PUSUIHER'S IHODICXaiNTi THJS DAILY JOORAAL la ft bU eotnmn p. pabuahed daily, exes- Monday . at ISM par year, tlM tot tux moetka. Delivered toeUy (uoaerlbar a Hmu par saoatn THIWUkLT JOURNAL, a M column sPM abUahd every Thursday at 11,10 ftruitm. . AUVXHTlaiNQ SATES (DAILT) On lnohoaaday We.; Ko. hcMeh nbsqnenl AlTMtlwmMUuiiw head or "Baslnsas LoetaU-, 1 Mat s line for first, ud I mdU line fat every subsequent Insertion Re advartlasmenU wUlbe Inserts MIvmi oiljuttwt any peios. HoUom of jbittrn or Deaths, not loexeeed Ion lines will be lnaerUdfree. AU additional sutter will bo charged f eanta rwr line. Payments for transient advertisements ait bo made U advance. Rea-aiar adver tisements wlll.be ooiloeud promptly at the ad ot each monln. . Communications containing news or tut. Solent public IntorMt aro solicited. No cukaaunloatlon moat bo exmeted to bo pub lished that contains objectionable personal ities, or withhold to nmo of the author AlUoleo longer than half a column matt be paid for. Any pereon reeling aggrieved at anv anon moo communication eanobtaln the name of th antnor by application at thU offlee aud showing woerein tne grievance exist. TIIE JOT7KNAL. K. B. HARPBR. C. T. HANCOCK, Proprietor. Local Reporter, SXW BERNE. N. 0.. SEPT. 16 1880. Catered at tks Poet oitiii at N Msas. w 0 asaeooad-elass mallei. THE MESSENUER AND THE DUPLIN ALLIANCE. The Wilmington Messenger of the 13th instant brings to tbe notice of the readers of that excel lent paper thebojeotof the Dnplin Alliance. It is as follows : "Whereas. certain newspapers in the State of North Carolina, and among them the Wilmington Mes senger, hare, while professing friendship to the principles of the Farmers' Alliance, seemingly sought every opportunity to mis represent the purposes of the Al liance and its officers. "Resolved, That Dnplin County Alliance recommend to the mem bers of the snb-Atliances in the coanty not to patronize any news paper that parBnes that course." The Messenger has made reply. That reply is honest, truthful and marly. As an editor it is our duty to read the newspapers of the day, and to none of them do we turn with more pleasure than to tbe! Messenger, lor we know that it is' reliable, broad, liberal and Demo cratic. We cannot recall . a line from the Messenger that is un friendly to the farmer or un generous to the Alliance. If it is assumed that fidelity to the De mocracy is opposition to the Al lianqe then the charge of the Dnplin Alliance can be sustained by abundant testimony. But the assumption is false, and has not .the shadow of truth to rest upon. The great underlying principles of the Alliance are correct, and pre eminently Democratic; but to say that all the demands of the Alli ance are just is absurd. Infalli bility is an attribute of Deity and attaches to nothing that is human. A great majority of the Alliance is in the North and West, among a people who never understood the Constitution and who seem in capable of learning the relation of the States to the Federal Govern ment. It is a wonder that the Alliance, as a national organiza tion, has made so few blunders, and the reason for it is to be found in the conservatism of its Southern element. The Texas Alliance has already pronounced against the sub treas ury bill, and many other State Alliances will follow the lead of Texas, whenever they come to the investigation without prejudice, aad in the light of reason assisted by the Constitution and the laws. Bat suppose the sub-treasury bill shall after due investigation prove to be all right, where is the wrong of subjecting it to fair and legiti mate criticism What is a news paper worth that does not pro nounce its honest judgment upon all questions agitating the public mind and affecting the welfare of the people! That institution, what ever may be its claims, that can't lear criticism cannot pass the ordeal of public opinion. The press - must be free, and whatever cringes and fearB its lash cannot stand the light of day. -' How, the truth of the matter is ' simple and clear. The Alliance is a powerful and