes and the 4 saddle. Also, in connection with my Livery, 1 haye a FIRST-CLASS Carriage and Buggy Repository, where will be found a full equipment of riding vehicles. Painting, repairing $1.00 per Jetc-, aone in tne very Desi worsnuo' ship. A trained ana experienced oncer constantly on duty. Will take pleasure in showing you through any depart ment of my business. J.W.STEWART. junelO dwtf 0URUIIE4F Sterling ; Silvcrivnro Is the Largest and' Hosti Artistic ever . shown in; this Citv. ' ,7 7'-'-"' . - ' JWu offer special drives Tomorrow BELL THE JEWELER. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. I SnpcHor . County of Onslow.- I Couit Tlionsai a. Grn and other. ) :' -: - . ' - vi. - . i notice. Kathan F. Smith. . J. ' , . ToNalhan P. SmlthV Ton will lake not'ee that idicUohm above entitled faaa txtu . , Instituted In the Superior Court pf Onslow ' eounty for the foreclosure of mortgage oa s; a tract of land lying in Onslow county on or ' near White Oak river, given bx you to Lawla 1 ' tiynum ana Dy mm assigned to plaintiff ln- oiuamg uia uoot mereon Stourea, which mortgage is duly recorded in the offlceof the Kegtster of Deeds of Onslow county, ' book 84, folio 62. You are hereby command - ' ed to appear at the Fall Term, im. of Jouea Snpeilor Comt and demnrcr answer to the ' complaint as yon may be advised. Given under my hand and seal this the 2d ilav ol'rtentetnber. 1H8( OUA8. OEROCK. JB.. sep9(i6w C.B.O. of On slow county. - Red Line Edition: of Yonr choice from this edition on payment v...;inn ia Tnv. DAILY JoTmNAT.. or 1 JOTJBNAL. If sent by mail, 1 cents extra will be required :25 (or one year's TlIF WREKI.Y for Br j ant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Bunyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous Poems, Favorite PoemB. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's llliad, Jean Inpclow. Keblc. Kingsioy. Ijucillc, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poc, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott, Scottish Humorou9 Poems, Shakespeare, Swinburne. Safety from, a Pestilential Kcliui- Protection from the ducauo, iki a medicinal agont which meruly clx-i Ih the parozysins, is the grand dt aider turn wherever the endemic scourge of malaria prevails. Quinine does not af ford this protection. The chief reason why EI 08 tetter's Stomach Bitters has won such immense popularity is, that it prepares the system to resist the mala rial past. This it does by bracing and toning the physical organism; regulat ing and promoting an equal now and distribution of the animal lluids, and establishing digestion on a sound basis. Not only is fever and aue prevented, but the worst typos of the disease are conquered by it. Such is the only con clusion to be drawn from tbo over whelming evidence in its favor. It is equally efficacious in dyspepsia, conuti pation, liver complaint, general debility and rbeumatio complaint, and U a reli able diuretic and nervine. Irish Humorous Pooms, ryj The abovejare full gilt andhaniflomelyCcinbelliHhcd. biok in all respects, un. Happiness is often :tt our hide and we pass her bv. Miaiortniic i afar of, and we rush to meet her. THE LAD1KS lUil.lt, 1 1 tEU. The pleasant effect and the pu lict safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, byrup of rigs, under all conditions make it their favor ite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to tbe taste, gentle, yet elFectual -to acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. Judge I think von might Itu honest if you wure to accustom Yourself to it. Prisoner May be so, Judgp; habit is a queer thing. After all, the beet way to I. now the real merit of Hood s Harsapat i'. la n to try it yourself. Be sure to get Hood V 1 Wonderful J3is co very ! Th: C'M.n ! Anti-IL iiRumatic VAv?'