1- ' V rf Daily 0 URN Alt VOL. IX.--NO. 141. NEW BERNE. N. iS. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13, 1890. PRICE 5 CENTS. The 8 J BUSINESS LOCALS. T VOTt WANT YALUE-REOEIVED 1 inr tnnr money, rive Churchill &- met at Atlanta du last Wednesday. Delegates were present from Korth Carolina, South Carolina, Parker a trial for fine batter, flour, Florida, Tennessee, Alabama and . X la -.a., am iwflA JTwu" v:,' Georcia. Governors Fowle, of family groceries. w line of green groceries, au kw as-usorin jarouna, rierning, 01 nor livered free of charge, with dispatch Respectfully. Churchill & PaBEU, Broad Street. rQ LET Mveorsix rooms in-most J. desirable part of tin city, fc-very convenience for houeekt eping. Apply at Journal office. lm ida, and Gordon, of Georgia, headed theii respective delega tions. EOONOMY-Wealth, Health. Staff of I Life. Rolan Baking Powder. IIOBERTS. & BRO. are receiving t their fall stock Boots and Shoes, CONGRESSMAN DCNNEI.I. has introduced a nev apportionment bill. It is on tho basis of one member of Congress for every are receiving! 180.000 of population. This would nrnviilu fiv it tnt .! ri'i THSPntlltion r, n j . n .... ,.t Prnviainna I They buy at headquarters and can ftiye of 354. 1 mlcr this apportionment you Low f rices. au26 Alabama, California, Colorado, A F1NR line of SMALL HAMS, 5 to Michigan, New Jersey, Oregon, l V 7 pounds at joiui kunn . T(jxag) Waahin,t01l iiml Wisconsin r.Hus taxia T.tu.J.uJ0"Vr' hWOnld each gain ..n member. -J. iVt ISU IVB lOW BU" ujui u.w uu au i Ai kansas, vent ion. 8ee sample. N. Arpin, j!8 if Opposite Jouknai. Offise. OLD PAPER for sale in any o,uan titiea at Journal oflhe. f LODA WATER on draught today at Kj Jom Dunn s. - tr. gam Illinois, KmsaM and Pennsylvania each two and Min nesota and Nbrnua vtHi threo The only stater, to lone a rrprenen tativo would bo Ohio and Virginia which would each Ioho one ALATtAMA will rolnrn to the next Congress every one of her present Represent ativod. LOCAL NEWS. THE New York Herald predicts severe fronts in the Northwest in the e.ouihe of a few days. T The Graded School now has 92 pupils The showers for the past fow days havo considorably retarded picking-out cotton. JSASUVILLE, Ten II.-, BI10W8 a Cotton took an upward lonoVncy gain in population in ten years of yesterday. Eighty -twrhair;! '.v r i n l 32 959, or 76.03 per Cent. for from 9. 51 to 9 fi Rv. Ram. Jones 'l '. or::ienco a ' AEEANQKMENTS aro HOW com- Mrle(J of mcctin.fl vy;;,,,;..,,,, plete for tho establishment of tele- sept),mner 2fith,to ntH t.n days, phonic communication between We wrr0 ahown yHtoni!iy t,y Mrs. n. London and Paris. F. Tolson. ppflcimt-riH of long raynnno pepper riht inciirs lor.R, raist'd in her garden. Tho executive cfmtiiiU' uf the Y. M. 0. A. feel very much graLifiod at the many complimonts pnM tl-.rm for llio convenient nrrnngrmont aiwl tnoty work in fitting up ts.o hni'. The Excelsior firn ootnpftny r organ ized last ni.fit 'rib n fv.'l ft if mem bers, and elected temporaiy eflicere. They will meet again next FriJay nifiht for the clectiqn of permanent officers WATER WORKS FOR SEW BEBNE lae Conncilmen Looking: to Their Establishment with Fayorahle Probabilities. A short time ago representatives of two. companies were in New Berne, wishing to establish water works. Though our council men realize their desirability, the state of the city's finincss and the unsatisfactory relations existing between the city and the Elec tric Light and Power Company, oaused hem to doubt the advisability of taking denmte action add the matter was deferred. We are not in favor of the city's acting hastily in the matter, but we are it favor "f having water works. We be'iovo that no contract should bo entornd into hefore a thorough exami nation has been made into the offers of ajvoral companies, and it is well