THE JOUKNAL. COI.II.IEHCIAL. G CtSl ArriTil Eai Detmax Hails ". sassaaaaa.aBBa: V s.. 1 - . 7 MAIL ' or North, Wees and Eonth, Tl A. A 4iiViaiihiig.wiia For Beaufort and th East,' i at ForWaahington,8wlftCreei,Hydeand ouiort uounties, duly at 6:00 a. m. For Trenton, Pollokirille and Maya- TMe,daUyat7:30a-m.v For Qrantsboro,- Bay boro an 1 Vu demere, daily at a. m. - v: ; Office open oonatantly between these honrsexoeptwhen mails arejbetac die ribnted orient. i;;, . : " .fit. : DvitiG ot Tliom 0 elotaCost - OFFICE HOUBS Za Money Order and Beg&teredLet ter Department, from 9 a.m, to i p. m. . In Mailing Department "from earn to 5 p. m., and from 7350 to 8 ..;, ' i .' IlATioff comoleted arrangements with one of the largest rablishiog lloasea la New York, we are now enabled to furnish Standard and Popular Books at prloes that are Low as the Lowest. Dick Johnsoh's, eircnler didn't i defeat Cheatham ' for : the nomina tion before the Republican conven tion, bnt the votes of ail-outraged people, in November, will 'relegate him to private;, life. , JYhiie. , his party is stealing all the "boodle" in tne Treasury, alone with oar liberties, we advise him to lay up a few coins for that rainy day which will have no end for him. Henderson Tomahawk. ' ' i sokkstio niain. - L Kaw Bbki. N.G., Ang 6. The fol lowing-are todaj'a quotation la true market : WBOLXSiXX PBICS. ; f Egjce 10 eenta per dozen : Cork 4550 cents per bushel.' ' IIxaC 65o. bolted. - -Potatoes Bahaaaaa 80j. per bushel; yamell.OO. - - . Biar ua root. do. ,l , Hut-Country. llalSo. "S -LAEDCountry, lOallo. . ' Omoxnrs Orowa Qa50e. por pair half grown, SOaSSe. - PaUTOT S1.75a2 00 per bushel. Oats New crop, 30a37oM including acka. Foddeb New, C0a70e. HAY Crab grass, 85a45. Mass Poax $18 50. . Shocldeb MtAT SalOo. O. R.V F. B'a. B.'a and U 0.-61a7c. FLOUH-S3.00a8.50. Labt 6o. brthe-tieroe. HAILS-Basla'l0'i,ta.50. Btjqab Granulated , 7o Ooyfm 18a20o. ... OaUBSB 12Jal5. Balt 75a80o. per sack. , MoLABSiBAiroSTBuia J0a45c ; Kbbosesb 8io. ;, Powdbb S3.50, Shot Drop, 11.40; back, SI. 65. HnBS Dry, 8a5o.; green 3 . Tallow 4a per lb. Drib Hides Dry, 15a25o. . Srrarrs Turpentine Market firm at Beeswax I8a20o. per lb. r wool 12al8o. 4lo. per gallon. TabSI.SO per pork bbl.;S pine bbl. UBUDB 'ITTEPkntine Maraet nrm ai 1 .00 per S ' i Is Your Library Complete? if not, visit the Jouehai. office and examine our collection and learD terms. Nearly every poet of any distinction is on hand, as you will find mentioned in the list below. We handle them in two editions, the "Bed Line" and the "Franklin." Last Wednesday was a great day for the Democracy of Yirgiiia $2.00 for virgin and yellow dip and $1 00 for hard Txhbeb Cypress, 18 in. and over, in demand at $5.00 por ill Staves R O. hhd. dressed, $12al5 par M. " 8UIN6LE8 'West India, dull and arm iaal; 8 inch $2 00a3 25, . Building 6 (nob hearts, $3.00; saps, 8 1.50 per M. In the morning Hon. George p. Wise and Ex Governor McCreary of Kentucky, spoke at Hanover Court house to an immense !od, and at night Ex CIotI Fitzi Lee kn Hon. Roger Q. Mills ofJ Jtf&As, spoke at a very large i&mmTtrAA&fZi- Tt;e.w I the city of Richmond. ; , " cwtr AOOU v J i ' ... . Irte tJeVman Anti-Rheumatic During a shower of rain quite a ninw! number of live fish fell in various . "1D& 1 parts of Oaifo, 111. ; They were all l?d Pent cure foi about four inches in length and of ZZrXZZ1 7. I have oonatantly on hand ":; .. i . . . .;. . . - ... s - - ' As Fine and - ; Well Broken Horses at ever brought to piewcerae.