Yfo Csnverb PcIIsy The Convertible , Policy issued by t. - TEB MOTHAL BENEFIT - li f- l Hi'H'fC C iupaiiy , . . . noluiea all the liberal features of .the Comoany. with the addition of ouar irtf(i Cusfr Surrender vutad, which , nl be paid at any time after two years irMiua have been paid, if demanded. Kry Puliey has endorsed upon it a b: aIiow iu in plaia figure the op ioi.ii framed by the company. ; -' I.H option; Cabh surrender value. !. i I option. Amount that may be bor J" rowrtd from the eompiny on the pol-''-.:y. ' - - ' : - - .'- " 81 optioa. Extondmi insurance fotfull H itriounvnf the policy. ?r 4th .pUm. Pfcid up joHoy value. vf:-- IWIe th"nwet lih-r.l poHoy yrtof ""' i .l n.l islhe safest insurance to be had. ..''V- ' V : Ev i .iolUr : pail kw dollar ': tvixth of lonuranoo" Nj loss by lapse a. ' : y . - D. T. CARIIAWA Y, A(et. ' Jlat'ttir tiH between fourteen t s.-vei ty i uroJ IFOR 1EN ONLY! ' A BASiTiVJ! otOST TAILING KiirROOBi B I Uil lilt General ud KEHVOUS MBllIITi fTTT? T' Weakness of Bly and Mind: Effaots .. i J J X XJt of Errors or Excesses in OM or Young. MM, ohl H.15I1IMIIIMIT Haw to K.hvrjr. u4 lrmiilbuKl.LMlKflil4H'Dni!Alijia P1KTS if BODt. Wl.il.lr nMllaf HOIK TKKiTNKNT IwHli hill). m Uitifj to 41 SUua, TruHlorir, awl rarrlfa I'naalriM. tm ?m mru Uirm. mm., nm.tptnii.ii.Hi, mmm urvera iim I Am. itfrn (kit KUIGAl CO.. BUfFAlB. B. , f UTTTTAW W. I Douglas Shoes are 1llU t lull warranted, and every pair nun ms nauio aua price lumpea on uoitain qq VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN 'i Fine Calf and Inced Waterproof Grnla The ezeellence and wearing qualities of thin Khoo . cannot oe Dener anown inan 07 ine siron euaorae. menu of it thousand! of constant wearers. ts.00 nenalne Haad-ewed, an elegant and stylish dress Shoe which commends Itself. 4 Ilnnd-fiewpil Welt. A one cal nnequalled for strls and durability. 1 calf Shoe CQJK (rtodyear Welt is the standard dress Shoo, at a nODUlar nrloe. , SO. 80 Policeman's Hhoe is especially adapted for railroad men, farmers, ate. . an maue in ixuigresa, isuiion ana baco. VK $Q SHOPS . have Men most favorably reoehred since Introduced and the recent Improvements make them superior ti anv shoes Bold 1 at ti ; these prices. ask your ueater, ana I if he cannot snDDlr you e cannot supply you lend direct to factory enclosing advertised price, or a postal for order blanks. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Masa. v AGENT, Cor. Pollock and Middle Sts. mar22 dUnlyl VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY As axenta for Owners we offer for sale on easy and accommodating terms the lollow- lug d eacriDea improved ttcal estate in tne Uttv of Ne- Henin: '6&RAv" HTBBCTNr WAREH008 ' V No. & brick stork AND MWKI.LT.NG i ONt)KaVE 8TREET oconpled by KO.K. leKwe.- . ta.M. vMy. together with the best terms npon which .i -' n 111 .... ......I .11 t r.. .... I .. Y. n . . n I blw MUUV will itv vuni, ii ire iui umwou - -V s appuennou to uie itiiucrsiueu o t ' i.eir oiiice 1 niKrain from uieei. - f vi;4:Tw Houaes imd Lots on Craven street A Farm at Rindy Point. WATSON A BTREET, di wtr ' tn and ileal Estate Acts. f ' VAIUABLE TM LARD FOR SALE , ' Annul rotlTT aukks t.jjAAnjjiW unv, s;i Kl'uated within two wiles of the ty,Mlt-l vvM l lor truck raising. A great bargain, -' t'O , Apply to " -v .V . WAT80S A BTREET, '' f ' mavlfl i'f'V "' K AvfReal Est; Agents.,, ' -- sX nm, n. cutler, ?ite itm 'J 1 '':7-"f O H. BOBEETS, Ca.hier. ' : ii?riATipnfli 0PNEWBEKHE. K. 0 f .