understood which ono of them offers terms moat advantageous to us. Tbo agreement that Mr. H. DeO. IliclnrilB, of Jorxey City, N. J., offers to oni.or into in mitiKtantihlly as followB Tn proinrly supply the city and its inhHtiitantfl with water for both public and privato uho from tho rivor or deep it!1h as mutually no rood upon, the supply to lo HufTiciont to furnish each rpRidcn;. along tho lines of the pipes. gallons of water per day, and tho con s.Rnt proHsnre to be sufficiently strong to ilirow throe streams of water 100 font hijzh tl.roueh 50 feet of 2J inch hose ivitJi ono inch nozzle. Tho works arc to bo free from cty tr. , in consideration of winch, water will ho Rupplied to public schools and nr.niicij.a! buildings free. Tho contractor is to put up sixty fire hydrants at points designated by the the east side c f the city and extending westward until sixty have been used. They will reach a little beyond the macadamized road. This will do away with the necessity of having fire en gines in the eastern section of the oity, consequently one engine can be dis pensed with and tho other located west of the macadamized road. The fire department, according to figures furnished us by tho city clerk, costs the oity over $4,000 per year; this year the expense is likely to reach or exceed $5,000. So the saving of having one engino less is well worth taking into consideration. The additional security afforded in cose of fires is an important argument in favor of the works. The fire hy drants being located at each corner, with the tower prcesuro always on, nothing is to be done but attach a suf ficient length of hoso and go to work, In addition to the tower pressure SMPPIXQ EW5. ARRIVED. Str. Newberne, of the O. D. line, with full cargo of general merchandise. Str. Carolina with cargo of cotton. Str. Cleopatra from Trenton. Str. Tront from Smith's Creek. IN PORT. Schr. H. K. Price, Capt. M. Strahl. Schr. Carrie Farson, Capt. Murphy. Schr. J. and H. SjuII, Capt. J. II. Ingersoll. Schr. M E. Hiles, Capt. Dave Ireland. CLEARED. Str. Vesper, of theE. C, D. line, with full cargo of cotton, etc. Str, Newberne, of the O. D. line, with full cargo of cotton, nayal stores stores and other exports, and about a dozen passengers. Str. Howard, for Trenton, with cargo of general merchandise. NOTIiS. The steamer Kinston sails for Kins which will throw to tho hnicht of 100 I r il . i. : : feet, the company promises in case of " u l"uu " fire to put on the engine pressure also the two proHHuren combined Affording powor suffioiont to throw 1G0 foot high. Besides tho lomienod danger from fires, there is tho Faring in liro insu rance to ho thought of, an insurance companies give lower niton in citicH well protected by good water works. Theio will bIho lio a wiving of the constant expetmo i.f keeping up tho street pumps, which wo hnvo under the The steamer Eng'et, of the E C D line, will arrive today. TILLMAN NOMINATED. A FLAT FORM Was ADOPTED SIMILAR TO THAT OF NORTH CAROLINA- Largest Stock of GROCERIES on hand, Sold at Northern Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co. I?. WllOLHSALK flUOdtiie, ' MIDDLK STi;i-TT, NKW I.J:i:Ml N. , Holier?. I will ront to tlu r Monday the l ull il y month, at V.! i.Vlo.-i, , House door in tho ril v the l'oor JTouno m, I'.l . . ..f u. 1. 