beneficent organi sation It is composed largely, ' and principally, of the best element of American society.and is designed lor the accomplishment of "very great good. Ia proportion to its ability to accomplish good is its power to do evil Whatever it proposes should be subjected to the closest investigation. That news paper, which withholds from it Kb proper mead of praise hhould be censured, and it is equally true that tbe paper that does not dare to criticise its faults is unworthy of public confidence and support. Honest aud fearless dealing with all public questions is the impera tive duty and only life warrant of a newspaper. If it cannot meet the responsibility of the situation it must die. The decree is as in exorable as the fiat of late ! Agricultural papers are not agreed among themselves. Tbe Home and Farm, tbe great farmers' paper of Kentucky, is ia tall accord with Senator Vance an! oUier leading statesmen. In its issue of Septem ber 13th it says : "Tlio principles which should control legislation, and that which tbe farmer demand shall control it, forbid the taxing of one section of the country, or of one class M citizens for the benefit of others. Whenever the farmers compromise themselves midtr the belief that some ot 'the swag' will reach the farmers themselves, they have yielded the only ground upon which the opposition io ' hese schemes cau be successfully sus tained." This is the gospel of truth, and the gospel of De mocracy. Married Just for Fun. Bridgton, Pa., Sept. lo The marriage of CharleH F. Harris of this city and Miss Nellie Butler, of Norfolk, Ya., lust evening, has an interesting storv connected with it. Not long ago Miss Butler came to Mil! ville as the guest ot Miss Eva Paino, aud while there she forrmd the acquaintance of Harris, and, one evening about two weeks ago, the two determined to go through the marriage cere mony -'just for fun." A gentleman who was present acted as master of ceremonies, and after the sup posed mock ceremony had been performed, the couple learned to their, asthonishment, that he was a Justice of the Peace, and that, the knot had been legally and tightly tied. However,? they concluded to make the best of it and to have the ceremony performed in due shape by a clergyman. Accordingly, last evening Mr. and Mrs. Harris went before the Kev. Clearfield Park of Millville, and, in the pres ence ot a tew friends, were reunited in marriage, Why the South Is Solid Washington, Sept. 8th, 1800. Democratic magnanimity was strongly contrasted witli republi can selfishness when the Southern Senators voted with the north western Senators to place binding twine on the free list. Tho grea grain producing States are tho largest users of binding twine. But when the Southern Senators asked for an amendment to the tariff bill placing cotton bagging, which is used by the cotton producing states, on tho ireo list, the republican Senators voted solidly against it. That is just the sort of sectional legislation that has created a "solid South" and as long as the one continues the other id likely to remain. It is a bad rule that does not work both ways. TVarrenton Herreld. Banl.hment of the Hebrew. LoNDON,Sept. 13. Kabbi Aier at the services which marked the opening of tbe new synagogue in Hammersmith, declared that he had received an unquestionable confirmation of recent statements in the newspapers as to the per secution of Jews in Russia. Odessa, Sept l3.-During the last ten day's, 50 Jewish families have left Berditscheff for England, America and Australia. It is a noteworthy fact that the increase in the number of spindles in the South during the last year is equal to almost half the number that was in the South ten years ago. This fact shows that cotton manufacturing in the South is increasing at a wonderful rate. Goldsboro Headlight. The breath of a chronic oatarrh pa tient is often so offensive that he be comes an objeot of disgust. After a time ulceration sets in, the- spongy bones are attacked and frequently en tirely destroyed. A constant aouroe of discomfort is the