- Incorporated 1865..- ; Capital, I;- - $100,000 Surplus Profits, - 86,700 " . - DIRECTORS. as A. Bbtas, 1 1 v Thomas Daniels, f U Cutler. k Cha& 8. But ah, U. H. ROBERTS.! t , ,.-"l."'w-' RUNS EASY CINSTAST. Cleans SEED PERFECTLY i nail Mak69 FINE Hakes FIN SAMPLE NEVER CHOKES or Breaks the roix. -iTKE C r LC C H ATE D TTOtir .i v a aa -mm m , VMM. I - r- i H v. ti M -us All L'T'ST IMPKOVEWENTS n-lu'-lln Biiiiii - hM'l on Itrusli which In-.-. -. ven moeu. 1 hi foAtur ia DeouUar to i"'.--. i ie of Gin e; ..aad on no other. Are vjr, f OVARls i.isand Are ly live red J i: : W KHH.l n any B. . Station or iv Una or any Beo . Hteamboat Una In to ith. If we have Agent near you. a v o:i tne vteneFM sou- , Affenv, ATLANTA, I fe-j s ft - : w s w , CO ,. -S riff ' .( 'ti- j i I IIDTIlinGSSUCOEEDS LIKE SUCCESS.- V '"Th reasoB B ADAM'S MICROBE KILLER Ifl 1 medicine, is because, it Tlme keP8 00 mea8ure whin troe frnd has never failed In any! ' Parted " what the disease, from lTho Md LEPROSY to the aim. ' hewtod, ptfst distase known to True f"ondu'P laws obey. me unman yawrn. . : The suientifie men if today claim and prove that every disease is " CAUSED BY MICROBES, Radam'sHicrobe Killer Exterminates the Microbes and drives them, out of the system, and when that is done you cannot have an ache or pain. No matter wbnt the disease, w hether a siuiplei ease of Malaria Fevi r nr a comb:uatioQ of diseases, we cue thi iu all at the came time, as we treat all diseases constitutionally. Vithuia J'ijcunii)ti., 5t .r b. Bronchitis, Ubeum;itism,K 1 uey atitl Liver ltiaease, ( li LI In and Fver, Feial Troub en i all ifti tonus, and, m fiict, fvr Disease known tn tlie Humn f ysteni Beware of Fraudulent ImiUtioLS ! 8oe that our trada-Marl; (Rame as above) appears on each jug. Send for book "Histor; of the Microbe Killer' given away by . R. J. GOODING, SOLE AGENT, Corner Pollock and Middle Sts., m!10 drlv enrm New Berne, N. ('. Buckeye Mowing Machines. Hay Kaken, Jru n Cradle l5Me Cily Feed Cuttrrn, BUCKEYE CORN SIIKf.l.liHS Law) Mowars. u'.tlvhtor-. Cott m Plow, And a Full Lino of llardwaic and Agricultural Iinp!cniMifs J. C, WHITTY & CO. PAINTS, OILS, &C.-SAW MILL SUPPLIES FROM NEW YORK CITY. Mr. A. K. BAWKES-Dear Sir: Yonr patent eye-glasses received some time alnoe, and am very much gratified at the wonderful change that has come over my eyesight since 1 have discarded my old glasses and am no n wearing years. ' ALRXANOER AGAR, Secretary Rtatloneis' Board of Trade. Ail eyes titled at the drug store of F. S. DUFFI.Newbeirj.N.G. necis wiy Atlantic & IT. C. Railroad. Passenger Department, New Berne, June 1st, 1390. Through rates of fare, round trip tickets, from coupon stations below to points named on the W. N. C. Rnilioad, geason cf 1890. Tickets on sale from June 1 to-'Sep 80, 1890, inclusive Good for return pasaage on or before n n . . onn (J(jJ, 5 itjt, ICVv From To a o Jl o V S o n " Hickory $14.25 $12.50 $11.10 $10.50 Morcunton. , lo.lu ly.B!) n.u. ti.so Old Fort...... 16.45 14 70 18.30 12.70 8lack M'in... 17.00 15.25 18.85 13.25 L-i,1.;tD D . 