1.1, lor, on 1 1 I re'.i'iit m. Urn Cuurt NfW itorne, !...n,; i. bout i year, vitli purilrgn of present system, and tho ennvenipneo of having an abundant nepi'ly pure wator at all limes handy n ,t to ho lightly esteemed. Besides the ndvantai;! s of an abun dant, convenient, n liuhlo Kii'pply, and tho Btronp; protection from firo afforded, some person well pouted in our muni- Cti.UMuu, S. C, Sept. 11. The fol lowing ticket was nominated this morn ing at an early hour: For Uovornor, B. R. Tillman, of Edgofiold; Lioutenant tlovornor, F. B Qary, of Abbeville: Secretory of State, T. E. Tindall, of Clarendon; Treasurer, F. T. Bates Orangoburg; Attorney General, V. J. Pope, of Newberry; Superintendent of Education, W. D. May field; Comptrol ler General, W. II. Ellerbee; Adjutant and Inspector General, II. L. Farley. lhe platform, so far as relating to National affairs, was the same as that adopted by the North Carolina Demo crats at Raloigh. ciiyr.ionjj me pipe mains anu iurmsni u'i ''" uimiuuik'hj wmi all water r.ocfssary for tho firo dcpait- water works will ho I bh exponnivo to A Water Spout. itlcriMOND and Winston cluhs pla)ed three games of base ball at Winston this week, and all of (hem were won by the Winaton eluo. The present average condition of the cotton crop is 85.5. North Carolina btand at the head of the list with an average of 95. - Thb cotnmittco of North Caro Jina' negroes who went to Wash-Lnd tho transaction of other business. : ingion w lay ineir gnovauce oo- The shell rock wall of Cedar Grove those chargpd by private water com lore the .President got nothing lor Cemetery is to be extended on the side panics in towns of similar size, where v their trouble. So Bays tho Wil-1 adjoining the macadamized road. The like' conditions of servico and supply mingtofi Messenger. I first load S00 feet--waa received by exist. . . ' I Mr. Miller, the chairman of the como-1 The contractor agrees to subscribe to r.,-THE Wilmington Star remarks,! tery committee, yeotcrday. This is j tho keeping up of tho telephone, elec- 'tift Strikes all around. Strikes about one fourth tho rmount contract- trie or any other system of fire alarm . la England, strikes in this country. ed for- Rut thflHfi ain't ft comnarrison to I John H. Mitchell, col, of Crratan, the big strike which will take place wttB taken bofore M"Ki8lralc IJrnj; wn -'-.i.r. i. J Hams on the charge c-f attempted rape ill LUIO CUUUIIJ UCAU IIUIOUIWI) ment nnd for sprinkling the streots for tbo city than our present sy-Rtom oflcAuniRS two oars and tiik enoine a-, annual rental of S50 nor hvdrant-a Pumps and steam lire ongines, and urge ukty nvu kkut krom the track. i einnn t n,M thoir ehtablinhment on the additional Antonio, Tex., Sept, 11 .--Last fiemi-annually, additional hydranto to Plea of economy. No. 19, eastbound from El Paso, on the put in if wanted, at the same rental, Whether our city lathers are reauy Southern Pacific railway, was caught but if additional dido has to be laid, at to have them eroctod immediately or Ion a water spout about fifteen miles least one hydrant is to be put in. for not, wo hope that they v. .il, at any rate. " t'?1?" each 350 feet so laid. obtain additiona. bids nd proposals J fcS If any citizen living away from the from other reliablo companies, and see jc Bnd maii car from the ooaohes and line of the mains wants water, the what is tte Deet uiat. can do aone in meicarnea tnem rorty-nve reet, overturn of SDeedilv furr ishine tho city this I or them. The passengers knew noth . v mni, n,M imnrovPmPnt. SmBinr mg of the approach of the water until expense oi me uuHiomer. """" ... the iu urna. The engineer and Tho charges to private consumers wwm lu-wun un.u0 "Dluclrireman escaped drowoing by swim may bo equal to, nut not to exceea i ru uihuk u wh ui,n, nuu vc iuuk mj uigu kiuuuu. ma vrnuK wu should koep pace with the best of thorn, ru "P "r -suu ynras anu a guuy len upon the person of n cdored woman, that the city may adopt. The water is to bo tested by expert chemists and found to bo perfectly pure, and tho works aro to bo tested and seen to wo k according to contract bofore any Tho New Engim Horses. It being found that tho pair of horses purchased in Richmond for tho New Berne Steam Firo Engine Company were not as represented whon bought, they were roturnod and a pair pur chased in Chicago. Mr. M. II. Sultan has a brother-in-law, Mr. 8. Alexander, Applicants for the A. and M. A College. There will be, at Trenton, Jones county, on Monday September 15, 1890 a competitive examination of applicants ror admission, as ceunty student, to the College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. I hope any young young man in the county who desires to take I IV ..f i.