VOL. IX.NO. 147. SEW BERNE, N. Q. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBERS, 1890. price 5 cents; 3 C SINES 3 LOCALS, v L03T A pocket memorandum book with red covers. The finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this office. , " r:ki tep20-U - A BIO FAT OX at my stall oa Satur day morning.- " sepl8 2t ... CHA8, B.Ntt80. 117 AN TED Special and General If W A , Dl.ua A Mta!tlM MM, I I AKDUWi A lUe VI V1V" bine bast features of Building Fund and Life Insurance. - First-class eon tracts Address, wlih reference, MU- TUAL ANNUITY CO , Scranton, Va. ' , atplOeodSc RECEIVED TODAY -Another tot of those ' Fresh Corned Portsmouth"! Mallets, also a lot of Small Sugar Cared Tlcma and Norton Yam Potatoes. Send " la your orders early before thev are all roue. All goods deliverer ee oi charge, with dispatch. U v r Respectfully. . k CHUR0HILL & PARKER, " . v : - Broad Street. rivi LET fciveorsix rooms in most W 1 desirable Dart of the city. Ever; convenience for housa-keepiog. Apply ; nt Journal office. N siB lm LOVE Affection. Home. Satisfao tiou, ' Rolan Baking Powder! KOBERT8 & BRO.-are receiving their-fall stook Boot and Shoes, Drv Good. Groceries and Provisions -They "buy at headquarters and can Rive " you Low woes. euzo VpHE TAYLOR ADJU3TABE SHOE , .aV lor ladies. New ani marvelous in von tiou. Soe sample. N. AbpiN, jl8 If OpppsiteJOTONAL Office. ' YLD PAPER! for sale in any quan -y titles ac JOURNAL office. Befkbiho ' to the canvass now tieing pressed so vigorously by the Democracy of Virginia, the Rich mond Dispatch- nays: The Demo crats in this district are having TViA menu fanrnva Kafc an tva K good meetings . and fine Bpeakers attaioed to t gre,tert deTelopment to to aaaress inem. xue people Europe. It has in the past received but eagerly listen to the discussion Of little attention in America, and but fe the issues of the day and are more people in this country are aware of its earnest , and united than at any ime" since '1870, If all the other districts of the State are iu equally good condition the Democratic majority in November will be very great. Odr voters are not only confident, bnt alert. In Germany little progress was made It was one of the accidents of a until 1686, but it has sinoe reached suoh sad occasion that Senator Quav dimensions that it not only supplies the ed in the JRandall memorial ser - hm demand but prevents cane sugar Italy has Swiss frontier. sent troops to the Tub Republican State Oonven t:on of lVxas refused to endorse bill.' ; ' " " the force It is reported that genuine Asiatic' Ouolera la prevailing in f3.uroll County, Ohio. - Heed has signed the Kiverand Harbor bill. He had heard of '-lightning from a clear sky. Tub slave trade, under German 'protection, in Afrioa, has tevived to an ex ent jera. unknown in thiuy ; ; TEE Republicans having dis posed of the surplus; it remains to ' bj seen what they will do with the deficit. . : There has been a fusion TAniwpaf-.a nnrl T.lhAml "R.Annhl . '7 -.. oin8 in Kansas that is distressing Ingalls and his gang V Ci -Chattanooga .reports the sac r cessful casting of steel from Soutk em iron, ; which . explodes the motion, that" it contains tod much ' phosphrous for, this purpose. . r. The late rains did some damage to the cotton crop in East North ' Carolina, bat ' the weather is good now and there is still the prospect . of .the largest cotton crop ever made., ' '-V''-'Vv. THE BEET SU61R , PROJECT FOR SOUTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA Can We Not Hare a Factory ia New ' Berne! V..- v , Interested ia it, and the taxes of the counties and State will soon be reduced to a minimum. I im, very truly yours, George B. Morton. magnitude or importance. The discov ery of the existence of sugar in beets was made March 31, 1747, by a Prus sian chemist. In 1828, 103 factories were manufacturing the sugar .in Franoe, and in 1-836 its manufacture there had reaohed an annual output of 55,000 tons. vices in the Senate on Saturday. We don't suppose in our genera tion there have been two men who from coming into competition with it and has become a regular artiole of export to English and other markets. In the whole world there is now more represented such thoroughly oppos- beet sugar made than cane sugar ing standards of Randall and Quay. public life as LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Lost -Memorandum book. Cotton. New Berne market Sale of 83 bales from 9 55 to 9 