. A P'1' i1; 'l pumii' :;ure fol litiei. nisiiHiii, Nt u:,i!kii, i'oi itioa, Lum bago, Gout, and nil other diseases where a general virmin(j, quickening, strenf thening and equalization of the ciicula'-Mil is rtqviiri'd. It will laot for jeurs iyi no shock. and but a tuiWt. uoottiUie Mutation on w,;arinn it. Nu waiting a long time for results, li nuts (lutchly. Knerally lh llrst week, more frtuueiitlv the first ay, and sometimes even in the first hour its curative powers are fult. Ii is inexpensive, harryUm in opera tion, wliilo simple in application, en tailing lu-iihur discomfort norlnconve nience. TliouRh marvelous in the re sults it hns achieved, its Beeming sim plicity has the effect of canning many to doubt its virtues. For further infor mation ar.d price call on A beautiful 3 Franklin Edition : You Cloth binding, gilt back, and most of them good, large, clear print choice given by paying 1.50 for one year's subscription to THE WKRKLY ar.nn fmr. DAILY JoHKNAL. K cents extra it sent tltlUUriAti, ur tj.v" by mail. Andersen's Fairy Talcs. American In Iceland. JEsop's Fables. Arabian Nights Entertainments. Bryant's Poetioal Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Creasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of the Abbey. Dickens' Child's History of England. Emerson's Essays. if' , Famous Poems. Grimm'a Fairy Talos. ,, Gulliver's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. ' Hypatia. " Half Hour with the Poets. Hoyle'l Games. ' Ingoldtby Legends. John' Halifax, Gentleman. Kingsley's Sermons. Longfollow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeii. Poe's Tales. Poc's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sentiments. Paradise Lost. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Bob Roy. Kobinson Orutoe. Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Bobinnon. Sidereal Heavens. Sketch Book. Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea. Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's Poetioal Works. Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works, Tom'Brown's Sohool Days at llugby j Vicar of Wakefield. Wesloy's Pooms. FICE 'try , .i :. !. i'-S. 'V.'"." '"I, i ' ." ''Kiev- Berne, W. C. New York Furniture Store STILL LEADS IN LOW TRICES I have juBt rcocived tlie Finest Stock of Furniture ever brought to this city. Also, a lot of Organs and Mumca, Instruments. 1 am also agent I'jr the iN umber '(.)" Wheeler and Wilson Scwiig Machine, which recorded the Grand Prize at the Paris Imposition of last year; is the greatest wonder ot the age, silent, light, rapid, durable, and adapted to the finest and coarsest work, embroidery and rick rack, with out any extra attachments, all of which can be seen at my New Store opposite Kobcrts Uros,, South l'ront street. You will also find a Well Selected Stock of Furniture at my Old Store on Middle street. Eespeotfully, aulOdtf T. J. TUKNE14, Proprietor. Mew Lot Samples J. 1.1. HOWARD'S. Bargains in Wool Half Hose. Pocket Books. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Coats aod Vests. NEW GOODS NOW ARRIVING. See our line of Double Breasted Suits in Black and Fancy Cheviots. sep7dwtf J. M. HOWARD NOTICE. The undersigned, James C. Harrison, Pub lic Administrator, has duly quallfled as ad ministrator with will annexed or the estate of JanivKeatlng, deceased, and hereby gives notice iliat hert 'iutres all persons having cialmK RKulnHi the tstate of tbe said James Kraluiic to pivsent them to the a .Id Admin istrator, duly authenticated, for payment, oner hefort, I he lith day of August, 1891, or e!so this initio will be pleaded In bar of re covery. Persons Indebted to the estate must pay wlihi'ttt delu) . JAMEH C. HAKRISON, Adn.inJBtrator. with will annexed. New lierne, An;,'. iT, 1KDJ. anflfiW r.O. 98 UNIOMSOUARFNV SAK CHM-ILt. ...TLANTAH. ' " 'CAL."!tClL st.louis.mo. Hd-Hj-waja oAitas.Trx' rjil:rHJHCT.W T. J. TURNER, Agent, New Berne. Dickeiis! Notice. BELL THE JEWELER, SOLK AGENT, N. (!. The limit r ..ltied, James O. Harrison, 1'ub llo Administrator, hue duly quallfled as administrator of the (slate of Elizabeth Banks, deceased, and hereby gives notice that he requires all persons having claims against the estate of the rale Elizabeth Kanbs to present them to said administra tor, duly authenticated, lor payment, on or netorelhejth day of August, 1MI1, or else this notice will be pleaded in b.,r of recoveiy, Persons imleiiKU to tne estate must pay without deiay. .lAMKHt'. HARKI80N, Public Administrator. Nowliern, Aug. 2d, !!). ang3-w NOTICE. Auuts above. territory, address jy6dwtf Notice. STATl! mF NnkTH UAltOl.INA, County of Jones In the .Superior Court. Thoyaa A. Green and others, j V. H. Kojiico und others. To Wm. M. ICoor.cc mal C. A)ftin Koonut: You will take notice that, an action as above entitled has boon instituted in the Hupoiior Court of Jonea county for the foreclosure of a mortgage on a tract of laud lying near I'ollocksville in Jones