dripping of the puru lent secretions into the throat, some times producing inveterate bronchitis, which in Its turn has been the exciting Oauseof pulmonary disease, The .bril liant results which have attended its use for years past properly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far tbe best and only cure. Fashion plates show that short sleeves are of recent origin. -A sort of nude departure as it were.) ' Tor His Pipe. - "Young; man; you don't look well behind a pipe," said the family physician, as he passed through the library on his way to the sick room, - "What harm is there in a pipe!" answered the young puffer. i . "None that I know of,' an swered the old physician, "except that smoking induces drinking; drinking induces in toxication: intoxication induces the bile; bile induces jaundice;;' jaundice leads to dropsy; dropsy terminates in death. As you sit up there behind your pipe, put that in it and smoke it. L.EJHOS elixir- 1 a Pi.asaat Lease Dtiak. Ldver ana Boweis, cleanses me svs- For biliousness and constipation, take tem effectually, dispels colds, head Lemon Elixir. aches and fevers and cures habitual For indifcettion and foul stomach, take Lemon Elixir. For tiok and nervous headaches, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness and nervousness, ake Lemon Elixir. For loss ot appetite and debility, take Lemon Elixir. For fever, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Lemon Elixir will not fail you in any ot the above diseases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys, bowels or blood. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozlky, At lanta, Qa. 50o. and $1 00 per bottle. Sold by drueeists. Prominent Hlnlater Write. After ten years of great Buffeting from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidneys and constipation, I have been cured by Dr. Mozley's Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. Rev. C. 0. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church South, tillnovl No. 28 Tatnall st. Atlanta, Oa. A man never knows the extent of his wife's patience till he is sick and has to be waited on. The Importance ot purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Dornlior Bargaparllla. It strengthens reuuiiar builds vp system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while It eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -V" leolf iar curative powers. No 1 O 115611 other medicine bassuch a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to bny Hood's Sarsaparilla4o not be induced to take any other Instead. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & CcC, Lowell, Mass, 100 Doses One Dollar A FORTUNE FOB ANY MAN 1 $25,000 IN CASH TO BE GIVEN AWAT in Premiums of $5,000 to $5.00 Every one buying Fire Tansill's Punch Cigars will get a coupon and make a guesB of tbe number of persons at the world s r iiB, to be held at Chicago in 1893. Come and see the plan, get a coupon, make a guess, smoke, and be nappy. Wm. L. PALMER. Middle street, New Berne. N. C Registration Notice ! Offioe ot the Board of Commissioners of Craven oounty, New Berne, N. C, Aug. 15. 1890, Notice is hereby given that a new registration of all the voters of Craven county for the election to take place on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November next, has been ordered bv the Board of Commissioners at their meeting held on the first Monday of the present month, instead of the usual re vision of the registration list. New registration books will be opened in each election preoinct in the oounty on the 24th day of September next, for the purpose of an entire new registration, and will be kept open as required by taw. . .