TO. The Jones County Democratic Con vention will be held today. The mail contractor, Mr. O. D. Lowis, of Swift Cr6ek, was tried before Eeq. E. G. Bill yesterday on the charge of disposing of a mortgaged horse and bound over to the Superior Court in the Germany, Austria, Franoe and Russia being the principal countries of its manufacture, Over a ton of sugar can be made from an acre of beets. Lne industry is now receiving attention in the United States. It is olaitned that factories would at once spring up on every side if farmers once determine i to raise the crops and made that determination known. We think the following artiole from the pen of a Maryland gentleman will ba read with interest. Notioe that the profit of which he speaks is to the firmer, not the manufacturers The profit on manufactured artiole is much greater than on the raw material. It the writer puts up a factory in one of the Carolina3, as he seems inclined TEE STATE FAIR Large and Vigorous Meeting of the Executive Committee. The executive oommittee of the State Fair met here yesterday. There was a larger attendance than has been known for sometime, and de termination and enthusiasm were plain ly apparent. A lot of orders were passed with referenoe to improving the grounds and getting things in readiness, and every thing was ordered done with a view to comfort and attractiveness. Tbe rresident, the Heoretarv and a Dirsotor were appointed a special com mittee to look after and arrange a good schedule of races a schedule that will make racing a prominent and attractive feature of every day of the fair. It was resolved that the beet music obtainable should be secured, and this is to be supplemented with a brass band or unerokee Indians from western North Carolina. One feature will be a great tariff die cusslon by men of note who are familai ithand will be able to handle tbe subject. This will be held on a day specially set apart for a great general gathering of the farmers. It is proposed to make this a farmers jubilee dav. In addition to the 6,000 premium lists already sent out, six thousand more are to bo printed and distributed at once. Special instructions acd directions were given that the fair should bp thoroughly and extensively advertised. State Chroniole. SHIPPING NEW IS. IS POST. Schr. Carrie Farton, Capt. Murphy. Schr. M. E. Hiles, Capt David Ire land. Schr. Addie Henry, Capt. J B, Pigott. CLEARED. The steamer Newborns, of the O. D. line, with full c .nro cotton and other exports and passengers. Str. Defiance, of the Clyde line, with full cargo shingles and naval stores. Str. Eaglet, of the E. C. D. line, with full cargo goceral ei porta. Str. . Howard, for Trenton, with full cargo general merchandise. Str. Carolina, for Grifton. Str. Vanoeboro, for Vanceboro. Str. Einston, for Kinston and Neuse river landings, with full cargo general merchandise. NOTES. The steamer Vesper, of tbe E C. D. line, will arrive today. Blue Ridge Tobacco. RALElflH, Sept. 17 Reports received here today are to the effect that the tobacco crop west i f the Blue Ridge section i not curing as well as was ex pected. The rains tiauaed a late growth and this is tho cause of the trouble. sum of $200. The Excelsior Hosa Company met! to do, can we not induoe him to locate last night and elected the following offl-1 at New Berne? What finer plaoeoan oers: foreman, Beni. L. Churchill; Assistant Foreman, Levi Cohen; Capt. of Hose, Carl Richardson; Secretary and Treasurer, M. R. Howard. The next regular meeting will be held the first Tuesday In October. The second edition of the "Reform Re publican" is out and its endeavor to elevate and purify tbe "G. O. P." will meet the approval of all who want good be found ? We have numbers of eligible sites for factories, plenty of labor, our truckers can easily supply the beets, and we have both water and rail transportation: Mr. George B. Morton, president of the Uape Dear and Cincinnati Railway Company, writes' to The News and Courier as follows: Baltimore, August 16, 1890. I havo given the question of beet A Terrible Massacre. San Francisco, Sept. 18. -C. L Owens, a merchant of Manilla, urrired here yesterday on the steamer Gaelic. He says a terrible massacre occurred August 10 in the town of Ponr.pn, on the Island. The Spanish soldiers were building a fortress on the side of the town, and left in (ho fort a number of rifles. The natives overpowered tbe guards, seized the guns and attacked the town. Thirty-two Spaniards were killed. Several Spanish men-of-war were sent from Manilla to quell the dis turbance. The American bark Parov was lost six weeks ago between Manilla and Glailo. The crew was saved. "Why, now I cannot get enoughad eat," says one lady who formerly had no appotite, hut took Hood b harsa parilla. 