17.65 15.90 14.50 18.90 Bot Springs. 19.15 17.40 16.00 15.40 o. Li. LULL,, U. f. A. ickens! S3.00"for tho" Works -o: Charles Dickens, handsomely printed and finely - bound, and with - over 130 illustrations, doubtless f. seems f abulou3 to many, but it is one of the recent wary Mevdution. , : rrUc, Ra7 " nirk n5 1 n& DOZ UlCKenb. Dlfkens. TheWorks of Charles Dickens. . " Bos ' Edition in six vols. , small WMTOj , with numerous IllusfraUous, well printed on fair yvyvi, v.wwm, ., list of Vols.-WO Illnstratlons. teKte Hutusl Friend, Mttle Eorrlt, . . I Hard Tiies Edwin Brood, oavia uonperneiu,-j Christmas Rtorlcs, li. Plckwlelt Parjers. naraahy Rudge, , Sketches by 13os. .1of TwoOitlMl. Unoommerolal Traveler, 6. Oliver Twist, . -Great ExpecUitionSi Weak House, , " natures from Italy. . monoian nicaivu, i Martin Cbuzstewit, . American Notes. This Boz V edition of Diet ens' ia trinted ., from Ttho same plates ' as 'Appleton's . Popular Library Edition of this : same author, their .published , price being $10.00 a set. The paper used is a trifle lighter and a little, cneaper in fjiiaiiiy, uu The books may be seen at the "office of this paper,or a specimen volume, returnable. -will be sent 1 postpaid for.50 cents." t THE JOURNAL.' TSSil ASS PA2TID. ; HKMDITH yiCHOUOlt. i,' Tt U not well to note with dull nreciaion l ne mgbt or days or years ; Memory depends not on a proof by vision , And has no foolish fears. The migrant birds when they are south ward flying Think not of time; they go Pull of knowledge, bora of faith undying, That they again shall know The homes and nestd which they have leit oemna tnem,. Not marred by chauge the while; The Southern lands they sock will but remind tnem Of tho North land's summer smile. And so I know Unit you will come to meet me In tho old, wel!-lovod way; That, though a yor go by, you still will fjrcct mo As kindly as today. Washington Post. Johnny was posted on Miracles. Little Johny Jordan was a pas Honger on a surborban train. Be side him eat a tall, solemn looking man witn side whiskers. In front wero Johnny's pa and ma, and be hiud bim his annt Hetty. The whole party had been to church, aad the in .in sitting beside Johnny wits tho minister going ont to spend the atterooon with the Jor dans. My little man, said the minister to Johuny, did you pay close atten tion to the sermon Vestir, Do you remember that I said something about miracles f Yesisir. Well Johnny, do yon know what miracle is f YesBir. Tell me please. "Well, all I know about it is ma aid this morning that it would be miracle if we could go to church once without bavin' the minister taggin' home with ns to dinner So 1 guess this hain't no roir Johnny Jordan ! from tLe front seat. Will you come heie tbis minute T Yes'm. HOW ARB TUB POLKS J Oh, they're all well except mother she's about the same. Poor mother, worn out by household cares, exposure and overwork. No wonder she Elves up at last and takes