-.,! -;, . By order of the board. . . J. A. RICHARDSON, aul6 dwSOd Clerk B'd Com: 8TAT15 OF NORTH CAROLINA, ' i. . Craven County. Superior Court. Fet. to sell land to make assets, y - Jimei C.Hnrrlion, Administrator of Collins jnoorr, , , vs. ' Minerva Moore, Cietar J. Moore, L. H. Cutler . ana rvm.n.. uinrae. .v, :;. V :v,-'. t .Notice., vW''.' Ti'j ToCffiSiri.MoArei' a"., .v Take notice, That a proceedlnjf. eu tit led as above, has been lnstltnted. In said oourt to obtain judgment to eu a trsct of land In 6th townshlD In said eonntv.whloh belnneed to snld Collins Moore at th. time of hu death. and tbe same wnien was tnortenced to said L. H, Cutler, to enable the psiltlonor to py deb's, eto , of his Intestate. ; You are required to appear .before (aid court at tbe Court Hons In the city of Newborn, on the xvtn aay or uotober, a. v. imi, ana answer or aeraar tonne petition nieanerem, " . , This 10th, day of September. A.D. 1890. ; 'i ' K. W. CARPENTER. . ('lerk Superior Court of Craven County . avoir .., ,. XI una i-aruiiua. OICU ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to tne taste, ana acta S6.11"? i proiupi'y " luo t ; wmstiiMiiioii. -SvruD of Fits is the only remedy of iU kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-' ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its ) effects, prepared only lrom the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it tho most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. S4V FRAfiCISCO, Ctl. LOUISVILLE. KY. HW tOHK, N.f HAVE YOU FORGOT THAT J. F. TAYLOR II AS TH8 largest Stock of Tobacco in Sew Berne. Sella more at lower prices than any other House in town. Also, the Greatest Variety of other goods kept in the city. GO TO SEE HIM. Bath Booms At my shop on Middle etrf et Plenty of water, hot or cold, and good large rooms. junldtf J. 8 BROWN. and Whiskey Habits cured at home with out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. balem Female Academy, SALEM, N. C, THE OLDEST FEMALE COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH. The 89th Annual 8ession bet ins Au gust 28 tb, 1890, Register for last year S15. Special features: the Develop ment of Health, Character and Intel lect. Buildings thoroughly remodelled. Fully equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and fost Uraduate Departments, be sides first class sohools in Musio, Lan guages, Commercial and Industrial Studies. JOHN H. CLEWELL, au6 dwlm Prinoipal. ALONG THE LINE OF PR08RESS. The Taylor Patent Adjustable Ladies' ahoe is the latest and best improvement in that line, it requires no breaking in. is always comfortable, and retains its original shape. It is a marvel of perfection. Samples may be Been and orders left at my place of business on Craven street, two doors south of telegraph Omce. JN. AKrriN, - Boot and Shoe Maker, Agt. Consolidated Adjustable jyl8dwtf Shoe Company. Duffy's Cough llixture. A prompt and efficient remedy for Coughs, Colds,A Croup, Bron chitis, Sore-throats, Diph theria, Catarrh, Etc. ' t have tried VVVVt'A CODGH MIXTUUE and take pleasure In recommending it be cause I believe It will do all that is claimed forlt byMr. Duffy, tuefropjletor, who Is druggist of long experience and a gentleman of highest Integrity. I do not -believe he would advertise anything that was not ex ceptionally good. This Remedy has certain ly answered the purpose in my case. It cured a cold, an obstinate cold I had, after I had tried a number of the principal cough nm idles without benefit. ;. -l-Li rwiH--V ; (., W. G. BR1NBON. . May 17th, 'M.iv. ' - - :, . . E. N. DUFFY, ' apl54iy Proprietor, . St; Paul's Day School. ; ; SEW BEEXE, N". c. ; " , ' ! i-T COKDTJCTED BY ' THE .SISTEftS OP HERCt". "' The Scholastio Year comoit a es on the 1st Monday of tiepttnbtr. ' - - Special attention Riven to Mathemat ics and Analytical Parsing. ' f Tuition per month. Senior, classes, $2.00 4t; rNVvV. Jnaior " 1 00 .Muslo and other , aooomplishments form extra charges. . i . ; : - Difference of Religion will not be re garded in the admission of pupils. For further particulars apply to MOTHER 8UPERIOB, ; 4 aol7 4 Wtl . ', i.;: . Directress I JaaaMBMaaM B.M.WOOLLEY.M D Atlanta, Un. OlSce my, Whitehall Sf PROFESSIONAL. DB. 0-K. BAGBY' SURGEON DEHTIST. Office, Middle street, opposite Baptis church, . ' deeS dwtf ' NEWBEBN. N. "0 ' P. Hi PE1LETIEE, - ATTORVKY AT LAW, AND MOSf Y BHOKEft. (Iravau St., two door South of Journal offioe. A peolalty made In negotiating traall lonut for tliort tlmx. Will practice In the Oonntle ot Graven, Onr- lerei, jonee, unnuw ana nuuuai, United HUtw Ooart at New Bern, and Supreme Ooart of the HUte. febl dtf OLKMBNT MANLY. 