10 precinct, at v fitou'i preoiuct, Bt pe s Farm piecinct, at A Handsome Donation. Coicaoo, September 18 John D. Rodkafeller has just given $1,000,OCO to the new Chicago Baptist University in addition to the $600,000 which he contributed previously. THE LADIES DELIGIITKD. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favor ite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yot effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. government The responsibility of this sugar, and its possibilities of great rev nnrmntinn U flttfld nmn thn whito B. enue to the Carolinas, a very neat publicans, and they are sif ed down in I fnture not 0Ter two ,t wayeu county as tne "Big 4. " ine the most, the revenue to thetwoCaro- Unas can be increased over one million of dollars from the raising of sugar neeta. I have been experimenting with Ger man seed sent to me directly from Ger many. The beets after grown averaged It pounds and tbe result In sugar oon tents was from 101 per cent to 121 per oent, showing an aversge of 11 r per oent saccharine matter. The cost per aore, as near as I could figure it out, allowing my seed to cost 15 cents per pound and 18 pounds to the aore, was lor production say (labor $1 per day ) Ploughing, preparing the land and sowing $4 50 Ploughing out 1 25 Thinning out, hoeing, pulling, topping and loading into wag. ' one, etc SO 00 Shipping from farm 6 00 Total 880 75 After weighing all good marketable The . Speaker i appointed the following conferees on'-the tariff bill: Messrs.' McKinley, Borrows, Bayne, . Dingly, .Hills, McMillen and Flower. Four Republicans a,nd three Democrats. ,The Wilmington - Star says, l "Mis Helen Farnlss is the Oaptian -of a female military .company or ganized at Cheyenne, Wyoming. If there .should be any trouble , there that would call oat the mili tary, ftfiss Helen would make it hot for somebody. '- Abe Lincoln owned his farm and split the - rails to fence it as was the custom in his day; bat now, one half of the" farmers In the county: in which he lived are ren ters instead of owners of their forms. 'Bo much for a tariff that deserimiuate against farmers and , dots nothing for them.' - Mr. Oheaple, Republican vof Indiana made a strong speech in V i Venable Langston contested i , in which he took the ground tl...t Tenable was fairly : elected r- lasted that the Republican rarty could' riot afford; to 'scat Langston. II 3 paid, "The Repub ! r.3, had beca f !rly beaten, and ; 3 beneath t! ) dignity of the . Mzm party tj reverse the ." .1 cf an, 'elects u which had , L :;t to it by a t! ousand "Reform Republican" is striking forj Independence " and the downfall of the masses being controlled and Jed by a few schomlng leaders who are only seeking personal gain through office greed. Church Notice. ' Hancock Street Methodist Churoh, Sunday, September 31 Services at 11 a. ni'.nd 7:45 p. m., conducted by the pastor Prayer meeting at 9:15 a. m.: Sunday school at 4. p. m., W. R. Bar rington, supt.; Experience meeting at 5 p, m. , The publio are invited to these servipes and will receive a cordial wel come. - - Death of Mrs. Beid Whittord . The many friends of Mrs. Marian Eliza Whitford will regret to learn that a telegram was reoeived here yesterday by Col. John D. Whitford, announcing her death after a long illness, at her home in Washington, N. O. She had been convalescent and her death was unexpected, Her husband Mr, Reid Whitford, who Is employed on the river and, harbor improvements in South Carolina, was at home on a short eave of abeenoe'when she died. She leaves two small children. The funeral services will be held tomorrow Col. ' Whitford and his daughter Miss Johnnie leave this morn ing to be present. Personal. V . x , Miss Rebeooa C. Attmore left yester day morning to vUither nieces, Mrs. M. S. Willard. of Wilmington, and Mrs. T. twelve- to fifteen tons to the aore. he M. Constable, of Charlotte. v i ' wul veg nn pront or 3B to 587 to Baltimore and New York, Know concerning this sugar beet aues- itev. w . ; 0. Kone, residing Maer, tton, bat ur. Editor, those who go into nassed through last nieht en route to we