- Aney are; selected " with - care " and from reliable - dealers -only . .-1 have good roadsters, good draft horaes, and those suited for family purposes and the saddle. Also, in connection with my Lirsry, I have 2 FIRST-CLASS Carriage and Buggy Eepositoryi ; where will be found a full equipment of riding vehicles. Painting, repairing, eto-, donein the very best workman ship. A trained and experienced Shoer constantly on duty. "Will take pleasure in showing you through any depart ment of my business. J. W. STEWART. junelOdwtf- GOM-V.I.ATriil urirr.vf,VKLT- eotl- nly $. CO pr 109 fett Males a H4 roof for yar. ,yf w can putK od. 8eoJ Ktama lor unii. iu)l oart . tleuUra, , . - . - , . ffl 11 WKW BunAlAf.iT, ; i. 'jf aw Yob i IrfMial A(bU WntedV ' Hotice. The nnderjlened. James O. Harrison. Pub- 11s Admlnlstiator, has duly qaallfladaa administrator of the tstate of Elisabeth Banks, deceased, - and hereby (Ives nouee that he reaolres alt persona having claims against tha estate of the tale KUaabeth Banks to present tnem to said aoministra. tor, dnly authenticated, lor payment, on or aetore the uh day of August. 1x91. or elae this notice will be pleaded in bar of reooveiy, STATE OF NORTH CAROL1SA.1 Superior . . Count of Onslow. , . C.uit Thorn ai A. Green and others, ) . ' KathaaP. Bmlth. .. - J : . ' TO Nathan P. Smith: You mill li',.l'M that ad action aa above entitled I as ben ' Instituted In tbe Snperior Court ft Outlaw sounty forhe forc;osure of a mortKsgeon a trao ol land lying la Unslow county on or " oear White Oak river, glveu b you to Lewis Bjeuoi and by hlrn assigned to plalutur to -eluding the debt thertou etcuted. which ' morigsga la duly rt conicdra the office of tneneg!-r ot neds of Onslow county book &i, folio 82. Yon are hereby cum in and- , td ta apnearat the Fall Term, DiW. of Jones ' anpailorCouitanddimurrr acsatr to the complaint as you may be advised. . Given under my tand and seal Ihla the " Mday or.Hectesober, IW0. .. . i sP w.fc C. a.a of Onslow cotiuty. , HOBTH CAROLINA, f. . ivv . Craven toanty. t - In the office Of AheTler cf tbeFnpertor ' v ; Court of graven County. ..v;.v' Notice is hereby gi ven Of the ineorpora- V tlouof the Watson-Daniels ijindcouipanyt that the namea of tne Incorporators are U. ' T. Watson, Thomas Daniels . and J. J, Wol fendsn. and aucS others as they mayasso. ' elate with them; that their pilnclpat place oi bualnets shall be NewBetnp, N.O., and ' Its general purpose and business Is, to pur- chase, sell, and In all other respects to deal "" In timber and landa In fvoriu Carolina; tnat ,' the duration of the corpora Hon shall la thirty years; the capital stock la SlO.OuV llvkled li) oae hundred, shansof $100 each. ao28 30d Clerk Bu p. ct.. Craven Co, ! 8TATK OF NO&TH CAKOIilNAr, ' I . crave a couuty. - 'Snperior Court. Vet. to sell land to make. I James C.Harrison, Administrator of Collins . .. ,, v . i -' VS. sTs . i. Minerva Moore, Cmssr J. Moore, U'H Cutler ana wm. m. uiaxae. c .. . . , . ; "... Kotloe.-" . ' -. ToCnsar J. Mooret Take notice, That a proceeding, entitled as Red Une Edition. the bud, perch and buffalo species. Tbey were stunned by contact with the eaith, but many were revived by placing m water and are still alive. The largest number that where a general warming, quickening. strengthening and equalization of tbe circulation is required. 