0. 8. QUI0 Manly & Guion, ATTOKNEYH AT LAW, Office 3d floor of Green, Foy & Co.'b bank, Middle street, New Berne, S. C. Will practice in the courts of Craven and adjoining counties, in the Supreme Court of tbe State, and in the Federal Courts. apl6 dwtf f. h. simmokb H. L. GIBBS. Simmons & Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Will practice in the counties of Graven, Jones. Onelow, Oarteret, Pamlioo, Lenoir and Hyde, and in tbe Federal Courts. Office on, Craven street, next door below Journal offioe. aplSdwtf Dr. J. D. Clark. DENTIST, HEWUBERKE, N. C. Office on Craven street, between Folloek aad Broad. dw GREEN, FOY & CO.. Do a General Banking business. New Bankino House, Middle Strent, fourth door below Hote Albert, fold wlv SJKW BERNF. N O VS. P. BURRUS 6 CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN All Kinds of Grain, Brick and Agricultural Lime,, N KW tJBKNE, N. O mBildw HUMPHREYS' YETERIHARYSPECIF1CS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Does, Hogs, '.. AND POULTBT. S00 Page Book en Treatment of Aalmala aad Chart Sent Free. ctres j 'Fevera.ConBestlons.Inflammatlea A. A. i Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. lt.H. Htralni, Latneness. RbenmatUm. C.C.Dlatemper, tiasal Dlneliargea B. D.Bots or Grnba, Warms. K.K. Coigns, HeaTes, PneamoalaU F. F. Colia or Gripe. Bellyache. G. G.SHscarrlae, Ilemarrhatea. H. H. I'rlnnry and Kidney DUeasea, I. 1ErnptlTe Diseaiea, mange. J.K.DIseaaea of Digestion, Paralysis. Single Bottle (over 60 doseaX -"- - , ,00 Stable Case, with Specifics, ManndL Veterinary Onre OU and Hedloatoiv tl.09 Jar Veterinary Care Oil, . i.oe) i Sold by Drngglita; or Sent Prepaid anrwbert and in any qaantlty on Baaaipt of Prioa. HUMPHREYS' MEDIOISB 00.. Oorner William and John Bta., Hew York. HTJUPnEEZS' EOMEOrAIEIO'llll SPECIFIC No. a li f Io net a) year.. The only mwoeatfal mnady lot ! II. ...... n.L'i'i.. ii'i.i tii izTr.. netiQus ueDiiiiy, viiai wanness, and Proetration. from naawnvlr A n.Vu - ' SI per viaL or 6 vials and bine vial powder, tor SA duui bj uRonoiRTs, oraent postpaid on receipt of prlcc-HUMPHREYS' MEDICINE CO., uor. wuuam and John Bta., V. T. AH 'of our Veterinary Preparations can do naa or J. v. Jordan, Druggist, N. W, cor. Broad and Middle streets. Newbern.N. O. JOE K. WILLIS, PROPRIETOR OF EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA Marble Works, New Berne, N O. ' Italian and Amsrioan Marble'and all qualities of material. - . Orders "solicited and given prompi attention, with - satisfaction guaran teed. i'tti. :'V?'. 'VW''Sr$li'''--& G. E. Miller is my asrent at Einston and Alex. Fields, regular traveling agent. C. Administrator Notice. v- Having qualified as Administrator of J. J.jnann. deoessed, late of TJraven county, N. 0.. 4nis is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the underpinned on or before the 10th day .of August, 1891,-or this tootioe will be plead fa bar of their recovery. Ail porsoos indebted .to said 'estate will pleas? make immediate payment. '"' -: . This 8th day of August, 1890. J. L. PATTERSON. ' I - . - Wlnalnn W n PS K1. a I ulO 8 . Adm'r of J. E. Mann , doc 'd old ooninioi. ;- Steamship Csmpany : 8EM I -W K K tf . t I N rh OU Demiala 9t -nithtr' . paar OlAan Vnvorti Watot- Rett, via 4Unuru ! ' : Cfceaap. rfelh. tUJtDotv Wtk. Fall.. m4 WuMelo rttr. And alt points North. Fi mu Wni t.o oad attar MOS PAY, H?eT 8'b, Isv, nill further uottf. -In ; Su&bv KEWBEfiNS, C?i kuthgate, win ri fri Noiroik. fur ew Mrru-, m. !. Ulre. i MONOAfi awl THI wk 1AYS. mukii k close mm. utetion witfi I bo Menm n t-i Mon and Howard for Ti tutor, Tinlon. Hi d nil othr landing, on vli Nnuse md '1 rt ui liivere. ueturnint;. wll Cili tiUM NW iikknk KK MHKUI K dlre't. Tl'hXDAVH an.i FK1 DAYH at TM KLV K. M.. iuo..iO lrkii, onuoctlon with tho . 