county, given by L. F. Koonce and wife to Simmons & Manly nnd by thorn aBBipned to plaintiff, whioh mort gage is duly recorded in Jones county ofHoe Register of Deeds, book 32, folio 385, in which suit you aro interested as two of the children and heirs at law of L- F. Koonce and wife, the aforesaid mortgagees. You are hereby notifiud to appear at the Fall Term, 1890, of Jones Superior Court and demur or answer to tbe complaint heretofore tiltd as you may bo advised Given under mv hand and soal this 25th day of March, 1890. au30 0 w Tnos. J. Whitakuu, C. 8. C The underslmieil. James O. HarrlBon 1 'nolle Administrator, has duly uuallied as Administrator of I he estate of Collins Moore, deceased, and hereby gives notice that he requires till persons having claims against the estate of the said Collins Moore to present inem to tne saiu Administrator uly authenticated, for payment on or be fore the (Kh day of August, 181)1, or else this notice will ne piea.ieu -in nar 01 recovery Persons Indebted to the estate must pay without delay, JAW K.S U. HARRISON . i'ublle Administrator, Newbern, N. o. Aug 6th, 1KW).. The undersigned, Fobert tl. Moseley, has uly qualllled as administrator of the estate of William H. Johnson, and hereby gives notice that he requires all persons having latins acalnst the estate 01 tne saia William 1 Johnson, to n resent them to the said Robert (1. Moseley, duly authenticated, for payment on or before the HMduyof July, 1K!)1, or olsetl.is notice will bepleaded in bar of recovery. j'ersons lnuenieo to nie t uiuio must pay without delay KtlllEltT U. MUHKIjJUI, Jl'23 d(iw Administrator, Uommigsionor's Sale, .Pursuant to n judgment of the Hnperlor Court of (Varen county. In an action en titled (I. W. Kichardaon agHlnst Hainuel Inoch and wife husan O. iuoi l;, under which sahl Indment I was annolnted a commis sioner to sell the land del en lied in the com plaint in said-motion filed, tnd hereinafter described.! will sell at l'uhllo Auction, for Cash, at tlio Court House door intheUltyof New Heine, on Monday, the Sixth day of October. IslW, at Twelve o c.locK, M., the fol lowing described Heal Estate, to wit: l H.vlne In the County and Htate aforesaid beeinnlng at a pine the third corner of a iractof luud deeded by Fiederlclt Ipocb to John ipock, then ooulh Kvwest uu poles to pine, hneed's fourth corner, then south cast 1 poles to a pine, then south 74 eBt 40 notes, then north Jt west Ul poles to a sweet gum.it being along a line of marked trees, and the gum is standing near the headol Deep hranch, then down the Various courses of said brancn to cue euge ot me, .creea swamp, then north 10 west 20 poles'to Red ding McCoy's line, on the north side of the run of said creek, then down Bald creek south 88 east 91 poles to a black gum, then down said creek to horse way, then with John Ipock's line to the heglnnlnr; contain lnff one hundred and twenty-five acres, more or less. O. H. OUION, Commissioner. September 1st. 1S3. aug dttw Notice. Office of Board of Commission kks of Craven County, New Beene, Sept. 6, 1890. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the Board of Commissioners will be held at the Court House in New Berne, on Tuesday the 16th inet., at 12 o'clock, M., for the purpose of se lecting polling places in tne various wards of tne city or new Berne ana pre cincts of the county, for the election to be held in November next; and for the transaction of such other business as may properly coma before it. '. JAMES A- BRYAN, dwtd . ' i Cnalrann. K. R, JONES, HEAVY AND LIGHT Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snufi Sold at manufacturer prices' Dry Goods & Hofions. Full stock and large asuortment.; Prices as low'.M the lowest.;':-;;:' Call and examine my Btock, ; ISatiBfaotlPn gnarnnteed.'';' ; ,; Notice THE $3.00 for tl10 Work? of Charles Dickeng, handsomely printed and finely bound, and with over 130 illustrations, loubtless? seems fabulou8 to many, but it is one of the recent happy products of Alden's JAt- erary Rmolution. The "Boz" Dickens. Dickens. The Works of Charles Dickens. " Boi " Edition In nix vols., small 8to, good type, ' with numerous Illustrations, well printed on fair ' paper, cloth, $3.00. List of Tola. 130 Illustrations. 1. Dombey and Son, Old CnrloHlty Hh.ip, Hard Time. i DaTld Copperneld, ChrUtmai Storied. Tale of Two Cities, Uncommercial Trawler. i. Nleholas Nlckleby, Martin Chnulewlt, Amerloan Notes. 