to her bed. But oh! how much better the family fire side would be if mother's ohair was not vacant. The doctors don't seem to be doing her any good. She says their medicine don't seem to go to the spot. She feela so weak, and longs for trength. "oh give me strength," she murmurs, why not give her the rem edy her system craves? Her impover ished blood and shattered nerves are starving for just such ingredients as are contained in B. B. B. (Botanio Blood Balm. ) Then try a bottle of this exec lent remedy. It is truly woman's bats friond. It quickly relieves pain and reatorea health, strength and functional regularity. Jttiiiirt w. Lancaster, uawkiosville, Qa., wiites: "My wife was in bad health for eubt yoara. Five doctors and as many more different patent medicines had done her no good. Six bottles of B. B. B. has cured her." STRAWHATS. A Fine Line of them at Barringfan 6 Baxter's. Also, a large lot of SAMPLE HATS at New York cost. See Our Stock of Neckwear. Full line of CLOTHING, 8UOBS and DRY GOODS at ' Barrington & Baxter's, 4 daprlwtf : . AGENCY TOR A FORTUNE FOR ANY MAN ! 825,000 IN CASH TO BE .GIVEN AWAY in Premiums of 53,003 to $0 00 Every one buying Five Tantill'a Punch Cigars will get a coupon and make guess of the number of persons at the world s Fair, to be held at (Jbioago in 1898.'. Come and see the plan, get coupon, make a guessv smoke, and be nappy. , - . , , WM. ii. f ALUJiiK. ; Middlejitreet. New Berne. N. 0 f n and Whiskey Habits curou ai noma witu out pain. Book of par ticulars sent FREE. 1 y wis i ill B.M.WOOLLEY,M,l. mJ AUanta, 4sa. Office 1U4K Whitehall St. v. OUR LINE OF ; : SteriingiSilverwa Is tlie. - Largest' and 0Most Artistic ev&r? shown in this ! City. JWe offer special drivis Ti morrow BELL THE JEVELBB. HowisYoiir Blood? ' I had a malignant bre&kiDj out on my leg beicrw the knee, and was cured sound aid well with two and a halt bottles of S. 8. 8. Other blood medicines had fail ed to do me any good. N W1LI..C. Bkatt, TorkvEle, S. C. I waa troubled from childhood with an aggravated caso of Tetter, and three Dottles of 8. 8. 8. cured mc pcrma nently. Wallace Mann, Mannville, I. T. Our 000k on Bloejd and Skin Di-Ttwe? mailed free. Swift Srsciric Co., Ail n. u. G . kly.. catarrM CREAM BALM Olsaaaoa the Naajatl Passage. Allays Palji and iBflaaamatlon, Heals the Sorts. Restores the Sena of Taato aad Small, HAY-PEVER TRY THE CURE A particle Is applied into en h ntrU'and IS agreeable. JTlee 60 cents at. Druge'els; by mail, registered, SO eta. ELY BROTHERS, 58 Warren Street. New York aprltidwly Vi Liquor Habits UMUIK WOflO JJfVlf fS BUT ONE CUSS 0! HiJlfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It nan he riven In eolTea. tea. or In arttoles at food. without the knowledge of patient if necessary ; 11 la absolutely narmieas ana win eneci a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moneraioanoKeroran nironoiir wrecK. i rrniv ER FAIL8. Itoperates so quietly ami with such certainty that the patient undergoes no incon venience, and soon bis comuloto reformation ia effected. s page book free. To be bud of R. N. Duffy, drugzist. New Berne, N C. jyl5dvvy TO VEACI im VMM MMBaiMtBMMB Buffering