4 wui last ror years, gives no shock, and but a mild, soothing sensation on wearing it. No waiting a long time for wis uuuco win ue jjioauou iu uar ui imjum j, 1 . xaae notice, mat a proceeding, enui lod as Persons Indebte d to the estate mast pay abov. has bean tnailtntad In Mill innrt in Hiiuuut ueiay. Public Administrator. Newbem, Ang.2d.1880. (augS-Ssr The Alliance to the Front. i obtain a judgment to sell a tract of land In Btn townanip in said eounty .which belonged taald OolUns Moore at the time of his death, and the same whloh was mortgacod to said I.. H. Cutler, to enable the petitioner to pay debts, eto., of his Intestate. You are Your choice from this edition on payment of $5.25 for one year's to TEE UAILY UUUKWAIj, or fi.iu ior iue " niiniii If sent by mail, 10 cents extra will be required: subscription JOTJBNAL. Bryant, Burns, Byron, Browning, Mrs. Banyan, Dante, Elliott, Famous FoenfB, Favorite Poems. Goldsmith, Goethe, Heine, Hugo, Homer's llliad, Jean iDgclow, Keblc. Kingsley, Lucille, Milton, Meredith, Moore, Poe, Pope, Paradise Lost, Poetry of the Affections, Scott, Scottish Humorous PocmB, Shakespeare, Swinburne. leil in one place were piCKet up at results. Itaots quickly, generally lh the Big Four depot and numbered first week, more frequently the first nhont nnft dozen. - - day, and sometimes "even in the first m m-1 . ,. yt-f ' I nour its curative powers are reit, The Tarboro Baaner ijaya that JiIrJp!,n"e' ,:1.?.po;f w iuau luaraeo in wjvbicu , wnu i nlence. 1 Thouirh marvelous in tbe re- iute baeinne. -. . t suits i has achieved, its seeming sim plicity nas me eneci ot causing many I a. A 1. x. t. " - : ws m . S f m r n a . " . i suniivu sjsuva uiiug vni vu lAfiAti Af Ol1) A innana tolraii . riV I . the gave : This Pboorkssivx Farkir, bold, Vigilant. I progressive, xtnaa opinions and expresses them. Forty-eight columns. eignt pages. Ail nome-mnu uuiciai uigau of JNorth Carolina ana Virginia oiaie am- ancer The Llvest paper m the Houlh! uoes to nearly 1280 postornces In North Carolina and to 28 SUtes. ONJC DOL.LAK A TEAR, Strictly Cash. Bend for sample copy, Ad areas ' 1. - BalelgbuN. i L. L. Polk, Editor. D. Hi Bbowpib, Business manager, u NOTICE. . The undersigned, James E. Hariison, required to appear ibefore said court at the ' (touit Hons In tbe city of Newborn, on tbe - Stfth day of October, A. D. 1890, and answer " or qamnruqtne petition mod herein, ? .. v. 1 ; K, Wj OAKPENTER, "'. : ; --i ' Cleik Superior Court of Oraven Oountyv .. ' telSuewu .w. " X ortlt Carolina v,'-- chief of police ot the town BELL THE JEWELER, a u MR ' iiv, . ' fled as Administrator of tbe estate oi BU0,tt . ,a,Mw-o SOti? AGENT, N. O. John J. WeBtbrook, i deoeaied, and i. i . . i. . i i 1 1 The Parest ana Best ' Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingredient is carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. ' The -medicine is pre pared under tbe supervision of thor oughly competent pharmacists, and every stepm the progress of manufao- I ture is carefully watched with a view to securing in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible result. - . .-, 1 Acrnnta above. desiring territory, address jyOdwtf Irish Humorous Poems, tyiThe aboveare full gilt and.'JiandBomclyKembclliBhed. book in all rsspeoti. A beautiful Franklin Edition : Loyalty is highesk noblest and most generous of human virtaes. The bbbath of a ohronio oatairh pa tient is often so offensive that he be comes an object of disgust. After a time ulceration sets in, the spongy bones are attacked and frequently en tirely destroyed. A constant source of discomfort is the dripping of the puru- lent secretions into the throat, , some times producing inveterate