4. Mutual Friend, Little Don-It, Reprinted, Edwin Drood, 5. Pickwick Papers, Barnaby Radge, Sketches by Dos. . Oliver Twtrt, Great Expectation. Dleak House. Pictures from Italy. UNIVERSITY OF JKORTH CiROLIMi. THE VAl,h TKltltt OPEK8 SEPT. 4. TVITION, $:to. Four ngiilar courses of study. Classical, Plillosoplilcal, Literary, Scientific. Bneclal courses In Chemistry. Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other studies. Separate schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may attend the University lectures. Address Hon, KEMP P, BATTLE. LL,D., 3 dwSut President, Chapell Hll Nr 1, This " Boz " edition of Dick ens is printed from the same plates as Appleton's Popular Library Edition of this same author, their published price being $10.00 a set. The paper used is a trifle lighter and a little cheaper in quality, but both are good. . " . The books may be seen at the office of this paper,or a specimen volume returnable, will be sent postpaid for 50 CGIltS fhe Alliance to the Front. The Progressive Farhxb, bold, vigilant. aggressive and progressive. It has opinions and expresses them. Forty-eight column, eight pages. All Home-Print. Official organ of North Carolina and Virginia State Alli ances: The Llvest paper In the Bouthl Goes to nearly 12WJ postomces in norm tjsroima and to 23 States. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR, Strictly Cash. Send for sample copy, Ad- lreBs THE FHOGHESS1VK FAKMJEK Balelgh, N. h. Ii. Polk, Editor. D, H, Hrowdkk, Business Manager, tf Next ! Phof. W. II SHEPARD and compe tent assistants in the toneorial art will give you a Hair out for 20 cents. Shampoo 30 " Shave 10 Gaston House Barber Shop. New Bebnb, N. O. ' " for SALE, I " Several large and very valuable tracts Of FINK PINE TIMBER on the Neuse and Trent Rivers, and Big swift Creek, near Newhftrn.i. u. eaw ius on same, ttau-road-1 list completed through a large body of this timber, i'or further Information apply to . . J . JAMES W. DENNY, Trustee of the Tide Water Land and Lumber Company, 209 St. Taul St., Baltimore, Ud r to BOBEKTS & BHO ADITS, . '. Newbern, N. O. TYLER DESKS-200 New Styles. TILER KUl All Tira WKITDB UABIBETH.TA. BLE8, pHAIHB, BOOK OASES, to, ,tt Reduced Bsti sna Bpeoii uisaannts, uauuogas ior iruv now resay, ISO pages, Illuitrted, Book freft Pottage lOo, ., , , TYLER. BANK COUNTERS. . VMqulM lor Btrl, Qmlllf mmi PrKw. IHaHnM Is noUiri 1 wlMt work ollrtl HO pan. Boot VrM Pl.tafl. It (to. txlea desk co bi, LoyiB.nQ,, v,s,a, NOTICE. The undersigned, James E. HarJison, Public Administrator, haa duly quali fied as Administrator of the estate of John J. Westbrook, deceased,, and , hereby gives notice that he require all. persons having claims against, the ca late of the said John J. Westbrook to present them to the said Administrator duly authenticated, for payment, on or before the 18tb day of August, 1891, or else this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. , ; " f Persons indebted to tne estate musi par without delay. m ' jab. u, nantuaun, : Publio Administrator. New Berne, Aug. 10th, 1890. 6w N.II1TTI (lABOI.mA. I . . . craven county, i In, the office of tbe Clerk of the Superior Court or craven county. j Wotlne "Is hereby given of the Ineorpora- tlon of the Watspn-Daniels Land company ; that the names of the Incorporators r-0. T. Watson. Thomas Daniels and J. J. Wol- : lenuen. ana suon otners uwj aurjiw elate with them; that their ptlqelpal place of basinets shall be Hew Berne, N. O and Its general purpose ana easiness is, to pur- chase, sell, and In all other respects to deel In timber and lands in North Carolina: tnat the duration Of tne corporation snsu on thlrtv vears;. the oanital slock le tlO.OOO. divided in oae hundred sharrsof Hid each. an26 80tl I - i- Clerk Sup. ft., Craven Co, Desirable r Dwelling Bituated on Bonth ? Front; street. House contains Six comfortable room and recently added new kitchen and all desirable outhouses. Lot 70 fret front. - i -,'' ' Atpo-. ; ; . Hoise and Lot on Craven streot.. , Apply to Watson & Stukit, " dtf. Real Estate Agents. ', 1 tyll., cank ocu:jtz:.;. ! IttDSTRATED IN COLORS; a perfect Work of art 160 Panes Now ready. Books tree, posinne !'. 4lM (DO lip. Cltalw lor HBO, ol T,lr Dk T. hhlnrt.. Ckaln, Rook Huh, S.w Slfl.fc frro. fwlMt. IUO, lYLEit DESK CO, BI. L0UI8, 213., U.8.A.