from the effects of youthful errors, early decay, wasting weakness, lost manhood, etc., I will Send a valuable treatise (sealed) containing full particulars for home core, f R EE of charge. A splendid medical work : should bo read by orery man who is nervous and debilitated. Address,' rrofc, F..C..roWLEH, Moodus, Conn. 3. H. ORABTRU. BASIL MA.NLV JOHN H. CRABTREE& CC ENGINEERS, Founders and Machinita Manufacturers and Coalers ii mim ab mcK ists- suiplies BrntMors of BbkIiim. Boiler. Isw UOU, BdlBg A Cut-off Slach in t Wears prepared to do Oattlnes or all kind With promptness, Particular and Immediate attonttun t-.t7en to repairs of all kinds. We will beclad to elve nlansand frsi lmtit for anv desoilptlon of machinery. We are the agents for the sal;- of the A mar- lean Saw. Also fur U. A A. Uaiituiln's eele b rated Indestructible Mica Valves, Wa elvesatlsraotoryeaarantee frrn:! .irt don bv us. HiEiO Viw-jfwix aV ttji w m vr mk Atlantic V N. C. Ri!:u TIXM TABLS Vo. n It BffHOt 131) P.M , TiK-sdsy, Htnt. 18. into. Going East. Sohkdtjije. Going Wf-jx No. 51 I'Msenaer Trains- No 50. Ar. Lve. Stations. Ar. I,v... pm 8 80 Goldsboro 1180 am 4 06 4 09 La Grange . 10 43 10 45 4 85 4 40 Einston 10 08 10 13 6 00 6 08 New Berne 8 37 8 50 7 89 in Morehend City am 7 07 Dailv. Goikq East. , BoiiKouLB Goma Wm No. 8.t .Mixed Ft. ft Stations. Piss. Ti ait . Goldsboro 7 20 m -BestY 6V4 6 34 L Orange 5 51 C04 Falling Greet 5?4 5 80 '- Kinstou 4 25 5 0:' Caswell 4 00 4 05 Dover 3 25 3 40 Core Creek .2 51 3 00 Tuscarora 2 24 2 80 . Clark's 2 02 213 No. 1. Mixed Ft. ft Pas. Train. am 6 80 6 67 7 00 f Wi?80 748 7 58 811-880 8 60 8 60 10 10 0 10 81 1086 It 00 11 00 11 17 11 41 18 15 8 00 8 87 8 48 8 48 8 60 4 08 f 4 18 4 87 4 42 4 51 4 50 ooi. 601 ; 516 5 81 Newborn 10 33 1 30 Riverdale 9 41 9 4G Croalan 9 28 9 88 Havelock 8 59 9 04 Newport 8 17 8 27 Wildwood 8 00 8 0b : Atlantic 7 47 7 52 Morohead City 7 17 7 27 Atlantic Hotel 7 05 7 15 28 5 88 5 81 p m Morehead Depot a m 7 00 ;j, eMondar, wadneaday no Friday, , . Txu Maar. ruursaav an ; riaturday. Tra'ntOeonnsots wtth Wilmlneton tfti donJTra'.n boind North. leavlDB Ooldaboro li:oo a. m., suiu wun Kionmona a t anvuie Tralu west, leaving uoiduixjro a tu p. m, Train 61 connect with Rlchmouo A IMnvttlt Train, arrrvlnf at (rol.Ueorp iA pjc., and wit wiiruinKtOD ani wni ion rmis . from the North at Ik 10 p.m. -Train S oonneola with Wli nitif I o and Waldoa Thfongn KrelHht Train, North b.mui); loavlDK O'ddsboro at &S0 .n. -HV"' - " s.'l.'diu, it ..-. niuenntwadii! t. THE-BEST KNOWN REMEDY. 'li.U.C." Cures Uunnrheen and Oloet I n 1 to 5 Onvs, without Fain. Prevents Btrlrturo.- Oontaina no-, aerld or polannnns substances, and Is guaranteed absolutely liarnileeA. Is prescribed 1)7 physlcinns and rocoincndeUbytfrUKKistfl. Price "1. Hold by druggists. Itnwnre of Sutw Uiites.Aon)erhem.f7ri.T.t(l.,N.O.T,a 0 fr isS? lGxyu- Berne. !KT -O. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR BOTH S1CX IC'o. Hpec-iul altebtlun given In Malbematlcs, Coilih'. i. 1 avf nuiiiKhip. KxperU'iired tencherin InRtrumtntul MmbIp. Vociil Music it prominent n ature. Art taught iv a protle eul teacher 1 rH I r net i n liv n in tlie Kjerolses nf Dmnli-liflm ai-.u 1 nils V.ll t;trv (joveiniiient fdi-Iiovp. Spoclil contract male? ltli thoso who :tt miifco ImiiK-'lliite pnyment. An I'ul'i t .rt H o! i fwiiP'B, Tir.tlon, iiieliidinit lioi-rd . Wi sliln?. I ul.n. Apply t" tllli I'll! I'. in. I f T :lh. li... W. E. Jan21 dwl!' rrES-Wr BERN! Collegiate MAIil' AI n FALL SESSION : Opens THOUOUGII, El'FlClHNT PJIAOTIOAL, K1IIIIF.NT TRACHEUS COMPIIKIIENSIVH TKACHKKS. COUKSli OK STUDY. SUPE1UOR ADVANTAGES for the Btudy of AliT, VOCAL ai,d INSTRU MENTAL MUSIC. MORAL and Religious advantagcH uiiHiiri(ineud. EXPENSES very low. Boarding facilities good. SPECIAL inducements to indigent students. JOHN 8. IiON(l,L.L. 1)., Bays:-"l,earnlnK mid I'togrcsfl are the watrawnrds of the New llerue (Jolleglatr institute, uud It Is an ornament to Eastern North Carolina." Ff?Nl loll CATA1.O0UK. G. T. ADAMS, A. 15., Principal. MHS MARY L. ALLE, Secrotary. j29d&wtf C . V o sss s 3 ai C 7? w "IIS Uh 3 g.9 r- " o &a u2 K3 hm r si J c?5 hS llfi-SflS 7.3 . St-1-3 '"T'sisisiBBsaBBsai 2" 35 . i" f n -?T m ?! aaS s.2 ? i j t q.2. . 3 OdJA Rfl. . Sw-I U hi 1 ti o.. . Jo mm li i ft inns m -ri Um JSStW lkn ii&im JCjCfe ti-18 8- 52 So" o ? r1 ga0 s.e. g;ii!!!3ii$!ISIiM! m 'v-i dSg5 fee OijJ . ) oi j mm " Competition Is the Mfe of Trade," and eaaaot Imagine how lively trade U, or how hard our competitors have to work, t k-p w-Uiinuichtot us. Aik your retailer for the James Means' $3 Shoe, or tho Jnmrn Means' tISIioi- orcoitiluc (OyO'tf mvos.; ' A'oeltlTely none gonaine unless having our name and price smmped plainly on tlie wlcs. Your retalli.rwiUaurploryouwithshoessostampedif youlnsistuponhisiloinsjo; If yoa lu u jl iu4 1. snjne rctallt" will coax you into baying Inferior Shoes XCELXEDIN .STYLE UNEgoALLED DURABILITY: IRFECTIOM Bach bat been the recent thoktoss in our branch tvr aiii v . tha James Means' ti Shoo Is In every respect equal to the shoes which only a few years agowons r :s , tailed at eight or ten dollars. IfyohwilltryonapairrouwUlbo eonvlnced that we do ho't 'elcagRetatii' 'f , Ours are the original $3 and ft Shoes, aad those who Imitate our system of buslaoss aro unable to . 'I' 1 compete wtUi u lu quality of faotory prodoots. TI..J C. . - : Shoes from ar celebrated factory are of the oanntry. We will place them esdlyvrttlunyourVc mat Iltato I Invert one cent In a postal card and write to us, - t,'X' t ' r i T w i I i4 'J-'H JAMES MEANS & C041 Liiiooln St BostoVlIuss. ii. .-JOMi I.INE3 OF THE ABOTE BU0E3 FOU BALE BT J. II. HOWARD, PoUock St., ITcw Eon-, T. r ' 5 IT f 1 ij ' 1' if IVn- i-i ilea . 1 Dill 'r' ti VMi'.ti to t- . ; SSlaiiit. Principal. IT? J FILIAL September Oth, 10U0. C-i oi O n H llWO to tQ 3d ' c. j d tSljj .t: Q. r-i -a L v. a o 1 ,'U. u W t u r, ij If) " -:o" 't0, 1 (y 2iO P. a. .. f . MA If you have not sami our latfr.t inri'vrd i;nods yfci upon which they make a larpcr profit. : !,s": i kiKinTi.rAM aVi THE MOST, of Industry taoorUnoi WS StO UM largest manufacturers In the . .... aoU bv wide-arvrs7ke.1rtjleFatfarrDVt?1 ir. i p .'Hibsieii, Bias we are now able to auTrm that . , hi. Uiul.l.l.ilU,

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