bronohitis, which in its turn has been-the exciting oauseof pulmonary disease, The bril liant results whioh have attenoed its use for years past properly designate Ely's Cream Balm as by far tho best and only cure. f(. , r- UNIYERSITY i)F NORTH GAROLlHi. THE FALL TERM OPENS SEPT. 4, TUITION, $30. Four regular courses of study. Classical, rnuoaopiucai, uterary, Bcientinc. . Boeolal courses In Chemistry. Civil and Electrical Engineering, Pharmacy, and other studies. Be para te schools of Law and Medicine, whose students may attend the University lectures., , Address MHO, KEITIP P, BATTLE. LL.D., 5? 8 dw2m President, Chapell HU N-1, Statx of North Cakouna, Ciounty of Jones In the Superior Court. Thomas A. Green and others, ) vs. Notice. hereby gives notice that he requires all persons having claims against the ea tate of the said John J. Westbrook to present them to the said Administrator duly authenticated, for ptyment, on or before the 13th day of August, 1891, or elae this notioe will be pleaded in bar of recovery. .i Persons indebted to the estate must pay without delay. ; - - ' JAB. V. UAUbUSUK, Publio Administrator. New Berne, Aug: 18th, 1890. w KING COTTON Buy or sell your Cotton on J02IES , 5-Ton Cotton 8cal8. NOT CHEAPEST BUT BEST.. -' For terms address JOKES 0T SUrOHAXTOi:, BINCHAMTON, K. T, Stmr Blanche for Sale.' ' Seyenty-flve feet long, 18 feet wide : over all; draught 80 inobes loaded,' N oartlea 110; bales of ootton, and regis tered at Custom' House 47 tons gross, 88 ' net; licensed to carry, passengers, and : aooommodates 100 on excursions. Re built in Ootober,' 1889. Joiner work and decking entirely new, hull made as - good, as new. Engine and boiler re built, all wearing and destructible parts " renewed; new. crown sheet and tubes n boiler. Inspected November . 27, 1889, and licensed to carry 86 pounds ' -steam, pressure. Propeller 43 Itches, ' engine 10x10 cylinder, upright boiler 7 : , feet by 60 inches, of 516 iron, tensile""" strengtn ou.uuu pounds. - . a : . Fully equipped throughout, according ', to law and In perfect running order, tho ; Blanche is splendidly .adapted to river ; and oreek trade, to light draught .navi gation anywhere, ; and has shown fine , towing capacity. Ehe is offered for sale on reasonable terms, and at a Very .low price. .,;:;, ::;!.;-: .s'-'iv'?; For further information . -i James Redmond, 8eo' & Trees," ' . ' aueSJ&wtil 5.New Berne, N. C. Irfj You Notice. , Oo-Partnership. fit.ii. -iU fcaek' and moBt of them good, large, dear print. " 6. a- w L. H. CUTLER and B. B. NEAL have flboiee e-Wen W Mybl 11.60 lot one jear s suDsenpuon to n formed a co-partnership, and will coa " o - t ' . - r - i. 1 flAW,i rriTTt. itt v .1 mlRNiL, iu cenw extra n bcu IOT XO " JOTJBKAL, or f 5.00 bail. Andersen's Fairy Tales. American la Iceland. jBsop's Fables. Arabian Nights EnterUinments. Bryant's Poetical Works. Craig's Pronouncing Dictionary. Oreasy's Fifteen Decisive Battles. Children of tbe Abbey. J- , 'Dickens' ChUd's Hbtory of England, Knerson's Essays.) ' Famous Poems. ' Grimm's Fairy Tales. Gulliver's Travels. Goldsmith's Poetical Works. Hypatia. 