planting or sugar beets will very Republican Convention in Columbia Columbia, S. O , Sapt 18. TIih Re publican State Convention re-convoned this a.m. at 9.80. Mr. Miller now has oontrol of the convention, and no doubt his man, ex Congressman Small, will be made permanent chairman. The convention is very noisy and works slowly After a sharp Contest Miller and Webster captured the convention an d made Geo. W. Murray, a negro, of 8umtr, permanent chairman. Bray ton's friends have determined to put him In the field as a candidate Congress against Miller In the only Republican district in the State seventh. This will insure the election of a Democrat and the return of Congressman Elliott The Price of Molhcr-of-Pcarl Affected London, Sept. 18. The Chronicle's Vienna correspondent says the prospect arising from the passage of the MoKin ley tariff bill combined with the fall in gold has lowered the price of mother of pearl 13 per cent Mother-of-pearl manufactories have olosed their facto rise in Order to avoid working at a loss. and thirty thousand persons are thrown out or employment. Getting In Before the Freeze Out. London, Sept. 18. The merchants of Relfast are making every endeavor to beets I netted 124 tons and had foddnr place as much linen as possible in the and small beets enough to feed cattle United States before the MoKinley tariff on for several days. I bill goes Into effeot. The White Star If we had a reflnatT in Carolina to une steamer . juaiestio, wmon sauea take those beeta. the miaa mid halna from Liverpool (0r New York vester- aooording to what percentage of sugar I a7 ono ut cargoe 01 DIED. In Beaufort, N. C, James Mancey.son of Mr. Alonzo Thomas. Aged 6 years. MRS. BETTIE WHALEY'S Hew Hillincry. At Mrs.B,B. Lane's Old Stand On Pollock street, adjoining R. N Duffy's drug store. Full and entirely new stook of choice Millinery, Notions, etc. Latest styles in Hats and Bonnets. A skilled Metropolitan Milliner !in charge. Also a first class Dress-making De par ta ent. All work done in best style Orders from the country promptly hlled. sepl8d3m NOTICE. New Berne, N, C .Sept. 18, 1S90. Ordered, that the follow inar nIaiM Ka and are hereby designated as polling places in the various election preclnots and wards of the city of New Berne and tho county of Craven, f or'the elec tion to be held on the first Tuesday in November, 1890, as follows: 1st ward, at police cflice. 21 ward, at court house. 3d ward, one door north cf Erdman'a etoreon Middle street. 4(h ward, Benevolmt school house. 5th ward. Sc. Phi liim nwinrt St. Phillips chapel. o.h ward, McCarthy precinct. S.h township. Pleasant Hill Pleasant Hill school. 8th township, Caivm r.,1 at Camp Palmer. 1st township, VanreUoro precinct, at Vanceboro 1st to.-1 in. IWw.Om'h ntnrn urn. cinct, at Du . juV store. 21 townbhip, Fulcher'a prbcinct, at Fulcher's store. 3d township, Russell ' precinct, at Russell's. 31 towoship, Corn rntok precinct, at Cove. 3J township, Dover prcoiuct, at Djver Station. oth (ownRhip, Turuple'a Morton's storo. 5;h to-.vnhi) St:inton pliu;t. 6th tiwnhip Lee's Farm. 7th towuship, Coiidoi'is precinct, at Conner's. 7lh township, James City precinct, at James City public school house. Oth township, Ji-per in cinct, at Japper. Uih township, yrn)M storo precii-i't, at ai nuiii h. J. A. KIGUAUbSON, soplS dwitO l Clerk B'd Com. Largest Stock of GROCERIES on hand. Sold at Northern Prices. Agency for Horsford Bread Preparation, Old Virginia Cheroots, Cigarettes. Hazard Gunpowder Co. WHOLESALE GllOOEli, MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNE. N. (. New Lot Samples AT J. M. HOWARD'S. Livery and Sale Stables matter the beets contained, the result to the farmers of the Carolinas would be as follows: Cost of raising and delivering to refinery an acre, or 12J tons of beets..... $30 75 Revenue from sale of 121 tons of beets, at an average, of 86 per ton......... .75 00 linen ever known to have been shipped. Many shippers are unable to eeoure freight spaoe. Largest Cotton Receipts on Record. BALBKJH, Sept. 18, The cotton re oelpts here will be the greatest on rec ord in September. There is no doubt nearly the whole crop in this seotion will be open by the end of the month M. HAHN & CO. Car load Youner Western Horses gome extra fine Di ivers. Also, large lot new Buzsies and Road carts, and Harness, all just re ceived and new. Livery superintended by K. Den mark. Good Horses, new Buggies and ness. Call and See Us. sepl7dwly Har- Mrs. J. U. Mines' ' Leaving a net profit of $41 85 nd the main object will be "eenring TWn TTn1KP TJ mm A I firmly believe that, taking the aver- iif HrtvntiAbar J30araiI15 fl0USe eOpeiieQ. r farmar ihroinhont tKHt.ti. .nd aTe no oomplaints of scarcity of labor, .....