-. l .. H. a, 1 e, of 25 acres, for om five years. Terms rnado know i, subject to approval i boramiriHioncrH. By order of tho hoir.i, J. A. KIOll UiMN, sep'Jdwld (',M See Our Sterling Silver Ccods. Special Drives Thr. Week Bell The jewc-fcr. augSS Notice. Oi I'lt'tt W fioAUP i ' l , , M . . im..;s or CitAMiN O'l .vn , New Pukxf., Sept.C, 1MI0. Notice is hereby rivon that n nnecial meeting of tho l?oar.l of Commissioners ill be hold at tho Court House in New Berne, on Tuesday tho ltlih inst.. at 12 o'clock, M., for th.' purposo of se lecting polling places in tho various wards of tho city of Now r..i ;;o and ire- cincts of tho county, for the election to be held in November nc t : and for tho transaction of such other busiuoss as may propoily como boforo it. JAMKS A- HUYAN, dwtd Chairman. when the people strike against the ne wflB found guiU? Btld committed to raymont is mado thereon g.o. p Graven county jail to await his trial The Thspatch says: 4'The grant- w R Eborn htm?H ,im up Thurfl(1oy If the city fails at any timo to pay its rental tho contractor is to have the right to disconnect or lock up the bvdrants and collect what is due by law. After renting for ten years the oity is : - ing of a pension to a soldier who J evening- had a leg broken while on his way - i.n,h iw flan,i,i nABO;. Church Notice '- Kl. 'iiii :A fDm Hancock Street Mth0lllflt lurch- t0 bfl given the. privilege of buying the ? ; ; 6'7 " " J Sunday, Sept. 14. Prayer meeting &t worha of it chooeoa to do so the price ui iuc vmimuui win uo nuie w 0:15 a, m . preaching by the rastor at ho he fixed bv disinterested nersons. present analogous cases, but in no m a. m., at whioh time the door of the j seloctod equally by each party to the Ptner way. I ohurch will be opened for admission to contract. ' ;- "'"' t -1 ' memberahip. Sunday school at 4 p. m., if th0 contractor fails at any time to i eaeeuons uuiianot ueuu. w. R. Harrington, Supt. Old timo ex- furnish an adequate supply of water as tt has Simply been laid quietly to perience meeting at ' 5 p. m. Revival agreed to, except by reason of accident rest nntil after the November elec- preaohing bythe pastor at 7:45 p. m., or injury to machinery or property, or tnn iliiPti it will Ha tiikAn nn nnrl subject, "Qutnoh not tho Spirit." The making repaira to the same, the city is ai.prlftn hv t.h Snnf nnl thfl cordia,1y in'itod to lheBe to be exempt from payment during the n in Chicago who is an excelliDt judgo of course in this College will bo present horses, and thoRe two gentlemen made Ion that day. tho selection. -earbai.l. ui. aupt. They arrived on tho steamer Vesper Thursday evening. Numbers of gen tlemen went to the engine rooms yes- terday to see them, and many were the expressions of high admiration elicited. One of the horses is a dark iron gray, fire years old, and tho other a dapple gray, live and a half years old. lhoy weigbod when shipped ovor 2,800 pounds. They cost, delivered here, 8575. As a proof of their superiority we I good order, at 25c. per lb. mnntinn the fact that thev were selected I New Arrow Ties and J. E. LATHAM, Cotton Buyer and Exporter, DEALER IN BAGGINOMD TIES. Special bargains for next fow days viz: 750 bdls. pieced Ties, in good condi tion, at SI 15 bundle. 3 tons sooond band Jute Strips, in Sugar Bag among eight others for the Now York .-.ii nniio cvttnn v.r n . J . a. L... IL. XT ,1 - I ' " uru utparimeci, uui mu new puruu i change. company having just obtained a prom-1- - New Lo! Samples AT J. U. HOWARD'S. Bargains in Wool Hi)f Hose. Pocket Books. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Coats and Vests. NEW GOODS NOW ARRIVING. Seo our line of Double Breasted Suite in Black and Fancy Cheviots. -sep7dwtf J. M. HOWARD. elections . are so overwhelmingly against the Republicans that they dare ' not ' resurrect it. The Elec tions. bill is a live issue in this campaign. ' - t -. services. A Correction. In speaking of county ( flioors, in our editorial column yesterday, tho treas urer was accidentally omitted. Wo time of such failure.and if there shall be continuous failure for three months to give an adequate supply, such failure is to givo the city grounds for annulling Personal. the contract In court. I Mr; Hardoo, representing the State We do not choose to comment at Chronicle, is in tho city. ise, secured them. VOU l lOlSGl Some parties pronounco them tho To Eif e me a for I have just re- finest pair of horses ovor brought tolceived a new supply of FANCY thin ritv GOODS. Also, a number of GOOD WATCHES, to be giren away this fall. Singer Sewing Machines only $20.00 At L. F. TAYLOR, scpll dlt w4t Core Creek. Superior Court. i.L. nn.Hninn n , llA An flinch m,nn.oMf wu.wv.uva, !, -Al,.f. Ur .T Tt Ranlra nf .Innna wno at Hi 1 BTATK OF NORTH CAROLINA, to give our fullest endorsement to the T . .. : Vi .T oraveacounty minolso i Ti.nm, nici. thn nut we can attention 10 tne conamona exenange rnuay wim a lotor cotton uuu..ui...uu v ---- I ... ... . , a Hi.!, ri - r, , o a.. B. AiuriUKf, ., ui 1 iiidiicu win in the oity Friday This contractor does nofc offer to sell Mr. Rodolph Duffy, Rq., of Onslow, Ool 3koege d. :Tillman, of South Carolina, says -the Stories heirJooratic candUatb for treasurer of exacledin hlwt o paragraphs as tlOing Clrcnlatod thatHe Will oppose Craven county.. No better nomination uo'K """""T"' . flonntn. nimntAn DM nntrnn "III ...M kn.oWii mutn Tn ll iho nln. TnlB Contractor d - --"----" city untilhahas had ten yew. I la in the city. ui h HBHiwM.t.iuHnti ff wLich fa Mr, 8. S. Duffy and family are back Said hOMld I :;am Vgoiag jtO W I? raw. , least S30,000. We are informed that from a several weeks sojourn at Beau elected, i I: am furthera good AL ono company offers to sell immediately fort. liance ttian, but am none Of your ... ,: . I after erection if the oity wishoa to buy, I Mr. C. S. Holliater ami wife left yes finh-treasnrv kind I am a Demo I A. Bad Deaths I and wholher the city desires to buy or terday for Asheville and Black Moun Vu.n i-ncu rn..Aw .. r Mrs. Sarah Anna King diod icsurJay not it is well to have the option. tain I I'et. to sell land to luafce assets. Jamog C. Harrison, Administrator of Collins Moore, va, Minerva Moore, Ciusar J. Moore, L. H. Cutler and W oi, Jfi. Clarke. Notice. To Ciesar J. Moore: Take notice, Tbat a proceeding, entitled a above, ha been Instituted la said court to obtain a Judxment to sell a traot of laud tn (illi townstilp in said eounly .which belonged to sam uoiuns moo re i tne time or ma death, and the same which was mortgaged to said L. H. cutler, to enable the Dettllouor Ia noir Hahta at, . nf Ills lw.1u.tKla Vui ... Avenincr in the 18th vear nf lu r neo. at I , The nonaltios to be visited' UDOn the I Mr. J. C. B. Koonce. of Sumterville. Ireanlred to anoear .before Mid eourtatlhe I - I I J ... uAnu I 4kA.li. .r, j. u Di.k IL. ...M... .