1 ; Half Hour with the Poets. ' Uoyla's Games. - ' v Ingoldsbj tegends. ' John nalifai, GenUeman. Kingsleyrs Sermons. Longfellow. Last of the Mohicans. Last Days of Pompeu. Poe's Tales. Poe's Poems. Pilgrim's Progress. Poetry of the Sen timet) ts. Paradise Lost. Poetry of Love. Poetry of the Affections. Boh Boy. Bobinson Craoe. tinue the Hardware business formerly ofL. H. Cutler. ' Eespeotfully, - , L. H. CUTLER & CO. Sept. 8, 1890. Having taken Mr. B. B Neal ai a partner, I thank my former patrons for their favors, and asking for a continu ance of the same, I am,' -v v f; Yours respeotrully. ' ' sepT . L. H. CUTLER Scottish Chiefs. Swiss Family Bobinson. Sidereal Heavens. Sketch Book, . ' T wenty Thousand Leagues Under the Bea.1.. ; " , . - r,rf Thaddeus of Warsaw. Thomson's Poetical Works. " Tennyson's Complete Poetical Works. Tom Brown's School Days at Jiagby, Vicar of Wakefield. Wesley's Poems. TYLER DESKS 200 New ttyfaa. TTLIR ROYAL TTPS WEITEU OABHTEIa, Ta SLE8, CHAIRS, BOOKCASES, At., at Rcdaoed Rites sua special uitooants. vttaiegss tor us aownaoy. ISO niH, Dlttitrtted. BookfrM) PastsnlOo. . TYLER BANK CCUNTERS. U, F. H. Koonoe and others. y To Wm. M. Koonce and C. Lof tin SfKoonce: -k. 5- You will take notice that an action as above entitled has been instituted in the Superior Court of Jones county for the foreclosure of a mortgsge on a traot of landmur eear Pollockeville In I Jqnes county, given by L. F. Koonce aad wife to Simmons & Manly and by them assigned to plaintiff, whioh mort gage is duly recorded in Jones county office Register ot Deeds, book 82, folio 883, in whioh suit you are interested as two of the children and heirs at law of !' L. F. v; Koonce and wife, ' the aforesaid mortgagees. You are hereby noHflea to . appear at tne ran Term, 1890, of Jones Superior Court and demur or answer to the complaint heretofore filed as you may be advised. . Given under my hand" and seal this 25th day of Marob, lsuu. au30 8w"Thob. J. Whitaker, 0 . S. ), ..I .i ji a 1 ' lif jOoiTiiniasionor's Bale. FarsOBTit to a judgment of the Bnperior I Conrt of Craven couaty. la an aclloa en titled U, w. Klcbarason aeainst a trine I Ipook and Wire Busan a Ipock, under which alonar to aall the land deicribed in the com- Slalnt In said action filed, and hereinafter escribed, I Will sell at Publlo Auction, for Cash, l the Court Honse door in the City of iy oi i TYLER DANK COUNTERS. TllnSTRATEO IN COLORS: a DSrfect Work of art! 150 Pages; Mow ready. Books free, postage 15c l AlMlsunp.VMinffiori9vu,WT7irvr.R Tjrpwrltr e.klMhCkslralSNkl:mwa,K.w Sljln, frro. ll)a lyua sssx rjo, - si, loms, uo4 u.s.a. THE NewBeine,-on Monday, the Sixth da: October, 1890, at Twelve o'clock, if., tl lowing described Real Palate, to witi r Bt.k. OnlHr sal rrlw. IMulntoS h Cotan A pwlMt nit at Arti tta (agMi Bsok Wn rwlas I XYLEB, DESK CO., ST. I0TJIS, M0u VMM ; Of f ii, m - : -a- if " :.: t X rwooDworKorvAfiAeiiw(f!j(i I ILrlng in the County and State aforesaid. beginning at a sine tne intra corner or a trsct of land deeded by Frederick Ipock to John Ipoek, then south 87 west 85 poles ta a nln. Hnaed'a fourth corner - then south S eaatipolss to a pine, then south 74 (rest to poles, then north 10 west Ul poles to a sweet gum. It being along a line of marked trees. anaine gum is autuamg ovt iuo uchuui Ileep branoh, then Oowa tha tarlous courses of said branch to the edge of the creek swarhp. then north' IS wst 0 poles to Red D'S lice, -on tne norm siae oi ins run of said creek, then down said creek south 88 east 91 poles to a black gum, then downi said creak to horse way, then with' John! pock's line to the bo$rlnnine; contain ing one hundred and twenty-Ove . acres, I more or lass. ' , , . o, n. uuxujn, tommissionnr, 1 September let. Me. f.H augS'dswv c.r.O. .lit. S7.I,0UIS,M0. "Teo. W. B BHEPARD and compe tent assistants in the toneorial art will give you a .?2hZ&&-Yiyr- tnr SO cents. Z $hampoo....A -...........20 inaTe............ . ..... :; Gaston lloase Barber Shop, ,t;vi.:,..;;;:;fv;;-.K:;,;:y New Bbkne, N. G, 1 OAtLAiTEX. J.UBNEB, Ag New Berne. Tne Heal Secret of the unparalleled toccea , of The Chicago Dailt News may be found in tw distinguishing ckaraeteristitt, which more than anything else have con . tributed to its remarkable growth. , 1 Fiasf tr-It is a Daily Paper fir Busy Pteplt, ' The people of the busy West appreciate keen - ly the necessity of an mtellicent knowledge -f- of the world's daily doings, but they ere too . busy to -waste valuable time in searching through a cumbrous " blanket -sheet " news. "t paper for the real news of art, literature, : s science religion, politics, and the thousand ?; : snd 'one things which make np modem chr W' flization.': They want news all the news i ' : (ut they don't want it conceded in an oyer- ; powering mass of the trivial and inconsequen-: MX It is because The Chicago Daily p News it sU vihtat and mo cAaf," that ' ' Its circulation is Over milium sw."f , ; Second i- is an Indiftndtnt, Truth-telling jtewspaptr, l be people demand a lair, inv i partial, mdepandent newspaper.which gives ' i l. ell the news, and gives it free from the taint w of partisan bias. With no mere political am' bition to gratify, no " as to grind," thainv ' i : partial, independent newspaper may truly be gtnde, philosopher and triend " to honest f. menof every shodeof political faith and this I Is why The Chicago Daily News has to' , day a circulation of over "a million a mat,",' The Chicago Daily News now adds to , these two comprehensive elements of pora. . j Uirity, a third, in iu unparalleled reduction of price to ONE CENT A DAY. . - it, is amayt large enoughfnevtr too largt. I ThEiChicago Daily News is for sale by . all newsdealers at One Ont per copy, or 7ill be mailed, postage paid, for $jjx pet year, or 3J cents, per month.- Te farmer ' and mc chanic can now afford, as well as the machant' and professional man, to have his I mctropolilan daily, - Address VICTOR f. f-AWSOM, ., Jut)llslief .tha bally JfJsws,'! CMcago iekeris! 03.00 ' for-" tho .Works'' ol CharleiT Dicfcertfl 33i Tiandsomelv :U.. printed" ami. finely boundand $gz&: with over' 130 illustrations, vV V doubiless seems , fabulous jto lUtflrt; many, but itis oile si tlio recent -:s -'; hppy products of "AUen's Jjit-' " ' ' kmry Mevblutioh, The "BozV Dickenss Pickens. Tlie Warlcs of Charles Jlokrns. ' Pos " Edition In six vols., small 8o, good tvpe.' X-;'- ' ' " - wltlinnmeroiis Illustrations, well printed on fulr J ' paper, clotb, $3.00. . . :?Zrf " ' - :" : ---.'' V,", "'.' :-. -: i. ,i list of Tola. WO Illustrations. vV' ' " L Dombojr and Snfi, 1 ; Old Ourtositr Shop, ' ! Hani Tunes. . - t David Coprwrflold, ! -Chrlitmm btorips, tale ot Two Cities, Ui)ponimercal Trarelor, j. lshetas ViekMw, t ' Martin Chuulowlt, Apwrloaa Jlotoa, . , 4. Mutnal Friend, . Little Uorrlt, llAprtnted, 'V.-'v-5 Kuwlu Srood, 5. Pickwick Papers, ': Karnmby Hiiilstt, . Sketches by lios. - J. Oliver Twist, .ens is treat Krpeetatlon,V " lotures troinltnly. This Boz " edition ot Diet ;. from llio same ; plates as . Appleton's Popular ) Library , Edition of tliis same fiutlior. ' tbeif published nrico being $10.00 a set Tlio paper usea is a inno jigiiter ana a littlo' cbcr per ; in quality, but both are good..;: : V lhc books may be seen at tl u; - ofTic o o this paper,or a ppeei ; ; n volume, returnable, willl o w'nt pompaiu ior ijy . '. r

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