- r;tTinThim7.r.r'C t enough of it to keep up average percentage of, say U per cent I wl .a cr0P "P1" Pmn' oi BBconarine miner ana m vieia-oii r.i,i. 1 i.i. RALnaa, N. C. September 18. Com miesionerof Agrioulture John Robinson today received news of the death of his brother, ueorge li. ltobinson, in Anson county. Tbe latter was twenty-four years of age. Yesterday he was at Mrs. J. M. HINES lias returned to the city and will reopen her First-Class Boarding House about the 1st of October at same location, opposite Baptist Churoh. H.r.rte hnM his arm was Harlowe to hold quarterly conference Lhe best nu beet8 ,grlouUlirU oanght in the machinery, nearly tear- wuay ana tomorrow, - department at Washington have spent IDS ne umo irom n onuy. no oieo rton. V. M. RImmnna ha tttturntd toimanv mnntha of Invoativation of thia to death before surgioal aid rOAOhed the ory. , isubjeot, and win shortly Issue the most ' Miss Belli Hill returned last nht from a visit to 're'atives t n Wayne 0nKt ( the final tests whloh I shall LA Ceossb, Wis. September 18. A mntf.: ! the eoaiai uasoa'' prove as mtto' osular Is" being circulated in oppo- Mf.TM. Makely left esterday on the factory as those above mentioned, that "2nwn wemooraiio ucsevwnicn steamer:Newbernerof the O. a line, J. to snter his son George In the Episoopal Nortn or South Carolina, in other words against any and all invasion oT Catho High School near Alexandrls, Va. - the buildings will be put up at the most "Ian "' promoters of a parooblal "Messrs. W. B. and T. J. East, of No- oonvenienfr point, transportation, eto., ywwn. , im waicnwota w .wnou., Moa yu iuo Cy eevera. Th nbJeo ta of. .rMl mt6r days on ousinese, returns? to ueir tan09 10 tn0 Sfcate of South Carolina that home by the steamer Ne wberne 2 ' i. ' too much cannot be said on it. To show . : ,. v ;. , the great position boot sugar holds in - advicb to mothers.. r theT world,.! quote: The output of , MB8. ; Wisslow'b BoothinO-Bvbcp oane sugarlnl889 and 1890 was re- should always be used for children J ported at 2,228,000 tons. Beet sugar for teelbin?. It soothes the child, softens the same period 8,550,000. tons, being tho gums, allays all pain, cures wind 1,822,000 tons more sugar from beets couo, an t la the neet remedy ' for uiar- than from cane. THE PIONEER BAYH StWLIG HAGUE can be had at the fame place J. M. HINES, Agent, ep!6 dwtf O. Marks' Store. K. R, JOHES, HEAVY AN LIGHT Bargains in Wool Half LIcao. Pocket Books. Wool Undershirts. Big Job in odd Coats and Vests. NEW GOODS NOW ARRIVING. See our line of Double Breasted Suits in Black and Fancy Cheviots. Bfp7dwtf M. HOWARD. SHOES'! SHOES! Just See the Shoes! Big Shoes, Llttio Shoes, I- lne Shoes, Good Shoes, and Blioes CHKA1". Bubber Boots and Shoes. Ued Boots and Oil Clothing In great quantities At J. F. TAYLOR'S. DON'T FORGET THE Leading Tobacco House In New Berne, Goods and l'rlces will make you chewlots, A Large Stock of Goids at WMesile and RKTAILat LOW PRICES. Dont forget J. F. TAYLOR. j. e. latham; Cotton Buyer and Exporter, DEALER IN BAGGINQAND TIES. Special bargains for next few days, viz; 750 bdls. pieced Ties, in good condi tion, at $1 15 bundle. 3 tons second hand Jute Strips, in gooa oraer, at 230. per 10. ' . New Arrow Ties and Sugar J Bag Strips, very low. , . . Uive me a call opposite Cotton, Exchange. thcea. Twenty-five cents a bottle, jaly I Agitate this question, get the farmers 'affair, . Lynching Usually Follows. WARBiW.Va., September 18. Henry Yeaby (negro), notorious oharaoter. has been lodged in Northumberland oounty Jail at Heathvilla for having a few nights sinoe attempted to commit a brutal assault upon the - person of. a young widow lady . near that place. There was great excitement over tho LorillaTd and Gail & Ax Snnfi . Sold at manufacturer's prices. Dry Goads & fictions. Full stock and Urge assortment 1 Prices as low, as the lowest. " Call and examine my stock. , - - . ........ .;. ...., Satisfaction guarantee!. , 1 mm andWhiskeyHabltai cured at hotuo with- out pain. Bool ofi ' ticukrasent ntJ&. ' laaaaaaaMl U.M.WOOLLia .M.IV VAtlaulavOa. OiUoo Wliiteliall St : f 1 t i, s tSHvcr G:::!:b Spedal Drives , This VA aun53