1). h. s o ' rIiIih. uir iw iur, n. r. i. a Dimmer tor Kaillmore) uitde l.iue Hlilp tor fhlimlfl- ni, m. ai. r. ro. it kinpa for llotUon uml rovuiet ce. ete.mer Klnvton. Cant. Uixuii. will kkI for Klneton on arrival I eu-niii r nw- berrm. Order alluood oar of O f). H. h. i. N . - folk. Va ftuMencerawtll (Ind t'.ttn. u. -r.Ii.r' able room., and vry oourl'y and ita tloo will be paid tbom riy tbeimvr E. B. BUBKHl'M, Ai;n' fetavwaii, OUliFlEl'FKR A Tl'RNKK, Axem. iVorful. Va W. n- HTANKOKD. Vlce-Pre.ldent. Kew York (Hty. )f AIMERS' LINE. Steamer Cleopatra Leaves New Berne every Wcdnemliry and . Saturday for Trenton at 7.30 o'clivk. Retornlng. will leave Trenton alondnyr and Thursdays at 0. 30 o'clock. Passenger accommodations . O. K. ANDRKAVS, . (len. Manager, aplfldwly Newborn. N.tu EASTERN CAROLINA -OiSWcT The Fast FreJcbi L B Till New Berma. Eauttci mtuliu Palata, and RTorfolh, ,. mat Philadelphia. Hw Voik.UuKia. Bta. vrla Elizabeth I Ity N CommenolDg Monday, June Kiih, THE STEAMEK? Eaglet and Vesper or tnla line win run o., regular scliwliilt time, leaving New Kerne rinn MONDAY. W KDNKSDAY and FK1DAY aftainoona. at l'OUK c'ciock.- i uimvvtu wn.y auii leturit aiiivirir on SUNDAY, THUK8DAY and KA'l UKl.vY. Tuese sUarorrs. in oonneotui. all., n Atlantic 4 S. O, K, it,. Norfolk hen them H. R., New York, Phllu. and Norlolft H. it., aud' the Pennsylvania R. h., lorm a n-llah'e and racular Una offering Kiiprkr inollli mi for lulok tranvoortatlon Ho transfers except at KUnabfrth lltj.ai whloh point freight will be loaded on t-arB lo o through to destination. Direct all bxmmIs tn Ka ui.i..,,i vtn v.t.,.., vsuuuim juiapatoi lapatoh dally ua followa; rrom New Yc York, by Penn. ft. K.. Flei - north Elver. rrom rnuadelphla. by Phlla, W. A Itolio. wva. nit. oiauuu,. jm Baltimore by Phlla.. W. a imu , K, From Norfolk, by Norfolk Houtbern R. R. From i Boston, by Merchant. 41 lnora ITwns gKauoD uo.; rew x ork and jsw Knglapi! RatesM low and time .iiiiirr i &n other line. W. II. JOYCE (Gen, Fgt fraifif Aunn-. rattle Manager ' r PwfiB. H lPhlla "011 "rlgl" A"enl V'TO if'nrr'?rel80 Alnt. NT. Jr. N. nr. K. Norfolk, Va- .'U5II'J8,'Ju?neral Fiaisht Agent. 8. R. Norfolk Va. GK.O. HENDERSON, Agent, " Newberne. O. fabaodw The 11. C. Freight Line KESCIAOTS and SEETEESTAEE KCTICE On and after Oetober 15, iw-h, u.h ihh fj ' resume their regular ;. Baltimore and K$e Eerne leaving Baltimore for New Kerne W' !. .!( i , oAi UJH.UA x, at 1X r, JM. MavlM New Berne lor Baltliuore, TUICS-v. 1 1JAY. BATUKDA Y, at blX P. M. --J. This Is tne only DlIti.LT line out of New -Berne for Baltimore without eliauge, and on tnelr return trlnfrnm Haiti mtkru Anina U L'O II 1 V .i.m.T....... . .. . " to New Berne. Btonnina'niiiv rl Nmcnii. ami. t. nectlng then for boston, i'rovldeiio. t lilla. delphla, Klohmond, and ail points Mortli. fcast and West - Making eioa ctmnooUou, lor a. i point by Klverand Kill out of New ' Beriit-t v . , f Agents are as follows: i ', ' KEUBli.NDOdTll.K.Uen'lManairtr. . ' ,.,' u.,B,fLI?ll'Mi,ll"'(l' , .5' n :,. ARRICK, Agt.. ,Niirlo!k, Va wtawves ?' Ctk,nllwte'hi,l.iiim.: North rfe 1,r'lU8 l ' ; Rockwell, Providence, h , , Bblps leave Bostou, Tuesday and Mturday. f . .. " NawVom dally: .- . . . f- - -: ' " Halto.. tt'Miiwuin, , v , PbHaoelpbia, Mouuay m, cduu r- days,baturdttS. Piovldeuoe, Buturdlijs. - larooKii rung lading given, ami rat oa tiii.y ; tn. ompaDlJa. uuiarenr mw. i- AVOID BREAKAGE OV UVIM AN v SHIP VIA Ni C LlitK, 8. H. OHAY.Aitt,l, -New tteino- N. rt I CLEARANCE SALE 111 i'IM0fn Fine PsrW "'HI W and Olinrch X A j vricii-nni iToni y s -" . X svn.jraTiJ lllal X- SjkT S at taaatSPOTCARII PH.ifn:M..C mUHMnUparim. New plan jiyyWORD t sale-rented until paid 4.OrX ABOUT uonudf.- Beat BarT S- PIANOS. Snla in onr 110 yean 8.10 AV K II trade. Bund quick I SVver piirehnHi-r. for BAlt4AIN CaWd hvs Innirte trwK . Hole XV' im Pinnae. Our stsSii llmliei to liAPIANO Is nld lr CiODnys. JSJT lawmt dlmn at !- n.'i, D""'t IVvC and Is worili l. i.mi. BUM . aV.. . ' 'j no unen? J Pinnn unlit. I tv.y wnr cnns4Nt srs t Vl,crlt'e durable. 1

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