( I... (.,1. n,l.. ..mn... a.maI f. nM . Mil ll T iM whn h9 hasn nloilinn !., I"'" ' " f'"V Xult ' IOI10W1UK iruui wv wvu-i iuo iMiuouvo mi i.mn , .min. i imi vuiura.i vpv ,.h.v ... - ... -- - - la i iiutn uay or uotoDer, a. ii. jnvw, and answer the Davis, after a brief illness, I commensurate witn me magnituoeoi itamuy or urs. u. a. nunn, left to xmiotnXy iiptoinl Ci. W. VAKfliNTKK, Stmr Blanche for Sale. Seventy-five feet long, 18 feet wide over all; draught 'M inches loaded, carries 110 bales of cotton, and regis tered at Custom House 47 tons gross, 23 net; licensed to carry passengers, and accommodates 100 on excursions. Re built in October, 18S9. Joiner work and decking entirely new, hull made as good as new. Lngine and boiler re built, all wearine and destructible parts renewed; new crown sheet and tubes n boiler. Inspected November 27, 1889, and licensed to carry 86 pounds steam pressure. Propeller 43 inches. engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 feet by 60 inches, uf 5-1G iron, tensile strength 50.000 pounds. i ully equipped throughout, according to law and in perfect running order, the Blanche is splendidly adapted to river and creek trade, to liht draught navi gation anywhere, and has shown fine towing oapacity. bhe is offered for salo on reasonable terms, and at a very low price. tor further information apply to Jamks Rkdmond. Seo' & Treas, aug3JAwtf 1 New Berne, N. C. nil ' ntnHn nil bti An I A i tk wipimuju- bu,u . mu. a.a a ".k.t. .h..irM. tkm .it. .in k. ..tUiait relaUvss la Lftnoir conntT. from '-Ht n.i Knrih f Carolina I - ucw-o.. nvn , w v" '1 ,. m . . - j, , .... v, ur. w. - i i fr-i , Mr. R. 11. Nixon has returnad from a I Clerk Superior Court of craven County lefijaaaw nvrw uurouna. Notice. Oo-Partnership. Democrat- l?nr tha love we bear W. " .. . uF . .-kk- Mr. E. B. Nixon. has returned from a ijemocrat. Torino loveweoear Kin(t nowathis parents' home In forfire and other purposes and titer UMt to relatives ia Onslow and Jones tbo old Commonwealth lot UB tfr Dover, K. J., critically III with typhoid should be no failure. The property of I counties. . , ; PolcA fft ftororit. inrfnllu n.11 ftdnicTl. (.... 1 ' A li.lnom ..ilo,,!,. nntnlnii 1.A nttw mill kn in k ftaaaun t thAlr I lira. Mlnuia Rjedy. of Charleston. 8. cat. t.rdt,u,pM,,c.mBlU tecs may maKe. and thus secure ft Br . u uwm.o aay.-t - ; v - . , - tinne the Uard ware business rormerly rf in lhA ornrk and ft nnrmanAnd. wmmBwn, e.-yiNu uvo h..kc.bu n rvHw'w K J-'" ""-w 1 ivi sjiuu va in wva ui ajnu v w uiwtyat uauau i aaa n r was unawaro city I for any losses, that might ensue Z' JS:' of nil aaaugnter s' aeatu until nuar-itnrougn any omission on tneir pari w ugs Maud Amyetto -TUBCOnmtioif ,aml " PlUia'BU Pjritana letteroi from Charlotte. . awwwi in ini UN ua i.iih riiiiiniuiui v. i ' niiaiir mar riBiiiiteni. . ' -1 t. r i ... fieri tl3E0athcrn states to oonaid- tTll. - ni tako h'ae. Kunds wh tha k. . cmiatrnetad the Evorytiwue of tho body, every nerve, tkeir lavora, and MkiDKforaoontina n ' partia.the WOiK and a eorrosponat . . j,,,, . n tlw( A vinMr tSn in a.nm .,motnBk ih Indemnify the Swilxe of Beaufort, who hava been htVt : ResDeotfulif J? ' i TT share in the glory of the cam- -t v ir . Lu- .k. -i-k vuitina Miss : Aurora, Maco, returned 1 v L. H. CUTLEB ft CO.' , - ' - . . .... i vmberunv-vvcuiuk jliv wbb uuuwniu i uut iui aur ivhwi. iwi hjiilui vubhv , . i . n Hiving takfo Mr. D. D Neal 'as Bymaathioaof the community, . hholr aareement. : ' .. . . ; partner, I thank my former patrons for Taa funeral I toko b'ace Fundav When the woiks are constructed the . """."""' ,r, .uu .a . m . . i - nnn- inii miiBPiit in innna Birnnrrnr ann i anna at inn ma. i aim ' tr the CUCStSOll Of Uireci xraa0Uven-ni.nl B o'clock from the "ow nlan niOnosnd ia tl nlaea one ' fir Z T i uul C tt " j..o v Z t!.3 roulLcrn ports to l-aropo etroot ME, -Churob. hydrant ti otofc corner, higlsnini on! rarlUa. v . ; . 4 I pr7 ' L, II. C OUR LINE OF Sterling Silverware Is the Largest and Most Artistic ever shown in this City. IWe offer special drives Tomorrow 4 BELL THE JEWELER. For Sale, ' 8Itnated oo South Front ' sired., Douse contains six comfortable rooms and recently added- new kitchen and alt desirable outhouses. Lot 70 fit; front.; . - "V ' . ALSO ' Fionso and It on Vi -x-n .